The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Yet More Trump-Russian Allegations

7-9-2020:  Colin Powell suggests media had 'hysterical' reaction to reports on Russian bounty intelligence
Ex-secretary of state says commanders did not think reported bounties 'as serious a problem' as media suggested
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
 “Former Secretary of State Colin Powell indicated on Thursday that media figures overreacted to a recent report that Russian officials placed bounties on the lives of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.”
6-30-2020:  Yet another ‘Deep State’ Leak floating yet another antiTrump story to feed the election-year pulp mill and PravdaNews.
The New York Times, the PravdaMedia that has lost all its creditability,
claims that Russian agents have been paying terrorists to kill American troops.
Mr. Trump said Sunday night on Twitter that “Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not report it to me or @VP.” One senior administration official offered a similar explanation, saying that Mr. Trump was not briefed because the intelligence agencies had come to no consensus on the findings.
Trump says no 'credible' intel Russia offered Taliban bounty payments to kill Americans
This ‘story’ started with allegations that the Taliban had large amounts of US cash.
Probably from the pallets of $400-million cash that Obama gave the Ayatollah?
Clearly the Russians have been bad actors since the days of Stalin.
A Brief summary of the Real Russian News Legacy of the Obama-Hillary malfeasance with the Russians;
The 3-year Russian election hoax by Obama’s Muller Team resulted in a Nothing-Burger:
The Russians ran all over Obama and decimated his efforts in Syria:
Obama was complicit with Putin in his secret deals – the open mike:
“tells Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" after election”
Obama’s Putin Appeasement: Please Play Nice Please
We all watched Hillary ‘swoon’ as she gave the Russians her ‘Reset Button”
Talk about sleeping with the enemy!
And who embraced the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House while they were killing on soldiers in the middle-east?
And it was Obama’s Hillary that gave 20% of the US uranium ore to the Russians
Chickens Coming To Roost For The Obama Failed Coup Of Trump


Tearing It Down

Democrats Pass Resolution To Rename John Wayne Airport, Say He Was ‘Racist, Bigoted’
“California Democrats in Orange County have passed a resolution demanding that the county’s John Wayne Airport be renamed. But there’s more: They want likenesses of Wayne — photos, statues, everything — removed from the airport, which was named in his honor in 1979, shortly after the western actor died.”
BLM Leader We Will Burn It Down
Even The US currency has to go!
Orwell ‘1984’ Is Here Again
Democrats Continue To Embrace Anarchists


Your Home Is Your Castle – Defend It!

Better to be judged by 12 jurors than killed by 12 rioters!
Armed St. Louis protesters broke iron gate, threatened couple before they drew their own guns, attorney says
'We were told that we would be killed, our home burned and our dog killed,' homeowner said
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“A Missouri couple under fire for brandishing guns in the front yard of their home as protesters passed told police the group broke a gate to get onto the private street, and the pair say they only retrieved their firearms when they spotted “multiple” people who were already armed, department records show.
Al Watkins, an attorney for Mark McCloskey, 63, and his 61-year-old wife, Patricia, said the protest was largely peaceful and the pair did not bring their guns outside of the home until two men in particular, both of whom were white, started menacing them.”
This will become ‘The Norm’ as left-wing fellow-travelers deFund the Police and Democrat mayors and governors embrace the insurrectionists.
BLM Leader We Will Burn It Down

Monday, June 29, 2020


Sweden Virginia Covid-19 Massive Disconnect

"Sweden has been closely watched because of its controversial approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the country has urged people to practice physical distancing and follow other safety precautions, it has not ordered a strict shutdown. While many of its European neighbors endured three months of austere conditions,
Sweden allowed most of its bars, restaurants, schools and retail stores to remain open."
What is happening in Sweden?
Two totally different approaches:  laissez faire  vs  Lock-Downs
With similar populations,  Virginia and Sweden have similar # cases
Apparently lock-downs were not effective for spread?
*  Sweden has had 3X  the number of deaths!
Virginia has had   62,189-cases    1,740-deaths
Sweden has had  65,137-cases    5,282-deaths
So far – no explanations for these massive disconnects!
So far -- the Swedish people and media seem OK with the situation.
Makes one wonder who is doing the dying?
Virginia Data  (8-million people)
Swedish Data (10-million people)
Arrogant Swede Took Wrong Path?

Sunday, June 28, 2020


Orwell ‘1984’ Is Here Again

Give Me Calm And Peace -- Keep Your Freedom And Liberty
The 1984 SuperBowl Mac Ad
Click to View the Video (sound on):

BLM Leader We Will Burn It Down
America Under Attack Again


Ballot Fraud -- What Ballot Fraud?

The Democrats and their PravdaMedia have viciously attacked anyone who raises the issue of Ballot Fraud.
It’s important for them to do that in order to defend three of their key efforts that ensure their advantages including the voting of 12+ million illegal’s:
*  There is no need for Voter ID
*  Elections should be held by mass write-in ballots
*  Ballot Harvesting by political operatives is fair and effective
Absentee ballots for those not able to vote in-person has been on-going standard procedure for: military, business assignments, and the ill and infirm.  Because these ballots have been a small percentage of the total votes, election workers have been able to carefully vet each ballot against the voting enrollment database including signature comparisons.  All this resulting in 'minimal' fraud and abuse.
A current NJ vote indicated 20% of ballots were ‘invalid’.
1 in 5 Ballots Rejected as Fraud Is Charged in N.J. Mail-In Election
“Following accusations of widespread fraud, voter intimidation, and ballot theft in the May 12 municipal elections in Paterson, N.J., state Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal (pictured) announced Thursday he is charging four men with voter fraud – including the vice president of the City Council and a candidate for that body.
With races still undecided, control of the council hangs in the balance. Paterson is New Jersey’s third largest city and the election will decide the fate of a municipal budget in excess of $300 million, in addition to hundreds of millions more in education spending and state aid.”
Absentee Ballot Harvesting: The Newest Biggest Voting Abuse
The Democrats have historically fine-tuned the voting practice of registering the dead and displaced and voting in multiple polls and across state and county lines and have waged war upon Voter ID because it reduces voting abuse.
New Voting News: Jerry Brown has led the Democrats into a new and improved voting fraud system that totally negates Voter ID and makes the old voter abuse ruses obsolete.
Let’s massively expand ‘absentee’ no-excuse mail-in voting.
Let’s have Community Organizers collect mail-in ballots (harvesting) from whomever possible.
Old folks homes and soup kitchens are good places as are community centers and local organizations.
Offers for ballots signed but not filled-in may include alcohol, tobacco, drugs and plain old cash.
No need to fill-in the ballots – just sign them – we’ll make sure they get filled-in and sent-in as a service for you.
In those cases where they’re not filled-in “correctly” we’ll just send them in a ‘little late -- if ever’.
The ObamaPhones should be a great way to coordinate with lots of voters.
The election workers will then validate ALL the ballots by ‘signature certification’.  Really?
Prey tell what election workers are trained and certified to validate massive numbers of signatures?
How can the election worker possibly know who filled-in and signed the ballot and who has ‘managed’ this vote?
Supreme Court rejects mail-in voting for all in Texas during pandemic
For months, Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has fought expanding mail-in balloting during the pandemic, saying fear of contracting the virus is an insufficient reason.
“AUSTIN, Texas — The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday rejected a request by Texas Democrats to allow all of the state’s 16 million registered voters to vote by mail during the coronavirus pandemic.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor urged the lower court to consider the case “well in advance of the November election.” Voting by mail in Texas is generally limited to those 65 or older or those with a “sickness or physical condition” that prevents voting in person.”
Mail-In Ballots Wrapped In Vote Fraud And Abuse


Roanoke Police Still OnDuty

Man shot during pursuit, gunfire exchange dies, police say
The Bad News: Roanoke's violent criminals are wantonly still maiming and killing people on the streets.
The Good News:  In-spite-of the physical and hysterical attacks upon the police, they are still manning the line and putting their health and lives on the line for the public.
Thank those who are holding The thin Blue Line!
What do Black Americans want from their police officers? 
Roanoke Protest A Contrast With Roanoke Crime

Roanoke Violent Crime Rages On
Roanoke Times To SpearHead Anti-Violence Action
PravdaMedia Anti-Police Vendetta Goes On

Saturday, June 27, 2020


BLM Leader We Will Burn It Down

This is The Reality of the difference between:
The BLM Organization
The BLM Phrase that all good people support
Black Lives Matter Leader: ‘If This Country Doesn’t Give Us What We Want, Then We Will Burn Down The System’
Hawk Newsome, head of Black Lives Matter for Greater New York, part of the neo-Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, made the remarks in a combative interview with Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum.
The PravdaMedia criticizes Trump for not ‘making nice’ with these anarchists and ‘embracing them’ with Christian understanding.
Talking about Christian understanding:
The anarchists are now targeting churches and Christian symbols forcing those in the Church to prepare defenses:
Pastors vow to ‘defend’ houses of worship, ‘not allow Christian heritage to be erased’
Christian leaders denounce call to take down statues of Jesus
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“A group of evangelical pastors gathered at Seattle's CHOP zone earlier this week to pray and declare that they will defend houses of worship and statues of Jesus after activists called for tearing them down amid Black Lives Matter protests.”
"The call from Black Lives Matters leaders to destroy images of Christ and deface houses of worship is nothing less than a terroristic threat to people of faith," Gibson told Fox News.
Cuomo, de Blasio wrong to limit worship services, condone mass protests: federal judge
New York Gov. coronavirus orders unfairly targeted houses of worship, federal judge says.
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“De Blasio had "simultaneous pro-protest/anti-religious gathering messages" when he "actively encouraged participation in protests and openly discouraged religious gatherings and threatened religious worshipers," Sharpe said in his federal order.”
America Under Attack Again


No Police For MSNBCs Andrea Mitchell

Talk About Karma!
MSNBCs Andrea Mitchell caught up in a violent ‘protest’ incident involving a violent felon attacking a woman on the street in DC.
NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell was nearly attacked by a protestor in the "Black House Autonomous Zone" that exists between H Street and Vermont Avenue in Washington, D.C. while she standing next to Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.).
Andrea can be heard explaining:  “Where’s The Police”?
Really – this after the PravdaMedia have been defending the rioters as ‘peaceful protesters’ and supporting the ‘defund the police’ BLM movement!
Reminiscent of the ‘old time’ feminists, like Andrea, who burned their bras and now they want support.
America Under Attack Again


Actors To Stop Pretending – Really?

“Our Country Is Finally Realizing That It’s Simply Not Okay For Actors To Pretend To Be Something They Aren’t”
“The actress Jenny Slate has apologized for her “flawed” decision to voice a non-white character on the Netflix show “Big Mouth.” Slate announced that she is stepping aside from the role, acknowledging that her initial decision to voice the animated character was a symptom of her “white privilege.”
She explained that she originally thought it was okay because her character, Missy, has a white Jewish mother. But she now understands that she could only take on that role because of “unjust allowances made within a system of societal white supremacy.””
Actors to stop pretending to be someone they are Not!   Really?
Isn’t that what actors do?  Isn’t that what acting is?
Webster:  “the art or practice of representing a character on a stage or before cameras”
No one has ever come close to addressing the fake and hypocritical Hollywood gang as did Ricky Gervais’ as host of the 2020 Golden Globes Speech.
This is worth rewatching over and over for its blunt reality of these fake people and its delivered live right to their faces.
Bravo Ricky!!!
Ricky Gervais' Explosive 2020 Golden Globes Speech
Hollywood Gang Unleashed And Indecent

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Seattle Businesses Moving Out: Good News Bad News

Billion-dollar investment firm leaving Seattle amid 'unrest'
Phoenix will offer Smead Capital employees a lower cost of living and a better quality of life, CEO says
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
 “"My biggest concern for Seattle was what the business community is going to come back to, and what kind of businesses are going to come back for customers," Smead told KTAR News.”
“"The unrest that has taken place in the city of Seattle … there is really is not a downtown business community today," Smead Capital Management President and CEO Cole Smead told KTAR News on Monday.”
The Good News is that, for a short time, the Smead employees will have an improved living, work and commute situation.
The Bad News is that just like the flight from other Democrat dominated cities to the suburbs, these people will take their imbedded Democrat-voting-gene with them, vote the same kind of politicians into power from whence they came and in a few short years they will be living in the same swamp they fled.
There is something very sad about this faulty political genetic defect.
For example: Phoenix is looking politically more like California every day and so are Denver and Austin.
Seattle Mayor Embraces CHAZ Occupation


The Door-Pull Noose Caper

Monday, ‘fifteen FBI special agents’ roared into Talladega to nail whoever hung a Noose in a Black NASCAR Drivers garage.  BUT:
‘Noose’ found in Bubba Wallace’s garage was door pull, had been there since 2019, officials say
“A rope found in the garage stall of Black driver Bubba Wallace at the NASCAR race Sunday was a garage door pull, not a noose, and had been there since 2019, federal authorities and NASCAR said Tuesday.”
“the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week.”
But Bubba is sticking to the Noose storyline!
Says the FBI is making him look bad
Says he knows the difference between A ‘door pull’ and a ‘noose’!
This has to be true – you can’t make up stuff like this!
15-FBI Agents for a ‘Door Pull’ – Really?
How many did they send when rioters took over a major sector of down-town Seattle?
Reminiscent of:
Dragnet Clapper Caper with Jack Webb & Johnny Carson


Rally Reality

Trump Biden Rally Comparison

Youth behaviors foretell the future


If A Tree Fell On Biden


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