The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Hey Dudes at The Roanoke Times
Once again a totally missed story that would have been half of the front page with big photos if Pres. Bush had been the brunt of the Daily Show’s grossly disrespectful slam dunk of Obama and The Presidency!
Summers did “a heckuva job,” Obama said.
Stewart quickly admonished:
“You don’t want to use that phrase, dude.”
Is this not the President of the United States?
Is this not the Commander-in-Chief during war-time?
Or, is this just a Chicago community organizer and political hack?
Or, is this, as The Editors of the Roanoke Times described in their paper on Oct 24, 20010: “the ‘angry Negro’ in the White House”?
Exactly which President is this and where in recorded history has the person and the office been reduced to this level by the minions of the media?
I do not agree with Obama on most of his positions and actions, however, I am very disturbed that he is constantly placing himself and the office in positions to be ridiculed by others and or subservient to others of dubious position.
This is yet another example that clearly demonstrates that Obama was not and is not prepared to be President of The United States and two years of on-the-job training has not improved his performance or stature.
What a sad chapter in American History.
The Audacity of Groveling
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Democrats have done splendidly this year
Democrats have done splendidly this year believing in themselves and maintaining their own self-esteem.
They have been accenting the positive and eliminating the negative.
Read the details in this comprehensive editorial in the New York Times: And then smile - Nov 2nd is coming!
--Sarcasm: the little guy's weapon of choice
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Roanoke Times Editors Emerge From Their Racist Closet
Roanoke Times, 10-24-10, Pg Horiz 1: Editorial Commentary: Southern Strategy rises again in 2010
“We is white America and we --- want to take America back from the ‘angry Negro’ in the White House”.
The Editors of the Roanoke Times have aligned themselves in the past with Jessie Jackson, Al Twana Sharpton, The Rev. God Damn America Wright and other race baiting radicals, but this is a personal best for them.
This election isn’t about a federal government that is out of touch, out of control, and racked with the elitist mantra of “we don’t need to listen to ‘the people’ because we know what’s best”. No, it’s about racism pure and simple, and particularly, southern racism.
So what happened last year in races in New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Virginia? Was that all racism? What about the close race for Harry Reid’s senate seat? Is that all about racism? And what about the very close elections all across the country?
This blog has documented over 1,000 examples of the slant and bias of the Editors of the Roanoke Times over the past 5 years, however, this nasty piece of racism exceeds any and all of the past examples. Apparently the Editors cannot cope with the current poll projections for next Tuesdays elections and have totally lost it!
Shame on the entire Editorial Staff! What a sad reflection on them, their product, their profession and sadly all the good people who work for the Roanoke Times and have to bear the public disdain for content they do not control.
New news item: Apparently Obama has joined in the Roanoke Times racist dialogue:
WOONSOCKET, R.I. -- President Barack Obama attacked Republicans with gusto Monday Oct 25th.
"We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back." -
This from the President of the United States; what a sad chapter in American History!
Friday, October 22, 2010
NPR Cans Juan Williams and Free and Open Speech
Roanoke Times, 10-22-10, Pg 2: Television * Movies * Music
NPR analyst is fired after his remarks about Muslims
No that’s not it Editors of the Roanoke Times!
This is not a story about entertainment!
This is a story about an abuse of power that would be a full front page on the Roanoke Times if it were perpetrated by a Republican entity against a liberal or Democrat.
1. News analyst Juan Williams’ was fired from National Public Radio for comments he made about being nervous when flying alongside devout Muslims.
2. This week, the radio network received $1.8 million from billionaire investor George Soros to hire journalists to cover legislatures in all 50 states.
Does anyone doubt the connection between these two events? Can there be any doubt that Soros (THE major Daddy Warbucks for the liberal-progressive movement) made it clear that the $1.8 million was exclusive of anyone not totally liberal-pure in every way and every day?
There is no better example of the hypocrisy of the liberal left than this event!
Perhaps we should flash back two years ago when Obama reflected on his Grandmother’s expressed fears of being alone and meeting young black men on a city street. Was that not viewed by most as a reasonable and prudent and very understandable feeling felt by many people required to walk intercity streets yet today?
Apparently the Politically Correct Police will not rest until we all kowtow and bow to their ever pervasive control over our every conversation and discourse and personal feeling.
Where is the hue and cry of condemnation of this trespass upon individual’s first amendment rights by the Editors of the Roanoke Times and their left wing associates?
This is of course consistent with the left wing’s prior “Bomb Juan” program their attacks on Bill (not politically correct) Cosby
Take a real look at your liberal progressive guardians of first amendment and individual rights to open and free expression – what a pathetic bunch of hypocrites and losers!
Perhaps the answer behind these issues are:
Islam: The New US Government Religion
The Juan Williams Affair: Just a footnote in the NPR strategy:
NPR CEO Vivian Schiller Key Architect of FCC Govt Takeover of the News
Article By: Tara Servatius who is a writer and radio host from North Carolina.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Distinguished Scientist Hal Lewis Rejects Global Warming Alarmists
Not found in the Roanoke Times; apparently the editors are more interested in global warming politics than the “scientific method”. Why confuse the public by presenting both sides of a major issue. They’re consistent with King Obama’s pronouncement that "the American people can’t think straight" therefore why burden them with the facts.
Hal Lewis Letter: My Resignation From The American Physical Society
The Christian Science Monitor; By Anthony Watts / October 19, 2010”Five centuries ago, a German priest challenged the reigning theological “consensus” about the clerical sale of indulgences, unraveling one of the great religious scams in history and inspiring the Protestant Reformation.
Climate change 'fraud' letter: a Martin Luther moment in science history
Esteemed physicist Harold Lewis is calling global warming the 'most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen.' His resignation letter could mark the unraveling of one of the great scientific mistakes in history and the beginning of a needed reformation of the scientific community.
This month, a senior American physicist challenged the reigning scientific “consensus” about global warming. His action may prove to be the unraveling one of the great scientific mistakes in history and the beginning of a greatly needed reformation of the scientific community.”
The wheels are coming off the global warming alarmist wagons and now their only option is to circle their wagons in a desperate attempt to hide their malfeasance and pseudoscientific fraud from the public who have paid dearly for false and misleading services rendered.
Here in Virginia the Va AG’s request for information from UVa has met with a firestorm of negativity and rejection. The liberals don’t want the public to see the basis for Prof Mann (the hokey hockey stick guy) to get millions of dollars of taxpayer money to pursue the Gore-Hypothesis and its predetermined-science-outcomes. Forget all that open-government and transparency stuff the liberals constantly throw at folks with issues they oppose – this is different!
Hopefully Prof. Lewis will continue to be a strong advocate for scientists pursuing the “scientific method” instead of the “consensus” method of scientific fact discovery.
UK News: Professor Hal Lewis Joins The GWPF (Global Warming Policy Foundation)
Some Prior items:
Monday, October 18, 2010
Obama: American’s Can’t Think Straight
Americans are so "scared" they're not thinking straight about the upcoming elections, President Obama said over the weekend,
What a pathetic sight! Obama the prophet of hope and change announcing that the American people are fearful and therefore irrational and therefore unable to make good decisions. Apparently they are back to clinging to their guns and bibles again, poor things!
Has any American president ever berated and disrespected the American people like this?
There has never been such an arrogant, elitist, and condescending president in our history!
Hopefully this election will politically-emasculate his holiness and the next election will sweep him and his court jesters out of office.
What a sad chapter in American political history.
Some prior items:
Found: An Obama Shovel-Ready Job
Click on Image to Enlarge the Job
Prior Items:
Obama Doubles-Down With Your Money Again
Does this wizard from Harvard have any idea what’s involved in doing a major infrastructure job? Some long-lead (multi-year) mandatory items: Architectural proposals and development of specifications, years of environmental impact processes, selection of and then acquisition of private property through the courts, building permits, bid proposals, bid selection, concentrations of men, material and equipment.
Kaine and VDOT not Shovel-ready
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Obama The American Evita
Obama, touring a senior citizens center, announced two weeks before this major election, that he plans to hand out $250 to each senior citizen in the country.
This picture could only be enhanced if Evita were standing next to him handing out money and singing “Don’t cry for me, Argentina”. On second thought, Michelle could fill those shoes nicely, after all, she’s really proud now!
What a disgusting, pandering and gross display of raw Chicago politics!
Buying elections the Chicago way! This is the new vision?
One can only imagine the front page hue and cry of the Editors of the Roanoke Times and their liberal-progressive media friends if Bush had done this!
Obama’s new book should be titled “The Audacity of Gross Presidential Pandering”.
At least Bill Clinton didn’t offer tax money for services rendered.
Obama – the healer, the uniter, the force for wonderful positive change
NO that’s not it -- would you like to guess again?
Prior Item:
Obama Buying Votes With Tax Dollars
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Obama & Biden: Desperately Searching For An Enemy of The People
Obama & Biden: Desperately Searching For An Enemy of The People
It’s George Bush – he single-handedly caused the housing disaster that then caused the recession
NO that’s not it -- would you like to guess again?
How about the Democrat Congress with housing leaders Barney (Freddie Mae&Mac) Frank and Chris (Countrywide) Dodd!
Let's not bring that up!
It’s the terrorists about to hit Europe
NO that’s not it -- would you like to guess again?
It’s Carl Rove and his secret source of campaign finance money
NO that’s not it -- would you like to guess again?
It’s the Chamber of Commerce – that nasty cabal of business people who represent the private sector businesses that pay over 60% of the taxes and generate the real jobs in America
NO that’s not it -- would you like to guess again?
It’s that campaign finance money the Republicans are getting from corporations and those nasty foreign people (who love Obama) that is off-setting the money from George Soros and the unions
NO that’s not it -- would you like to guess again?
There’s a boogey-man enemy of the people somewhere that will save Obama and his associates from major losses and embarrassment in the November elections – we just have to find them! Our liberal media friends will help us saturate the “news” with their foul deeds but first we need to find the boogey-men and soon!
Obama – the healer, the uniter the force for wonderful positive change
NO that’s not it -- would you like to guess again?Game over -- Thanks for Playing!-
Monday, October 11, 2010
Roanoke Times Being Ever So Sensitive to Obama’s Feelings
Roanoke Times, 10-11-10, Pg 10: Editorial: Do better with next spill.
A sugar coated editorial on the very negative gulf oil spill report that was extremely critical of Obama and his administrations handling of this crisis.
“Those shortcomings need to be dissected and understood, but with an eye toward improving the next response rather than the political ramifications.”
After years of bashing Bush in every possible way, including calling him racist because of the failures in responding to Katrina, the liberal press now wants everyone to play nice and forgive and forget the incompetence of Obama and friends during the oil mess.
Obama had the federal authority by law for solely dealing with this situation in federal waters. He has only himself to blame for he and his team being stuck on stupid.
Bush on the other hand was constrained by law not to be the central leader but instead to be a supporter of two of the most incompetent managers in history, the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana.
Is there anything the Editors of the Roanoke Times will not do for their King Obama?
Do they not have any intellectual or journalistic standards of accountability or responsibility, or lacking that, any sense of fair play? Talk about being stuck on stupid!
Prior items:
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Political Correctness Embraces Anti-Bullying Hysteria
Roanoke Times, 10-10-10, Pg Horiz-2: Editorial: Bullies empowered by technology
A summary about the lack of thought and maturity and civility exercised by two college students who broadcast over the internet the sexual activity of one of their classmates who then committed suicide.
There are certainly extenuating circumstances involved in this gross breach of personal conduct none of which excuses or condones the publication of the most private of all personal activity.
During a visit to my granddaughter’s intercollegiate sports game this weekend I was surprised to note that there were several key players not on the team. Apparently these young women had been suspended from team play for violations of college rules of conduct.
I asked my granddaughter if her teammates actively imposed their individual and collective influence on each other to reinforce the team spirit and importance of doing the “right thing” for the team’s benefit and success. My view is that in the absence of parental guidance, team cohesion might be a helpful and good thing.
She told me that this would be considered “Bullying”!
It’s amazing how quickly the political correctness police can arrive at the scene!
One might reflect on elementary school teachers that one day were practicing “hugs are better than drugs” to the next day ensuring that there is absolutely positively no physical contact of any kind at any time between a teacher and a student.
Clearly this incident has become an overnight political correctness hysteria that will suppress an individual’s ability to exercise proper and prudent personal expression and substantially diminish a team’s structure and consistency.
Speaking of political correctness and bullying: it’s not clear how that Democrat Bully Jerry Brown can get away with calling Republican Meg Whitman a whore and then get the NOW girls endorsement to be governor? What’s wrong with that picture?
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
ObamaCare: Hire 16,500 IRS Agents, Reward Lawyers, Dis The Doctors
Roanoke Times, 10-5-10, Pg 1 & 14, BIG front page spread with BIG photo:
Virginia lagging behind other states in retaining doctors.
How pathetic! The editors of the Roanoke Times don’t even get the meaning and consequences behind their own major front page story!
It’s the marginal doctor's fees for Medicare, Medicaid, and massive liability insurance costs that are driving your independent doctor out of the front lines of patient care!
But wait – ObamaCare is coming – that will fix all our ills! Not so fast: ObamaCare is:
* Driving hundreds of thousands of people onto Medicaid with even lower fees for doctors
* Obama is cutting $500 BILLION (that’s one half TRILLION) from the Medicare budget just as millions of baby-boomers are entering the system
* Instead of training and hiring more doctors, he is hiring 16,500 IRS agents to police his system
* The trial lawyers will have ever more medical targets of opportunity to get rich (John Edwards and associates)
* Liability insurance rates will continue to escalate
* The total cost of becoming an MD is several hundred thousand dollars in loans that must be repaid plus the costs to start-up a business.
Is this the healthcare hope and change America was promised?
And when will the Editors of the Roanoke Times wake up and smell the coffee?
Prior Items:
Monday, October 04, 2010
Global Warming Alarmists Employ Violence to Terrorise School Children
The global warming alarmists have become so desperate that they now have degenerated into publishing scenes of terrorism in a classroom in order to intimidate school children into conforming with their misdirection.
Al Gore has, in the past, described to school children in vivid details the catastrophic results he predicts from man-made global warming, instilling fear and anxiety in them.
However, this new TV onslaught is beyond anything anyone could imagine would be shown in any forum by any responsible person.
In an age in which violence in school has reached paranoiac proportions, how can any responsible person produce and launch a video showing a teacher blowing up students because they didn’t leap to her alarmists misdirection?
Click the link to view this disgusting example of political correctness and public intimidation gone utterly mad.
Sorry for the 20 second advertising lead-in. Sound ON.
Some Prior Items:
Still No Cries of Terrorism-Wolf From the Roanoke Times
10-5-10: Obama Terror Alert Update; Roanoke Times, Pg 3:"France, Britain and Germany -- the nations believed to be the targets of the scheme -- have not changed their terrorism threat levels. On Monday, the German government played down the fears by declaring there is "no reason to be alarmist"."
But there clearly is a reason to be alarmist here in the US!
Obama and his cronies are in dire political "do-do" and they desperately need a big bad external boggy man to get the focus off of themselves!
And the Roanoke Times and the major US media are doing all they can to help!-
Original posted item:
Obama issues Europe terror threat for American travelers.
The alert “did not offer specifics” about the targets and countries that could be most at risk, saying only that Americans should be careful around transportation hubs and other popular tourist locations.
Remember the hue and cry and sarcastic editorials whenever the Bush administration made this type of announcement or changed the color-coded threat level?
For every incident the liberal-progressive media lamented and published that there was not any creditable risk and that Bush was using the fear of terror as a political tool.
With Obama’s approval rating in the tank and liberal and Democrat candidates sinking in the polls just before a major election and American negative public opinion toward “Obama’s Wars”, has it not occurred to the liberal media that this certainly smells like crying wolf to divert attention away from Washington to a faraway sinister enemy?
Of course not! How could anyone think of such a thing!
Obama would never generate and use a contrived crisis as a political tool!
After all his CIA director is Leon "the political hack" Panetta!
Prior Item:
Friday, October 01, 2010
Obama More Harmful to Gulf Coast Economy Than BP Spill
Obama is demonstrating yet again his choice of politics over science and his debonair attitude of the devil take the jobs and economy.
Out of desperation for the welfare of an entire Gulf Coast industry, La. Democrat Senator Landrieu has stopped confirmation of Obama’s replacement budget director Mr. Lew in a desperate effort to get Obama to end the Gulf Oil drilling moratorium that he is imposing even after it was struck down by a Federal Court.
Apparently King Obama is not bound by Federal Court orders, or by a “CONSENSUS” of expert scientists he appointed, or the plight of Gulf Shore businesses or jobs.
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!-
Obama: The Audacity of Arrogance
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