The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Monday, August 31, 2009
Yet Another Big Free Roanoke Times Democrat Ad
Roanoke Times, 9/1/09, Pg 15, free political ad:
Think local, vote for Democrats
Half-inch high title and nine by eight inch article with heartwarming accolades about Creigh Deeds including a most flattering picture and lots of negatives for those really bad GOP guys.
What does a political ad like this cost? And does this donation by the Roanoke Time to the Deeds for Governor Committee have to be claimed as a campaign contribution and if not, why not?
We can hardly wait for the Editorial Staff of the RT to tell us that they’re not endorsing anyone for Governor because they want to be fair and balanced!
Prior Items:
Friday, August 28, 2009
Democrat Tort Reform NOT
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Obama Mourns Teddy
Obama, vacationing at Martha's Vineyard off the Massachusetts coast, said Wednesday that the nation lost a "singular figure in American history" with the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy, but that his "extraordinary" accomplishments will live on.
One of their (Obama, Kennedy, Pelosi-Reid) extraordinary accomplishments is highlighted on page 1 of the 8/26/09 Roanoke Times:
The deficit is now targeted to be larger than the SUM OF ALL PREVIOUS DEFICITS SINCE 1776. This is the imposition of tax-slavery for our children and grandchildren.
What an accomplishment! This truly qualifies as “socialist mission accomplished”.
Some might say that the legacy of Kennedy is: lying and cheating his way through Harvard, felony manslaughter at Chappaquiddick, binge drinking and womanizing his entire life, and pursuing an insatiable desire to convert America into a socialist state.
Since the Obama’s are already at Martha’s Vineyard, it would be fitting and proper for this solemn occasion to drive over to Chappaquiddick and place a wreath on the bridge in memory of Mary Jo Kopechne who paid an awful price to be a “Kennedy boiler room girl”.
When the final words are written about Teddy it may be that you can’t get someone into heaven by writing a good obituary or by delivering a moving eulogy.
A realistic view of current events can easily be summed up by:
Taxes and debt are like anchors nailing our people and our ship of state to the bottom where socialism and stagnation hold us securely to mediocrity.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Roanoke Times Peddling Social Insecurity Claptrap
Roanoke Times, 8/24/09, Pg 1 & 14: Headlines: Social Security benefits won’t rise;
“Recipients could end up with smaller check next year if Medicare drug premiums increase.
Ah yes! Those dreaded huge drug premium increases!
But diligent readers found that buried on the back page, page 14, in very fine print the projected increase is $2 per month!
Who writes these gross and misleading headlines of mis&disinformation? Do the editors of the Roanoke Times not know that Obama has czars scouring the country trying to put down purveyors of such misdirection about health care? In compliance with government direction, I have forwarded the RT web site to the white house “fishey data base” for action by Osama’s thought-police.
The Medicare drug program is called Part-D, it is a very successful and helpful program, and was a George Bush initiative that he made happen in spite of Democrat and liberal press naysayers and obstructionists.It fits that the editors of the Roanoke Times would disparage this program based on the public reaction to the Pelosi, Reid, Obamacare mess.
The simple solution to fixing this senior budgeting problem is to stop getting the Roanoke Times! At $0.75 per day and $1.75 for Sunday, folks could save $26.50 per month which almost covers the entire monthly Part-D premium of $28.Why wasn't this solution included in the article?
Prior Items:
Friday, August 21, 2009
Turn Them Loose Justice for Terrorists
There is a major uproar over Scotland releasing the Libyan responsible for the Pan Am 103 bombing that killed 270 people. The Scottish government is touting their “compassion” for a dying man as their motivation.
Perhaps calls for a boycott of Scottish travel and goods should be tempered by the actions of Obama and the liberal American judges who have “quietly” turned loose 28 of the GITMO prisoners.
U.S. District Judge Ellen S. Huvelle recently admonished the government that Mohammed Jawad was very young! Apparently the judge didn’t mention in her decision that the US soldier and the two Iraqi interpreters that were killed by Jawad’s hand-grenade were also “young” and were forever denied life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The Scotland action and Judge Huvelle’s actions form a very convenient cover for Obama’s position to shutdown GITMO and send everyone home. After all, the war on terror is over (it was just a Bush thing anyway!) and we have been so nasty to all those folks who were killing our people.
It’s interesting that the terrorists don’t have any problems with prisoners they take. For example their handling of newsman Daniel Pearl certainly was swift and free of complicated legal maneuvers. Daniel was also “young”.
Prior Items:
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Perriello Defends Pelosi, Read, Obamacare
Comments in response to 8/12/09 SML Eagle Commentary by Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello: The Health care proposal addresses senior’s concerns
As a senior I wish to state that “The Proposals” whatever they are at this point in time, apparently there’s at least four of them, do not satisfy my senior concerns.
First: There is the $500 BILLION (that’s half a trillion dollars) of proposed and undefined Medicare cuts in services at a time when the baby-boom generation will become eligible.
Second: There is the Presidents direct statement at a recorded public meeting to a lady that her mother should have a pain pill instead of a heart defibrillator because senior care is taking up to much of the Medicare budget. (
Third: There have been ongoing public statements by the President and his leaders in Congress that the healthcare reform process is to ultimately result in a single-payer system that means a total federal government take-over of the system.
Forth: There is still no plan for a cap on medical liability that is resulting in massive insurance premiums that are passed-on to patients, excessive liability-preventive tests and procedures and the exodus of doctors especially those in Ob-Gyn, trauma care and neurology.
Fifth: There is no meaningful effort to include minority party input into the proposals that are in process as articulated by Congressman and surgeon Tom Price. (
Sixth: The Democrat Congresses’ own budget office has estimated the current proposals will increase the federal budget by one trillion dollars! Where’s that money coming from? And that’s on top of the current two trillion dollar debt they just spent! Apparently this includes major funding for programs for 15 million illegal aliens that shouldn’t be here.
Seventh: Where is the plan? Obama has not submitted a healthcare plan! Pelosi and Reid are conducting secret meetings trying to mimic a Canadian-look-alike thing. If Canadian health care is so good and ours is so bad why isn’t Teddy Kennedy up there right now?
Eight: The President and Congress’ labeling of public reaction to these proposals as “un-American mob-action” is shameful and disgusting. Especially when coming from a “Chicago Community Organizer”. Obama lied to the country and his staged town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday that “the AARP has endorsed whatever the current proposal is”. These are not the acts of a public servant who is acting in good faith and in the public interest!
Ninth: We do not need new laws to enable doctors and patients to have detailed discussions about end of life issues and plans and we certainly do not need or want to have a government bureaucrat in the middle of that conversation on a conference call!
Finally: There are real valid and positive changes that need to be made to our healthcare system. The current processes and leadership are clearly not focused on achieving their objectives within our system of free enterprise, competition and personal freedom of choice.
Taxes and debt are like anchors nailing our people and our ship of state to the bottom where socialism and stagnation hold us securely to mediocrity.
Prior Items:
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Editors of Roanoke Times Hostile At ObamaCare concerns.
Roanoke Times, 8/10/09, Pg 12: Editorial: Misinformation and angry mobs shouting down rational discussion prevent a reasonable national discourse on an urgent and vial issue.
The Roanoke Times editors had no such hostile and negative words for the Cindy Sheehan's of the past eight years. Instead they were in the grandstands for every such group that showed up for anti-Bush “angry mob” activities. No problem with being anti-American then!
So what are some of the “rational discussion” items folks are focused upon?
$500 BILLION (one-half $TRILLION in Medicare Cuts to fund benefits for 12 million illegal immigrants.
Federal agencies (bureaucrats, yes, like the folks at the DMV) who are to decide if procedures for us are “worth the cost”.
A president who states at a Public health-care meeting that a senior citizen should just take a pain pill instead of getting a heart pace-maker.
A president and his leaders of The Congress who have publicly Stated that their goal is one socialized Government-run healthcare system.
A president and his leaders who publicly state that those who object to these massive and destructive changes are un-American mobs.
A president and his leaders who are recklessly driving to immediately gin-up and pass massive bad laws that affect every person without due process, review or public participation.
A president and his leaders who refuse to pass laws to reasonably limit liability claims, medical insurance costs and associated reduction of massive defensive medial tests and procedures.
A president and his leaders who refuse to accept minority-party participation in the most important legislation in the past 100 years.
One might wonder why the editors of the Roanoke Times have such a biased, slanted, and socialist-ideologue position on this most important subject.
Perhaps that’s typical of the editors of Pravda-type media outlets!
There are lots of valid healthcare changes that should be made. The Obama-Pelosi-Reid proposals, processes and behaviors are NOT THE WAY to do them and in fact are UNAMERICAN!
Prior Items:
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Obama’s Street Army in Action
Current events have now demonstrated that Obama’s Chicago history, friends and tactics have come out of the closet and onto main street in a very disturbing manner.
Where are the major media and their righteous indignation? Where is the Washington Post, The Roanoke Times and CNN? One can only imagine the uproar if the Bush administration were involved in these offensive and illegal activities.
1. “The white house” is soliciting information about persons or organizations who are opposing Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care laws. Talk about your domestic intelligence gathering actions!
2. “The white house” is describing persons who are opposing, at public meetings, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care laws as “mob people”. This from a president who brags about his Chicago activities as a “community organizer”.
3. “The white house” is directly initiating having union thugs to “police” town hall meetings to ensure opponents of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care laws are suppressed.
Apparently they’re getting warmed up for the Card Check party!
4. “The “white house” has directly intervened to squash the prosecution of Phila black panther members with weapons who participated in voter intimidation directly in front of a voting place door:
View the video to see how you would react to entering that voting place:
5. Union Thugs Beat Up Black Man, Kenneth Gladney, at Anti-Obamacare Meeting in St. Louis: (apparently this was not a hate crime!)
View the video to see how Obama union thugs handle nonbelievers:
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Prior Items:
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
UAW For Clunkers Program
$4500 dollars of taxpayer’s money is offered if you trade in your functional vehicle, registered and inspected by the state, for a new vehicle.
Your trade-in vehicle must be totally scrapped! Cannot be resold to someone needing a good modest functional car and cannot be used for repair parts. And who came up with this “clunker” name. Talk about your 1984-doublespeak!
Why would otherwise intelligent legislators vote for something this dull? The destruction of good running vehicles with $4500 of taxpayer money for a vehicle that gets an additional 4 MPG!
The answer is payback! The government now owns GM and therefore the UAW is now the biggest government union and they must be repaid for their support for the Democrat candidates in the last election! Apparently the $50 BILLION of taxpayer money already sunk into GM-UAW wasn’t enough already!
Don’t you just love all this hope and change we can believe in!
Tom Perriello Changes His Pedigree
A Realistic and Sober View of Obama, Pelosi, Reid Health Care
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Franking The Banks And The Taxpayers
Roanoke Times, 8/2/09, Pg 11: Foreclosures: Lawmaker tells banks to help homeowners.
Democrat Rep. Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Comm. said that rising foreclosure rates will increase Congress’ appetite for legislation that would let bankruptcy judges write down a person’s monthly mortgage payment.
Congress was the primary cause and instigator and enabler of the banking collapse and Barney Frank was at the epicenter of that disaster driving congressional demands and laws forcing Fannie-May and Freddy-Mac to loan billions of dollars in mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them.
These “toxic assets” are still “on the books” with no resolution in sight and now Barney is determined to magnify the destruction of the banks by mandating that people should just “pay what they can” on these properties they couldn’t afford to buy in the first place!
Karl Heinrich Marx couldn’t have said it better!-
To alleviate any doubt about the veracity of this situation, visit the timeline and highlights of congressional hearings going back to 2001: click-on:
For a view of JFK’s view of the fruits of Karl Marx’s socialist philosophy as expressed at the Berlin Wall: click-on:
And this would be a good time to reflect on JFK’s inaugural address Jan 1961:
“And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you
ask what you can do for your country.”
We don’t have JFK, we now have Obama, what a sad substitution for America!-
Prior Items:
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Obama’s Senior Health Care – “Just Take a Pain Pill”!
Roanoke Times, 8/11/09, Pg 1 & 4: Misinformation (about the Obama, Pelosi, Reid Health Care proposals) fuels fears among seniors.
First it was God Damn America, now its God Damn those old sickies, without them we could easily give free health care to 12 million illegal aliens who are sure to vote Democrat!
Obama tells the elderly they are a big waste of medical care and they should just take a pain pill and die.
He really didn’t say anything like that, did he?
Watch and listen to the video and decide for yourself what he said and what he meant and you determine who is practicing “misinformation”.
Maybe instead of having the surgery or the pain pill Obama, Pelosi & Reid should cap medical liability judgments to a reasonable level so that health care entities do not have to practice defensive medicine with the associated huge liability insurance costs and unnecessary procedures.
How is the medical team of Obama, Pelosi & Reid limiting Democrat Teddy Kennedy‘s health care options – and why is Democrat Chris Dodd having a prostate operation at his age? Why not just have him take a pain pill! After all, he’s just an old senior citizen isn’t he?
Prior Items:
Palliative Care - The New Euthanasia
Obama and Mark Warner – fix the senior citizen health care situation
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