The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, October 31, 2015


Obama Sending Troops to Syria – Really?

Roanoke Times, 10-31-2015, Pg 1, 7: US involvement in Syria escalated
Obama’s Syria Strategy – In his own words “he doesn’t have any”.
So let’s continue to hem and haw and wring our hands as Putin and Iran take over the country and impose their brand of reality on those who remain.
Let’s send in 50 Special Ops. Soldiers to work with those who are supposedly with us, the folks that Putin’s planes are bombing every day!
What could possibly go wrong with that plan?
If Obama were an Oncologist he would talk and walk you down the road until you were Stage-4, then he would commiserate with you on how bad your situation is and that at this late stage he can’t do anything for you and he’s so sorry for you!
Just More Hope And Change We Can Believe In!
Obama In Full Retreat From Syria

Pravda Media Embraces And Coddles Clinton’s Emails

Roanoke Times,  10-31-2015, Pg 1, 6:  Emails show breadth of Clinton’s network: features celebrities, donors and politicos, along with everyday matters and sleepless nights.
Ah Yes!  It’s all innocuous and friendly and fun stuff!  Really?
A State Department spokesman said the latest batch of 7,000 Emails contains 200-300 emails with information that has since been deemed classified.
These classified emails are in-addition-to the emails through September that now total more than 400, with three of the 215 newly classified documents marked as SECRET  --- that’s a total of over 700!

All this national security material on a home-made toilet closet server in total disregard with national security standards and the intense and successful hacking by our enemies!
That's why there's an FBI investigation of this malfeasance!
And the Pravda Media smiles and alibis’ like dysfunctional parents when confronted with Juniors nasty behaviors!
What a sad sack of minions who perform a major disservice to the American People and to their profession.
Their mantra: nothing must interfere with Hillary's Coronation!
Clinton Aides And Pravda Media Declare Hillary “In The Clear”

Hillary Slow! Really? How About Challenged?
Hillary A Felon: Unsecured Top Secret Emails At Home
Hillary Double Flushes Her Toilet Server

Friday, October 30, 2015


Progressive Liberal Girls Mocking Carly Fiorina

Talk about the “war on women”
Talk about promoting “sexism”
Talk about being totally “politically incorrect”
Talk about being really "nasty girls"
All this wrapped up in “The View” berating and demeaning Carly Fiorina's appearance!
'The View' attacks Fiorina's 'demented' looks
OK!  You girls want to play that nasty card!   Let’s play that card!
Who’s that beauty on the left on “The View”
Who’s their Idol   --- Talk about a "demented look:
Who’s their Girl in Congress
Let’s Compare “The Decoupage
Now Let’s Compare all these left-wing Liberal “beauties” to Carly
And Then Let’s Take a Real Good Look at “The FoxNews Ladies”
Click on link – sound ON – full screen
The Girls On Fox News Song --- Beauty AND Brains!
Perhaps the Left-wing Progressive Liberal Girls Should Be More Respectful of Republican Women!

ClimateGate 4.0

'Come clean': Rep battles agency over subpoena for climate study records
The Republican head of the House science committee is fighting to obtain documents from the Obama administration on a controversial global warming study, as the agency that produced it locks down internal records despite a subpoena. 
The report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claims to refute prior studies showing the rate of global warming had flattened in recent decades. 
Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, a global warming skeptic who questioned the data, issued a subpoena on Oct. 13 for the agency to "compel production of documents and communications relating to adjustments of historical temperature data." 
Jon Stewart’s description of ClimateGate is required watching for all because we-all are being adversely impacted by the inconvenient-untruths about man-made climate change.
“The Daily Show” with anchor-man Jon Stewart.

ClimateGate 3.0  UVA And The Liberal Media’s FOIA Hypocrisy
ClimateGate 2.0
Yet another batch of Alarmist Emails that further erode the public’s view of the pseudo-scientists promoting the Gore and Socialist agendas.
ClimateGate 1.0 - It’s NOT the Man-made CO2
24 States sue over new EPA air regulations
The False Prophets Of Climate Change Exposed Again
ClimateGate Heats Up Into GlacierGate
RT, 10-29-2015, Commentary: Virginia energy, Washington Rates

CNBC The Personification Of The Pravda Media

The CNBC “Debate”
 “RUBIO: OK. I know the Democrats have the ultimate Super PAC. It's called the mainstream media who every single day. And I'll tell you why. Last week, Hillary Clinton went before a committee. She admitted she had sent e-mails to her family saying, "Hey, this attack at Benghazi was caused by Al Qaida-like elements."
She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video.
And yet the mainstream media is going around saying it was the greatest week in Hillary Clinton's campaign. It was the week she got exposed as a liar. It was the week that she got exposed as a liar... 
But she has her super PAC helping her out, the American mainstream media.”
If there is anyone who has doubted that the Mainstream Media is in fact a propaganda arm of the DNC and the Obama Administration, they should have had their eyes opened during the so-called CNBC Debate.
Not since Stalin’s Pravda has the media been so totally enveloped in supporting and aiding and abetting a partisan government entity with their mantra to: accent the positive and eliminate the negative!
The concept of the Fourth Estate has been totally lost on these partisan minions.
Physician Heal Thyself,_heal_thyself
Reflections On The Democrat CNN Hillary LoveFest

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Andy Parker And Bill Stanley Collide

Andy Parker, father of the murdered WDBJ news-lady, Alison Parker, has become a gun-restrictions media personality.
McAuliffe, Kaine, Warner join Andy Parker at Capitol Hill gun control rally:
Andy Parker is not new to the political-media, having a significant background in Democrat politics.  He served on the Martinsville Council and ran for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates, well prior to his daughter’s tragedy.
Apparently, he has thrust himself into the current political campaign by making some very “provocative” statements in the “social media” to several candidates running for public office.
It’s not clear how this will help his gun-control agenda, nor is it clear how this will help or detract from the political fortunes of those he has “targeted”.
Clearly, his daughter’s killer had major mental problems that should be the primary focus of this “cause-effect” tragedy just as Delegate Craig Deeds son’s attack upon him with a knife was a mental health tragedy.
Smith Mountain Lake Virginia In Mourning And Reflection
Deeds And The Mental Health Dilemma
Senator Bill Stanley has reacted by filing a formal complaint with police claiming he was “threatened”.
Based on the alleged comment; It’s not clear if that is a reasonable and prudent action or how it may relate to the election that is only five days away.
Perhaps both Parker and Stanley need to stop, take a deep breath and deescalate this situation in the best interests of Virginian Gentlemen's civility.
Former (Martinsville) BOS member  (Andy Parker)  “discloses” plans to run again
Although there has been no official release, the Martinsville Bulletin is reporting that “it was disclosed Friday” that Andy Parker will seek election to the Reed Creek District seat on the Henry County Board of Supervisors. Incumbent Tommy Slaughter says he’s undecided about seeking another term, but is leaning that way. Parker, who is 61, won the seat in 2003 against Slaughter and then incumbent Mike Seidle.
Parker served one term and then failed in a bid for the Virginia House of Delegates 16th District again Don Merricks.
Andy Parker ends supervisors campaign to focus on gun control
MARTINSVILLE — Andy Parker, the father of slain WDBJ (Channel 7) journalist Alison Parker, announced Thursday he was dropping out of the race to regain a seat on the Henry County Board of Supervisors to focus on his campaign for gun control legislation.
Sen. Bill Stanley reports threat by gun-control advocate Andy Parker
State Sen. Bill Stanley on Wednesday told police that he had been threatened by Andy Parker, the father of the Roanoke reporter fatally shot on live TV in August.
A portion of the alleged threat included:
“I’m going to be your worst nightmare you little bastard.”
'Man up,' McAuliffe says to state senator who reported threat from slain WDBJ journalist's father

Obama Searching For Terrorism Connections Without Success

Obama -- look here:

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

The Underwear Bomber was a Muslim

The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims

The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims

The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims
The Sept 11th 2011 Benghazi Libya Terrorists were Muslims
Source unknown but very insightful!
Professor Obama And The Forgotten Harvard Class On The Crusades
Obama’s Reality Issues With Radical Muslim Terrorists

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Shopping For A Transgender Friendly Judge

Roanoke Times, 10-23-2015, Pg Va 3:  New Judge sought for transgender student’s case.  Attorneys say judge referenced the transgender student’s “mental disorder”
Case involves a student who has female parts but wants to use the boys bathrooms and objects to using available unisex bathrooms.
The Editors of The Roanoke Times, The NOW Girls and the ACLU Team are so enamored with people who have sexual-identity issues that almost every week we are treated to yet another expose on yet another case they have found to champion.
This is not trivial pursuit!   In both Massachusetts and California by state law any student can use any bathroom at any time and it’s a violation of state law for anyone to object or impede them in any way.  Who would have thought it would come to this?
Certainly should negate any laws that relate to “exposing one’s self” shouldn’t it!
At any rate, the lawyers for this profoundly confused student, are out shopping for a transgender friendly judge.  Clearly, they will find some, even here in Virginia where we still have some “Old Testament Laws” on the books.
If they have difficulty finding their Friendly Judge in Virginia, they might try to import Detroit’s US District Court Judge Anne Diggs Taylor:
Guys, next time you’re in the Roanoke Times Editors Area, make it a point to use the “ladies room”  --- that is if they still have one.
Justice Dept. sides with transgender student, says Virginia bathroom policy is illegal
TransGender Virginia Girls Coming To A Boys Room Near You
Public School Bathrooms: Boys, Girls, Whoever
Make Way for Transgender High Schools
Bruce-Caitlyn Jenner:  Progressives And Liberals Promoting “Whatever Sex”

UN Says Hot Dogs Will Kill You

Roanoke Times, 10-27-2015, Pg 1, 5, 6: UN agency links hot dogs, bacon, other processed meats to cancer; evaluated studies from several continents.
The first two letters of this report raises loud alarm bells – to wit “UN”.
Yet another study that alleges to have scientifically shown a “cause vs. effect” relationship between certain meat products and cancer.
Apparently it’s not a “cause vs. effect” scientific study but yet another statistical analysis showing some very very weak correlations.
In the fine print of page 5: “there’s a confirmed link to cancer.  And even then, the risk is small.”
This is cause for a major announcement by the UN and major multiple page spread in “newspapers” with great graphic of a hotdog on page 1?
The first chapter of every statistics textbook advises statistical wizards that: Correlation does not prove Causation!
"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts...
 for support rather than illumination." - Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
In fact one might be surprised at the “very very weak correlation” in this report.  Many people have concerns about the additives in some processed foods with many suffering allergic reactions to the nitrates and MSG and other preservatives.
These preservatives prolong the shelf-life of some foods, reduces risk of food diseases and reduces the spoilage of and loss of foods.  These are all important attributes when feeding the world’s exploding populations, many with very minimal refrigeration or safe food storage facilities and least able to suffer food poisoning or spoilage.
Perhaps a conspiracy sleuth may read into this report an AGW-Alarmist subliminal message that raising animals for food is a bad thing because flatulation-methane is destroying the climate.  Let’s stop the bovine and swine agriculture and just grow chickens and soybeans.
A biological view: our eyes are close together and in front of our heads and we have upper and lower teeth and canines’.  Apparently, tens of thousands of years of evolution caused us to be “meat-eaters”, not grazers!  You think?
Much improved picture of hotdog vs. RT pg 1:

Another Dubious So Called Study
New Study: Obese Is Good; Old Study: Obese Is Bad
Promoting Faulty Cause And Effect Data
Mendenhall Glacier Retreat And Natural Global Warming

Monday, October 26, 2015


US Military Challenges To Restrictions On Open Access

Yet another Putin challenge to Obama and US:
Russian warplanes buzz USS Ronald Reagan
Two Russian warplanes flew within one mile of the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, forcing the U.S. Navy to launch four fighter jets in response Tuesday, a Navy spokesman told Fox News
US Navy to send warship near disputed islands claimed by China
The U.S. Navy plans to send a ship to within 12 nautical miles of disputed islands in the South China Sea, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News -- in an apparent challenge to Beijing's territorial claims. 
China warns US after Navy ship passes disputed islands claimed by Beijing
China's Foreign Ministry reacted angrily Tuesday after a U.S. Navy ship passed within 12 nautical miles of disputed islands in the South China Sea late Monday in an apparent challenge to Beijing's territorial claims in the region
It seems like yesterday that I was an Artillery Officer in V-Corps in Germany during a major action by JFK sending a military unit up the Autobahn  from West Germany to Berlin to challenge the Soviet and East German closing of this major ground link into Berlin.
Weeks before the wall went up I had taken the train into Berlin and observed the massing of enemy East-Block troops and armor all along the route. 
Clearly, this was a major game of poker – and JFK went for the "raise you and see you" option!
The U. S. Military Response to the 1960 - 1962 Berlin Crisis
Dr. Donald A. Carter   The U. S. Army Center of Military History
Around midnight on 18 August 1961, General Clarke alerted the force that would conduct the probe, the 1st Battle Group, 18th Infantry, 8th Infantry Division. In order to meet the time schedule established by the president, he issued orders directly to the battle group commander, Colonel Glover S. Johns Jr. At 0530 the next day, Johns’ force moved out of its home station at Coleman Barracks, Mannheim, Germany, and proceeded to a bivouac area near the American checkpoint at Helmstedt. Promptly at 0630, one day later, the first set of vehicles stopped at the Soviet checkpoint at Marienborn, where the autobahn entered East Germany. Although the Soviet guards raised perfunctory challenges, that initial convoy, followed by the rest of the battle group, cleared the checkpoint in a short time and made a triumphant entry into West Berlin that afternoon. In full battle gear, the troops paraded through the center of the city to be reviewed by Vice President Johnson and General Clay.
25th Anniversary Demise Of Berlin Wall And Soviet Domination
Berlin Wall, JFK, Reagan, Obama

NYPD Cop KIA – Judge Sorry – But In-sync With De Blazio And Obama

Latest News:  Obama Releases 6,000 Drug Felons
Judicial and executive decisions have consequences, some are life and death!
Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Patricia Nuñez, clearly a judge in harmony with the views of NYC Mayor De Blazio and Obama, freed Tyrone Howard despite a history of three felony sale convictions and the urging of prosecutors in the drug case.  Tyrone subsequently shot and killed NYPD Officer Randolph Holder.
Man accused of killing cop 'shouldn't have been on our streets'
It began when officer Randolph Holder responded to a "shots fired" call around 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday night. It ended, police say, 13 minutes later when a career criminal fired a bullet that entered Holder's forehead and left him dead on an East Harlem street.
The Judge is clearly in-sync with Obama who is busy releasing 6,000 drug-felons from prison, as we write!
The Judge who signed off on treatment deal for suspected cop killer says she is ‘truly sorry’
One of the New York judges who helped send a suspected cop killer to rehab instead of jail five months ago said Friday that the deadly shooting "breaks her heart" and that she is "truly sorry."
This action is also consistent with the Sanctuary City Democrats who defy federal law and hide illegal-immigrant-criminals from the federal ICE justice system:
U.S. Senate Blocks Sanctuary City Bill
With a vote of 54-45, the US Senate Democrats killed the Sanctuary City Bill to force US Cities to cooperate with the Federal Government to hold criminal-illegal-immigrants for ICE.
The bill, S.2146, failed a procedural vote. The measure would have stripped federal funding for cities and other communities that do not honor requests from immigration officials to hold criminal illegal aliens in their jails
Kate Steinle was killed by an illegal-immigrant-criminal in the sanctuary city of San Francisco.  That city bears the full responsibility for not having the killer in custody but they continue with their Sanctuary policy backed-up by Democrat Councilmen.
What If Kate Steinle Worked At The Roanoke Times?
Obama Disrespecting Our Police Again
Police Facing: Raging Bulls, Maniacs, Sharptonites And Vile Politicians
NYC Mayor deBlasio Reappoints Anti-Police Judge

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Hurricane Patricia Not The Disaster The AGW Alarmists Can Exploit

Roanoke Times, 10-25-2015, Pg 6: Mexico, Patricia inflicts little damage
Hurricane Patricia designated by the weather wizards as the “strongest hurricane ever recorded” hit Mexico’s Pacific coast in a low population density area and then quickly fizzled when it hit a major mountain range.
Several points come to mind:
There haven’t been “records” kept for very long, so stating the “biggest ever” is not a very compelling statement from an earth science perspective.
It’s only very recent “history” that airplanes have been flying through the “eye of the storm” to record the data that is being espoused as “biggest ever”.
Had Patricia hit a “target rich environment” CNN and friends would have had a field-day telling us about the disasters of man-made CO2 and AGW.
Better bad luck next time!
The False Prophets Of Climate Change Exposed Again
More Manmade Global Warming AGW Hot Air
A Tale Of Two Cities: Sandy And Katrina

Obama’s Clock Boy Going To His Shariah Home

Update to the Obama Clock-Boy saga:
If You See Something, Say Something, Unless It Involves Muslims
Alarm bell: Texas' 'Clock Boy' may not enjoy time in Qatar
“The Texas teen who set off a firestorm by bringing a re-assembled clock to his Dallas-area school, then announced through his family plans to leave the country they accuse of anti-Islamic bigotry, may not find his new digs in Qatar so nice, either.
Ahmed Mohamed, who earned the nickname “Clock Boy” as well as a White House invitation from President Obama, is headed to the Gulf nation, where he has been given a scholarship at the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. The 14-year-old’s family announced they will accompany him to the new home, which is a world away from Texas – in more ways than one.
“Qatar has harsh Shariah law - stoning for apostasy, lashing for alcohol, death penalty for homosexuality - and is an absolute monarchy without even a shred of democracy,” Tim Furnish, who holds a doctorate in Islamic Studies and served as an Arabic linguist in the U.S. Army, told “The analogy between Texas and Qatar is the heat. Ahmed should be careful about what he wishes for.”
The “clock” that was taken into a public school, that the Liberal Media never published but tried to make into a Islamic Phobia incident, looked like this:
If this “device” showed up, unanticipated, in any “newsroom” in the country the building would have been evacuated immediately and the “news people” would not be trying to make a political-social point out of a disturbing incident!
This is how the Secret Service, US Military and Home Land Security looks at a "clock" like this:
A portable X-ray generator and a portable flat panel detector are used to inspect a suspicious carrying case
The Clock: If You See Something, Say Something



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