The RoanokeSlant

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Friday, January 22, 2016


Earth’s Hottest Year! Really?

New News Man-caused Global Warming AGW -- 2-6-2016
300 Scientists Warn Congress of NOAA “Global Warming” Fraud
"300 scientists sent a letter to lawmakers Thursday warning National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists may have violated federal laws when they published a 2015 study purporting to eliminate the 15-year “hiatus” in global warming from the temperature record.
“We, the undersigned, scientists, engineers, economists and others, who have looked carefully into the effects of carbon dioxide released by human activities, wish to record our support for the efforts of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology to ensure that federal agencies complied with federal guidelines that implemented the Data Quality Act,” some 300 scientists, engineers and other experts wrote to Chairman of the House Science Committee, Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith.
“In our opinion… NOAA has failed to observe the OMB [Office of Management and Budget] (and its own) guidelines, established in relation to the Data Quality Act.”
The Data Quality Act requires federal agencies like NOAA to “ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information, including statistical information.”"
Roanoke Times, 1-21-2016, Pg 7:  Headline: Last year was Earth’s hottest by a wide margin.
SubHeadline: “Federal meteorologists” announce that 2015 was the hottest in 136 years of record keeping
NOAA published some very interesting data to support their claim of “it’s really hot” and it’s your fault for generating CO2 by burning fossil fuels!
NASA was not so supportive to the big numbers NOAA espoused.
It’s of interest that the subtitle dropped from “earth’s hottest” to “hottest in 136 years”.
After all, 136 years is less than the wink of any eye in earth’s history.
The 136 years relates to the fact that thermometers came into general use circa 1895, circa the time my parents were born.  Not clear that there was reasonable world-wide temperatures being measured to a decimal-degree for many years after that.  Even now, there are only 1500 thermometer-stations in the entire world.
Going to the NOAA website is very interesting.  The available graphics published on their website through 2000 doesn’t come even close to the claims in their current press release.  Why is that?
Looking at their graphic of temperature since the birth of Christ shows:
The Jones-Mann chart: temperature is up: 0.3 degrees
The Moburg chart: temperature is up: 1.0 degree
The Osborne chart: (+/- 1 degree) a major variability in global temperature
The NASA graph-C shows no significant increase in temperature since 1998.
The NASA graph-A shows one degree warming since 1880.
Where is all this Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt FUD coming from, and to what end?
Totally ignored from all this FUD is the natural variability of earth’s temperature and climate both around the globe as well as over time.
What caused the Medieval Warm Period (1000 – 1250)?
What caused it to be overrun by The Little Ice Age” ((1650 – 1750)?
What caused that to be overrun by the “Current Moderate Age” circa the American Revolution 1775, a mere 240 years ago – something about a “wink of an eye”?  
These major changes in climate, over a short time-frame, highlight the natural variability of our world.
Given that there has been one-degree warming over the recent 250-years, the question remains: what is the cause-effect of that one-degree?
Is it simply earth's repeating natural variations (+/- one-degree per Osborn graph)?
Given the significant increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1950, the NASA graph of no significant change in past 18-years calls into serious question the Gore-Mann Hypothesis that CO2 is resulting in massive increases in global temperature.
The so-called modeling of earth's temperature has been falsified by the NASA graph of the past 18-years.
All this is why there are so many AGW-skeptics (who are not on the government dole).
Man-kind may well be influencing the environment.  The explosion of the world’s population by 25% since 1997 is something to behold and reckoned with!
Exploiting Nature’s Variability For Political And Personal Purposes
The community of climate scientists has lost a special member. Dr. Robert M. Carter
"Bob was the very embodiment of the “happy warrior” in the global warming debate. He was a scholar’s scholar, with impeccable credentials (including a Ph.D. from Cambridge), careful attention to detail, and a deep understanding of and commitment to the scientific method"
It would be very appropriate for all to read each of the TRIBUTES TO BOB CARTER in the article:
Focus on who each of these scientists are, their credentials and their description of Dr. Carter's contribution to science and the resultant "slings and arrows" he endured for not substituting "consensus" for the scientific method.
Al Gore Calls Man-made Global Warming Skeptics Racist

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