The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


John Kerry To Media: Give American’s The Mushroom Treatment

John Kerry: You Media People Should Stop Reporting on Terrorism So People Don't Know What's Going On
Speaking from Bangladesh Tuesday morning, Secretary of State John Kerry suggested members of the media stop covering (Islamic) terrorism so people won't "know what's going on." 
Obama’s Sec. of State telling Fox News (clearly he wasn’t talking to the Pravda Media) that the American people should get the mushroom treatment on Radical Muslim Terrorist Attacks.
(keep them in the dark and feed them lots of heifer-dust)
Have there ever been such a band of losers running our Government as Obama and his minions?
Just More Hope and Change We Can Depend On!


Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Homesick For Chicago

At The Villages in Florida last week, there was a bumper sticker on a parked car that read:
"I miss Chicago."

Someone broke the window, stole the radio, shot out all four of the tires, added an Obama bumper sticker and left a note that read:

"Hope this helps"

Source unknown but very insightful
Chicago homicides hit 20-year high
Chicago police said Thursday that 90 people were killed last month, a 66 percent increase over August 2015. There were 472 shooting victims — an average of more than 15 people per day



Time For Solar To Shine On Its Own Two-feet

Roanoke Times, 8-30-2016, Pg 6:  1st community solar project BARC lights up
Lexington cooperative sold out before it began producing electricity for 212 homes and businesses.
Nevada starts to pull the plug on solar subsidies
Nevada Solar Power Business Struggles To Keep The Lights On
Taxpayers and electric ratepayers are starting to challenge the subsidies being enjoyed by the solar energy industry and solar electricity suppliers.
These subsidies include the Obama Solyndra debacle at the panel level;
and include all aspects of the solar systems components, installation and electric rates.
Of particular current interest is the effect of “net metering” in which solar system owners can sell their “excess solar electricity” (at that point they are suppliers) back to the “grid” for the utility’s “retail price”.
Utilities do not buy electricity at the “retail price” from suppliers; they buy a much lower “supplier’s wholesale price”.
The solar panel owners who use “net metering” are electricity suppliers and therefore should be paid at the “supplier’s price” for their product.
The result is that solar owners are being subsidized by all the other customer-ratepayers.
A recent example of this situation is Amazon’s massive solar system in Virginia
Compounding these issues is the fact that these electric energy producing facilities do not produce power during low-sunlight conditions; therefore, they are dependent upon the “grid” that is primarily supported by the other customers which is an additional subsidizing of the solar electricity suppliers.
The Subsidizing Summary:
·       Taxpayer money “given” to every aspect of the solar industry
·       Solar electricity suppliers being paid retail instead of wholesale
·       Solar electricity suppliers getting free ride on the “grid” overhead costs
·       Solar energy generation is indeed “green sustainable energy”.
·       It is long overdue for that industry to stand on its own merits
·       Solar electric energy suppliers should not be subsidized by other customers and taxpayers
·       The real cost-benefit of solar is best demonstrated by “off-grid” systems where significant energy storage and supplemental energy supplies are required for 24/7/365 service.
Hail Helios, Hail Yes.
Solar City’s problems
Solar Manufacturers Could Face Rough Road Ahead

Monday, August 29, 2016


Real Americans Stand In Respect While The Privileged Quarterback Sits In Disrespect

Colin Kaepernick Sat During National Anthem to Protest America's 'Oppression'
49ers QB Colin Kaepernick sits down during the national anthem:
'I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people'
This arrogant, self-centered, misdirected person is simply acting out Obama’s behaviors, statements and actions including refusal to wear an American Flag pin because “he didn’t want to take sides” and his direct support for nasty racists like Sharpton and violent people including The Black Lives Matter Gang.
Let Kaepernick sit in disrespect of all those who have given so much for this country, for all our people and for him so that our flag may wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave.
The opening 49ers game is on September 11th, a day that lives in infamy, that he says he will also disrespect.  How sad is that!
Perhaps someday he could become productive and positive and spend time with the youths in the ghettos of Chicago where it’s clear that to many blacks, black lives don’t matter as was clearly played out again in the murder of NBAs Dwyane Wade's cousin as she pushed a baby in a stroller this week.
Two Chicago brothers on parole charged in murder of NBA star's cousin
Just another example of Obama’s Racial Legacy.
In retrospect: perhaps his mother misspelled his name; should have been "colon" not colin

It is alleged that Colon’s woman is hip-hop radio personality DJ Nessa Diab.She's a Berkeley grad, a very dogmatic outspoken Black Lives Matter advocate and a Muslim. She and Colon Kaepernick are engaged, and Kaepernick converted to Islam during the off season.
IF true -- explains a lot!
WSJ:  Jason Riley: Violent young men, not cops, are the problem
Fox's Hume: Obama "Has Consistently Chosen To See Things Through The Eyes Of An Aggrieved Black Activist"
FoxNews: Bill O’Reilly:  President Obama and race


Solid Thinking Comes Out Of The University Of Chicago!

University to Freshmen: Don’t Expect Safe Spaces or Trigger Warnings
What a breath of Fresh American Air!
Something about the 2nd Amendment!
How soon will all our schools adopt this policy?
Politically Correct Police Run Amok At Hampden-Sydney College
Hollins President Crashes Into Black Politically-Incorrect Wall
The Inquisition And Lynching Of Roanoke Mayor David Bowers
Microsoft Enforces Political Correctness
NPR Cans Juan Williams and Free and Open Speech


Sunday, August 28, 2016


It’s Not The Ransom, It’s Not The Cash, It’s The Obama Lies Stupid

Roanoke Times, 8-28-2016, Pg 3, AP:  Little precedent for $400 MILLION payment.
The White House said it was not unusual (for a $440 MILLION cash payment to another country), experts did not know of a similar instance.
What nice kind words by “the AP Pravda Media experts” to describe Obama’s DECEPTION AND LIES!
Obama Says Ransom To Iran “Is” Not Really A Ransom
It all depends on what your definition of “is” is!
Watch Obama Lie real-time through his teeth to the public and families of hostages: we do not pay ransom for hostages because it would place American's in harms way.
It WAS RANSOM!   US Iranian Hostage Says Iran Would Not Let Plane Leave Until Ransom Plane Arrived
Obama Administration Finally Admits $400M To Iran Was Ransom For Hostages
Obama then LIED that the $400 MILLION to Iran had to be cash because he had no way of doing a “wire transfer” to Iran
(the way many pay bills via the banking internet)
Three Days Later Obama did a series of “wire transfers” of $1.7 BILLION to Iran.
(apparently Hillary got her server up and running again!)
U.S. Payment of $1.7 Billion to Iran Raises Questions of Ransom
What a pathetic and sinister government we have!
Makes the WaterGate fiasco look like child’s play!
The Pravda Media’s Response:  Move Along Folks – Nothing to See Here!


New Folks Cleaning Up The Mess Left By The Old Roanoke Folks

Roanoke Times, 8-28-2016, Pg 1, 3: Major Article with great pictures of: Deschutes Brewery Execs. helping to clean-up Tinker Creek.
“Deschutes Brewery officials came up with the stream clean-up proposal and approached Roanoke officials.”
Exactly how embarrassing is this scenario?
Executives from a Brewery Company that hasn’t even moved here yet, spearheading an effort to clean-up one of Roanoke’s streams.
Where have all the Roanoke Sierra Club folks and their Green and Sustainable Buds been all this time?
Apparently they were waiting for some new out-of-towners to show up and cajole them into action.
This isn’t near as much fun as picketing or protesting or disrupting.
Might be a good idea for Roanoke to extend their street maintenance programs to include their streams.
It’s not clear what the residents of Roanoke think about stream clean-up, but clearly the folk’s down-stream appreciate the effort and the results.
Thank You Deschutes People and all others who helped! 
We down-streamers appreciate your good work!
 Roanoke Times Hiding From The Environmental Throwdown


UVa Slush Fund: $1.0 Million Per Day For 2200 Days = $2.2 BILLION

Roanoke Times, 8-27-2016, Pg 1,4:  UVa leaders pledge to rethink $2.2 BILLION fund
8-28-2016, Pg 6:  UVa In-State Tuition UP 430% in past 25 Years
UVa leaders tell the Va Legislature that they did nothing wrong in secretly establishing a $2.2 BILLION Slush Fund and hiding that astounding fund from the Board Of Visitors and everyone else.
How big is $2.2 BILLION?
The UVa “management” could have done the following:
Hide $1.0 Million Per Day for 2200 days equal to 6 years.
We the public do not know how much per day for what time frame this incredible sum of money was squirreled away.
It’s a “Public” University but the taxpayers, voters, Legislators and the tuition payers “don’t have a need to know” about little things like this.
In addition to that feat, the UVA “management” has raised in-state tuition by 430% during the past 25 years.
That’s way more than double the impact of inflation!
Apparently all this is OK with everyone concerned, especially the Pravda Media.  After all, the Hillary-Bernie plan is to have the taxpayers pay-off all the accumulated student debt and pay all the future tuition's.
What could possibly go wrong with that plan?
We’re only $20 TRILLION in national debt with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and ObamaCare all on a glide-path to apocalyptic Bankruptcy.
ps: Why are the Democrats mocking Trump for his Bankruptcies when they have driven the entire country into “money-printing-Bankruptcy"?
RT:  Casey: Virginia state schools are unaffordable for the middle class
In recent decades, tuition and fees at Virginia state universities have grown so quickly that they now unaffordable for many middle-class Virginians. The costs at the University of Virginia provide a good illustration.

UVa Bureaucrats Throwing The Anti-FOIA Blanket Over Their $2.2 BILLION Slush Fund
The Massive UVa Hidden $2.3 BILLION Slush Fund In Perspective
UVa Slush Fund Highlights Massive Cost Of College And Out-of-control Administrations


Saturday, August 27, 2016


Pathetic Weather And Climate Modeling And Outlandish Predictions

There are hundreds of millions of dollars spent each year on Weather and Climate Modeling.
Except for nuclear weapons design, physics research and mineral exploration, Weather and Climate are the greatest “investment” in super-computers and the massive infrastructure surrounding them.
The results are incredibly disappointing and in many cases malfeasance of taxpayer money!
Super-computers are not to blame.  They perform massive operations per second with flawless accuracy.
Clearly the two other elements of the equations are the programs they are running and data they are fed.
Aye – there is the rub!  People with all their flaws, biases, egos, agendas and limitations writing programs and inputting data and in many cases trying to obtain a predefined outcome.
Something about: garbage in = garbage out.
Just look at the pathetic weather models for the current Tropical Storm Invest 99-L.
Over a dozen weather models predicting land-fall over an 870 mile shoreline.
How can this be called a professional prediction?
How can this be of any use to anyone?
Do we pay these people?  Do we actually pay these people?
Then look at the pathetic Man-made Global Warming AGW Models.
The average of 102 Climate Models that are four-times (4X) off the measured “current” temperature (0.8 vs. 0.2 degrees).
Not one model reflects the recent and current temperature!
And to think that these are the models that Obama is using to totally restructure our National Energy Systems.
What could possibly go wrong with that so-called plan?
Our president and secretary of state pronounce that, based on these models of “man-made” global warming (as if there’s never been the natural kind – the only kind so far) that AGW is more dangerous than those who have declared war upon us and are working diligently to kill as many of us and our friends as they can.
As an interesting highlight reflect on the difference between the doomsday apocalyptic projections by the AGW-Alarmists about today’s effects of so-called man-made CO2 and global warming and reality:
No Atlantic Hurricanes since Wilma in 2005
No Gulf Hurricanes since Ingrid 2013

No Major Hurricane Has Made Landfall In the U.S. In More Than 9 Years -- and That's a New Record

Don’t see that highlighted in the Pravda Press do we?
WSJ: 8-31-2016:  How the Exxon Case Unraveled
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s investigation of Exxon Mobil for climate sins has collapsed due to its own willful dishonesty. The posse of state AGs he pretended to assemble never really materialized. Now his few allies are melting away: Massachusetts has suspended its investigation. California apparently never opened one.
It becomes clear that investigators simply don’t know what a climate model is.
The whole purpose of a climate model is to estimate warming from a given input of CO2. In its most recent report, issued in 2013, the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assumes a doubling of atmospheric CO2 and predicts warming of 1.5 to 4.5 degrees Celsius—i.e., an uncertainty of output, not input.
What’s more, this represents an increase in uncertainty over its 2007 report (when the range was 2.0 to 4.5 degrees). In fact, the IPCC’s new estimate is now identical to Exxon’s 1977 estimate and the 1979 estimate of the U.S. National Research Council.
In other words, on the crucial question, the help we’re getting from climate models has not improved in 40 years and has been going backward of late.
For bonus insight, ask yourself why we still rely on computer simulations at all, rather than empirical study of climate—even though we’ve been burning fossil fuels for 200 years and recording temperatures even longer.

For professional views of Earth Science peruse:
“Nothing to Fear” at Amazon:
Obama’s National Security Strategy: Terrorism Equivalent To AGW
Man-made Global Warming or Mother Nature's Normal Climate?
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature
AGW Global Warming Alarmism -- It's All About Wealth Redistribution



McAuliffe’s $1.5 BILLION Budget Shortfall Crisis – How Can That Be?

Roanoke Times, 8-26-2016, Pg 1, 8:  Rainy day fund will help soak up Virginia’s budget shortfall.  Lower than expected revenues from state income taxes are mostly to blame for the budget crisis.
A McAuliffe Virginia Budget Shortfall Crisis – Impossible!  This must be some kind of anti-McAuliffe-Hillary Right Wing Conspiracy trick!
McAuliffe, Hillary and Obama have been bragging how great our economy is and how they are responsible for our wonderful financial situation.
Using the “rainy day” fund – Really?
It’s not raining – in fact McAuliffe-Hillay-Obama and their Pravda Media have been bragging about just how financially bright and shiny it really is!
It’s been eight years since the Recession Ended.  It’s historically overdue for another recession.  What will McAuliffe do for “rainy day” funds when that happens?
Not to worry, the Democrats, with the able assistance of their Pravda Media, will ram-through yet more taxes and fees to pay for their dependency legacy.
And to add insult to injury they will pile lots more regulations on the private industry, the real jobs creators.
Eight years after the recession ended and the Obama-Economy is growing at a pathetic and anemic one-percent (1%) the lowest in over 50 years!
The new GDP numbers are terrible.
No wonder Hillary won’t talk about the economy
Just More Hope And Change We Can Believe In!
Obama: It’s Still The Economy Stupid!
Obama’s Economic News: Hiding The Bad News
Only Thing Worse Than The Economy Is Obama Talking About It
McAuliffe: 2016 Will Be 'Banner Economic Year
Pravda Press Hiding Obama’s BiPolar Economy


Friday, August 26, 2016


Iranian Swift-Boats Run At US Ships

US Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian ship; 4 Mideast close calls this week
 “The USS Squall fired the shots, according to the official.
On Tuesday, four Iranian small boats "harassed" the USS Nitze, sailing near the guided missile destroyer in the narrow Strait of Hormuz, a U.S. Navy official told Fox News.
Other close calls this week involved the USS Tempest and USS Squall, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook told reporters Thursday.”
A classic military tactic is the probing of the enemy’s defenses to identify weaknesses.
Should Iranian attack boats, modern-day PT-boats, find blind-spots in US ship defenses they may well sink US ships a dozen times their size and a million times their cost.
The USS Cole’s demise by a similar size attack boat loaded with explosives, a seaborne IED vessel, is a recent example of the danger of these attacks.
17 American sailors were killed, and 39 were injured and the ship totally disabled.
Obama Just Sent GITMO USS Cole Bomber Back To His Comrades – April 2016! 
As Radical Muslim Terrorists Played "Hail to the Chief"

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Sailor Gets Year In Brig For Obtaining And Possessing Classified Material

Roanoke Times, 820-2016, Pg 3:  Sailor gets year for nuclear sub photos.
A young sailor from Arlington, Vermont, serving on a nuclear sub took a “selfie” while on-board his ship.
There is no indication that he intended sabotage.
There is no indication he intended to violate national security rules.
There is no indication that the photos were marked or contained security markings.
There is no indication he purposely exposed national security material to others.
UNLIKE HILLARY  -- HE’S GOING TO JAIL FOR ONE YEAR FOLLOWED BY THREE YEARS OF TRACKING AND MONITORING and he certainly will have great difficulty getting a good new job.
Apparently FBI Director Comey and AG Lynch view the unintended misdeeds of a young sailor in a much different light than Her Majesty Hillary.
But then again, everyone who has ever had a security clearance and handled classified materials knew the sailor was going to get hammered!
Hillary Didn’t Mis-Handle Classified Material
Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch Huddles With Bill Clinton


Trump’s Ideological Test For Immigrants Absurd -- Really?

Roanoke Times, 8-22-2016, Pg 5, Opinion:  Trump’s ideological test for immigrants is absurd.
Esther Cepeda, Washington Post columnist
Perhaps Ms. Cepeda and her associates should take a hard look at Teddy Roosevelt’s view of the responsibilities of immigrants during a time of massive immigration into the US from Europe.
No one called Teddy or his immigration views “absurd”.
Note to Obama and all Liberals: 
Illegal is not a race, It’s a crime!

My parents were Legal Immigrants in the 1920’s and they gladly complied with all Teddy’s requirements.  They didn’t view these requirements for US Citizenship as absurd, instead they embraced them!
Canadians Show Obama How To Handle Illegal Immigrants
The Syrian Refugee Onslaught: European Countries Resurrect Their Borders
Liberal Media Promotes Orwell’s 1984 Doublespeak: Undocumented Immigrants
To Assimilate or Not  -- 2006



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