The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Roanoke Protest A Contrast With Roanoke Crime

Roanoke Times, 5-31-2020, Pg 1, 4: Demonstrators rally march in Roanoke
A black man being forceably taken into custody in Minneapolis dies and the Roanoke community reacts with a major protest movement (to their credit reasonably proper and therefore their right).
How are these community members reacting to the multitude of murders of their young men right here in ‘River City’?
There’s a major disconnect between Saturday’s Roanoke Protests for George Floyd and the Reality of Black violent deaths, especially young men, right here in Roanoke.
 “With a crime rate of 49 per one thousand residents, Roanoke has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 21.”
At a minimum the community should help get witnesses to these crimes to come forward and help indentify and prosecute the lawless criminals and form 'community watch' teams and assist the police in stopping rampant crime.
Community quality of life depends on the peace and safety of all.
Reality:  Roanoke’s crime problem is Not a Police Caused Problem!
The George Floyd Case:  What Will The Jury Say?
Roanoke Violent Crime Rages On


The George Floyd Case: What Will The Jury Say?

The George Floyd death in custody case
We know what the rioters and media say!
What Will The Jury Say?
Prosecution’s First Witness
Defense’s First Witness
Defense’s Second Witness
Preliminary Coroners Reoport: Underlying Health Issues 
“An ambulance arrived and brought Floyd to Hennepin County Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner (ME) conducted the autopsy saying that asphyxia was not the cause of death. Floyd had underlying health issues including hypertensive heart disease and coronary artery disease.” 
Major Cities Under Siege

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Major Cities Under Siege

‘protests’ intensify across US, from New York City to Los Angeles
These aren’t ‘protests’ – these are riots and insurrection masquerading as ‘protests’.
Clearly the death of George Floyd is being investigated and the judicial process will determine if police malfeasance was the cause or a contributor and if so a jury will determine the outcome.
So what is the basis for the riots?
Who organizes and directs these sieges?
Clearly responsible black people are appalled by the riots just as they are by the George Floyd case, perhaps more so.
A major contributor to the chaos is the PravdaMedia who have much to gain politically and financially by chaos and division.  Their immediate public ‘lynching’ of the police officers involved is clearly a contributor to the explosive situation that they then exploit.
200 black people, mostly young men, have been murdered in Chicago this year, but no protests and no riots.  How can that go unnoticed by the media and the community?  The challenge – who to protest against?
The riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and these riots do Not enhance the empathy for black suppression and abuse issues.  Instead they solidify a negative view of black issues and grievances.
The premise that cops are the enemy is hard to sell to white folks when the cops are the only thin line standing between the rioters and the white folks.
Something about gun sales being at an all time high.
Something about race relationships in an election year.
The War on Cops

Friday, May 29, 2020


Arrogant Swede Took Wrong Path

Sweden took the path of laissez-faire or let it roll.
Sweden has the highest daily coronavirus death rate in the world – and it’s getting worse
Figures published by Our World in Data shows Sweden currently has the highest daily death rate per capita in the world. As of May 28, Sweden reported, on average, 5.5 COVID-19 deaths per million per day (on a seven-day rolling average) as outlined in the chart below.
Sweden, with a population of 10 million, has so far had 4,029 officially recorded COVID-19 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. But the country has a far higher rate of infections and deaths than its Scandinavian counterparts.
The head of Sweden's no-lockdown coronavirus plan (Anders Tegnell) said the country's heavy death toll 'came as a surprise'
Anders Tegnell is perhaps the most arrogant person in Scandinavia.
His statements and directions were imposed in Sweden in a dictatorial manner inconsistent with Swedish culture.
Perhaps the only thing worse than arrogance is arrogance gone wrong.
Tegnell’s drive to get ‘herd immunity’ in Sweden has come at a terrible price that keeps getting higher each day.
Why does Anders remind one of ‘The Swede’ in ‘Hell on Wheels’?

Follow Sweden’s Covid-19 Process – Really?
Sweden says its coronavirus approach has worked. The numbers suggest a different story


Minneapolis Burning

The Socialist City of Minneapolis in the Socialist State of Minnesota is burning at the hands of rioters who claim they are reacting to the death of George Floyd who died resisting police arrest.
Minneapolis police release 911 call that led to encounter with George Floyd 
The mayor and other local officials are wringing their hands and asking those burning down local businesses to ‘please stop’.
They have called in Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to help quell the riots – Really?  Why not have crop-dusters spray down-town with gasoline?
Reminiscent of Baltimore where the mayor had the police ‘stand down’ during the Freddie Gray riots and burnings and was quoted as saying ‘go ahead and burn it’:
The hills are alive with animosity toward the cops who forcibly subdued a big man who refused to comply with police orders.
A rerun of the NY Garner and Baltimore Gray cases – in which the police were totally vilified but in both those cases the police were exonerated after the Real Facts were established:
The ‘Black Lives Matter’ Dichotomy

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Larry Kramer AIDS Activist Dies

Larry Kramer used voice, pen to raise consciousness on AIDS
“Kramer, 84, whose angry voice and pen raised consciousness about AIDS and roused thousands to action, died Wednesday at 84. His art was often as blunt as his anger, but his dedication was unwavering.”
“In 1981, when AIDS had not yet acquired its name and only a few dozen people had been diagnosed with it, Kramer and a group of his friends in New York City founded Gay Men’s Health Crisis, one of the first groups in the country to address the epidemic.”
Unfortunately, this RT-AP Kramer article totally fails to reflect upon the massive malfeasance of the government actions that resulted in this epidemic becoming a pandemic not just within the gay community but throughout the community at large including the blood banks, bisexuals, drug users,  prostitutes and ultimately promiscuous persons of all ilk throughout the country.
Leading this criminal malfeasance of the public health systems was NY Gov. Mario Cuomo and NYC Mayor Ed Koch, himself a gay.
The public-health system criminal malfeasance of NYC and NY State:
Specific New York actions in the 1980’s and 1990’s resulted in a list that is difficult to read no less comprehend -- what the hell were they thinking?
* A testing laboratory CAN NOT advise a doctor that the results of a blood test the doctor ordered for a patient is HIV+. Only the patient is notified.
* A parent CAN NOT be advised if their child is HIV+.
* A spouse CAN NOT be advised if their partner is HIV+.
* Rape or sexual abuse victims CAN NOT find out if their abuser is HIV+.
* There is no requirement for an HIV+ person to advise or notify their intimate partners of their condition even though this is clearly the most dangerous concealed weapon in our society.
* There is no requirement for an HIV+ person to take reasonable or prudent steps to avoid contamination of others.
* There is no requirement that an HIV+ person can not sell their blood to a blood bank, it's up to the blood bank to detect the virus and dispose of it without notification to the Public Health Department.
* The pre-marriage blood test was eliminated thereby placing newly-wed partners at risk.
* The state and local health departments are not allowed to intervene in the plague's progress: no interviews, no determination of contacts, no containment and no direct management to halt the spread of the virus by known carriers.
* In New York HIV+ and AIDS are by law NOT defined to be sexually transmitted diseases and therefore are not processed or managed by the Public Health Systems as are all other STD's!
* Even though New York has one of the highest rates of HIV+ and AIDS it did not, by law, report any data to the federal Center for Disease Control for multiple early years.
In retrospect, it is very difficult to comprehend the extent and magnitude of our government health system malfeasance in the HIV+AIDS Pandemic and the awful outcomes that resulted.
It’s as if the public health systems from Typhoid Mary never existed and secrecy was far more important than containment and saving lives.
Managing Pandemics – Democrats Just Shut-up Already!
Trump Confronting HIV+AIDs Pandemic – Democrats Enabled It


Covid-19 SideEffects: Socialists HiJack Colleges

The left-wing Socialists who run our colleges and universities have found a silver-lining in the Covid-19 Pandemic shutdowns and isolations.
They are on an expedited mission to kill all the objective competitive tests and scores for college entry criteria.
Let’s not miss this opportunity to exploit a crisis!
They can now totally focus on subjective and feel ‘good to them’ criteria for admissions.
This has been the mantra of the Academic Liberals for their lifetime.
Their quest is the equivalent of ‘biodiversity’ in the student body and society.
Their view is that Socialism is the future and therefore young people should be schooled in the idyllic liberal arts and not competitive technology, science and business.
College entry selections should be made on sociology metrics to develop an enhanced ‘village’ where all the people, animals and plants will live in a mediocre commune of ‘equalness’ and 'sameness' where the rewards are for participation. 
Preparation for excellence, competence and competitiveness in the world marketplace is viewed as negative, archaic and obsolete and inconsistent with their view of the New World Order.
This is also a major component of why they so love Obama and so hate Trump.
The Socialists have the media and they have the schools now it’s just a matter of time for the remnants of the Greatest Generation to die off (Covid-19 is helping that) so that the New Socialist Order can be permanently established by the comrades and their fellow travelers.
Karl Marx’s Manifesto Leads The Democrat 2020 Field


Cuomo’s Covid-19 Nursing Home Conundrum

Through a sweet-heart deal with the PravdaMedia, NY.D.Gov Cuomo has essentially escaped responsibility for his actions that excesserbated the deadly spread of Covid-19 in NY nursing homes and the subsequent major death rates.
He also has avoided addressing the political contributions from those healthcare execs to whom he granted immunity.
A simple reporter question would be: why weren't these patients sent to the Javits Center or the Mercy Ship neither of which were utilized?
Cuomo spent Wed at the White House, not justifying his mishandling of the NY epicenter issues, but, asking that the entire nation chip-in to bail NY out of their financial swamp.
This has to be true – you can’t make this ‘stuff’ up!
Bombshell report on NY nursing home policy overlooked in Gov. Cuomo's daily press conference
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Reporters at Andrew Cuomo’s daily press conference on Friday failed to ask the New York governor about a scathing Associated Press report, published just hours prior, that was highly critical of the way in which Cuomo had handled the state’s nursing home coronavirus crisis.”
Cuomo granted immunity to nursing home executives, after big-money campaign donation
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Three of the hospital association’s top officials separately gave more than $150,000 to Cuomo’s campaign between 2015 and 2018, the outlet reported.That donation is now drawing scrutiny after Cuomo signed legislation last month that protects executives from lawsuits -- just as he is under continued criticism for his March 25 order (since deleted) requiring nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients.”
Death, Politics and the Nursing Homes
“Professor Glenn Reynolds, reminds us of the idiotic moves Cuomo took.
Probably the biggest and deadliest mistake was New York’s requirement that recovering patients with COVID-19 be accepted by nursing homes.”
“More than 5,300 nursing home patients in New York have died from Covid-19, and as an Albany Times Union account notes,”
Medicare chief Verma blasts Cuomo for trying to deflect blame onto White House for NY nursing home deaths 
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
"Under no circumstances should a hospital discharge a patient to a nursing home that is not prepared to take care of those patients' needs." 

Pathetic Cuomo Statement -- this is leadership?
Cuomo At White House For BailOut Money
Cuomo Meets With President Trump To Discuss Infrastructure Jobs, Says It Will ‘Supercharge’ The Economy
“The governor wants to use the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity to repair the nation’s crumbling roads and bridge while helping to revive the economy.
Cuomo has previously highlighted several large-scale projects he’d like to see move forward, including a Penn Station overhaul, a train link to LaGuardia Airport and rebuilding the Hudson River rail tunnels.”
Apparently Cuomo thinks he can bypass all the Obama-Regulations and the Obama-Judges who are committed to derail all development projects to protect the American People from the scourge of infrastructure improvements or expansions.
Perhaps he actually can!  What Judge wants to wake up with a horse head in their bed?
The Fallacy Of Proposing Another WPA
NY Cuomo Continues To Shrink

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Renewable Energy Not A Utility Solution

Are renewables worth the trade-offs?
“Considering electricity costs, climate change mitigation and adaptation potential, and environmental impact, renewables — wind and solar — are little more advantageous than conventional energy sources — natural gas, coal, nuclear — for electricity generation, and are in certain respects worse.”
“the wind is not always blowing, nor the sun shining. By contrast, electricity production from conventional power plants is steady, continuous, and available.”
Botetourt project changes part of wind industry's move toward taller (680-foot) turbines
The Botetourt Wind Turbines (680-foot) will be twice the height of the Wells Fargo Bldg Roanoke’s highest: 21-stories  320-feet high
But not to worry – they won’t be a ‘view-shed’ issue nor a sound issue nor will they kill too many bats, birds or eagles and the cost is not a problem because Gov. Northam has guaranteed that all the equivalent electricity and cost will be purchased by The State of Virginia at taxpayers expense.
The utility energy reality is that because wind energy is intermittent and not reliable, 100% must be backed-up by conventional systems at utility customer’s expense.
Something about RAS: Reliability, Availability and Serviceability.
Where Is Virginia’s Renewable Energy Realism?


The ‘Black Lives Matter’ Dichotomy

Memorial Day in Chicago: 49 people being shot, 10 of them fatally.
No – none from Police action (perhaps some from Police nonAction)
“200 homicides, compared with 176 during the same period last year. The number of shootings climbed from 679 to 826.”
And No – not from lack of so called ‘gun control’ laws!
16 dead, at least 30 injured in second straight weekend of violence in Chicago

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Four Minneapolis officers are fired after video shows one kneeling on (side of) neck of black man who later died
Minneapolis police release 911 call that led to encounter with George Floyd 
Mr George Floyd had ample opportunity to be peacefully detained and handcuffed.  He chose to resist and the subsequent put-down and hold-down was the result of his decisions and actions.  Unfortunately Mr Floyd died, not from police strangulation; however, the police are being blamed as was the case for NYC James Garner who died in similar circumstances.
Reminiscent of James Garner NYC:  At that point Garner had ample opportunity to turn around and put his hands behind his back to be hand-cuffed (as he had been many times before).
Instead, he used his 6’4” 350 pounds of arrogance to resist arrest.
In both cases the police were called for a violation of law.
In both cases these men chose to resist arrest.
In both cases the police used reasonable force to subdue the suspect.
In both cases the resistors had underlying health issues that proved fatal.
Perhaps when a police office tells you ‘you are under arrest’ you should peacefully comply with the police orders and processing!
Lots of rioting for Mr. Floyd and Mr. Gardner.
Not so much for the almost 200 dead black men in Chicago this year.
Apparently not all black lives are equally noted.
Reflections of Obama’s Legacy


Political Cartoons For Some



Timely Insightful Cartoons

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Northam At Beach No Mask

How Awkward!  No Mask
and he’s about to make masks mandatory.
If he forgot his Mask
Why didn’t he just wear his KKK Hood?
And where’s the Social Distancing?  Talk about a Hypocrite!


The 2020 Caddy Shack Campaign



The PravdaMedia Trump Derangement Syndrome

The commentary by Roanoke’s Tom Taylor is an outstanding description of the PravdaMedia TDS and it’s major disservice to the American People.
How sad that such an important component of The American System has degraded to such a sad and negative state.
The heartbreak of Trump Derangement Syndrome
 “It’s also unsettling to realize much of the news media, like Congressional Democrats, are obviously more interested in defeating President Trump in November than in the welfare of the nation.”
WSJ:  The ‘Liberal Leaning’ Media Has Passed Its Tipping Point 
A return to balance would be commercially unviable. The best solution may be an honest embrace of bias.
By Van Gordon Sauter  A former president of CBS News
“To many journalists, objectivity, balance and fairness—once the gold standard of reporting—are not mandatory in a divided political era and in a country they believe to be severely flawed. That assumption folds neatly into their assessment of the president.”
Trump Derangement Syndrome And Mueller


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