The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Kimmel Cries For Letterman And Cecil, Not So Much For Others


Jimmy Kimmel Cries as He Says Goodbye to David Letterman
Kimmel chokes up on air over Cecil the lion
Let’s all have a good cry for the demise of:
The young deer in The Yearling
The close-knit and loving deer family in Bambi
Simba’s sorrow and depression over the untimely death of Mufasa
Did Kimmel not see Old Yeller
Did Kimmel and friends not see Out of Africa?
Has Kimmel and friends not watched the Nature Channel on the Serengeti?
Has Kimmel not seen photos of African Villagers killed by wild beasts?
Has Kimmel not seen photos and video of starving African children?
Kimmel needs to toughen-up and watch some real action films:
10 Brutal, Traumatizing Deaths in Animated Films
He probably thinks veal is some kind of veggie his vegan friends eat!
It’s interesting that Kimmel and friends have not expressed their emotional distress over the vivid videos and pictures of the Planned Parenthood gang describing in morbid detail the harvesting and marketing of body parts from late-term abortions.
Liberal Democrats : Don’t Show Us Videos We Don’t Want To See!
The Misplaced Anger Over Cecil The Lion Perfectly Summed Up With One Cartoon
Apparently, it’s not about morality!
It’s not even about sentimentality!
No – it’s really all about ratings and being politically correct and pandering to PETA!
I’m starting to choke-up myself right now!
All this crying might cause one to reflect back to 1951 and Johnny Ray:
The Little White Cloud That Cried
Or just: Cry
Jimmy K:  Let's all just let our hair down and have a good cry!

ObamaCare Reality Continues To Roll-In And Accent The Obama Lies

Roanoke Times, 7-29-2015, Pg 1, 4: Health costs to outpace growth.  Medical bills are forecast to increase faster during the coming decade than the economy’s ability to pay.
The amazing thing about Obama’s lies about ObamaCare is not that the truth will come out someday!
The amazing thing is that the truth came out so quickly!
You can keep your insurance!
You can keep your doctor!
Your medical costs will be reduced!
There will be more competition to drive down costs!
The list goes on every time the “Liar of the Year” opens his mouth!
From Nobel Peace Prize To Liar Of The Year

-ObamaCare: The Train Wreck Continues Into 2015 And Beyond
Obama Jokes With His Pravda-Media Friends About ObamaCare


Hillary And Bill To White House – Maureen And Bob to Big House

Swiss bank's donations to Clinton Foundation increased after Hillary intervention in IRS dispute
Donations to the Clinton Foundation by Swiss bank UBS increased tenfold after Hillary Clinton intervened to settle a dispute with the IRS early in her tenure as secretary of state, according to a published report.
According to the Wall Street Journal, total donations by UBS to the foundation grew from less than $60,000 at the end of 2008 to approximately $600,000 by the end of 2014. The Journal reports that the bank also lent $32 million through entrepreneurship and inner-city loan programs it launched in association with the foundation, while paying former President Bill Clinton $1.5 million to participate in a series of corporate question-and-answer sessions with UBS Chief Executive Bob McCann.
The old “quid pro quo” is alive and well in the Clinton household!
No investigation here!  No FBI crawling-up their financial posteriors!  No indictments for malfeasance of accepting massive amounts of “gifts” for doing “good” deeds for the givers!
We got Bob McDonnell – that’s what we needed to sink the Republican Party in Virginia and get our Democrat team into power just in time to ensure Virginia goes for Hillary in the next election!  Abuse of power works and it’s convenient that Justice is Blind and we've got the Pravda Media in our back-pocket!   And to complete this great story -- the Virginia TeaParty will tear the Virginia GOP apart and render them helpless.  It doesn't get any better than this!
A Fair And Balanced And Professional Roanoke Times Editorial (The McDonnell's)
Maureen Gets $150 Thousand Goes to Big House -- Hillary Gets $2 BILLION goes to White House Again
Donate $100,000 And Get Endorsed

Obama’s Economy Hits Roanoke Children Hard

Roanoke Times, 7-29-2015, Pg Va 1, 8:  Roanoke students qualify for free school food:
Students at 19 Roanoke schools could get free breakfast and lunch.
54% of students in Roanoke qualify for federal benefits.
75% or more qualify.
In 19 schools, the proposal is for all the students to receive free and reduced meals without any “paperwork” or justification.
All this is in-addition-to the significant government help these families receive including child-welfare payments and food-stamps.
What a stark indictment of the failure of the Democrat Team from Roanoke City Hall up through Obama’s pathetic failed economic policies and practices.
Apparently, Obama’s pen and cell-phone and anti-business Jihad’s aren’t helping the children of Roanoke!
Obama's just doing what neighborhood-organizers do -- and that clearly is not generating real JOB's!
Time for another flowery Roanoke Times series of articles telling us how great Obama is and how things are really good; just don’t look behind the curtain at the children.
At every opportunity Obama has marginalized and berated and inhibited private enterprise and personal businesses and the jobs they produce and support.

Something about you reap what you sow!
7-30-2015: After six years of Obama the Weekly jobless claims data was also out Thursday. The number of Americans filing first-time claims for unemployment benefits rose to 267,000 last week.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Let’s all just reflect on Obama's nasty tirade at Fire House #1 in Downtown Roanoke:
Obama to Businessmen: You Didn’t Do Nothin!
Watch the video of Obama, watch the facial expressions, watch the body language listen to the words and draw your own conclusions.
Obama saboteurs twisting the truth?
BusinessPerson: You Didn’t Build That And You’re Not Going Too Either
Obama-Team’s Incredibly Cynical View Of The American Worker And People

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Liberal Democrats : Don’t Show Us Videos We Don’t Want To See!

Latest  7-30-2015 News:
Call it 'research,' not 'business,' Planned Parenthood doc says in latest sting video
A Colorado Planned Parenthood doctor stresses calling the harvesting of fetal tissue "research" and not "business" -- and casually pokes around in a petri dish of aborted remains as a colleague exclaims, "Another boy!"
After three videos focused on persons associated with Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and marketing of parts and pieces of the results of late-term abortions,
the Left-wing Liberal Progressive Democrats have had enough!
They found one of their feathered friends on the California Courts to issue an injunction against any more of these videos.  Finding such a friendly Judge was clearly a very easy task in California where the 1st Amendment only applies to those things the left-wingers wish to say, hear and see.
They also got the Ca AG to initiate a criminal investigation against the persons who made these undercover videos.  Talk about out of control government intimidation and  suppression of freedom of the press!
Where were the restraining orders for the videos and pictures:
The Treyvon Martin case:
Where were the restraining orders for the videos and pictures:
The Michel Brown case:
Where were the restraining orders for the videos and pictures:
The Eric Gardner case:
Where were the restraining orders for the videos and pictures:
Sandra Bland case:
Apparently the Liberals are very selective with their application of the 1st Amendment!
Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts?

CraigsList or ChristianMingle?

CraigsList advises those buying and selling to make the physical transactions in an open and public place.
It turns out that there is a very broad range of options of what things are being offered and purchased on CraigsList.
Based on this article, one might suggest to this guy that he might try ChristianMingel for his next search!
All the wives in my neighborhood are asking the same question.
Why was the woman arrested?
After all  --- He got what he came for!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


It's Obama's Leadership And His ”Iranian Deal” That Are Ridiculous And Sad

Obama calls GOP criticism of Iran deal 'ridiculous,' 'sad'
Roanoke Times, 7-28-2015, Pg 1:
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — President Barack Obama unleashed a blistering and belittling rebuke of Republican White House hopefuls Monday, calling their attack on his landmark nuclear deal with Iran "ridiculous if it weren't so sad."
Obama’s so-called “nuclear deal” has rightfully been referred to as equivalent to the Neville Chamberlain deal with Hitler that led directly to World War II and the Holocaust.
The key elements of “The Deal”  Obama does NOT want criticized include:
Iran does not accept Israel’s right to exist.

Iran’s government, at the highest levels, vows to “wipe Israel off the map”.
Iran not committed to stopping their support of terrorism and terrorists.
Iran retains full “right” to future development of  nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them.
Iran rejects International Inspections of ALL facilities on a “any time, any place” basis.

What could possibly go wrong with this "Deal" that no one is allowed to question?
In addition to accepting Iran’s nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles, The “Deal” does not address Nuclear Proliferation by other countries developing defensive nuclear weapons and systems to counter the expanding Iranian threat.
All this in stark contrast to Obama’s April 2009 anti-proliferation speech in Prague, Czech Republic

The Most important paragraph  "managed access" of the Iran deal:  Iranian military facilities are NOT open to inspections:
Iran Nuclear “Agreement”: Making Deals With The Devil
Obama And Kerry Double Down On A Bad Deal
US Diplomacy At The Discount Store

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Obama Removes The Allegiance Commitment From Citizenship Oath

Finding my country: Carilion staffer helps refugees gain citizenship
Roanoke Times, 7-26-2015, Pg 1, 8: Finding My Country
This is a very nice story about one of the most important aspects of legal-immigration into this Great Country – the path to Citizenship through Naturalization.
My parents came here as teenagers and learned the language and studied for and became Naturalized Citizens as did tens of millions of other legal-immigrants.
However, Not mentioned and very disturbing is the Obama changes to the Oath of Citizenship that essentially drops the Allegiance portion of the Oath.
Sen. Tom Cotton: Changes To Citizenship Oath ‘Undermines What It Means To Be A Citizen’
Tuesday, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced it was altering the eligibility requirements for modifications to the Oath of Allegiance. Namely, while immigrants seeking to become citizens are usually required to declare they will “bear arms on behalf of the United States” and “perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States,” the new guidance now allows for not only those with religious objections but also people with a strongly held beliefs to omit those portions.
After tens of millions of legal-immigrants have taken “The Oath”,  Obama has decided to change the oath to totally dilute the meaning of “Allegiance” – the definition of which is:
“loyalty of an individual to a group or cause.
"those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to the republic”.
Synonyms: loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, obedience, homage, devotion.”
There’s one obvious reason for Obama’s change of the Oath of Allegiance:  He wants to kowtow to the Sharia Muslims who exclusively swear Allegiance only to Mohamed.
Interesting that no one did that for the Catholics and their allegiance to the Pope.
This all fits in well with Obama's stated reason for not wearing our flag pin: "I don't want to take sides"!  
Really?  And what sides would that be?
And his omission of saying "Under God" at every opportunity including his appearance at Gettysburg.
The Hope Was Fine – The Changes Have Been A Disaster!
But the Pravda Media continues to wrap a big flag around him -- too bad it's not OUR Flag!
It would be reasonable and prudent for Obama to read and reflect on Teddy Roosevelt's definition of what it means for an immigrant to become an American!
We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.


Saturday, July 25, 2015


The Clinton’s Problem With Intercourse

noun: intercourse
short for sexual intercourse
Bill’s Problem: “I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman”!
communication or dealings between individuals or groups.
interchange, communication, correspondence
Hillary’s Problem: “I did not send any classified Email’s from “MY” personal computer server”
The NSA reviewed 40 of Hillary’s Emails and determined that 4 of the 40 contained classified information at the time they were written and that data is still classified.
Four our of forty – that’s 10% isn’t it?  That’s not “none” is it?
She had processed 50,000 Emails on “HER” unprotected personal server.
Isn’t Ten percent of 50,000 about 5,000?  Sounds bigger than “none”!
Attorney General Loretta Lynch's Justice Department has been asked by two inspectors general to launch a probe of Hillary Clinton's handling of classified government information while using a private email account while she was secretary of state.
(apparently there's lots more to this than the Republicans and FoxNews)
The New York Times, which was the first to report the development, cited unnamed sources saying that the request was criminal in nature.
The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that a Justice Department official initially confirmed that a criminal investigation had been requested, but later reversed its position without comment.
Hillary says the documents she generated were not marked with any classification.
Of course not Stupid!  She never submitted the Emails to the proper group to be classified and marked!
Talk about insulting the intelligence of everyone who has any intelligence!
And how about Holder’s DOJ "NOT" calling this a criminal investigation!  The documents contain classified information and were not secured in accordance with federal regulations – that by definition is a criminal offense!
The standard security expression when I was in the Army was:
“Say the secret words and get 20 years”!

Friday, July 24, 2015


The Slavery Hypocrisy Of Connecticut Democrats

The slavery hypocrisy of some “Northerners” is astounding as loudly self-proclaimed by a group of Connecticut Yankee Democrats and their limited and selective knowledge of history and the role Connecticut played in that sad part of US and World History.
Who do these jerks think owned and manned the ships that went to Africa to buy, transport and then sell these poor people to the highest bidder?
Did these hypocrites not see "Amistad" and the role Connecticut played in that tragic reenactment.            
 I grew up in the mid-Hudson Valley of NY where there were many slave owners during the 1700’s and early 1800’s.  A slave woman from Old Hurley in Ulster County who became a famous abolitionist was Sojourner Truth.
There is a monument to her memory in front of the Ulster County Court House so that “Ulster County Northerners” will not forget the real history of slavery.
Democrats drop Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson names from annual fundraising dinner
Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are history in Connecticut.
Under pressure from the NAACP, the state Democratic Party will scrub the names of the two presidents from its annual fundraising dinner because of their ties to slavery.
Party leaders voted unanimously Wednesday night in Hartford to rename the Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner in the aftermath of last month’s fatal shooting of nine worshipers at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.
The decision is believed to be unprecedented and could prompt Democrats in other states with similarly named events to follow suit.
“I see it as the right thing to do,” Nick Balletto, the party’s first-year chairman, told Hearst Connecticut Media on Wednesday night.
“I wasn’t looking to be a trailblazer or set off a trend that’s going to affect the rest of the country. Hopefully, they’ll follow suit when they see it’s the right thing to do.”
Randall Beach: Remember that slavery was woven into Connecticut’s fabric
What Farrow had discovered, long hidden away in the library’s archives, was documented evidence of Connecticut’s deep ties to the profitable slave trade.
Three logbooks from ships that sailed out of New London in the mid-1700s.
The first ship was called the Africa. It was aptly named.
The crew was bound for West Africa to buy slaves and then sell them on England’s colonial islands in the Caribbean. Some of the “human cargo” probably stayed on board to be brought to Connecticut, where they were sold and owned by residents here.
The brutality of slavery and its pervasiveness in Connecticut is a dark, deeply troubling subject. It’s not something people want to hear about in “the Nutmeg State.
We like to delude ourselves into thinking slavery was “a Southern thing.”
Massachusetts was the first slave-holding colony in New England, though the exact beginning of black slavery in what became Massachusetts cannot be dated exactly. Slavery there is said to have predated the settlement of Massachusetts Bay colony in 1629, and circumstantial evidence gives a date of 1624-1629 for the first slaves. "Samuel Maverick, apparently New England's first slaveholder, arrived in Massachusetts in 1624 and, according to [John Gorham] Palfrey, owned two Negroes before John Winthrop, who later became governor of the colony, arrived in 1630."[1]
My ancestors were Vikings and they clearly were slaveholders, but in their defense, they took and held slaves of all colors, genders, religions, and nationalities.
To expand their current-day slavery protest these Connecticut Democrats should publish a list of all those in Connecticut who were involved in slavery and all of their relatives and descendants and then pay reparations to all the descendants of the slaves involved in this dastardly Yankee slave-trade and ownership.  Then they should stop using fuels from the North Sea of Norway and boycott Volvos from Sweden.
Would be a good start to clear their alleged conscience and far more meaningful than demeaning Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense, posturing, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, deceit, dishonesty, duplicity
For a more complete view of Connecticut's Slave Trading and Ownership:
Google: hartford ct courant slavery

Obama Says You're Safe In A "Gun Free Zone"


Pope, Obama, Hillary All Falling Out Of Favor

Roanoke Times, 7-22-2015: Popes approvals plunge
Roanoke Times, 7-24-2015:
Pg 2: Support for Obama Weak
Pg 7: Should Dems panic over Hillary’s drop in polls
Three Socialists in a leaking boat and it’s all because of those really bad Conservatives!
In spite of the best efforts of the Pravda Media (with special credits this week to Obama’s Virtual Press Secretary Jon Stewart) The American People are becoming ever more aware of the negative consequences of Socialism and it’s psychology of dependency that leads to economic decline and stagnation.
It’s difficult to realize that we have a population that doesn’t know that Democrat President Jack Kennedy highlighted these truths during his Presidency relative to the Soviet Union, China and Cuba.  Apparently most Americans were born since then and our education system is certainly not about to enlighten them!
Click for JFK’s speech at “The” wall: “Let Them Come To Berlin

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
 Winston Churchill
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

Margaret Thatcher

You Know We’re In BIG Trouble When The Lead Choices Are Trump And Sanders
You Know we’re in Really BIG Trouble when our abortion mills are selling baby parts to keep the mills running:

Thursday, July 23, 2015


You Know We’re In BIG Trouble When The Lead Choices Are Trump And Sanders

TeaParty-Trump and Marx-Sanders are leaders in the down-hill race to the White House!
This is the result of the disappointment and despair caused by six years of Obama’s Hope and Change that was advertised to bring us together with more life, liberty and happiness.  How sad for our people and our future.
The Obama Hope and Change has resulted in an America so polarized and divided that Martin O’Malley, a Democrat running for president, was harangued into an apology for saying that “ALL lives matter”!
Prez Candidate O'Malley Apologizes for saying 'Black Lives Matter ...White Lives Matter ..ALL Lives Matter'
Obama’s going on a homecoming trip to Kenya.  The focus of the trip is Obama lauding and promoting entrepreneurship! 
Obama and entrepreneurship -- Talk about a prime example of an oxymoron!
Great lecture material for a Chicago Community Organizer who has done more to degrade businesses and denigrate businessmen than any president in our history.
And who can forget Obama’s nasty tirade against business and business-people right here at Roanoke’s Fire House #1 with his: “You Didn’t Build That”!
Watch the video of Obama, watch the facial expressions, watch the body language listen to the words and draw your own conclusions:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts?

Latest  7-30-2015 News:
Call it 'research,' not 'business,' Planned Parenthood doc says in latest sting video
A Colorado Planned Parenthood doctor stresses calling the harvesting of fetal tissue "research" and not "business" -- and casually pokes around in a petri dish of aborted remains as a colleague exclaims, "Another boy!"

Did the Ghouls at Planned Parenthood Just Offer to Sell Body Parts of Aborted Babies? Read more at:
Second video shows a Planned Parenthood doctor haggling over price of fetal body parts
Planned Parenthood Performed 327,653 Abortions in 2013, Accepted $528 Million in Taxpayer Funds
Without regard to religion, morality or politics one has to be shocked by the volume of abortions, the methods used and the subsequent marketing of the harvested human remains.
Clearly, the name Planned Parenthood has proved to be a gross oxymoron!
The only socially redeemable element in this morbid and gross organization and their processes is that perhaps someone somewhere was successful in doing constructive medical research with the fruits of this incredibly bitter tree.
Calls for investigations to determine the morality and legality of these activities as well as the use of taxpayer money to support them are well founded and should be conducted in a timely manner.
New White House News:  Every Thing Is OK!
Obama Spokesman on Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts: They Say They’re “Ethical”
President Barack Obama’s top spokesman today defended the Planned Parenthood abortion business after a shocking new expose’ video caught Planned Parenthood’s top doctor describing how the abortion business sells the body parts of aborted babies.
Liberal Democrats : Don’t Show Us Videos We Don’t Want To See!
As a stark contrast to this disturbing situation, one might note that state law prohibits selling any part or portion of any deer or any other harvested game animal.

Monday, July 20, 2015


Obama Pries Guns Out Of Charlton Heston’s Cold Hands

Charlton Heston; From My Cold Dead Hands.
Gift your guns or sell your guns before you go on Social Security and Medicare.
If you don’t divest your guns yourself, Obama may confiscate your guns.
To add insult to injury, the Obama Anti-Gun Process Makes Your Doctor Your Nemesis (adversary).
Roanoke Times, 7-20-2015, Pg 1, 6: Obama’s gun control push could affect millions of Social Security recipients.
If you are on Medicare (Social Security), your next visit to “your” doctor will include a test (sometimes quite subtle) that delves into your memory, level of anxiety, thoughts about “ending it all”, your mental alertness, your financial processes and your gun ownership.
This information is obtained by “your” doctor who has now become an agent of Obama’s medical-intelligence organization.  The data will be retained in your digital files and available to the Obama administration so that they can dispatch agents to your home to confiscate your guns.
A confiscation process similar to this is already underway in some states pursuant to the death of a gun owner.  The state government gets reports  from the corner that you have died and then uses that data to confiscate your guns from your home.
Apparently your spouse or significant other is deemed to be a risk to society even though they have had access to your guns during your lifetime.  They should by definition be included in the 2nd amendment safeguards and clearly should have “the right” to legally dispose of your guns as they see fit, as they may legally do with all your other possessions.
The Hope was a good thing – The Change is a Disaster!

Trump Over The Top And Outside The Mainstream

Trump’s statements about “most” of the Illegal Immigrants being bad people was totally over the top, however, it resonated with a lot of people, including many TeaParty folks, who are disgusted that this issue is not being properly managed by our administration.
The latest example of this malfeasance was the murder of Kate Steinle by an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times for serious crimes.
It’s noteworthy to point out that Obama has chosen to remain mute on this immigration case although he has spoken at length about the police cases in Ferguson, NYC and Baltimore.  Apparently, it matters “whose life matters”.
The TeaParty Leadership was very instrumental in Trump’s impressive presidential launch and poll ratings.
Conservative Tribune Tuesday, July 14th, 2015
BREAKING: The Tea Party Just Sent a HUGE Message to Donald Trump
With the help of the tea party, Trump’s poll numbers have spiked in the first half of July to 13 percent. Only Jeb Bush’s 15 percent is higher.
However, The Donald is a “bull in a china shop” and inadvertently slammed a major TeaParty Player.
Mother Jones     By Russ Choma   | Wed Jun. 17, 2015
Donald Trump Just Seriously Burned a Top Tea Party Group
The just-announced GOP candidate says Club For Growth hates him because he wouldn't pony up a million bucks.
Trump’s personal and vicious attacks upon John McCain are so far Over The Top And Outside The Mainstream that even the most ardent TeaParty Leader will have difficulty overlooking such an egregious attack from one that hasn’t served himself.
The Arizona TeaParty Leadership has targeted McCain for elimination and is running Congressman Matt Salmon against him, however, they will have a very difficult time trying to justify Trump’s outrageous attack against McCain.
Politico    By Ben Schreckinger   7/18/15
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'
McCain, a former Navy pilot, spent roughly five-and-half years in a notorious North Vietnamese prison known as the “Hanoi Hilton,” where he was repeatedly tortured. He spent two of those years in solitary confinement.
Defiant Trump refuses to apologize to McCain


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