The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, December 31, 2017


NYC Times Square: Watching The Ball Drop at 11F Degrees AGW

Revelers heading to New York City’s Times Square to ring in 2018 will face one of the coldest ball drops on record this New Year’s Eve.
Temp forecast = 11F   Wind Chill = (minus) -5F
Shades of:  Freezing 'A Brass Monkey'
For nautical types the 'Brass Monkey' is the platform used to hold cannon balls on the decks of galleon war ships.
For land lubbers the 'Brass Monkey' is the sign above pawn shops.
All this ‘warming’ on the day the Roanoke Times had (3) major ‘stories’ on Man-Made AGW Global Warming.
Pg N&W 1, 2:  Climate soon could affect housing markets
Administration position on climate change varies
Pg 5: Fake news prompts literacy efforts in schools
Talk about Bi-Polar News!  Do these people not look at any real facts, data or graphs?  Talk about needed literacy efforts in schools!
All Critical Thinkers looking at the AGW-hypothesis and real data are 'Skeptics'!
Hope all the RT editors and staff are in Times Square tonight to enjoy that Obama-Gore-Mann warming!
Advice:  Don't stand under any Pawn Shop Brass Monkeys.
Windows Are Breaking: Record Cold -- Where’s Al Gore?
More AGW-Alarmism DisInformation
Obama’s EPA Still Promoting Gore’s Inconvenient AGW UnTruth
Our Climate is Changing: Our Climate has Always Been Changing!

Friday, December 29, 2017


Windows Are Breaking: Record Cold -- Where’s AGW Gore?

"It's so cold outside that people's windows are breaking in the US and Canada
Across the U.S. and Canada, residents are experiencing record-low temperatures, historic amounts of snowfall and weather-related deaths."
Damn those AGW-Skeptics!  This is clearly their doing!
At the very time Trump has withdrawn from the so-called Paris Accord, Mother Nature socks North America and all those AGW-Alarmists with a dose of weather reality.
Apparently there’s a major disconnect between Reality and the hypothesis that current levels of CO2 has resulted in major catastrophic irreversible Global Warming.
We already knew that Mother Nature had belied the Gore-Mann Hockey Stick (actually it’s a Jewish Shtick)
that the AGW-Models were ‘garbage-in >> garbage-out’.
Clearly weather is Not climate and it would be a good change for the AGW-Alarmists to put Natural Climate Change into a continuum starting with the Medieval Warm Period through the Little Ice Age to Today instead of their ongoing tsunami of cherry-picked and ‘adjusted’ weather events data masqueraded as AGW climate change.
The Climate is Changing --- The Climate has always been Changing!

Where Are AGW Gore And Mann When We Need Them?

Thursday, December 28, 2017


NFL Boycotts Own NFL Game

NFL Cancels Final ‘Sunday Night Football’ Game Of Season Amid Controversy
“The National Football League has canceled this year’s final "Sunday Night Football" game for the first time since 1977.
The NFL is blaming the cancellation on New Year’s Eve, citing its history as a low ratings day, according to a CNN report.”
During this special Christmas Season
The only “knee” we should respect!
Boycott NFL Football


Where Are AGW Gore And Mann When We Need Them?

Bundle up: Bitter cold weather takes hold of northern US
“ERIE, Pa. (AP) — Bitter cold weather has taken hold of much of the northern United States and is expected to stay put for days to come as two Minnesota cities already have set record low temperatures and a city in Pennsylvania continues to dig out from a record snowfall.
Forecasters warned of hypothermia and frostbite from arctic air settling in over the central U.S. and spreading east.
The National Weather Service reported International Falls, Minnesota, the self-proclaimed Icebox of the Nation, plunged to 37 degrees below zero, breaking the old record of 32 below set in 1924. Hibbing, Minnesota, bottomed out at 28 below, breaking the old record of 27 below set in 1964.”
These records set before the significant build-up of CO2.
Oh Right – Weather is only an example of Man-Made AGW CO2 Global Warming and Climate Change when it suits the AGW-Alarmist!
Otherwise it’s just Weather!
More AGW-Alarmism DisInformation
Obama’s EPA Still Promoting Gore’s Inconvenient AGW UnTruth
Our Climate is Changing: OnLine Power-Point


Illegal Immigration Major Problem In US And EU

Report reveals 92 percent of foreign nationals in US federal prisons are illegal immigrants
“A new report published Thursday by the Trump administration shows that 92 percent of foreign nationals in federal prisons are in the U.S. illegally — a revelation that Attorney General Jeff Sessions said proves why the U.S. needs to follow through on President Trump's proposed immigration reform.
The 2017 report, from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, found that more than one in five individuals imprisoned were not born in the United States. In addition, 94 percent of foreign nationals in the custody of either the Federal Bureau of Prisons or the U.S. Marshals Service entered the U.S. illegally.”
It’s of interest that neither Obama, PravdaMedia nor any of his Sanctuary Minions shared this shocking 92% statistic with the American People!
“Left-wing Liberal” Macron gets tough as France struggles to deal with migrants
“PARIS (AP) — It's getting colder, the clock is ticking and regional authorities are scrambling to meet President Emmanuel Macron's deadline: get migrants off France's streets and out of forest hideouts by year's end.
That won't likely happen, and Macron's government is now tightening the screws: ramping up expulsions, raising pressure on economic migrants and allowing divisive ID checks in emergency shelters.”
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”
Bill Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union immigration declaration
Click on Link and view the YouTube Video – sound ON
In spite of the Obama-Sanctuary-Judges, so far the
SCOTUS Supports Trump’s Travel Restrictions
Uncontrolled EU Refugee Immigration has over-run multiple European countries ability to assimilate them into their culture, jobs, infrastructure and society.  It’s not just a Trump thing!
Sweden Finally Gets The Immigration Terrorism Connection
Immigration Problems Hit The Brits Too
Austrians Vote To Control Immigration And National Sovereignty
Leaders Of Six Nations Block Migrants With Fence
The Syrian Refugee Onslaught: European Countries Resurrect Their Borders
Norway’s Solution To The Muslim Refugee Challenge

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


North Korean Debacle Result Of Rewarding Dangerous Bad Behavior

Roanoke Times, 12-23-2017, Pg 1, 6:  UN Security Council punishes N. Korea
12-25-2017, Pg 1, 5: N. Korea calls UN sanctions ‘act of war’
After months of the PravdaMedia blaming Trump for the N. Korean escalations and threats of nuclear attack upon the US it is now clear, to even the dullest amongst us, that this imminent nuclear danger is the result of rewarding dangerous bad behavior by the N. Koreans.
Bill Clinton had Bill Richardson (then his Energy Secretary) negotiate One-on-One with North Korea to stop their nuke development.
Clinton-Richardson gave them:
food and a
nuclear power plant for a
"promise" to stop nuke development.
Talk about failed policy, failed diplomacy and lame-brained appeasement!
Given China’s current support for N. Korea (to undermine the US), it is doubtful at this stage that any UN sanctions will change the N. Koreans demonic leader’s drive to attain a nuclear armed ballistic missile capable of hitting any US city.
Trump deserves credit, not criticism, for confronting this clear and imminent danger to the US, our people and our allies after 8-years of Obama’s malignant neglect.
The premise NOW is Not Retaliation!
The premise NOW is Not Interdiction!
The premise NOW is Preemptive Action to Eliminate The Threat to The American People!
The Real Consensus: North Korea Nuclear Threat Critical, Imminent
North Korea Nuclear Ballistic Missiles Target Entire US HomeLand
North Korean H-Bomb Test – The Obama Malignant-Neglect Legacy

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


More AGW-Alarmism DisInformation

Roanoke Times, 12-24-2017, Pg N&W 1, 4: Climate change poses risk for 327 toxic Superfund sites.
What Climate Change would that be? – The Natural Kind? – The only kind so far!
And how pray tell does one change Mother Natures Natural Climate Changes?
Since no one can or has shown a significant scientific cause-effect between CO2, weather events and climate change, why would this be a ‘page 1 story’? 
Shouldn’t this stuff be in the horoscope section?
Satellites Show No Acceleration In Global Warming For 23-Years
Yes, toxic waste sites are of concern.  That’s why there has been a major effort to identify them, classify them and prioritize them into risk categories for remediation.
The classic disaster case was Love Canal in which the City ignored the well documented description and warning by the polluter that nothing should ever be done on or near the site.  The City, in a massive case of government malfeasance, approved development of the site resulting in catastrophic health issues.
We’re from the government and we’re here to help!
Obama’s EPA tried to outdo the Love Canal mess by damaging a mine containment releasing massive amounts of heavy-metals and chemicals into the Colorado River System:
Obama’s EPA: Government At It’s Worst
The AGW-Alarmists in Seattle are rather quiet this week – they’re shoveling out from a snow storm – the most significant in 10-years.
At the current level of atmospheric CO2, didn’t Obama-Gore-Mann tell us we’ve seen the last of winters?  Apparently Not!
 All that cold air coming down from the Arctic that Gore-Mann told us would be ice-free 4-years ago.  Apparently Not! 
12-27-2017:  Feet of lake-effect snow to bury Great Lakes during final week of 2017

“A plunge of arctic air will set up significant lake-effect snowfall for parts of the Great Lakes into midweek.
Following the Christmas snowstorm across the northeastern United States, a multi-day lake-effect snow event will bring the heaviest snowfall so far this season across the Great Lakes.” 
Obama’s EPA Still Promoting Gore’s Inconvenient AGW UnTruth
Our Climate is Changing: OnLine Power-Point


PravdaMedia Headline Marginalizes Trump Economy

Roanoke Times, 12-22-2017, Pg 1, 4:  Big Headline: Economy continues to grow at steady rate.
‘Experts’ cited global growth, job availability and the dollar’s lower relative currency value.
And what anti-Trump ‘experts’ would that be that are totally oblivious to the major changes Trump’s initiatives are having on:
Empowering Businesses to grow
Reducing Taxes and Unnecessary Burdensome Federal Bureaucracy
Renegotiating Bad Trade Deals
Reversing the Obama Malaise business environment
We don’t need Obama’s ‘economic experts’ to tell us the Reality of the economic changes in-process --- we simply can look at this year's results:
What a major positive fast change to Obama’s Anemic Economic Legacy and his disgusting attack upon the American Free Enterprise System right here at Roanoke’s Fire House #1:

Democrats Criticize The New Tax Bill
Roanoke Times Editor Becoming A Closet-Republican?
Empowering The American Free Enterprise System

Monday, December 25, 2017


Merry Christmas 2017

May the spirit of christmas bring you PEACE
The gladness of christmas give you HOPE
The warmth of christmas grant you LOVE.
PEACE makes all things possible,
HOPE makes all things work
LOVE makes all things beautiful. 
Keep Christ In Christmas Through Music!
 Sound On    Full Screen
Sissel Kyrkjebø - Silent Night - Most beautiful voice ever heard!
Sissel Kyrkjebø – Oh Holy Night  -- O Helga Natt 
“Little Bolero Drummer Boy” by the ORU Orchestra & Guests
Silent Night in German (Stille Nacht) -Dresden choir. (Dresdner Kreuzchor)
The original lyrics of the song "Stille Nacht" were written in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria by the priest Father Joseph Mohr. The melody was composed by the Austrian headmaster Franz Xavier Gruber. It was first published and performed in 1818

Sunday, December 24, 2017


The Roanoke Times Dano Trophy Joins The US Military

After his presentation of the 2017 Dano Awards
The Dano Trophy will be joining the US Military under their new guidelines for LGBTQ recruits.
It’s not clear at this time, from observing the trophy, if Dano Trophy will be joining as a female being reconstructed to be a male or a male being reconstructed to be a female (each a work-in-process).
Much to Trump’s (and a multitude of others) chagrin:
Pentagon: Transgender people can join military based on their 'preferred' sex
“Room assignments, height and weight standards, medical exams, underwear requirements, and bathroom assignments will be determined based on the "preferred" gender, even when the individual retains "the anatomical characteristics of their birth sex," the memo says.
Individuals who do not identify as either sex will be designated by their birth gender.”
Not described or documented is how all this relates to “Combat Readiness” or the imposition upon others!
The Obama Army: The Bradley And Chelsea Manning Story
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t’ Flaunt --- Talk about out-dated views!


FBI McCabe Leaving – Another DC Swamp Character

Roanoke Times, 12-24-2017, Pg 3: Trump criticizes FBI deputy director (McCabe) as he plans retirement.
“In a tweet Saturday, the president wrote: "How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin' James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife's campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?"”
The real issue is why aren’t ALL those concerned about justice and police and government integrity and honesty criticizing the actions of McCabe?
McCabe disrespected his job, the department and his oath of office!
Why is this stained-agent, who is under investigation for malfeasance in office, being allowed to set the terms of his departure to maximize his retirement that the American taxpayers are subsidizing?
Obama’s Contamination of FBI and DOJ and Mueller Team
Obama’s Politicization Of The FBI
McAuliffe Another Scandal Tied To Crooked Hillary’s Apron Strings


Opioid’s: Bad News and More Bad News

“It calculated that 59,000 to 65,000 people died of overdoses last year, with a harder, but likely imprecise, number of 62,497.
In comparison, more than 58,000 US soldiers died in the entire Vietnam War, nearly 55,000 Americans died of car crashes at the peak of such deaths in 1972, more than 43,000 died due to HIV/AIDS during that epidemic's peak in 1995, and nearly 40,000 died of guns during the peak of those deaths in 1993.
In our quest to ‘do something’ about the Opioid Crisis the unintended adverse consequences may devastate those with severe chronic pain impacting their quality of life and driving up suicides.
Something about the ‘Hippocratic Oath’:  Do No Harm
LTE:  Seniors pay price for opioid control
“The majority (if any) of seniors aren’t taking opiate pain relievers to get high, they are taking them for pain relief. The people abusing these drugs are not seniors but people in their teens, twenties and thirties. Fixing the problem of prescription drug abuse is easy. Don’t prescribe them to anyone under the age of 50 except in a hospital. There are plenty of prescription NSAID pain relievers available for this group.”
Is drug addiction really a problem for those at ‘end of life’?

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Combat Readiness In Norway?

'There's a war coming,' Marine Corps general warns US troops (in Norway)
Gen. Robert Neller, U.S. Marine Corps commandant
"I hope I'm wrong, but there's a war coming. You're in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence."
Talking about “Combat Readiness” in Norway!
Norway – the home of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize!
Norway – the home of Vidkun Quisling who betrayed Norway by his “real collaboration” with the Nazi’s resulting in a Nazi “walk-in invasion” and occupation and bases for the U-Boats and Bismarck.
Norway – whose oil and gas riches come from vulnerable ocean platforms.
Norway – whose northern border with Russia is the gateway to the Arctic oil and gas and Russia’s Arctic Trefoil military base
The Norwegian Government will go postal over this transgression!
Strong message to follow!
The Obama Russian Arctic Capitulation
Russia Grabbing The Arctic - Obama Oblivious
The Russian Bear Reincarnated – War Coming To The Arctic


Virginia’s Delegate Election One-Vote-Tie Trivial-Recount

So much for those who say their vote doesn’t count!
Court rules Virginia House of Delegates race a tie
“A three-judge panel certified the 94th District in Newport News as tied at 11,608 to 11,608, a day after a dramatic recount appeared to give Democrat Shelly Simonds the victory over Delegate David Yancey.
Yancey successfully challenged an uncounted ballot he said should have been included in his total.”
This “Recount” is much to do about very little!
Check the machines and sheet numbers for math and marking errors.
NOT considered: How many illegal votes were cast and recorded by:
Dead people
People voting in two places
Illegal Immigrants
Illegal felons
Registration errors
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain – Dorothy”
Voter Fraud! What Voter Fraud? Move Along – Nothing to See Here!
Voter Fraud – It’s Not Just For Third-World Countries Anymore


Trump’s National Security Strategy

Trump’s national security strategy emphasizes economic prosperity and border protection
“Mr. Trump’s national security strategy, required of each administration by a 1986 law, focuses on rebuilding the military and promoting “peace through strength” overseas. It spells out many policies that the president has already emphasized during his first year in office, such as demanding that allies pay more of their share for defense alliances, and reversing President Obama’s decision to prioritize climate change a national security threat.
“A nation without borders is not a nation,” Mr. Trump said in a speech in Washington. “A nation that does not protect prosperity at home cannot protect its interests abroad.””
Youtube:  Introduction by VP Mike Pence
President Donald Trump delivers remarks on national security strategy|
“During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump presented a revised version of U.S. foreign policy that was a departure from the “New World Order” espoused by President George W. Bush and modified by President Obama.
With the release of his National Security Strategy report this week, it is obvious that President Trump has a handle on “realism” and a belief – justified in my view – that the world is an increasingly dangerous place.”
Susan Rice Says Obama’s Security Failures Are “The White Guys” Fault

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Ambassador Nikki Haley Delivers The Best UN Speech In History

12-25-2017: Disrespecting the US has consequences
Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget
“Calling it “a big step in the right direction,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Sunday night announced a historic reduction in the U.N. biennial operating budget.
Haley said the plan calls for a $285 million cut for the 2018-19 fiscal year.
“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known,” Haley said. “We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked."” 

Nikki Haley well represented the US people and the US government in her measured response to the UN vote condemning the US decision on locating our embassy in Jerusalem.
This decision is our right as a Sovereign Nation and is totally in compliance with a 1995 law passed by Congress that REQUIRED “the relocation of the United States embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.”
The measure also REQUIRED the U.S. recognize the city as the capital of Israel.
That law, the Jerusalem Embassy Act, passed the Senate by a 93-5 margin.
It is pathetic that the PravdaMedia refuses to include these important facts in their so called "news".
Every American should listen to Ambassador Haley’s presentation to the UN and then reflect on the anti-American actions carried out and embraced by the UN over many years while squandering billions of US taxpayer money.
Enough is Enough – yet another swamp!
Haley: US Will Remember UN Vote on US Embassy 
Over 100 countries defy Trump, vote for Jerusalem U.N. resolution
"Iran calls UN vote on Israel 'global no' to US
“Iran's foreign minister is welcoming the U.N. General Assembly resolution rejecting the Trump administration's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, calling it a "global no" to intimidation by President Donald Trump.
Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted after the vote that the resolution soundly criticizes "Trump's regime thuggish intimidation at UN."
Iran does not recognize Israel and supports anti-Israeli militant groups such as the Palestinian Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, and the Lebanese Hezbollah.
Israel views Jerusalem as its undivided capital.
The General Assembly voted 128-9 with 35 abstentions in favor of the non-binding resolution."

Lawmaker demands investigation into report Obama WH undermined anti-Hezbollah task force

“Pittenger said in a statement to Fox News. “While American soldiers were bravely fighting ISIS terrorists, with some paying the ultimate price, the Obama administration reportedly was protecting Hezbollah terrorists who were funding themselves by trafficking illegal drugs. No wonder President Obama couldn’t bring himself to call them ‘Radical Islamist Terrorists.’”
Obama Biden Kerry And Their Ongoing AntiJewish Jihad

PravdaMedia Goes Postal on Trump’s Jerusalem Announcement 
Dangerous Outcomes: Obama Leading From Behind Legacy


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