The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Saturday, October 31, 2009
One Million Tax Dollars Per Job
Roanoke Times, 10-29-09, Pg 16: Number of jobs saved by federal contracts overstated.
The White House says it is working to fix errors in the report on stimulus-funded jobs.
Roanoke Times, 10-31-09, Pg 12: Report credits 650,000 jobs to stimulus.
What ever happened to the Jan 09 Obama 3-Million jobs promise?
$767 BILLION (that’s 767 times ten to the ninth power) tax dollars resulting in what? Clearly no one can account for 650K jobs added when we have lost millions of jobs and are at 10+% unemployed!
And IF these numbers were valid, this would represent $1,000,000 of tax money spent to get each job! Why would the White House want to brag about that?
Not to be left out, Va Gov Kaine (also the national Democrat party chairman) reports that Va got 5,900 jobs for over $5 BILLION taxpayers money.
That’s also $1,000,000 of tax money spent for each job! Nice job Timmy!
Obama, his White House team and his associates in the liberal media are avoiding at all costs the publication of the 16.8% unemployment U-6 number!
“But another more comprehensive gauge of unemployment ticked up even more. The government’s broader measure, known as the “U-6″ for its data classification, hit 16.8% in August, 0.5 percentage points higher than July. The comprehensive measure of labor under utilization accounts for people who have stopped looking for work or who can’t find full-time jobs.”
Yet another Obama economic achievement is the new clunker news:
USA Today published that the cash for clunkers program costs taxpayers $24,000 per car!
Prior clunkers item:
At what point are the major news media going to start reporting the real news about Obama, his administration, the truth about his programs and the dismal track-record to date? Ever Pravda was more honest than today’s major US media!
Prior Items:
Federal Hate Crime Laws Discriminatory & Redundant
Roanoke Times, 10-29-09, New law adds protection for gays.
Federal hate-crime laws, including this expansion for homosexuals, are themselves inherently discriminatory and redundant with existing state laws.
Why is someone who is included in the definition of hate-crimes more important or has more value than others? Where in the Constitution does it say we have classes of people more valuable than others that deserve or require special laws.
Since ALL states and US territories have severe laws dealing with battery and violence against any and all persons, why do we need to federalize these crimes? And how do these redundant laws “add protection for gays” against violent lawless persons? A major risk of our personal freedoms is that the police cannot stop a crime; they can only intervene after a crime is committed and this is already being done by the states.
Doesn’t the 17th Amendment and Thomas Jefferson’s positions on states rights make federal laws like this, that totally overlap existing state laws, not only discriminatory and redundant but unconstitutional?
Apparently Obama-Pelosi-Reid understood all the above issues with this law and therefore included it as an addendum to a military funding law so that it would not receive the visibility and debate it deserved.
Perhaps the real reasons these laws are enacted are to buy the political support of particular groups of people and therefore are not enacted for the public good.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Smart Power Grid Needs Supply
Roanoke Times, 10-28-09, Pg 20: Editorial: Obama to spend $3.4 BILLION to upgrade the national power grid with money from the stimulus package.
The money comes from the stimulus package?
Apparently the new energy policy is to use a “smart Grid” to be invented by Virginia Tech to ensure energy supplies when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. “Editor: A smart grid can compensate for that”
Good choice VT! Should work in well with the VT Smart Road project!
A better start would be for Virginia Tech. to do a comprehensive Energy Change Assessment outlined in:
The national electric grid (already quite smart) is sets of wires and switches connected to electric sources as inputs and to electric users as outputs. The amount of power moved each day is beyond the comprehension of most people (like the $2 TRILLION debt that Obama-Pelosi-Reid just committed us to).
The Obama/Gore plan is to eliminate all fossil-fuel generators and replace them with wind and solar systems that are very expensive and are intermittent supply systems
This conversion will probably take a lifetime based on the Virginia Highlands wind project that has been in the Virginia bureaucratic swamp for 5 years and is now still on hold because it is visible from a West Va. civil war cemetery.
The key to system design of intermittent supply systems is storage. This is similar to squirrels storing nuts or computers utilizing cache memory or a car battery.
The Smith Mountain Dam System is perhaps the only example in Virginia of a utility-size energy storage system. It has very limited capacity and is used only for limited “peak power” grid demand that is integrated into the current electric grid.
Most of the peak-power systems in the country are jet-engines (modified aircraft jet engines) that burn natural gas and are located within cities. NYC has hundreds of these facilities sited on vacant lots and in abandoned commercial buildings. These are switched into and out of the grid as required.
So when one says glibly: “A smart grid can compensate for that”; one must ask where and what are the energy storage systems that can carry the absence of sun-power for 18 hours a day ( 4 PM to 10 AM )?
The cost to the taxpayers and electric customers for this energy substitution will be incalculable and the reasons driving these changes are hypothesis and not facts.
Energy independence is our crisis and the truly “green” solution for utility power is nuclear not wind or sun.
Prior Items:
Why Obama Doesn’t Need GITMO or Patriot Act
Roanoke Times, 10-25-09, Pg 8: Hit list of drug kingpins worries Afghan officials.
Obama has a hit-list of Afgans to target with drone-missiles strikes. He refuses to share the list with Afgan government or military.
Afgan officials are worried that Obama will “act on his own to kill suspected drug lords, based on secret evidence, instead of handing them over for trial”!-
What a stroke of genius. - Why didn’t Bush and Cheney think of this?
No chance of our troops getting hurt capturing terrorists for intelligence gathering (who cares about what they know anyway?)
No camps to hold terrorists.
No complex transportation requirements.
No GITMO facilities.
No Military tribunal issues.
No conflicts with Constitutional issues.
No CIA briefings required.
Nobody accused of abusing prisoners.
No human-rights issues.
No turn-them-loose issues!
Pelosi & Reid happy and satisfied.
Only a Chicago Community Organizer could come up with this brain-storm!
The liberals and left-wingers must be elated!
Yet more hope and change we can believe in!
Prior Items:
Obama & Hillary Embracing Anti-Christ Obscenities
Roanoke Times, 10-27-09, Pg 3:Obama & Hillary Clinton opposed a UN resolution that would condemn religious defamation.
What are some examples of what Obama and Hillary are embracing with their family-friendly first amendment rights policy; and it's this the administration that proclaimed it's embracing what the world and UN want?
Comedian Larry David’s mocking of religion and Christian belief in miracles in the latest episode of his HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm." On the show's most recent installment, which aired Sunday night, David's character urinates on a painting of Jesus Christ, causing a woman to believe the painting shows Jesus crying.
"Christ on Campus" comic strip in Radford's Whim Internet Magazine included gross representations of Christ that the liberal media and Radford administrators thought were just fine examples of “free speech”.
William & Mary president, Gene Nichol’s major accomplishments is that he has established himself as a hero to the left-wing community by arrogantly and unilaterally removing the Christian Cross from the W&M Chapel that had been there in the Chapel for 314 years. Apparently Nichol concluded: that’s long enough, times up; and anyway, who cares?
Andres Serrano who collected $15,000 of taxpayer-funded money from the National Endowment for the Arts for his photographs of Jesus submerged in a container of urine.
HOWEVER – have you noticed that every government and every media world-wide have refused to publish even a “likeness” of Mohammed? What a touch of sensitivity!
Based on the Salman Rushdie experience and the fate of Daniel Pearl, all the “creative artists” and writers and cartoonists and editors seem to focus on Jesus and shun Mohammed.
Not clear how that relates to or supports the first amendment and free-speech! Perhaps the editors of the Roanoke Times can explain that in their next editorial including a picture of their vision of Mohammed’s face.
ObamaCare Part 1: Obama In-charge While Children Die From H1N1
Roanoke Times, 10/25/09, Pg 1 & 3: H1N1 get priority
Over 1000 Americans including 100 children have died from H1N1.
The government now HOPES to have 50 million does of vaccine by mid-November
(A FRACTION OF THE REQUIRED AND PROMISED AMOUNT).More hope and change we can believe in?
Obama took charge of the H1N1 vaccine plan in January, declaring it a crisis and directed his administration to be in charge of the drug approval, selection of suppliers, distribution management and tracking and reporting.
So – what happened?
People are dying and the liberal left-wing media totally ignore the ObamaCare Part 1 accountability, responsibility and liability!
Not a word holding Obama to account for this major failure!
Note to media: Hope is NOT a plan!
Back in Oct. 20, 2004 the media ferociously attacked Pres Bush when there was a shortage of the plain-old-ordinary flue shots, now, not a word, what a difference five years makes!
Complicit in this failure is Obama’s new CDC Chief Thomas Frieden who has a history of failure to protect the public health in NY.
Yet another example of the slant and bias and gross lack of fairness of the liberal left-wing media that Obama has Pravdazitized.
Prior Items:
Roanoke Times, 12/28/09, (small print buried back on pg 9): supply starting to increase
ObamaCare Part 1:
14 Million doses of the 150 million planned now available!
And not one Roanoke Times negative word about this administration’s major failure to protect the American public!
Roanoke Times, 12/28/09, (small print buried back on pg 8): Obama kids get theirs
Not to worry about the Royal Family!
The Obama kids just got their shots out of the first available batch of vaccine; apparently not so much for the 100 kids that have died and the thousands that are ill!
“It’s good to be the King” - Blazing Saddles
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Obama Jumps on Deeds’ Band Wagon and Then Throws Deeds Under The Bus
Roanoke Times, Sat. 10/24/09, Pg 9: Democrats bailing on Deeds?
On Thurs Obama got on Deeds’ Band Wagon for Gov. of Va.!
On Friday Obama Threw Deeds under the Bus with a White House rebuke of Deeds and his campaign content and style.
Apparently Obama realizes that a hundred Blue-Dogs are watching Va very carefully and his conflicts with them are just beginning!
Deed’s should have seen this coming. We all saw how Obama handled his loyalty to the Rev. Wright, his minister, mentor and personal friend for 20 years.
Apparently Community Organizers from Chicago are quick to "cut" their losses.
"He's become a double-edged sword in Virginia," said Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. "The overall impression is that he's trying to do too much too quickly, and he's becoming identified with big spending and big government. "That doesn't sell well in Virginia," he said.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Not found in the Roanoke Times (for obvious reasons)
Obama made his Pay-Czar available to the White House Press Pool but excluded the FOX representative.
Fortunately ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC refused to participate without FOX!
(Very unlikely position if Roanoke Times Editors were involved!)
Then Obama limited his Czar to a 2-minute interview instead of 5.
Exactly how small and petty is this Community Organizer?Or is this just another Example of The Obama Pravdazation of Our Media!-
Prior Items:
The Article the Roanoke Times should have printed:, October 22, 2009
Unprecedented: White House Tries to Ban Fox from Press Pool Today the White House stepped up its attack on Fox News, announcing that the network would no longer be able to conduct interviews with officials as a member of the Press Pool. The Pool is a five-member group consisting of ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News and NBC organized by the White House Correspondents Association. Its membership is not subject to oversight by the government.-Before an interview with "Pay Czar" Kenneth Feinberg, the administration announced that Fox News would be banned from the press pool. This marks the first time in history that an administration had attempted to ban an entire network from the press pool.-To their credit, the other networks objected. They told the White House that if Fox were banned, none of the other networks would participate. The White House relented, but in an apparent act of petulant retaliation, it restricted each network to a two-minute interview instead of the standard five.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
ObamaCare in The Closet
Roanoke Times, 10-15-09, Pg 1 & 3:
Headline: Hurdles remain for health care bill.
Fine print: “the next steps will proceed in secret”
ObamaCare, just like HillaryCare before it, has now retreated into the closet where the American people are barred from knowing anything about the writing of these most important life-impacting laws. This will be followed by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid process of voting on these laws before even the members of Congress have read them.
The Roanoke Times and their liberal media associates have just rolled over for the Democrats yet again and abandoned the American people’s right to an open and representative government.-
Aren’t these left-wing media the watch-dogs of open government and leaders of the open government juggernaut? What happened to their applications and demands for the Freedom of Information Act?
Click for the Obama White House Open Government Declaration (Jan 21, 2009):
As Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President says in the video below, we are proud "to announce an important next step in this historic call to action – one that will help us achieve a new foundation for our government –
a foundation built on the values of transparency, accountability and responsibility."
Just More Jive Talkin You Can’t Believe In!BeeGees:
Blog Action Day
Today, 10-15-09 is Blog action day:
Good News! Our 250 Years of Natural Global Warming is NOT Your Fault!-
All bloggers are encouraged to write a blog item about our 250 Years of Natural Global Warming which began in 1750 at the end of the little ice age and has now moderated to only one degree warming in the last 100 years and no warming in the past 10 years.
For details about this good news please click-on and browse the following links:
For a realistic view of both the science and politics of Global Warming and Climate Change be sure to see the video:
“Not Evil Just Wrong” introduced this week by:
Lou Dobbs – CNN
Additional blog items:
Critical Thinkers are by nature – Skeptics
Politicians and Charlatans are by nature – Alarmists-
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Roanoke Times Editors Fail Economics 101 Again
Roanoke Times, 10/11/09, Pg Horiz 2: Editorial: Virginia’s stingy Medicaid program leaves private plans picking up a big part of the health care tab.
It’s now clear that the Roanoke Times Editors need a basic course in the most simple of all economics concepts:
“There are no free lunches”!
This editorial laments the state of Va Medicaid stating:
“Someone, though, has to pay the bill when government programs don’t”.
Hello! When government pays the bills someone pays big-time and it’s the taxpayers! There is no free medical care, anywhere!How can supposedly educated folks write such tripe?
Virginia’s “stingy” Medicaid program is intended to help folks who do not have the resources to help themselves. It is a medical safety net. It is also a partially funded Federal mandate that currently places great financial burden on the state taxpayers.
ObamaCare will greatly increase the number of Medicaid recipients and therefore will result in a very big increase in state taxes. Obama, Pelosi & Reid have not even begun to document the TOTAL increases in taxes and fees and premiums that their proposals will impose on America’s working families without any assurance of improved care.
We need health care reform, but right now we need intellectual honesty reform from our government and media even more!
Prior Items:
Friday, October 09, 2009
Obama Our Nobel Prize Winner
Who says that we’re not proud of Obama and that some of us are raciest, bitter and too political?
We’re all proud that the Nobel Prize Committee picked our guy to add to the list of high achievers like Al Alarmist Gore and Jimmy Malaise Carter.
We're sure that Mr. Nobel, inventor of dynamite, is pleased with this choice.
The Award reads:
Awarded for your personal achievements for World Peace including:
Ridding North Korea of Nuclear Weapons
Ridding Iran of Nuclear Weapons
Single handily bringing peace to the Palestinians and Israelis
Rebuking China for its human rights violations and changing their policies
Embraced the Dalai Lama and forcing China to change it’s Tibet policies
Forced Russia to retreat from Georgia, apologize and pay reparations
Forced Russia to NOT turn off winter fuel to Eastern European countries
Cleaned-out and cleaned-up the UN’s Commission on Human Rights
Installed liberty and freedom in Afghanistan without firing another shot
And a list too long to fit on this humble well deserved Award.
To be fair, since Obama has only been in office seven months, the Committee has decided to present an addendum to the award each of the next seven years.
Note: the BeeGees have been invited to sing their award winning biggest hit song of 1987 at the awards ceremony:
An award symbol will soon be added to the distinctive Obama Presidential Seal:
Some Prior Nobel Items:
Obama White House Advisors Conclude Bush Won Afgan War
Roanoke Times, 10/8/09, Pg 6: AP Article: Obama, war council weigh options.
New breaking news: AP’s net of the White House’s current assessment:
“When President Bush launched the US invasion of Afghanistan less than a month after the Sep 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the country’s Taliban government was providing safe haven for Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida. Eight years later, the Taliban regime is no more and al-Qaida is scattered and weakened.”
So, apparently Obama inherited a not-so-bad Afgan War situation after all and now his mission is to not loose what Bush gained!
Sort of like the Hippocratic Oath – Do No Harm!
Apparently even the Code Pink Girls now think the Afgan War has been OK!
Six months after Obama’s March 09 declaration of a new improved war strategy and changing generals to his liking he’s now telling the troops and the world that he doesn’t have a strategy and that things in Afghanistan aren’t so bad after all. It’s now all about those bad actors in Pakistan where we’re not allowed to trespass but are obliged to send lots of our tax dollars.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Prior Items:
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Obama Accomplishments & Jive Talkin
Saturday Night Live appears to be the only major media outlet that has finally started to address the Obama reality situation, all be it in a very delicate and PC manner.
Jay is still stuck on stupid with old Bush stuff and Letterman is too busy capitalizing on his sexual harassment of his employees and devastating his wife on national TV. Tells us something about his clientele and audience and hollywood mentality and morality.
Could the Roanoke Times be next to get real? ----- Nah! No Way!
Obama: Just More Jive Talkin You Can’t Believe In!
BeeGees:'s just your jive talkin'you're telling me lies, yeahJive talkin'you wear a disguiseJive talkin'so misunderstood, yeahJive talkin'You really no good
Prior Items:
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Obama War Mess & Jive Talkin
Roanoke Times, 10/5/09, Pg 1 & 14: Eight US troops die in fierce gun battle.
In compliance with Obama’s March 09 new war strategy: An infantry platoon (approx. 30 troops) assigned to an Afgan village, were attacked by a larger force of Taliban. In addition to the 8 US troops lost, 40 Afgan police were taken captive by the Taliban. One can only reflect on Daniel Pearl to imagine their fate. Certainly doesn’t instill confidence in one to “join” the Obama war effort!
Prior item addressing the fallacy of Obama’s plan:“Another challenge with this approach is that by splitting up our troops into small village groups they are vulnerable to attack by small groups of terrorists that indeed will infiltrate the village people isolate and cutoff our troops and be immune to our artillery and bomb attack and reinforcement. This is a strategy for success? This only has a chance to work after the terrorists are defeated as a coordinated fighting force.”
- the meantime, Obama, The Muller-In-Chief, has announced “HE” doesn’t have a war strategy and is searching for one! This just six months after announcing HIS new and improved strategy!
He also has refused to accept the requirements to execute his strategy by the general he placed in charge of the war! To add insult to injury: Obama likes to compare himself to Lincoln!
Obama: Just More Jive Talkin You Can’t Believe In!
Prior Items:
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Kaine and VDOT not Shovel-ready
Roanoke Times, 10/3/09, Pg 1 & 14: Virginiaa last in nation at spending stimulus funds.
Roanoke Times, 10/4/09, Pg 1 & 11: Candidates’ disagree on paying for highway costs.
The editors of the Roanoke Times have spent years and hundreds of square feet of news print lamenting that those bad GOP guys are keeping Virginia from having better roads.
The first thing Kaine did when taking office was to totally Kaineize VDOT to his liking.
Now it turns out that Kaine’s VDOT can’t even spend available stimulus funds no less increased tax funds from Virginia taxpayers to improve our roads.
Perhaps if Kaine were focused on the needs of Virginia instead of his primary job as head of the Va Democrat Party, Va wouldn’t be LAST in the nation being shovel-ready!
Prior items:
Obama The Muller-In-Chief
Roanoke Times, 10/3/09, Pg 1, 3: White house considers narrower war effort.
Roanoke Times, 10/4/09, Pg 1, 10: US strategy at a crossroads in Afghanistan as Obama mulls what to do.
Apparently Obama is trying to vote “present” on his responsibilities as commander-in-chief as our troops fight and die in a war he declared is the “right war”.
In March Obama replaced the army commander in Afghanistan with his choice and declared that Bush had low-balled that war and his (Obama’s) new strategy would fix yet another Bush mess!
Now, six months later, he proclaims to our troops and the world that “we don’t have a strategy in Afghanistan” and he is trying to find one. His key in-putter is none other than Joe Biden. He’s the guy who demanded two years ago, that we break Iraq into three separate countries! Now he wants to fight the Afghanistan war with drone missiles and much fewer troops than Bush deployed!
This Biden brain-storm was publicly shot-down and discredited by Gen. McChrystal, Obama’s general choice, from whom Obama now refuses to accept his input for the requirements to fight Obama’s March-strategy War!
Can you imagine the Democrat and left-wing media rant if this mess were being done by Bush? Instead, the liberal media tells us this mulling-mess is a good thing! Good for who – our enemies?
What if your son were killed in Afghanistan in a war the president says has no strategy and “will not have a defined mission accomplished”; how would you feel then about our new:
Prior Items:
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