The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Rick Santorum’s Abuse of The Republican Primary Process

USA Today, 2-28-12
LIVONIA, Mich. (AP) – Mitt Romney on Tuesday denounced rival Rick Santorum's automated phone calls urging Democrats to vote against the former Massachusetts governor, calling the tactic "outrageous and disgusting."
During yesterday’s close and heated Michigan Republican Primary for President, Rick Santorum’s campaign ran a RoboCall program “asking Democrats to vote for him in the Republican Primary". This action is clearly an act of desperation and also a hostile act upon the Party he seeks to nominate him for President.
Any Republican who calls upon the Michigan Democrats, made up heavily of Obama’s Government Motors GM-UAW membership, to vote in a Republican Primary is clearly not deserving of Republican nomination for anything, no less President!
The Virginia Legislature just addressed and then let stand the Open Primary Process. A major reason not to adopt a Party Enrollment System was that “it’s never really been abused”. Hello! Santorum is now the Poster Boy of such abuse and if he were on the Primary ballet in Virginia next Tuesday there’s every reason to believe he would abuse the system here also.
A Party Enrollment System enables voters to associate themselves with the platform, values and objectives of the party of their choice at a particular point in time. This personal choice increases the probability that party candidates will be chosen consistent with the party and its membership and not to entities outside the party seeking to disrupt and misdirect the membership’s choice.
Rick Santorum admits using robocalls in Michigan primary campaign

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Obama’s Good Afghan War Turns Sour

Roanoke Times, 2-28-12, Pg 15, Editorial: Afghan violence hits home

Obama’s Good War has turned sour and his friends in the liberal media are now working hard to ensure Obama is not held accountable for his decisions and actions that have snatched failure out of the mouth of opportunity.
Absent now is the video of Obama and his minions intently watching the TV monitors of our soldiers being murdered with a shot to the head by their so-called “Afghan Comrades”?
Obama and associates castigated Bush for not making Afghanistan the primary target for massive amounts of boots on the ground. Bush’s utilization of Afghan fighters that opposed Al-Qaida and the Taliban was ridiculed as “outsourcing” the war effort.
Perhaps Bush’s team had evaluated the Russian Afghan Experience and decided that employing and supporting the Northern Alliance was the best alternative in that large and desolate and tribal and undomesticated expanse.
It’s also of interest that occupying Afghanistan was not the key to getting Bin Laden; It was in fact the tools and forces and technologies that were developed well before General Obama arrived at the TV viewing studio.
To add insult to injury Obama and associates continue their obnoxious kowtowing and groveling to the fanatical violent Muslim criminals? Has there ever been, in the history of this great Country, such a sad and disappointing Commander-In-Chief?
The RT Editors muse about what Obama’s new war objectives and actions should be. It’s a little late for that! He has announced to the enemy that we are withdrawing on a fixed timeline. The surge-troops are gone and now the only real job is to get out with minimal casualties above the 1700+ killed and 14,000+ wounded to-date.
The enemy is emboldened, we have lost much of the good-will of the Afghan people (who now know that their collaboration with US forces is their death warrants) and our primary option now is to accelerate our withdrawal.
The Washington Times   3-1-12  KUHNER: Obama’s Islamist agenda
The Arab Spring is turning into an Islamist winter.
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Monday, February 27, 2012


Media Matters Hypocrisy: “Boys” Will Be “Boys”

Once again the Liberal-Progressive Media is tarnished with Hypocrisy.
“The organization" dedicated to rebuff and marginalize and belie FoxNews and The WSJ is caught-up in bad behavior. After the string of losers that MSNBC has employed to do that job; who could have seen this coming?
Media Matters chief David Brock paid a former domestic partner $850,000 after being threatened with damaging information involving the organization’s donors and the IRS – a deal that Brock later characterized as a blackmail payment, according to legal documents obtained by
The Washington Post: 2-27-12
Media Matters for America (MMfA) has been called many things. "Liberal media propaganda outlet." "A "propagandist" organization. "Partisan activists." The organization's mission statement, declares that it comes at the world from an angle. "Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media."
Media Matters and associates are now busy explaining away $850,000 of hush-money.
Sounds like a “Boys” rerun of Democrat Presidential Candidate John Edward’s issues.
Perhaps an appropriate hypocrisy analogy for the Media Matters Boys would be; Aesop’s fable “the monkey and the dolphin”. This might be a good time for Mr. Brock to brush-up on his swimming skills.
Left-leaning Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz is vowing to begin a campaign to personally make the Media Matters for America controversy into a re-election issue for President Obama.
The following are samples of some Obama-Progressive-Socialist-Democrat items that Media Matters could focus on instead of FoxNews and The WSJ:

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Obama And Hillary The Chameleons Of Foreign Affairs

Roanoke Times, 2-25-12, Pg 5: Clinton calls Assad allies ‘despicable’
These “allies” are China and Russia who vetoed UN resolutions to “punish” Syria for its government attacks upon civil war dissenters; (Somewhat like Sherman marching through Georgia and burning Atlanta or the sieges of Vicksburg, Petersburg and Richmond).
China and Russia are “despicable”? This after three years of bowing, kowtowing and geriflexing toward the leaders of these countries whom Obama has been telling us are really OK and you just have to know how and where to kiss them.
So now its reelection time and reality is setting in. The Republicans are coming and:
Kissing up to the radical violent Muslims is not working
The wars are not winding down nicely,
There are multiple imminent nuclear threats,
Oil supplies are in jeopardy causing gasoline price to soar,
Unemployment is unacceptably high,
Underemployment is grossly high,
New jobs less than population growth,
Economic growth rate is paltry,
There is no US budget for over 1,000 days
There is a yearly deficit of over $1.4 TRILLION
There is a national debt of over $14 TRILLION
More than half the states are in court opposing ObamaCare
Obama’s Energy Policy “CapAndTax” hasn’t been mentioned for two years
Obama’s campaign strategy has been reduced to “blatant class warfare”.
This is the President of hope, change and togetherness?
What a disappointment”! What a level of voter remorse!
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
Click link to get all the goodies you want from the "Candy Man"
Scroll back through this blog for a proper view of Obama, The Liberal-Progressive Media, and The Democrat Socialist Agenda.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Obama’ Oil And Gasoline Plagiarism And Lies

- 2-23-12: Energy: The White House billed President Obama's energy policy speech as a response to mounting criticism of record high gas prices. What he delivered was a grab bag of excuses and outright falsehoods.
It’s not just falsehoods; when you know you’re telling lies – You’re Lying!
And included in the Obama oil and gasoline lies were gross outright plagiarism.
Plagiarize means; to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own; to use (another's production) without crediting the source: In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.
Click for the point-by-point analysis of his bragging vs. the truth and reality:
Obama claimed he’s not responsible for high gasoline prices and then claimed credit for the high level of current US oil production. Really? Obama and his minions are controlling (on behalf of the American People???) the Federal and Offshore lands. Under Obama the leases on Federal lands are down 30%, the Rocky Mt. leases are down 70%, Only 3% of Federally Controlled lands are available for lease: ANWAR is 0%, and both East and West Coasts are 0% available.
The oil being produced is coming from prior George Bush leases and private lands (NOT YET under Obama’s Fascist Policies) which are now up to 450,000 barrels per day.
Obama has achieved what Al Gore told him to do: run up the price of fossil fuels to whatever level it takes to make so called green energy viable and mini-cars mandatory in the misdirected quest of “saving the world from man-made AGW global warming”.
This plan will exclude millions from owning cars and the lethality of mini-cars will result in tens of thousands of avoidable deaths and injuries:
New and Improved Change Available At Your Polling Place November 6, 2012.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Obama Apologizes To Radical Muslim Killers Of US Troops

Blog item update:  2-25-12:
Roanoke Co. father confirms soldier son's death in Quran burning protest
The murder of Cpl. T.J. Conrad by Afgan radical Islamists brings home the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Obama has now had almost everyone in his cabinet and half of the Army groveling to these vicious-virtual-PittBulls as if he's placating some sane rational entity.  Since Obama has labeled the Fort Hood massacre as "work place violence" it's clear that his view and understanding of "the enemy" is totally out of touch with reality and portents a disturbing flaw in his psyche.
Roanoke Times, 2-24-12, Pg 3: 2 US troops killed in Quran burning violence
Yet again elements within our Afgan allies have purposely killed American troops and the Obama response is “We’re sorry for our transgressions!”.
Is there no limit to the obnoxious kowtowing and groveling that Obama (our Groveller-in-Chief) extends to fanatical violent Muslim criminals?
What a follow-up to the murder of nine (9) US troops by an Afgan officer last month!
And through it all, Muslims are killing Christians and burning Churches and are about to execute a father of two children for converting from Islam to Christianity.
One can only wonder if the Radical Muslims are in the process of turning the pages of history back to the violent aggressions of their ancestor Saracens. If so, we Christians will be doomed because Obama is clearly no Charlemagne.
The Washington Times 3-1-12 KUHNER: Obama’s Islamist agenda
The Arab Spring is turning into an Islamist winter.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Another Obama-Democrat Charade Budget of Ill Repute

Obama and associates have foisted upon the American people yet another “Budget of Ill Repute”; not only doesn’t it have any Senate Democrat means of support: but for the last 1,000 days (3 years) Obama and his Senate Democrat cronies have not passed, supported, nor enacted any budget!
During these 1,000 days, the federal government has spent $9.4 trillion, adding $4.1 trillion in debt!
A budget is the legal mechanism by which spending is managed.
No budget – No spending management – no controls -- do whatever you want to do!
This is clearly in violation of their Constitutional duties and responsibilities.
Isn’t it interesting that the liberal-progressive media fails to point this out! Yet again No comment during Obama’s major press meeting where he “unveiled” his non-budget.
The hypocrisy of this administration and their fellow-travelers in the media should be of significant concern to all Americans. We certainly have strayed far off the proper path.
For a brief video overview of some major activities that were accomplished in less than 1000 days click-on the link:

Monday, February 20, 2012


Is Va. (D) Senator Mark Warner Trying To Join Republican Party?

Roanoke Times, 2-20-12, Pg 7: Warner seeking momentum for US debt plan.
The plan advocated by the senator from Virginia has bipartisan approval from his Gang of Six.
You remember the Gang of Six? That’s the group that authored major changes in US spending and debt reduction that Obama refused to even acknowledge existed.
For over a year Warner worked to persuade Congress (no, not all of Congress, just Harry Reid and the in-control Democrats) to adopt a comprehensive but politically charged plan to cut $4 trillion from the national debt over 10 years including: combination of deep spending cuts, changes in entitlement programs and increases in revenue curbing some tax deductions.
WOW! Too bad Warner didn’t join with the Republicans with his votes as well as his rhetoric! Apparently Warner has looked over the results of the Virginia 2010 voting and current political polling and has decided that siding with Obama in Virginia may not be the best place to be for his future reelection.
Warner’s also worried about Obama’s cuts to the military. Apparently Warner has noticed the number of on-duty military voters within the beltway and tide-water and has become aware of the number of retired military throughout Virginia.
Unfortunately Warner shares a major flaw with Obama:
It’s not what they say – It’s what they do and how they vote that’s the problem

Parental And Medical Child Sexual Abuse

Roanoke Times, 2-20-12, Pg 4: Transgender hormone treatment on rise in kids.
Nine by ten inch article with picture of smiling and happy Dr. Spack.
Dr. Spack, with big smile, performs sex-changing treatments on little children.
Children as young as 8 undergoing sex-change chemicals and procedures.
At first this appeared to be a sick April fool’s joke (however it’s still February).
Then it appeared to be a sick reenactment of the so called Doctors at Auschwitz
Then the reality sunk in that there are actually parents and so-called-Doctors performing sex-change procedures on children as young as eight years old in this country!
Clearly this is a level of child abuse and medical malpractice that one finds impossible to fathom in the US.  How can anyone make determinations about the sexuality of eight year old children?  It is even more egregious than the practice in some cultures of removing the clitoris from young girls. At least they remain girls and can have children.
Instead of publishing a positive article that tries to justify and thereby enables this disgusting and immoral behavior, the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times should be seeking remedies to protect these young victims’ of criminal acts upon them.
Wasn't there just a big flap and official confessions and reparations for sterilizing people that fell into certain “legal” categories? Isn’t this even worse than those acts?
There’s something in “The Book” about: “Suffer the little children not, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”.
Oh, Right – that book’s not relevant or “politically correct” any more.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Key Democrats Rail Against Obama Social Security Funding Reductions

Roanoke Times, 2-17-12, Pg 3: Head bargainers lay out payroll agreement.
Roanoke Times, 2-18-12, Pg 1: Congress votes for American workers
The Roanoke Times and their associates in the liberal media have totally “blacked-out” the strong and highly public Democrat objections to this so called “payroll tax cut bill” and instead hyped a steady drum-beat about Republican objections.
Instead of news coverage this is just more liberal media support for the Obama and DNC Relection Committees.
This bill has two major negative issues for all persons of good will:
1. It’s yet more spending, borrowing and debt
2. It defunds Social Security that will become insolvent in less than 10 years.
Some of the major big-name Democrats who opposed this “Obama achievement” include:
Joe Manchin (D) of West Va
Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the House Minority Whip
Tom Harkin (D) of Iowa
Mark Warner (D-Va)
Ben Cardin (D) of Maryland
Perhaps these major Democrat Leaders have started to recognize that “the times they are a-changin”:
How could the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times have missed the strong public positions on this issue by such a litany of high-level Democrat Leaders?
There's something in "The Book" about Blind Followers of Blind Leaders.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Thank Obama For Your Soaring Gasoline Prices

Roanoke Times, 2-16-12, Pg 1, 16: Gas prices soaring back to painful levels.
Gas Price Facts:
Obama gets elected Dec 2008:--------------------Gas: $1.38 per gal.
Obama says he deserves reelection Feb 2012:-- Gas: $3.50 per gal.
That’s a 154% increase in gas prices in just three years!
Talk about change you can believe in!
What has Obama done for our domestic energy independence?
• No drilling in Alaska
• No drilling off East Coast
• No drilling off West Coast
• Unnecessary extension of Gulf shut-down
• Unnecessary extension of new Gulf drilling
• Killed the KeyStone pipeline from Canada to Texas Refineries
• No new refineries
• No new nuclear power plants
• Shut-down eastern coal mining
• Shut-down coal burning power plants
• Mandated we burn our food in our vehicles (corn to ethanol)
After three years of Obama’s reckless jihad against US domestic energy exploration and development we are now more dependent upon our enemies and that dependency will increase greatly as the Obama policies further hobble our energy industries going forward.
Obama’s reason for this massive 153% increase in gas prices:
He stopping CO2 from destroying the world according to Gore and friends.
It’s those bad dudes in the Middle East!
Apparently Obama’s bowing and kowtowing and heart-wrenching confessionals have not won favor with his Muslim friends. Who could have seen that coming?
Obama has now bet our energy-farm on the premise that Global Warming will increase at a much greater rate than the one degree in the past 130 years; and no significant change in the past 10 years (according to NASA):
That would help reduce our need for oil for heating and Obama can then direct American’s use no more air-conditioning for the summer. After all Obama did very well without air-conditioning in Kenya, why would we need it here and now?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Justice System Abuses Teacher

Roanoke Times, 2-15-12, pg 1, 18: “Assault” by teacher called ‘nonevent’
A local teacher was convicted by a Bench Trial in Botetourt County Domestic Relations Court of assault and battery of a student. The media describes the incident as a teacher restraining an unruly student from entering his classroom without striking, hitting or exercising direct physical force.
The teacher had been removed from the classroom for over three months and has been living under the cloud of being a convicted abuser.
A special prosecutor found the incident to be: “a nonevent in its entirety”.
The Roanoke Times totally missed the real story.
How could this miscarriage of the justice and judicial system have happened and what will be done to ensure it doesn’t happen again?
There are very nasty kids in our school rooms. They are disruptive and dedicated to the premise that they aren’t going to learn, others are not going to learn and teachers are not going to teach.
Cases like this embolden and empower these nasty kids and totally demoralize and scare the hell out of teachers!
Lot’s of folks will be waiting to hear the next chapter of this sordid story!
Hopefully the Roanoke Times will step up to the challenge!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The Times They Are A-Changin

American’s of all walks of life are awakening to the realization that our future way of life is at grave risk from a mountain of rising debt compounded by government dependency and every increasing socialization of every aspect of our lives.
The 2010 elections sent the clear message that:
The Times They Are A-Changin
And that Americans are NOT in favor of Obama’s vision of a European Model for US.
The 2012 elections promise to continue that trajectory of positive change and renewal of our commitment to individual responsibility and initiative and our free enterprise system and respect for our personal freedoms.
American’s will reject Orwell’s and Obama’s rerun of 1984:
The Times They Are A-Changin - A Bob Dylan Song
Come senators, congressman
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he who gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Putting The National Debt In Perspective - Doorbell

PowerLine Blog conducted a contest encouraging people to create a short video that best describes the scope and depth of the US National Debt in a manner the average person could relate to.
Sound ON – click on YouTube link:
US Owes $62 TRILLION (half-million $ per household) in unfunded obligations
Our TOTAL Personal Assets = $55 Trillion
We are $7 TRILLION in debt even if we liquidated all our peoples assets
Taxes and Debt are like anchors
nailing our ship of state to the bottom
where socialism and stagnation
hold us securely to mediocrity

Liberal-Progressive Fears Of Educational Options And Opportunities

Roanoke Times, 2-13-12, Pg 10: Editorial: Bending The Rules For Home-Schoolers
Virginia House of Delegates and Senate Bill HB947 strips away public schools’ ability to deny home-schoolers a spot on a sports team.
Why is this a bad thing? Why are we discriminating against some of our children?
The Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times have totally come out of their left-wing union education-closet and declared war on parents’ having educational options or alternatives for their children.
The Editorial starts with a rant against Tim Tebow for being a home-schooler who was allowed to play ball in the public schools in Florida. This is their example of a bad thing?
Our public school education system is broken!
We need to explore all options and alternatives to help our children be all they can be!
All children should be welcome to ride the school bus, play in the bands, participate in the Governors’ Schools, use the libraries and computers and play any and all sports offered in the “public school systems”.
 That's why we call it PUBLIC!
Apparently the progressive-liberals are afraid of an open and transparent educational system. Afraid that more parents will demand more value and performance from our school systems. At $12,000 of tax money per year per student there is ample opportunity for improvement and competition is a good way to highlight selected opportunities.
It’s interesting that the progressive-liberals are big-time supporters of having illegal immigrants attend taxpayer supported public schools and are for special entry and financial help for illegal immigrants to attend secondary education while at the same time exclude American children from tax-supported educational options.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Obama's Government Motors (GM) VOLT commercial

Chevy Volt - Building A Better Tomorrow



Obama Marginalized In Every Major Endeavour

WSJ: 2-9-12, Pg A9: Canada, Hampered in US; Seeks to Boost Ties to China
Obama’s rejection of the KeyStone Pipeline from Canada to the US oil refineries on the Gulf gave the finger to the Canadians, the US energy independence and American Workers and Industry.
The Canadians will now build a pipeline to their Pacific west-coast and sell oil to China and other countries. And to think the media continues to tell us that Obama’s the smartest guy in the room!
Obama’s foreign policies and affairs continue to deteriorate.
The Iran Oil Embargo is simply solidifying Iran’s connections to Russia, India, China and South Africa. They all are increasing their purchases of Iranian Oil instead of stopping as Obama and Hillary have directed.  How's that going to stop Iran's Nuclear Weapons Development Activity?
Obama’s Global Warming AGW Skeptic associates that claim to form the “scientific consensus” behind his energy policies are once again discredited by their frantic claims that the high Asia Mountains were melting into the oceans at the rate of 50 billion tons of ice annually.
Bristol University glaciologist Jonathan Bamber, who was not part of the research team, told the Guardian that such a level of melting, only about 4 billion tons of ice annually, was practically insignificant.
AFP:  Hungary orders Danube closed amid big freeze
Hungary closed the Danube to river traffic Friday due to thick ice, bringing shipping to a near standstill on Europe's busiest waterway, as the continent's cold snap death toll passed 540.
RealClear Politics:  The Galileo of Global Warming:  2-10-12
Watervapor is the primary greenhouse gas.  Goreites and Alarmists either marginalize or neglect the effects of clouds (water vapor) on earth's temperature variations.Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark is a leader in quantifying this major component of global warming and cooling.
So much for the Gorites and Alarmist and their catastrophic claims and outlandish fear mongering about Man-caused Global Warming  Armageddon!

Obama-Voter Remorse

Obama-Voter Remorse

"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,

You'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
- Anonymous –
1.  How many Obama-voters are paying the AMT this year?
2.  How can there be 30 million one-percenters (1%ers)?
Income Taxes: 30 Million May Be Hit by AMT This Year
Get ready to start paying higher taxes—$3,900 to $8,000 more a year on average. Unless Congress acts, some 30 million Americans will have to pay the dreaded Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), whose rates, depending on your income, are either 26 percent or 28 percent.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Obama And Minions Are Team-1 For Abortions

Roanoke Times, 2-8-12, Pg 1: Reproductive issues suddenly at center stage.

Obama’s Health Girl, Kathleen Sibelius, announced to the world that all employers, including the Catholic Church and its entities, must now pay for birth control, the day-after-abortion-pills and elective sterilization because it’s her view that’s what ObamaCare mandates. She should know – almost all the mandates included in ObamaCare are at her discretion including the hundreds of waivers she has granted to New York, San Francisco, multiple labor unions and other Democrat friends and associates.
Sibelius is the Kansas Health Girl that shredded files that were the focus of criminal abortion case investigations being conducted by the Kansas State AG.  So much for her creditability and public trust and confidence!
The Catholic Church has strongly objected to the Obama-Sibelius Abortion Initiative including sending out letters of the Church’s position. Obama’s Secretary of Defense Panetta immediately ordered that Military Chaplains were not to relay the Church’s message to the troops. Exactly how stupid is that?  Does Obama and Panetta not know that our troops read and write letters, watch TV, listen to radio, Tweet and communicate over the internet?  Talk about insulting our service members intelligence!
It’s understandable that Obama has no sensitivity to Christian beliefs or values. They don’t teach things like that at the Church of God Damn America.
Republican Speaker Boehner has now entered the fray with a declaration that Congress will reverse this mandate. Hopefully after the 2012 elections Congress will grant blanket ObamaCare Waivers for everyone and then dismantle this pile of heifer-dust.
Piled on top of this mess is the flare-up between the Komen beast cancer charity and Planned Parenthood. Apparently folks at Komen finally awoke to the reality that Planned Parenthood is a 1984-DoubleSpeak cover name for one of the biggest abortion mills in the country. Komen tried to separate their good cancer work from this abortion-mill situation. Big mistake! Planned Parenthood is the God Mother of every liberal and left-wing woman’s group in the country and free-unencumbered-ondemand-abortion is their mantra.  They never saw an aborted fetus they didn't like.
WSJ: Immaculate Contraception:  2-11-12
An 'accommodation' that makes the birth-control mandate worse.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Obama’s Fairness Jihad NOT FAIR

WSJ:   Stephen Moore:   Feb 7, 2012
A Fairness Quiz for the President
President Obama has frequently justified his policies—and judged their outcomes—in terms of equity, justice and fairness. That raises an obvious question: How does our existing system—and his own policy record—stack up according to those criteria?
Is it fair that the richest 1% of Americans pay nearly 40% of all federal income taxes, and the richest 10% pay two-thirds of the tax?
Is it fair that the richest 10% of Americans shoulder a higher share of their country's income-tax burden than do the richest 10% in every other industrialized nation, including socialist Sweden?
Is it fair that American corporations pay the highest statutory corporate tax rate of all other industrialized nations but Japan, which cuts its rate on April 1?
Is it fair that President Obama sends his two daughters to elite private schools that are safer, better-run, and produce higher test scores than public schools in Washington, D.C.—but millions of other families across America are denied that free choice and forced to send their kids to rotten schools?
Is it fair that Americans who build a family business, hire workers, reinvest and save their money—paying a lifetime of federal, state and local taxes often climbing into the millions of dollars—must then pay an additional estate tax of 35% (and as much as 55% when the law changes next year) when they die, rather than passing that money onto their loved ones?
Is it fair that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, former Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel and other leading Democrats who preach tax fairness underpaid their own taxes?
Is it fair that after the first three years of Obamanomics, the poor are poorer, the poverty rate is rising, the middle class is losing income, and some 5.5 million fewer Americans have jobs today than in 2007?
Is it fair that roughly 88% of political contributions from supposedly impartial network television reporters, producers and other employees in 2008 went to Democrats?
Is it fair that the three counties with America's highest median family income just happen to be located in the Washington, D.C., metro area?
Is it fair that wind, solar and ethanol producers get billions of dollars of subsidies each year and pay virtually no taxes, while the oil and gas industry—which provides at least 10 times as much energy—pays tens of billions of dollars of taxes while the president complains that it is "subsidized"?
Is it fair that those who work full-time jobs (and sometimes more) to make ends meet have to pay taxes to support up to 99 weeks of unemployment benefits for those who don't work?
Is it fair that those who took out responsible mortgages and pay them each month have to see their tax dollars used to subsidize those who acted recklessly, greedily and sometimes deceitfully in taking out mortgages they now can't afford to repay?
Is it fair that thousands of workers won't have jobs because the president sided with environmentalists and blocked the shovel-ready Keystone XL oil pipeline?
Is it fair that some of Mr. Obama's largest campaign contributors received federal loan guarantees on their investments in renewable energy projects that went bust?
Is it fair that federal employees receive benefits that are nearly 50% higher than those of private-sector workers whose taxes pay their salaries, according to the Congressional Budget Office?
Is it fair that in 27 states workers can be compelled to join a union in order to keep their jobs?
Is it fair that nearly four out of 10 American households now pay no federal income tax at all—a number that has risen every year under Mr. Obama?
Is it fair that Boeing, a private company, was threatened by a federal agency when it sought to add jobs in a right-to-work state rather than in a forced-union state?
Is it fair that our kids and grandkids and great-grandkids—who never voted for Mr. Obama—will have to pay off the $5 trillion of debt accumulated over the past four years, without any benefits to them?


Monday, February 06, 2012


Obama’s Government Motors (GM) Uses Taxpayer Money To Slam Ford

Obama, the virtual CEO of Government Motors (GM), spent millions of taxpayer money to slam Ford in a Feb 2012 SuperBowl Ad.
Government Motors still owes over $25 BILLION to the taxpayers in bailout money, therefore they don’t have any of their own money – and to add insult to injury they are now claiming to be making a “profit”!
Ford did not take any taxpayer bailout money and therefore should be respected as a true example of an “American Free Enterprise” Company and not berated by the minions at Obama’s Fascist Government Motors feeding at the trough of government big pork tax money and union payoffs.
"The Doctrine of Fascism" Benito Mussolini 1932
“In view of the fact that private organization of production is a function of national concern, the organizer of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production.”
Just More Hope And Change We Can Depend On
Ford TV Ad Slams Obama Auto Bailouts

Obama: I Deserve A Second Term

Sunday, February 05, 2012


Obama’s Egypt-Spring Turns To Bitter Winter

Obama and Hillary and Panetta’s kowtowing to the middle-east radical Muslims and putting-down and isolating Israel is not working out well.
It now appears that Obama had 19 Americans involved in the Egyptian Revolution and these folks will now pay the price for Obama’s Folly. Their price will pale however relative to the loss of Egypt as a good ally in a hostile and tumultuous area.
Obama and friends have turned Egypt into yet another Radical Muslim Sharia country in record time! The Muslim Brotherhood and associates are now in charge of the “Democracy” and the only entity keeping them from turning Egypt into another Iran is the Military. Is that ironic or what?
“CAIRO – The son of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is among 19 Americans being referred to criminal trial for allegedly receiving foreign funds illegally and being involved in banned activity in Egypt, several news agencies reported Sunday.
In all, Egyptian officials say 44 non-governmental organization workers will be put before the court after investigating judges claimed they had reason to try the democracy and rights workers.”
“Beside the 19 Americans, five Serbs, two Germans and three non-Egyptian Arab nationals are reportedly among the 43 to face trial. A date has yet to be set, media reports said, quoting an Egyptian judiciary official.”
In addition to this fiasco, Panetta has given Iran advanced inside intelligence on an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. With friends like Obama, Panetta and Hillary – Israel doesn’t need any more enemies!
Have we all noticed how nasty big mouth NY Dem Senator Schumer has become so quiet that you can almost hear the NY Jewish Community tearing up their Democrat Campaign Contribution checks!
And through all these gross failures in our foreign policy and affairs the liberal progressive media continue to carry King Barack around on a litter ordained with slant and bias as if totally disconnected from reality,  their only mantra his reelection.
Prior Items:

Saturday, February 04, 2012


Caterpillar Metamorphosis Into “Right To Work” State

After a long protracted labor contract dispute with the Canadian Auto Workers, that eventually involved a labor “lockout”, Caterpillar will close their Ontario plant and move the work to Muncie, Indiana, a state that recently became a “Right To Work” state.
Here in Virginia workers are fortunate to live and work in a “Right to Work” state where you don’t have to join or pay dues to a union unless YOU decide to do so!
This places Obama and his associates in the American UAW unions in the awkward position of supporting Canadian labor-union jobs over American non-labor-union jobs.

Obama The Unemployment Math Professor

The Washington Times Friday,February 3, 2012

"The White House hyped the news Friday that January payrolls had risen by 243,000. The hitch is the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) also dropped 1.2 million from the calculated workforce. Somehow this net loss of a million workers in a single month was transformed into an improvement in the unemployment rate. As the old saying goes, figures don’t lie, but liars can figure."
How to make the employment numbers look “better”?
The number is a ratio so:
increase the numerator (jobs added by 243,000)
decrease the denominator (workers reduced by 1,200,000)
You-all stay in school and study now – government math is so much fun!
And don’t ever mention the underemployed number. That’s the workers who have been unemployed so long that they are no longer actively looking for work.
That number is 18.7 % or one out of five American workers!
None of these facts were evident during Obama’s prayer breakfast!
Wonder what Jesus would have done?
Or more to the point, what would Mohamed have done?
Taxes and Debt are like anchors
nailing our ship of state to the bottom
where socialism and stagnation
hold us securely to mediocrity

Thursday, February 02, 2012


Jessie Jackson Goes From Obama Castrator To Defender

Jessie Jackson and Barack Obama have both made miraculous transformations this week!
In July 2008 Jessie was quoted as saying he wanted to castrate Obama.
NBC Nightline: July 10, 2008 By JEREMY HUBBARD and STEPHEN SPLANE
Jackson was caught Sunday during a break before a live interview on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" whispering to a studio guest that he would like to castrate Obama!
Jessie now is concerned that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s exchange with Obama at the airport represents a threat and danger to the President! Look out for that woman's finger!
Real Clear Politics: 2-1-12:
Jackson says Jan Brewer's finger in Obama's face --- is "dangerous" and even links it to someone shooting an AK-47 rifle at the White House.
(Was that AK one of the illegal weapons that AG Holders’ guys sold to Mexican-Terrorists)?
Is this dual metamorphosis linked to Obama’s Prayer Breakfast where he attempted to repeat quotations from The Bible?
It appears that as a "Islamist Firster" he's much better with Koran quotations!
It's not clear if it was one of the Rev. Wright’s Bible's from the Church of God Damn America
If one listened closely you might have heard in the background: Obama humming “What a friend I have in Jessie”; However – he may do well to avoid any 1 on 1 time with Jessie without the Secret Service on-hand.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Professor Obama Is No School Administrator

Roanoke Times, 1-28-12, Pg 3: Obama wants to see tuition reined in. Universities could lose federal funds if they don’t work to lower expenses.
Obama wants to kill No Child Left Behind (NCLB) because there are specific measurements for academic performance with associated penalties for lack of improvement or progress. However, penalizing Universities is a good thing! Is Obama suffering from some form of dissociative memory syndrome? Are performance measurements and penalties OK or not OK? And where in the Constitution does the Federal Government derive control over America’s schools?
Clearly college tuition's have risen far greater that the sum of inflation plus increased enrollment. And nowhere is there any sign of economy of scale or a visible effort to manage expenses. The universities simply add on overhead without any effort to eliminate marginal or obsolete programs and they are not exploiting or capitalizing on major investments in technology.
All these educational issues at both the primary and secondary levels are State Responsibilities and should be managed by the States; however, educational bureaucracies and powerful unions defy proper management of the systems. This conflict is starkly evident in Wisconsin where Teachers Unions, The Democrat Party and Obama Himself have waged war against Gov. Walker’s efforts to manage the education system and return control of the schools to the local school boards.
Once again Obama’s answer to problems is to expand Federal control into what the Constitution defined as States Responsibilities.
The best educational initiative Obama could launch is to reduce the Dept of Education by 25% per year for the next three years and thereby empower the States to improve their educational systems. The Federal DOEd is a totally nonproductive level of bureaucracy not helpful to the work that should be done by the 50 State education departments.
Prior Items addressing the tuition issues:


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