This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Roanoke Times, 4-28-2015, Pg
1, 5: Baltimore
sees 2nd night of clashes
Republican Governor sends in
2,000 guardsmen and 1,000 police to restore order to Baltimore in a stark contrast to the Baltimore
Mayor's announcement: Go Ahead And Burn It Down
We haven't seen a military presence like this in Baltimore since Francis Scott Key wrote the
"Star Spangled Banner"
(you know-- the National Anthem Obama
doesn't like).
Obama finally came out of his
race-baiting-closet and conceded that these “race-riots” have more to
do with bad-guys than race.
Apparently the FBI agents he
sent to Baltimore were impressed with all the
serious injuries suffered by many Baltimore
police officers from so called “teenage peaceful demonstrators” so they will not have to indict any of the wounded cops -- not clear what Obama intends for the governor over his "over-reaction" to some justifiably upset citizens.
Why doesn’t Obama have the
DOJ and Homeland Security find and fix these bad-guys? It's easy to pickup Sharpton next time he's in the White House!
Is there something about the new Black Panthers?
Roanoke Times, 4-28-2015, Pg
Va 1, 6: Police, Stefano’s discuss
Talk about a monumental
understatement! Discuss ruckus – Really?
WSLS-10 had a more
enlightened coverage:
- 50 hooligans spilled out of Stefano’s into a street brawl in the “new improved city square”.
- One banished an illegal hand-gun and pointed it at police. Police shot and fortunately missed all 50 hooligans thereby saving themselves indictment by the Obama-Holder justice system.
- Since 2012 there have been 3,000 police calls to
this block in the “new improved city square”.
- Apparently the governor has tied-up the ABC
agents so they’re out of the control of the alcohol monitoring game.
there are good reasons why Roanoke
is rated a high-risk city:
Perhaps the Roanoke Fathers need to do more than “discuss
the ruckus”!
Why would Wind Turbines on
towers 250 above the water, in 100 feet of salt water, offshore in the direct
path of annual coastal hurricanes with associated high-voltage power lines
laying on the sea-floor be expensive?
Obama: If you like your low
energy costs you can keep them!
If you
like your 24-7-365 reliable energy you can keep it!
Richmond Times Dispatch Commentary:
Even the U.N. climate panel has stated that today's
extreme weather events cannot be attributed to “climate change.”
Posted: Saturday, April
25, 2015 10:30 pm By Ed Martin Va SEEE
We continually read letters,
articles and columns that support the anthropogenic global warming theory
(AGW), along with the usual claims and allegations that this will cause nearly
every imaginable problem and catastrophe.
And we now see President
Obama deciding these claims are correct and demanding remedial actions —
specifically, more controls, taxes and “green” energy. Since such reports often
include unsupported allegations and claims, here is an attempt to provide
verifiable factual information and background:
1) According to the various
published temperature records, the amount of global warming since 1850 is about
0.8 degrees Celsius, i.e., a very small amount in relation to the enormous
temperature range we experience diurnally and seasonally. (And indeed, so small
that it is difficult to determine with accuracy and precision.)
2) These same temperature
records also now show that no significant warming has occurred for about 18
years — while atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by nearly 10 percent. It
appears that there is no causal relationship here and suggests that other
natural factors may be influencing temperature.
3) The many claims
predicting dramatic and catastrophic temperature increases have been based on
“global climate models.” However, these computer models have not been validated
and have badly failed to predict current temperatures. And the divergence
between the models and actual temperatures is widening, thus making any
predictions based on them highly doubtful.
4) Some recent studies
suggest the Earth’s temperature is less sensitive to carbon dioxide levels than
previously thought — including studies show that even if atmospheric carbon
dioxide should double, temperature increases could be as low as 1 or 2 degrees
Celsius. And many agree that a 2-degree increase could, overall, be beneficial.
5) And a positive aspect has
appeared — satellites are now showing overall increased vegetation growth
around the globe due to stimulation by the higher carbon dioxide levels. This
includes our food supply. Current data show that almost all food crop yields
are increasing.
6) However, many activist
groups and firms with vested interests — often with support from the Obama
administration — loudly demand that we retreat from fossil fuels and replace
them with “green” wind and solar power — even though such power is very
expensive. European countries with extensive wind and solar installations are
seeing dramatically higher electricity costs. (Germany’s are nearly twice as
expensive as ours.) Plus, the intermittent and erratic nature of solar and wind
power are creating instabilities in their electric grids. The fossil-fuel
systems required for back-up must meet sudden and highly variable output
demands, which has contributed to increased emissions there. In addition, the
higher costs hurt the poor and the middle classes — and are reported to be
causing “energy poverty” in Germany,
the United Kingdom
and elsewhere.
7) Several years ago, Google
commissioned an engineering team to find ways to make green power costs lower
than coal, but found that with current technology, it could not be done,
according to a report last year in IEEE Spectrum, an electrical engineering
magazine — and that even if they were successful, it would not be enough to
“reverse climate change”.
8) Global warming skeptics
are often pejoratively called “deniers.” But in reality, tens of thousands of
scientists and engineers are skeptical about the catastrophic scenarios and
extreme remedies, including eminent physicists Freeman Dyson, Robert Laughlin
and Ivar Giaever, the latter two both Nobel laureates.
9) The claim that 97 percent
of climate scientists believe in human-caused warming is incessantly parroted
but it has been, beyond all doubt, shown to be fallacious. The paper that made
the claim has been condemned by several prominent climate scientists who
indicated that their views were wrongly used — and it has been condemned as
poorly conceived, designed and executed. (Apparently, the media didn’t get the
10) And yet, almost every
day brings more claims and predictions of increasing catastrophic weather
events due to “climate change” — tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, wildfires.
Various government and other reports clearly show that links between extreme
weather and global warming are unproven. Even the U.N. climate panel has stated
that such events cannot be attributed to “climate change.”
The bottom line: Vast
amounts of misinformation, scare stories and propaganda continue to be
inflicted on us, much of it propelled by enormous government outlays and grants
— as well as large expenditures by activist groups and from businesses that are
pursuing government subsidies.
But as more actual climate
data and facts become available, more people are seeing them, asking questions
and making their own decisions — instead of merely taking the word of
politicians such as Al Gore and Barack Obama. And hopefully this will help.
Ed Martin lives in Williamsburg and earned a
bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and an M.B.A.. He worked in the malting
and brewing industry for 35 years and is now retired.
Top scientists start to examine fiddled global warming figures
More details of the Global Warming Policy Foundation's International Temperature Data Review Project are available on the inquiry panel's website
Global Warming AGW Alarmists Gather In Roanoke
Media Continues To Propagate The Belied AGW Hypothesis
Global Warming
Meets Mother Nature
Global Warming or Mother Nature's Normal
The Pope,
Global Warming And The AGW Wealth Redistribution Movement
Hillary’s presidential
launch focused on those bad top one-percent money people who she is going to “topple”
and then get equal pay for women.
It’s hard to find anyone
anywhere like Bill and Hillary that make up to $500,000 for a speaking
engagement. How much is that per word?
As Poor Folks with 25 Million
personal dollars and two Billion dollars of foreign special-interest money in a slush-fund called their Foundation,
one might conclude that Bill and Hillary are the one-per-centers who should be "toppled"!
Running on equal-pay for
women; Really? That’s already a
law! Moreover, those who go to court and
win those cases collect handsomely and form a strong basis for employers to keep
good books on what and why they pay their employees.
Apparently, Hillary’s not
mentioning her so called accomplishments as Secretary of State. Lot’s of air-miles with few good outcomes to highlight. Is there any part of the world that has
improved or become safer during her tour of duty?
Perhaps the country has
concluded that at this point in time:
“What difference does it
make now?”
While the Pravda Press
hounds each and every potential Republican Candidate, Hillary skates by with nary
a real question.
Even the latest book, “Clinton
Cash”, by Peter Schweizer is being bashed and marginalized by the Pravda Press
before it’s even released to the public.
Bill Clinton has been paid $104.9 million for 542 speeches around the world between January 2001, when he left the White House, and January 2013, when Hillary stepped down as secretary of state, according to a Washington Post review of the family's federal financial disclosures.Jun 26, 2014
Roanoke Times, 4-12-2015, Pg 10: Study: Obesity cuts
dementia risk by 29%; thin people had a 34% higher risk.
Yet another “study” published by “researchers” using
available data and apparently not a “cause and effect” study or analysis.
Some life-observations and anecdotal data might cause one to
question this study in the light of past highly publicized misdirected studies. The first chapter of every statistics book
emphasizes that correlation does not prove cause-and-effect!
Perhaps obese people don’t live long enough to get dementia
due to heart attacks, strokes and sugar-diabetes.
Perhaps thin people who do get dementia have reduced diets
because they are ill or in the process of getting ill.
Perhaps the key cause for obesity, dementia and many other illnesses
are primarily associated with genetics and DNA.
Suspect sub-populations who also are at low risk of dementia
Binge Drinkers and Drug-heads
Reckless drivers
Heavy smokers
Those who text while driving
Drunk drivers
Homeless people
High-risk takers
The list goes on! Let’s
do another “study”!
One of the most destructive highly publicized and faulty “studies”
was the 1974 “birth-control pill study" that proclaimed the pill caused several types of cancer. That “study” resulted in many women using
faulty IUDs that resulted in very serious health issues.
Perhaps one should wait for real “cause-and-effect” studies
to be done before jumping to conclusions and misdirected actions.
All this reminds one of the “consensus” of man-caused global
warming and climate change! Consensus is
not a scientific process or state either!
Of all the hundreds of thousands of “studies” that are
published every year, what are the media’s criteria for which ones to hype, and
who chooses?
Dubious So Called Study
Faulty Cause And Effect Data
Roanoke Times, 4-8-2015, Pg
1, 7: Obama: Climate change harms us.
The president said weather has caused more heat-related deaths,
allergies and asthma.
Lots-of consensus with
absolutely no supporting scientific evidence or even anecdotal data to support
these claims.
4-16-205, Pg Va 2: McAuliffe: Climate change, rising sea levels
also endanger economy.
Lots-of consensus with
absolutely no supporting scientific evidence or even anecdotal data to support
these claims.
There has been less than one
degree warming since the 1750 warm-up that ended the little-ice age and no
significant warming for past 20 years.
The Gore-Mann hockey stick
has been totally belied by Mother Nature!
There also have been
insignificant changes in weather, global warming and global climate change from
either Mother Nature or man-kind during the past 100 years.
It’s notable that our
“weather persons” refuse to relate current major weather events in context to
historical recorded data. Much of the
hype surrounds the fact that we now are a nation of 330 million people and are
now a “target-rich environment”.
Isn’t it interesting that
the Pravda Media never publishes the following data!
Apparently, they think that Political
Proclamations and Consensus are Science!
How sad is that!
The Sea's have been rising for 16,000 years, and are still rising, totally independent of man-kinds CO2.
There has not been any significant global warming for 20 years.
An interesting news item is
that Climate change debate is coming to West
Virginia classrooms.
This means that students and
teachers will be allowed to discuss the alleged man-made global-warming and the alleged
resultant climate change as a HYPOTHESIS and NOT a proven scientific FACT.
Why can’t that be done in
schools in the other 49 states?
Why can’t that be done in
all the media?
Why can’t that be done in
every College and University?
Why indeed?
And we thought the Pope was
tough on Galileo!
Man-made Global Warming AGW
Alarmists Gather In Roanoke
Greenpeace Founder A
Man-cause Global Warming AGW Skeptic
EPA Outlandish Claims Go
Global Warming Meets Mother
Obama: Terrorism Equivalent
Jamestown Doomed – Goodbye To Virginia Dare Again
Times, 4-15-2015, Pg Op. 9: Koenig: The real tax day gets later and later
By April 27 the “average taxpayer” will have made enough
money to pay his tax obligation for the year.
That person will have worked for 4 months or one-third of the year to
support basic services plus the redistribution of the nation’s income.
Today your 1040’s are due in along with your tax payments
most of which you were forced to pay weekly during the year.
Don’t be fooled with the tax refund scam, that’s simply
taxes you paid in-addition-to what the law says your government can claim/confiscate.
Taxes are Due Unless you are the millions of persons for
whom the IRS tax system is now being used as the new welfare money distribution
Didn’t Bill Clinton eliminate welfare as we knew it?
The current tax burden pales in comparison to the massive
underlying debt. We continue to borrow
money at an astounding rate and as interest rates rise, the service (interest)
on the debt plus the committed obligations will crush our tax-payers and our financial systems.
The comprehensive US Debt Clock:
Year-end 2014
Economy – Obama’s Rose Colored Glasses
Obama: I Will
Enslave You With Debt
Obama says partisanship
wrangling over Iran
nuclear deal 'needs to stop'
President Obama said
Saturday that partisan wrangling over the nuclear agreement with Iran has gone
beyond pale and said the harsh criticism of the deal “needs to stop.”
WSJ: Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Blasts Terms of Nuclear Framework Deal
Just a week after agreeing
on a framework for a nuclear deal, Iran’s
supreme leader and the Obama
administration clashed over its core elements, rekindling doubts about whether Washington and Tehran
can finalize an accord by a June 30 deadline.
Obama stop whining about
others and focus on your own incompetence!
You have tried to negate the
Constitutional requirement that Congress must approve Treaties, especially
something as important as nuclear weapons proliferation, thereby alienating
most of the members of Congress.
You have conducted negotiations
in secret with the major supporter at the epicenter of Radical Muslim
You have excluded and
berated Israel, our only real
partner in the Middle East, and the country
most likely to be destroyed by Iranian nuclear weapons, perhaps in the hands of
Hamas or other terrorist groups.
You have demonstrated over
the past six years that you and your minions are incapable of managing the
Foreign Affairs of this Country.
Just quit your whining,
it’s very unbecoming and marginalizes the office!
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