The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Roanoke Times: Bats, Elections, Foreclosures, ObamaCare & Outsourcing

Today’s Roanoke Times, 11-7-10, was a smorgasbord of moping and whining and frantically searching for reasons that the election results were an aberration.
Pg 1: Bat population threatened by disease. What a change from the steady RT drum beat that bats were being wiped out by wind-turbines! Perhaps the answer is to put them on the endangered species list. That should make them all better and certainly will result in lots more federal jobs and lots of additional restrictions on people and the economy.
Pg 1: Foreclosure system ripe for errors in Virginia. “One lawyer said flaws are likely common”. This is a front page story? "One lawyer says"? No wonder folks are canceling their subscriptions to the RT. The sad truth is: if you miss paying your mortgage for several months the entire balance is due, which of course, no one can pay! The paper work is simple: you either have you cancelled checks that showed you paid or you don’t!
The proper RT headline should be: if you can’t pay the full amount of your mortgage payment on time, get down to the bank and work with them and try to workout a deal.
Pg 3: Obama the outsourcer or maybe just the sorcerer; after all it is Halloween time! Obama in India with an entourage of hundreds costing the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. For the last three years, starting with his primary campaign Obama hammered the Republicans for trade agreements (many of which Clinton arranged) that were outsourcing jobs that Americans should have. Now the New Improved Obama says that “India is a major creator of American jobs”! Talk about your cool-aide! We can hardly wait for his Excellency to come-on-down to Danville and Martinsville and explain that to the folks down there. Better he should stick with UVa students who have never had a job or supported themselves or paid taxes.
Pg B1: Rising cost of health care: Business reacting to rising health care including the employees of Carilion Clinic, the biggest health care entity in the region. Wasn’t ObamaCare going to give us: better care for more people at lower cost? And what’s with the AARP? They hawked ObamaCare for the Democrats for the past year and now they’re “shafting” their own employees with the reality of ObamaCare. Something about chickens coming home to roost.
Pg H1,2,3: A tsunami of left-wing liberal editorials and commentaries lamenting the results of the election. Moderates a dying breed, a requiem mass for Boucher and Perriello and the demise of the blue-dogs, Oh woe is me! The reality is many of the Democrats ran as blue-dogs and then served as Pelosi lap-dogs. No real blue-dog would have voted for Cap&Tax, ObamaCare and the Stimulus; they misrepresented themselves and got what they deserved!
Now lets cut in-half the DOEd, DOE, DOT, and the EPA. These bloated bureaucratic agencies are totally unnecessary. Every state has these functions and has the responsibility for these functions. And while were at it let’s reduce the endangered species list to a maximum of 100 entities that are truly important and in our national interest. Let’s call it the Charles Darwin act of science instead of politics and misdirected emotion.

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