The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Pravda Media Keeps-up The Ferguson Drumbeat

Roanoke Times, 11-30-2014,
Pg 1:  Officer Darren Wilson resigns
Pg 10 Half-pg:  Ferguson’s grand jury put in unusual position
Pg 11 Half-pg:  Was Michael Brown surrendering or advancing
Pg 13 Third-pg: DOJ conducting two investigations
Multiple pages of regurgitation of stuff off the wire-services that has been published over the past months. 
Purpose appears to be to discredit Grand Jury process because they were exposed to “way too much testimony from too many conflicting sources” and DA didn’t “direct” them to an indictment.
Brown shot in back
Brown shot while lying on ground
Brown shot with hands-up
Brown just walking down street when shot
Autopsy didn’t answer ALL questions (reminiscent of the JFK assassination!)
This was an already Court-seated multi-racial Grand Jury.
I have served on a Grand Jury for multiple months.  Some cases were totally one-sided in which only prosecution material was presented.
In some cases the defense requested to participate and input data and witnesses and did so.
There are few limits on what data can be presented to the Grand Jury.
In some cases the DA pushed for an indictment; sometimes successfully, sometimes not.
In some cases the DA did not push for an indictment.
In some cases "we" requested and got data and witnesses the DA did not offer.
The Grand Jury is appointed by and is responsible only to The Court.
The Grand Jury does NOT report to the DA.
The DA is never in the room when the Grand Jury deliberates and votes!
The bottom line is that the Ferguson Grand Jury did not differ from those I have served on.
It is unusual for the Court to release Grand Jury records to the public; the Judge in this case apparently felt the public interest outweighed protecting witnesses who though their testimony would be kept sealed as it normally would be.
Some of those witnesses are now at risk; particularly the seven Black witnesses who corroborated Wilson’s account of the shooting.
Who directed that the Browns run to the most brutal and lawless members of the UN?
Why is the Pravda Media keeping this saga alive?
What is their motivation to continue to beat the drums of rioters and protesters?
How has the Media helped bring into focus the issues of thousands of young Black males being killed each year by other young black males?
How has the Media helped all people to behave properly when confronted by police and the adverse consequences and illegality of physical confrontation.
How will causing the police to avoid and back-away from intercity areas help the Black community?
How will enabling the Gangs to “police” the inter-cities from dusk to dawn help the Black community?
The Pravda Media have been at the forefront of the malfeasance associated with this very sad situation from the night of the tragedy and apparently the combination of making money and race-baiting is impossible for them to suppress.
  How sad is that!

Sheriff Clarke of Milwaukee, WI. slams the:
Irresponsible Groups Descended on Ferguson MO Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass
and he calls out Eric Holder for the Racial-Hypocrite he is:
Meet Sheriff David Clarke:
Giuliani: Michael Brown's Death Shouldn't Have Gone to a Grand Jury
St. Louis police group demands punishment for Rams players in Ferguson protest
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision

Saturday, November 29, 2014


UN Panel Criticizes US On Human Rights

Roanoke Times, 11-29-2014, Pg 3: UN panel criticizes US record on torture and human rights.
Mike Brown’s parents testified before the panel.
There were 447 black homicide victims in Michigan in 2011.
Not clear how many families were invited to testify before the UN Human Rights Commission.
Not mentioned in any of these incredibly biased and slanted “stories” is identification of some of the members of the UN Human Rights Commission.
These are the righteous regimes condemning America with our funding!
Saudi Arabia
Viet Nam
At what point is the US going to stop funding this so-called do-good organization.
Since Obama has declared we are no longer a “world leader”, it is appropriate that we reduce our dues to $1 and demand rent on the UN facility in NYC.

Fracking Dropping Oil Prices And Obama’s AGW Global Warming Boondoggle

Roanoke Times, 11-29-2014, Pg 8: OPEC refuses to reduce output in order to increase prices.
Oil, gas prices in freefall as OPEC reels from US fracking
Oil prices keep plummeting as OPEC starts a price war with the US
Fuel Prices Dropping - Our Amazing Fracking Success
What an amazing situation.  Obama in shock that gasoline prices are going down.  He declared that energy prices would greatly escalate with passage of his Carbon Tax (that he is implementing with his War on Coal).  When Al Gore ran for president, his platform included an immediate additional 50-cent tax on gasoline.
In addition, OPEC is now supporting lower oil prices to try to stymie and shutdown US Fracking on private lands.  Obama and his minions have tried desperately to disparage Fracking and banned it from “the peoples land”.
Who could have seen all this coming?
And in spite of the data and facts that there hasn’t been any global warming for the past 17 years, Obama and his AGW Global Warming Alarmist Minions continue to hawk their snake-oil hysteria that we must decimate our energy infrastructure and facilities in order to save the World Order as they dictate it to be.
This Could Be The Coldest Thanksgiving Since 1930



Schumer The Ultimate ObamaCare Democrat Putz

Schumer Says Democrats Erred by Passing Health Care in 2010
Democrats made a mistake by passing President Barack Obama’s health-care law in 2010 instead of first focusing more directly on helping the middle class,
 third-ranking U.S. Senate Democrat Charles Schumer said today.
“Unfortunately, Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them” in electing Obama and a Democratic Congress in 2008 amid a recession, Schumer of New York said in a speech in Washington. “We took their mandate and put all our focus on the wrong problem -- health care reform.”

But that’s not the ugly part; the ugly part is that Schumer went on to say that 85% of American’s had health insurance and most of the 15% that didn’t have health care insurance don’t vote!
The “behind the scenes” blatant scorn and disdain the Democrats have for the very people they pretend to be helping is beyond the pale!  How can the Black Leadership continue to hitch their wagons to Arrogant Donkey’s like this?
It’s also of interest that the Liberal Jewish Community continue to support Schumer and Obama.  Obama has thrown Israel under the Terrorist bus and Schumer has supported him all the way.
An insight into NY Democrats and Schumer’s friends in high places is of interest.
"NY Dem. Sen. Schumer is the man who would put a bullet between the president’s (Bush's) eyes if he could get away with it."
The nasty, vicious, vile Democrat who said this is not a half-drunk, low-life talking through his beer at a local gin-mill.
No, this is NY State Comptroller Democrat Alan Hevesi, long term prior professor of government and politics at Queens College, who made this statement while participating in the commencement address at Queens College!,3566,197935,00.html

In addition to Schumer’s post-election rejection of ObamaCare there’s the:
All of GruberGate in Two Minutes
If you only read the RT, Post, NYT and only watch MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC you have no idea what GruberGate is because the Pravda Media have thrown a blanket of ignorance over this massive government malfeasance.
We need another BTW to raise the "blanket of ignorance" that this adminsitration and their Pravda Media have thrown over the American People!
Just More Hope and Change we can Believe in!
Editorial note: I had the pleasure and honor to be a Visiting Engineering Professor at Tuskegee in 1985.  I didn't know then, that I would ultimately live only 6 miles from his birthplace.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Thanksgiving Day 2014: Thank You Dan Casey and Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times, 11-27-2014 Pg 1, 6: Thanksgiving Focus at Gereau Center in Rocky Mount by Dan Casey
What a pleasant experience to see most of the front page of the RT devoted to young students expressing their appreciation for their Thanksgiving blessings at the Gereau-CATCE Center in Rocky Mount.
I have a very strong personal attachment to the Gereau-CATCE Center.
Len Gereau included me in the planning teams that defined the module content and physical attributes of the school.
Len then included me as a full time teacher of math and science for the first five years after which I was an active substitute for another five years.
Each of the eight modules was staffed with an experienced teacher and a person having experience in the modules focus and content.
The Center is now also the focal point for STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
Virginia has a program to help encourage veterans and experienced industry persons and those with advanced degrees to be teachers.  Based on rigorous background checks and validation of experience and degrees, the Virginia Dept of Education will issue five-year provisional licenses to teach.  During that time, the candidate is expected to develop classroom-teaching skills and take the required college courses for certification.
This has enabled many highly qualified persons to join the educational community.
Clearly, this could not be done in NY, NJ or other Teacher Union States.
Franklin County – We Do More Than Shine
Len Gereau, now living in Bedford, recently published his book "Tahawus".  The story of growing up in his unique adirondack mining hometown.


Lincoln's Proclamation of Thanksgiving
Washington, D.C.
October 3, 1863
Think and Pray for those who Serve in harms way

Then Click for Full Screen

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Secretary Of No Defense

Obama ”cans” Sec. of Defenses Hagel
This is amazing!  How could Hagel have possibly failed in carrying out Obama’s Defense Strategy?
Obama “Then”
I killed Bin Laden
I ended the war against terror
I ended the war in Afghanistan
I ended the war in Iraq
I decreed that Assad should leave Syria
I refused to give Ukraine weapons to defend themselves
I championed “Sequestration” that is decimating the Defense Budgets
I made friends with the world’s Muslims
I’m releasing the GITMO boys – they’re really not so bad
I decreed that America should not be a World Leader
So, I chose as Secretary of Defense, Hagel, whose job it is to dismantle our Military assets and systems so that we will be unable to be a Nasty World Leader!
That’s my Plan!  The Norwegians must be dancing in the streets!
Talk about the basis for another Nobel Peace Prize!
Obama “Now”
Current Events have shown that Hagel just couldn’t do the job!
Afghanistan is not war free
Iraq is not war free
ISIS came out of nowhere to form an army and raise Mohamed
Boko-somebody is raising Mohamed in Africa
Assad is ruthlessly ruling Syria with impunity
Global attacks rose in 2013 -- 10,000 terrorist attacks in 2013, 44% increase – 18,000 deaths
Obama “Today”: Hagel You’re Fired! 
In spite of my great Strategy and Plans
YOU didn’t make anything happen to make me Look Good!
Editorial observation:
If you have worked for a while you had at least one boss like Obama!
That’s why Patrick King wrote the book:
“Don’t Ever Work for a Jerk”
New News: Defense Secretary pick will be a challenge for Obama
Within minutes of reports Monday that Secretary Chuck Hagel would resign, the names of Michele Flournoy and Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed emerged as top prospects.
But each made clear by the end of the day that they didn’t want the coveted but high-wire Cabinet-level post.
Editorial observation:   Apparently, they don't want to work for a JERK!
Obama: War On Terror Over – Only 18,000 Killed in 2013
The Case Against Obama on Syria
Obama Abandons Afghanistan “His Good War”
What are 5,000 people doing in the US Embassy in Bagdad?
Release The Rest Of GITMO Terrorists
Obama’s Iraq War Wind-down – Al Qaeda Iraq War Wind-Up

Obama – Sharpton – Ferguson All One Screen

Split screen frames Obama’s struggle on race
The TV Media showed Obama’s comments following the Ferguson Grand Jury No-Bill Decision as a “Split-screen” format.
The reality is that the following represents the Real-Life Format:
- -
Ferguson Burning – Violent Radicals Come Home To Roost
“We’re All Mike Brown” – NO We’re NOT!
From B.T. Washington To MLK To Al Twana-Brawley Sharpton

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Ferguson Burning – Violent Radicals Come Home To Roost

Roanoke Times, 11-25-2014, Pg 1, 4: Grand jury decides not to indict officer
Thank You RT for your choice of words (decides) in this major headline!
FoxNews proclaimed Grand jury in Ferguson case DOES NOT indict officer
NBCs Brian Williams on live-TV said 3 times that the Grand Jury FAILED to indict the officer
Clearly, NBC (and most of the Pravda Press) is aiding and abetting the “justification” of the rioters and activists-radical-racists.  Some of their so called "questions" at the announcement were blatenly inciteful!
Obama and Holder have fanned the flames of racism since they took office and now they’re calling for calm – like a pyromaniac-fireman who sets fires then looks for public adulation for fighting the fires he set.
Obama and Holder, in order to appease their followers, will now likely Federally Indict the officer for a “show trial”.  Let’s keep this pot boiling; the 2016 elections are coming.
“We’re All Mike Brown”!
NO We’re NOT all Mike Brown
We do not invade stores
We do not steal from stores
We do not intimidate store clerks with our 6’4” 300-pound pit-bull aggression
We do not mouth-off to police officers who give us direct lawful directions
We do not attack police officers inflicting massive injuries to them
We do not attack police officers who issue lawful life-or-death ultimatum commands
When we do these things: Then we’re Mike Brown!
Video: Shopping with Mike Brown
Bill O'Reilly Answers AG Holder's Call For A Race Debate
Michael Brown Autopsy Data Released
Ferguson Readies For Riots Like Those That Followed OJ Acquittal
Oh! Right!   There were NO White Riots following the OJ Acquittal!
“Feel The Love” Turns Into More Riots And Curfew In Ferguson

Monday, November 24, 2014


Va. Senator Puckett’s Ongoing Jobs Scandal

Roanoke Times, 11-24-2014, Pg 1, 6:  Puckett’s Senate exit derailed governor’s Medicaid hopes.
McAuliffe’s parting words to Puckett: Hope you rot in hell.
Now there’s an insight into our new Democrat Governor’s psyche!
The hostility was greatly exacerbated by McAuliffe’s inability to influence Puckett with promises of jobs for him and his daughter.
Which brings up the major issue of where are the Federal Indictments for McAuliffe’s Chief-of-Staff and Senator Mark Warner?
Both intervened on McAuliffe’s behalf with job offers that clearly were grossly inappropriate and by the standards used to persecute Bob McDonnell – were criminal;  i.e.;
 using one’s political position and power to further someone else’s interests!
Where’s Obama’s AG Eric Holder and his FBI investigators?
Where’s the Grand Jury?
Where’s the Indictments?
Oh!  Right!  Not going to happen!  These guys are all Obama’s buds!

All of GruberGate in Two Minutes

All of GruberGate in Two Minutes!
Why Can't the Pravda Media Cover This Story?
Massive Government Malfeasance And Not A Word!
Click to View 2-Minute Video
Massive Gruber-Trees Falling, Pravda Media Silent, Therefore No Sound
Mr. President: "You Lie"
From Nobel Peace Prize To Liar Of The Year

Sunday, November 23, 2014


The Russian Bear Reincarnated – War Coming To The Arctic

New News 11-29-2014:
Russian navy nuclear submarine test-fired a Bulava missile from underwater position in the Barents Sea.  Yes Virginia, that's the sea access to the Arctic Sea from Russia.
With Returns From Dry Land Diminishing, Russian Oilmen Look to Arctic Waters
The Assessment about Russia articulated during the 2012 Presidential Debates was clearly watched by Putin who has moved aggressively to take advantage of the current US situation.
Romney:  Russia is our primary geopolitical adversary.
Obama:  You are living in the past, the Cold War is over!
Video:  Romney & Obama on Russia during the 2012 Presidential Debate
Gorbachev warns of 'new Cold War' at event marking Berlin Wall's fall
The Russian invasion and annexation of parts of Georgia and Ukraine are harbingers of the major invasion and annexation of most of the Arctic yet to come.
Russia has proclaimed that she “owns” most of the Arctic because there is an underwater ridge that runs to Mother Russia lands.  Her prior ownership of Alaska, through 1867, adds some creditability to her claims.
What a great pretext to grab one of the world’s most mineral rich areas yet untapped.
Norway, Sweden, Canada and the US all have some historical basis to make claims upon parts of the Arctic.  Norway and Sweden have started minor military moves to make their claims visible; however, Russia can run over them with minor effort when the time is right. 
Norway will fold quickly under threat of loosing all their North Sea Oil Rigs.
Based on the US policy that “we” don’t want to do anything significant in the Arctic, it would appear that we would not go to war with Russia for territory for which we have no use.  We’re going to be a Solar and Wind Country with little use for future oil and gas resources.
An Alaskan’s view of that might be:
Now I Can See The Russian Oil Rigs From My Home
How could the American People have elected this Community Organizer TWICE?
Breaking the Ice in the Arctic
Nuclear War: Russia Shocks US With Tactical Weapons, Pentagon Retaliates

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Massive Gruber-Trees Falling, Pravda Media Silent, Therefore No Sound

GruberGate:  ObamaCare is a Scam and the American People are Stupid!
One of the biggest Major Pravda Media cover-ups to date.
Didn’t the Roanoke Times dedicate themselves to doing better?
Perhaps in 2015?
The only thing more repugnant than watching Obama’s ObamaCare Architect, Multi-millionaire, Prof. Gruber, ridicule and berate the American People,  it is the Pravda Media refusing to inform people about this malfeasance that not only cost them millions of taxpayer contract dollars, but resulted in a massively deceptive and faulty legislative process and faulty law that impacts everyone.
The America Pravda Media has clearly demonstrated why the Russian Pravda Media were so successful at controlling and mastering the Russian People on behalf of really bad actors.
All of GruberGate in Two Minutes!
Why Can't The Pravda Media Do This?
Fools of the Week: Brian Williams, NBC Nightly News
ObamaCare Architect: Congress In Dark And Americans Are Stupid
Roanoke Times Still Missing Most Of The Real News
Obama Jokes With His Pravda-Media Friends About ObamaCare

King Obama’s Big Announcement: I’m Not Going To Deport People That I Was Not Going To Deport

Roanoke Times, 11-22-2014, Pg 1, 6: Republicans stymied on immigration
Hopefully Republicans (including the Snake-Banner Folks) will focus on governance of the country going forward.
That’s what they were just overwhelmingly elected to do in the Senate, House, Governorships, and State Houses across the country.
This includes focusing immediately on border-control least millions of noncitizens look at Obama’s latest malfeasance as yet another green light for millions more to flood into the country.
Apparently, there isn’t any U-Turn option at the border that is used to turn-back illegal people once they cross “the line”!
One-step and they’re “in”! 
“In” means, they can’t be sent back!
If someone enters you home illegally, crossing the threshold doesn’t give them the right to take up residence in your home and become your dependent for life!
Obama has sunk into a morass of self-pity and paranoia not unlike those with narcissistic-personality-disorder.  During this election cycle, no Democrat running for office wanted him in their state no less on their stage.
Republicans should not get down in the dirt with him, he’s doing just fine down there by himself.
Republican should keep a bright focused light on Obama’s actions while moving forward to build jobs and prosperity through our Free Enterprise System and giving support to entrepreneurs and small business development and growth.
Out best alternative to grow the country out of the Obama-swamp is through business job creation and the resultant drop in dependency and expansion of personal freedom and the resultant increased revenue.
Work may be a four letter word – but it’s a good four letter word!
Apparently Community-Organizers do not understand that!
Obama's Unilateral Illegal Immigration Actions
Obama Immigration: The Breaker Says He’s A Fixer
Harry Reid D-Nv Says "The Border Is Secure"

Friday, November 21, 2014


Another Dubious Hot-Month Claim

Roanoke Times, 11-21-2014, Pg 5: Hot-month record set for fifth time in 2014.
Warmest year so far beating 2010 and 1998.
The man-made global warming AGW and climate change alarmists keep publishing data that is totally in conflict with the NASA published data for ground station thermometers and satellite data.
The ground station data is considerably higher than satellite data because of "warm island" effects from urban sprawl and the removal of many rural stations because of increased cost and no stations covering the 70% of the earth covered by water.
Clearly the FACTS (data) are that there has been NO global warming for the past 17 years and there are other sources of data that indicate a cooling trend has started.
It's as if they (The AGW Alarmists) think that folks can't use the internet and access the NASA and other data files that reflect NO global warming for the past 17 years!
Man-made Global Warming AGW Crashes Into Buffalo NY?
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature

The Science Is Settled – The Government Can’t Control Climate


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