The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Thought for Today for my Liberal Friends
"A liberal
paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed:
employment, free
comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free
clothing, free utilities,
and only law enforcement has guns.
believe it or not, such a place does, indeed, exist:
It's called
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Saturday, October 25, 2014
NY NJ Governors Respond To Obama’s Ebola Leading From Behind
All Ebola New News Indicates that Obama and Czar "Not in the game"!
A Veterinarian's view of protecting the American people:
New News: 10-31-2014:
CDC pulls poster saying Ebola can spread through a sneeze
The Post reported Wednesday that the CDC acknowledged that people can catch the virus by coming into contact with droplets from an infected person on a doorknob or other surface.
If a person touched those droplets and touched their eyes, nose or mouth for up to several hours later or more, they could contract the deadly contagion, the CDC said.
“Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person,” the poster stated.
New News: 10-30-2013:
State of Maine, nurse who went to Africa at odds over Ebola quarantine
Maine health commissioner Mary Mayhew said late Wednesday afternoon that, even as it continues talks with Hickox's representatives, the state is in the process of filing a court order to require the nurse to abide by a 21-day quarantine. Mayhew cited concerns about Hickox's hands-on role in dealing with Ebola patients, as well as "concerns about the lack of reliability and the lack of trustworthiness in the information that has been received."
"You need to be able to have trust and credibility in that information," the state health commissioner said. "That makes her a higher risk."
Mayhew also blasted what she called "the lack of leadership at the federal level" that has created "a patchwork quilt of state-by-state determinations," vowing that "we will not stand by and exacerbate the situation in Maine."
New News: 10-27-2014:
Army Isolates General and Soldiers Returning from West Africa
The two-star Army general and members of his staff who led the initial military efforts against Ebola in West Africa have been isolated on post as they returned to Italy, the Pentagon said Monday.
New News: 10-28-2014:
Most American voters dismiss President Barack Obama’s appointment of an “Ebola czar” as a public relations move
"Two-thirds of voters say the appointment of an Ebola czar is mostly a public relations move (67 percent). That includes a 53-percent majority of Democrats. Eighty percent of Republicans and 76 percent of independents also see the move as window dressing.
Overall, just 23 percent see the designation of a czar as a serious attempt to help the problem."
Roanoke Times, 10-25-2014, Pg 1, 3: NY NJ quarantines after NYC doctor diagnosed
with Ebola after passing his entrance temperature exam.
Obama and his associates appear
yet again to be in analysis paralysis over a major leadership issue; this time
it’s Managing Ebola in the best interests of the health and welfare of the American
We have well-established
organizations missioned to manage challenges like this to include:
HomeLand Security
Dept of Health – Nationally
Dept of Health – In Every
We should have a US Surgeon General as the President’s official
focal point for national health issues – not clear why Obama doesn’t have one
but instead appointed a political-hack to be his Ebola-Czar and media manager.
Help Wanted: Ebola Czar, No
Experience Needed
Obama’s pathetic process is
now to take the temperature of arriving persons from countries that are
suffering from the Ebola Pandemic. Even
the most naïve person recognizes that during the 21-day incubation period, those
who are harboring this virus will pass this superficial test and then these “carriers”
may well spread the virus when it breaks out as a mature disease.
Something about Typhoid Mary
in 1938.
New York, New Jersey order Ebola quarantines
“Both New Jersey Gov. Chris
Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday they are ordering a
mandatory, 21-day quarantine for all doctors and travelers who have had contact
with Ebola victims in the ravaged countries of West Africa.
The move comes a day after a
Doctors Without Borders volunteer was diagnosed with the disease after
returning to the U.S. a week
after treating Ebola victims in Guinea.
New Jersey Gov. Chris
Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the case forced them to conclude
that the two states need guidelines more rigorous than those of the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends voluntary
Ebola Was About Medicine,
Then Politics, Then Money, And Now It’s Race
CDC Director Frieden Acts
Just Like A Typical Obama Appointee
Sleep well, Obama and Dr.
Frieden are watching out for your welfare
Friday, October 24, 2014
Bedford County TeaParty Leaders Masquerading As Republicans
The TeaParty Leaders who have taken over the Bedford
Co. Republican Committee, in addition to other Virginia units, have “censured” three
republican supervisors (who were elected by and are accountable to the voters) and who apparently either will not or do not salute the
Aparently charging forward under the snake-banner were Nate Boyer
and Travis Witt.
These are leaders of the same team that threw the 5th
District Republican Caucus at Farmville into disarray. After loosing that fight, they then launched
a September sneak attack against the 5th District Republican
Committee members at Prospect where they again were thwarted.
The fact that a highly motivated minority special interest clique
can take over a unit's committee does not mean or even imply that they represent
the majority of Republican voters in that unit.
As an example, in Franklin County one such person ran for county public office and was rejected by 87% of the voters.
Something about delusions of grandeur.
It is difficult to comprehend that this group would choose
to take such a negative and divisive action at this time, 11 days from a major
critical election that has the potential to shift the balance of power in Washington.
Why aren’t these “good Republicans” out campaigning for Ed
Gillespie and Robert Hurt instead of fermenting sour grapes?
The Republican Clash Between Two Banners
Michael Brown Autopsy Data Released
Roanoke Times, 10-23-2014,
Pg 3: “Autopsy casts doubt on incident”
NO that’s not it!
Yet another Roanoke
Times totally bogus Headline!
The autopsy data released does
not cast doubt on the incident! The
doubt was cast by “false witness lies” and crowd hysteria compounded by Obama’s
Holder his 40 FBI agents, Al Sharpton and all his associates and many left-wing
The Autopsy sheds light on
facts like:
Brown beat the officer in the
police car.
The first shots were fired
in the police car.
All shots were at close
All shots that hit Brown
were in his front.
No evidence that Brown had
his hands up in surrender.
Final fatal shot in top of
Brown’s head as he charged forward head-first.
(worked good in football -- not so much this time)
These are not facts of “doubt
on incident”!
There are facts of clarification that belies the media hype!
reprint from this blog’s Sept 3, 2014 blog item:
NO We’re NOT all Mike Brown
We do not invade stores
We do not steal from stores
We do not intimidate store clerks with our 6’4” 300-pound pit-bull aggression
We do not mouth-off to police officers who give us direct lawful directions
We do not attack police officers inflicting massive injuries to them
We do not attack police officers who issue lawful life-or-death ultimatum
When we do these things: Then we’re Mike Brown!
“Feel The Love” Turns Into
More Riots And Curfew In Ferguson
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
DeskTop Wallpaper On Every Electronic Voting Machine In The US
DeskTop Wallpaper On Every Electronic Voting Machine In The US
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Michelle’s Government Mandated School Lunches Flop
Michelle has made a big deal
over school lunches. No more pizzas,
lots more fruit and veggies. No more
snack machines in the schools.
A student recently
circulated a photo of his school lunch that has gone viral as a good example of
a really bad example of a “healthy and filling” school lunch.
“This lunch complies with
lunch regulations championed by First Lady Michelle Obama and "implemented" by
the USDA.”
1 Million kids stop school lunch
due to Michelle Obama’s food standards!
“The federal government’s
changes to school lunch menus have been disastrous, causing problems for
cafeterias trying to comply with the rules and leaving the menu so expensive or
unpalatable that more than 1 million students have stopped buying lunch,
according to a government audit released Thursday.”
Apparently, Michelle is
right up there with Barack in directing the masses to a government enforced
social order that they choose for us.
Isn’t it wonderful to have
such a paternalistic first family who knows what’s best for us and uses the
power of the government to ensure we comply with their wishes!
Something about Orwell’s “1984”:
Click to
View the 1984 Apple Ad Video (sound on):
Help Wanted: Ebola Czar, No Experience Needed
Roanoke Times, 10-18-2014,
Pg 1, 5: WHO’s Report slams Ebola
In response to the Ebola
pandemic in Africa that has spilled out into other countries, including the US, Obama has
appointed Ron Klain, a former chief of staff to vice presidents Al Gore and Joe
Biden, as his Ebola Czar.
It appears that Klain has no
background or experience in the medical field but is a very accomplished political
“That the president chose a political
operative rather than a health care expert to head up his administration’s
response to an outbreak of a deadly disease says a lot – and nothing positive –
about the White House’s line of thinking,” Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., said in a
statement on Friday.
Apparently, Obama’s view is
that our Ebola problem is all about “messaging” and not about pandemic
This fits well into the narrative
that: the only thing worse than our
Ebola problem is Obama talking about it!
Ebola Was About Medicine,
Then Politics, Then Money, And Now It’s Race
Friday, October 17, 2014
Ebola Was About Medicine, Then Politics, Then Money, And Now It’s Race
Briton and France have
banned flights from infected African countries.
Belize has refused to let a US cruise ship dock with a
healthcare worker who is not ill but may have handled Ebola materials. No one from the ship is being allowed to
This all started out as a
medical challenging pandemic that our CDC and medical community was ill
prepared to handle (and still can't).
Then Obama and Republicans
got into the blame game. Ebola’s a
problem because the government doesn’t have enough money.
Then Obama refused to stop
flights from infected African countries into the US because it would be a financial
burden on the countries affected.
It’s now clear that Obama is
refusing to stop the flow of exposed people from infected African countries
because he’s fearful of the racial implications.
His life-long religious advisor, Rev
Wright, once claimed that HIV+AIDS was invented by whities to kill black
There are already radicals
who are claiming that Ebola is being used by whities to kill black Africans and
that that we bring our white people back home and give them medications that we
don’t give to black Africans.
Farrakhan argued in a blog post Tuesday that the deadly Ebola virus is a
race-targeting bioweapon created by white people.
“Methods of Depopulation: Disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola
& AIDS, which are race targeting weapons,” the Nation of Islam leader
tweeted to his 308,000 followers.!#ixzz3Gp4HpCk3
And why the major delay in isolation and quarantine
of exposed persons. Did we and the CDC
forget everything we learned from Typhoid Mary in 1938?
In addition to the above,
it’s very disturbing that since 9-11 the Dept. of Homeland Security is not ready
to handle viral pandemics that could be launched by a terrorist biological
attack. If not ready for that, what are we ready
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
CDC Director Frieden Acts Just Like A Typical Obama Appointee
HuffingtonPost: Megyn Kelly's Fiery Interview With CDC
Director Over Ebola
CDC director: 'Clearly' something went wrong for Texas nurse to contract
CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden said Tuesday on “The
Kelly File” that Ebola protocols are being improved after a Texas nurse contracted the deadly disease
while caring for a patient, acknowledging something “clearly” went wrong in
that case.
Sleep well, Obama and Dr. Frieden are watching out for your
Sleep well, Obama and Dr. Frieden are watching out for your welfare.
Texas health officials say second healthcare worker at Dallas hospital tests
positive for Ebola
The only thing worse than
the Ebola problem is CDC Tom Frieden talking about it!
Now he has yet another
opportunity to blame the victim.
Yet another nurse who didn’t
follow his “protocol” and has no one to blame but herself.
Yet another example of Obama
Administration’s total lack of taking responsibility for any issues or
At some point the American
public will come to realize that Frieden is just another Obama bad choice for
an important governmental function.
Which begs the question: has
he made any good choices?
Ebola And HIV+AIDS -- Two
Deadly Pandemics
Dr. Thomas Frieden and
Health Malfeasance
Now He Tells Us: ‘We Have to Rethink the Way We Address Ebola Infection Control.’
Warner Brainstorming About Official Malfeasance
New News:
Va US Senator Mark Warner's "Brainstorming" focus of investigation
None of this will be visible to the voters before election day!
The Washington Post reported
Friday that Warner called Puckett's son Joseph had discussed potential
employment in the private sector and on the federal bench for Puckett's
Warner responded that he
simply called Puckett's son to "brainstorm" potential jobs for the
senator's daughter, Martha Puckett Ketron.,0,5292211.story
What a great defense for a potentially felonious
action: I was just brainstorming!
Why didn’t Bob McDonnell use that excuse?
Where’s Obama-Holder’s
FBI? They’re way too busy hounding Terry Kilgore to address McAuliffe, his chief-of-staff and
Mark Warner!
And the major Pravda Media
winks and moves on!
Move along folks, nothing to
see here!
Just more hope and change we
can believe in!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
The Mark Warner -- Sorensen Institute Hypocrisy
Tues Oct 14 at 7 PM there
will be a “debate” between Mark Warner and Ed Gillespie relative to the
election for Virginia US Senator.
This “debate” is sponsored
by the Sorensen Institute.
Former Virginia Governor
Mark Warner (who is running for reelection), is a member of the Sorensen State Board
The Creed of the Sorensen
Institute is:
“Trust, Civility and Respect
in Politics”
Based on Mark Warner’s negative
and misleading election ads in this campaign, and his participation in the
Puckett Scandal,
it is difficult to justify
how he could be a member in good standing of the Sorensen Institute and be true
to their creed.
The voters of Virginia need to forget
about Warner’s prior service as Governor, because clearly Warner has forgotten and abandoned
his past positions, and update their view based on his 97% support of Obama’s
initiatives and his major participation in passing ObamaCare.
News: Roanoke Times, 10-12-2014, Pg Va
1, 2: Very entertaining Dan Casey parody of the Puckett Scandal and the
involvement of: Puckett, McAuliffe, Kilgore and Senator Warner (now running for
Includes great
pictures of all in happier times.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Virginians Thank Mark Warner For 250,000 Health Insurance Cancellations
“Because Mark Warner worked to pass Obamacare,
250,000 Virginians are losing the health insurance they liked, with thousands
getting hit with huge out-of-pocket cost increases while unable to see the
doctors they trust,” Gillespie said in a prepared statement.
More than a dozen states
plan to cancel health care policies not in compliance with ObamaCare
More than a dozen states
plan to cancel health care policies not in compliance with ObamaCare in the
coming weeks, affecting thousands of people just before the midterm elections.
"It looks like several
hundred thousand people across the country will receive notices in the coming
days and weeks," said Jim Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
The policies are being
canceled because states that initially granted a reprieve at the request of
President Obama are no longer willing to do so.
In coming weeks, 13 states
and the District of Columbia
plan to cancel such policies, which generally fall out of compliance with the
Affordable Care Act because they don’t offer the level of coverage the law
Virginia will be hardest hit, with 250,000 policies expected
to be canceled.
And because federal law
requires a 60-day notice of any plan changes, voters will be notified no later
than November 1, right before the Nov. 4 midterms.
Expected insurance
cancellations latest fuel in Va.
race between Warner, Gillespie
Washington Post By Laura
Vozzella 10-10-2014
RICHMOND — Health-insurance
plans of as many as 250,000 Virginians will be canceled in January because the
policies do not meet the standards set by the Affordable Care Act, a
development that Republican Ed Gillespie hopes will boost his prospects as he tries
to unseat Sen. Mark R. Warner.
The high number of potential
cancellations, predicted this week at a meeting of the Virginia Health
Insurance Reform Commission, instantly became fodder in the Senate race.
Gillespie has made Warner’s support for the ACA the central theme in his uphill
battle against the incumbent Democrat, a former governor who had a 22-point
lead over the Republican in a recent poll.
Gillespie, a former
Republican National Committee chairman and lobbyist, rolled out a series of
statements, headlining one of them “250,000 broken promises.” His campaign also
touted the number as it unveiled a TV ad with video of Warner promising in 2009 that he would
not support a health-care law that takes away policies that people already had
and liked.
“Because Mark Warner worked
to pass Obamacare, 250,000 Virginians are losing the health insurance they
liked, with thousands getting hit with huge out-of-pocket cost increases while
unable to see the doctors they trust,” Gillespie said in a prepared statement.
The Puckett Flypaper Snags Mark Warner
New News: Roanoke Times, 10-12-2014, Pg Va 1, 2: Very entertaining Dan Casey parody of the Puckett Scandal and the involvement of: Puckett, McAuliffe, Kilgore and Senator Warner (now running for reelection).
Includes great pictures of all in happier times.
Roanoke Times, 10-11-2014,
Pg 1, 7: Warner denies offer to Puckett
What a totally misleading RT headline! The article
does indeed quote the following offer to Puckett:
On June 6, three days before
the state senator’s (Puckett) resignation became official, Warner called
Puckett’s son, Joseph, and discussed an appointment to the federal bench as
well as a potential corporate position of Martha Puckett Ketron.
Based on the newly found
Democrat code of ethics, based on the Gov. McDonnell trial, Governor McAuliffe
sigged US-AG Holder onto south side Delegate Terry G. Kilgore for allegedly offering a Tobacco
Commission job to a Virginia Democrat Senator Puckett, which would result in
the Republicans taking control of the State Senate.
“McAuliffe called Puckett ‘despicable’ for seeming to
trade his Senate seat for job prospects.”
Now it appears that Gov.
McAuliffe is Caught-up In The Malfeasance Backwash through recorded messages
from his chief-of-staff offering jobs and judgeships to Puckett.
Just how ‘despicable’ is
And now our esteemed US
Senator Mark Warner (now running for reelection)
has been accused of offering
jobs to Puckett.
Just how ‘despicable’ is
We can all be assured that Obama's AG Holder will not allow the FBI to harrass and charge McAuliffe, his chief-of-staff or Sen. Warner with any wrongdoing!
Terry Kilgore, on the other hand, had better have a good lawyer and lots of money for his defense of such an alleged 'despicable' act.
Editorial note: calling the
Puckett affair a “tar baby” would be historically and literarily appropriate –
but – it appears we’re not allowed to use that term any longer? Something about being PIC. What
to do with the Uncle Remus stories now?
Kerry: Don’t Sweat The Slaughter, Focus On The Strategy
Roanoke Times, 10-9-2014, Pg 3: John Heinz Kerry at news
conference in DC on ISIS and Kobani
The US
Secretary of State, John Kerry, made incredibly gross and callous remarks about
the imminent slaughter of innocent people in Kobani.
It’s difficult to comprehend any person, official or not,
making these remarks; and of course the Pravda Media didn’t bat an eye.
“As horrific as it is
to watch in real time what’s happening in Kobani, it’s also important to
remember, that you have to step back and understand the strategic objective.” Kerry to a news conference in Washington.
All this flies in the face of the Obama-Kerry
malfeasance in handling the ISIS and Syrian
issues two years ago and their total bungling now!
But not to worry one’s self about being slaughtered, after
all one has to focus on the strategic objective!
And to reflect that this is the same Jerk who testified to Congress about the malfeasance in Viet Nam.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Note the news ribbon on the bottom of Michelle’s I’m old and
tired and have traveled too much Iowa
Michelle Getting Old And Traveling Too Much
Michelle Obama flubs name of Democratic Senate candidate Bruce Braley multiple times at a political rally in Iowa.
Click on this link to fully appreciate your First Lady Princeton Grad:
She says she's getting old and traveling too much!
Most Americans will heartily agree that the Obama's are either on vacation or campaigning at the expense of managing the government.
“,” she added. “I know where I am! I know what I’m doing! That’s why we need you young people, you gotta help us out!”
Michelle Obama also incorrectly said Braley was a Marine Corps veteran, apparently he never served:
The major media that hounded VP Quale for his misspelling of Potato gave Michelle gracious passes for her misdirection and misinformation and then buried it.
Move along folks -- Nothing to see here!
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Obama: ISIS Problem Because of Bush And The Turks And Others
White House reportedly
frustrated with Turkish inaction against ISIS
Turkish President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan said the U.S.-led coalition's air campaign launched last month
would not be enough to halt the Islamic State group's advance.
"Kobani is about to
fall," Erdogan told Syrian refugees in the Turkish border town of Gaziantep, according to
The Associated Press. The Turkish president called for greater cooperation with
the Syrian opposition, which is fighting both the extremists and forces loyal
to Syrian President Bashar Assad.
"We asked for three
things: one, for a no-fly zone to be created; two, for a secure zone parallel
to the region to be declared; and for the moderate opposition in Syria and Iraq to be trained and equipped."
Biden has been helping Obama
fix the ISIS problem by alienating major players in the Middle
East that Obama claims will be key part of “not our boots on the
No comment from Obama about
Biden’s so called help
Biden issues second apology
of weekend, after offending US allies in fight to destroy Islamic State
Vice President Biden on
Sunday issued his second apology of the weekend for remarks that offended
allies that the U.S.
needs in the fight to destroy the Islamic State.
Biden apologized by phone
Sunday to Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, saying he
never meant to imply that his country was supporting Al Qaeda fighters in
Syria. Al Nahyan is also the deputy supreme commander of the United Arab Emirates’
armed forces.
Biden made the remarks at a
speech Thursday, suggesting U.S.
allies including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had funded and
armed extremist groups linked to Al Qaeda. The UAE was exasperated and
requested a formal clarification.
Leon Panetta, Obama’s former Defense and CIA Chief is
not blaming Bush or the Turks but lays this mess directly in Obama’s lap.
Panetta: Obama needs to
'develop the will to get into the ring and fight' ISIS
Former Defense Secretary
Leon Panetta told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly Tuesday there is no question the
Obama administration’s decision to not maintain a presence in Iraq was a
mistake, and President Obama needs to “develop the will to get into the ring
and fight” against the Islamic State.
Panetta, who served in the
Obama administration for four years, said on “The O’Reilly Factor” that he,
then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the director of the CIA made a
“very strong case” for keeping at least 10,000 troops in Iraq at the end of the
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