The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Charlotte Police Shooting Deemed Righteous

Shootings in Combat are often categorized as Righteous or Not.
Def. of Righteous: morally right, justifiable, blameless
It is clear that racial urban warfare has been launched upon our police officers.
Perhaps it is prudent to use the term Righteous for the justifiable taking of life by our police many of whom are facing deadly force in the line of duty.
Prosecutor Clears Officer in Man's Death, Says Man Was Armed
“A prosecutor on Wednesday cleared a Charlotte police officer in the killing of a black man whose death touched off civil unrest, and he presented detailed evidence to rebut assertions that the slain man was unarmed.
Officer Brentley Vinson was justified in opening fire on Keith Scott and won't face charges, Charlotte-Mecklenburg District Attorney Andrew Murray said.
In a 40-minute news presentation to news reporters, Murray produced evidence that Keith Scott was armed with a handgun and the officer who killed him feared Scott would shoot.
The announcement "profoundly disappointed" Scott's family, but they haven't decided whether to file a lawsuit, their lawyer said.
Scott, 43, was killed Sept. 20 in the parking lot of an apartment complex.
Much of Murray's presentation centered on the gun and debunking witnesses who said Scott wasn't armed.
Murray displayed a store's surveillance video taken shortly before the incident, showing the outline of what appeared to be a holstered gun on Scott's ankle. He said Scott's DNA was found on a Colt .380-caliber semi-automatic handgun recovered at the scene.
He shared a Facebook conversation from the man who said he sold the stolen gun to Scott and recognized him from TV coverage after the shooting, and police radio traffic where officers talked about the gun before confronting Scott.
He also released his report online and asked the public to review his findings before protesting again. Two nights of protests after the shooting resulted in looted stores near the scene and in downtown Charlotte, millions of dollars of damage, a fatal shooting and more than two dozen injuries to police officers and others.”
In this case yet again the Pravda Media flooded the public with fallacious stories making the “perp” look good and the police look bad.  Time and time again these false malignant stories dominate the media for weeks and in some cases months and fan the flames of racism and anti-police hostility.  To add insult to injury nasty politicians pour volatile-dialogue on the racial-flames for their own ends.
Despicable Anti-Police Yellow Journalism
Yet More Black Lives Matter BLM Urban Warfare In Charlotte
CNN Drops “Drop The Gun” From Charlotte Coverage
 Police Heroism at Ohio State


Obama Shows His True Inner-Colors For Castro

Obama has chosen to send a high-ranking White House official to Castro’s funeral after not sending any White House officials to the service for UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Clearly a self-disclosure of Obama’s “pink” personal values and beliefs.
What a sad end to a pathetic presidency!
Perhaps Thatcher’s view clashed with Obama’s love of socialism was at the root of the issue as it was with the Churchill Bust.
Margaret Thatcher — 'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'
A Reprint of commentary item August 02, 2012 applies:
Obama And The Churchill Bust: Revealing his inner-self
The UK Telegraph: Barack Obama sends bust of Winston Churchill on its way back to Britain
Sometimes a simple gesture tells us much about a person!
Why wouldn’t Obama want to keep the Churchill Bust in the Oval Office?
After all, Churchill, and England, have been our best allies through two world wars and the cold war.
Perhaps one of Churchill’s pronouncements might be a clue:
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
-- Winston Churchill

Clearly, that Churchill statement alone would be more than sufficient to warrant banishment from Obama’s Oval Office!
Obama has embraced socialism over the free-enterprise system and has made clear his disdain for businesses and his preference for big-government socialism.
Perhaps Obama will replace the Churchill bust with one of Evita Peron who better fits his political philosophy and ambitions and his inner-self.
The New Improved Virtual Juan And Evita Peron
Students Follow The Pied Piper: Obama Our Evita
Obama The American Evita

Castro Dead – Obama Doing A Eulogy
Obama Completes Lee Harvey Oswald’s Quest: “Fair Play For Cuba”
What an incredible insult to the memory of JFK
Obama: Embraces Cuba, Debases Israel
Obama and Ayres: Team Teaching Communism


Gangs Obstructing Energy Pipelines An Obama Legacy

12-5-2016, More Obama Energy Obstructionism
Obama Using the Corps of So-called Engineers for Political Purposes
Army Blocks Drilling of Dakota Access Oil Pipeline

12-2-2016 Update: More Disgusting Obama Pandering to his Anti-pipeline Gangs
Attorney general issues video appeal over pipeline protests
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has issued a video just days before a federal deadline, calling on all parties in the Dakota Access pipeline dispute to avoid violence.
Her video, released Friday evening, doesn't refer to an order for protesters to leave federal land by Monday. Authorities have said they won't physically enforce it.
Nor did she refer to her phone call to Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier. He issued a statement urging fewer words and more action. He says she offered neither assistance for law enforcement, nor a timeline for resolution.
Sen. John Hoeven disputed Lynch's claim she's working with the state and its congressional delegation to find a resolution. He says the administration needs to provide more actual law enforcement personnel, not just advisers, and let construction resume.”

The ongoing anti-pipeline movement is consistent with the Obama Street Gangs that he as embraced during the past eight years from the Wall Street Gang to the Wisconsin Anti-Walker Gang to the Black Lives Matter Gang to the Anti-Keystone Gang to the Anti-Dakota-Access Gang to the Anti-Police Gangs and now the Anti-Trump Election Gang.
Clearly all these Gangs and more have Obama’s tacit support or they would have been handled quickly and efficiently and not cultivated and nurtured by Obama’s minions.
Somewhat like his sanctuary cities harboring criminals from deportation.
We haven’t seen government-embraced street gangs like this since the departure of Chairman Mao:
Mao’s Cultural Revolution Comes To America
Roanoke Times, 11-30-2016, Pg 6:  Dakota Access oil pipeline protester’s arrests strain state courts.
The root cause of this problem is another Obama Gang initiative.  This pipeline is 90% complete, hundreds of millions have been spent and now Obama and his minions have been complicit in coddling and encouraging these obstructionist Gangs.
Once again Obama has shown his total disregard for his responsibilities to support this US government approved project that has been decreed by the courts as a GO but Obama says NO.
Roanoke Times, 11-30-2016 Pg 4:  Trudeau approves Pacific Coast pipeline.
Obama’s left-wing-nut Canadian bud Justin has just approved a pipeline from Canada’s Fracking-shale fields to the Pacific Ocean for export primarily to China.
That oil-gas would be going to US refineries via the Keystone except for Obama’s disdain of American Energy resources, American workers and the American economy.
Has there ever been such an anti-American leader?

Students Study Fracked-Gas Pipeline
Obama: We Don’t Need No Energy Independence or Energy Jobs
Blue Ridge Parkway A Blessing; Gas Pipeline A Curse?



Three Card Poker -- America Wins



Jill Stein: Al Gore’s Jolly Green AGW Girl

I remember when the Real Jolly Green character was the “Jolly Green Giant” in the vegetable garden:
Now Obama, Gore, Mann et al have Jill The Green Not-so-Jolly Stein.
She ran for president as the Green Party Girl and degraded Hillary’s campaign and outcomes, particularly in Florida, and now she wants to make amends by collecting millions of “Green” dollars from whomever and demanding a vote recount.
Stein sues after Wisconsin refuses to order hand recounts
As if that’s going to make amends or resolve anything except to keep the Hillary-Whiners and Obama-Losers strung out through Trump’s inauguration.
Pundits are speculating that Hillary “The Felon-Elect” Clinton is not only on-board with this endeavor but is an active partner.
One might assume a major donor to this nonproductive negative campaign is Billionaire Tom Steyer whose mantra is:
“The goal here is not to win. The goal here is to destroy these people.”
And to think some people say green is a warm and friendly color!
One might conjecture that Jill Stein is one of those cases in which the old adage applies:
Greenies are like watermelons, green on the outside and pink on the inside.  You think?
Too bad these dismal people don’t demand the use of “the scientific method” and sponsor open and fair debate in multiple open venues to explain their hypothesis that mankind is controlling climate instead of nature that has been doing so for hundreds of thousands of years.
Yet More AGW-Alarmist Propaganda
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature


Tuesday, November 29, 2016


IBM CEO Ginni Rometty’s Letter to the U.S. President-Elect

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty’s Letter to the U.S. President-Elect

November 15, 2016
International Business Machines Corporation
Office of the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Dear Mr. President-elect:
Congratulations on your election as the 45th president of the United States.
Last Tuesday night you spoke about bringing the country together to build a better future, and the opportunity to harness the creative talent of people for the benefit of all. I know that you are committed to help America’s economy grow in ways that are good for all its people.
I am writing to offer ideas that I believe will help achieve the aspiration you articulated and that can advance a national agenda in a time of profound change. I do so as the leader of the nation’s largest technology employer, its leading patent creator, and the company that for more than 105 years has believed that prosperity and progress can be achieved by unleashing the potential of all people. Permit me to offer a few specific suggestions:

Creating “New Collar” Jobs
Getting a job at today’s IBM does not always require a college degree; at some of our centers in the United States, as many as one third of employees have less than a four-year degree. What matters most is relevant skills, sometimes obtained through vocational training. In addition, we are creating and hiring to fill “new collar” jobs – entirely new roles in areas such as cybersecurity, data science, artificial intelligence and cognitive business.
You’ve spoken about the importance of vocational education, and we agree. IBM has championed a new educational model for the United States – six-year public high schools that combine traditional education with the best of community colleges, mentoring, and real-world job experience. The first of these schools opened with IBM’s support 5 years ago in New York; we have hired some of the first graduates. There will soon be 100 such schools across the country. With your support, we could do much more. Let’s work together to scale up this approach of vocational training, creating a national corps of skilled workers trained to take the “new collar” IT jobs that are in demand here in America.

Building Intelligent, Secure Infrastructure
You’ve said we need to invest in America’s infrastructure, and we agree. As we build big, let’s also build smart. The country should focus on infrastructure investments that incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) technology and artificial intelligence to improve performance. And as infrastructure gets smarter, it also increases the need for cybersecurity, so that vital networks cannot be compromised. We recommend that your infrastructure package include incentives for states and localities to build intelligent – and secure – roads, bridges, buildings, and other public facilities.

Healthcare: Applying Lessons from Private Sector Experience
IBM operates one of the largest employer-sponsored health plans in the United States. In 2009, IBM offered 15 specific ideas for how America could save more than $900 billion over ten years through common-sense reforms to the healthcare system, leveraging lessons learned in the private sector. These included using data analytics to reduce fraudulent Medicare claims, improving the exchange of healthcare information among providers, and leveraging the government’s purchasing power to lower the cost of drugs and care. IBM will update its recommendations for the healthcare system and hopes to work with Congress and your HHS Secretary to drive better healthcare at lower cost.

Using Data to Fight Government Waste and Inefficiency
Eight years ago, IBM helped lead an effort to identify $1 trillion in savings the federal government could achieve through using advanced data analytics, data center consolidation, and the use of cloud technologies to improve the cybersecurity of key government systems. As part of the Technology CEO Council of which I am a member, we will prepare an updated set of recommendations for how you could use technology and fraud analytics to save the government more than $1 trillion.

Bringing Money Home to Invest in America
IBM supports your proposal to make American’s tax system more competitive. Many billions of dollars of American companies’ earnings do not come home because of an outdated and punitive tax system. Your tax reform proposal will free up capital that companies of all sizes can reinvest in their U.S. operations, training and education programs for their employees, and research and development programs. We will support the efforts of your administration and Congress to pass tax reform early in 2017.

Taking Care of Our Veterans – With the World’s Best Technology
All of us at IBM share your gratitude and devotion to the men, women and families who serve our country. More must be done to give our vets the best medical care possible. So we recently announced a pilot program with the Department of Veterans Affairs to help its oncologists treat 10,000 veterans through the power of precision medicine and genomic analysis powered by IBM’s cognitive computing system, Watson. We hope to work with your VA Secretary to expand this collaboration.

Mr. President-elect, IBM’s roots are in the United States. We are investing, hiring, and continuing to reinvent our company for long-term competitiveness. At more than 50 major locations across the country, we hired more U.S. employees last year than in the previous five years. We are opening new innovation centers and business units across the country. We are proud of the work we do here in the United States, just as we are proud of the work we do in more than 175 countries around the world.
In the years ahead there will be issues on which we agree, and issues on which we do not. But as you prepare to take office as our new president, I hope the ideas I have offered in this letter represent ways that we can work together to achieve prosperity that is broadly shared in our society.
Ginni Rometty
Chairman, President and CEO, IBM


Roanoke Times Disses The NRA

Roanoke Times Commentary:  Casey: Latest NRA survey is full of malarkey
Apparently Dan got a survey from the NRA that he sarcastically answers from an anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment point of view consistent with most Liberal-Progressives.
His main theme appears to be “not to worry about your concerns about losing your gun rights” because that’s just unrealistic fears that aren’t going to happen and many of your views are not OK anyway.
Really?  During the past few years the Liberal-Progressives have proved that they can and have made “lots of things” happen that most Americans thought wouldn’t happen.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of large numbers of conniving people acting in concert with the full power of The Pravda Media.
Some examples of why “you should be concerned":
·       Progressive members of the SCOTUS believe “The Constitution” is simply a “living document” instead of a “solemn contract” between The People and their government.
·       In murder-capital DC you can’t even possess a gun in your home.
·       Boys are now in the girl’s room, locker rooms and showers.
·       Abortion and abortion pills are now a major component of “birth control”.
·       Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts to the highest bidders.
·       Schools are giving birth-control pills, Plan-B pills and abortion guidance to girls without parental notification.
·       Pre-puberty Children are being encouraged to choose their gender.
·       Millions of “illegal immigrants” are now embraced as just “undocumented citizens”.
·       Pastry shop owners fined and put out of business because they refuse to support same-sex marriage.
·       A president that totally ignores our three-branch-government Constitution.
·       Sanctuary-city governments that harbor felony criminals.
·       The List Goes On!
With all these “Hope and Change” outcomes – Why Would We Worry?
Roanoke Times Biased And False Gun Data Headline



Ohio State Terror Knife Attack; Shades of Salem Va.

Suspect Identified in Ohio State Vehicle and Knife Attack as Abdul Razak Ali Artan
 “An Ohio State University student posted a rant shortly before he plowed a car into a campus crowd and stabbed people with a butcher knife in an ambush that ended when a police officer shot him dead, a law enforcement official said.
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, wrote on what appears to be his Facebook page that he had reached a "boiling point" and made a reference to "lone wolf attacks" and cites radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.”
"Law enforcement officials told NBC News that Artan was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007, lived in Pakistan and then came to the United States in 2014 as a legal permanent resident."
Eleven hurt, suspect killed in 'terrifying' Ohio State attack
The Officer engaged the suspect and eliminated the threat!
Ohio State Police Chief Craig Stone.
This police statement was made before Obama’s DOJ-FBI minions and the Black Lives Mater Gang arrived!
A white police officer shot and killed a (18-year old black teenager). Clearly this will not be a righteous shooting in the Pravda Media or in Obama’s Pravda Press releases or in the Black Lives Matter dialogue!
Add another chapter to the “They Can’t Kill Us All” anti-police handbook the Roanoke Times is promoting.
The Obama investigative process will now drag on into total opaqueness as has been done with the “Allah Akbar” knifer in Salem Va..
We can’t know the motive in his head, therefore, it can’t be another Radical Muslim Terrorist attack and we will drag-out the obvious conclusions and keep the public in the dark!
Otherwise, it’s just another Fort Hood workplace violence thing!
Talk about insulting the intelligence of The American People!
Our beloved Virginia Democrat Senator Kaine couldn’t miss the opportunity to make a complete ass (the Dem. Mascot) of himself:
“Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's running mate, tweeted that he was "deeply saddened by the senseless act of gun violence at Ohio State this morning. Praying for the injured and the entire Buckeye community."
That drew fire from Rep. Niraj Antani of suburban Dayton: "But not saddened by the senseless act of machete or car violence?"”
Allah Akbar In Roanoke, NYC, NJ But No Radical Muslim Terrorism To Be Found
ISIS “Allah Akbar.” Comes To Roanoke Virginia
Roanoke Times Hits New High In Terrorism Hypocrisy


Monday, November 28, 2016


Despicable Anti-Police Yellow Journalism

Appropriate definition: Newspapers that practice yellow journalism, inflammatory and irresponsible reporting, are called yellow press.
Roanoke Times, 11-27-2016, Full-Page 4: Book Promotion with 6 x 8 inch photo of hoodie-guy with Black Lives Matter banner.
“They (the police) Can’t Kill Us All” is a journalist’s emotional account of covering police shooting
NO it’s NOT just an account!  It’s a viscous anti-police diatribe designed to instigate violence against the police and this “over-the-top” presentation in the Roanoke Times is the personification of the definition of Yellow Journalism.
We do NOT have an epidemic of cops wantonly assassinating black people.  On the contrary we DO HAVE an epidemic of black people wantonly attacking and assassinating police officers.
The steady stream of vile Anti-Police dialogue and slanted, biased and sensationalized stories creates an environment of hostility and encourages, and even empowers, those on-the-edges to wantonly attack and murder regardless of race, creed, color or sex.
All those Politicians and Pravda Media purveyors of this foul agenda and messaging should heed the message:
“Physician Heal Thyself”!   Luke: 4:23
Another Police Officer Assassinated
Ongoing Pravda Media AntiPolice Campaign
Anti-Police Agenda Results In More Police Assassinations


Sunday, November 27, 2016


“Spotless Roanoke”: Building For My Family

Roanoke Times,  11-27-2016, Pg B1, 5: Launched in 2011, “Spotless Roanoke” has continued to expand, growing out of its shared space and into its own building.
“We are always on the clock.  We don’t work 8 to 5.  But it’s nice to BUILD something for my family.”
A very nice business article highlighting the American Entrepreneurial Spirit and Work Ethic associated with BUILDING A BUSINESS.
A nice follow-up to:
Roanoke Times, 11-15-2015, Pg Horiz 2, Editorial: Why start-ups matter.  Here's where jobs are being created.
What a major contrast to Obama’s tirade, right here at Fire House #1, against American Business-people who are trying to build businesses that are the core of our local economies and job creation.
President’s Speech Taken At Face Value: "You Didn't Build That!"
Watch the video of Obama, watch the facial expressions, watch the body language listen to the words and draw your own conclusions as to who has stifled and marginalized private industry, business-people and Entrepreneurs at the expense of the American People.
This is what you get when you elect a Socialistic Community Organizer to be your president!
Castro Dead – Obama Doing A Eulogy
Obama And The Churchill Bust
The Obama’s: The New Improved Virtual Juan And Evita Peron



Oldest Surviving Tuskegee Airman, Willie Rogers, Dies at 101

We all should take this opportunity to reflect on Tuskegee University, The Tuskegee Airmen and The Greatest Generation of Americans.
Rogers was drafted into the army in 1942 and was part of the 100th Air Engineer Squad. Rogers also served with the Red Tail Angels. He was wounded in action, shot in the stomach and leg by German soldiers, during a mission in Italy in January 1943.
Irby said Rogers was a "passionate oral historian," but he didn't like to fuss about his own bravery.
In 2007, the Tuskegee Airmen were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the nation's highest civilian honor.
President George W. Bush saluted the 300 surviving airmen at a ceremony in the Capitol, where he apologized for "all the unreturned salutes and unforgivable indignities" they had endured.”
The Red Tail Squadron of Tuskegee Airmen
“The mission of the CAF Red Tail Squadron is to educate audiences across the country about the history and legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen – America’s first black military pilots and their support personnel – so their strength of character, courage and ability to triumph over adversity may serve as a means to inspire others to RISE ABOVE obstacles in their own lives and achieve their goals.”
Red Tails – The Movie
This article is about the 2012 film. For the African-American fighter pilots, see Tuskegee Airmen.
The Tuskegee Airmen
Booker T. Washington National MonumentHardy Va.
A Personal note: I had the pleasure and honor to be a Visiting Electrical Engineering Professor at Tuskegee in 1985.  I didn't know then, that I would ultimately live only 6 miles from founder Booker T. Washington’s birthplace.

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Castro Dead – Obama Doing A Eulogy

Roanoke Times: Fidel Castro has died at age 90
"Within months, Castro was imposing radical economic reforms. Members of the old government went before summary courts, and at least 582 were shot by firing squads over two years. Independent newspapers were closed and in the early years, homosexuals were herded into camps for "re-education."
In 1964, Castro acknowledged holding 15,000 political prisoners. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans fled, including Castro's daughter Alina Fernandez Revuelta and his younger sister Juana."
Trump tweets Castro is 'dead! 'Obama says 'history' will be ex-dictator's final 'judge'
(if link broken – copy and past link into browser)   
“President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday that the death of Cuba’s Fidel Castro “marks the passing of brutal dictator,” while President Obama argued that ‘history’ will be Castro’s final ‘judge.’
“Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights,” said Trump, who also expressed optimism about Castro’s death finally ending nearly six decades of communist oppression for Cubans.” 

It will take more than Obama’s flowery "History Eulogy" to get Fidel into Heaven!
And once again Obama shows his pro-socialist and anti-American core beliefs.  Something about his 20 years immersed in Rev. Wrights church of “The God Damn America”.
Obama's Rev Wright Very WRONG
As an Artillery Officer at the time, my recollection and view of the real Cuban-American government relationship:
US Army anti-aircraft Hawk missiles at Key West during the Cuban-Russian-USA missile crisis:
Obama Doing The Wave With Castro While Brussels Bleeds
Obama Completes Lee Harvey Oswald’s Quest: “Fair Play For Cuba”
 What an incredible insult to the memory of JFK
Obama: Embraces Cuba, Debases Israel
Obama and Ayres: Team Teaching Communism


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