The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Friday, September 25, 2009
Obama in the Classroom
There has been considerable discussion about Obama’s address to children in public school classrooms. The project started off badly when it was revealed that the White House had sent lesson plans to DOE to be distributed to all schools as part of Obama’s address.
Included in the lesson plans were activities to write papers on “How I can help Obama succeed”. This revelation caused many folks to conclude the talk was more “Obama Narcissism” and even political indoctrination of very young children.
After much early negative public reaction and White House defensive rhetoric and reaction, Obama delivered what appeared to be a very acceptable talk.
However we now see that the “Obama in the Classroom” concerns had significant validity.-
A YouTube Video shows little kids allegedly at B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, N.J., appearing to be taught a song that praises President Obama personally and included lyrics borrowed from 'Jesus Loves the Little Children.'
The administrators at the school deny this activity took place and indicate
They will take action against whoever took and distributed the video.
It’s not clear if this activity was one of the lesson plans the White House
Sent to DOE in preparation for Obama’s talk to American school children.
Regardless of your political preferences and or ethnic background, it is clearly inappropriate for public school children to be the subject of personalized political indoctrination!
To view a summary of this incident turn sound ON and click-on:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Stop The ObamaCare Mess And Start Fresh!
Roanoke Times, 1/23/09, Pg 5: 564 Senate Finance Committee amendments for Baucus ObamaCare Bill.
The ObamaCare Bill that was mandated to be completed by Congress and sent to Obama before the August recess now is a Baucus Senate DRAFT with 564 amendments!
Does anyone anywhere not understand that it’s not just the Republicans or the crowds at the town hall meetings or the folks that marched on Washington that have serious objections to the ObamaCare plans. And having Obama flying all over the country and appearing on every talk show telling conflicting stories and lies at every turn is not helping to develop appropriate changes to American Healthcare.
Obama’s first problem is that he has never written down and shared “his documented plan” with anybody and making it up on the run has caused him to totally loose his creditability.
Obama’s second problem is that cutting medical services from Medicare, adding hundreds of thousands of clients to Medicaid, forcing enrolment of millions of people into ObamaCare under the threat of fines and penalties penalizing those who have health insurance they earned by working a life-time and increasing the overall healthcare costs by $900 BILLION is not an acceptable plan for the American people.
In addition, the Obama Social Security financial fix, that is not yet visable, is probably going to be even bigger than fixing healthcare with total tax increases that will drive our standard of living back to a third world country level. And on top of that, Obama and associates want to CAP&TAX and retool our energy supply systems by trillions of dollars thereby destroying our ability to grow jobs in this country and compete in the world.
What part of stop and start fresh doesn’t Obama and his associates understand?
Prior Items:
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
More Obama Lies and Intimidation
Roanoke Times, 9/22/09, Pg 5: Buried in tiny print back on page 5:
Obama says fine isn’t tax; actual bill says it is!-
President Obama lied yet again when he gave ABC News' George Stephanopoulos a stern talking-to Sunday for suggesting that a mandate to buy health insurance would amount to a tax. truth is that clearly Senator Baucus includes in his Bill a proposed 35% excise tax on non-government health plans and he says so himself.
It also requires citizens to buy a health care policy even if they don’t want to do so. Clearly this is also a tax.
And one of the biggest taxes is the expansion of Medicaid that will result in huge state tax increases to cover a flood of new clients.
Why is Obama having so much difficulty telling the truth and why doesn’t the major media require him to do so?
Roanoke Times, 9/22/09, Pg 3: The Obama administration warned insurance companies Monday they face possible legal action for sending out information about the potential for lost benefits under health care legislation in Congress.-
What a gross act of malfeasance and censorship by our new open and transparent Obama!
I personally asked Congressman Pierriello at his Rocky Mount town meeting:
Where is the list of Medicare service reductions and eliminations that will result from the $900 Million reduction in the Medicare budget at the very time millions of baby-boomers are entering the system.
His answer: That will not be published until after the law is passed!
What a gross and obscene process and procedure and insult to all Americans!
Talk about un-American health care activities and behavior!
Prior Items:
Monday, September 21, 2009
Obama: Commander of Unilateral Disarmament
Roanoke Times, 9/18/09, Pg 1 & 3: Obama canceled missile shield for Eastern Europe
Apparently Obama is continuing his ignorant and naïve program of unilateral disarmament!
Perhaps the chatty Yale Professor should consult his dictionary:
Negotiation: cooperation, compromise, concession, conciliation, finding the middle ground, give and take!
Apparently none of this “negotiation” occurred. What did the Russians concede?
They're supplying Iran with a nuclear power plant and anti-aircraft missiles. They also are supplying Chavez in Venezuela with anti-aircraft missiles. These are concessions?
Our East European friends who we freed from 50 years of Russian slavery are now under threat of the Red Tide again. Osama’s total lack of response to the Russian invasion and occupation of Georgia certainly set the stage for this totally one-sided capitulation.
So much for Obama's much ballyhooed “smart diplomacy”!
Roanoke Times, 9/19/09, Pg 3: Obama revamps missile defense plans. The new missile defense plan is SM-3 missiles on Aegis destroyers.
The operational range of the missiles are 310 miles. Has Obama looked at a map of the Middle East and Europe?
How much of these land masses and borders are protected by a hand-full of ships with a 300 mile missile range? Obama --- click on Google-Maps and start drawing 300 mile radius circles.
Clearly Obama is back to insulting not only our intelligence but also that of all our allies!
While you’re at it Obama – look at a map of the United States and draw the same 300 mile radius circles from where our ships could be. Who and what is protected and how many ships will be required?
Oh excuse me! That’s right! Not to worry! Obama has declared we’re not at war anymore and the prior Muslim-extremist-terrorists are no longer a threat because Obama has apologized to them and explained the new world order to them.
Obama to Generals: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Me The Truth, I’m Not Ready
Roanoke Times, 9/19/09, Pg 6: Delays (by Obama) in deciding future troop strength are hampering operational planning, officials say.
General McChrystal, the top US commander in Afghanistan, told NOT to submit request for additional troops because “the administration isn’t ready for it”!
Our Commander-in-Chief of unilateral disarmament has instructed the military NOT to send him the requirements to execute HIS strategy for the Afghanistan War! Obama has stated that this is a war of necessity and that HIS strategy is to place troops in each village as friends of the people. Kind of like being “community organizers” in Chicago.
The troops have been told not to disturb the poppy fields because it upsets the farmers.
The troops have been told not to fire on enemy if they are located close to people in civilian clothes.
The enemy is in civilian clothes!
Another challenge with this approach is that by splitting up our troops into small village groups they are vulnerable to attack by small groups of terrorists that indeed will infiltrate the village people isolate and cutoff our troops and be immune to our artillery and bomb attack and reinforcement. This is a strategy for success? This only has a chance to work after the terrorists are defeated as a coordinated fighting force.
There are 850 cities, towns and villages in Afghanistan.,_towns_and_villages_in_AfghanistanGiven that an infantry company of 150 men each is the smallest independent operational unit deployed, a minimum of 125,000 dispersed troops would be deployed in the “hoods”. That would require at least twice that number for support, logistics and convoy protection for a total of 375,000 troops.
There are now 60,000 US troops in Afghanistan a far stretch from 375,000.,2933,552708,00.html-
And where are the coalition of NATO troops that were committed to “combat roles” in Afghanistan?
And where is the left-wing and Democrat hue and cry for measured checkpoints and a defined exit strategy? Apparently that only applied to George Bush!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Oppose Obama and You’re Racist
Roanoke Times, 9/16/09, Pg 5: Rep. Joe Wilson made the House look bad, Democrats say.
Maureen Dowd labeled Joe Wilson a racist for his outburst stating Obama lied about illegal immigrants taking advantage of Omaba care.
She even managed to throw-in her imagined “Boy” word just in case folks weren’t fired up enough to meet her satisfaction!
(Actually Obama did lie and now the Democrats have been forced to specifically address this issue!) “Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), the chairman of the Budget Committee and another negotiator, also said that illegal immigrants had been a focus of the senators' discussions. He said the group worked on "further refinements on how we make certain that no one who is here illegally would benefit from these additions."”
Not to be left out of the mud-slinging, Jimmy Malaise Carter jumped in and confirmed that Joe Wilson and all others opposing Obama are in fact racists.
Since polling shows that at least half of Americans oppose Obama policies, which means according to Dowd and Carter, there’s at least 150 million racists roaming around.
Just in case we still don’t get it – Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga went on national TV to advise us to be very afraid -- the KKK is coming back because white folks oppose Obama!
In the middle of all this racial intimidation, a big nasty man attacked a young frail white girl on the MTV stage, but apparently Kanye West attacking Taylor Swift was not racial – not even criminal. Don’t they have security for these things and hasn’t the local DA heard of the crime of Battery? Was this girl not terrorized? Who cares - she’s white!

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Sunday, September 13, 2009
Get Roanoke Times For Latest Political Slant and Bias
Roanoke Times, 9/13/09, Pg Horiz 1 & 4: Will deep pockets always win?
Pg 2: Editorial: Opening the floodgate for corporate cash.
The deep pockets certainly worked for Obama against McCain didn’t they!
Extensive lamenting about how the American way of life will be destroyed if the Supreme Court rules that corporations can fund candidate based ads during national elections. The specific case is the pro-Obama movie “Hillary” that was intended to ensure Obama would win the Democrat nomination.
As yes, those awful and dangerous corporations. You know, the ones who create real jobs, create real wealth, pay real taxes and must compete in the real wide-wide-world without printing money or placing the American taxpayers in trillions of dollars of debt.
Surely they would favor conservative views at the expense of socialist views and therein lays the rub! Of course there was an impressive army of pro-Obama executives that showed-up during the last election, so apparently all executives are not Republican.
Not mentioned is the massive amount of money and in-kind contributions supporting left-wing and Democrat candidates by: unions, George Soros, Hollywood moguls, movie makers like Moore, and the massive overwhelming support by the major media including print and television whose one-sided coverage of “news” is worth hundreds of millions of dollars to liberal candidates.
Also not mentioned is the quid-pro-quo of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team relative to the unions and Acorn and George Soros’ Brazilian oil investments that were just super-enhanced by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid subsidies for Brazilian off-shore oil drilling. Somehow none of this was mentioned in this article. Just those big bad Republicans and Corporations!
Some Prior Items:
Saturday, September 12, 2009
More Roanoke Times Political Amnesia & Hypocrisy
Roanoke Times, 9/12/09, Pg 7: Civil discourse vanishing from politics
Picture of Congressional Republicans holding up the Pelosi-ObamaCare Bill during Obama’s speech to Congress.
Yet more liberal lamenting about the really bad Republican and Conservative behavior relative to Obama’s socialistic programs.
Let’s look at the Democrat bad behavior during Bush’s 2005 State of the Union in which Democrats booed when Bush simply outlined the dire state of under-funding of the Social Security System and its future issues:
This article is just another clear example of Roanoke Times hypocrisy!
Click for some prior examples, it’s not an accident, it’s a character flaw!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Why Apologize for the Truth?
Roanoke Times, 9/11/09, Pg 5: Apology doesn’t end flap over outburst
The outburst was the result of Obama lying about illegal immigrants getting access to ObamaCare (whatever that is – Obama has not submitted a plan or Bill defining whatever it is he supports today – apparently his plan is whatever he just said to somebody somewhere)!
The truth is that Republicans have twice entered amendments to the House Bill specifically stating that illegals will not be eligible for the program.
Both amendments were rejected by the Pelosites.
The Bill as it stands contains no requirement to demonstrate that one is a legal resident of the US and also does not require a US resident ID to apply.
Therefore, clearly there will be lots of illegals entering ObamaCare and therefore clearly Obama was lying when he stated this was not the case!
The apology should be coming from Obama who in last Saturday’s radio address called those who disagree with him – liars (didn’t find that in the Roanoke Times!).
Prior Items:
9-11 America At War - Two Days That Live in Infamy
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
New Obama Presidential Seal
Click to view the New Obama Presidential Seal
The new seal is consistent with the Obama Campaign Plane
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Government Health Care John Stossel ABC 20-20
Monday, September 07, 2009
Yet Another Nasty Obama Friend
Roanoke Times, 9/6/09, Pg 10: Obama’s approval rating drops among whites.
What a gross racist headline in a paper that portends to be so PC and immediately jumps upon others who would write that headline.
But that’s not the key part. Buried in fine print is a small almost transparent paragraph that says those mean conservative talk shows are reporting on Van Jones, Obama’s Green Jobs Czar, his past negative activities and his recent nasty public statements.
What are some of the issues with Obama’s Nasty Friends:
Rev Wright and his church of the God Damn America culture.
Bill Ayres and his police killing connections with the WeatherUnderground.
Yale Prof Gates and his gross racist behavior when asked for his ID.
And now Van Jones – The Green-jobs Czar – and his nasty behavior.
Good News -- Van Jones resigned as Obama’s Green-Jobs Czar today! The question remaining is how did this totally unqualified nasty person get appointed to this job in the first place considering all the people in this country with experience and a proven track-record in green-energy management and development?
And more importantly, what's with these czars? Our constitution is based on constitutional-officers, cabinet officers, who are vetted by the Senate to be in-charge of our departments of government and held accountable for their actions.
Who are the czars? How do they relate to our form of government? Who are they accountable to? Whose budget is paying for them? A good example of how far a-field Obama has gone is Hillery. Everywhere she goes, everything she tries to do is already being done by a "czar" Is she the Secy of State or not? And who is personally responsible for foreign policy and action today?
If she has any common sense she'll resign before she gets hammered for adverse things she has had no control over but Obama will surely lay the blame at her feet.
All this is great fodder for the paranoia of serious doubters and with two dozen czars, doing whatever they want to do; one might start wondering if it's really paranoia! It just keeps going! A union insider who has never run a manufacturing facility was just appointed Manufacturing-Czar today! More election pay-back for the union votes for Obama!
The bottom line is our "Populist President" performs and acts and behaves an awful lot like Evita Peron, and he has just gotten started!
Prior Items
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
A Tale of Two Theses
Roanoke Times, 9/1/09, Pg 1 & 6: McDonnell defends writings from past.
What a difference a year makes!
A year ago the graduate thesis written by Michelle Obama was removed from the files at Princeton and hidden until after the election. The Democrat-Obama-Media story was that it was “just a thesis” written long ago by a student and didn’t reflect any real or permanent views and if made available, would just be used for negative purposes! The folks at Princeton who hid the thesis were so gracious and thoughtful but so displaced from the full and open disclosure and exchange of ideas consistent with Universities and the liberal media who somehow lacked the heart to obtain this document.
Fast forward to this year. The Democrat party, Democrat governor Kaine and the liberal media have a whole new view of a graduate thesis when it’s Bob McDonnell’s. Let’s do a literature 101 analysis of what he meant, what he thought and most of all what horrible negative and dark flaws are harbored in his mind today. Oooooh be afraid Virginians!
This Democrat-Media hypocrisy would be funny if not so serious a distortion of the electoral process and media responsibility.
It’s indeed ironic that the Democrat’s and their media associates find it necessary to join the bottom-feeders in the swamp of personal attacks instead of focusing on the accomplishments, platforms and policy of their opponents.
These are the acts of desperate political hacks that will do anything to continue to stay in power.
- thesis, titled "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community" and written under her maiden name, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, in 1985, has been the subject of much conjecture on the blogosphere and elsewhere in recent weeks, as it has been "temporarily withdrawn" from Princeton's library until after this year's presidential election in November.
-'s Race Erupts Over McDonnell's Past Views
Washington Post, Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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