The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


PravdaMedia’s Tsunami Of ManMade Global Warming AGW Propaganda

The disciples of the Obama-Gore-Mann AGW-Alarmists are frantically pumping out AGW Propaganda that the PravdaMedia regurgitates as facts.
They continue to use the “1984 DoubleSpeak” technique of ignoring the reality that: the climate is changing ---- the climate has always been changing.  In their DoubleSpeak climate change is always due to mankind and ignores the reality that natural climate change is the only kind so far and there is no scientific basis for their hypothesis.
Some current examples of this AGW Propaganda Blitzkrieg:
Roanoke Times, 10-24-2017, Pg 5: Study: Massive flooding could hit NYC regularly.
*  Really?  Sea levels have been rising at 8-inches per 100-years with no measured change in that rate at Battery Park at the tip of Manhattan.
Roanoke Times, 10-28-017, Pg 1: Jack Frost nipping noses later, frost is arriving later than ever and scientists agree that’s a spreading indication of climate change.
*  And how does that relate to manmade CO2?   No scientific connection!
Roanoke Times, 10-28-2017, Pg 3:  McAuliffe will attend climate conference in Germany in Nov.
*  Would be nice if he stayed in Germany!  His negative leadership in Va. has resulted in a pathetic anemic economy with no measureable improvement in natural global climate parameters.  He can’t even get the first wind-turbine facilities off-the-ground.
Roanoke Times, 10-27-2017, Pg 7:  Monarch butterflies tardy on fall flight to Mexico because of extended warm weather due to global warming.
*  Monarch butterflies migration and fall tree colors are primarily determined by shorter daylight hours.  Natural temperature variations are a secondary driver.  The major issue for monarchs is the frost that occasionally hits their winter-time swarms in Mexico.  In 2002  80% of our Monarch’s were killed by frost in Mexico!  If you want to help the Monarch’s plant lots of milk-weed!
Roanoke Times, 10-27-2017, Pg 8:  Labor Dept predicts green boom:  Green jobs installing solar panels grew 96% from 5,800 to 11,300.  Other areas will grow 30%.
*  We all love statistics!  The ‘other area’ growth of 30% is Millions of jobs not thousands.  The sad reality is that ‘we’ are doing the low-end of the green stuff.  We are buying the high-end-job panels and inverters from others who are reaping the real financial and job benefits.
Roanoke Times, 10-26-2017, Pg Va 1: Botetourt wind farm delayed again.  Developers cannot close the business plan for distribution and electricity purchasing.
*  Great opportunity for all the green-boosters to sign-up to long-term electricity contracts to buy this green power.  First in-line should be The Roanoke Times who use a large amount of our current ‘dirty power’.
Roanoke Times, 10-26-2017, Pg Bus 8:  Norfolk Southern Q3 profit ups 10%.  Coal revenue grew 13%.
*  Not one word about how this relates to the end of Obama’s War on Coal and Trump’s all-the-above energy menu.  A totally ignored issue is the importance of ‘metallurgic coal’ used in steel production, a major export commodity.
Roanoke Times,10-25-2017, Pg 1:  GAO:  Climate change costing US billions.  Costs expected to rise as devastating storms, floods, wild-fires and droughts become more frequent.
*  The reality is that all these disruptive issues have Not become more frequent or more severe; nor is there any scientific basis for claiming they relate to man-made CO2.  The reality is that we have become a ‘target rich environment’ due to major population growth and the location of that growth.
Roanoke Times:  Pruitt guts EPA science panels, will appoint new members 
"Whatever science comes out of EPA shouldn't be political science,"
As part of his directive, Pruitt said he will bar appointees who currently are in receipt of EPA grants or who are in a position to benefit such grants.” 
EPA To Review Their “Endangerment” Finding Of Man-made CO2 AGW 
Obama’s EPA Still Promoting Gore’s Inconvenient AGW UnTruth

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