The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Pocahontas Warren An Embarrassment To Native-Americans

Trump calls Warren ‘Pocahontas’ at event honoring Native Americans
“President Donald Trump revived his derogatory nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., on Monday, referring to her as "Pocahontas" during an event honoring Native American veterans at the White House.
Trump told the veterans: "You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas." “
The PravdaMedia went ‘postal’, even labeling Trump a racist (again),
over Trump’s reiteration of his title of Pocahontas for Sen. Warren;
It is Sen. Warren who’s a racist by falsely claiming Native-American heritage to get ‘extra points’ for a Harvard gig!
She was a ‘far-left-liberal-woman’ applying to Harvard – how many ‘extra points’ did she need?


North Korea Nuclear Ballistic Missiles Target Entire US HomeLand

12-6-2017:  North Korea says U.S. threats make war unavoidable
“North Korea’s foreign ministry blamed the drills and “confrontational warmongering” by U.S. officials for making war inevitable.”

New missile test shows North Korea capable of hitting all of US mainland
“Washington (CNN)North Korea claims to have successfully tested a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile, topped with a "super-large heavy warhead," which is capable of striking the US mainland.”
Hawaii to sound warning sirens amid nuclear threats from North Korea
“Hawaii will resume sirens this week that will warn of a nuclear attack as tensions with North Korea continue to rise.
The air-raid sirens will begin Dec. 1, and will continue each month as part of a “newly-activated Attack Warning Tone, intended to warn Hawaii residents of an impending nuclear missile attack,” the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency said in a press release Monday.”
The Obama malignant-neglect of US national security has come to this!
We are now back to the Cold War Mutual Assured Destruction MAD, but this time with a fanatical, mentally deranged murderer.
Obama’s declared birthplace, Hawaii, will now sound Obama-sirens to alert residents of incoming – how reassuring.
Sirens and Duck and Cover didn’t help much at Hiroshima!
Perhaps the RT should look-up that Roanoke voter to reinforce that all this is Trump’s fault.  Talk about pathetic so called ‘news’.
Roanoke Voter Blames Trump For North Korean Nuclear Threat
All this the sad outcome of Obama’s Jive and Apologies! 
The premise NOW is Not Retaliation!
The premise NOW is Not Interdiction!
The premise NOW is Preemptive Action to Eliminate The Threat to The American People! 
The Real Consensus: North Korea Nuclear Threat Critical, Imminent
Talk Until First Bomb Drops
North Korean Missile Strike on US 'Inevitable'

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Roanoke Times: We Don’t Need Any School Accountability

"CASEY: For education's sake, dump the Standards of Learning
Ditch the SOLs. Completely. Forever. Acknowledge they're a failure and that they're hurting the mission of Virginia's public schools."
This Roanoke Times Rant was a follow-up to:
Virginia SOL Do-Over’s Under Review
The RT premise:  We Don’t Need Any School Accountability or Standards Of Learning SOLs or Testing to determine if students are mastering the materials deemed by the State Education Dept, developed by a community of Va Teachers, to be the minimum requirements for graduation.
This Rant spends significant ink on discussing the education system and outcomes in Finland. 
Just picture a classroom of students in the socially stable, monolithic, work-ethic culture of Finland compared to a US classroom that has been referred to in the Roanoke Times as a ‘pipeline to prison’. 
To wit in the RT just a few day ago – Nov 24th
 “As part of a district-wide initiative to curb out-of-school suspensions, the Montgomery County School district has introduced a new disciplinary referral form.”
(that 'form' should straighten-out those disruptive and nasty elements that are stealing an education from the other students -- Really? -- Not!)
As these non-tested, unknown-competence student’s graduate with unknown capabilities and move into society, perhaps we should forgo future testing to save them the embarrassment of taking tests and perhaps failing (ego issue!).
So let’s stop the testing and certification for:
All motor-vehicle, boat and aircraft drivers
Lawyers Bar Exams
Doctor’s Board certifications
Police and Fireperson
Electricians, plumbers and carpenters
Teachers and professors
Civil Service exams
The list of tests to be eliminated is almost limitless -- just imagine the cost savings!
Taxpayers are paying a minimum of $12,000 per student per year for public education.  That’s a minimum of $156,000 for K-12.
For that investment isn’t it prudent that the taxpayers and parents be assured that Johnny can read his diploma, write a resume and calculate his taxes and be a productive, self-sufficient and competitive person?
How can that competence be assured without testing and how can educational  performance across the State be determined without State Standardized Tests?
BTW was raising the veil of ignorance from his people, not putting it down!

Monday, November 27, 2017


Hungry Student’s: The McAuliffe-Obama Legacy

McAuliffe and associates and the PravdaMedia did an outstanding job during the last election cycle keeping Virginia’s economic and quality of life issues in the closet.
The message was that all is well for the 300,000 Democrat voters in the Beltway Swamp; just don’t look behind the curtain below the Beltway.
Roanoke Times, 11-23-2017, Pg 2:  Challenge aims to get more students eating ‘free’ breakfast.  Last year Va schools served about 10-million more breakfasts than last year.
(note: total number not provided – would be too much embarrassing information)
For a Reality Check of the real state of Virginia’s economic status: Google the free breakfast and lunch programs in Virginia’s Puiblic Schools.
Va. schools participating in free lunch/breakfast program up 139 percent
The number of Virginia schools that have signed up for a federal program to feed children living in poverty has jumped by 139 percent this school year, giving more than 56,000 kids access to free lunch and breakfast.
In all, 206 schools across 26 divisions statewide have decided to take advantage of the Community Eligibility Provision, a program that uses federal money to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students in qualifying school districts.
That’s up from 86 schools in 11 divisions last school year.
Students approved for free or reduced price school lunch,1232,1123,1031,923/any/12923,6682
Data Type
AY 2010 - 11
AY 2011 - 12
AY 2012 - 13
AY 2013 - 14
AY 2014 - 15

Look-up the data and draw your own conclusions as to how well McAuliffe and associates have handled “job creation” and retention and the economic health of Virginia.
McAuliffe Brags About Virginia’s Dismal Economy And Immigration
The Basis Of The American Middle-Class Is Jobs 


Virginia SOL Do-Over’s Under Review

State education board looks at tightening SOL retake rules after complaints
“Retesting of students in the state’s standardized exams could be curtailed over concerns Roanoke and other school divisions may have abused a provision allowing second tries.
Virginia’s Board of Education has asked staff for more specific guidelines on the provision, which permits school superintendents to approve students to retake the state Standards of Learning test under “extenuating circumstances.””
Dishonesty Of Roanoke School Management And Virginia DofEd
In desperation, the Roanoke City Schools in ‘Collaboration’ with the Virginia DofEd denigrated and demeaned all those students and teachers and school districts that complied with the rules of the SOLs and totally debased the meaning of ‘accreditation’.
And to add insult to injury – they’re bragging about it!  How sad is that?
Talk about ‘teaching to the tests’!  Johnny didn’t do well on the test; so, let’s just keep taking the test until he does better.
And let’s not worry about our standing and accomplishments relative to all the other students in Virginia.
Let’s just declare our academic “Mission Accomplished”!
Why not give them full credit for just ‘taking the test’?
Isn’t it unfair to require students to ‘pass the test’?
The joys of Progressive-Socialism after 8-years of Obama!

Sunday, November 26, 2017


Jocks In China Jails – Just Take A Knee!

“How Trump Helped Liberate U.C.L.A. ‘Knuckleheads’ From China”
Player Ball’s father disrespected Trump’s success in getting the three
athletes released from Chinese arrest for shoplifting.
Father Ball’s contention is that shoplifting is a common and regular thing and no big deal and Trump had no role in the releases.
Yet another dysfunctional mentor!
Nuts don’t fall far from the tree!
Just more jerks giving Good Black People a bad image!
“Trump’s war with LaVar Ball, basketball’s most famous stage dad, explained”
Now Wendell Brown’s mother is asking Trump for help getting her son out of a Chinese prison.
Why isn’t she asking LaVar Ball to get her son freed?
With his mouth and attitude it should be ‘a piece of cake’.
Mom Pleads for President's Help Freeing Athlete Son From Chinese Prison
“The mother of a football star (Ball State University linebacker Wendell Brown, 30)  detained in a Chinese prison since September, 2016 is now pleading for President Trump's help to bring her son home.”


Ongoing Pain And Suffering Of Our People In Puerto Rico

Jan 2018:  Puerto Rico: Privatizing Utility
Roanoke Times, 1-23-2018, Pg 3: PR to privatize the public power company
“One of the largest public utilities in the U.S. might soon be up for sale, but many wonder who would want to buy a power company that is worth roughly half of the $9 billion debt it holds and has an infrastructure nearly three times older than the industry average.” 
Roanoke Times, 11-22-2017, pg 8: Puerto Rico: Unpaid bill halts work to restore electricity
The electric power contractor, which got the contract to restore the storm ravaged power system has stopped work because he has not been paid the $83 million owed and that contract has been cancelled
Of course he stopped work!   How can he pay his bills and pay his employees without the owed money – and what’s his future -- his contract has been cancelled!
Where are the new replacement contractors?
Who fires their surgeon in the middle of an operation without having the replacement ready to go?
The pain and suffering of the Puerto Rican people has been exacerbated by a Liberal Left-wing Democrat government that had run the island into bankruptcy before the storm and has acted in a quasi-criminally-negligent manner since the storm.
This is much worse than the criminality of Mayor Noggin in New Orleans.
Over 139,000 of the 3.4-million Puerto Ricans, who have the means, have relocated to Florida.  Many more will follow.  What a sad commentary of government malfeasance on a massive scale.
“Over 139,000 of Puerto Ricans Have Arrived in Florida Since Hurricane Maria”
Puerto Rico Is A Disaster Area And Human Tragedy
Puerto Rico: So Much For Democrat Leadership

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Germany’s Queen Merkel DownGraded

German Social Democrats under pressure in coalition impasse
'She has NO IDEA' Germany’s crisis is Merkel's fault as she 'completely miscalculated'
The Queen of the EU and liberals has fallen upon hard times.
It should now be clear to all that the EU construct is in big trouble. 
The Brits BrExit followed by dissension in other EU countries over:
EU governance mandates and control
EU demands for unfettered and unchecked mass immigration
EU demands for unfettered movement of ‘undocumented’ immigrants
EU mandates on countries budgets and financial systems and taxes
Something about a ‘Swamp’ in Brussels! 
Perhaps Trump was ahead of his time with his proclamations:
America First!  You think?
Merkel’s love affair with Gore-Power has soured and the cost of energy has escalated!
“The transformation is placing a heavy burden on its citizens. Germany spent 25 billion euros ($26 billion) on renewable energy in 2016, most of which—23 billion euros—consumers paid through a surcharge on their electricity bills.”
Germany takes steps to roll back renewable energy revolution
Europe Has Been Living In White House Basement Too Long
Merkel reiterates call for Europe to 'take fate into our own hands'
This statement by Germany’s Merkel proves that the Trump trip to Europe was a BIG Success!
Trump To Merkel: Time To Do Your Share


Dangerous Outcomes: Obama Leading From Behind Legacy

U.S. Ally Turkey, Working With Russia and Iran, May Begin Talks With Syria’s Assad
 “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan revealed Friday that he may be willing to talk to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad”
Obama’s abrogation of his so called ‘Red Line’ ultimatum and subsequent withdrawal from the Syrian debacle has now resulted in the Russians and Iranians in charge of Syria with Butcher-Bashar a puppet figure-head.
The future is indeed bleak for those left in Syria and Middle-East Peace is doomed and Israel, Jordan and Egypt targeted.
The Roanoke Times take on all this is pathetic – who writes this tripe?
“The Latest: General: Russia likely to scale down in Syria”
Scale down indeed – they now are totally in-charge and control!
Just another pathetic Obama Legacy Item!
Syria activists: Government attacks outside Damascus kill 22
“Government airstrikes and shelling outside the Syrian capital killed at least 22 civilians, activists reported Sunday, as the fighting showed no signs of letting up ahead of the resumption of U.N. peace talks in Geneva.” 
Obama In Full Retreat From Syria
Russian Bombs And Iranian Troops Killing Our Surrogates In Syria

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Boycott NFL Football – Thanksgiving Weekend

Boycott those who disrespect:
Our Country
Our Flag
Our Heritage and
Our Veterans!
Robin Williams as the American Flag 
Enough with the Victimhood: Millionaire Athletes and Their Lost Cause
by Sylvia Thompson
I must admit I have never in my life purchased a ticket to a sports event. I am not a sports enthusiast. But I am an American black citizen, and I have had it up to the gills with black people who embrace victimhood. I also highly resent my being expected to do the same in order to affirm my “blackness.”
The NAACP is now trying to justify the ‘Kneelers’ by claiming that the National Anthem is Racist.
How sad and sick is that!
NFL Brains -- Scrambled
Where To Go To Find Felons? The NFL!
Knee CBS, And Boycott The NFL
NFL Supports Free Speech – Really?


Thanksgiving 2017

President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation at the depths of the most devastating war America has suffered.
Click for full Lincoln Proclamation:
Thank and Pray for those who serve in harms way
turn sound On
Then Click for Full Screen
Kate Smith introduces God Bless America
An inspirational message for US TODAY
Johnny Cash - Thanksgiving / I Thank You
Thanksgiving Prayer ~ Johnny Cash

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


JFK Assassinated November 22, 1963

November 22, 1963: Death of the President
“Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas.”
It is difficult to comprehend the meager media coverage today of this monumental event in the history of the United States! 
I was a young Army Nuclear Missile Artillery Officer in Germany.
This was at the height of the cold war and the immediate issue was: is this the decapitation of the US Government by the Soviet Union and the beginning of WW-III and nuclear MAD Armageddon?
Sure makes today’s headlines and issues rather mundane doesn’t it!
Remembering the last time I saw JFK - Fliegerhorst Caserne
Perhaps the Major Media chose Not to highlight JFK today because he represents such a major contrast to Obama and the current Liberal-Progressive-Democrats as so well articulated in his ‘ask not’ speech and his speech at 'the wall'.
John F Kennedy 'Ask not'
John F Kennedy giving his Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech in Berlin 

Monday, November 20, 2017


Lifting And Dropping Veils Of Racial History

The convoluted history of racial veils and statues

BTW lifting A Veil of Ignorance

Terry McAuliffe Dropping A Veil on Lee
Booker T. Washington’s view of exploiting black history:
“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
(p. 118,  My Larger Education BTW  1911) - See more at:
Enough with the Victimhood: Millionaire Athletes and Their Lost Cause
I must admit I have never in my life purchased a ticket to a sports event. I am not a sports enthusiast. But I am an American black citizen, and I have had it up to the gills with black people who embrace victimhood. I also highly resent my being expected to do the same in order to affirm my “blackness.” 
Push for state approval to remove statues faces long odds
Charlottesville Mayor Draped In Black (The Real Collusion?)
Obama’s Minions Now Attacking Lincoln And Washington
What to do with the Buffalo Soldier Statue?


PravdaMedia New Tax Bill Speculation Full Of FakeNews


Roanoke Times, 11-20-2017, Pg 8: Tax bill rift between colleges and Republicans
This yet another in the PravdaMedia’s tsunami of mis-and-disinformation designed to continue their support of Schumer and Pelosi in the name of Obama and his ‘Resist’ Movement.
Yet more speculation about a Tax Bill that hasn’t’ been finalized or passed and based on the State of the Congress probably will not be passed.
Reality:  68.5% of taxpayers do Not Itemize!
Under the ‘proposals’ that increase the standard deduction from $12,000 to $24,000 the number Not Itemizing will be over 90%.
That means almost all the speculation about 'deductibles' impacts to ‘average and below average income’ family taxes is FakeNews!
They don’t claim deductions now and fewer will do so under the proposals, therefore, all this heifer-dust about changing deductibles will only impact those well over $100,000 income.
(at the Roanoke Times probably only an issue for the editors).
PravdaMedia – what a sad group for what was once a respected profession!
Tax ‘Reform’: Who Pulls The Wagon And Who Rides In the Wagon?

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Biden: These Are Dangerous Times

Biden calls Trump era ‘one of the most dangerous times in modern history’
Yes Joe, these are dangerous times, but Not yet as dangerous as:
The Cuba nuclear missile crisis
The building of the Berlin-E.German Wall
The murder of our President
But very dangerous indeed.
Why now?   8-Years of Obama is why!
Doing nothing as N. Korea built nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles.
Signing a sweet-heart nuclear deal with Iran that assures their nuclear arsenal in 10-years or less.
Allowing the JV-ISIS to flourish and metastasize
Allowing Radical Muslim Terrorists into our country
Massively down-sizing our military capability
Waging a race-baiting war against our police
Killing our anti-ballistic missile defense SDI (aka StarWars)
Weakening our economic system with regulations and socialism
Weakening our social system through personal-identity warfare
Showing weakness and cowardness in the face of our enemies
Yes Joe Biden – we live in dangerous times and you and your team has the major responsibility for that! 
Strong Message To Follow!



The Ongoing Ridiculousness Of The Anti-MVP Pipeline Stories

Roanoke Times, 11-18-2017, Pg 1, 3: MVP Pipeline Ruling Soon
430-acres of land will be disturbed by pipeline
Endangered Indiana bat may be disturbed
There are some very valid concerns with building and maintaining the MVP Pipeline.
But These Aren’t It!  Would you like to guess again?
There are 1,664,110-acres of land in the Virginia portion of the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests.
The amount and disturbance of the 430-acres of forest land and the environment by the MVP Fracking-Gas Pipeline pales in comparison to that of the Black-Topped Blue Ridge Parkway that the anti-pipeline folks seem to love and frequently drive their dirty fossil-fuel killers upon.
Here’s an idea a Real Forester would have about the pipeline clearing:
Let's use this opportunity to make a Fire-Break at least 100-yards wide and have a joint ongoing plan to keep it open and green to protect the forest from raging fires that turn the Blue Ridge into a Black Ridge.
Appalachian Trail "Pipeline Obstructionists" Have Lost Credibility
Apparently the endangered bats will not holdup the pipeline.  Seems a far fetch that they will collide with the buried pipe and removing trees from 430-acres of the 1,664,110 acres of this National Forest will not constrain their vast nesting or hunting lands.
In fact it’s natural disease that is killing millions of our bats:
Roanoke Times: White Nose Syndrome has killed 5.7 million bats.
Everyone in the loop just approved the Botetourt Wind Turbine Farm that clearly will kill bats, birds and Eagles but the electricity will be clean-green not dirty-red.


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