The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Outlaw Radical Muslim Mosques And Raid 190 Related Facilities

How could this happen so fast, Trump hasn’t even taken office yet?
It’s not Trump  --  it’s Germany’s Merkel!
And, it’s nowhere to be found in our Pravda Press!
Wouldn’t want the uneducated, unwashed, deplorable-voters to know the depth and severity of the Muslim Refugee problems and risks.
Germany bans Islamist 'True Religion' group, raiding mosques and flats
“Police launched dawn raids across Germany on Tuesday on about 190 mosques, flats and offices linked to an Islamist group after the government banned the organization, accusing it of radicalizing youngsters.
Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said the DWR "True Religion" group had persuaded about 140 people to join militants in Iraq and Syria.”
Why isn’t a similar process happening in the US, especially in hot beds of ISIS recruiting like Minnesota?
In the midst of all this, a number of “intellectually challenged” mayors continue to brag about their “sanctuary” city policy.  One might note these very cities are the violence-centers of the country.
EU countries are struggling with the overrun of their communities by refugees and the associated risks and reality of imported violence.
The bbc: Migrant crisis: Migration to Europe explained in seven charts
Muslims pray at Colosseum, protesting against Rome mosque closures
“Hundreds of Muslims prayed next to Rome's Colosseum on Friday to protest against the closure of makeshift mosques, calling on city authorities to protect their religious rights.
At least 1.6 million Muslims live in Italy but there are only a handful of mosques officially registered as such with the government.”
EU to prolong ID checks in 5 countries
Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden were previously granted permission to carry out ID checks on all travelers including Europeans until Nov. 12 due to migration pressures.
The EU Commission said Tuesday that there are still a lot of migrants in Greece, which has not been able to effectively control their movements since last year”
It’s of interest that the EU countries have lost their national sovereignty and must “request permission” to control their borders; this was a key element in the BREXIT vote.
German town builds 13ft wall to separate refugees from residents
Officials from Neuperlach Sud, outside Munich, said the prospect of a wall was raised after locals complained about 160 unaccompanied young refugees moving into the area.

Migrants flood Paris after destruction of massive 'jungle' camp
“The destruction of a sprawling shanty town near the English Channel has caused the number of migrants in Paris to skyrocket this week, French officials say”
'Pure hatred': Translator reveals how Muslim refugees want to 'Islamize' Germany
“A translator at refugee camps in Germany has claimed Muslim migrants hate Christians and want to Islamize the country.
The woman, 39, from Eritrea, came to Germany as a refugee herself in 1991, before volunteering at asylum centers to “give something back.””
(if link broken – copy and paste into browser)
Excellent talk on US Immigration Issues by President Clinton.
Clinton, 1995, immigration, SOTU Bill Clinton talking about immigration in the 1995 State of the Union

Apparently it’s not just Trump and his despicable-voters who recognize that there are real risks in these massive waves of refugees.
Then again the so-called-leader of the free world has been unable to say “Radical Muslim Terrorists” about the JV-team.  How sad is that!
Obama: The Muslim Fellow Traveler
Hillary And Obama: 50 Dead And 50 Wounded BUT There Are No “Radical Muslim Terrorists” In Orlando Or Anyplace Else
Obama's AG Lynch Subdues Radical Islam Terrorism With Love-In
For Lack Of A WaterBoard 34 People Died And Over 200 Injured
Obama Wed 12-2-2015: We’re Safe From Paris-style Attacks

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