The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, March 08, 2015


A Most Shocking UnAmerican Statement By US Senator Harry Reid

Roanoke Times,  3-8-2015, Pg 5:
“I think the president has the power to do basically whatever he wants.”
Democrat Senator Harry Reid , current Senate Minority Leader, prior Majority Leader.
“I think the president has the power to do basically whatever he wants.”
This is a shocking un-American statement from “the leading Democrat US Senator” publicly proclaiming his rejection and repudiation of the US Constitution and The Bill of Rights.  This from one who has sworn an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
It’s now clear why we have had six years of dictatorial governance by a renegade president supported by Reid and his associates in the US Senate.
The fact a President would constantly expand his power over government and The People is easy to understand.  It’s why the framers, especially Thomas Jefferson, were so focused on limiting Presidential powers and why they formed the three co-equal branches of government and then enacted the Bill of Rights.
What’s impossible to understand is how The Leading US Senate Democrat and his associates could abandon their oath of office and disregard the very basis of our  form of government and become lackeys to a political hack.
Meet The Real Obstructionists: Harry Reid And The Obama-Senate-Democrats
The latest Harry Reid Constitutional transgression
A Bill giving Congress say on Iran deal hits Senate Dem roadblock
The Constitution gives the President the power to commit the United States to treaties – but only with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the US Senate, and only if the agreement does not contravene the Constitution.
Apparently Harry Reid and his Democrat associates are also putting asunder this article of The Constitution and assuming total servitude to Obama.
Apparently VP Biden, President of the US Senate, has joined Harry Reid and thrown the Senates Constitutional Responsibilities for US Treaty Ratification under the garbage truck.  How sad is that!
"A political firestorm erupted late Monday after an open letter from Republican senators to Iran's leaders challenged President Obama's ability to strike a permanent nuclear deal with Tehran."
"Vice President Joe Biden strongly denounced the letter in a statement saying the missive "offends me as a matter of principle" and was "beneath the dignity of an institution I revere.""
Where have all the Honorable and Patriotic Democrat Leaders gone, long time passing?
Democrats Launch Senate Nuclear Option Strike (Reid Power Grab)
Just More Hope And Change We Can Believe In!

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