The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Roanoke Times Embraces Islam; Christianity Not So Much

Roanoke Times, 8-22-10:
Pg 1: Flap tests commitment to tolerance; The mosque debate reveals Americans’ level of religious acceptance.
Pg 1 & 4, Horizon: America’s battle is not with Islam; and Religious liberty for all – or none.
For a group of people who cannot find a good word to say for Christianity when atheists and the ACLU attack every symbol of Christianity, including hammering the Boy Scouts because God is in their oath, they certainly have decided that their Virtual-Muslim President and his Muslim associates deserve total and complete dogmatic support. They sure killed a lot of good trees for this one!
Their views have been that the nasty and vile anti-Christ cartoons at VT were a wonderful expression of a first amendment exercise and Christ in a bottle of urine on display at the Washington JFK Art Center brought artistic creativity to a whole new and wonderful level.
The editors of the Roanoke Times canonized William & Mary president, Gene Nichol, who arrogantly and unilaterally removed the Christian Cross from the W&M Chapel that had been there in the Chapel for 314 years.
Their paper and this blog are overflowing with examples of their support for every anti-Christian issue that surfaces.
However, now the liberal-progressive initiative is: let’s use Religious Tolerance to force Religious Acceptance including any and all activities and behaviors. That would include:
Muslim Sharia law and the associated Madrasas that are integrated within the Muslim society.
Islam is not just a Religion – it is a dogmatic Government System that controls its subjects through Sharia Law with unbelievably harsh penalties and restrictions on all aspects of life. One would think the editorial girls at the Roanoke Times would be totally repulsed at the fate of women in that system. Apparently not!
No mention here about Reciprocity or the fact that this group of people harbor and support our enemies that have declared war upon us and have killed and are killing our people and our friends.
Where are the Islamic rejections of the Radicals and what are their programs to marginalize and then systematically eliminate them?
How many cathedrals and synagogues have they allowed in Mecca?
What steps are being taken by Muslims to embrace other faiths and show tolerance for other beliefs?
Are they still trying to find and kill Salman Rushdie and the cartoonists who drew images of Mohammad?
Have they rejected (canceled) the Jihad that has been launched against us?
We all have an obligation as Christians and Americans to tolerate all humane and decent people and behaviors.
However, we not only have the right, but an obligation, to not accept bad behaviors and those who practice them.
There can be a very valid and vast chasm between Tolerance and Acceptance.
This concept is something that we all should recognize lest we all move down to the lowest common denominator of behavior.
I find the liberal-progressive bias of the Editors of the Roanoke Times to be inconsistent with their obligations to be proper American news people. I tolerate them and their behaviors, but I do NOT accept them!
As Americans, we can still do that (so far anyway)!
'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam: America Killed More Innocents Than Al Qaeda

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Shrimp Fishing Welfare

Roanoke Times, 8-17-10, Pg 1: Shrimp season opens in Louisiana.
Federal officials said it was safe. They had allowed states to reopen harvest areas, they said, only after tests on fish and shrimp showed no signs of oil or dispersant. In fact, federal officials said, they did not turn up a single piece of seafood that was unsafe to eat --- even at the height of the BP’s oil spill.
I couldn’t believe this! So I checked another source:
Shrimping Season Starts, But Few Boats Set Sail August 17, 2010 01:29 PM EDT Yesterday (Aug 16th) marked the start of Louisiana's shrimping season, but few boats took to the waters.
All the pictures and first-hand interviews of shrimp boats tied-up at the piers because of the BP spill is now clearly a huge pile of heifer dust!
The season was closed due to normal seasonal marine controls already in-place.
I didn’t shoot any deer last week – there were lots in my yard eating my flowers. I didn’t shoot because the season is closed! Unfortunately I didn’t get paid for not shooting them; certainly would have helped augment my fixed modest-income!
Of course few boats went out – they’re all on BP-welfare!
Would you go out and work at very hard-work when BP is committed to pay you to stay tied up at the dock?
And the revelation that there has NOT BEEN ANY seafood contamination since the spill began raises the ugly specter of gross malfeasance by the federal government in a conspiracy to scare the hell out of millions of Americans without due diligence and scientific basis.
Wasn’t the Obama commitment that they would put science before politics?
So much for yet another gross false Obama premise!
Yet more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!
This is your same government that has been scaring the hell out of our people and particularly our children with the premise that YOU are causing catastrophic global warming that will soon destroy life as we know it and it’s YOUR FAULT!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Obama’s Mosque at Ground Zero - Christians Need Not Apply

Roanoke Times, 8-14-10, Pg 4: Obama speaks out in favor of mosque. Obama on (Friday Aug 13th) forcefully endorsed building a mosque near Ground Zero saying the country’s founding principles demanded no less. These comments were made at an annual dinner in the White House State Dining Room celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
Roanoke Times, 8-15-10, Pg 1: Obama reaffirms freedoms of Muslims – did not say whether he thought building a mosque near Ground Zero was a good idea.
On Saturday Obama the Virtual-Muslim is totally and completely in support of the 911 Mosque --- On Sunday – Not so Much!
Once again the Roanoke Times Editors fulfilled their obligation to King-Obama to misrepresent the Obama position on the Ground Zero Mosque.
Obama's enthusiastic endorsement of the mosque in front of his Islamic brothers at a White House dinner did not sit well with most Americans and his Democrat buddies who are running for reelection were not pleased.
What a great example of editorial and journalistic amnesia. Talk about your short-term memory loss and blind obedience to Obama-dogma.
Why hasn’t the liberal media requested a status on the Radical Muslim US Army Major
Nidal Malik Hasan who shot and killed 12 and wounded 31 fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood Texas almost a year ago. How much longer is Obama and Holder going to hide this heinous criminal and his ties to foreign Radical Muslims?
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!
New York City and it's Port Authority have refused to allow Greek Orthodox Leaders to Rebuild Their Church Destroyed on 9/11!
Didn't Obama and Greenburg just state that the government shouldn't preclude a church from being built because of the seperation of church and state?
Greek Orthodox leaders who have been trying to rebuild the only church destroyed in the Sept. 11 terror attacks expressed shock this week after learning, via Fox News, that government officials had killed a deal to relocate the church.
The St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, once a tiny, four-story building in the shadows of lower Manhattan, was destroyed in 2001 by one of the falling World Trade Center towers. Nobody from the church was hurt in the attack, but the congregation has, for the past eight years, been trying to rebuild its house of worship.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Islam: The New US Government Religion

Roanoke Times, 8-11-2010, Pg 6: US paying “Tax-dollars” for Imam to speak abroad.
Once again the Editors of the Roanoke Times take a gross and obnoxious action by Obama and sugar-coat it in small print in an innocuous location. What are friends for if not for this?
What would this story have looked and read like if Rev. Pat Robinson were being sent on political junkets around the world, at taxpayer’s expense, by Bush’s State Dept.?
Are we not purging every vestige of Christianity that the ACLU and their associates can find under the guise of separation of church and state while Obama is using tax-dollars to send an Imam on political trips around the world?
These actions are in harmony with the Roanoke Times Editors openly mocking Christianity!
However, there seems to be a careful selection of who not to mock:
These tax dollars are in support of religious activity by a group that has untold wealth and that has harbored those who have declared war upon us and killed thousands of our people.
This is the same Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf that is building the $100 MILLON dollar mosque adjacent to the site of the World Trade Center in NYC!
Apparently $100,000,000 will wallpaper over the 9-11 WTC scars and obscure the images of the 3,000 people who were murdered there. The Imam refuses to disclose the source of the 100 Million Dollars. So much for the Obama transparency thing!
And what about Reciprocity? As Obama “the groveller in-chief” bows to those who harbor and support our enemies, one wonders “have they reached out to us in any way at all”?
How many cathedrals and synagogues are in Mecca? What steps are being taken by Muslims to embrace other faiths and show tolerance for other beliefs? Are they still trying to find and kill Salman Rushdie and the cartoonists who drew images of Mohammad?
Have they rejected (canceled) the Jihad that has been launched against us?
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can believe in!
Prior Items:

Friday, August 06, 2010


Where’s Obama’s NATO-International Coalition?

Obama, the Democrats and their liberal media associates hammered Bush for years about the limited international military commitments to Iraq and Afghanistan. In May 2006 Bush secured the NATO commitment to take over responsibility for Afghanistan thereby allowing us to reduce the US force by 19,000 and become a secondary participant.
Enter Obama the Muller-In-Chief Jan 2009! For the first nine months of 2009 he proclaimed to our troops and the world that “we don’t have a strategy in Afghanistan” and he is trying to find one. Why didn’t he make good on his claim to be the pied-piper of international cooperation and get NATO to fulfill their Afghanistan responsibilities while we completed our responsibilities in Iraq?
Why didn’t he use his self-professed personal powers to bring international nations together to solve world problems in Afghanistan and limit the US obligations?
If NATO is not up to the job, why didn’t Obama say so and “convince” them to live up to their commitments and responsibilities?
And now, under Obama’s nose, the Dutch are packing up and going home, and the liberal media is so quiet you can hear the notes fall due down at the banks.
Where is the hue and cry about forging and maintaining international coalitions?
After all the Obama trips, meetings, bowing and prostrating himself before the international community, where is there any improvement in the world view or actions relative to America or world order commitments?
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!
BBC Aug 1, 2010: The Netherlands has ended its military mission in Afghanistan, after four years in which its 1,950 troops have won praise for their effectiveness. Dutch military chief Gen Peter van Uhm said security had improved in Uruzgan province during the Dutch deployment. But he acknowledged that "a lot still has to happen" after the withdrawal.
Nato has played down its significance, but analysts say this is a sensitive time for the alliance, with growing casualties and doubts about strategy.

The Wedding: The Impeached Father; The Jailbird Father-in-law

In reading all the flowery and idyllic prose about Chelsea’s wedding, I somehow missed what would have been highlighted for Jenna’s low key semi-private one hundred thousand dollar wedding, IF her wedding contained the same circumstance with a similar set of character issues! What a roasting and tar and feather party the liberal media would have conducted! It would have been Sara and family raised to a new level!
The impeached and discredited father of the bride said he was going to have difficulty not crying. Can you imaging what the Editors of the Roanoke Times would have done with this morsel?
The father of the groom, a disgraced and criminally convicted Democrat Congressman, had just completed five years of federal incarceration for official misconduct. Not clear if he wore stripes but I’m sure the Roanoke Times’ favorite cartoonist would have had a field day with this one if the father-in-law were a Republican!
The Two Million Plus dollar wedding, much of which was at taxpayer security expense, was an obscene Democrat spectacle given the current recession, 10+% unemployment rate and highlighted by one thousand home foreclosures per week.
All we needed was for Hillary to tell the unemployed multitudes that “they should go eat cake”!
Exactly how far will the liberal-progressive Pravda media go to prop-up and support their liberal friends and white-wash over their obscene behavior?
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!

Thursday, August 05, 2010


The Roanoke Times Marginalizing Va AG Cuccinelli

Roanoke Times, 8-5-10, Pg 16, Editorial: A minor victory for Cuccinelli; A lawsuit challenging the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) continues its long journey through federal courts.
A minor victory indeed! Cuccinelli persevered over Obama’s Federal Dept. of Justice!
Every journey does indeed start with a first step, and hopefully this journey will result in a victory of the Constitution over those who have lost their way.
Also, perhaps this long journey will result in Nancy Pelosi and associates getting the opportunity to read the misguided law they passed!
The Editors of the Roanoke Times have been trying to discredit and marginalize Ken Cuccinelli, for two years.
Some examples of the Roanoke Times yellow-journalism relative to AG Cuccinelli:
1. The bare, or not bare, breasted female on the justice shield.
Objective: Let’s paint Cuccinelli as the guy with the pitchfork in “American Gothic”.
2. Cuccinelli the radical home privacy invader for selecting a prosecutor who had handled a formal complaint of indecent exposure by a mother and her child.
3. Cuccinelli a right-wing extremists for joining other states in challenging ObamaCares mandate (containing personal fines and penalties implemented by the IRS) that requires each American to join an ObamaCare approved health plan.
4. Cuccinelli a man-made global warming denier and Academic-heretic for requesting data from UVa for Prof. Michael Mann’s applications for tax-payer funds to support Gore’s-Hypothesis.
5. Cuccinelli a bigot and somewhat-raciest for joining other states, including Arizona, in challenging the Obama teams position that only the Federal Government can ask people for ID that shows they’re in this country legally.
It’s clear that the majority of Virginians approves of and supports AG Cuccinelli’s legal actions on their behalf. This in stark contrast to Democrats Webb, Warner and Perriello who’s actions are consistently not in the best interest of Virginians but instead are in support of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid Obamanation of America.

Liberal Media Investigative Reporters Silent

The Liberal-Progressive Media has demonstrated impressive investigative capabilities over the years.
Within a week of Sara Palin being named a VP candidate there were over 100 investigative reporters in her home town of about 300 residents. The resulting volumes of published anecdotal stories and rumors and speculation were awesome.
However – these same news people appear to be unable to duplicate that feat for their favorite son, Obama, who has been in office for over a year and a half now and this same press:
Still cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors; or
Find Obama’s real Birth Certificate; or
Locate any of Obama’s college papers or grades; or
Figure out how he paid for a Harvard education; or
Find which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's; or
Decipher Barry Soretoros / Barack Obama’s myriad of Social Security numbers; or
Even produce Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis on Racism.
They just can't seem to find them. Yet the public still trusts that same
press to give them timely and complete and accurate “news”.
What’s wrong with this picture?

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


White House Declares End to Gulf Oil Crisis

Roanoke Times, 8-4-10, Pg 1 & 5: Crews begin effort to plug leaking Gulf oil well. Engineers won’t know for more than a week if their efforts have successfully sealed the oil well with heavy mud and concrete.
Once again the Roanoke Times has totally missed the real story!
The real story is that the White House has declared the Crisis over!
Just a little mopping up around the edges left to do!
The SFGate – San Francisco Cronicle 8-4-10:
“Nearly three-quarters of the oil — more than 152 million gallons — has been collected at the well by a temporary containment cap, been cleaned up or chemically dispersed, or naturally deteriorated, evaporated or dissolved.
"It was captured. It was skimmed. It was burned. It was contained. Mother Nature did her part," White House energy adviser Carol Browner said on NBC's "Today" show.”
Read more:
Wow! This Obama is really amazing!
End to the war, end to the oil crisis, end to medical pain and suffering, end to private enterprise and personal responsibility! Even Evita couldn’t compete with this!
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


The Obamanation of The Iraq War

Roanoke Times, 8-3-10, Pg 1 & 14: Wonderful positive picture of Obama with headline: Obama casts coming Iraq pullout as an achievement. The White House is eager to tout successes, and the withdrawal was an early campaign promise.
And pray tell what was Obama’s contribution to whatever success there has been in Iraq?
Couldn’t find any definitive action he took amongst all the accolades and self-aggrandizement and his obnoxious narcissism.
Did Obama not vote against the Iraq Surge that was a pivotal action in the conflict?
Where was that key fact in this flowery liberal press attempt to enhance Obama’s dismal record and eroding public approval (latest polls indicate over 50% of Americans disapprove of him)?
Where in this article does Obama state the actions he will take to ensure that Iraq achieves a representative government and that it will be a self-sufficient entity with freedom and human rights for all? After all, isn’t that what liberals, like the editors of the Roanoke Times, stand for and demand both for the Iraqi people and in honor of all who paid such a high price to throw off the yoke of Sadam and his brutal regime?
Perhaps the old 7 Phases of a War applies
Search for the Guilty
Punishment of the Innocent
Praise and Honors for the Non-Participants (OBAMA)!
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!
Prior Items:

Monday, August 02, 2010


The DNC, GOP & Tea Party

Roanoke Times, 8-1-10, Pg Horiz 1: The GOP takes its tea. The tea party movement is rapidly becoming just another faction of the national Republican Party.
Apparently this article was published in concert and harmony with Tim Kaine’s DNC major initiative to discredit and denigrate both the GOP and the Tea Party membership. Two birds with one stone, so to speak.
Kaine has published HIS Republican Tea Party Contract ON America
He has also launched a media campaign to promote his definition of the GOP, hoping to convince the undecided and moderate voters that the TeaPartyized GOP is way too radical for their support. This new ad campaign hopes to link the GOP to fringe elements of the Tea Party based on selected statements made by persons identified with the Tea Party. It’s guilt by association that the liberals usually rail against; not this time of course!
This tactic by the Democrats may have some success. The Tea Party has in many districts become a major and very visible influence on local Republican politics and the behavior and rhetoric of some individuals are cause for political discomfort by moderates and independents and this could make a difference in an off-year election in which the Democrats (the party of the poor) have more than double the campaign funds of the Republicans.
A contributor to this situation is that the Tea Party seems to focus on finding candidates for leadership and office who have no significant political history and therefore have not been adequately vetted by political experience and are inexperienced with dealing with the public and media. In many cases they are making statements from the position of being “mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore”! Seldom does this frame of reference result in good public outcomes for Republicans. However, it has always worked extremely well for the “fight, fight, fight” democrats of labor and minorities and special interests.
An example of the DNC-strategy is the Republican-TeaParty candidate, Ms Angle, to oppose Harry Reid in Nevada. She received one-half million dollars from the National Tea Party Express and an unknown “undercover” amount from the DNC who view her as “most beatable” of the leading GOP primary candidates. She has made numerous inappropriate public statements that have fed directly into the DNC’s playbook and polls and pundits indicate that she will likely loose to Harry Reid, one of the most ardent and powerful supporters of the Obamanation movement.
The 8-2-10 Roanoke Times indicates on Pg 1 the stress and panic the DNC (Tim Kaine et al) is experiencing with 65 House seats at some level of risk in November.
The tension is further on display in the Pg 12 Editorial titled: The fringe takes over (the Republican Party).
This begins with a defense of the New Black Panther Party militants at a voting place in which the white house has directly intervened to squash the prosecution of Phila black panther members with weapons who participated in voter intimidation directly in front of a voting place door. Click on the link for great pictures and video of the subjects that the RT Editors view as nice gentlemen who weren’t intimidating anyone. They were just there to vote.
The editors then get back to the New-DNC-Kaine party line advertisement:
“Republicans have had a hard time isolating the fringe elements of “their” party – perhaps because the fringe is becoming the party”.
All this Roanoke Times stuff is of course just the start of tens of thousands of dollars of free advertising they will do for King Obama and Prince Perriello. Why burn-up campaign funds when your friends in the media have unlimited opportunity to blow your horn and trash you adversaries with no accountability or responsibility or liability. What a deal!

Sunday, August 01, 2010


Are Roanoke Times Editorial Girls Closet-Voyeurs?

Roanoke Times, 7-31-10, Pg 9: The attorney general’s (Cuccinelli) latest hire is best known for prosecuting a man for being naked in his home.
What a great piece of headline slant and interesting editorial perspective.
Apparently the girls are disappointed that a prosecutor would pursue a complaint filed by a mother who on several occasions, while walking her child to school, was upset by a man who exposed himself to her and her child through a public-street-view window.
Apparently the “View” of the RT Editorial Girls is that having a man display his wares to women and children visible from the street is socially acceptable behavior and perhaps they would be comfortable if guys in their neighborhood shared their wares with them.
After all, as newspaper girls well know, it pays to advertise!
At any rate it’s clear from their headline and article that they object to a prosecutor following up on such a complaint and feel it should have been dropped as a “prevailing local social custom”.
So much for old prudes and over-protective mothers who just need to get with our modern times.
Let’s all just sneak-a-peek, smile, and move on.

Obama Strains Arm Patting Self on Back

Roanoke Times, 7-31-10, Pg 3: Auto industry touted as success (for) Obama.
No RT Editors – that’s not it! Auto industry touted as success (BY) Obama! There’s a very big difference!
Obama, the pseudo-Chairman of GM (Government Motors) and pseudo-President of the UAW enjoyed a meeting in Detroit with his wards of the government and the $60 BILLION dollars of taxpayer money he doled out to them.
Exactly where in the Constitution does the President have the power and discretion to sink $60 BILLION tax-dollars into an auto company?
Perhaps the founding fathers frowned on that concept because of the adverse negative consequences that would follow like:

• Government bureaucrats would be directing corporate actions like the $41,000 Volt-GM-car that the government will massively subsidize because no one will buy it at that price.

• Government bureaucrats would disparage and denigrate competing cars to help promote “their” Government Motors vehicles:
Let's play hide the Toyota good news from the public:

• Government bureaucrats would promote financial lies and cover-ups to mitigate taxpayer dissatisfaction with this misappropriation of tax-dollars.

• Government bureaucrats would decide based on politics and not economics what dealerships and sourcing channels are to continue to be tax subsidized.
The bottom line is clearly that this administration is pursuing a policy of socialism and greatly expanded government control to the detriment of the free market system and continued development of the free enterprise system that has made this country a world-class leader.
Competition may no longer be politically correct, however it clearly is the best process for development of products and economies and it is consistent with the Constitution!


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