The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Roanoke Times Editorial On Energy Options

Roanoke Times, 2-28-2015, Pg 5 Va Opinion: Blowing in the wind
A breath of fresh air was blowing in the wind of this RT Editorial.
Still sticking with the Gore man-made global warming AGW from man-caused CO2
The article well articulates the energy options available and the major pros and cons.  It highlighted the reality that all the choices involve risk and negative impacts and that consumers and voters need to stop just saying no and instead choose and prioritize amongst the options.
Thank You RT Editors for a reasonable and balanced view of this difficult subject.
An interesting follow-up article could focus on how many wind-turbines and hundreds of acres of solar panels it takes to replace a current coal-fired plant and what kind of energy storage facilities are required when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.
Lacking energy storage backup capability, utilities need to have readily available a 100% redundant system.  This month of February 2015 is a good example of the limitations of wind and solar at a time when electricity is vital to all consumers.
The Answer My Friend Is Blowing In The Wind
The Roanoke Green Gazette: News Release January 6, 2015
A Great VT Green Energy Opportunity
US In A Deep-Freeze

Friday, February 27, 2015


Professor Obama And The Forgotten Harvard Class On The Crusades

Obama At The Prayer Breakfast apparently had a “fuzzy” memory moment about his History Class at Harvard on the Crusades.
Obama explained, at the national prayer breakfast, why he’s not all that upset with Radical Muslim Terrorist beheadings and immolations and why we shouldn’t get “on our high horses” about it.
You-all remember that 800 years ago Christians did really bad things during the Crusades – implying that Christians were the bad aggressors during the Crusades.

Apparently, this line of thought was intended for Radical Muslim Terrorists to feel somewhat justified and vindicated in their current reign of terror.
You Christians should understand that 800 years back in your religious history your ancestors were not nice either and were the aggressors!
On Dec 7, 1941 FDR declared the Pearl Harbor Attack as a Day of Infamy and the next day Congress Declared War.
What an incredible comparison between two US Presidents both of whom claim to be Democrats.
The following is (A) summary of the lead-up to the Crusades.
Contrary to Professor Obama’s assertions; Historical records clearly indicate a massive 400+ year invasion into the Christian World before the Crusade’s were launched to stop and then repel the Muslim-Saracens. 
460 years after the first Christian city was overrun by Muslim armies.
457 years after Jerusalem was conquered by Muslim armies.
453 after Egypt was taken by Muslim armies
443 years after Muslims first plundered Italy
427 years after Muslim armies first laid siege to the Christian capital of Constantinople.
380 years after Spain was conquered by Muslim armies.
249 years after the capital of the Christian world, Rome itself, was sacked by a Muslim army.
And only after centuries of church burnings, killings, enslavements and forced conversions of Christians.
By the time the Crusades finally began, Muslim armies had conquered two-thirds of the Christian world.
Click for (A)  graphic depiction of the Crusades and The Muslim Jihad that caused it to be launched:

Perhaps Professor Obama forgot all this Harvard History Class information in his haste to attempt to appease his Muslim cousins.  You think?
Timeline for the Crusades and Christian Holy War to c.1350
Obama: We Are Not At War With Islam

Virginia Supreme Court Affirms Sheriff’s Unfettered Power

Roanoke Times, 2-27-2015, Pg 1, 6: High Court upholds deputy’s firing
The Court ruled that Virginia Sheriffs have "almost unfettered" discretion to appoint and terminate deputies.
Thesaurus: Unfettered: free-for-all, unregulated, without limits or controls
This is amazing!  I thought the only US government official who had “Unfettered Power” was Obama!
Who could have guessed that a Virginia Sheriff had that kind of power?
Because the facts in this case are unknown to the public, it’s not clear what the scope of the “unfettered” power really is, however, one might hope that there are reasonable limits and checks and balances to their hire-fire discretion.
So far we haven't seen any such reasonable and prudent and Constitution Based limits to King Obama's powers.

Collateral Damage To Local Schools From Obama’s War On Coal

Roanoke Times, 2-27-2015, Pg Va 1, 8:  Roanoke County schools expect to lose 60 students to NS move.
The Roanoke Times Editors have been busy explaining that the NS move has nothing to do with the demise of the Western-Virginia and West Virginia coal business.  It’s just a “coincidence” that this major reduction of the NS customer business just happens to occur at the same time.
Missing from all this editorial expertise on business management and decision-making is the explanation of where all the Obama-Gore-McAuliffe Virginia Alternative-Energy jobs are located.  Also lacking are descriptions of how these coal-replacement Alternative-Energy utility facilities would have supplied the required power for Virginia customers during this month’s healthy bout of “Man-made Global Warming”.
The article explains that loosing 60 students will result in the loss of approximately $360,000 of state-federal aide.  That’s about $6,000 per student or approximately half the required amount to fund a student for a year.

IF the school system could reduce expenses by $360,000 based on 60 less students, then there wouldn’t be an adverse impact on the local tax-payers.
It’s very unlikely that will be accomplished, or anything close.
The reality is that a combination of cuts and taxes will result in all the schools affected.
The next shoe has dropped:  The deactivation of the USPS distribution center with 200 employees being effected with the certain spill-over to the school systems.
Roanoke Times, 2-27-2015, Pg Va 7: Opinion Charter Schools
The editors once again lamenting the rise of Alternative Schools.
Interesting – they love Alternative Energy – Alternative Schools – not so much!
Alternative Schools do present a significant challenge to the public school systems.  The proper and professional response is to make the public schools better!  So much better that parents will not have to sacrifice six to ten thousand dollars per year per child for an alternative school choice!  This in-addition-to the school taxes they pay.  Why is this hard to comprehend?
We look forward, with bated breath,  to the next RT Editorial explaining how the Obama solar-panel and wind-turbine Alternative-Energy tax-supported initiatives are going to provide lots of good paying replacement jobs while providing low-cost, reliable and dependable utility-level energy to all the customers in Virginia 24-7-365.

Obama, FCC, The Internet And A 1934 Law

It’s now clear that Obama is the biggest control freak this country
has ever seen in the White House and perhaps anywhere else!
Apparently Al Gore, who single-handedly invented the internet, has collaborated with Obama to ensure that anything that has not been government run must now be so for the benefit of the Proletariat.
Government run Global Temperature and Climate.
Government run Individuals’ HealthCare Insurance
Government run HealthCare system
Government run Energy Systems
Government run General Motors
Government run Banking System
And now:
Government run Internet based on a 1934 Law that was focused on that newfangled AM-radio thing that became popular in the 1920s!
Obama was born in 1961 (hard to know that for sure with that Hokey so called Birth Certificate from a hospital that didn’t exist in 1961).
Therefore, an 81-year-old law, enacted 27 years before Obama was born is now the basis for government control of the most integrated, technical and innovative communication system within our society.
What could possibly go wrong with this picture?
Just More Hope and Change We Can Believe In – Yes We Can!
FCC Into Media Editors Pants
- - -

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Gee Kerry, I Don’t Think You’re In Reality Anymore

2-28-2015:  WSJ:  Iran on the Nuclear Edge
Given how bad this deal is shaping up to be, it’s not surprising that U.S. allies are speaking out against it. “We prefer a collapse of the diplomatic process to a bad deal,” one Arab official told the Journal last week.
2-26-2015:  General Mike Flynn: John Kerry Is “Out of Touch” and “Irresponsible”
The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Gen. Michael Flynn said Secretary Kerry is “out of touch with reality…For him to make those statements is totally irresponsible and he should be challenged by anyone who cares about this country.”
He said that Kerry obviously hasn’t read intelligence briefings in months.
Wednesday Kerry tells Congress that the terrorist threat is diminishing and we’re not really in significant danger.
One day later:
The top U.S. intelligence official, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, on Thursday gave a drastically different assessment than Secretary of State John Kerry of the terror threat -- declaring 2014 the deadliest year for global terrorism ever recorded, after Kerry claimed that threat was diminishing. 
Roanoke Times, 2-26-2015, Pg 1, 8: Secretary of State John Kerry said the Israeli Prime Minister (Netanyahu) may not have clear judgment on the issue (of Iran getting nuclear weapons for their intercontinental missiles).
Obama, Kerry and Rice are working overtime to berate and marginalize Netanyahu before his appearance before a joint session of Congress.
Why are they afraid of open and frank dialogue with our main ally in the Middle-East who the Iranians and their associates have vowed to eradicate from the earth?  Certainly Israel is a key stakeholder in this agreement!
The Obama Legacy - “Getting”
Palestinians Found Guilty Of Terrorist Attacks On Israel

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The Obama Legacy - “Getting”

Roanoke Times, 2-24-2015, Pg 1, 4: Making Progress:  Ease sanctions on Iran with A-bomb in 10 years.
This is Obama-Kerry progress?  Removal of sanctions with Iran getting A-bombs to put on their intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in 10 years!
The Obama Legacy

With outcomes like these, “we have nothing to fear but fear itself”
Just More Hope And Change We Can Believe In  -- Yes We Can!

Palestinians Found Guilty Of Terrorist Attacks On Israel

 Roanoke Times, 2-24-2015, Pg 3:  Palestinian authorities found liable in attacks
Found “liable”?  Federal Jury’s in NY found the PLO "responsible" for terrorist attacks in Israel that killed Americans as well as Jews.
This after Obama has greased the skids for the PLO to petition the UN to find Israel guilty of crimes against the Palestinians and to approve a Palestinian Nation instead of backing the negotiation process that has been the US policy.
Obama’s nasty attitude toward Israel is now on open display by Obama’s refusal to meet with Netanyahu The Israeli Prime Minister during his visit to DC next month.
Obama’s disdain for Israel even extended to the Radical Muslim Terrorist attack on a Kosher Deli in Paris  -
Obama’s declaration:  only random customers were killed by a bad person! 
Obama couldn't acknowledge that it was a Radical Muslim Terrorist targeting Jews!
Obama Declares Only Random Customers Killed In A Kosher Deli
For those who doubt the level of damage Obama has done to the US-Israeli relationship one has only to “click through” the following blog items and included references.
What a shameful dereliction of duty in US foreign policy and what a betrayal of our only true ally in the Mid-east.
More Roanoke Times Anti-Israel Bias
More Anti-Israel Propaganda From AP and RT
More Roanoke Times Anti-Israel Bias
Muslim’s New Friend John Heinz Kerry Joins The Anti-Israel Community
Israel A War-Mongering Bully?
Jewish Liberals Need To Wakeup Already

Monday, February 23, 2015


Can This Possibly Be Accurate?

If this is valid -- it is way beyond anything the Russian Pravda Press pulled-off!

Obama And Bill Clinton And Welfare

Bill Clinton is known for two major initiatives in the White House.
The one most notable for America is his Welfare Reform.  Bill Clinton made history by supporting a bipartisan Bill to help move people from Welfare to Work, a major success for many people trapped in the Welfare swamp and for the taxpayers and for the country.
Enter Obama and his Welfare Tsunami.  Because Clinton had changed the rules for the Social Services Folks, Obama’s Key Welfare agency is the IRS.
ObamaCare IRS "subsidies" for all in spite of specific limitations in the law.
$66 BILLION for IRS "credit" in 2013 for people with children.
$500 IRS "credit" for people without children in 2014.
Obama Illegial Immigrant IRS "benefits" up to $24,000 in 2015.    (Roanoke Times, 2-15-2015, Pg 4: ‘amnesty bonuses’.
Massively extended $BILLIONS in unemployment “insurance” payments for millions long-term out of work Americans.
All This in-addition-to State and Local Welfare programs.
Just More Hope And Change And Dependency We Can Believe In – Yes We Can!
CEO of Gallup calls jobless rate 'big lie' created by White House, Wall Street, media
The chairman of the venerable Gallup research and polling firm says the official U.S. unemployment rate is really an underestimation and a “big lie" perpetuated by the White House, Wall Street and the media.
Obama SOTU: Obama defines success for the American middle-class!
Year-end 2014 Economy – Obama’s Rose Colored Glasses
Obama Budget: 7% More Taxing And Spending And Borrowing And Dependency
Job Reports Still Disappointing
Obama’s “Good Jobs News”  Is That Workers Stopped Looking For Work

Radical Muslim Terrorists Recruiting And Training Kids

Terror trainees: New ISIS video shows indoctrination of kids as young as 5
“The latest disturbing video from ISIS shows what the Islamist group touts as the next generation of jihadist killers, pint-sized terror trainees who appear to be as young as 5 participating in drills and reciting verses from the Koran.”
“The existence of such camps seems to indicate that ISIS systematically provides weapons training for children."   UN report on ISIS
Two observations:

  1. A stark disturbing reflection back to the “kid with the hand-grenade” in the “Sniper” movie.
  2. Why are these kids chanting the Koran?  Do they not know that Obama has declared that ISIS is NOT an Islamic based movement?  Do they not watch MSNBC?
Obama: We Are Not At War With Islam

Sunday, February 22, 2015


US In A Deep-Freeze

Man-Made Global Warming AGW - Nowhere In Sight!
NASA satellite image shows the frozen wasteland that currently is the United States
"If you're reading this from anywhere in the United States right now, there's a pretty good chance it's cold outside. We're in the middle of a massive freeze that could last until March
, the breadth of which NASA's Terra satellite just captured in the remarkable view you see above. See all that territory blanketed in white? That's snow. It's not cloud patterns, or a representation of wind currents, just a bunch of frozen water atop even colder ground. NASA supplemented the photo with some harrowing, record-breaking numbers:"

1ºF in Baltimore, MD

-6ºF in Louisville, KY

7ºF in Charlotte, NC

4ºF in Asheville, NC

18ºF in Macon, GA

14ºF in Athens, GA

Southeast slogs through rare winter storm as another arctic blast freezes northern US

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Obama Finds New Press Secretary


Global Warming AGW Comes To Smith Mountain Lake Va

The Real Deniers – Man-made Global Warming AGW Alarmists
AGW  Global Warming Meets Mother Nature

Maureen Gets $150 Thousand Goes to Big House -- Hillary Gets $2 BILLION goes to White House Again

Roanoke Times, 2-21-2015, Pg 1, 4: Maureen McDonnell gets year and day in prison.  Case: tragic, sad and puzzling.
There’s something very puzzling about how some public figures can consistently drive on the wrong side of the road and not get hit, while another can just waver over the double-line and get slammed!
The Bob and Maureen Saga And Their Fall From Grace
Poor Maureen got some bling for a paltry $150 thousand and got a year in jail.
Hillary has collected handsomely over the years, and is on the way to the White House yet again.  No conflicts of interest investigations in sight.
Hillary’s latest take is $2 BILLION in slush fund money, much of which is from foreign sources, handled by their “Foundation”.  Wasn’t she Secretary of State?  Wasn't her primary responsibilities working with foreign entities?
No penalty for this caper just like no penalty for others:
White Water caper
Norman Hsu $850,000 donations caper
The commodities futures caper
The Marc Rich pardon caper
The $12 Million for a promise to write a book someday caper
Chelsea’s $600,000 job caper
Is this blog item “sour grapes” or is it more valid than not?   Whatever!
Foreign Money: Why Clinton Foundation buckraking creates a mess for Hillary
 “Now the Washington Post says the foundation has raised nearly $2 billion since 2001:
“Foreign donors and countries that are likely to have interests before a potential Clinton administration — and yet are ineligible to give to U.S. political campaigns“


Thursday, February 19, 2015


Obama: We Are Not At War With Islam

Roanoke Times, 2-19-2015, Pg 3:  Obama splits Islamic faith from terrorism.
Obama urges social reforms to combat terror, hit for ‘double-speak’
Obama is absolutely right!  We (the free people of the world) are not at War with ALL or even a major part of Islam!
However – The Radical Muslim Terrorists have clearly declared War on US and they are basing that War on Muslim Jihad.
Unlike Obama, they have NOT split the Islamic faith from terrorism and Obama saying so doesn't make it so!
There’s something uncomfortably sinister about Obama’s “1984 Double-speak”!
Starting in 1940, we were not at War with the entire German people.
It was the Third Reich who declared War upon US.
But FDR and Congress declared War on ALL Germany!
Our military-industrial machine flattened Germany and killed millions of its people!
How can a big-time college professor not understand this concept?
The leaders of Islam and the greater Muslim population will have to confront the Radical Muslim Terrorists in their midst or risk a major conflagration with the Free World as did the German and Japanese Peoples in the 1940s.
The reality is that we will not burn them to death one at a time in a cage!
Ozzie Saffa:  Throughout the history of human tragedy, abuse and genocide,
 “the peaceful majority” were irrelevant!

Going back 800 years in history one could Click for a factual graphic depiction of the Crusades and The Muslim Jihad that caused it to be launched:
Obama kept reform Muslims out of summit on extremism
Obama’s Reality Issues With Radical Muslim Terrorists


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