The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Roanoke Times And The Sound of Global Warming Silence

One of the primary methods of Pravda-style-news is no news!
The Roanoke Times and their liberal associates have recently thrown a blanket of silence over the subject of man-made global warming and climate change.
Only they know their motivations, however, some good guesses would be that they do not know how to explain or cope with the public exposure of information and statements exposing the unprofessional conduct of many in the alarmist community that is casting doubt on the IPCC-Gore-Hypothesis and the Alarmist Claims of imminent disaster.
The Copenhagen Boondoggle demonstrated how the elite, many on the taxpayers dole, totally ignored their own carbon-footprint and hyped their disdain for fair and balanced dialogue on a very important issue.
CNNs Cafferty on the Blitzer show jumped on the hypocrisy of Pelosi on the gross spending issue but equally offensive was the associated carbon issue.
The ClimateGate, GlacierGate, OzoneGate, BinLadenGate, AfricaGate, DutchGate, IndiaGate issues have had widespread visibility in other media outlets; however, the disciples of Gore act as if these major issues aren’t even happening :(if a tree falls – etc)
The out-of-the-box comments by the alarmists go unnoticed by those who are very quick to jump upon skeptics who make outlandish statements.
Bill Nye, the Science Guy, going so far as to tell MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that scientists who doubt climate change's manmade origins are unpatriotic.
The United Nations climate panel faces a new challenge from IPCC scientists casting doubt on its claim that global temperatures are rising inexorably because of human pollution.
"The temperature records cannot be relied on as indicators of global change," said John Christy, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, a former lead author on the IPCC.
Global Warming in Last 15 Years Insignificant
U.K.'s Top Climate Scientist Phil Jones, former head of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia who is the embattled ex-head of the research center at the heart of the Climate-gate scandal dropped a bombshell over the weekend, admitting in an interview with the BBC that there has been no global warming over the past 15 years.
This skeptic believes that we are and have been in 250 years of natural global warming; It started in 1750 at the end of the little ice age and is clearly not caused by CO2 or man-kind. We are certainly not still in the “little ice age” and for the 200 years from 1750 to 1950 there was a very minimal increase in atmospheric CO2. There has only been one degree warming in the last 100 years and no warming in the last 10 years. There is no cause for peddling fear and panic and there is great doubt as to the extent, if any, of man-kinds contribution to this limited amount of warming.
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