The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
New Years Eve 2015
Click to Enjoy
the music of Sissel - Auld Lang Syne
The title of the Scottish tune translates to
"times gone by" and is about remembering friends from the past and not letting
them be forgotten.
Despite its strong association with New Year's Eve,
"Auld Lang Syne," written by Robert Burns in the 1700s, was never intended to be
a holiday song.
Fifty (50) Police Officers Killed In US In 2014
“The annual report by the
nonprofit National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund found that 50
officers were killed by guns this year, compared to 32 in 2013.
In all, the report found
that 126 federal, local, tribal and territorial officers were killed in the
line of duty in 2014. That's a 24 percent jump from last year's 102 on-duty
deaths. Shootings were the leading cause of officer deaths in 2014
Perhaps at this tumultuous end of year, we-all should
pause and reflect and honor these 50 fallen heroes who dedicated their lives to
serving the public. To them and those
they left behind, we have a solemn obligation.
WSJ: New
York’s mayor doesn’t understand how police maintain
Are There Red Fingerprints On Protest Signs?
Our Police Facing: Raging Bulls, Maniacs,
Sharptonites And Vile Politicians
The Adverse Consequences of No Stop And
Virginia Democrats Misguided And Misdirected And Should Resign
Roanoke Times, 12-30-2014,
Pg Va 2: The Democrat goal in the
upcoming General Assembly session is to “create dilemmas for our Republican
Really? That’s the Democrat’s primary goal?
Is that what the voters of Virginia sent them to Richmond to do?
Talk about obstructionists
and misdirected non-public-servants!
And to add insult to injury,
they’re stupid and arrogant enough to publicly brag about it too!
How can thinking-people
continue to vote Democrat?
How about this as a prime
goal for all representatives of “The People”
I will serve the People of
Virginia to the best of my abilities.
I will fully and faithfully
comply with my Oath of Office.
I will fully support and
defend the Constitution.
I will serve in the best
interests of the People of Virginia and not for my self-interests or for my
party organization.
If I am unable to serve
these goals, then I will resign.
We look forward to the
resignation of all those who signed-up to the “create dilemmas” goal in this
Richmond Times-Dispatch article.
Yet Another Roanoke Times Faulty Headline
Roanoke Times, 12-30-2014,
Pg 1: Health law “fines” begin on taxes
No --- That’s NOT IT!
The Supreme Court of The United States determined the “penalty” for not
having individual health care in the United States is a “tax”. If it were a “fine” then ObamaCare would be
unconstitutional and we wouldn’t be going through this big mess and negative-disruption
to our health care system.
SCOTUS: ObamaCare It’s a tax NOT a fine
“The Affordable Care Act’s
tax on those who choose not to buy health insurance was the linchpin of the
Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the law’s constitutionality.”
With 30 exception options
from the “tax”, the 16,000 new IRS agents will be collecting very little, if
anything, from the uninsured! What a
Did Obama, Reid and Pelosi
ever apologize to the 85% of Americans who had healthcare insurance and were
pleased with what they had before they set it asunder?
Just more hope and change we
can believe in!
2014 Was A Good Year For Fracking
Gasoline at $2 per gallon! Darn that Obama is good!
Oh wait – this in-spite-of
him, not because of him!
Obama has done everything he
and his pen and his cell-phone and Reid and Pelosi could do to throttle our
energy infrastructure and stop the Fracking industry!
How much was gasoline when
Obama took office?
Why have we been paying $4+ for Obama-gasoline?
Fuel Prices Dropping - Our Amazing Fracking Success
An extract from a prior blog item:
“This is the epitome of Obama’s energy policy that is focused on destroying our
energy infrastructure:
No coal
No fracking oil
No nuclear
No hydro (tearing down every dam they can)
No oil or gas pipe lines
No drilling on “the peoples” land
And the latest this week: No wood burners”
It is indeed a major success that the American Free Enterprise System can solve
problems in the face of massive government harassment and abuse and
misdirection and malfeasance!
God Bless The United States
of America!
Fracking Dropping Oil Prices
And Obama’s AGW Global Warming Boondoggle
Two Fracking Stories
Anti-Fracking Filmmakers
Exposed And Debunked
Monday, December 29, 2014
GQ: Only 3 Out Of “The Crazy 20” Politicos Are Democrats?
Media bias? Magazine
struggles to name 'crazy' Democrats
NY Post: Hey
GQ, can’t find any crazy Democrats? Here are 16
Apparently GQ magazine, in
their fair and balanced way, were only able to find 3 Democrats they labeled “crazy”;
the rest of the “Crazy 20” were
The NY Post didn’t waste any
time offering up 16 Democrat candidates to fill out the 20!
Didn’t the
Liberal-Progressives go crazy themselves when Ross Perot used Patsy Cline’s
song “Crazy” during his campaign? They
(the left-wing crazy’s) raised such a fuss that Perot had to publicly apologize.,5702529
Something about PC
sensitivity to those with mental disorders; perhaps there’s extra sensitivity
among liberals for personal reasons!
If so, why is GQ now using
the term to smear Republicans and denigrate those with real mental disorders?
Don’t you just love
left-wing wing-nuts – they’re so unfair and unbalanced!
Just More Hope And Change We
Can Believe In!
Ebola Conflict With Malaria?
Roanoke Times, 12-29-2014,
Pg 6: Ebola in West
Africa has hampered the fight against malaria, that is killing
With all due respect and I
don’t mean this in a bad way but – this story is total heifer-dust.
We, the people of the US,
condemned over one million third world children to die from malaria each year
by killing DDT (the only real mosquito killer).
That ban was based on the results of faulty
application processes, in many cases, by government agencies. Instead of fixing the real problem, we did a
government solution! How sad is that!
A pitiful news story several
years ago was about President Bush delivering bed-cover-netting to Africa to address the malaria pandemic.
In addition to the malaria issue,
we have significant health issues right here in Virginia with Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
and Alpha Gale tick borne diseases. Look
at the tick spray you buy – it’s a so called “repellant”, it doesn’t kill
anything but the diseases can greatly impact your health.
Reprint blog item from: Tuesday, December 18, 2012
One Million Malaria Deaths
Each Year: The Unintended Consequences Of Good Intentions
“A prime example of this is the Rachael Carson DDT ban which has led to over
one million malaria deaths each year for over 20 years in third world
countries. No one was ever identified as getting ill from DDT and clearly a
major focus on responsible application would have been a responsible first and
probably only required action. Interestingly, it was primarily government
agencies that were irresponsible in how they were doing DDT applications.”
By Kate Kelland, Reuters, Dec. 17, 2012: Global malaria battle stalls as
financing gets tight.
Malaria is caused by a parasite carried in the saliva of mosquitoes and kills
hundreds of thousands of people a year, mainly babies and children under the
age of five in Africa.
"Vector control" means stopping transmission of the disease with
tools such as treated mosquito nets.
If one million Americans (most of them children) died each year for 20 years
from malaria one can be sure that the DDT factories would be turned back on,
that proper and prudent application processes would be established and that
“we” wouldn’t just be giving parents “nets” to put over their children’s beds!
As a sequel to their Newtown CT
“cartoon”, perhaps the Roanoke Times Editors can publish another gross
“cartoon” showing Rachael Carson being gleeful at the death of 20 million
African children while she collects the royalties from her books.
Are There Red Fingerprints On Protest Signs?
Given that the Brown and
Garner incidents were NOT racially motivated, and that almost all black crime victims
are killed by other black people and the police are the only hope for future
victims of black-on-black violence, one might question the motivations behind
the ongoing marches and riots.
Is it really widespread
hatred for the police by most black people?
Perhaps Al Sharpton and
associates are getting some additional assistance.
What’s that printed on the
bottom of many look-alike protest signs?
Snopes says its nothing –
nothing to see here – move along folks.
But there is a and
they appear to be part of an anti-American organization that was very powerful
and headquartered in NYC and published “The Daily Worker” for many years.
The website indicates their address is now Chicago.
Why are we not surprised!
Click to see what “they say”
they are all about?
Our Police Facing: Raging
Bulls, Maniacs, Sharptonites And Vile Politicians
The Adverse Consequences of
No Stop And Frisk
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Virginia Education Change
Roanoke Times, 12-28-2014,
Pg Va 1,2: Schools leader calls for change.
Once again, the RT Editors exercise
their headline creativity and ingenuity to disguise a major Obama and Democrat
The real headline:
Virginia DOE Cans Obama’s Common Core
Nationalized Education!
Apparently, the VaDOE and Va
Sec. of Ed. have awakened and “smelled the Common Core coffee” and found it
doesn’t smell very good!
Obama and his Pravda Media
have been hyping the joys of Common Core Nationalized Education for years with
more and more school districts and teachers giving it the thumbs-down. Big Obama disappointment given that the
Pravda Media message has been that only those darn anti-education Republicans opposed
Common Core.
The Va Sec. of Ed is proposing
major changes to the Va Standards of Learning some of which appear valid and
some appear to downgrade school district accountability.
Clearly measurement and
accountability are keys to knowing how our schools are performing and focusing
on plans of improvement for those not doing well.
Hopefully the Va Legislature
will look carefully at the proposed changes and continue to focus on
measurements and school level accountability.
Given that every State has a Dept. of Education -- Why do we have a bloated, expensive, ineffective and redundant Federal Dept of Education?
Roanoke Times, 4-30-2014, Pg
Op-7: Common core a liberal conspiracy?
“What happened to make
Common Core an object of hate for conservative activists?”
Blog: Common Core Not Being Commonly
Accepted By Teachers Or Parents
Educational Equality:
McAuliffe’s Misdirected Objective
Friday, December 26, 2014
The Adverse Consequences of No Stop And Frisk
NY Post: Holder and Obama are making race relations worse, inflaming hatred
"Law-enforcement officials are appalled at the way the Obama administration exploited tragedies in Ferguson, Mo., and New York City to appeal to its political base. David Clarke, a Democrat who is the African-American sheriff of Milwaukee, doesn’t mince his words."
“The thing that disappoints me the most is some very powerful people in this country — the president of the United States, Attorney General Eric Holder and Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York — have created a pathway that contributes to an unjustifiable hatred of law enforcement officers across the country,” he told WMAL radio in Washington, DC. “They trashed an entire profession with a broad brush because it was politically expedient for them to do so.”
NYC Mayor de Blasio focused
his campaign on ending the NYPD practice of “Stop and Frisk” by those on-the-scene
police officers, who felt a particular person might be carrying an illegal weapon. He had his mixed-race son featured in such an
New Yorkers for de Blasio TV
Ad: "Dante"
One might speculate that if “Stop
and Frisk” were still in effect on Dec
21st there was a good chance that officers at the Port Authority bus terminal
might have stopped Ismaaiyl Brinsley, or other officers between there and
Bedford Stuyvesant Brooklyn might have done so.
Brinsley clearly was stressed and agitated (having just shot his
girlfriend) and the massive handgun he carried would have presented a bulge
very familiar to police officers.
We’ll never know if de
Blasio’s ending of “Stop and Frisk” made a difference in this case, but it
certainly is possible. Certainly de
Blasio’s demeanor and statements after taking office has poisoned the
environment between him and the police membership. The ultimate losers are the law-abiding citizens
of whatever race.
Going forward, there will be
many more illegal guns carried on the streets of NYC. Bad guys don’t worry about the strict NYC
laws about licenses and permits. Only
the sheep are inhibited and are easy prey.
Our Police Facing: Raging
Bulls, Maniacs, Sharptonites And Vile Politicians
Roanoke Photographer To View Record Large Antarctic Ice Sheet
Ms Sons is a very accomplished artist.
Some of her beautiful work is on her website:
What a great opportunity to
visit and view and photograph the Antarctic Ice Sheet at a record maximum coverage!
Hopefully, Ms Sons will not
get stuck in the Antarctic Ice Sheet the way the Gore-Mann groupies did last
Also, she will see lots of Penguins in contrast to the demise of the
Antarctic Penguins that also turned out to be another AGW Alarmist fabrication. They are doing well and still laying lots of
Global Warming
And The Flourishing Emperor Penguins
Antarctic ice at record-high
“Antarctica gained 7.6
million square miles of sea ice this southern winter, according to The National
Snow and Ice Data Center”
“For an unprecedented third
year in a row, Antarctica's sea ice is poised
to smash a new record this month."
"The Southern Hemisphere's
unrelenting winds and frigid air froze ocean water into 7.6 million square
miles (19.7 million square kilometers) of Antarctic
sea ice this southern winter, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
said yesterday (Sept. 16).
With several more weeks of
growth to go, Antarctica's sea-ice extent
could soar well above the records set in 2012 and 2013. For now, only 88,800
square miles (230,000 square km) separate the 2013 and 2014 high marks.”
In spite of the constant
Man-made AGW Global Warming Alarmist drumbeats, the reality is that the earth
has warmed less than one degree in the last 150 years, since coming out of the
little ice age, no change in Global Temperature for the past 17 years and the Antarctic ice sheet is doing very well, thank you very
Roanoke Times, 12-26-2014, Va
Pg 5: Fossil fuels are not the future.
Yet another lengthy tract hyping
the AGW Alarmist hypothesis that Wind and Solar energy can be scaled up to
provide much of our utility energy requirements at a reasonable price.
As always there’s no data to
demonstrate how that is possible and no mention of the massive energy storage
systems required to keep the heat and lights on when the wind doesn’t blow at
the required speed or the sun doesn’t shine like every night and cloudy, rainy
or snowy day (isn't that when we need our electric energy the most?).
Roanoke Times, 12-26-2014, Va
Pg 2: US Population increased by 2.4 million.
The US population
has increased by two million per year since 1945. That’s two cities the size of Boston. Not only does the AGW Alarmist totally ignore
and fail to show how renewables will handle our current energy demands no less
our population growth going forward.
Its very disturbing to
realize that these are the people who are greatly influencing and directing our
national energy policy.
What could possibly go wrong
with that scenario?
Global Warming Meets Mother
Click for PowerPoint
realistic view of Global Warming and Climate Change
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas
Pray for an end to the war on Christians around the world!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Jane Fonda Still An Unrepentant Narcissistic Traitor
Hanoi Jane Fonda to build
shrine of herself
“So, while meditating today
an idea came to me: I’m going to create a shrine to myself – or, at least, the
self I wish to be, the self who began to manifest when I was a young girl
before the s–t hit the fan,”
She’ll spend the new year
collecting objects and symbols that “remind me that I’m brave.”
Hanoi Jane wants to remind
herself that she’s brave.
Like when she turned on our POW
soldiers in the Hanoi Hilton?
Like when she “manned” a Hanoi anti-aircraft gun simulating
shooting down American planes?
This picture is the symbol
that reminds millions of American service-men who Hanoi Jane really is:
Benedict Arnold was our
prior famous traitor example
There is a Boot Monument
in recognition of Arnold’s wounds in the Battles
of Saratoga in the Continental Army, prior to his treason helping the British
plan for attack on West Point.
Millions of veterans would
like to plant Arnold’s
boot into Hanoi Jane’s posterior as an appropriate addition to her self-generated
shine of herself.
During this season of
reflection, it would be fitting and proper to remember the 58,209 killed and
the 153,303 wounded during the Viet
Nam war and the stark reality that one of
our entertainment people would turn-on and disrespect them.
It’s particularly disturbing
that the “entertainment industry” then went on to make her even more rich and
famous than before.
Jane Fonda Still A Nasty
Unrepentant Traitor
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
From GITMO Back To Radical Muslim Terrorism
US government
(that’s Obama and your tax-money) offering $5M reward for Al Qaeda leader freed
from GITMO
The Obama administration is
scrambling to track down an Al Qaeda terrorist released from Guantanamo Bay
years ago, offering a $5 million reward for information on him and placing him
on a global terrorist list.
Ibrahim al-Rubaysh was
originally released in 2006 and put into a Saudi Arabian
"rehabilitation" program. However, al-Rubaysh returned to the
battlefield and now serves as a top leader with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula -- one of the most dangerous Al Qaeda
The case underscores the
continued risks in transferring detainees from the controversial prison camp --
another four were released over the weekend to Afghanistan.
While watching this five million-reward
announcement on TV, a six year old asked:
Why didn’t we just keep him
when we took his picture?
Perhaps because our leader’s
are not as smart as a six year old!
This is very confusing; did
not Obama declare that Al Qaeda was decimated?
Will freed Guantanamo
detainees resurface on battlefield?
The steady stream of
detainees being transferred out of Guantanamo Bay is raising security concerns
among lawmakers who worry the Obama administration has no system for keeping
tabs on them.
The latest batch includes
four prisoners once classified as high risk, individuals ranging from a known
weapons smuggler to a Taliban operative involved in multiple attacks against U.S. and
coalition forces.
"They're very dangerous
terrorists," Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., told Fox News, after the four
Afghan detainees were transferred to their home country over the weekend.
Administration officials
have touted the transfers as part of fulfilling President Obama's commitment
toward winding down the controversial prison camp. The administration has
transferred 23 detainees out of the camp so far this year, with more transfers
potentially coming before Dec. 31.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Obama Labels N. Korean Cyber-Attack And Threats As Vandalism
Latest News: Roanoke Times, 12-25-2014, Pg 1, 4: "The Interview" is available on a variety of digital platforms in spite of hacker threats.
NO -- It's not "hacker" threats -- it's threats against the theatres and people in the theatres that are the risk few are willing to endure!
Obama: North Korea's
hack not war, but 'cybervandalism'
A rogue terrorist country
launches a cyber-attack against a US
company on US soil including
a terrorist threat against any American who sees the movie and the president of
the US
calls this “vandalism”.
Did Obama label the July 2012 Aurora, Colorado Theater Shooting "Vandalism"?
The Aurora attack relates directly to why the movie theatre owners wouldn't
run the movie
The Press and Obama keep the focus on the "Sony not releasing the film
The real issue was the terrorist threat to anyone going to see the
Apparently no one wanted to take responsibility for that risk (including
He could have placed Federal Marshalls in every movie showing the
After all – he put 400 FBI agents into Ferguson
On a local level: when a school receives a threat the police, school administrators, teachers and parents all respond quickly and seriously.
No one announces "don't worry aboudit" it's just "vandalism"!
This declaration of “vandalism” from the same jerk
who labeled the Radical Muslim Terrorist attack against our people at Fort Hood
as “Workplace Violence”!
This rogue terrorist country,
North Korea,
then follows up this “action” with:
Korea issued a new
threat against the United States
late Sunday and accused President Barack Obama of "recklessly"
spreading rumors that Pyongyang
is behind last month's devastating cyberattack on Sony Pictures.
The long statement from the
powerful National Defense Commission warned of strikes against the White House,
Pentagon and "the whole U.S.
mainland, that cesspool of terrorism."
Obama Attacks The Victims Of
A Foreign Government Attack
WSJ: Obama Says Sony ‘Made a
Mistake’ Canceling Film
WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama sharply
criticized Sony Pictures Entertainment for canceling a movie release in
response to a hacking attack blamed on North Korea, saying it was “a mistake’’
and urging the entire entertainment industry not to succumb to self-censorship.
It is difficult to
comprehend how far and fast our country has fallen from grace.
This the result of
leadership that focuses on “me” and not:
“America: my country tis of thee”.
The recent elections were a
clear and loud repudiation of Obama who has become a hostile, vindictive and
isolated person desperately seeking approval and “looking for love in all the
wrong places.”
This is our leader with just more hope
and change we can believe in!
UVa Story Still Going Down The Twana Path
Roanoke Times, 12-20-2014,
Pg Va 1, 2: UVA Rector: UVA hit by “drive-by journalism”
The “drive-by” damage was eclipsed by Queen
Sullivan’s attack upon all the young men at UVa by throwing them under the
“sexual abuse bus”; Where they still
12-21-2014, Pg Va 1, 3:
FERPA, FOIA at odds over campus crime records
In Virginia, campus crime records are exempt
from FOIA laws.
Were not the records from
the VT massacre released to the public?
On the other hand, UVa spent
hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars fighting the FOIA release of Prof.
Mann’s Global Warming Hoax data.
Apparently, UVa is an entity
unto itself with no accountability to anyone.
Even the Board of Visitors was forced to kneel and bow to Queen Sullivan
last year.
The Twana Brawley case
involved a victim sequestered behind surrogates who told a two-year on-going
story that finally resulted in the entire episode being labeled a fraud; to the
detriment of the victim who clearly had experienced a traumatic experience even
before Al Sharpton took control of her life.
It appears the UVa case is
going down the same path. How sad is
Hopefully this case can be
resolved quickly, unlike The Twana Case that went on for two years and made Al
Sharpton a major feature on MSNBC and a Obama race-relations consultant. Says
something about Obama and MSNBC and their values, moral compass and decision processes!
To add insult to injury
Queen Sullivan continues to seek out public forums in which to continue her
self-inflected UVa wounds.
Apparently, her esteemed
backup-students (graphic in FoxNews) really need to take a remedial spelling
course – their printing is pathetic too!
UVa And Media Double-down On
The Twana At UVa Debacle
Twana Brawley At UVA?
Rolling Stone's Rape Story: A bigger journalistic train wreck than we thought
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Our Police Facing: Raging Bulls, Maniacs, Sharptonites And Vile Politicians
Bo Dietl Weighs In On Cop Killings in NYC
Two NYPD cops murdered execution-style
Once again, the Pravda
Press, Al Sharpton and Rogue Politicians like NY Mayor deBlasio and AG Holder
have shown the awful outcomes from their divisive hostile race-baiting and
Our police are the thin blue line between the
law-abiding citizens and the anarchists and mad-dogs that would prey upon the
defenseless at any and every opportunity.
No place is that more true than in the ghettos!
We (those who depend upon
our police officers to protect us, our family, our community and our way of
life) have lost two good young guardians.
Two families have lost their
loved ones and providers.
Our Homeland is a less safe place.
The consequences of the racial
riot-baiting over the Brown and Garner incidents, which were clearly NOT
racially motivated, and the blood of these two officers is clearly on the hands
of vile politicians and despicable self-anointed “leaders” like Sharpton (who has an MSNBC show all his own ---- How disgusting is that!)
NYC Protesters
Chant: 'What Do We Want? Dead Cops!' When do we want them? Now!
For those who just can’t believe this
really happened click on YouTube:
This is NYC Mayor deBlasio public statement after the Garner incident:
In a press conference about the grand jury’s decision not to charge the
officer, de Blasio (NYC Mayor)
announced that he had warned his 17-year-old, mixed-race son, Dante, to be
careful around police officers, which caused PBA President
Patrick Lynch to claim de Blasio had thrown NYPD officers “under the bus.”
Despicable Roanoke Times
“Cartoon” ---- Supports Sharpton and deBlasio
The Obama Reality:
Blood on Many Hands': Police union president slams De Blasio after cops' killing
The president of the NYPD union slammed Mayor Bill de Blasio in reaction to the deaths of two officers who were ambushed and gunned down in their patrol car in broad daylight Saturday in Brooklyn.
"There's blood on many hands tonight," Patrolman's Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch said late Saturday. "Those that incited violence on this street under the guise of protest, that tried to tear down what New York City police officers did everyday.
"We tried to warn it must not go on, it cannot be tolerated," Lynch continued. "That blood on the hands starts on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor."
-Police believe New York City cop killer was a member of the Black Guerrilla Family: sources
Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, shot two cops dead as they sat in a patrol car in Bedford-Stuyvesant to avenge the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. He also shot his former girlfriend at her home in the Baltimore area on Saturday morning, police said. Law enforcement sources said the NYPD has dispatched investigators to Baltimore to probe Brinsley's past and suspected involvement with the Black Guerrilla Family prison gang.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Santa Gives AGW Global Warming Alarmists And Roanoke Times Coal For Christmas
Roanoke Times, 12-20-2014,
Half-pg 2: In Virginia, rising tides turn yards to wetlands
The editors of the RT should
make a New Year’s resolution to stop printing this tripe without major footnotes
stating that this is anecdotal speculation and not demonstrated science or fact.
This “story” contains many melancholy
stories about coastal residents coping with ever increases in ground water issues.
“Climate change beginning to
take a toll on real estate in coastal cities.”
Really? Where is the scientific basis for this
Climate Change statement?
“By 2045 sea levels will
rise about a foot along the eastern shoreline”
Really? Even the UNs IPCC doesn’t support this type
of totally unsupported tripe!
Global Sea levels have been rising between 20 to 30 cm or 8 to 12 inches
per century, in a very uneven manner geographically and time-wise, primarily
courtesy of Mother Nature since there was minimal man-made CO2 prior to 1950. In contrast to this "story" there is no measured big recent surge in global sea level rise.
The current data, including the past 100 years, projects that in 2045 (about 30 years) the Atlantic may rise by approximately 70 mm or less than 3 inches, far far from the "one foot" claimed in this "story". Not clear how far the shoreline will rise or fall!
CU Sea Level Research Group University
of Colorado
The Virginia
shorelines are certainly subject to the 8 to 12 inches per century rise of the Atlantic Ocean.
However, another MAJOR cause
of groundwater issues is the geological history of the area. The Chesapeake Bay
was formed by a massive meteorite strike from which the entire area is still being
The Chesapeake Bay impact
was formed by a bolide
that impacted
the eastern shore of North America about 35 million years ago, in the late
Eocene epoch. It
is one of the best-preserved "wet-target" or marine impact
craters, and the largest known impact
crater in the U.S. Continued slumping of sediments over
the rubble of the crater has helped shape the Chesapeake
Another MAJOR cause of the Virginia shoreline change
is the tectonic plate movement that is still very active and can either
increase or decrease the “apparent” shore level and therefore the “apparent”
sea level.
“With potential increases in
the number of and intensity of hurricanes”
Really? We are experiencing much fewer of these
weather events NOT more.
“The effects still being
felt from Hurricane Sandy”
Really? Sandy was NOT
a Hurricane when it made landfall and Sandy’s
intensity was moderate compared to many other major storms that have hit the
northeast shoreline. However, Sandy did find a "target rich environment" along the densely built NJ shoreline that resulted in a big mess.
A rhetorical question: Why are people allowed to rebuild in a flood-zone?
You won't see that shocking
sea level rise at the Battery in NYC
Star-Ledger recently ran an
article citing a study purporting to show a rapid rise in sea level along
our part of the Atlantic coast due to man-made global warming
The sea-level gauge at the
Battery in New York
shows otherwise.
That gauge is one of the
oldest on Earth and it shows a consistent rate of rise right through the period
during which man-made global warming is alleged to have caused sea levels to
rise rapidly.
Sea Levels Rising Or
Shorelines Sinking: It’s “1984” Again
Testing the Waters
AGW meets Mother Nature
Click for PowerPoint
realistic view of Global Warming and Climate Change
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
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