The RoanokeSlant

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Saturday, April 23, 2016


McAuliffe Plays The Voting Race Card With Felons

5-2-2016 News on McAuliffe's "felony voting pardons" for Hillary
Virginia GOP lawmakers to sue over felons' voting rights
GOP lawmakers argue the governor has overstepped his constitutional authority with a clear political ploy designed to help his friend and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton get votes in the important swing state of Virginia this fall.
Roanoke Times, 4-23-2016, Pg 1, 4: Voting rights restored to (206,000) ex-felons

Just in time "felony voting pardons” for Hillary’s election to POTUS!

The RT-Richmond Times-Dispatch article avoided printing the gross racist McAuliffe statements that this action was to “atone for Virginia’s racist actions relative to Black people”:

Apparently it’s OK with the Black Lives Matter group to publically state that most of the felons in Virginia are Black.  Imagine if a Republican Governor had made that racial declaration.

As Governor, McAuliffe should not be following Obama’s race-baiting and racial-divisive rhetoric.
Good or Bad: Doesn’t this policy apply to all felons?

Was Doug Wilder not the first Black Governor elected in Virginia also the first Black Governor elected in the US in 1990?  Was that Racist?

Did Virginian’s not vote to elect Obama as President – Twice?  Was that Racist?

Where are McAuliffe’s facts to support his racist declaration that it’s White Racism that has incarcerated Blacks for felonies for which they have been convicted?

How is McAuliffe and the scores of other Democrat elected officials helping the Black community to improve their family units and job opportunities so that their young men do not become felons in the first place?
Bill Clinton Finally Confronts Black Lives Matter BLM Hypocrites
Apparently Black Lives Don’t Matter In Chicago
Obama-McAuliffe Aids And Abets Rockbridge County’s Hiring Director With Criminal Past
Message From:  Rob Bell    Delegate, 58th District 

On Friday, Governor McAuliffe signed an executive order to restore the civil rights (to vote or sit on a jury) to every convicted felon who has finished his sentence and probation.  This blanket restoration would apply automatically to all, including Virginia’s most violent offenders.

Of course, Virginia already has a process for Governors to restore a felon's civil rights.  This is done on a case-by-case basis, and in recent years thousands of offenders – most of them nonviolent
have had their rights restored this way.

However, no prior Governor has announced a blanket restoration that applies for all felonies.  By lumping all offenders together, McAuliffe allows no consideration of:

(1) the seriousness of the offense, including the injuries or death of the victim,
(2) whether the felon has paid his victim’s medical bills,
(3) whether the offender committed multiple offenses, or
(4) whether the felon has committed new offenses since his release.

Far from determining that the felon has “paid his debt to society,” McAuliffe’s order doesn’t even ensure that the felon has paid his debt to the crime victim.  He makes no effort to determine whether Virginia’s most violent and dangerous criminals – many of them repeat offenders  have changed their ways.  And in addition to voting, those previously convicted of crimes – including rapists, robbers, and child pornographers – will be eligible to sit on juries hearing similar cases.

McAuliffe's order literally treats an unrepentant murderer the same as a serial shoplifter.

In addition, because it is blanket restoration the executive order is subject to constitutional challenge.  Legal teams for Governor Kaine and Governor McDonnell looked at such an order and concluded that under the Virginia Constitution, any restoration had to be done on a case-by-case basis.  Governor Kaine’s lawyer himself stated that a blanket restoration “would be a rewrite of the law rather than a contemplated use of the executive clemency powers. And, the notion that the Constitution of the Commonwealth could be rewritten via executive order is troubling.”  You can read the legal opinions
here and here.

Given these consistent legal opinions, we are already reviewing legal options to get the order before a court for a ruling on its constitutionality. In the meantime, please e-mail the Governor.  Tell him that you don’t think violent felons should serve on criminal juries.  Tell him to follow the Constitution.  


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