The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, December 31, 2023


Happy New Years Eve 2024

As a positive, bright and uplifting approach to starting the New Year:
Click to Enjoy the Beautiful Music, Video And Messages by Sissel:
Auld Lang Syne
Sound ON & UP &  Full Screen
Sorry about the ads
Auld Lang Syne
The title of the Scottish tune translates to "times gone by"
and is about remembering friends from the past
and not letting them be forgotten.
Despite its strong association with New Year's Eve,
"Auld Lang Syne," written by Robert Burns in the 1700s,
was never intended to be a holiday song.

Friday, December 29, 2023


Who Can or May Run For POTUS

Who Can or May Run For POTUS  ---- Who Decides?
Colorado, Maine, other states trying to block Donald Trump from the ballot.
States trying to remove Donald Trump from the ballot. What's next? (
Officials in Colorado and Maine have declared former President Donald Trump ineligible for the presidency – but there's a long way to go before states can actually keep him off the ballot.
The U.S. Supreme Court will likely decide the question of Trump's qualifications, after weeks and maybe months of appeals that will shadow the legal system and the 2024 presidential campaign.
Meanwhile, the Colorado Supreme Court and the Maine secretary of state's office have delayed enforcement of their rulings pending the appeals process.
The word can is used together with other verbs to express ability, possibility, or permission (asking and giving).
The word may is used together with other verbs to express wishes, possibility, or permission.
Multiple Democrat states have launched a political-Jihad against Trump’s bid to run for 2nd term as POTUS claiming that they can unilaterally deny him the position on the 2024 ballot.
Their claim of ‘insurrection’ is totally unsupported by legal actions or charges or due-process.
The Democrat Party Process Since 1860: Those who print the ballots control the ballots!


166-Years and Democrats haven’t changed!


Current Russian Reality:
Putin running for reelection now
His opposition has just been sent to a Gulag in Siberia
Anyone see a similarity in-process?
"Russian President Vladimir Putin's most prominent opponent was sentenced Friday to an additional 19 years behind bars on extremism charges.
It's Navalny's fifth criminal conviction and longest prison sentence to date.
All of the charges have been widely viewed as a politically motivated strategy by the Kremlin to silence its fiercest critic."
Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny gets 19 more years in prison - ABC News (

Thursday, December 28, 2023


Obama Embraces Harvard's Gay

Here’s why Obama stepped in to save Harvard prez Claudine Gay -- NYPost
Here's why Obama stepped in to save Harvard prez Claudine Gay (

“Obama had “privately lobbied” for Harvard President Claudine Gay to keep her job amid calls for her head following the mealymouthed and morally bankrupt testimony she delivered before Congress — testimony illustrating exactly why Jew-hatred had erupted and been allowed to fester on campuses following Hamas’ barbaric Oct. 7 attack.
She showed that Harvard, like its elite peers, had become a “safe space” for one group above all others — Hamasniks and their bigoted intersectional allies — putting Jewish students under threat of not only harassment but bodily harm in the name of an absolute commitment to free speech afforded to virtually no one else on the heavily censorious campus.
It’s easy to conceive of a college-age Obama marching in solidarity with these students as a onetime campus radical himself who would graduate to the pews of rabid “anti-Zionist” and anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright; pal around with the like-minded Louis Farrakhan, Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalidi; and spend eight years as president empowering Islamic supremacists Sunni and Shia while putting the screws to Israel.”
Harvard Chose Black Over Right
Obama’s MiddleEast Posionous Seeds Have Blossomed
Obama Gives Jews Pork For Hanukkah


NY Global Warming: Lest We Forget

Perhaps Global Warming is not yet here!
Just One Year Ago on Dec 27, 2022
'Once-in-a-lifetime' blizzard kills at least 27 in western New York | Reuters
BUFFALO, N.Y., Dec 26, 2023 (Reuters) - A blizzard that paralyzed western New York over the Christmas weekend has killed more than two dozen people, local officials said on Monday, as crews struggled to dig out the snow-bound region around Buffalo from its fiercest winter storm in decades.
With snow continuing to fall on top of more than 4 feet (1.2 meters) dumped on Buffalo since the blizzard took shape on Friday, New York's second-largest city stood as ground zero for a storm the governor called an "epic, once-in-a-lifetime" weather disaster.
6-Feet of Global Warming in NY Dec 2022
Snowless Winters And Major Blizzards And AGW Snow-Jobs


US PravdaMedia Establishment

STUDY from Syracuse: Just 3.4 Percent of American Journalists Are Republicans (
The study is based “on an online survey with 1,600 U.S. journalists conducted in early 2022” and is the latest in a series of studies stretching back to 1971 that take the temperature of the fourth estate’s partisan lean, job satisfaction, and professional attitudes.
This blog regularly refers to the US LeftWing Media as ‘The US PravdaMedia’.
The push-back from media members and pundits to this label has subsided as the realization set-in that just 3.4 Percent of American Journalists Are Republicans.
Why isn’t there a major equity, equality and fairness movement underway to force the media to achieve fair-representation by hiring more right-thinking journalists?
If not hiring them, how about equal space and time in the public view?
Perhaps one reason for this totally biased so called profession is the left-wing bias of our educators – you think?
LeftWingers Have Won Our Youth
NonInstructive Teacher’s Unions
Teaching The Teachers The Communist Manifesto At Radford

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


DEI = Dumb Equity Initiative

The invention of the DEI (Diverse Equity Inclusion) movement was a totally divisive (not diverse) effort to replace the core component of Americanism, treat everyone equally and fairly!
Stop trying to subdivide us into conflicting groups highlighting perceived differences instead of commonality and attainable common goals.
WSJ: The DEI Rollback of 2023
States start to limit programs that sow racial and political division.
The DEI Rollback of 2023 - WSJ
The diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) bureaucracy on campus has proliferated in recent years, but there are signs it’s finally meeting resistance. The latest good news is from Wisconsin, where public universities will pare back some DEI programs and freeze them going forward.
Forbes: Elon Musk Says DEI ‘Must Die’ And Criticizes Diversity Schemes As ‘Discrimination’
Elon Musk Says DEI ‘Must Die’ And Criticizes Diversity Schemes As ‘Discrimination’ (
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are a form of discrimination and must end, billionaire Elon Musk said Friday,
CNBC: Tech companies like Google and Meta made cuts to DEI programs in 2023 after big promises in prior years
Google, Meta, other tech giants cut DEI programs in 2023 (
After vocal commitments following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, DEI programs in the tech industry are in broad retreat.
Some companies have laid off DEI staffers and leaders of diverse employee resource groups, downsized learning and development programs, and cut budgets for external DEI groups by as much as 90% in 2023, sources told CNBC.

Disclosure; I was a visiting professor of Electrical Engineering at BTW’s Tuskegee in 1985.
Anarchy At Stanford Law School
UNC Where Woke Goes To Die
University of North Carolina moves to ban ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ statements in anti-woke backlash
UNC voted to ban DEI statements and compelled speech from admission, hiring, promotion and tenure


Will We Survive The 2024 Climate?

The media is flooding the “one-sided news” with depressing messages of imminent doom telling us that climate Armageddon is upon us because of fossil fuels and US life-styles; quoting “dubious records that only go back to 1900”, a flash in the timeline of ‘history and climate’!
We haven’t seen this much ‘one-sided science’ since the clergy forced Galileo to forsake his ‘the earth revolves around the sun position’ and save his skin by embracing the theological ‘earth is the center of the universe’.
Apparently, science is still being suppressed by political dogma and threats!
Perhaps we-all should reflect upon the question:
Do we really have a ‘Fossil-Fueled Global Climate Warming Crisis’ or do we 'primarily' have major weather variations aggravated by being in yet another InterGlacier Period that started circa 1750?
The reality of NATURAL Global Warming does Not preclude the hypothesis that oil and gas will be tapped-out and consumed and we will need to transition to other mixes of highly-dependable energy that may be supplemented by variable and unreliable wind and solar.
Climate Scientists’ Credibility Hurt
As climate experts warn of looming catastrophe, faulty past forecasts hurt their message.
INFOGRAPHIC: Climate Scientists’ Credibility Hurt | The Epoch Times
Environmental experts have been predicting doom for many decades. Most, though not all, of the prognostications involve climatic cataclysm that appears to be just around the corner, only to fizzle out as the deadline approaches.
Yet another gem of Reality Not on the nightly news:
Drill Baby -- Drill
The United States is producing more oil than any country in history (
Dec 26, 2023: Treacherous travel underway as blizzard conditions and ice blast parts of central US
Treacherous travel underway as blizzard conditions and ice blast parts of central US (
Are Hurricanes Really Getting Worse or Is That Really Just Climate Alarmists’ Hot Air?
Are Hurricanes Really Getting Worse or Is That Really Just Hot Air? (
EPA: Few Stations Show Increase in Hot Days - CO2 Coalition
EPA: Few Stations Show Increase in Hot Days - CO2 Coalition
Glaciers Retreating Again -- DaJa Vu

Yet Another MisDirected Global Warming Story

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Biden & Kamala Leave Christ Right Out Of Christmas

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris FAIL (on purpose) to mention Jesus Christ in their Christmas messages
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris FAIL to mention Jesus Christ in their Christmas messages—unlike President Trump, who praised him | The Post Millennial |
Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden posted Christmas greetings, but they declined to mention the reason for the season, the baby Jesus. Instead, they gave generic greetings and in Biden's case, nonsensical ones.
On the other hand, it’s hard to focus on Christ’s’ Birth while you are promoting abortion-on-demand with No restrictions!


Keep Christ In Christmas Through Good Deeds & Music!
Jill’s Bizarre White House Christmas
Yet Another Christian Insult In Time For Christmas

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Keep Christ In Christmas Through Good Deeds & Music!


HE Is THE Reason For The Season
Merry Christmas 2023
May the spirit of Christmas bring you PEACE
The gladness of Christmas give you HOPE
The warmth of Christmas grant you LOVE.
PEACE makes all things possible,
HOPE makes all things work
LOVE makes all things beautiful.
Keep Christ In Christmas Through Music!
Sound On & Up & Full Screen
Sorry about the unpleasant ads
Sissel Kyrkjebø - Silent Night - beautiful Norwegian voice
Sissel Kyrkjebø – Oh Holy Night -- O Helga Natt
“Little Bolero Drummer Boy” by the ORU Orchestra & Guests
Silent Night in German (Stille Nacht) -Dresden choir. (Dresdner Kreuzchor)
The original lyrics of the song "Stille Nacht" were written in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria by the priest Father Joseph Mohr. The melody was composed by the Austrian headmaster Franz Xavier Gruber. It was first published and performed in 1818


Saturday, December 23, 2023


Harvard Gets Coal In Their Stockings

Academic whom Claudine Gay plagiarized calls for Harvard leader's firing: Need to get 'back towards sanity'
Dr. Carol Swain said that the university should hire someone who can guide Harvard 'back towards sanity'
College | Fox News
        (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)

Harvard president facing 40 new allegations of plagiarism

A retired Vanderbilt University professor and allegedly one of Harvard President Claudine Gay's plagiarism victims has called for the immediate firing of the embattled higher education leader to "steer the university back towards sanity."
Harvard admits more instances of ‘duplicative language’ found in President Gay’s work amid plagiarism claims (
        (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Harvard Still In SpotLight

Friday, December 22, 2023


US Senate Democrats: Don We Now Our Gay Apparel

Aidan Maese-Czeropski, 24, purportedly filmed himself having gay sex in the hearing room in the Hart Senate Office Building. The video was posted online Friday.
Sen. Ben Cardin says he's 'angry, disappointed' over lewd video of former staffer - Washington Times
“D,Md,Sen. Ben Cardin, was angry, disappointed. It’s a breach of trust. All of the above. It’s a tragic situation, and it’s presented a lot of anger and frustration. I’m concerned about our staff and the way that they feel about this and the Senate staff,” the Maryland Democrat told reporters Monday.
Tis The Season To Be Jolly, Deck The Halls With Boughs Of Holly
Perhaps Not the Holly – it has real rough stickers
Not clear where or how to hang the mistletoe?
Something about ‘gay sex’ in the same DC Capitol office and upon the same furniture that we confirm SCOTUS justices upon! Really?
Perhaps a reflection of the confirmation Democrat-dialogue of: Kavanaugh & Bork & Thomas.
‘Gay Sex’: isn’t sex supposed to be gay?
Apparently something about: time, place, participants and acts?
Apparently we can talk and write and promote ‘gay sex’ however videos Not So Much Yet!
Given that the Democrats want this explicit activity to be readily visible and available in our public elementary school libraries, why the feigned repugnance:
McBeth: me thinks you Democrats protest to much!

You Can’t Say-See That!
Senator Reads Aloud From Pornographic Book in Hearing: 'Disturbing' (
The Democrat Senators railed and bloviated how crude and crass that reading was, however, didn’t seem to be disturbed that elementary school children are reading, and looking at the graphics, in this tax-paid material in our school libraries!


Biden & The ‘Hooties’

The news is stranger than fiction (perhaps because most of it is fiction)!
Trump had designated the Yemen ‘Houthis’ as Terrorists.
Biden removed the Houthis designation as Terrorists.
The Houthis are now attacking international shipping in the Red Sea.
Ships are now being diverted around the horn of Africa
Biden is Not responding to the Houthis attacks.
Trump Administration Moves To Brand Houthis In Yemen A Terrorist Group
Trump Administration Moves To Brand Houthis In Yemen A Terrorist Group : NPR
The Biden administration on Tuesday (Feb 2021) officially lifted the designation of the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen as a global terrorist organization.
In foreign policy shift, Biden lifts terrorist designation for Houthis in Yemen | PBS NewsHour
‘Apparently’ Biden embraced the Houthi Rebels thinking Trump had demeaned them because he didn’t like their music!
Hootie & the Blowfish

Hootie & the Blowfish - Wikipedia
3 commercial ships hit by missiles in Houthi attack in Red Sea, US warship downs 3 drones
3 commercial ships hit by missiles in Houthi attack in Red Sea | AP News
More than 100 container ships rerouted from Suez canal to avoid Houthi attacks
Cape of Good Hope diversion adds 6,000 nautical miles and three or four weeks to delivery times and has driven up oil prices

Yemen's Houthis claim missile attack on Norwegian tanker in tense Middle East
Yemen's Houthis claim missile attack on Norwegian tanker in tense Middle East | Reuters
Somebody tell Biden the Houthis are Not a musical group and that Trump was Right!


Some EV-Auto Reality

The devastating rain and windstorm swept across Maine on Monday, killing at least two men and leaving more than 400,000 residents without power. The storm forced businesses and schools to close as workers raced to restore power and clear roads.
BEP, which is required to prevent, abate and control pollution in the state, voted in late October to approve the Advanced Clear Car Program, which would mimic regulations in California mandating that more than 40% of new car purchases in the state be electric by 2027 and 82% be electric by 2032. The agency was expected to finalize that mandate during the meeting on Thursday.
The state proposal, though, has faced considerable bipartisan opposition from state lawmakers led by Republicans, but also from Rep. Jared Golden, a House Democrat. Golden noted this week that a strong storm would render electric vehicles useless, given their need for reliable electricity generation and supplies.
Maine forced to delay vote on EV mandate amid widespread power outages (
     (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Electric vehicle demand falls short of manufacturers’ expectations
FOX News' Bret Baier reports on the demand for electric vehicles and why some companies are readjusting their targets and slowing down production, on 'Special Report.'
Electric vehicle demand falls short of manufacturers’ expectations | Fox News Video
Ford Delivers Another Blow to Biden's Energy 'Transition' Pipe Dream
Ford Delivers Another Blow to Biden's Energy 'Transition' Pipe Dream (
President Joe Biden's "green" energy transition pipe dreams suffered another setback this week, courtesy of Ford Motor Company. It seems billion-dollar losses, inflated costs, high interest rates, and lagging demand have made its attempts to comply with the administration's mandates untenable, and they're taking action that's sure to disappoint the likes of Biden, his Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, and his Climate Czar John Kerry.
U.S. new vehicles set a record high for fuel economy in 2022, with the biggest yearly improvement in nine years to an average of 26 miles per gallon (mpg) as electric vehicle sales jumped but the Detroit Three automakers continued to lag rivals.
Vehicles were up 0.6 mpg over 2021 after being unchanged versus 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency said, noting electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles improved the average fuel economy by 1.2 mpg in 2022. Fuel economy is forecast to increase to 26.9 mpg in 2023, the EPA said.
US vehicles set fuel economy record in 2022 as EV sales climb | Reuters
Yet More Gas Mileage Jive 44% Wrong
More Democrat-EPA MPG HeiferDust
Obama’s CAFE Standards Another Total Lie


Tuesday, December 19, 2023


LeftWingers Have Won Our Youth

The US LeftWingers in our schools and PravdaMedia Have Won Our Youth! Reminiscent of ‘Goebbels’ Youth’ in 1939!
Youngest U.S. voters see Jews, Whites as 'oppressors,' want Israel to be 'ended' - Washington Times
Mounted pro-Palestinian demonstrators lead the march down San Jacinto Boulevard and through downtown Austin, Texas, following the “All Out For Palestine” rally held at the Texas Capitol in Austin on Nov. 12, 2023.
An eye-popping 51% of registered voters ages 18-24 believe that the solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict is for Israel to “be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians,” as shown in the results of the monthly Harvard-Harris poll for December.
Marx’s May Day In US
WSJ: Education Schools Mediocre And Woke
Harvard Still In SpotLight



Sunday, December 17, 2023


Diversity Of Income Leads To Jail

Ex-Facebook diversity leader pleads guilty to stealing more than $4 million from company (
A former global diversity strategist at Facebook pleaded guilty to wire fraud after stealing more than $4 million from the social media giant “to fund a lavish lifestyle” in California and Georgia, federal prosecutors said.
Barbara Furlow-Smiles, who led various Facebook Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs from 2017 through mid-2021, stole the money “through an elaborate scheme involving fraudulent vendors, fictitious charges, and cash kickbacks,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Atlanta said in a statement.
Has there been any 'real quality of life improvements' from any of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programs?
BTW's views circa 1890
Booker T. Washington - Wikipedia

Saturday, December 16, 2023


Jill’s Bizarre White House Christmas

First Lady Jill Biden Slammed for 'Bizarre' and 'Freaky' White House Christmas Video
Critics roast Jill Biden’s bizarre ‘Hunger Games aesthetic’ White House Christmas video (
Jill: it’s an interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite --- Really?
Looks more like an interpretation of 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest'!

What a Christmas choice for the 'entertainers'!
Dance company featured in Jill Biden’s Christmas video promotes ‘prison abolition,’ ‘defund the police’ groups (
         (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
NOTE; Not a discouraging word from the PravdaMedia
What a contrast to their vicious attacks upon Melania Trump’s Christmas:
Liberal-Atheists Mock White House Christmas


Harvard Still In SpotLight

Republicans push to 'defund' Harvard, other colleges that 'promote antisemitism'
GOP lawmakers call to 'make Harvard and other colleges face real financial consequences' if they 'have fostered antisemitism on campus'
Republicans push to ‘defund’ Harvard, other colleges that ‘promote antisemitism’ (
         (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)


Harvard Chose Black Over Right
Harvard President Claudine Gay Faces Additional Plagiarism Allegations
Harvard President Claudine Gay Faces Additional Plagiarism Allegations | News | The Harvard Crimson (


Yet Another MisDirected Global Warming Story

A look back at the worst winter storms since 1980
Roanoke Times, Cassidy Grom Dec 13, 2023 Updated Dec 14, 2023
20 of the most destructive winter storms since 1980 (
Yet another draconian weather story to help substantiate the anti-fossil fuel jihad!
But when one looks closer at the data a very different story appears.
CO2 is Not driving these storms and the massive increases in costs and losses are consistent with the increased population densities in the areas consistently impacted and the major increases in the cost of construction over the past 20-years.
A proper sequel to this story-line would be the storm damage to solar and wind systems by these type storms and the impacts to the extended power-outages that result including loss of life and property.
For these so-called-renewable-systems it’s the ‘power generation’ damages and outages in-addition-to the transmission systems!

It’s difficult to comprehend why the reality of the coming mandated-changes are NOT being shared with the public and power consumers.
Whatever happened to ‘truth in advertising’?
Apparently, it doesn’t apply to the government or their PravdaMedia!
A closer look at the presented data:
Click on graphic to enlarge

Clearly NOT covered at COP28 is the EPAs Own Data Shows Only 19% of All Climate Stations Reported Warming Since 1948
GREGORY WRIGHTSTONE FROM CO2 COALITION As reported by EPA, only 19% of all weather stations report an increase in the number of hot days since 1948!
EPAs Own Data Shows Only 19% of All Climate Stations Reported Warming Since 1948 – HotAir
Below is an important chart that somehow slipped by EPA’s “consensus” censorship squad. It is a map of all 1,066 weather stations across the United States.
A total of 863 stations, or 81%, reported either a decrease or no change in the number of hot days!
EPA: Few Stations Show Increase in Hot Days - CO2 Coalition
Cold As A Haloween Witch
Where’s Gore, Kerry and Greta?
Enjoying Mother Nature’s Record Chilly Halloween?
They are the personification of Trick or Treat!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


NonInstructive Teacher’s Unions

New poll reveals what voters really think of America's most powerful teachers union
Voters continue to realize teachers unions don't have the best interest of kids in mind
New poll reveals what voters really think of America’s most powerful teachers union (
     (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Chicago Teacher Union, CTU successfully dragged one of their own handpicked employees – Brandon Johnson – across the finish line to become mayor in April. As its largest backer, CTU funneled more than $2.6 million to the Johnson campaign, and Johnson received more than $6 million from teachers unions altogether. This poll found that Mr. Johnson’s approval rating is now just 28 percent, which is unprecedented for an incoming mayor. The unions, as in most states, have nearly unlimited resources to force their favorites into power,
What does an apple symbolize for a teacher?
While other produce was sometimes used as payment, teachers preferred the apple. Some say it's because of its symbolism as the fruit of knowledge.


Teacher Union Chiefs In-Charge-Of Public Schools
Randi The School Children Academic-Abuser
Union Teachers Paid For No Performance


Harvard Chose Black Over Right

The Harvard Board had the choice to do the correct thing and remove President Gay over her Congressional testimony refusal to disown and rebuke the Hamas genocidal attack upon the Israeli people on Oct 7th  and those who support that attack!
Over 70 US lawmakers demand removal of Ivy League presidents - The Jerusalem Post (
The Board’s unanimous support of President Gay is a level of public endorsement of anti-Semitism not seen in the US since the 1930’s and certainly not from a supposedly distinguished university.
This decision will clearly have negative and adverse consequences for the Jewish students on campus.
Hopefully the Harvard alumni and donors will reflect their dissatisfaction with this situation going forward!
Harvard’s board: We unanimously stand in support of President Gay | CNN Business
Embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay has gained the unanimous support of the university’s board, Harvard’s highest governing body said in a statement Tuesday, giving Gay significant cover to remain in her position after a tumultuous week in which many donors and politicians have called for her ouster.
Poison-Ivy Anti-Semitic Academics
Add Cornell To AntiJewish Jihad
The Pathetic PravdaMedia ‘Hamas Hostage Coverage’
Obama’s Hamas The Grapes Of Wrath

Monday, December 11, 2023


The Hamas-Gaza Conundrum

UN agency chief says Israel trying to force Gazans into Egypt
Washington (AFP) – The head of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees has accused Israel of laying the groundwork for the mass expulsion of Gazans into Egypt, an accusation Israel said was "simply not true".
UN agency chief says Israel trying to force Gazans into Egypt (
The Hamas-Gaza Conundrum is:
What to do with the 2-million Gazans while the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) destroys Hamas throughout the total Gaza strip?
The southern tip of Gaza borders major undeveloped Egyptian-Muslim lands. That’s where the truck-loads of relief supplies are entering Gaza.
Perhaps this is an appropriate and safe location for a major temporary-city for the Gazans during the IDF Hamas-cleanup operations and then while Gaza cities are made inhabitable again?
Perhaps this temporary-city could be set-up and managed by the UN who is always on the prowl for a hand-out mission they can milk for their membership.
Why isn’t Blinken-Biden pushing this solution to what they have declared is a ‘humanitarian disaster’.
In the meantime the fighting, killing and devastation would stop IF the initiators and implementers of this war, Hamas, would just:
1) Release the hostages unharmed.
2) Surrender and disarm.

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Poison-Ivy Anti-Semitic Academics

Dr. Phil demands the resignation of Ivy League Presidents for allowing Jewish hate on their campuses
(466) Dr. Phil demands the resignation of Ivy League Presidents for allowing Jewish hate on their campuses - YouTube
Over 70 US lawmakers demand removal of Ivy League presidents - The Jerusalem Post (
In the letter, Republican Representative Elise Stefanik and Democratic Representative Jared Moskowitz demanded that the board of governors at Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology oust their presidents or risk committing "an act of complicity in their antisemitic posture."
WSJ: Penn President and Board Chair Resign After Furor Over Comments on Campus Antisemitism
The leaders of the Ivy League school are the highest-profile casualties of debates roiling colleges in wake of Israel-Hamas war
Penn President Liz Magill, Board Chair Resign After Furor Over Comments on Campus Antisemitism - WSJ
Jewish Trains, Planes & Automobiles To DC
Damn The Hamas Supporters Cabal


WHY The Open Borders?

Senate Democrats dig in against plans to stop the flow of illegal immigrants
Senate Democrats dig in against plans to stop the flow of illegal immigrants - Washington Times
Why are Democrats, and some Republicans, allowing 12-million illegal immigrants into the US with no management of who they are, where they are going or what they are doing or why they are here?
This massive invasion of the US resulting from opening-up our borders must have a reason to off-set the massive adverse consequences and risks?
Why haven’t those who are driving and directing this invasion explained to the American people why they are doing this?
Is it because our birth-rate is low and we need people?
Is it because we need more workers?
Is it because we think we know who they will vote for?
There has to be a reason and the American people deserve the answer because they are assuming the risk and paying for all this now and going forward!
AOC Clueless About Ellis Island
Beware The 10,000 Invaders
Biden’s Immigration Insanity Continues
Good Immigration: Good New Citizens And Others
When Is A Caravan Of Immigrants An Invasion?


Aging Pathetic Posse After Biden Gang

Hunter Biden faces new criminal charges from special counsel investigating him on taxes
Hunter Biden indicted in California - Washington Times
Hunter Biden was indicted Thursday on nine counts of failing to pay taxes and filing false tax returns as part of an ongoing investigation by special counsel David Weiss.
The president’s son, 53, failed to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes, according to a criminal indictment filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, and knowingly concealed income on his tax returns.
Pathetic ‘prosecutor’ Weiss has let most of the serious criminal conduct charges lapse over the past 5-years of doing nothing.
Now ‘Brave David’ has entered the Lions Den with charges of misuse of money by a drunk and disorderly ‘bag-boy’ for ‘The Big Guy’.
Somewhat reminiscent of the ‘justice system’ handling of Drunk-Teddy driving off the Chappaquiddick Bridge!
Hunters Ongoing MisCarriage Of Justice
Hunter Biden ‘Whistle Blowing’ Felonies
DOJ Putting Hunter Into 'Soft' Bed

Thursday, December 07, 2023


Dec 7th 1941 A Day That Lives In Infamy


Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Pearl Harbor Address

USS Arizona Memorial
Pearl Harbor National Memorial (U.S. National Park Service) (
"Hymn to the Fallen" by John Williams
God Bless America (Sung publicly for the first time)
"Some Gave All"
9-11-2001 A Day That Also Lives In Infamy
I have three close friends who each lost a son in the towers.
One son was a fireman.
The second son was in the towers for a job interview.
The third son, a NYS Trooper with HASMAT expertise, recently
 died from cancer contracted from assignment to the site. 
These fathers will explain to those who now are peddling Muslim sensitivity that these 3,000 Americans weren't lost – they were MURDERED!
It wasn’t a disaster – it was an ENEMY ATTACK!
From the time of the Saracen’s to today’s Radical Muslim Terrorists,
things haven’t changed very much except now we have American Politicians hawking their cause.
Israel’s ‘9-11 War’

Wednesday, December 06, 2023


Kerry’s Methane-Blast Brightens Up COP28

COP28 in Dubai is the global warming conference attended by thousands of Gorites flying in with hundreds of jets burning millions of gallons of nasty fossil fuel.
Ketchup-Boy Kerry Blew the desert-sand off the stage at the conference during his ‘stop burning fossil fuels’ speech to the multitudes assembled in the world’s biggest oil pit.
And to think, Methane-Kerry wants’ to kill-off all our cows because of their methane.
“Kerry said the U.S. is committed to kicking the coal habit, as previously reported. He became so fired up about it he lit up a panel in Dubai on Sunday with his own methane. (See the NY Post video below and see, er hear, it for yourself.)
It appears Becky Anderson, managing editor of CNN Abu Dhabi, caught wind of the ill-timed flatulence. She kept her cool, though. It’s no secret Kerry’s politics keep CNN’s last remaining viewers satisfied, so she bit her tongue and held her nose.”
John Kerry lights up global warming panel ... with gas [+video] (
Clearly NOT covered at COP28 is the EPAs Own Data Shows Only 19% of All Climate Stations Reported Warming Since 1948
GREGORY WRIGHTSTONE FROM CO2 COALITION As reported by EPA, only 19% of all weather stations report an increase in the number of hot days since 1948!
EPAs Own Data Shows Only 19% of All Climate Stations Reported Warming Since 1948 – HotAir
Below is an important chart that somehow slipped by EPA’s “consensus” censorship squad. It is a map of all 1,066 weather stations across the United States.
A total of 863 stations, or 81%, reported either a decrease or no change in the number of hot days!
EPA: Few Stations Show Increase in Hot Days - CO2 Coalition

Sunday, December 03, 2023


Smiles & Frowns

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