The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Trump Vetting Review Exposes Sad US WorkForce Situation

Roanoke Times, 1-31-2017, Pg 6: CEOs push back over immigration ban; technology companies first to push back.
An unintended result of the Trump Vetting Review will be the exposure of a serious deficit in our US College graduate’s skill and knowledge base.
Not to worry media, there’s no shortage of majors in history, literature, journalism, law, and black-history.
The problem is in the numbers and caliber of intellectual assets for research, development, test and product support.  All the things required for our core competency to “develop and make things” that can be bartered and sold into the world economy that provides good jobs and supports our standard of living for everyone.
Today our major exports are agricultural and forest products produced by those totally unappreciated Ag-folks from our Land Grant Colleges (Aggies are 3% of our workforce).
A major portion of the Green-Card and Visa holders in the US are here because tech-based businesses cannot find enough US graduates with the skill and knowledge required to do the hi-tech development jobs.
Jobs like engineers, physicists, chemists and programmers.  What a blunt indictment of our educational system, our anemic work ethic and warped Obama-anti-business priorities.
Recently there has been a renewed interest in STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math).
Four major STEM challenges loom:
·       Where to get, pay and retain the teachers who are qualified to teach these courses?
·       How to motivate high-potential students to commit to these challenges?
·       How to develop STEM teaching-learning facilities and environments?
·       How to contain the costs of the required college programs?
After the new and improved Trump-vetting processes are in-place, the sad reality is that we will continue to import and give Green-Cards and Visa’s to hundreds-of-thousands of people from other countries; some of whom may not share our values and most of whom will return to their native lands to add to their core competency.
Obamaites Postal Over Trump Actions


Obamaites Postal Over Trump Actions

Obama and his followers and the DNC-Pravda Media are out of their gourds with indignation and hostility and rants.
Obama, Kaine, Schumer et al are out leading the group-think chants that Trump is not playing nice with immigrants.
Their “1984-DoubleSpeak” alleges that these people have all the rights and privileges of American Citizens.  This totally false and dangerous premise is what has yielded our 12-million illegal problem in the first place in addition to our home grown self-Radicalized Muslim Terrorists.
Old Artillery Adage:
You know you are on-target by the howls you hear from the impact area!
The Obama Immigrant Doctrine has been that if someone enters you home illegally; crossing the threshold gives them the right to take up residence in your home and become your dependents for life!
We are long overdue for a complete review of our border security and vetting processes.  Trump promised to do it and clearly he will do it!  What a refreshing change.
Good Start On Extreme Vetting
Trump’s New Catch And Release Program

Monday, January 30, 2017


The Dangerous And Warped BiPolar World We Live In

Iran tests a ballistic missile (in violation of UN resolutions) in their quest for a nuclear-tipped intercontinental missile that can target the US and simultaneously 57-nations are “worried” about a US 90-day stay on selected immigrants from selected Terrorist Infested countries.

Really?  America First certainly makes sense in this Obama-world!
Yet more reasons why the American People Voted For Trump!
Iran tests ballistic missile in defiance of UN resolution, US officials say
57-nation Islamic body calls US travel ban a 'grave concern'
Good Start On Extreme Vetting
Trump’s New Catch And Release Program


Good Start On Extreme Vetting

FoxNews: “Trump signed an executive order Friday that imposed a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots, including Iraq, Syria, Somalia and Sudan.
Trump responded Monday morning, by saying that only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained. He blamed the chaos at airports on a Delta computer outage, protesters and “the tears of Senator Schumer.””
Trump Bad?  But, every president going back to Carter has had short-term bans on entry to the US by persons of specific countries.
It’s comforting to know that the “Obama HomeLand Security Agents” are questioning the credentials of 109 people.
(Obama’s agents are still on the job – Trump hasn’t replaced anyone but Johnson).
Apparently these Agents are now empowered to do their jobs!
This 90-day ban on questionable persons from the most Terrorist Infested countries seems like a very modest start to establish a proper vetting system after 8-years of Obama’s negligence.
If the vetting were specifically for Muslims, the list would have included Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Seven Inconvenient Facts About Trump’s Refugee Actions
Example of Obama’s Immigration Malfeasance:
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services granted citizenship to at least 858 individuals who were ordered to be deported or removed under another identity, according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Trump’s New Catch And Release Program

Many fishing tournaments and many fishing clubs require a Catch And Release process in which the fish is returned to its natural environment as quickly as possible.  That means do Not keep, transport or reintroduce to a remote site under penalty of law.
Obama defined Catch and Release for US border intruders to mean:
Apprehend if convenient
Feed and Water
Transport to a US Welcome Center
Relocate to an American City of their choice
Join the Government Dependency Community
Enjoy your Sanctuary City benefits
Enjoy your Public Housing
Here's your free ObamaPhone
Register for ObamaCare and Voting ASAP
A "Public Defender" Lawyer is available for you
All this at TaxPayer Expense
It appears Trump is redefining and simplifying Catch And Release as:
Go Back
Don’t Come Back -- If You Do – Go To Jail
Yet another reason voters voted for Trump!
Obama’s Corrupt Immigration Vetting System Endangers US
“More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders
Trump signs Wall Executive Order
US - Obama Has A Registry For Muslim’s – Really?
King Obama’s Big Announcement: I’m Not Going To Deport People That I Was Not Going To Deport
If someone enters you home illegally, crossing the threshold doesn’t give them the right to take up residence in your home and become your dependent for life!
The Invasion Of 60,000 Children


Appalachian Trail "Pipeline Obstructionists" Have Lost Credibility

RT:  Where Mountain Valley Pipeline would meet Appalachian Trail

RT: Pipeline's impacts on Appalachian Trail raise concerns
 “As currently envisioned, the buried 42-inch-diameter natural gas pipeline would climb Peters Mountain from Monroe County, West Virginia, cross the Appalachian Trail in a section managed by the Jefferson National Forest, and descend the mountain in Giles County before continuing east.
The Appalachian Trail "Pipeline Obstructionists", masquerading as environmentalists, have lost their credibility by trying to present the Appalachian Trail as a “pristine wilderness trail” about to be desecrated by a 50-foot right-of-way for a buried pipeline.
The Appalachian Trial is wonderful and scenic but it is not “a pristine wilderness trail” in the pipeline path area.
The reality is that Franklin Roosevelt with his WPA Skyline Drive-Blue Ridge Parkway d-flowered the Blue Ridge 90-years ago.
One year after the pipeline is installed there will be a 50-foot open area similar to a forest service fire-stop-lane and clearly not a desecration or environmental issue; especially when viewed in context of the public roads and parkways traversed by the AT.
Some realism observations about the Appalachian Trail:
1)   There are 100-miles of “graded” Appalachian Trail along the Skyline Drive portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Yes - GRADED!
2)   The Skyline Drive intersects with the Appalachian Trail 32 times.  Just how remote and rustic are those crossings!
3)   The Blue Ridge Parkway is itself a major blacktop highway running on the very top of what was a pristine ridge in Virginia and parallels and runs within sight and or sound of The Trail for many miles.
4)   The Appalachian Trail crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway multiple times between The Peaks and I-81 at Troutville and crosses many secondary roads like Rt-43 and many forest logging roads.
5)   In addition to the highway reality, do these hikers not realize how un-natural their parking areas, beat-down trails, trail-enhancements, markings and stair-ways are? 
The bottom line is that the Valley PipeLine may be a real issue for some property owners, but spare us these stories of woe by these Hikers who have no valid issues except obstructionism.
Advice: When you are hiking the AT stop, look and listen before crossing The ParkWay, it’s not the PipeLine that’s going to run over you.
Blue Ridge Parkway A Blessing; Gas Pipeline A Curse?
EPA Worried About Mountain Valley Pipeline – Really?

Saturday, January 28, 2017


Hillary Supporter Left

My Liberal Democrat friend confided that:
After both suffering from depression because Hillary lost and Trump Won;
He and his wife were going to commit suicide yesterday.
But strangely enough, once she killed herself,
He started to feel a lot better. So He thought, "Screw it, soldier on!"  


Obama’s Dismal Economic 4th Quarter Of His Game

Roanoke Times, 1-28-2017, Pg 6:  US economic growth stalled in 4th quarter with GPD of just 1.9%.
US economic growth slowed in Q4, but there's hope ahead
Yes there’s hope ahead because we just elected Donald Trump who, unlike Obama, believes in the American Free Enterprise System, the power of the free market and the importance of the small-business entrepreneur and business-person.
The American people will not have to be witness again to the disgusting spectacle of Obama at Roanoke’s Fire House #1 mocking and belittling the business-people of this country.
In-addition-to the dismal GDP, 8-years after the recession ended, we are left with a totally corrupt measurement of the “unemployment rate” that clearly doesn’t reflect the largest number of “workers not in the work-pool” since the depression.  Obama has moved them onto government-dependency and stopped counting them as workers.  How sad is that!
To add-insult-to-injury Obama has spent his last week blowing his pathetic-horn about his great accomplishments; however, he missed listing a few items:
Comey has discredited the FBI.
Lynch has discredited the DOJ
Lerner has discredited the IRS
Ginsburg has discredited the Supreme Court
Hillary has discredited the State Department
Shinseki has discredited the Veterans Admin.
We’re $20 Trillion in federal debt with nothing to show for it
Millions of workers have stopped looking for work
Welfare is at an all time high
ObamaCare is a trainwreck
The Obama-economy the most anemic since WW2
Race-relations are back in the 60s
The rich-man poor-man hostility is back to the 1920s
Boys are in the girls rooms, locker rooms and showers
Abortion and abortion-pills are primary methods of “birth-control"
"Planned Parenthood" is selling baby parts to the highest bidders
For Christians there are no protections for faith-based values
For Muslims there are no limitations to their Sharia Law 
Foreign friends are few and demoralized
Foreign enemies are many and successfully-aggressive
Obama's leading from his behind is a Syrian and refugee disaster
The US borders are as holey as swiss-cheese
Home grown terrorism is an all time high
Obama discrediting the police at every opportunity


Friday, January 27, 2017


The Proper Place For The Churchill Bust

President Trump and UK Prime Minister Theresa May
Yet another reason the American People Voted For Trump!
First Day Nasty Racist Fake News
Obama And The Churchill Bust

Thursday, January 26, 2017


McAuliffe The Pathetic Ideologue

Roanoke Times, 1-26-2017, Pg Va 3: House passes bill for counties to decide if home-schoolers may participate in Public School Athletics.
McAuliffe has Vetoed same bill twice before.
The Democrats constantly berate Republicans for being Ideologues.
Ideologue: an adherent of an ideology, especially one who is uncompromising and dogmatic.
What to call McAuliffe who is denying homeschooled high-school students the opportunity to participate with their neighbors and friends in public school games supported by their parents taxes?
This in concert with McAuliffe’s staunch support of having males in the female bathrooms, locker-rooms and showers in these same public schools.
Solution:  Have all home-schooled students who wish to participate Self-Declare themselves to be LGBTers!
Problem Solved!  McAuliffe will personally escort them into the bath and locker rooms and then right out onto the playing field and then back to the showers!  What a guy!
And these Democrats are the people who pretend to be “holier-than-thou”.
Threat Of McAuliffe Veto Keeps Men In Virginia Girls-Rooms


Massive Voter Fraud

Trump continues to drive others to distraction over his claim that there is massive voter fraud.

All the pundits insist that Trump prove his assertion.
Wrong paradigm!
The assertion is that every vote cast without Voter-Picture-ID is a suspected fraudulent vote.
Only in small rural areas do the poll workers know the voters in their area to be long-term residents and valid voters.  All other poll workers do not have a clue as to who is voting and if they are “qualified to vote”!
Aiding and abetting this “voter fraud” are the felonious sanctuary city mayors who have no incentive to ensure fraud-free-voting, but instead have a major interest in having all 12-million illegal-immigrants vote plus all the dead-democrat voters vote also!
20% of these 12-million voters would amount to 2-1/2 million votes, the amount by which Hillary “beat” Trump, primarily in California and NY.
It’s clear why the Democrats, their minions and the DNC-Pravda Media have been fighting Voter-ID every step of the way!
The Trump Fix For Massive Voter Fraud

Require Photo-Voter-ID  to vote for Federal Offices.
Require that the ID comply with Federal Requirements.
Require that Registration comply with Federal Requirements
Including documented Citizenship.
This will be Awesome!  Really Great!  Wonderful!  You'll See!
Virginia AG Mark Herring Griping About Voter ID Law
DNC And Their Pravda Media Boosters Lose Voter-ID Fight


Sanctuary Mayors Harboring Criminals

Trump orders clamp down on immigrant 'sanctuary cities

Trump fulfilling another of his campaign promises.
The Mayors of many major US cities are proclaiming and bragging that they are Harboring Criminals with their Sanctuary City positions.
“Harboring a fugitive refers to the crime of knowingly hiding a wanted criminal from the authorities. Federal and state laws, which vary by state, govern the crime of harboring a fugitive.”
Given that harboring a criminal is a crime, instead of withholding money from sanctuary cities, the DOJ should send in US Marshals to arrest the felonious-mayors involved and then continue to arrest any replacement mayors until the cities come-up-with acting mayors who will comply with federal law so that we can get these illegal-criminal-immigrants out of our country ASAP!
What If Kate Steinle Worked At The Roanoke Times?
San Francisco is a Sanctuary City that directly contributed to this murder:
My Sanctuary PickUp Truck


Hillary's Armani



Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Trump signs Wall Executive Order

Trump signs (Wall) “Fence” Executive Order

Another campaign promise acted upon  (on-time, on-target it's an Artillery thing)!
The “build the fence-wall” law was passed in 2006
Secure Fence Act of 2006
Obama Hillary and Schumer all VOTED FOR THE FENCE-WALL LAW!
The DNC-Pravda Media, kept these “facts” hidden from the American People for the past 8-years just as they kept Michelle’s Racist Princeton Thesis buried!
Tale of Two Theses
We don’t have a FREE Press – they clearly have sold-out to the DNC and all their minions long ago.  Makes CNN’s Donna Brazile giving Hillary the debate questions ahead of time a kindergarten game.  Her penalty, Crooked-Hillary made her DNC chairperson.
Ethical Misdeeds


Obama Trump And All Presidents Gag Government Agencies Day-1


Roanoke Times, 1-25-2017, Pg 1, 4: Agencies to cease public communication per Trump Executive Order
The DNC-Pravda Media highlights in headlines on page-1 the Trump directive to bureaucrats to stop representing the US Government until he (Trump) assigns persons authorized to speak for his administration.
But, the fact that all new administrations issue the same executive orders and that Obama did so on his first day, was buried in small print back in the middle of page 4.
What a pathetic and biased bunch that has the audacity to call themselves “journalists” (they should use a very small {j})!
 Editor NY Times Advice To Left-Wing Journalists
If you signed-up to be a Journalist – then be a Journalist!
It's time for 'Journalists' to Discover Journalism


Congressman Hurt R-VA-5 Leads Liberty U Law Center

Liberty aims to influence public policy with new Center for Law & Government 
Former Congressman Hurt to lead new Liberty University law and government center

“LYNCHBURG, Va. (WDBJ7) Former 5th District Congressman Robert Hurt will lead a new center for law and government at Liberty University.
The center will develop and propose public policy at every level of government.
Hurt has served in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Virginia Senate, and the Virginia House of Delegates, as well as local government.
Here is the complete announcement from Liberty University:
Lynchburg, Virginia – Liberty University is pleased to welcome former 5th District Congressman Robert Hurt to lead its new center for law and government.
In collaboration with the Liberty University School of Law and Liberty’s Helms School of Government, the center will develop and propose public policy at every level of government that promotes the fundamental principles of American liberty: self-government, free markets, and the rule of law.
The new center will be a place for the free exchange of ideas and the robust debate of issues of national, state, and international importance. It will serve a critical role in ensuring that all Liberty University students graduate with a full appreciation for our fundamental principles and are prepared to engage in a new generation of American statesmanship.”
I have been a long-time supporter and admirer of Congressman Robert Hurt and his family and team.
The following graphic best summarizes my view of his place in VA 5th District Congressional History.


ReStart And Complete The PipeLines


Another Trump promise kept.
Another reason America voted for Trump.
Obama not only one with pens and cell-phones – a precedent the Democrats are regretting just like Reid’s “nuclear 51-vote” rule.
What goes around – comes around.
Trump boosts Keystone XL, Dakota pipelines
These pipelines had been approved!
Obama used his “pens and cell-phones” to stop these projects to satisfy the “AGW-Alarmists”.
Even Hillary’s State Dept had approved Keystone.
The Corps of “Political” Engineers had approved both pipelines.
The Dakota pipeline does not cross Indian Territory.
There are four other pipelines that currently cross the Ohae River
Stopping the PipeLines was an Obama Political Decision
ReStarting the PipeLines is a Trump National Energy and Jobs Decision.
Gangs Obstructing Energy Pipelines An Obama Legacy
More Obama Obstructionism And Loathing For American Energy And Business


Obama’s “Red Guard Gangs” Attack DC Muslims


Talk about Karma at the Inauguration Riots!
“As it turned out, the limousine torched by ... Anarchist upper-middle-class black hooded delinquents, did not belong to some fat cat capitalist the left despises. No, it belonged to Muhammad Ashraf, a Muslim migrant who has been running and owning his Nationwide Chauffeur Services for over 25 years. According to Ashraf, if his insurance doesn’t cover riot damage, the damage might cost him $70.000.”
Obama’s “Red Guards” Achieved His Goals
Obama’s “Red Guards” And “Pravda Press” At The Trump Inauguration

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Deplorable Liberals Bully A 10-Year Old Child


Thank You Chelsea – you were a class act making this statement!
Chelsea Clinton defends Barron Trump,
“NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - Former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton has a message for people attacking President Donald Trump's youngest son, Barron:  Stop it.
The 10-year-old has been the subject of ridicule on social media throughout the campaign season and during inaugural events with some saying he seemed disinterested and others, including comedian Rosie O'Donnell, suggesting he is autistic.”
Mocking and belittling a 10-year old boy who behaved very nicely under very difficult and trying circumstances.
These are the “people” who claim to be sensitive and caring.
Isn’t this the very definition of BULLYING!
Wasn’t it these people who “warned” us not to say a word about the Obama girls and Chelsea?
We’ve all seen the kids of these Libertards running wild through the stores – now there’s something to comment upon - Ritalin anyone?
What a pathetic and hypocritical gang.
To add to the gross Libertard ignorance and nasty dialogue:
Chelsea Handler was the women’s PussyHat leader of the most elitist women’s march in the US at the Sundance Festival.
Chelsea Handler made a total “donkey” of herself by declaring on national TV that Melania Trump:
‘She Can Barely Speak English’
Really? – Actually Melania can speak five languages fluently!
How many languages can you speak -- not counting pig-latin?
Chelsea Handler – you know where you can stuff your PussyHat!


DNC-Pravda Media CoverUp of Hillary-Bill Slush Fund

The Hills are alive with the sound of the Left-wing press opining about Trump’s “potential” conflicts of interest and his “personal” tax returns.
Why look for “potential” conflicts of interest when they are staring directly into the massive “real” conflicts of interest and malfeasance of the Clinton Foundation?
For those “investigative” reporters who need assistance -- see the list of source links attached.
Why complain about unavailable tax returns when the Clinton Foundation 2014 tax returns contain a good example of one of the worst example of “charitable” malfeasance.
The following data requires validation!
The “investigative” reporters of the media should crawl through these numbers circulating on the internet and fix “the fake news” IF ANY.
These are figures from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation for the tax year 2014.
Anyone may obtain a copy of the tax return from the National Center for Charitable Statistics website!
Total revenue (line 12) ....................$177,804,612.00
Total grants to charity (line 13) ...........$5,160,385.00
Total expenses of......................... ..  $91,281,145.00
expenses include: salaries (line 15)..$34,838,106.00
            fund raising fees (line 16a).........$850,803.00
                other expenses (line 17)...  $50,431,85100
Line 22 shows ending year net assets/fund balances of $332,471,349.00 which is
up $85,171,891 from last years tax return!
They list 486 employees (line 5)!  So it took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION WHICH IS LESS THAN 3% OF TOTAL REVENUES AND 1.5% OF FUND BALANCE!
How can this Not be on the front page of The Roanoke Times?
How can this Not be under FBI Investigation?
And they call this a CHARITY?
Here's the link to the National Center for Charitable Statistics website:
http://990s.foundationcenter. org/990_pdf_archive/311/ 311580204/311580204_201412_ 990.pdf
Pardon Me -- Please?
The Clinton Foundation Is Dead — But The Case Against Hillary Isn't
“of the 154 private interests who either officially met or had scheduled phone talks with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state, at least 85 were donors to the Clinton Foundation or one of its programs.”
Clinton Global Initiative to shut down, lays off 22 as donations dry up
Clinton Foundation memo reveals Bill and Hillary as partners in crime
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
The inside story of how the Clintons built a $2 billion global empire


Pardon Me -- Please?




Trump -- A Decisive Executive



Trump No On Obama’s TPP

Roanoke Times, 1-24-2017, Pg 1,5: BIG Headline: Trump pulls US out of trade deal.
“Trump’s move on trade aimed to fulfill a central campaign promise even as he appeared to be ‘fixated on revisiting the 2016 election’”.
Item 1: That big bad Trump with his own pens and cell-phones signing his own executive orders! The headline makes this look like this is a bad thing!
But wait – During the 2016 campaign both Hillary and Bernie ran AGAINST TPP – (she was for it before she was against it) -- Really!
Item 2: The article berates Trump for “fixating on his election promises”!  Really?
Isn’t this what voters would like elected officials to do for a change?
Hasn’t there been a major complaint about officials Not following-through on their campaign promises?
Why doesn’t this article-author praise Trump for his follow-through?
Item 3: The TPP is Not a completed trade deal, far from it:
“The Trans-Pacific Partnership, one of the world's biggest multinational trade deals, was signed by 12 member nations in New Zealand, but the massive trade pact will still require years of tough negotiations before it becomes a reality.
The signing is "an important step" but the agreement "is still just a piece of paper, or rather over 16,000 pieces of paper until it actually comes into force," said New Zealand Prime Minister John Key at the ceremony in Auckland.
The TPP will now undergo a two-year ratification period in which at least six countries - that account for 85 percent of the combined gross domestic production of the 12 TPP nations - must approve the final text for the deal to be implemented.”
Yet another DNC-Pravda Media “story” displaying their slant and bias with  mis-and-dis-information!  How sad!


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