The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Sandy Inflicts The Shock And Awe Of Nature

As the shock and awe of Sandy’s power demonstrated yet again that nature from time to time highlights the limitations and smallness of mankind and his works.
Perhaps those of a religious persuasion are not surprised that man is not as dominate as he sometimes thinks he is.
Archaeologists would simply point to the many artifacts of history for examples of mankind’s limitations and for major ocean storms might reflect on the port and Lighthouse of Alexandria.
Al Gore was quick to write that this is another example of his prophecies of man-made global warming AGW destruction.
For a musical rendition of Gore’s science click-on YouTube video:
Stand-back nonbelievers, or the rain will never come, somebody keep the fires burning, somebody beat the drum:
It’s of interest that even the UNs IPCC has concluded that whatever global warming may be occurring it’s not driving our major storms.
It’s also clear from the NASA published data
that there has not been significant warming or cooling since 1998.

A comprehensive and very large list of hurricanes to hit the New England coast dating back to the 18th century are listed at:
List of New England hurricanes
Apparently none of these were forecast by Al Gore and associates nor were they caused by so called man-made global warming AGW.
USA Today: 10-23-2012: Study: Forecast of more severe tornadoes is all wind.
Tornado damage has decreased since the 1950's and even the UNs IPCC has conceded that global warming is not driving tornadoes.
Anyone See A Man-made (AGW) Global Warming Pattern Here?

Monday, October 29, 2012


Romney's Horse

The Romney's own a competition show horse that was actually in the Olympics. The media made an issue out of the 'frivolous' and 'selfish' waste of money.
And, Obama made snide and condescending comments about the Romney Horse on his campaign trail.
So the Romneys are selfish and elitist for keeping a horse?
And employing a groom with a family to support.
And employing a trainer with a family to support.
And employing a veterinarian with a family to support.
And employing a farrier (horseshoer) with a family to support.
Also paying for feed that’s sold by someone with a family to support and manufactured in a factory by people with families to support from stuff that’s grown by farmers with families to support.
And having a barn built by construction workers with families to support
With materials trucked by drivers with families to support from factories with workers with families to support.
Sounds to me like that one horse has done more to put Americans to work than that horse’s ass in the White House.
Author Unknown but very insiteful.
Apparently trickle-down prosperity from private money is a good thing about which Obama has no knowledge or understanding or appreciation.


Obama’s Secretary of Defense And His Pathetic “Panetta Doctrine”

Not mentioned in the Roanoke Times, who is working diligently not to cover any of the Libya Embassy disaster lest voters have additional insight into the Obama administration malfeasance and cover-up.
Hume: News media has 'not done their job' on Libya story
Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume sounds off
During this hours-long Radical Muslim Terrorist attack upon our people at the Libyan Embassy, those under attack desperately requested assistance. On three occasions the answer from their remote chain-of-command was ‘No”. Leon Panetta, Obama’s Sec. of Defense (talk about an oxymoron), explained the decision as the Panetta-Doctrine:
National Review: The Panetta Doctrine
“(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place,” Panetta told Pentagon reporters. “And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”
So it was not-OK to reinforce and help our people under attack at the Libyan Embassy, but it was OK to put them there in the first place and keep them there while ignoring repeated requests for adequate security assets; and after multiple attacks earlier this year!
The real-time information available to Panetta and associates was the video-stream from outside the Embassy, the reports from the CIA Chief of Station in contact with his chain of command, the calls from those under attack and a Drone circling overhead. All this, and with help standing by an hour flight away. This will be found to be negligent homicide on the part of members of Obama’s closest team-members.
The father of a former Navy SEAL killed in the Libya terror attack last month said Friday that U.S. officials who denied a request for help while the diplomatic compound in Benghazi was under attack "are murderers of my son."
Author Unknown -- but very astute
Early briefings on Libya strike focused on Al Qaeda, before story changed
Panetta: Military lacked enough information to intervene during Benghazi attack
Obama Malfeasance Continues Libya Embassy Tragedy
Disgusting Spectacle of American Soldiers Disarmed Before Meeting With Their Secretary of Defense
Israel – Not To Worry - Obama’s Got Your Back Already

Friday, October 26, 2012


Roanoke Times Summarizes Obama’s Four-Year Economic Failures On One Page

Roanoke Times, 10-24-2012, Pg 9: The Business Ticker
* Perfect storm of mortgage rules coming soon that makes it even more difficult for borrowers to qualify for home loans.
* Norfolk Southern reports profits down in 3rd quarter; revenues fell 27% compared with last year and blamed the weak economy.
* Wall street plunge of 262 Tuesday was the third steepest this year. Companies of all stripes signaled that the economy is far from healed, and that demand is weaker than a year ago.
* Weak economic news driving oil prices lower falling to a three-month low. The price of gasoline is $3.65. (Gas was $1.38 per gal when Obama got elected in Dec 2008).
* MeadWestvaco profit falls over 56%
* ITT Exelis gets new government work, but not enough to recall laid-off employees.
* IBM at $191, down over $20 (10%) in the last two weeks.
The above is a pure regurgitation and verbatim summary of the business news from one page of the Roanoke Times!
Little wonder Obama is not talking about his four-year record! All he can do now is be nasty and trivial and continue his race and class and gender divisiveness.
This is his Hope and Change and Forward?
No wonder so many people have Obama-voter-remorse!
WSJ: The Magnitude of the Mess We're In
The next Treasury secretary will confront problems so daunting that even Alexander Hamilton would have trouble preserving the full faith and credit of the United States.
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Boy Scouts Open Files On Sex Abuse

Roanoke Times, 10-19-2012,
Pg 1: Scouting files show a pattern of deceit. The release of secret “perversion files” shows that the organization shielded pedophiles.
Pg 1: Seven cases among region’s Scout leaders.
Not clear in these articles is the fact that the vast majority of cases were in fact referred to judicial authorities and the files were used to exclude men from serving as scout leaders again. Also included were many cases of unsubstantiated allegations that could well be false and could destroy innocent men’s lives if made public.
It’s of interest that the media has been openly hostile and aggressive toward the Scouts because they have excluded known homosexuals from being Scout leaders. The media ferocity in reporting on this situation contains more than a touch of hypocrisy. Clearly these files have highlighted the valid reasons for the exclusion policy albeit that some homosexual abusers went undetected for too long.
This significant and serious problem is also reflective of The Catholic Church and their Homosexual Priests issues:
It’s of interest that the media lumps all this under the “pedophilia” label and avoids linking the homosexual motivations underlying these male on male abuses.
The data indicates that most of these boys had reached the age of functional-puberty and therefore were likely viewed by their abusers as a sexual-person and not a nonsexual-child; this is a key distinction in the very definition of pedophilia.
The media also avoids the entire subject that some homosexuals (the extent of which is not clear) target other males in a form of seduction to induce them into sexual participation. What better targets than younger males who are vulnerable and easily misled and who are under the dominion of the abuser and who may not completely understand that they are being abused?
All this revisits old questions like: is it reasonable and prudent to have homosexual coaches in the boy’s locker rooms? And if inappropriate incidents occur, should officials be held accountable for their “failure to foresee” a risk situation as evident from both these scout and priest revelations?
So much for the don’t ask don’t tell policy when young boy’s welfare is involved!
The bigger question remains for parents and organizations: how can one identify and manage these types of risks before a negative incident occurs?
Clearly having the liberal media and their friends in the ACLU carry on a jihad against the Scouts for excluding homosexuals as scout leaders has now been clearly shown to be misguided and misdirected.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


CBS-9NewsNow At Rocky Mount To Assess The Virgil Goode Campaign

9NewsNow, a Washington DC based affiliate of CBS, spent significant time Monday Oct 22, 2012 in Rocky Mount focused on Virgil Goode’s potential impact on the Presidential race.
They visited the Rocky Mount offices of:
Goode for President
Democrat HQ
Franklin County Victory 2012 HQ
Currently polls indicate that Obama and Romney are in a dead-heat in Virginia. The focus of the news story is that Goode’s voters could cause Obama to win the Virginia Electoral Votes that could then cause Obama to be reelected by the Electoral College.
A summary of the 9NewNow story is on-line and may be viewed at:
(be patient with the lead-in video ad after clicking-on the Play Button)
The Goode story has been covered nationally including The Seattle Times, Oct 8, 2012:
“In Va., ex-Rep. Goode may pose risk for Romney
Virgil Goode knows his obscure presidential run on the Constitution Party ticket vexes his former Republican comrades, a thought that produces a sly smile he can't suppress. He doesn't really try”.
There have been a number of local news stories and letters to the editors of local newspapers on this subject including this blog item:
Many people are asking “why is Virgil doing this?” What matters now is that voters focus on how close this race is in Virginia and therefore all those who want to make a change in our nation’s leadership need to vote for Romney.


Monday, October 22, 2012


Obama Malfeasance Continues Libya Embassy Tragedy

All hands are on-deck on Obama’s ship of state, The BHO Titanic, trying desperately to create more PR smoke than the real smoke that killed Ambassador Stevens.
Some of the Obama Team lies:

“We didn’t know the Ambassador had asked multiple times for enhanced security”.

“We didn’t know the Compound had been attacked by Radical Muslim Terrorist multiple times this year, before the 9-11 attack”.

“We didn’t know there wasn’t a “spontaneous riot” at the Embassy”.

“We said this was all caused by the “video” because that’s what we were told”.

“We didn’t know State Dept personnel were viewing real-time the attack on video cameras located outside the Compound gates”.

“We didn’t know “we” had a drone flying over the Embassy that transmitted real-time video of the armed Radical Muslim Terrorist attack”.

“We sent UN Ambassador Rice out to five Sunday talk shows to tell the American people that this was a spontaneous riot caused by the “video” because that’s what the intelligence group told us”.

(However the Intelligence team testified to Congress that they knew and confirmed within 24 hours that this was a planned and coordinated military-style attack by Radical Muslim Terrorists”.
And through all this gross malfeasance at the highest levels of our government the Pravda-liberal major media joined Obama in the subterfuge and mis-and-disinformation and stonewalling.
To add insult to injury Obama’s Talk-show statements”
“This is just a bump in the road” and “This is sub-optimal”
Stands as stark proof of his total disconnect from the reality of this pathetic situation and his insensitivity toward the victims and their families.
This is Hope and Change and Forward?

Let us all Hope the November 6th Change is for a new competent team going Forward!
NY Post: US ‘too slow’ to act as drone’s cam captured Libya horror

Sunday, October 21, 2012


No-excuses absentee voting invites problems

My first vote was by absentee military ballot (JFK vs. Nixon) and I have only voted absentee several times since then.
My view has been that voting by absentee ballot is NOT secret or secure.
The following article by J.R. Hoeft is the best description I have seen that well summarizes the major issues of this misdirected change to our voting systems.
By J.R. Hoeft;  Hoeft founded and continues to write for Bearing Drift blog (
Our Constitution begins with “We the People” and goes on to explain how we establish our government through voting. Additionally, there are five constitutional amendments that address a person’s right to vote.

Intrinsically, in our constitutional republic, the right to vote is fundamental to how we as a society determine our government.

Therefore, for anyone who values constitutional principles — it is expected for people to be involved, informed and active in the political process.

However, while it is important to maximize voter participation by the electorate, no-excuse absentee balloting is not the way to do it.

Consider what no-excuse absentee balloting might give us:

1. Fraud. A person who physically votes under the observation of election officials will greatly diminish the possibility of a person cheating the system or being unduly influenced and/or intimidated by outside interests.

2. Diminished sense of community. Voting is, without a doubt, a community event. Individuals exercise their personal responsibility in selecting their government, but it is also the individual coming together in the sense of a larger community to make a community decision — at a particular moment in time.

3. Increased expense. It is a small personal cost to pay to actually go to the polls where there has already been an investment of taxpayer dollars. With a proposed increase in absentee voting, there is the risk of increased costs on top of the investment already incurred (additional study may have to be done to see if absentee voting reduces costs in the long run).

4. An uninformed choice. Absentee ballots must be returned before the end of a campaign — the actual Election Day; therefore, a voter could miss the introduction of key information into the campaign that might have influenced that person’s vote (debates, endorsements, etc.), yet his vote has already been cast.

5. Changes in the political system. Right now, presidential candidates cannot spend money raised for the general election until they are the nominee. With no-excuse absentee voting, which is effectively voting on-demand, a candidate, particularly a challenger who is already at a disadvantage, has less than a month to make his case (from the end of a nominating convention to the beginning of absentee ballot voting).

The reality is that presently absentee ballots can be requested for 11 different reasons, including working all day; therefore, if a person truly wants to vote absentee, he likely can find a reason.
No-excuse absentee balloting is simply inviting more problems than it solves.
Also, a key component of voting is the verification that those voting are in fact who they say they are and that they are qualified to vote in that location and at that time.
After much race-baiting and rabble-rousing by the liberals, the courts and even Obama's AG Holder were compelled to approve Virginia's Voter ID law:

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Obama: Murder Of Ambassador And Three Others “Not Optimal”

Obama: our talk show president!  The tragic murder of our people in Libya and 24 Embassy’s under attack by Radical Muslim Terrorists are described by Obama as “A Bump in The Road” on 60-Minutes.
And Now Obama says this tragic loss is “not Optimal” on the John Stewart show.
It’s Obama that’s not Optimal! Talk about insensitive and out of touch with the families of those murdered and with the American People!
Mother of US official killed in Libya attack calls Obama's comment 'disrespectful'
And Obama continues to deny complicity and malfeasance in both the failure to provide adequate security for our Libyan Embassy and staff and then the blatant lies and cover-up that he and his cronies carried out and are still carrying out.
New York Daily News, Oct 19, 2012:
Jon Stewart said the administration's shifting statements about the consulate attack were not 'the optimal response.' 'Here's what I'll say,'
Obama responded. 'If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal.'
Obama goes on to talk about information coming-in over time. However,
The CIA knew within 24 hours that there was evidence the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was carried out by militants, not a mob upset over an anti-Islam video
This partial video-clip of the attack from cameras outside the Embassy clearly shows an armed attack and not a mob upset about a movie. Doesn’t Obama get Youtube?
Published on Sep 11, 2012 by SurvivalWithBushcraf
Obama and his administration with the aid of our Pravda-Press have one mission and that’s to hide this gross malfeasance until November 7th!
It’s clear that the fix was in even in the Presidential Debate:
Roanoke Times, 10-20-2012, Pg 3: CIA knew militants were behind attack.
It only took the Editors of the Roanoke Times five and one-half weeks to briefly cover (in small print on pg 3) what Fox news and others reported two days after the Libyan Embassy attack!
And the RT’s last sentence is absolutely incredible coming from an organization that claims and advertises themselves as a “news organization”:
“Republicans have offered no explanation for why the president would want to conceal the nature of the attack”.
This is our so called “Fourth Estate” that claims to be the steward of fee and open government? At what point of the Pravda-Media’s gross complicity in supporting Obama’s reelection do their activities become a clear and present threat to our Constitutional process of selecting a President? This may well become the biggest news story of this election!
Perhaps it’s not the big money pumped into TV ads, but the so call news itself that represents subornation of free and fair elections!
This certainly was the case of the old Pravda in the Soviet Union! What about now and here?

Thursday, October 18, 2012


CNNs Candy Crowley Has Debate Intervention Remorse

Follow-up to: Debate Number 2: Hiding Behind Candy’s Skirts
Candy Crowley now having intervention-remorse and says Romney was correct in pointing out Obama's fixation on "the movie" and not "a terrorist attack" in Libya.
"Crowley, during and following the debate, pointed out that despite Obama's Sept. 12 remarks his administration was peddling a different story to the public. She said it took two weeks for officials to say more definitively that the attack was more than an out-of-control protest. And she continued to clarify on CNN that Romney was making a legitimate point."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Debate Number 2: Hiding Behind Candy’s Skirts

What is there about Obama that causes women to want to mother him:
Without invoking any old tired clichés there’s rich fertile ground here for a Psychology PHD Thesis!
Don’t you dare pick on my little Barack!
Candy was blatantly mothering Obama in last night’s debate!
Hillary just fell on the Libya-mess sword to try to give Obama some cover for his malfeasance in both preventing this disaster and then properly managing it and then honestly communicating what happened after the attack.
The Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times are unabashedly committed to Obama.
Nancy Pelosi and the NOW girls are disturbingly motherly toward Obama and protectively gather around him at every opportunity.
And these are just a few of his many mother-protectors.
Perhaps article “The Bodyguard Drama: When Women Protect Men” may be at play?
Clearly Obama’s policies and actions have not resulted in significant benefits to women to justify this “I’ll take a bullet for Obama” behavior. Women are some of the hardest hit by his inability to develop job-growth policies and his obsession with talking about “social issues” are empty platitudes and indicative of misdirected focus used by hack-illusionists to fool a gullible audience.
For example: no one is preventing women from purchasing whatever birth-control materials they want; and no one is proposing any change to that situation.
Get a grip ladies! Obama shouldn’t need to hide behind your aprons – he’s a big guy now and should be able to play the game without you!  If you need to cuddle something -- get a lap-dog!
New News Oct 18th: Candy Crowley now having intervention-remorse and says Romney was correct in pointing out Obama's fixation on "the movie" and not "a terrorist attack" in Libya.
"Crowley, during and following the debate, pointed out that despite Obama's Sept. 12 remarks his administration was peddling a different story to the public. She said it took two weeks for officials to say more definitively that the attack was more than an out-of-control protest.
And she continued to clarify on CNN that Romney was making a legitimate point."

Social “Security”?

Roanoke Times, 10-17-2012, Pg 8:
The Bad News: SS recipients to only get 1.7% increase
The Really Bad News: Increase gets wiped out by higher Medicare premiums
And totally absent from this very limited and redundant AP article are:
1. The real cost of living for people on Social Security is multiple times higher than the COLA 1.7%. Food and energy costs have skyrocketed because of Obama policies and these costs consume a major part of retirees “disposable fixed income”!
2. The SS system will be bankrupt by 2033 resulting in massive benefit reductions.
3. The Medicare premiums will have big increases as Obama moves $716 BILLION from the Medicare funds and uses it to fund ObamaCare.
4. With the Obama-FED actions printing unlimited money with near-zero interest rates senior citizens are getting no income from their savings and are being forced to draw-down what little savings they have in order to pay their bills.
The adverse outcomes of Obama’s policies belie his claims of “sincere concerns” for the middle class and the elderly!  This is Hope and Change?  This is Forward?
All movement is not forward -- all change is not progress!
Your So Called Social Security
Social Security Bankrupt In 2033
Key Democrats Rail Against Obama Social Security Funding Reductions
Social Security funding sinking

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Obama Throws Hillary Under The Libya-Bus

Clinton takes responsibility for consulate security, blames confusion on 'fog of war'
Clinton: I'm responsible for diplomats' security
Whatever happened to the Big Obama (I)?
I planned, I directed, I gave THE order! I got him!  Now it’s all about SHE!

Based on her experience four years ago, why didn’t Hillary see this coming?

And what’s with this “fog of war” thing?  Obama told us at Charlotte and then the world at the UN that the war is over, Bin Laden is dead and Al Qaeda is decimated and leaderless. That’s why there was no significant American security at the Libyan Embassy.
The lies and alibis and cover-up of this gross malfeasance is all about the election and Obama’s total lack of understanding of the Jihad that has been launched against America by the Radical Musslim Terrorists who he refuses to acknowledge or address.
The Pravda-New York Times has yet to even address the Libya mess even after Biden’s gross and false explanations during the VP debate.
The Roanoke Times are also doing their personal best to support Obama’s Reelection Effort.
They are doing so well that this major front-page news is not to be found in today's Roanoke Times nor in their web-edition nor in any of their blogs --- Nice work girls!
(Something about if a tree falls in the forest)!
This is the “Hope and Change” Team that now are going “Forward”? Really?
Obama on 60 Minutes: Turmoil In Middle-East Just “Bump In The Road”
Roanoke Times Shuns The Real News Again
The Obama Mohamed-Video Kool-Aid
Ambassador Stevens Remains Returns Home To “Nearer My GOD To Thee”
Court-Martial Obama And Clinton
Obama Administration Initial Reaction To 9-11-2012 Attack: “We’re Sorry”

Monday, October 15, 2012


The Election: The Gathering Storm

Author Unknown

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Anyone See A Man-made (AGW) Global Warming Pattern Here?

Roanoke Times, 10-13-2012, Pg 5: Spreading Antarctica ice bears the fingerprints of man-made climate change.
Yahoo AP News, 10-10-2012: Experts: Global warming means more Antarctic ice
Let’s summarize the prolific ongoing media updates of the causes of weather and climate changes:
Hot summer caused by man-made global warming.
Cool summer caused by man-made global warming.
Mild winter caused by man-made global warming.
Cold winter caused by man-made global warming.
Drought caused by man-made global warming.
Flooding caused by man-made global warming.
Fall colors occurring extra early caused by man-made global warming.
Fall colors occurring extra late caused by man-made global warming.
Low Arctic ice coverage caused by man-made global warming.
High Antarctic ice coverage caused by man-made global warming.
No hurricanes hit US for five years caused by man-made global warming.
Hurricane hits US this year caused by man-made global warming.
Ocean Levels Rising caused by man-made global warming.
Ocean Levels Dropping caused by man-made global warming.
Much of this “science” comes from UVA HockeyStick Prof. Michael Mann.
His published work was the key to Gore’s “Inconvenient Untruths”
When asked about prior major climate events his HockeyStick research says:
What caused the Little Ice Age to come and go?
“Was there a little ice age?”
What caused the Medieval Warm Period to come and go?
“Was there a medieval warm period?”
This is “the scientists” that is at the core of the man-made global warming alarmist movement and whose work at taxpayer expense is being hidden by our tax-paid employees at UVA. Has there ever been, in scientific history, such a pathetic and bankrupt group of people who call themselves “scientists”?
Someone Tell Gore: The Climate Has Always Been Changing
Something about 7th Grade Earth Science Class

Washington Times EDITORIAL: Earth’s temperatures subject to higher powers
USA Today: 10-23-2012: Study: Forecast of more severe tornadoes is all wind.
Tornado damage has decreased since the 1950's and even the UNs IPCC has conceeded that global warming is not driving tornadoes.

How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:

Friday, October 12, 2012


VP Debate Highlights: Uncle Joe; Libya Mess and Nuclear Iran

Joe Biden’s message was vintage Joe; however, his bizarre behaviors were beyond strange and never seen before in this type setting. His facial expressions, body language and disturbing laughter cause one to try to guess what was going on.
Was it:
1. The inappropriate actions of a three year old that does not yet have control of his behaviors?
2. The inappropriate actions of someone who has uncontrollable Neurological issues?
3. Or purposeful and contrived inappropriate actions intended to belittle, harass and marginalize Paul Ryan (isn’t that now called bullying – how crass is that!)?
Whatever the motivation or cause for his behaviors they were clearly disturbing and inconsistent with our expectations for a VP of The US who is a heart-beat away from The Presidency.
Biden’s account of the ongoing saga of the Obama team’s Libya Embassy attack, by Radical Muslim Terrorists, raised this mess to a whole new level of lies and alibis and finger-pointing. In direct contradiction to sworn testimony to Congress by both Intelligence Officers and State Dept. Officers, Biden claimed
“we didn’t know there weren’t any movie protests at the Embassy” and
“the Intelligence people didn’t give us the right facts” and
“we never hear that the Ambassador had requested a security unit be assigned to the Embassy”.
All this from the number two leader of our Country on national TV!
So our people who were watching a direct wireless feed from security cameras outside the Embassy didn’t know what was going on and what happened? I have watched the reruns on TV and I know what happened!
But Biden then said that these same incompetent and clueless Intelligence people will be able to tell us precisely when Iran is ready to put their fissionable materials into a warhead and mount it on a missile so that we can then “do something”. How comforting is that to the people of Israel and the region?
I don’t know who “won” the debate. I do know that I’m more convinced than ever that we need to elect Romney and Ryan and all the Republican candidates for Senate and Congress in order to get a new competent leadership team who will get our Country back on the track to a better and brighter future.
Charlie HURT: Washington Times:  Biden cracks up at the vice presidential debate
A Biblical View of Biden at the VT Debate:


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


ObamaCare: The Illegitimate Child At The Obama Family Picnic

Don't stand near me kid!  Have you noticed that Obama and associates aren’t bragging about ObamaCare and that ObamaCare and God were well hidden at the Democrat Convention? Apparently Obama and particularly the Democrat Congressmen and Senators don’t want that Albatross hung around their neck.
(Something about the Rime of the Ancient Mariner).
Tax penalty to hit nearly 6 Million uninsured people, under ObamaCare
Starting in 2014, the new health care law requires virtually every legal resident of the U.S. to carry health insurance or face a tax penalty. Average penalty: about $1,200 in 2016. The penalty will be collected by the IRS, just like taxes.
Obama has hired 16,000 new IRS agents just for starters.
Isn’t is pathetic that the first 16,000 ObamaCare hirerees are IRS agents, not doctors, not nurses, and not healthcare workers! That’s why it’s called ObamaCare!
Roanoke Times, 9-24-2012, Pg 1, 12: Obama Medicare plan has higher premiums and fees including monthly premiums for retirees making $85,000 and hit program newcomers with a higher deductible.
Click Link to read this article for just ‘some’ of the obscene “hidden” ObamaCare taxes and fees:
Roanoke Times, 10-10-2012, Pg 8: Restaurant Company using more part-timers in order to limit the exorbitant costs of ObamaCare.
Think this may be part of our unemployment and underemployment problem?
The AARP objects to Obama invoking group's support during debate. Perhaps the AARP directors who enthusiastically and successfully supported ObamaCare may finally be getting the message that their membership is tired of that organization being an affiliate of the DNC and lying to them about the adverse consequences of ObamaCare.
ObamaCare Home Sales Tax of up to 3.8% on some homeowners becomes effective Jan. 1, 2013. The Democrats keep telling us not to worry about this. It only applies to very rich folks, like Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and The Kennedy’s.
Really? That’s what the Democrats told me about taxing my Social Security, and guess what?  And what about the The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) that was only supposed to hit the rich?
And to add insult to injury for all those who are or will be depending on Medicare for a significant support for their healthcare needs -- Obama and his Democrat associates are taking $716 BILLION from the Medicare funds and using it to fund ObamaCare. 
The Duplicity Of The Roanoke Times Editors
Click to view ObamaCare Summarized in ONE Sentence

Chaos Overcomes Obama And His Reelection Associates

What a difference a debate makes! From aloft, cocky and arrogant to sheer panic!
Who to throw under the reelection-bus? Somebody must be at fault and it sure can’t be “The Chief”. It’s John Kerry! He didn’t do the debate prep properly. What a jerk.
Team Obama Blames John Kerry for Debate Loss
Let’s quickly makeup a Big Bird anti-Romney video-ad. After all the Big Bird organization and brand has about $250 million in assets and everyone supports giving them another $6 million of taxpayers money for “help” every year.
Whoops! Apparently voters and Romney like Big Bird; the $6 million not so much.
And worse – Big Bird then poops (as birds are prone to do) all over the ad telling the Obama Reelection folks to pull the ad ASAP!
Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad
Et tu Brute: The AARP objects to Obama invoking group's support during debate. Where did that come from? Perhaps the AARP directors are finally getting the message that their membership is tired of that organization being an affiliate of the DNC.
And most serious of all is the total chaos in the White House, State Dept and Intelligence Bureaucracy with the “what the hell happened in Libya” story?
This isn’t humorous, it’s major administration malfeasance!
For weeks the entire Obama organization told the world it’s all about the stupid video. Even Obama’s Ambassador to the UN went on five Sunday Morning Talk Shows to cement the message into Obama’s Pravda-press.
And now the story is: “we never said that”! Talk about lies and alibis.
State Department denies concluding film sparked consulate attack in Libya
For the past nine months Obama, the DNC and their Pravda-press have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to paint Romney as “a bad guy” including being personally responsible for a sick woman’s death.
The debate allowed 67 million people to observe first hand that Romney is a good and competent person and leader and that Obama without his teleprompter is less than the person the Pravda-media have made him out to be.  They put him into office, keeping him there may prove to be harder.
Romney surging nationally after biggest debate win in recorded history, polls show
Perhaps entertainer Kid Rock summed up many people’s disappointment with Obama:
"I am very proud to say that we had elected our first black president. I'm sorry. I'm sorry he didn't do a better job. I really wish he would have. I do,"
Kid Rock: Sorry Obama 'didn't do a better job'
Virginia voted into office the first Black Man, Douglas Wilder, to be Governor of any State. He did good and made the voters of Virginia proud; a real success story for history.
Whether he gets reelected or not, it’s too bad Obama is such a disappointment!

Tuesday, October 09, 2012


California Throws Gore And Friends Under The Gas Price Bus

California’s implementation of much of Gore’s Global Warming Dogma has led to massive increases in the California cost of living, taxes and business expenses.
The latest adverse consequence is the significant increase in gas prices due to internal California regulations and supply problems compounded by their laws that prohibit importing gas from other states (yes other states!).

So moon-beam Gov Brown has signed an executive order bypassing the restrictions hoping to increase supply and thereby reduce cost.
Something about Republican supply-demand economics.
But that’s not the interesting part of the story. The real story is that the California environmental bureaucrats are now saying that throwing the restrictions under the bus doesn’t have any significant negative impacts!
Well – if that’s the case – Why are these regulations in force in the first place?
Talk about self-inflicted gun-shot wounds!
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — State leaders — and drivers — hope to see gasoline prices drop soon, now that California officials have approved the release of "winter-blend" fuel that is expected to help bolster the state's supplies.
State air pollution regulators say California's air quality isn't expected to get worse after the governor ordered the release of a dirtier blend of gasoline to help slash record-high pump prices.
All this must be Bush’s fault that Obama “Inherited”.
Apparently Not!

Washington Times EDITORIAL: Earth’s temperatures subject to higher powers
- -

Saturday, October 06, 2012


Obama And Friends Say Not To Worry About Gasoline, Debt, Unemployment

Roanoke Times, 10-6-2012, Pg 1,7: Unemployment rate "drops" to 7.8%
Pg 4: Cal. Gasoline prices highest in the nation
Pg 7: Another $1.1 TRILLION deficit added to the debt
Pg 1, 12: Drug caused meningitis kills and sickens
Wow!  Talk about bad news! Anyone in charge responsible?   Apparently not!
Unemployment rate now stated at 7.8% and Obama is happy and energized and the media gives him 3-cheers for his policies and success.
However once again the Bureau Of Labor Statistics has published the underemployment rate at 14.7% with 13 million out of work and yet Obama and associates tell us we’re on the way to good things:
U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force
Percent Underemployed by month from Sept 2011 through Sept 2012:  This is Good News?
15.7 14.6 14.2 16.4 14.8 14.9 15.0 14.7 14.7
Remember the Gallup polls and Democrat and media hostility directed at Bush’s economic numbers leading up to the last election?
Move along folks, nothing to see here!
Gasoline prices set record:

Remember the Gallup polls and Democrat hostility directed at Bush in 2008 when gas prices were high? Small buried story now! Move along folks, nothing to see here!
Another $1.1 TRILLION deficit adding to our $16.1 TRILLION debt hanging over our heads like Damocles’ Sword:
The interest payments on that debt combined with the unrestrained printing of money by the FED represents an unsustainable and a clear and imminent danger to our country. But Obama and associates tell us we’re on the way to good things. Sing along with Obama and Bob Marley: Don’t worry, be happy:
You may wish to join Obama and Bob Marley with his follow-up song: I Smoke Two Joints:
Drug caused meningitis illness and death. Not one word anywhere about Presidential responsibility via the Center for Disease Control and Sibelius, Secretary of Health.
Seems like yesterday when the media and Democrats were constantly harassing Bush about CDC shortcomings and faulty drugs and drug approvals and monitoring. Don’t hear anything like that now! Let’s just all sing along: Don’t worry, Be happy.
The Debate Synopsis: The New Yorker Magazine, a very liberal entity sums up the debate by joining Clint Eastwood:
Job Growth And Economic Progress Trainwreck

Thursday, October 04, 2012


Roanoke Times Pathetic Debate Summary

Roanoke Times, 10-4-2012, Pg 1, 16: Candidates clash on economy
This is the best the Editorial team can do? How pathetic! This team of folks who have constantly told us how great Obama is, how marginal Romney is and that in effect the election will be a nonevent because the polls have it locked up for Obama.
Candidates clash on economy – Really? How about Romney kicked Obama’s butt all over the stage! Apparently Obama forgot his teleprompter and his PBS-moderator-buddy was as pathetic as he was. Even double-teaming Romney wasn’t successful.
And RTs Danny-Boy’s headline is: ‘grinding’ at school dances causing concerns’.
This is Danny’s big expose the morning after what was supposed to be “Apocalypse Now” for Romney? Apparently Danny didn’t see ‘Dirty Dancing’ 25 years ago and thinks ‘grinding’ is something new. Perhaps Danny should have jumped on Al Gore’s excuse wagon:
It’s the altitude – Stupid! Apparently Gore thinks Obama can’t think straight in the rarefied air of Denver’s mile-high atmosphere. Is that racist or what? I’m sure glad I didn’t say that! However it fits in real well with Gore’s other “inconvenient untruths” and ridiculous prophecies. Is he certifiable or what?
ABC: Excuses, Excuses: Gore Blames Altitude For Obama Debate Performance
What did Business Insider have to say about the debate:
Mitt Romney Absolutely Destroyed Obama In The First Presidential Debate
Read more:
How about liberal PBS-Commentator Jeff Greenfield:
After the debate debacle for Obama, we’ll find out if we have a race
(Does this mean Jeff thinks Obama will drop-out like LBJ did?)
How about CNN (a key extension of the DNC and Obama’s Reelection Committee):
By most accounts, Republican challenger Mitt Romney was the clear winner of Wednesday's first debate with President Barack Obama. Romney engaged the incumbent while Obama looked down at his lectern. The challenger was a more forceful debater while Obama appeared less than engaged.
(Perhaps he looked down because he though he was back at Harvard and was looking for his crib sheets?)
And best of all Charlie HURT  Washington Times:
Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome
Perhaps the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times should click-on the following link and reflect on Deana Carter’s song: “Did I Shave My Legs For This?”:

Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Roanoke Times Hides The Libya Massacre Cover-up While The Obama Malfeasance Continues

Roanoke Times, 10-3-2012, Pg 7: HUGE HEADLINE: White House OK’d task forces in North Africa.
REALLY? Teams in North Africa but no security detail for our Libyan Ambassador who was murdered by “Radical Muslim Terrorists” after he and his staff had requested to get security resources multiple times and was denied! And that after prior attacks including a rocket strike upon the French Ambassador’s vehicle.
Small headline print: panelists: US security weak at embassy.
WEAK – YOU THINK! After weeks of lies and alibis and hiding from the facts that it was not a stupid film that killed Ambassador Stevens and three of his staff but a well planned and executed military attack by “Radical Muslim Terrorists”.
Obama: can you say: “Radical Muslim Terrorists”? Apparently Not!  Don't want to upset the brothers!
“In the face of claims from lawmakers that her State Department ignored warning signs and requests by US Ambassador Chris Stevens for more security before the deadly attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asks for more time to investigate.”
Ah yes – more time to investigate. The FBI is still not on the scene. Who the hell is investigating this attack that took place Sept 11th (22 days ago)?  Don't Ask, Don't Tell!
And through it all the Roanoke Times and their associates in the liberal Pravda media continue to hide and marginalize and suppress the scope of this uprising across two dozen countries and the horrific attack upon our embassies, our people and yes our country (embassies are by definition US soil!).
Can’t we make this mess go away? If not, can’t we just hide it until Nov 7th?
Yes we can and that’s the same plan we're using for "Fast & Furious"!
Just Shut-up and Stonewall Stupid!
Obama on 60 Minutes: Turmoil In Middle-East Just “Bump In The Road”
Roanoke Times Shuns The Real News Again
The Obama Mohamed-Video Kool-Aid
Ambassador Stevens Remains Returns Home To “Nearer My GOD To Thee”
 Court-Martial Obama And Clinton
Obama Administration Initial Reaction To 9-11-2012 Attack: “We’re Sorry”

Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Major Media Says: Forget The Election -- Obama Won – Game Over – Thanks For Playing

No need to continue this ridiculous charade of a Presidential Election. The major media in concert with the DNC and the Obama Reelection Committee have declared the polls are overwhelming for Obama, so why spend any more time, money and energy on a done-deal?
Let’s do the Coronation before Christmas!
The Roanoke Times: 9-23-2012, Pg 1: Critical states see tidal shift to Obama
The Yahoo Signal:
The published poll ground-rules and assumptions are that voter turn-out for Obama will be greater than in the 2008 election!
‘Forward’ will be bigger and better than ‘Hope and Change”.
Apparently the pollsters have determined that the majority of Americans are pleased with our economy, employment, foreign and energy policies and the direction for more dependence on government programs with higher spending and taxes.
We’re going to vote overwhelmingly for the Greece model of governance and economics!
But didn’t we have an election between 2008 and now?
Was not the 2010 election a repudiation of Obama’s policies and leadership?
Did not the Republicans overwhelmingly take control of the Congress?
Is there any metric of economic or other policy that has improved since 2010?
Oh right – Obama personally shot Bin Laden in the head.
These so called polls are very interesting!
Who is asking whom and about what?
Perhaps we should go ahead and vote and cast and count our votes!
Perhaps the only poll that counts is on November 6th!
Some recent close-election history to ponder:
From the early days of the 2000 presidential campaign season, it was clear the race would be a tight one between Vice President Al Gore and Texas governor George W. Bush. Few, however, predicted that the contest would not only come down to the wire, but to a single state and a few hundred votes.
Only the 1960 race, in which John F. Kennedy squeaked out victory over Richard M. Nixon by just 0.1 of a percent, was closer. In fact, Kennedy's triumph wasn't official until noon the following day. And in 1976, Jimmy Carter also waited overnight to be declared the winner over Gerald Ford.
Read more: The Closest Presidential Races —

Monday, October 01, 2012


Virgil Goode Left Me, I Did Not Leave Virgil Goode

I have been a supporter of Congressman Virgil Goode. He articulated and voted for many of the Conservative Issues and Values I felt were important and therefore I supported him and voted for him.

After loosing the 2008 election; Virgil had the opportunity to run for Congress again in 2010. I would have supported him and voted for him again; but he decided not to run!
Virgil’s current run for President on a third-party ticket will not result in his return to office. Instead it will help Obama and detract from the elections of Romney and Ryan.
In this year’s critical election every vote is important and will be required to replace Obama and Biden. Misdirected votes can give Virginia’s Critical Electoral Delegates to Obama.
I must now set aside my loyalty to Virgil Goode for the greater good of electing Romney and Ryan, and I encourage others to do the same.
Vote to elect Romney and Ryan and George Allen to US Senate and Robert Hurt to Congress so that America can be America Again for our Children and Grandchildren.
The Sad Fact is that Virgil Goode Left Me, I Did Not Leave Virgil.


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