The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, May 31, 2015


It’s Show Business: Break A Leg John!

Kerry breaks leg in Geneva bike crash, flying back to US
Secretary of State John Kerry suffered a broken leg in a bike crash outside Geneva Sunday, where he had been holding nuclear talks with Iran’s foreign minister.
Kerry, negotiating the final details of a nuclear weapons containment agreement with Iran and our guy is out riding a bike!
Apparently, he can’t do that either!

Obama, Kerry, Iran And Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
Gee Kerry, I Don’t Think You’re In Reality Anymore

Alarmist Climate AGW “Scientists” In Conflict With Mother Nature

When Will Climate Scientists Say They Were Wrong?
CATO:  By Patrick J. Michaels  This article appeared in on May 29, 2015.
“Day after day, year after year, the hole that climate scientists have buried themselves in gets deeper and deeper. The longer that they wait to admit their overheated forecasts were wrong, the more they are going to harm all of science.
The story is told in a simple graph, the same one that University of Alabama’s John Christy presented to the House Committee on Natural Resources on May 15.”
This Obama AGW Alarmists misdirection has now been incorporated into Common Core Federal Education Curricula.
Talk about your misdirection and pandering of science!
The great tragedy of Science –

The slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.
Thomas Huxley 1860

Obama The Master Illusionist, King Of AGW MisDirection
Man-made Global Warming or Mother Nature's Normal Climate?

Sweet Briar’s Diverse Education?

Roanoke Times, 5-28-2015, Pg Opinion 7:  Sweet Briar represents diversity in education.
How can a Liberal College that restricts itself to only one class of people call itself diverse?
Much can and is being said and done relative to Sweet Briar’s impending demise.  However, little is being said about it’s clinging to its exclusive policy of girls-only and how that has contributed to its demise.
Isn’t this gender-discrimination in violation of multiple federal and state laws including Title 9?
Has not every boys-only school been pounded into submission and gender-integration?
One might agree that those who are very upset with the Sweet Brian closure have a major point in their favor – why didn’t the President and Board Members launch a major and very public effort to save the college at least two years ago?
Some years ago the President of Hollins College announced that Hollins was in difficulty and the most likely fix was to go co-educational.  This statement triggered a major reaction that resulted in actions to save the school “as is” and fire the President for proposing such a blasphemous reform.
Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned!

US Economy Goes Negative

Roanoke Times, 5-30-2015, Pg Bus. 6:  US economy shrinks in first quarter by 0.7%
Obama’s economic wizards predicted 0.2% growth.
Obama’s economic recovery is the most anemic in our life-time.
The Obama economic growth policies have been off-set by regressive taxes, regulation and suppression of small-business formation and growth.
If not for energy production on private and state lands, the economy would be in far worse shape.
We still are adding one-half Trillion dollars to our debt each year.  The impacts of stopping deficit spending and paying the interest on the massive $18 Trillion debt will be an albatross around taxpayer’s necks for generations to come.
The Hope was OK, The Change was a Disaster!

Obama SOTU: Obama defines success for the American middle-class!
Obama Bragging Up His Dismal Economic Performance
Obama's Economy: Very Bad Good News

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Baltimore: The Inmates Running The Asylum

You reap what you sow.  Galatians 6:7-9
Murder capital: Baltimore’s homicide explosion in wake of Freddie Gray case dwarfs rate of similar cities
The double murder Thursday of a young mother and her 7-year-old boy brought Baltimore's bloody monthly homicide tally to 38, a figure that dwarfs that of similar-sized cities and even exceeds the total for the same period in New York.
"Criminals feel empowered now. There is no respect. Police are under siege in every quarter. They are more afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs properly than they are of getting shot on duty."
Lt. Gene Ryan, President of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3
Where's Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson and all the other purveyors of race-baiting and chaos?
Police Training
Media’s Dual Coverage Policy For Police Deaths
Baltimore’s Freddie Gray: Swiss Army Knife or Switch-blade?

Friday, May 29, 2015


Federal Courts Rebut Obama’s Overreach

Roanoke Times,  5-21-2015, Tiny small print on Pg 3:  Panel won’t lift hold on executive authority.
One can just imagine the page one big headline and print for an Appeals Court rebut of a Bush initiative!
The Federal Court of Appeals keeps on-hold Obama’s executive actions (with pen and cell phone) to stop deportation process for illegal immigrants.
The Obama totally unprofessional response to the Court findings:
“The White House reacted to the news that the Fifth Circuit court of appeals denied an appeal from the Obama administration to lift a stay on his executive amnesty plan, accusing two judges in the decision of interpreting the law incorrectly.”
“Today, two judges of the Fifth Circuit chose to misinterpret the facts and the law in denying the government’s request for a stay,” White House spokesperson Brandi Hoffine said in a statement to Breitbart News.
Apparently, in spite of his snide and inappropriate remarks, Obama is not on firm-ground because he’s not going to appeal to SCOTUS!
US won't seek high court review in immigration case
WASHINGTON –  The government says it won't ask the Supreme Court to review a judge's decision that put on hold President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration.

Police Training

"Now let me see if I have this right. The family situation is so unstable, 'Junior' doesn't even know where to send a Father's Day card. There's no guidance or discipline in the home. Junior gets dumped into the education system where he is socially promoted because the overwhelmed school district can't deal with the undisciplined whelp. Junior's major formative influences are 'gangsta' rap videos and a corresponding peer group of gangsta wannabes.

At age 18, Junior is turned loose on society carrying a bad attitude, a broken moral-compass and little respect for authority. Junior gets himself in big trouble with the law and meets dire consequences. Then, the situational diagnosis is that the police need more training and understanding?

Pardon me for asking, but do you really believe that heifer-dust?
Author unknown but very insightful.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Obama’s Pravda Media Jumps On Secretary Of Defense

Roanoke Times, 5-27-2015, Pg 1, 9: AP:  Carter’s (Ash Carter US Sec. of Defense) comment undercuts strategy.
Undercuts strategy --- Really? – and what strategy might that be?
Is there anyone anywhere who believes that Obama has a MidEast strategy?
Oh Yes there is  --- his Pravda-Media!
How dare Carter say anything to conflict with Obama!
Carter looked at the Ramadi Rout of the Iraqi’s by ISIS and simply noted:
The Iraqi’s had far more troops than ISIS.
The Iraqi’s were in a well-developed defensive position.
The Iraqi’s had air-support.
The Iraqi’s were well equipped with US arms and equipment.
When the battle developed:
The Iraqi’s collapsed and ran leaving massive amounts of arms, ammo, vehicles and equipment behind for the ISIS.
Darn that Carter – who does he think he is to make these statements?
Oh Yes – he’s the Secretary of Defense!
ISIS - Obama’s Designated JV-Team Takes Ramadi
ISIS And The Media

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Hamas Continues Their Middle East Terrorism

Amnesty International accuses Hamas of torturing, killing Palestinians in new report on Gaza conflict
Amnesty International accused Hamas militants Wednesday of abducting, torturing, and carrying out summary executions of Palestinians during last year's conflict in the Gaza Strip. 
The report, the last of four released by the human rights group detailing events during the fighting, said that at least 23 Palestinians were shot and killed by Hamas, which rules Gaza, while dozens more were arrested and tortured. Amnesty said those targeted were either political rivals of Hamas, including members of the Fatah party of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, or people the militant group had accused of cooperating with Israel.
The Radical Muslim Terrorists are equal-opportunity terrorists. 
It’s interesting that Amnesty International would finally take a break from their abuse of Israel to acknowledge the real terrorists and murderers in the area.
And our esteemed leader still can’t say” “Radical Muslim Terrorists”!
ISIS And The Media
Obama And His Pravda Press Denigrate Netanyahu
Palestinians Found Guilty Of Terrorist Attacks On Israel

Media’s Dual Coverage Policy For Police Deaths

Omaha police officer killed in shootout just hours before going on maternity leave
Slain Omaha officer who was new mom honored at her funeral
OMAHA, Neb.Omaha police officer Kerrie Orozco was one day away from going on maternity leave to care for the daughter she had delivered prematurely three months earlier when she answered a call to help a fellow officer.
Within minutes, Orozco lay in a yard fatally wounded. She had been shot by a man wanted for an earlier shooting.
It’s interesting that MSN and AP who have been super quick to highlight and emphasize the color of police involved in black-person incidents totally forgot to mention these facts in this story.
The media's dual standards for highlighting race-bating incidents clearly is on display in yet another case of Police Officers killed in the line of duty.
I missed this story in my local news, perhaps because Obama, Holder, the FBI the DOJ and all the rioters were no where to be seen.
Something about:  If a police officer falls in the line of duty and the media isn't interested – was the officer’s life important?
MSN  AP:  "Shot by a man"
In contrast, FoxNews did print the appropriate picture:

God bless Officer Orozco, her family and all the other officers who serve in harms way to help ensure we can live in peace in our homes and on our streets.
Latest Ferguson Mo. Riot News
Ferguson Protesters Now Protesting Over Not Getting Paid
At least some of the protesters who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars in Ferguson, Missouri, last year were promised payment of up to $5,000 per month to join the protests.
O'Reilly on America's Race Problem

Monday, May 25, 2015


Thank You Roanoke Times For Memorial Day Coverage

Roanoke Times, 5-25-2015: Multiple stories, editorial and graphics in recognition of those who gave their all for our country and freedoms.

Following are some appropriate references for this special day.
Click Link For:   Some Gave All:
President Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg Address
Audio -- Johnny Cash
Play button is very small with some delay
'Il Silencio' (The Silence)
The conductor of the orchestra is Andre Rieu from Holland.
Melissa Venema, age 13, is the trumpet soloist.
The Original version of Taps was called Last Post, and was written by Daniel Butterfield in 1801. It was rather lengthy and formal, as you will hear in this clip, so in 1862 it was shortened to 24 notes and re-named Taps. Melissa Venema is playing it on a trumpet whereby the original was played on a bugle.

God Bless The USA

Saturday, May 23, 2015


ISIS And The Media

The Media is working diligently to downplay and marginalize the Al Qaeda and ISIS atrocities, their major battlefield wins and their genocide of Christians.

These news events are not covered lest the public come to understand the massive deterioration in the safety and security of multitudes of innocent people and its direct connection to Obama’s Failed Policies.
Obama And Media Marginalizing Atrocities Against Christians
Professor Obama And The Forgotten Harvard Class On The Crusades

Hillary’s Emails: Pravda Press Achieves New High In MisDirection

Roanoke Times, 5-23-2015, POg 1, 4: AP:   Clinton’s Benghazi emails released.  The emails, from her private server, were handled securely, Clinton and her staff said.
Only Clinton knows how many Benghazi Emails were in her unauthorized private basement server unprotected by the federal governments firewalls designed to protect national classified materials.
Clinton has acknowledged that only 55,000 of her total Emails were turned over to the State Dept. IT.  Only Clinton knows how many there were and of those how many she chose to delete and what the criteria was for deletion. 
This initial 900 Emails represents 1.6% of the 55,000 she chose to release.
Clinton has stated she has “wiped clean” her server hard-drives and has refused to turn-over her server to Congressional Investigators.
This so called release of 900 Emails clearly cannot even begin to reflect the Email traffic about Benghazi that the Secretary of State would have received/sent on one of the biggest political debacles of the Obama term.
Having now looked at these hand-full of Emails, two years after the fact, the FBI has concluded that at least one contains SECRET data.  Hillary claims that this is a new designation that didn’t apply when the Email originated!
Of course it didn’t apply – the people who classify and secure government classified materials never saw them – STUPID!
Internal emails show Clinton got detailed intel on 'planned' Benghazi hit
Hillary regrets emails. Really?

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Obama The Master Illusionist, King Of AGW MisDirection

Roanoke Times, 5-21-2015, Pg 4:  Obama: At Coast Guard Officers Graduation: AGW Climate change denial endangers US.
Obama The Master Illusionist, King Of Misdirection in Action:
Look over here:  See the Video that caused the Benghazi disaster
Reality:  It was a well-planed Radical Muslim Terrorist Attack
Look over here:  See how low the unemployment rate is
Reality: The rate is low because millions of workers have dropped out of the workforce
Look over here:  See how Al Qaeda is decimated and defeated
Reality:  Al Qaeda is powerful and growing and a real and present danger
Look over here:  See how I got all the chemical weapons out of Syria
Reality:  Al-Assad is killing his people with chemical weapons now
Look over here: The Iranians are going to curb their nuclear ambitions and weapons
Reality: The Ayatollah said again yesterday no inspections and no restrictions
The List Goes On and On and On and On!
Graduates of the Coast Guard Academy, defenders of our shores and ports and ocean facilities around the world, in this time of Jihad against us by the Radical Muslim Terrorists of the world, I, as your Commander-In-Chief want you to focus on Global Warming and Climate Change.
I have no data or scientific facts to show you the danger.  In fact, the preponderance of the data shows no significant global warming or climate change due to nature or man and I'm certainly not going to show you that!
But, I have on the government payroll many hundreds of “scientists” with dozens of computers cranking out unverified predictions of bad things to come.
These programs cannot explain the past three hundred years since the end of the little ice age, nor the last one hundred years of less than one degree warming nor can they explain why there has been no change in the global temperature for the past 18 years.
However, believe me and my grant-dependent “scientists”,  we know what the future holds -- we don't need facts -- we have a consensus!
Just don’t look behind our “consensus” curtain.
You just might find these NASA graphs and data

Va TeaParty-Republican Congressman Brat Flaunting His Ineptitude

Roanoke Times, 5-21-2015, Pg Va 3:  Immigrants in military not good for country, Brat says.
Dave Brat, The Va TeaParty’s replacement for our outstanding Conservative Republican Eric Canter,  has again demonstrated his inability to properly represent the people of Virginia.
Brat, the professional professor, tells the public that immigrant young people shouldn’t serve in our armed forces.
Really?  Historically that has been one of the “paths to citizenship” for thousands of young immigrants.
As an Artillery Officer in Germany, I served with many young German-American soldiers who had immigrated to the US and were immediately drafted and then sent back to Germany to help face two million East-block troops backed by 60,000 T24 Soviet tanks.  They all served with honor and distinction.
There is no reason to believe that the US military cannot separate the wheat-from-the-chaff today like they have in the past.
And to think these TeaParty-Republicans call me a RINO!
Click back through these links for an enlightened view of  the activities of the Va TeaParty’s self-appointed and self-anointed Leadership:

Tabloid Junk Journalism Unbecoming The Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times, 5-21-2015, Pg Va 1, 8:
Pg 1: Morrissey admits he’s father of out-of-wedlock child
Pg 8: Morrissey to run for Va Senate
This Tabloid Yellow Journalism by the Richmond Times should not have been “picked-up” by the RT.  It highlights and flaunts:

However the most disturbing part of this gross mess are the staged photos that the RT apparently felt compelled to share with their readers.  Photos that are clearly intended to spark negative emotions by the viewers.
And, the media claims thy are working hard to make things better in our culture! 
Who chooses this stuff off the wire-services?   How sad is that!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


George Stephanopoulos: Poster Boy For The PravdaPress

Roanoke Times, 5-20-205, Pg7: Cal Thomas: “Who is a journalist?”
Stephanopoulos, who worked in the Clinton Whitehouse, donated $75,000 to the Hillary Slush Fund and then went postal on an author who questioned the massive conflicts of interest between Hillary and the millions given to her by foreign governments while she was Secretary of State.
NY Post:  ABC’s ‘secret’ $105M gamble on Stephanopoulos
ABC has plenty of reasons to be freaking out over the George Stephanopoulos scandal — $105million, to be exact.
The “Good Morning America” and “This Week” anchor renewed his contract last year for $105 million, TV industry sources told The Post Monday.
Hillary is now anxious to have the Emails released to the public that she and her minions scrubbed clear of any embarrassing data.
All the “other stuff” was deleted and her basement server wiped clean.
And the think she was on the Nixon impeachment investigation.
Yes, she was, but she was fired for being “unethical”!
Hillary regrets emails. Really?
Hillary’s Pravda Press To Her Defense

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Highlighting Political Hypocrisy

Roanoke Times, 5-16-2015, Editorial: Pipelines and hypocrisy focusing on Republican hypocrisy relative to not building a pipeline on “my” land but it’s OK to build it on “your” land.
We will now wait with “baited breath” for the RT Editors to focus on the hypocrisy of the Kennedy Clan’s Jihad against the Wind Power farms off-shore from the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis.
To help with their follow-up hypocrisy article they may refer to my Prior blog item comparing Wind Turbines on the Highlands of Va to the Kennedys.
At Nantucket Sound, Ma., this same issue was fought in 2003. The environmental elitists, the Kennedy Clan, raised every issue possible to stop off-shore wind turbines including getting Walter Kronkite to make TV ads for them. However, Walter changed his position from "no" to "show-me" and then had the ads removed from the air.
To download and view the Walter Kronkite PC (wmv) 10 MB video, click on the link. Turn-up your sound, requires high-speed internet service.

The RT Editors might also reflect on Robert Kennedy Jr calling skeptics like myself “treasonous”.
Gee Toto, I don’t think we’re in America anymore!

McAuliffe DePolitizes The Tobacco Commission – NOT

Roanoke Times, 5-16-2015, Pg 2: McAuliffe names new executive director of tobacco commission.
The new man is:
Evan Feinman, McAuliffe’s policy director for McAuliffe’s postelection transition team.
Great Pick Terry!  Talk about taking politics out of the Commission!
Evan just “transitioned” himself right into a key lucrative job.
Isn't change wonderful?


Obama: Turn Off The Lights – Solar Panels Don’t Work At Night

Roanoke Times, 5-17-2015, Pg 10:  NYC Council member echoes Obama’s direction to Turn Off the Lights in NYC Time Square.
NYC in talks to keep Times Square billboards after federal law called for lights out
Great idea by Obama and his EPA and Green-energy team.
Shut off the lights at night (because solar panels don’t work at night) unless there is a nice breeze sufficient to run the wind-turbines.
What about that New Years Eve Ball thing?  If we raise it up during sunlight hours, we should be OK to drop it at night.
The hooligans and muggers are all onboard.  The sooner the lights are turned down the sooner they can increase their revenue both on and off  the streets and with DeBlasio in charge, they will enjoy free-rein.
Perhaps NYC can bring back the whale-oil lamps, if not the kerosene lamps, if not the natural gas lamps.  Sure has been a series of technology upgrades in the street light business.

ISIS - Obama’s Designated JV-Team Takes Ramadi

Roanoke Times, 5-17-2015, Pg 9:  Islamic State tightens grip on Ramadi.
Would this major military set-back be on page-9 if a Bush were in office?  I think NOT!  Something about the Pravda-media accenting the positive and marginalizing the negative for their main-man.
ISIS takes Ramadi as their reinforcements surge into city

(CNN)The key Iraqi city of Ramadi fell to ISIS on Sunday after government security forces pulled out of a military base on the west side of the city, the mayor and a high-ranking security official said.

The ISIS advances came after militants detonated a series of morning car bomb blasts, Mayor Dalaf al-Kubaisy and a high-ranking Iraqi security official said. The explosions forced Iraqi security forces and tribal fighters to retreat to the city's east, they said.

Clashes have raged in the beleaguered capital of Anbar province for months as Iraqi and allied forces battle ISIS militants for control of the strategically located city, which is just 110 km (70 miles) west of Baghdad.

Ramadi, the largest city in western Iraq, is just a few miles from an Iraqi army headquarters that ISIS blew up in March.
At what point is the media going to fulfill their obligations as independent purveyors of the real-news?
Kerry Back In Nam, Obama Back In Hawaii, Al Qaeda Back in Fallujah and Ramadi


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