The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, July 31, 2011


The Car Barons: Ford, Hitler, Obama

Roanoke Times: Obama announces American cars and pickups will get 56 MPG by 2025
Ford introduced the Model-T to America as the alternative to the horse and buggy.
Hitler introduced the VW-Bug to Germany as the alternative to motorbikes.
Obama introduced the Hoe-Mobile as his alternative to our current: safe, reliable, affordable and convenient automobiles and light-trucks.
(Note: the Hoe-Mobile will be the first of these vehicles named after green garden tools)
It’s of interest that he did not introduce the technology to achieve these seat-of-the-pants targets nor even a prototype or concept vehicle or a target cost or a guestimate of accident lethality or cost of ownership or anything else a consumer needs to know.
Using power-grid electricity as the energy source (a limited and expensive source after Obama completes the shut-down of all coal and nuclear plants); the new rechargeable battery technology and the massive numbers of rechargeable batteries required will present a whole new set of targets of opportunity for the Sierra Club and their associates (note that NYC Mayor Blumburg just gave $ 50 Million (that’s fifty million dollars) to them for doing good deeds. This from a mayor whose city and state are bankrupt and unemployed and mired in stagnation and decay).
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) ...
 "It is our choices Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
To approach these targets, Vehicles will have to be small, light and the new incarnation of “Unsafe at Any Speed”! Another million seller in the works by Ralph Nader Jr.
As CEO of Government Motors (formerly GM) and the leader of the UAW Obama clearly has sized the power to direct the auto industry to do whatever he and his socialist-progressive associates demand. It’s not clear where in the Constitution he has been granted this power, but what the heck, who cares about the Constitution anymore?
The 2012 Elections will be a clear choice for the American People:
Pick One: _____ Socialism or ____ Americanism

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Obama’s Libyan Mess Gets Messier

Roanoke Times, 7-30-11, Pg 4: The Libyan Group, designated as The Official Government of Libya by Obama, has arrested and then assassinated their chief military commander.
Who are these “democratic liberators” and why did Obama recognize them as The Official Government of Libya? Was there a democratic election that we missed? Was there a vetting of these unknown people so that we know not just who they are but even more important what they stand for?
Once again Obama and his court jesters are clearly demonstrating that they don’t have a clue how to conduct affairs of State.
When this mess started with massive US military missile and aircraft strikes upon the people of Libya without any Congressional approval or authority, Obama said this would be over in weeks and that this was a noble cause.  How's all that working out for you now Barack?
At what point are the major liberal media going to take this charlatan to task for his gross mishandling of the business of our government ?
And why is this story hidden in small print back on page 4 ?
And where is Obama’s Peace Prize on display these days ?
Obama The Peacemaker: Bombing Five Plus Countries
Obama; Hillary; Libya: The Keystone Cops Revisited

More Global Warming Alarmist And Fracking Issues

More Polar Bear Activity, Arctic Ice Melting Again and Those Fracking-Alarmists
A leading climate scientist whose report in 2006 of drowning polar bears in Arctic waters galvanized the global warming movement -- and was highlighted in Al Gore's Oscar-winning climate-change documentary -- has been suspended, possibly over the accuracy of his observations.
As a light contrast click to view three of the 2100 happy bears in Greenland’s Davis Straight:
Greenland Ice Melting – AGAIN!
Brown Polar Bears at Risk
Washington Post News: The Arctic Icebergs are disappearing with awful consequences:
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelt which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
This report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post - 89 years ago.
Roanoke Times Editorial: Stop “Fracking” for shale-oil in the National Forests.
Fracking is the primary process of obtaining oil from shale. It involves deep horizontal drilling and high-temperature liquids. Opponents (Fracking-Alarmists) claim that the process introduces flammable gases into domestic water deep-well systems.
The Fracking-Alarmists have seized upon a film by Josh Fox (no relation to Fox News) that purports to show flaming gas coming from a kitchen sink due to fracking. However, the attached video clearly shows Fox admitting that for many decades before fracking there had been methane in that area and reports of burning tap water but he chose not to include that key information in his report and video!
Liar-liar – your pants are on-fire!
I personally know that in the Catskills it is not unusual for home water wells of 500 feet or more to have enough methane dissolved in the water to cause the exhaust from domestic water tanks to be flammable and there has never been any Fracking in that area.
Yet more selective and managed data from those with an alarmist agenda!
Why can’t they tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Why I became an Gore-AGW Skeptic and Why I Still Am:
New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism
By James Taylor  Forbes – Wed, Jul 27, 2011
Commonwealth Foundation: JULY 27, 2011 Policy Brief by PAUL CHESSER, MARK NEWGENT
The Great Frack Attack: The War on Natural Gas
Greenland Ice Melting – AGAIN!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Obama, Congress; Why Raise Debt Limit?

Why raise the debt limit and further sink further into massive interest payments and the Chinese web of influence and control?
As the new “sixteen tons” song says:
One day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the Chinese Reds
Roanoke Times, 7-28-11, Pg 1 – 16: Congress still deadlocked on debt deal
Pg 16: Dow Jones loses 198 points as debt crisis deepens
Pg 16: Credit Agencies say current proposals fall short of $4 TRILLION savings and it is that overwhelming and unresolved debt that will cause US credit to be downgraded.
7-29-11, Pg 1 – 8: House vote on debt limit put off ( 7-28 PM)
Vote was taken and passed today; the second debt limit plan sent by the House to the Senate where Democrats would not even debate or negotiate but tabled it instead.
What sense of urgency does that reflect?  What is the real Obama/Democrat Agenda?
“As the evening slipped by, the White House poked fun at Republicans”
For John Stewarts commentaries on Obama’s Positions click-on the following link:
It is not raising the $14 TRILLION debt limit that is the problem,
It is the $14 TRILLION debt itself; and the current Obama budget that increases the debt an additional $1.4 TRILLION again this year; and to compound this major problem is the ongoing Democrat plan to TAX, SPEND AND BORROW without limit into the future.
Obama's Debt Limit Leadership Statement (2006)

Monday, July 25, 2011


Our Government - Just Not Responsible

Three persons climbed over a fence at Yosemite National Park and were swept over a 300 foot waterfall to their death.
The Park Service spokesman said: “the railing and sign are adequate, and it’s the visitor’s responsibility to exercise judgment and caution when near any cliff”.
If this were a privately owned property or that of a business or corporation there would be law suites and multiple government investigations including the implication of criminality due to negligence and depraved indifference. Just fall out of a carnival ride and see what happens.
And where in any Obama Administration initiative is the concept of “personal responsibility and the exercise of good judgment” presented?
The news is now touting the increased risk of mosquitoes spreading diseases in the US due to increased temperatures. No where does the news or the government address the over one million third world people who have died from malaria each year since the US imposed a DDT ban in 1972. Too bad about them; things might have been done differently if they voted in the US; perhaps not.
There has never been a successful law suite compensating victims of violence who were supposed to be protected by a court “protective order”, or due to the slow or absent action by police to protect a person. These cases are always thrown out of court with the statement: “the police job is to protect the public, and not a particular person”. How comforting is that?
And what responsibility has the government taken for the malfeasance of taking and misappropriating the Social Security and Medicaid Trust Funds and spending those funds for whatever they thought would get them reelected? Whenever business people are caught misappropriating their employees retirement funds they typically go to jail!
And what responsibility, accountability or liability has the Obama Administration acknowledged for the deaths and injuries resulting from directing that firearms be delivered to felons and drug-terrorists?
As the government becomes more intrusive into our lives (to and including “touching and viewing in-detail your junk”) and less responsible, accountable or liable for their actions, the individual truly becomes an unimportant cog in a big government wheel and reminds one of the masses in the 1984 Mac Ad:
The young woman with the big-hammer in this video was clearly the first tea-party person!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Obama's Debt Limit Leadership Statement

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America ’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.
 It is a sign that the US  Government cannot pay its own bills.
 It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies.
 Increasing America ’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.
Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.
America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.
 Americans deserve better.”
 Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
Has there ever been a bigger hypocrite in the White House?

Monday, July 11, 2011


If I Had A Butt Like Michelle’s

Roanoke Times, 7-11-11, Pg 1 &14: Government setting food guidelines for Youth-Food
Apparently Michelle is the newest Czarina to formally enter the Obama Royal Court. Her quest to reduce American obesity is now being codified into FDA regulations for youth breakfast foods.
If I Had A Butt Like Michelle’s I would make sure I face the cameras (straight-on) while announcing this new enhanced Government FDA intrusion into what the Obama’s view as totally ignorant, incompetent and dysfunctional family’s who must have Government mandates of even the most basic choices like selecting their children’s breakfast cereal.
It is hard for someone who has walked down my life’s path to comprehend the mindset of these elitist, patronizing and condescending control-freaks that view the government as the total master of our lives.
Back when Hillary was doing her “It takes a Village” thing I realized how naive I was back on Dec 6th, 1960 when I looked down at my new-born first son. Being raised myself by immigrants with super work-ethic’s, I though I was responsible for my son’s upbringing, his personal and physical needs, his moral guidance and compass, his education and development of his self-reliance and independence.
Stupid me – I had no idea that there was a village somewhere that was responsible for all that and that soon the National Government would take-over and grossly expand all those responsibilities from the villagers and impose it’s draconian bureaucratic will on everyone.
Apparently I should have seen this coming when watching the “Village People” singing YMCA and listening to Pete Seager sing “This Land Is MY Land”;  And I sure should have seen it coming while watching the "1984" Mac Ad:
Some Prior Items:

Friday, July 08, 2011


Ward Armstrong Had His Chance

Roanoke Times, 7-8-11, Pg 7: Delegate Ward Armstrong nominated to run in new 9th
Ward Armstrong, The Number One Democrat Delegate from Southside has moved his residence and his million dollar campaign into the 9th District. Armstrong had 20 years of experience watching Southside jobs disappear; apparently without realizing that healthy companies, right-to-work laws, reasonable and prudent regulations, moderate taxes and the free enterprise system are the keys to American workers success.
How is 20 years of failure a good basis to improve the future of Southside Virginia?
Armstrong claims he’s for lower priced energy while his party and his team eliminates coal mining, directs the EPA to shut-down existing power plants and prevents expanding current domestic energy development. Armstrong talks about regulating power companies; doesn’t he know that in Virginia they are government regulated utilities that do what the government tells them to do? And haven’t they been under the control of multiple Democrat Administrations of which he has been a key member?
Armstrong was part of Kaine’s Democrat team that hid a Billion dollars of taxpayer money instead of spending it on Virginia highways while telling us they needed to raise more taxes and find some “shovel ready jobs” somewhere.
Mark Warner’s endorsement was: “keep stirring up trouble in Richmond”!
That’s the Democrat Plan for progress and job growth in Armstrong’s district that has the highest unemployment rate in the state? What are these people thinking?
Delegate Charles Poindexter has vision, knowledge, motivation and the ability to take the necessary actions to encourage and enable private industry to thrive again in Southside. He and his family are long term residents of Franklin County. He is a devoted family man who has been a farmer, a distinguished military executive, a County Supervisor, and Charles is now our current Delegate ably representing all the residents of the 9th District.
Let’s vote for Progress and let the Obama-team keep their change.

Yet More Roanoke Times Pro-Obama Economy Misinformation

Roanoke Times, 7-8-11, Pg 7: Job outlook brightens as hiring rises in June.
Big article with nice picture of a UAW Obama Government Motors (GM) worker.

What a pile of heifer-dust! Don’t the editors of the Roanoke Times spend any time at all validating the garbage they get from AP or are they willing participants in the mis&disinformation campaign being waged to help the Obama reelection campaign? Since they “invented” the 1-1/2 x 5-1/2 inch big bold heading and major lead-in, one might suspect that the girls are still bouncing their pom-poms on the Obama cheer-leader’s squad.
The facts:
The Labor Department reported that employers added just 18,000 net jobs in June, the fewest in nine months.
The jobless rate ticked up to 9.2 percent from 9.1 percent.
The pace of job growth is not even enough to keep up with population growth -- it would take about 125,000 jobs per months to do so -- and certainly not enough to bring down the unemployment rate.
and there were 250,000 long-term unemployed who dropped out of the "job search market" who were not counted as unemployed (how obscene is that!).
All this after two years of the Obama economic fix-it programs that have resulted in massive debt without recovery; and the Editorial Girls at the RT rock-on!
Some Prior Items:

Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Virginia College Tuition A Runaway Train

Roanoke Times, 7-5-11, Pg 11: If tuition continues to rise at the current pace, Virginians will be priced out of higher ed.
A Big Editorial totally devoted to throwing more taxpayer money at higher education without a single word about why there is hyper-inflation in college costs and not a single example of any effort anywhere to reduce costs.
Why are costs growing at multiples of (the rate of inflation plus increases in enrollment) and as enrollment increases why isn’t there benefits from the “economy of scale”?
All this is not surprising because the following five (5) blog items dating back to 2005 address the RT’s same chant: (send more money!). In fact it was a waste of editorial time to write this when all one had to do was Google and copy and paste the prior 5 editorials!
We, the taxpayers, have spent hundreds of millions on new technology for our colleges. Why haven’t these investments resulted in cost savings, efficiencies, and reductions in paperwork, redundant books, staffing and space?
The bureaucracy of education defies any semblance of business responsibility, accountability or transparency. The RT and their liberal associates are enablers of this gross waste of time, money and space by continuing their mindless “more money” chant instead of spearheading a responsible effort to address the root causes of the problem.
Virginia universities can do much better and would do better if called to account. Why isn’t the RT and their associates rising to this important task?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Greenland Ice Melting – AGAIN!

Roanoke Times, 7-4-11, Pg 3: Warm seawater melts ice from below while global warming melts it from above and the polar ice is melting faster than had been expected,  says Yianjun Yin and associates of the Univ. of Arizona
(And as Gore and his AGW-Alarmists have repeatedly told you: the warm air and the warm water is your fault!)
However, Yin forgot to mention that:
The Arctic has been relatively free of summer ice in the past and it appears that will happen again. Just 3,000 years ago Greenland was 3 degrees C warmer than it is now. Clearly the satellite images from that period would have shown the Northwest Passage far different than it is today!
Apparently Yin also hasn’t been looking at the data that describes the massive volcanic structures below Greenland and much of the Arctic ice near there.
Perhaps he could visit Wikipedia for some great photos and descriptions of underwater and under-ice fumaroles:
Since Yin is quite close to Yellowstone, perhaps he could visit Glacier National Park and reflect on how Old Faithful and thousands of fumaroles melted those glaciers from the bottom while the warm air of the Medieval Warm Period melted them from the top.  They sure are gone and apparently it's NOT our fault!  Apparently Mother Nature has done this many times and in many places before and she has a way of repeating earth’s cycles.
Isn’t it time to stop looking for ways to support Gore and his Alarmist Associates and just relate today’s observations to the earth’s history? Of course you can’t get government taxpayer grant money for doing that!  Don’t they cover this material in 8th Grade Earth Science classes? Apparently they’re too busy hyping Gore’s Alarmist Inconvenient Untruths and don’t have the time or motivation to teach students about the natural order and history of the earth.
If you really want to worry about earth’s climate variations, worry about the next “Little Ice Age” and the impacts that will have on all of earth’s creatures and plants.
As a light contrast click to view three of the 2100 happy bears in Greenland’s Davis Straight:
Prior Items:
Why I became an AGW-Skeptic and why I still am
Brown Polar Bears at Risk

Monday, July 04, 2011


Roanoke Times Prints Jefferson’s Declaration

Roanoke Times, 7-4-11, Pg 10: The right of the people
Thomas Jefferson’s Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America was a radical document that changed the world.
Kudos to the Roanoke Times for such a courageous act of journalism. After all, the Declaration of Independence has become a politically incorrect historic and archaic document as viewed by the major liberal press and all progressives everywhere. To that end their primary view is that it, like the Constitution, is a “living document and not a solemn declaration” subject to change and interpretation by whomever they favor at any point in time.
Two of the focus items of the PC Progressives with the Declaration are:
1. This Country was not and is not based on a God centric view; but the Declaration says”
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator”. Who might that have been?
“Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world.” And who might that have been?
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence”. And who might that have been”
2. The Progressives insist that the country is founded on an all powerful and controlling and autonomous central federal government.
However, that was precisely what the Declaration was written to confront and even without the 14th Amendment the founder’s views were clear that concentrated power at the federal level was not compatible with an independent and free people.
“The Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Fee and Independent States”
“to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do”
We are now locked in a major conflict between those who view the Federal Government as the answer to all our challenges and problems and therefore empowered to seize whatever power it deems appropriate to exert its will upon the people and states, verses those who view local control and States Rights as being the best vehicles for the people to balance government control against personal freedoms and self-determination.
The 2010 elections set the stage for this major conflict.
The 2012 elections will determine the course of our governance and it is likely that direction will prevail for much of the 21st Century.
God Bless our American experiment in personal freedom and self-determination! We are indeed unique throughout history and the world.
July 4th 2011 Are The Good Times Over For Good?
BearingDrift: The Declaration of Independence: Then and Now:   Ken Falkenstein

Saturday, July 02, 2011


Roanoke Times Marginalizing Some Global Warming News

Roanoke Times, 7-2-11, Pg 4: The University of Anglia, at the center of the Climategate affair, must allow independent researchers access to its closely guarded archive of global temperature records.
(Why is this significant news hidden in small print back on page 4?)
Why isn’t this worthy of real print coverage? Why is it that every Gore-AGW-Alarmist proclamation is big lengthy upfront print while news that the Alarmists are slowly but steadily being forced to bring their taxpayer funded secret data, analysis and basis for conclusions out into the open for public review and critique is small buried print?
Perhaps it’s because: A cloak of secrecy is the cover for a veil of imposed ignorance as so well depicted by the statue of Booker T. Washington at the entry to Tuskegee University in Alabama.

John Stewart gave an excellent summary of this ongoing ClimateGate fiasco:
This is important because public opinion and government energy policy world-wide is being driven by data and conclusions that have not seen the “light of independent professional critique” demanded by this level of draconian impacts.  This veil of secrecy has been and continues to be supported by the major liberal media who always claim to be the guardians of open and free public information.
Some prior items
Why I became an AGW Skeptic:
UVA Hiding Prof Mann

Friday, July 01, 2011


July 4th 2011 Are The Good Times Over For Good?

Sound ON
Windows Media Player Video (some load time)
Click-On Link:
Prior Items:
The Constitution: “We The People”
Hiding Patrick Henry
Name the New American System
Fourteen TRILLION dollars in debt


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