The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, January 31, 2021


Biden The Moderate – Really?

For 2020 the American Voters were treated to porridge of good-ole Uncle Joe.
Forget about his history of vicious nasty partisan statements and actions.
Forget about his racist proclamations from the senate podium.
Forget about his deteriorating cognitive and memory issues.
Forget about his bizarre hair-sniffing and touching behaviors.
This is good-ole Uncle Joe that we all know and love – man.
Now we have an Uncle Joe that has reconstituted Obama’s Third Term with a big infusion of radical left-wing wing-nuts and policies and multitudes of proclamations issued as Executive Orders.
Indeed elections have consequences and we are already witnessing the adverse consequences of the 2020 elections.
And Kamala hasn’t even taken over yet.

The Biden Obama-Third-Term Has Begun


Norway Nobel To BLM

Black Lives Matter movement nominated for Nobel peace prize
Norwegian MP cites global impact of BLM in raising awareness and consciousness of racial injustice
Black Lives Matter movement nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Perhaps the Norwegian MP should reflect on the totality of the BLM movement.
Perhaps the idyllic name BLM has conflicts with the organization and its actions.
Perhaps most Black-Americans do Not embrace the BLM organization.
Perhaps there is a huge chasm between BLM and MLK and BTW.
Perhaps the Nobel is not the best fit award.
A Nobel Peace Prize to Black Lives Matter?

'Pigs in a blanket - Fry Em like bacon' BLM chant at Minnesota Fair
NYC BLM Protesters Chant:
'What Do We Want? Dead Cops!
When do we want them? Now!"
For those who just can’t believe this really happened click on YouTube:
BLM Leader We Will Burn It Down


Roanoke Times A Big Covid Disappointment

Why does Virginia rank so low (on managing Covid Vaccinations)?
Sunday Editorial Roanoke Times 1-31-2021 Pg B5
“Rather than asking why Virginia has done so poorly, let’s turn the question around: Why have some states done so well?”
Talk about Redirection – Right – let’s Not talk about BlackFace Northam and his total malfeasance in Not addressing the Vaccination Plan and Process and Management Months Ago!
For the entire month of January The Roanoke Times have draped BlackFace Northam with robes of accolades and deflected any questions about:

Where’s the half-million doses of Covid Vaccine?
Where’s the plan for Covid Vaccine management?
Now on Jan 31, after Northam fell on his Covid Sword, the PravdaMedia have at least acknowledged there is a valid question – talk about a Rip Van Winkle awakening!
Image the ‘Investigative Reporting’ IF the Governor were a Republican!
It’s not clear which is more disappointing – an incompetent pathetic governor or the PravdaMedia that patronizes him in conflict with their obligations to their creed and ‘the people’!
Where have all the vaccine doses gone?
“Virginia's poor showing had to do with a multitude of reasons, but the main contributors were a slow rollout coupled with poor management of doses and troublesome data entry. And all of it has been shrouded in a lack of public accountability.”
“For the data that were made available, it appears that about half of all doses were shipped to Virginia’s health systems. They were the first to receive doses in mid-December as they had the ultra-cold storage needed to store Pfizer’s vaccine, and their staffs were among the top priority of groups to be vaccinated.”
“fewer than half of doses sent to those areas have been reported as being used.”
Old Pete Seeger looking for his vaccination
Where have all the doses gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the doses gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the doses gone?
Gone from here, From everywhere
Where have all the doses gone?


Northam Falls On Corona Sword
PravdaMedia Covering For Northam’s Vaccine Boondoggle
Who's getting the 'Dano Awards'?

Saturday, January 30, 2021


NY Gov Andrew Cuomo’s Geronticide - Who Cares?

Geronticide: the killing of the elderly, or their abandonment to death.
New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo said on MSNBC Tuesday evening that "incompetent government" was responsible for needless deaths through the COVID-19 pandemic
“Incompetent government kills people. More people died than needed to die in COVID. That’s the truth,” Cuomo asserted.
NY undercounted nursing home coronavirus deaths by as much as 50%, state AG says
(that would expand the 8670 published deaths to 13,000!)
“James' report said that government guidance may have helped.  The report holds New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's feet to the fire for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic in the early months of 2020, after he directed nursing homes in the Empire State to accept patients who had or were suspected of having COVID-19. The decision created an onslaught of COVID-19 cases that infected thousands of elderly patients and resulted in hundreds of deaths among the state's most vulnerable population. ut residents at increased risk
About 70% of the nearly 35,000 COVID deaths in New York were people aged 70 and older, according to state data as of Jan. 28.”
       (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Cuomo callously addresses COVID nursing home report: ‘Who cares!’
New York’s Elderly Covid-19 Disaster
Coronavirus spreads in a New York nursing home forced to take recovering patients
Nursing homes can't reject patients just over coronavirus
Didn't utilize The Trump Javits Center Field Hospital
Didn't utilize The Trump Hospital Ship
This Andrew Cuomo death toll to Covid pales in comparison to the HIV+AIDS directly related to father Mario Cuomo’s malfeasance 40-years ago.

"If you see anybody from the Cuomo Administration in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," the tweet read,
signing the message from "Maxine CuomoWatch."

Friday, January 29, 2021


Virginia Democrats Desecrate The Constitution

Roanoke Times, 1-28-2021, Pg 1: Va Senate censures Va Sen Chase.
“her support for political rallies that preceded an assault on the U.S. Capitol three weeks ago that left five dead.”
Sen Chase may well deserve Censure for violating Va Senate Rules, HOWEVER, she certainly should Not be censured for supporting what was intended to be a peaceful, Constitutional political rally in DC.
Something about the 1st and 14th Amendment to the Constitution and Virginia’s role in writing and enacting that Constitution!
Something about a vicious reenactment of McCarthyism!
It was Not Sen Chase’s doing that 150 Bad Actors violated many laws and the sanctity of the Capitol Building. Those Bad Actors represented less than 0.1% of the attendees and do not represent Sen Chase’s aspirations nor those of the organizers or the 99.9% of attendees!
It’s of interest that these BlackFace-Northam Bloomberg Democrats have Not seen fit to condemn any AntiFa-BLM DC violence over the past 4-years starting with Trump’s Inauguration:
Obama’s “Red Guards” And “Pravda Press” At The Trump Inauguration



Va Tim Kaine The New Cain

Roanoke Times, 1-28-2021, Pg A3: Sen Kaine floats censure of Trump
The hypocrisy of Kaine and the Democrats on Trump’s comments at the DC Rally is a testament to the nastiest form of politics and McCarthyism.
Who but the Democrats have used the most vitriolic dialogue for the last 4-years against Trump and his Deplorable Supporters?
Who among the pious Democrats have denounced 4-years of AntiFa-BLM violent protests with 2020 being a year of coast-to-coast major city insurrection?
And who should cast the first stone but Tim Kaine whose son was one of the domestic terrorists, who Kaine coddled and excused for his violent transgressions – Really?
Sen. Kaine’s Son One Of Obama’s “Red Guards”


PravdaMedia Pathetically Fawning Over Biden

Roanoke Times, 1-28-2021, Pg A3: Officials level with US – 90,000 will die in next four weeks.
PravdaMedia telling us that Biden is so much more honest by telling us that the models now tell us 90,000 soon to die. How can this be?  Didn't Biden tell the voters that he had the Covid
Fix if we just voted for him?

Trump made it very public and clear, multiple times, that models projected 2.2-Million were to die if we used the Sweden approach.
3-29-2020: “Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,” Trump said Sunday.
The PravdaMedia greeted that openness with ridicule and mockery. Really!!
During the Democrat 1st Qtr 2020 Debates – Not One Word on Covid!
Democrats 1Q2020: Don’t listen to Trump!
No threat, like flue, come to China Town, come to Mardi Gras
PravdaMedia have buried this gross Democrat Leadership Malfeasance

White House coronavirus task force update for March 26
Fauci cites Trump travel restrictions as possible key for U.S. not 'becoming another Italy'
TravelBan Biden – Racist and Xenophobic

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Northam Falls On Corona Sword

1-27-2020: Northam finally admits he didn’t have a vaccination plan or leader-manager for Virginia.
Way too busy taking down statutes to bother with the health and welfare of Virginians.
Apparently was surprised that one-Million doses of vaccine were delivered by WarpSpeed.
Doesn’t have a clue to answer the question:
Where are the other Half-Million doses: One-million received – one-half-Million Injeceted?
The PravdaMedia immediately covered Northam with accolades and roses, refusing to even comprehend his ‘mea
culpa’ – talk about Blind Denial and 'The Battered Person Syndrome'
John Anderson – ‘Let Go Of The Stone If You Don't Want To Drown'

‘I know you’re frustrated’: Northam on COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Va.
LTE: Why does Virginia rank so low on vaccines?

PravdaMedia Keeps Covering For Northam’s Vaccine Boondoggle
Biden:  US to boost vaccine supply so all Americans can get shots by end of summer
What an incredible pile of Biden heifer-dust!
There are hundreds of million of doses of vaccine on-order already!
The issue is Pharma Production Process Ramp-up and Yield Improvement.
Biden has not and will not have any influence over either!
The Democrat Governors are doing a pathetic bad job of
state-responsible vaccination management!
That's The Today Issue!  Especially here in Virginia!


Roanoke Times Spiral Continues

Roanoke Times office building listed for sale
The Roanoke Times continues their spiral while desperately hanging onto the PravdaMedia mantra of left-wing politics and the Democrat Party Wagon Propaganda, thereby alienating 50% of their potential customers.
There are none so blind as those who Will Not See.
Roanoke Times Big Self-Serving For Thanksgiving

Roanoke Times Editors Isolated From News 2011


Biden’s Equity vs Equality ‘1984 DoubleSpeak”

Equality vs. Equity: A Definition
The difference between equality and equity: Although both promote fairness, equality achieves this through treating everyone the same regardless of need, while equity achieves this through treating people differently dependent on need.
In other words:
Equality focuses on offering opportunity – The Constitution
Equity focuses on mandating outcomes -- The Manifesto

Jesse Watters
Biden says we have to impose equity. When you see that Susan Rice is in charge of this and she’s picking winners and losers, with her lawyers and her bureaucrats, and she’s going to destroy you if you get in her way, that doesn’t sound very unifying.

MLK Day 2021
Is It Time To Challenge The Race-Baiters?
Obama-Judges Reject Race-Blind Redistricting

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


TravelBan Biden – Racist and Xenophobic

Biden to reinstate COVID-19 travel ban targeting UK, Europe and Brazil:
President Biden will reinstate a re-entry ban on nearly all non-US travelers trying to come into the country from the United Kingdom, Ireland, 26 other European countries and Brazil — and impose a new ban on travel from South Africa, a report said Sunday.
(Talk about Racist and Xenophobic)
Biden press sec grilled by reporter over travel ban hypocrisy
“The (Fox) reporter asked pointedly, "When president Trump was imposing travel restrictions in March, specifically on China, then candidate Biden called it xenophobic. And fear-mongering. So now President Biden is putting travel restrictions on people coming in from other countries. What word do we use to describe that?"

Identifying Covid-19 Chinese Origin Xenophobic – Really?


Hanoi Jane Fonda Yet Another Hollywood Award

‘Hanoi’ Jane Fonda to receive Golden Globes’ 2021 Cecil B. DeMille Award
Her leading role in ‘My Ho Chi Minh’ filmed in down-town Hanoi and at the Hanoi Hilton.
Highlighting her anti-American antiaircraft gun shots and inquisitions with American POW’s.
Another NoBrainer Award by Hollywood:
What other American has done so much to support the service to our country by those serving in war-time?
Most deserving since their
Posthumous Benedict Arnold Award.

Megyn Kelly: How Dare You Call-Out Traitor Hanoi-Jane
Jane Fonda Still An Unrepentant Narcissistic Traitor


PravdaMedia Covering For Northam’s Vaccine Boondoggle

1-27-2020: Yet Another Roanoke Times China-Covid Version of the Cruise Director on the Titanic rearranging the deck chairs for a better view.
No mention of No Northam Plan before the arrival of the vaccine doses.
Appointing a Project Director just last week.
No explanation why millions added to 1b category before 1b vaccinations started.
Absolutely No word on the location or plan for the half-Million unaccounted doses
(one Million received from WarpSpeed and only half-million injected)
Do these so called journalists work for Northam or the Public?
RT: Limited doses of vaccine to be split between essential workers and oldest residents

Virginia got one-Million doses of China-Covid Vaccines plus 100,000 per week.
Northam has vaccinated one-half million Virginian’s.
Northam opines about the rate of doses being delivered while
hiding one-half million doses received but not used!
“However, the number of vaccine doses coming into Virginia — about 105,000 a week — has not changed during January, creating a demand that far exceeds supplies.”
“But it also reported that 522,853 doses of the vaccine to prevent infections had been given”
Nary an inquisitive word about the half-Million doses Not accounted for!
The million received from WarpSpeed minus the half-million injected.
Is there a real journalist in Virginia?
One that’s Not in Northam’s pocket?
Something about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
In Search Of The Virginia Covid Doses

Monday, January 25, 2021


What Does Illegal Mean?

Biden Orders Census Bureau to Include Illegal Immigrants in Apportionment
Counting 'our' 12 to 20 Million Illegal’s will reflect directly in the apportionment of Congressional Seats and distribution of tax funds to and from the states as if they were 'citizens'.
Reflections of the Democrats counting pre Civil War slaves as three-fifths of a citizen while denying they were actually real-citizens but instead property.  Are they not crafty or what?
Democrats are truly lexicographers skilled in ‘1984 DoubleSpeak’

The 2020 Census And Illegal Immigrants
Brokaw And Teddy Racist On Immigrant Assimilation?


Winston Churchill WhipLash

Poor Winston – his bronze bust occupied a distinguished position in the oval office during the Bush administration, ostensibly because of his great leadership during WWII and his staunch anti-communist-socialist positions.
Obama summarily banished Winston from the Oval Office.
RightWing pundits opined he would replace Winston with bronze of either Evita or Fidel.
Obama And The Churchill Bust
Trump returned Winston to the Oval Office with some fan-fare to the chagrin of the Obama disciples and PravdaMedia.
This in-addition-to 25 other high priority items:
Enter Biden and on his first day Winston was once again banished from the Oval Office.
Biden administration defends removing Churchill statue from Oval Office
      (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Apparently the Obama-Biden team does Not want Churchill’s Bust and thereby his message in the Oval Office for all to see
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
Winston Churchill



Red Sky In The Morning Sailor Take Warning


                       Source unknown but very insightful
The Biden Obama-Third-Term Has Begun
Tsunami Changes Coming To Our HomeLand


Sunday, January 24, 2021


Biden’s Religion In Politics

The PravdaMedia have always tried to paint the Right as the Religious Bigots, using Religion as a prop for their agenda – and with some validity.
On the other hand they totally white-wash the Left’s constant stream of religious manipulations from the pulpits they turn into lecterns.
Rev Wright, Rev Jackson and most grossly Rev Sharpton not to exclude the steady stream of Democrat politicians beating a path to the microphones at churches every political season.
Now we have Sanctimonious Biden making a spectacle of going to Mass – Really?
Apparently the leaders of the Catholic Church are Not Impressed!
Head of U.S. Catholic Bishops Rebukes Joe Biden's Policies Advancing 'Moral Evils'
A quote from Republican Abe Lincoln during the height of the Civil War:
“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.”
Reminiscent of the Religious Civil War song: Battle Hymn of Republic
“In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea”
Prior to the Democrats Roe v Wade
Putting The D In DePrograming


Putting The D In DePrograming

The Democrats and their PravdaMedia and Media Stars are proposing that the 74-Million Trump voters and particularly their children get DeProgramed in order to join American Society.
It's doubtful that any thought they were not already Americans in good standing!
“So Many Great, Educated, Functional People Were Brainwashed”: Can Trump’s Cult of Followers Be Deprogrammed?
Katie Couric Joins Sick Lawyer At PBS
Isn’t it interesting that ‘they’ are using the terminology of the Communist Chinese and North Koreans of the 1950’s!
Then again – communism never dies – it either morphs into radical-socialism or just hibernates until new fertile fickle 
minds appear. -


Saturday, January 23, 2021


Who Dares To Question The 2020 Election Veracity?

It ain’t over till the fat lady sings -- Yogi Berra NY Yankees
The Last US House Race Is Undecided, the NY Republican Leads by 29 Votes
After 4-years of PravdaMedia and Democrats calling the 2016 Election stolen by the Russians and Trump Illegitimate; the 2020 election has been declared totally pure and valid and above reproach. Somewhat like the Queen’s virtue -- a real stretch with
Catherine the Great.
Anyone who dares question this ‘reality’ is subject to an inquisition reminiscent of Sir Thomas More with the ultimate beheading, or character cancellation including banishment from all written and digital and personal contact with the world; somewhat akin to banishment to Elba, only harsher.
All that said – the NY Congressional 2020 election process is still going and going and going after 79-days,  somewhat like an Energizer Battery Bunny. Really!

The NY Democrats are going to continue to dice and slice these votes until they get the outcome they desire – no matter the gyrations or time it may take – or how clearly unethical the process. For the Democrats and their Obama-Judges there are no concerns about optics or transparency – it’s only the outcomes that count and they know what Nancy wants!
Ghoulish NY Ballots
NYT: Why the Botched N.Y.C. Primary Has Become the November Nightmare -- 12,000 ballots have been “disqualified”
Nearly six weeks later, two congressional races remain undecided, and officials are trading blame over the mishandling of tens of thousands of mail-in ballots.
“This election is a canary in the coal mine,” said Suraj Patel, a Democrat running for Congress in a district that includes parts of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens, who has filed a federal lawsuit over the primary.
Mr. Patel trails the incumbent, Representative Carolyn B. Maloney, by some 3,700 votes, though more than 12,000 ballots have been disqualified”
Cuomo's office reportedly pushing against sending 100,000 new ballots after voters received mismarked envelopes
New York Board of Elections strikes Sanders from ballot and cancels Democratic presidential primary
(when you observe what they do to their friends – just imagine what they do to their adversaries)


Biden’s Massive Covid Lie Already Clear

The Real Biden Virus Plan: Nothing We Can Do
After months of telling the voters that they (Biden and the Democrats) have The Plan to reign-in the deadly China-Covid-Virus – now—two days after taking office – Biden says:
'nothing we can do' to change pandemic 'trajectory'
      (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Will the PravdaMedia jump on Lyin’ Joe? Of course Not!
This will Not even be mentioned at the next so called ‘News’ Briefing!
And IF so – it will be a compliment on how ‘honest’ Joe is with his assessments!
The Eagles:
You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
Fred Astaire
How could you believe me when I said I love you
When you know I've been a liar all my life
PravdaMedia CNN Democrat Mantra: Accent Positive Eliminate Negative
COVID Death Tracker Now Frequently Goes Missing
“A lot of people have noticed over the last few days that the Wuhan virus case/death tracker CNN kept on display 24/7 under the Trump administration at the very least frequently goes missing or, at the most, has disappeared entirely.”


No Riots No Protests --- Kick The National Guard To The Curb

National Guard troops kicked out of Senate are back in Capitol following outrage from lawmakers, public
“Because of the MASSIVE backlash over this, we are now being allowed back into the Senate building,” one National Guard soldier told Military Times. “We’re going to make a big show of marching back into the building.”
Tell us again who is militarizing our political process!

A Very Different POTUS Inauguration Jan 2021
1-20-2021: Biden and Kamala taking their oaths of office to “Protect and Defend” in a bizarre military setting worthy of a third world dictator:
(25,000-troops --- two infantry divisions --- don’t we have the 150-bad guys locked-up already?)
(Grant took Vicksburg with only 23,000 troops)
Imagine the furor IF Trump had brought-in two infantry divisions for his inauguration to quell the violent AntiFa-BLM riots that rocked DC that day in 2016 and that was just a sample of the 2020 coast-to-coast major city radical violence.
Capitol Police Not Ready - Why?
DC Mayor – Do NOT send Secret Service or FBI or DHS
we’ve got this


Democrats Anxious To Raise Gasoline Prices

Pete Buttigieg, Bidens Transportation Czar, Floats Raising Federal Gas Tax: ‘All Options Need To Be On The Table’
“The federal gas tax is currently 18.4 cents per gallon according to the Tax Policy Center"
Obama-Biden got gasoline to $5 per gallon during their tour by constraining US energy production and relying on Mideast oil.

Trump drove the price down to $2 per gallon by exploiting fracking-natural-gas and US energy independence.
It is lower income people who are hit the hardest by high energy prices because energy is a high percentage of their disposable income; and its pervasive impact on almost all commerce results in inflation that impacts everyone.
Democrats like high fossil prices because it makes it appear that solar and winds are more attractive, albeit they are intermittent and unreliable and therefore require 100% backup that's Not in their plans.
WSJ: Biden’s Keystone Pipeline Kill -- First Day Joy
On his first day he insults Canada and ends thousands of jobs.


Rural Virginia GasTax Scammed For I-81

Activating The Energy Weapon
Germany’s Merkel Fell Under Gore’s Lorelei Of AGW-Alarmism
Now she's a puppet for Putin's Gas Line


New UK Covid Virus Strain

AOL lists the new Covid strain as UK virus
“More contagious U.K. COVID strain is also deadlier”
For the past year the PravdaMedia jerry-flexed in retribution with labels of ‘racist’ and ‘Xenophobic’ if anyone referred to the Covid-19 as Chinese!
It’s hard to keep up with the ‘1984 DoubleSpeak’.
Identifying Covid-19 Chinese Origin Xenophobic – Really?

Friday, January 22, 2021


The Biden Obama-Third-Term Has Begun

Initial Executive Orders Include:
Biden executive order says schools should include transgender athletes in girls' sports
The order was released on the first day of his presidency
"Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports,”
Are School Bath-Rooms Still Obama’s Psychology-Laboratories?
WSJ: Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girls’ Sports
An executive order rigs competition by requiring that biological boys be allowed to compete against girls.


Open Boarders:


Back To The Future Obama Economic Plan





Make Friends With Iran Again


Join Paris AGW-Alarmists Again
US to borrow Billions of Dollars to Give
To Other Countries to do whatever with
ReConnect to Hunter’s Ukraine Again



A Very Different POTUS Inauguration Jan 2021

Thursday, January 21, 2021


In Search Of The Virginia Covid Doses

The search for Covid Doses in Bedford and Franklin Counties continues unabated.
Every night the WBDJ7 reports the inoculation statistics of residents of Roanoke, Martinsville and Danville.
Nary a word about Bedford or Franklin Counties. Have they received even one dose? After all, they are right in the geographical middle.
There are 700,000 doses somewhere in Virginia based on the premise that one-million were received from WarpSpeed and 300,000 have been administered. No one seems to know where they are?
There’s a spurious rumor that Northam didn’t send any vaccine to counties that didn’t vote for him or Biden – hogwash – that can’t be true!
Perhaps there are other statistical parameters that are at play.
Clearly IF age is key Bedford and Franklin would be on the early list – IF we have anything we certainly have senior citizens!
Perhaps the vaccine doses are here in a warehouse – it’s just a lack of communications – reminiscent of ‘Cool Hand Luke’.
Just be patient, Dr. Northam will be along shortly, and don’t catch the virus and for sure don’t die waiting.
All this somewhat reminiscent of Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark

Virginia’s Vaccination Swamp
Virginia Northam Vaccination Quandary
Northam And The Vaccination Rate CoverUp
PravdaMedia CoveringUp Democrat Covid Incompetence

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


A Very Different POTUS Inauguration Jan 2021

1-20-2021: Biden and Kamala taking their oaths of office to “Protect and Defend” in a bizarre military setting worthy of a third world dictator:
(25,000-troops --- two infantry divisions --- don’t we have the 150-bad guys locked-up already?)
(Grant took Vicksburg with only 23,000 troops)

Imagine the furor IF Trump had brought-in two infantry divisions for his inauguration to quell the violent AntiFa-BLM riots that rocked DC that day in 2016 and that was just a sample of the 2020 coast-to-coast major city radical violence.
Tell us again who is militarizing our political process!
Sworn-in Wed will be a Socialist Oligarchy serving Obama’s 3rd Term with both the senate and congress in their control.

What could possibly go wrong with this line-up?
Where’s JFK and his “Ask Not” at his Inauguration?

Clearly this Oligarchy rejects and disparages:
Our long-standing Economic Systems in favor of Socialism
Our long-standing Social Systems in favor of Liberalism
Our long-standing National Leadership in favor of Globalism
Our long-standing Religious Freedom in favor of Secularism.
Our long-standing National History in favor of Revisionism.
Our long-standing Immigration Criteria in favor of Open Borders.

Tsunami Changes Coming To Our HomeLand

Gee Toto -- I don't think we're in America anymore!

At this time, one might reflect on the Peron-history and what the future may hold for us; Kamala votes way to the left of Bernie and certainly isn’t your father’s democrat and chance that Joe’s cognitive functions last 4-years is slim to nil.
Don’t cry for me America.

Reflecting back to Trump’s Inauguration
and to think -- he hadn't done anything yet!
Oh Right -- he beat Hillary!

Obama’s “Red Guards” Achieved His Goals At The Trump Inauguration

The protesters were armed with crowbars and threw objects at people and businesses, destroying storefronts and damaging vehicles.
Six police officers were hurt -- three of them hit in the head with flying objects
Most of the approximately 230 protesters arrested on Inauguration Day will be charged with felony rioting, federal prosecutors said.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office said the offense is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. The office said most of those arrested will be released without having to post bail and must return to court in February.
(Really? How did that all work out?)
Obama’s “Red Guards” And “Pravda Press” At The Trump Inauguration
It’s POTUS Transition Time Again
The Democrat-PravdaMedia Hypocrisy Of Violence
The Trump Coup – Mission Accomplished
DC Capitol ProTrump Mob Action: Despicable And Indefensible

Capitol Police Not Ready - Why?
DC Mayor – Do NOT send Secret Service or FBI or DHS
we’ve got this


Virginia’s Vaccination Swamp

Thank You Roanoke Times for diving into this Northam Vaccine Swamp!
Albeit that Northam and his so called team are clearly and totally inept and incompetent on this life-death management mission!
Confused by Virginia's vaccine distribution data? You're not alone
“Warning: This story about COVID-19 vaccination efforts in Virginia contains really fuzzy math that doesn’t quite add up.
But we’re going to attempt to make it clearer. You might still scratch your head at the end because the government’s data on vaccine doses is muddy, just as it was at the beginning of the pandemic with testing.”
“Dr. Danny Avula, who was tapped two weeks ago by the governor to coordinate vaccination efforts, said during a media briefing Saturday that he’s trying to get his arms around that.”
Of all the Northam “Fuzzy Stuff” associated with this boondoggle is the appointment TWO WEEKS AGO of the state vaccine coordinator!
Has Northam not known for over 6-moths that the vaccine was coming?
Apparently too busy taking old statutes down to worry about the health and welfare of today’s Virginians!
And nowhere in sight does any of our esteemed media take Notham to task for his egregious malfeasance!
For a massive amount of Covid verbiage click-on the Virginia Department of Health website ---- advise soonest IF you can ascertain when you or I might get our shots!
1-19-2020: Latest Vaccine NoNewsNews
Where are the missing 700,000 Virginia Doses?

Honk if you live in Franklin County and you have an appointment to get the vaccine!
Virginia Northam Vaccination Quandary
Northam And The Vaccination Rate CoverUp
PravdaMedia CoveringUp Democrat Covid Incompetence


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