The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Demanding More Gun Laws: The Power Of Misdirection

The aftermath of the Parkland School Massacre are demands for more gun-control and hanging the NRA.
Not the same follow-up for car-control and the AAA following the many devastating terrorist attacks using motor vehicles and the ongoing carnage on our highways.
The Parkland shootings have exposed a litany of malfeasance by those missioned to ensure public safety.  It is difficult to comprehend how one individual could have had so many serious incidents that intersected the government systems without any significant actions or follow-ups taken.  These failures culminated in the horrific failure of the local police to act real-time to protect the children who were under attack.
It’s of interest that the US-PravdaMedia is leading the charge against the 2nd Amendment while being so protective of the 1st Amendment in the face of all the bad things that occur by those using ‘free speech’ for nefarious purposes.
The NRA is an organization composed of some of the law abiding citizens who chose to own and possess guns as has been done in the US since our inception. It is the membership of the NRA (not the ‘NRA’) that votes and influences policy as law-abiding citizens.
Perhaps there’s a connection that, although we are one of the newest major nations, we are the oldest Free Republic.
Some Realities Of The Parkland School Massacre
Gun-Free Zones = Silence of The Lambs
Self-defense is Immediate – The Police are eons away
The Obama antiPolice Legacy has neutered many of our police
Our “see something say something” system is broken
Our “ background check” system is inadequate
Our 24-7 Super-Hyped media feeds the mentally sick and unstable
Having signs on our schools reading ‘No Gun Zone” is counterproductive and an invitation to ‘evil doers’.
How many homes have such signs?
Would be appropriate for the entire editorial staff of the Roanoke Times to place such signs on their homes.
Dan Casey – please send me email of number required – I will pay for and deliver the signs and help you put them up.
Having armed ‘protectors’ in the schools should be a state decision.  In most schools, there are selected members of the staff and teachers who could be candidates to serve.  Many schools already have ‘resource officers’ (a politically correct term so as not to offend the juvenile delinquents).
Obama’s Bump-Stock Legacy:
The Bump-stocks, that make semi-auto rifles and shotguns into auto-firing weapons of war, were OK’d on Obama’s watch – Really!

Parkland Florida Shooter: What Has Happened To Our FBI?
CNN Accused Of Russian-style Dirty Tricks At ParkLand School


"Here come da Judge" -- Here Come The Wall

Judge Sammy Davis Jr. Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In
AOL:  Federal judge whom Trump called ‘Mexican’ clears way for border wall
“Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel on Tuesday rejected arguments by the state of California and a coalition of environmental groups, who said the Trump administration had improperly ignored environmental laws in its push to build the wall.”
“A nation without borders is not a nation,” Mr. Trump said in a speech in Washington. “A nation that does not protect prosperity at home cannot protect its interests abroad.””
Nice touch that ‘the Judge’ was able to follow the US Constitution and Laws and overcome Trump’s very unpleasant comments and the ‘Resist Open-Borders Sanctuary’ Gang.
So unlike the other Obama-Resist-Judges who believe judges should make the laws and The Constitution is an old obsolete piece of paper.
Trump signs Wall Executive Order
SCOTUS Supports POTUS Travel Restrictions
Illegal Immigration Major Problem In US And EU

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


The Dueling Memos On the ‘Collusion Investigation’

The Issues aren't just political ‘dirty tricks’ as usual, it’s:
Using the FBI and the Intelligence Resources and the DOJ to investigate and attack a political candidate for POTUS.
It doesn’t get any more serious and dangerous than that!
The Republicans (Nunes) released a 4-page memo outlining their view that the ‘collusion investigation’ was based on a ‘garbage political dossier’ paid for by Hillary and the DNC and that dossier was ‘misused’ in obtaining a FISA warrant for FBI surveillance on a US citizen connected to the Trump campaign.
The Democrats (Schiff) released a 10-page rebuttal memo outlining their view that everything was done appropriately by the FBI and DOJ and that the Republican memo is false.
The Republican memo is based on the testimony by FBI-Comey and DOJ-McCabe that asserts that:
Comey Testimony on “the dossier”
“Salacious and unverified”
McCabe did in fact testify under oath that there would not have been a FISA warrant if not for the dossier.
Since the dossier was political garbage (per Comey) and the FISA warrant would not have been issued without it (per McCabe), then clearly the Republican view is VALID that there was a government conspiracy to sabotage the Trump campaign by misusing the FISA Court.
Also, based on what was said to the FISA Judge,  DOJ members may have committed a crime for misleading a Judge, multiple times, in the most secret court in the US; a court that many Constitutional scholars view as akin to the dangerous Court of Star Chamber.
To date, the Mueller investigations have charged persons with violations that clearly occurred outside of and independent of the Trump campaign.
These are Indictments of K-Street DC Operators – could go on for years.
WSJ: Democrats for Eavesdrop Abuse
Their intel memo confirms the FBI used Clinton research to spy on Carter Page.

“The only definitive evidence of political “collusion” so far is that the Clinton campaign paid Mr. Steele to troll his Russian sources for dirt on Donald Trump. The FBI then used this dirt as a reason to spy on Mr. Page and anyone he was communicating with. Imagine how the press would be playing this story if the roles were reversed?”
Does Susan Collins Suffer From FISA Frosty Brain Syndrome?
Is FBI-DOJ FISA Abuse Treason Or Just A Felony?


The Real North Korean Games – They’re Winning

Roanoke Times, 2-26-2018, Pg 1, 6: Olympics Games end with meeting offer by North Korea to talk
To start the talks with North Korea on their nuclear armed ballistic missiles, the US government has agreed to give them:
And a Nuclear Power Plant
Oh Wait – that’s not Trump!
That’s Bill Clinton followed-up by Obama’s total malignant neglect of the North Korean nuclear and missile tests and provocations.
Just more Hope and Change Obama Legacy!
Obama, Richardson & More North Korean Bribes
Obama’s mentor, Bill Clinton had Bill Richardson (then his Energy Secretary) negotiate One-on-One with North Korea to stop their nuke development. Clinton/Richardson gave them money, fuel, food and a nuclear power plant for a "promise" to stop nuke development.
Talk about failed policy, failed diplomacy and lame-brained appeasement!
When Despots Hijack The Olympics And Idiots Swoon
North Korea Nuclear Ballistic Missiles Target Entire US HomeLand
The Real Consensus: North Korea Nuclear Threat Critical, Imminent
North Korean H-Bomb Test – The Obama Malignant-Neglect Legacy

Monday, February 26, 2018


VT Hosts Science Comedian Events To Address Science Skepticism

Roanoke Times, 2-26-2018, Pg Va. 1, 8: Panel at VT discusses public skepticism of science.  In today’s political climate, scientists should engage doubters with a clear message, panelists said.
VT: Panel Discussion, 'Science Comedian Events' Set for February
"The Role of the University in an Era of Science Skepticism and 'Fake News'"
VT: The Center for Communicating Science:
It is indeed appropriate for VT to have forums on “Science Skepticism”.  It’s not clear that the context should be in a “Comedy” venue.
The “AGW Global Warming Skeptics” do not find the “AGW Alarmists” funny when they describe AGW Skeptics as ‘deniers’, traitors, and racists:
and having leading AGW Alarmist Billionaire Tom Steyer declare:
“The goal here is not to win. The goal here is to destroy these people”.
Would have been an appropriate inclusive outreach if the members of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, a Virginia based community of scientists, had been invited to attend and participate.
Perhaps this newly founded VT forum would consider follow-on sessions that would invite SEPP membership and that also would address the following blog item’s content:
Finally An AGW Debate --- But Not The Best Venue
We, the community of AGW-Skeptics, would welcome participation in VT forums that address the many reasons why Critical thinkers, who are by definition Skeptics, find much of the AGW Hypothesis to be skeptical about.
WSJ: 2-27-2018:   Good Climate News Isn’t Told

“The biggest lie in American climate journalism is that reporters cover climate science as a science.”
“Reporting scientific progress would require admitting uncertainties.”
Most climate reporters are reporting ideology rather than science.  Just about always, these reporters fail to address the significant uncertainties of predictions when proclaiming the planet is nearing incineration.
Claims every year by the media that “this was the warmest year on record” always fails to note the change is well within the error of measurement and thus statistically insignificant.


Sunday, February 25, 2018


Finally An AGW Debate --- But Not The Best Venue

Since Gore’s Inconvenient UnTruth in 2006 there has been an effective ‘black-out’ of open and fair discussion and debate about the man-made global warming AGW and climate change Hypothesis.
No need for scientific debate when there's a consensus.
This ‘black-out’ has been implemented by the US Government (Obama’s EPA), the US-PravdaMedia and our Universities (who get Billions in AGW-Grants).
UVa, the home of Gore’s ‘Hockey Stick’ associate Michael Mann, spent hundreds of thousands fighting FOI requests to get Mann’s discredited ‘Hockey Stick’ material made public; seemed appropriate since the public paid for it and it’s been belied by Reality but was used anyway by the US and EU governments to establish government energy policy.
In addition to the ‘black-out’ there has been a concentrated and coordinated program of attacking those who are Skeptical about Gore’s AGW Hypothesis, calling them ‘deniers’, traitors, racists:
and trying to get them fired from their jobs and isolated from their peers.
Billionaire Tom Steyer:
“The goal here is not to win. The goal here is to destroy these people”.
Exxon has now initiated a legal action against those who have been abusing the legal system to malign others who challenge and or do not embrace the Gore AGW orthodoxy.
Its unfortunate this ‘debate’ will be in a court setting.  A much better setting would be a major science based University, given that the process would be fair and open.
Clearly that excludes Berkley and UVa; VT not looking good either – how sad is that.
John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Exxon blames California, New York in ‘conspiracy’ countersuit
“Exxon says that lawyers have conspired against it to further political agendas, even citing a coordinated strategy known as the “La Jolla playbook,” which it says was developed at a conference in the namesake city and carried out by multiple attorneys general “to restrict the scope of permissible public debate about climate change.””
In the 60-page petition filed in Tarrant County, Texas, District Court, Exxon seeks a court order allowing company lawyers to depose 16 government officials and an attorney representing some of the plaintiffs and to force them to surrender internal records. The company says those depositions and documents are necessary to allow it to determine whether evidence exists to pursue claims against the cities and counties for alleged abuse of process and civil conspiracy.”
Hopefully this action by Exxon will expose actions by the AGW-Alarmists that are the biggest scientific suppression since the Pope muzzled Galileo in 1610 when the Inquisition declared heliocentrism (the sun, not the earth, is the center of the universe) to be formally heretical.
The Complexity Of Earth’s Climate System Is Beyond The AGW Alarmists Comprehension Or Modeling
An Example:
This graphic summarizes the AGW Alarmists modeling results vs. NASA measured actual global temperatures demonstrating the massive disconnect between the 102 AGW-models and Reality and belies the Gore-Mann AGW Hockey-Stick Hypothesis that the “Inconvenient UnTruth” carnie-show was based upon.
Hopefully solid scientific organizations will participate in this debate including:
Hartland Institute
And here in Virginia:
Science and Environmental Policy Project of which I am a member
ClimateGates  4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0   “Cookin The AGW Data”


‘Black Panther’ Movie Name -- Misdirected Hero Worship

The current Black Panther movie is a Big Hit.  A black action figure based on a comic book figure brought to the Disney screen with the latest animation and cinema technology.
Unfortunately this movie places the “Black Panther Name” in a very positive light.  Would have been appropriate and appreciated if Hollywood-Disney had used a different positive label.
The Black Panthers, also known as the Black Panther Party, was a political organization founded in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale and was and is Not worthy of accolades and hero worship.
Newton and Seale drew on Marxist ideology for the party platform. They outlined the organization’s philosophical views and political objectives in a Ten-Point Program.
The Black Panthers were involved in numerous violent encounters with police. In 1967, founder Huey Newton allegedly killed Oakland police officer John Frey. Newton was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 1968 and was sentenced to two to 15 years in prison (2-years for killing a cop in California!).
Roanoke Times, 10-31-2017, Pg 3: Black Panther Party project (by the US Park Service) loses funding.  The $100,000 project honoring the legacy of the Black Panther Party.
Black Panther intimidation of voters at a Philadelphia polling station
Obama's DOJ found that these two gentlemen at a polling place, with night-sticks, were not intimidating anyone.
What would be the US-PravdaMedia response if someone made a positive-image action-movie featuring General Bedford Forest who happened to be founder of the KKK?
Panthers surface at Pa. polls
Black Panther Boss Who Got Off For Voter Intimidation Arrested

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Realities Of The Parkland School Massacre

The Parkland School shooting has highlighted several key truths:
Gun-Free Zones = Silence of The Lambs
Self-defense is Immediate – The Police are eons away
The Obama antiPolice Legacy has neutered many of our police
Our “see something say something” system is broken
Our “ background check” system is inadequate
Our 24-7 Super-Hyped media feeds the mentally sick and unstable
Coward Or Just Following Obama’s antiPolice Legacy
More deputies accused of waiting outside during Stoneman Douglas school shooting
“Instead of rushing in, several Broward sheriff’s deputies waited outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School while a killer gunned down schoolchildren, according to other officers on the scene.
The Sheriff’s Office is investigating the claims from Coral Springs cops, Sheriff Scott Israel told the South Florida Sun Sentinel on Friday.
The allegations emerged a day after another deputy, assigned to guard the school, resigned under fire, also for failing to enter the building during the shooting.
In all, at least three deputies waited outside, including School Resource Officer Scot Peterson, police sources told the Sun Sentinel.”
The Obama antiPolice Legacy has neutered many of our police
Shots Fired -- Who To Call – To Do What?
“The result of what has happened to our police based on the Obama, Hillary, DNC, DOJ and US-PravdaMedia 8-year attacks on our police:
Failure to act!
Failure to take charge!
Avoidance of confrontation!
Let the action play out – then get out the chalk, tape and notebooks!”
NRA to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel: 'You were the one that didn't protect these children'
"No Sheriff Israel you were the one that didn't PROTECT these children and that is your job. You run the largest fully accredited sheriff's office in the United States, yet your office failed this community," the NRA said from its verified Twitter account.

President Trump at CPAC Insists Arming Teachers, Not Gun Control, Will Keep Schools Safe
Gun-Free Zones Not Working = Silence of The Lambs
This picture of a teacher and her class in Israel indicates that having the means for protection in all venues may again be required in the US; back to the days of settlers and Indians where guns were even carried into church services.

Detroit high school coach shoots suspected attackers
Parkland Florida Shooter: What Has Happened To Our FBI?
A local successful intervention:
Franklin County Va. High School: If You See Something, Say Something

Friday, February 23, 2018


A Realistic View Of Solar Energy In Virginia

Renewable energy systems have a valid and important role to play in our personal, business and utility electric supplies today and going forward.
However, their limitations and costs must be measured against other energy supplies and not dictated or mandated under the guise of the Discredited AGW-Alarmist agenda.
Bill Gates: Renewable’s Cost Astronomical – Switch Green Subsidies To R&D
800-acre solar farm proposed in Campbell County
“A Charlottesville-based company that specializes in renewable energy has proposed a solar farm of up to 800 acres in the Lynch Station area that would generate enough electricity to power 15,000 homes, according to the presentation from Blaine Loos, a development manager for Apex Clean Energy.
The 80-megawatt facility, which would be situated on 1,200 acres of what is a mix of cattle pasture and trees now, would generate as much power as any current solar farm in Virginia………
Developers for the Lynch Station proposal, which would be located north of Virginia 43 and south of Bishop Creek Road, expect the project to have an initial capital investment of more than $100 million.”
It’s disappointing that the ongoing media hype for solar energy continues to misrepresent the “power for 15,000 homes” that’s only valid on clear sunlight days and only from 9 to 5.
Dolly Parton’s song.
$100-million for 15,000 homes ($6700 per home);  electricity for only the sunny part of the ‘good’ days is a major upfront investment given the limitations.
Not mentioned are the major expensive back-up utility systems needed for the rest of the time that is in reality, most of the time.  Apparently the back-up system for this project is The Grid.
The ‘other’ utility rate-payers (like me) must subsidize a 100% redundant back-up Grid-system for these 15,000 homes.
Given the current rate structure, these back-up costs will increase, for non-solar customers, as more solar systems are installed.
If every home and business in Virginia were powered by solar, we still would need and use every day the 100% redundant back-up Grid.
This gov-graphic is an indicator of the ‘available solar radiation’ for Eastern US.  Clearly Virginia is not a high-yield location for solar energy.
It’s long past time for the proponents of these solar projects and their media-minions to present renewable energy in context and perspective least someone accuse them of spreading ‘FakeNews’.
"To thine own self be true”    Shakespeare's Hamlet

Time For Solar To Shine On Its Own Two-feet
The Disappointing Solar Power Disconnect
Solar Energy And Solar Panel Tariffs
Cuccinelli and Mears: Solar requirement will drive up electricity costs


Nasty Vile Garbage Being Fed To Our Young Women

Teen Vogue’s Lauren Duca rips ‘evil’ Rev. Billy Graham: ‘Have fun in hell’
“A controversial Teen Vogue columnist known for lobbing verbal bombs has topped herself with an especially vile tweet about beloved evangelist Billy Graham, who died Wednesday at 99.
“The big news today is that Billy Graham was still alive this whole time. Anyway, have fun in hell, bi--h,” Lauren Duca tweeted.
Duca went on to say “’Respecting the dead’ only applies to people who weren’t evil pieces of sh-t while they were living.””
This is indicative of the incredible vile and vicious garbage that is fostered and dispersed from the liberal-progressive-leftwing of our country!
The issue is not just the writer of this garbage but the entire editorial staff of the publication who by publishing it, endorsed it.
This stands in stark contrast to and belies their motto:
“The latest on fashion, beauty, celebrity style, entertainment, teen issues, videos and more from TeenVogue magazine on Fashion starts here.”
Apparently there are few standards of conduct anywhere in the publication and journalism fields.  How sad it has come to this!


CNN Accused Of Russian-style Dirty Tricks At ParkLand School

AOL:  Florida shooting survivor says CNN gave him 'scripted' questions at town hall event
“Douglas High School student is accusing CNN of giving him scripted questions during Wednesday night’s town hall on gun violence.
Colton Haab told Miami’s local WPLG-TV that the network refused to allow him to raise his idea that schools consider employing U.S. military veterans as armed security guards and instead offered him canned questions.
“CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being all scripted,” Haab said, adding that he decided not to attend the event as a result.”
CNN is denying this statement by Colton Haab.
The public doesn’t know Colton Haab but they do know the ethics, motivations and actions of CNN – I know who I believe!
This is what Comey is claiming the Russians did during the last election, are planning to do for the 2018 elections and have done for many years going back to the Viet Nam era and the Cold War.
Manipulating Public Opinion with Fake-News and Fake-Rumors!
CNN the epitome of dirty-tricks and political-hypocrisy observed first-hand right here in little Rocky Mount Va.!
CNN and The Hub Restaurant in Rocky Mount Va.
Enough Anti-US Collusion To Go Around

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Roanoke Warm February Days – AGW CO2 Warming?

Week of ‘unusually’ warm days this February 2018!
The AGW-Alarmist are lamenting Trump’s exit from the Paris AGW Accord.  If only we had continued to pour Billions of our tax-dollars into that Paris-abyss, all would be cool again (but not too cool), rather like mama bears porridge, just right.
Isn’t it awesome that the AGW-Alarmists claim to have their fingers on the Global thermostat!  Mother Nature is so impressed!
But Hark!  The Roanoke TV weather-persons are presenting data that clearly indicates that there’s been just as many ‘warm’ February days before the CO2 build-up as now.
Clearly these weather-persons’ jobs are at high risk.
You don’t contradict The Pope or Al Gore and keep your job.
Natural Global Temperature and Climate Change
The Only Kind So Far

The great tragedy of Science
The slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.
Thomas Huxley 1860

On a technical note one might also point out that current temperature measurements are falsely elevated (compared to 100-years ago) due to the:

“Urban heat island (UHI) is an urban area or metropolitan area that is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities. ... The main cause of the urban heat island effect is from the modification of land surfaces. Waste heat generated by energy usage is a secondary contributor.”
Example: How many buildings and vehicles and blacktop have been added to the Roanoke Airport in past 100-years?

Post Broadcasts Norwegian North Sea AGW Warming Disaster
The Sea Level Has Been And Is Still Rising – Don’t Panic!
US Navy Ship Stuck In The Obama-Gore Global Warming ‘Ice’
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature


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