The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


PravdaMedia Defiles Trump’s Respect And Support For Judaism

The PravdaMedia discounted Trump’s forceful statements following the Pittsburgh Temple massacre and numerous left-wing bobbling-heads accused him of being complicit.
So who has been supportive of Jews and who has thrown them under the bus in harmony with the enemies of Judaism?
Trump has totally reversed the Obama Anti-Israel Jihad and Obama’s support for Palestinian violence.
Trump has reestablished the long-standing American support for Israel and is holding the Palestinians, Hamas, Fatah and Iran to account for their war against Israel’s very existence.
He has also directly confronted the Radical Muslim Terrorist Jihads.
Trump is also very proud of his Jewish Extended Family
Lara and Eric’s baby will be surrounded by plenty of Jewish influences. He will have three Jewish cousins: the children of Trump’s daughter Ivanka, a convert to Orthodox Judaism, and Jared. And another Trump daughter, Tiffany, is dating Ross Mechanic, who is Jewish.
If anyone has established an Anti-Jewish climate in the world it clearly was 8-years of Obama!
Some clear Reality Examples:
Obama Gives Jews Pork For Hanukkah
Obama: The Self-declared Jew – Really?
Obama Biden Kerry And Their Ongoing AntiJewish Jihad
Obama Continues His Jihad Against Israel
Anti-Israel-Jewish Jihad Rejected At Va Tech
“University campuses across the US and EU have become a hot-bed of Anti-Israeli-Jewish demonstrations and hate talk as part of a so-called Pro-Palestinian Movement.  Anti-Semitism spikes on U.S. campuses”
A Very Disturbing Anti-Jewish Rant

Monday, October 29, 2018


Roanoke Times ‘WhiteOuts’ The Real Pittsylvania Uranium Issue


RT Uranium Update:  Two major RT Virginia Uranium articles neither of which mention the deal between Hillary and Putin to give 20% of un-mined US Uranium Ore to Russia (in exchange for massive donations to Hillary’s so-called ‘Clinton Foundation’).
Talk about Russian Collusion -- Image IF Trump had done this deal!
RT -- Give yourself a Dano Award!
RT, 11-6-2018, Pg 1, 3: Mining ban in court by Barnes at WaPo
RT, Va Pg 1, 6:  CASEY: Will efforts to launch a Virginia uranium mine never die?
The folks seeking a uranium mine in Pittsylvania County lost in the Virginia General Assembly, lost in federal court, and lost before a federal appeals court. But the issue's still alive. Monday, they argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. And this time they have the White House on their side.
An entire page devoted to the massive deposit of uranium ore located under a Pittsylvania Va. farm.
*  History of core samples and efforts to establish mining activity.
*  The conflict between States Rights and Federal Power now at SCOTUS.
*  Geologist’s hypothesis of the prehistoric origin of the uranium ore.
Not addressed:
Does 20% of this Uranium belong to the Russians as a result of Hillary’s gift to Putin for massive Russian contributions to Hillary’s so-called ‘Clinton Foundation’?
How could the RT editors write a whole page about this subject and totally ‘white-out’ Hillary’s 20% gift to Putin of all uranium deposits in the US?  Talk about Russian Collusion!  Where’s Muller?
Editorial: From Pagaea to Pittsylvania County; why there's uranium in Virginia
Will Putin Get 20% Of Pittsylvania Va Uranium?
Virginia’s Uranium A Hillary Gift To Russia?


I-81 or I-73?

Highway officials release draft plan to fix I-81 for $2 billion paid by taxes and tolls
Proposed Plan to improve I-81 from Daleville through Blacksburg to improve traffic flow and reduce accidents.
On-the-other-hand the I-73 Plan will siphon-off major volumes of truck and car traffic headed south and south-east thereby reducing the I-81 traffic in the targeted corridor.
It may also be a big plus for business and jobs in south-central Virginia.
Completing Virginia’s section of I-73 will fit well with the major work North Carolina has completed and has in-process.
So, let’s get I-73 completed as the best alternative
What to do about the Roanoke Wizards who want to bring I-73 down I-581 through beautiful downtown right under the Elm Street bridge?
Talk about congestion, traffic, noise and pollution!
Perhaps the Roanoke Wizards have been playing Hockey without their helmets!
I-81 and I-73: The Real Interstate Problem
Roanoke A Glutton For Traffic Chaos And Air Pollution

Sunday, October 28, 2018


The On-going AGW-Alarmism Hysteria

The hills are alive with AGW-Alarmists and their complicit PravdaMedia spreading fear into the hearts of anyone who doesn’t make the effort to observe that:
*  The Climate is Changing – The Climate has always been Changing!
*  NATURAL Global Temperature and Climate Change – The Only Kind so far!
*  NATURAL variations in temperature, weather and climate far out-weigh the short-term measurements and proclamations of pundits and AGW-Alarmists.
KUDO’s to the RT for publishing two excellent articles that challenge the hype and fear-mongering associated with the steady stream of AGW-Alarmist proclamations!
Mayo: Trouble for climate alarmists; are we on the same planet?
Wallace Mayo Mayo is a graduate of Florida State University which includes study in meteorology and climate, and is a member of the American Meteorological Society. He lives in Roanoke.
Weismantel: Climate change, the scientific method and the search for truth
Steve Weismantel Weismantel is a retired engineer. He lives in Moneta.
The current devastating hurricane, Cat 4 Michael, is being advertised as the biggest and most devastating hurricane in a 100-years.
Reality:  (Hurricane Andrew was a Category 5 Atlantic hurricane that struck the Bahamas, Florida, and Louisiana in mid-to-late August 1992)
Albeit that All Hurricanes bring death and devastation, especially in populated areas that present an ever growing target-rich environment.
Killer Hurricanes Hit US: Déjà vu Again
Roanoke Times, 10-9-2018, Pg 1, 5: IPCC Panel (Nobel Prize Winners) warns of climate crisis predicting death and global devastation if warming remains unchecked.
What have the Nobel Economists concluded relative to our recent (2000-year) NATURAL Climate Changes, all before any man-made CO2?
The pleasant and prosperous Medieval Warm Period?
The devastation and starvation and freezing of The Little Ice Age?
The moderate temperate period that we now enjoy, starting in 1900?
Of the one-degree warming ‘range’ over the past 100-years, man-kinds contribution via CO2 is minimal at best.  We are still in the embrace of a NATURAL inter-glacial-period as clearly shown by the glaciers at the poles.
Current warming that started in 1750 (well before the significant CO2 increases that started in 1975 ) ended the Little Ice Age and clearly was a NATURAL phenomenon.
Current warming is having minimal negative effects and significant positive effects.
The oceans rise continues at 8-inches per 100-years in spite of AWG-Alarmist focus on costal areas that are sinking via “Land Subsidence”:
Setting The Climate Record Straight – Theory vs. Reality
EPA Now Questioning The AGW Consensators


Dylan And Northam Singing ‘Blowing In The Wind’

Bob’s 1963 song resonated in the music world and now in the renewable-sustainable world.
Roanoke Times, 9-22-2018, Pg Va 3: Northam: State poised to lead in wind power.
The premise: build a wind turbine farm 27-miles off-shore and generate free electricity for 20-years.
Suppose that electricity from wind turbines is more expensive than other available sources; especially with 27-miles of ocean-bottom high-voltage transmission.  Dragging anchors not withstanding.  Should customers be required to pay the premium costs?
LTE to RT: Wind turbine project seems overpriced
Suppose that wind turbine energy is not only overpriced but also requires massive energy to develop, manufacture and implement.  Should customers be required to support energy-negative projects?
Suppose wind turbines, even on land, are subject to major damage and long-term outages due to bad weather events.  Should customers be subject to brown-outs and black-outs for supporting wind turbines?  Who’s paying for the 100% backup systems?
Suppose the Virginia 27-mile off-shore turbines are subject to major adverse wind events with recent ocean waves up to 80-feet high; And at other times wind so light the turbines don’t spin.  Who and what is supplying the 100% back-up that customers require and who’s paying for major repairs and replacements?
Suppose the wind turbine developers can’t get potential customers to commit to long-term contracts required to get the project funded?  As is the case with the Botetourt Wind Farm.  Should taxpayers fund and subsidize these unreliable projects?
Roanoke Times Electricity From Botetourt Wind Farm
Suppose the ‘sensitive’ public are unhappy with killing eagles, birds and bats and demand the turbines shut-down when birds are flying through?  More customer brown-outs or 100% backup from somewhere?
Crippled Wind Farm Coming To Botetourt County
A case study on off-shore wind turbine farms is the hypocrisy of the Kennedy Clan’s Jihad against the Wind Power farms off-shore from the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis.
At Nantucket Sound, 2003 The environmental elitists, the Kennedy Clan, raised every issue possible to stop off-shore wind turbines including getting Walter Kronkite to make TV ads for them. However, Walter changed his position from "no" to "show-me" and then had the ads removed from the air.
Is it valid or proper for Robert Kennedy Jr to call skeptics like myself “treasonous” for ‘critical thinking’ and commentary?
Perhaps there are energy realities that need to be considered!
Perhaps taxpayers and ratepayers are not being well informed!
Perhaps projects are being done based on ideology and not sound engineering and economics!
Perhaps we need more Skeptics asking good questions!
Hurry, Hurry Get The Turbines Spinning Before Trump Gets Here!
The Answer My Friend Is Blowing In The Wind
Offshore Turbine Costs Prohibitive And Weather Events Not AGW Caused


Green Algae And Fake AGW News

Roanoke Times, La Times, 10-25-2018, Pg N&W 6:  Voters prompt change of tone on climate; toxic-algae caused by climate change.
“As climate change becomes more visible, its weight as a campaign issue is growing
Talk about using FakeNews to misdirect voters – and – they have the audacity to disparage the Russians!  Birds of a feather!
Algae is a plant-like material, found in most bodies of water.  It feeds on nutrients in the water.  It may attach to objects in the water or float on the water.
Large concentrations of nutrients may result in large concentrations of algae.
This LA Times article sensationalizes the recent major Florida algae blooms particularly on the Florida west coast where the waters from Lake Okeechobee flow into the Gulf of Mexico and become part of and feed the so called “Red Tide”.
The cause-effect driver of these algae is the massive over-load of nutrients in Lake Okeechobee, Not AGW Climate Change.
Florida Fights Giant Algae Bloom in Lake Okeechobee
Governor declares state of emergency as algae covers about 90% of the 730-square-mile lake
There is a Natural climate change connection; in the early 70s the significant cold period from 1940 through 1975
caused massive killing frosts of the citrus groves in the north-western sections of Florida.  The surviving citrus farmers moved south within the water-shed of Lake Okeechobee.  The nutrient run-off from those groves, and other developments, have accumulated over 40-years resulting in massive algae blooms and the depletion of oxygen in the water resulting in significant wildlife and fish kills.
Why can’t the PravdaMedia present a fair and balanced story on important environmental issues?  Apparently they are so immersed in the AGW-Alarmist Cult that they can’t or won’t see Reality.

Friday, October 26, 2018


“Bombs” Just Before The Election?

Latest 10-26-2018AM News:
Man in Florida to be charged over mail bombs;
“A man in Florida was taken into custody Friday and will be charged in connection with the series of bombs found this week”
“Cesar Sayoc, Jr., 56, who officials say has been previously arrested on unspecified charges”
“At least some of the devices sent were flawed in varying ways and would not have exploded, investigators said Thursday.”
FBI focuses on Florida in hunt for sender of package bombs
“Federal authorities investigating the pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and critics of U.S. President Donald Trump are focusing on Florida, where they believe at least some of 10 packages originated.”
Are these bombs really bombs or are they “Election-IEDs” designed to drum-up Anti-Trump sentiment 2-weeks before the election?
The message: be afraid of Trump – be very afraid – and vote for Democrats who reject AntiFa and BLM violence, rabble-rousing rhetoric, are for law-and-order and conduct themselves with dignity.  Really?
Talk about interference and collusion in impacting US elections!
Republican Congressman Scalise Wounded By Left-wing Domestic Terrorist
Obama’s OFA-Resist Minions At Lexington’s REDhen
MSNBC PravdaMedia Embracing Joe & Mika
Rude Political Discourse
Biden And Associates: The Vile, The Vicious And The Nasty
More Nasty Rhetoric From Foul Mouth Liberals
Why Are Obama’s Associates So Vile And Nasty?
Only Conservatives Use Dangerous Discourse  -- Really?


Shutting Down US-Mexican Border

Trump may halt entry for nearly all migrants seeking asylum on southern border
“The Trump administration is drafting an executive action that would make it exceedingly difficult for Central American migrants seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border to gain entry,”
“A White House official said, "The administration is considering a wide range of administrative, legal and legislative options to address the Democrat-created crisis of mass illegal immigration.”
“Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen appeared to confirm reports that the Trump administration was considering sending 800 active-duty troops to the border.”
President Bill Clinton: SOTU
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”
Click on Link and view the YouTube Video – sound ON
US-PravdaMedia Embraces The 7000-Hondurans Invasion Force
US Regular Army At Border And In Mexico 1910 to 1919
Fix Immigration Laws Before The Venezuelans Get Here

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Experts Take A Look At Sex

Roanoke Times, 10-24-2018, Pg N&W 3:  Experts take a look at sex and gender.
Amid political uproar about a purported new (Trump) policy, doctors explain that gender and sex aren’t the same.
“The Trump administration purportedly is considering defining gender as determined by sex organs at birth,”
“Experts” take a look at sex – Really?  And what “Experts” might that be?
Dr Ruth?  Masters & Johnson?  The porn stars of Hollywood?  Barack Obama?
After 8-years of Obama ‘taking a look’ we now don’t know what bathrooms to use!  What a joy!
This is your government at work!
The new Trump ‘radical approach’ to defining one’s sex and gender:
Expert to Look at the newborn baby’s genitals:
if boy things write down BOY
if girl thing write down GIRL
if born in Kenya write down KENYA
We’ve been doing this for at least 10,000-years --- it’s Not that hard!
The Rabbi-Moise have been “experts” and 'on the cutting edge' of this subject since the time of the 10-Commandments.
Should one wish to live an alternative life-style, either on-purpose or by act of nature, then do so without demanding changes that 99% of society clearly doesn’t need or want!
Are School Bath-Rooms Still Obama’s Psychology-Laboratories?
Cartoonist Reaction To King Obama's LGBT Fiat
Judge Ponders Men In The Ladies Room – Really!
Liberal-Progressive Sex Law “1984 DoubleSpeak”
LGBT Mentality Runs Amok


US-PravdaMedia Embraces The 7000-Hondurans Invasion Force

The US-PravdaMedia is fawning-over, applauding, exalting and glorifying the Honduran Invasion Force of 7000+ people that have broken through the Mexican- Guatemala border fence, over-run the Mexican border police and are now hell-bent to do the same at the Mexican-US border.
What kind of American Media People would aid-and-abet this kind of invasion?
Perhaps those who would do that are indeed ‘enemies of the American people.’  You think?
Roanoke Times, 10-24-2018, Pg N&W 1, 2:  Migrants pause, still far from US soil.
Pg 2: Jolie at UN over Venezuela refugee crisis.
A spectacular Socialist disaster in an oil-rich country.
Laura Ingraham: Media rolls out red carpet for invading horde - I mean 'caravan'
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
President Bill Clinton: SOTU
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”
Click on Link and view the YouTube Video – sound ON
US Regular Army At Border And In Mexico 1910 to 1919
Fix Immigration Laws Before The Venezuelans Get Here


Tuesday, October 23, 2018


US Regular Army At Border And In Mexico 1910 to 1919

Those who question the validity or authority of Trump’s threat to send the US Regular Army to the Mexican border, to confront the 7000 Honduran Invasion Force, should reflect on the 1910 – 1919 Border War as ordered by Presidents William Howard Taft and continued by Woodrow Wilson.
Our schools haven’t been teaching real American History for a long time, so, it’s unlikely that ‘the public’ knows anything about that War.
A better alternative is to send the Democrats, who so love open-borders, catch and release and sanctuary cities, to the border to confront and stop this Invasion Force of 7000 people.  The personification of Obama's Legacy.
The Border War,[13] or the Border Campaign,[14] refers to the military engagements which took place in the MexicoUnited States border region of North America during the Mexican Revolution. The Bandit War[15] in Texas was part of the Border War.
“The height of the conflict came in 1916 when revolutionary Pancho Villa attacked the American border town of Columbus, New Mexico. In response, the United States Army, under the direction of General John J. Pershing, launched an expedition into northern Mexico, to find and capture Villa.”
This war is known in the Mid-Hudson Valley area because Col. George Chandler of Kingston NY, who served under Gen Pershing in the Border War, became the first superintendent of the NY State Police upon its establishment in 1917.
The Invasion Of US Continues – The Obama Legacy
When Is A Caravan Of Immigrants An Invasion?
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”
Click on Link and view the YouTube Video – sound ON

Monday, October 22, 2018


The Invasion Of US Continues – The Obama Legacy

Talk about interference and collusion in impacting US elections!
Clearly this Invasion Force didn’t ‘just happen’ right now!
Will Schumer, Pelosi, Obama and Hillary be at the border to ‘meet and greet’ these new Democrat Voters and get them registered for the 2020 election?
Second migrant caravan: New group rushes to join ranks, deportees vow return to America
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The caravan, which has around 5,000 to 7,000 members, was on the move again Monday morning,”
“Imner Anthony Fuentes, a 29-year-old who reportedly was deported for the sixth time from the U.S. five months ago.”
After this Force over-ran the fences at the Mexican border and then over-ran the Mexican border-guards and police; the Mexican government is now aiding and abetting this Invasion Force in collusion with the US Democrats in Congress who advocate ‘open borders’, catch-and-release, sanctuary cities and a one-world view.
When Is A Caravan Of Immigrants An Invasion?
President Bill Clinton: SOTU
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”
Click on Link and view the YouTube Video – sound ON


Saturday, October 20, 2018


When Is A Caravan Of Immigrants An Invasion?

Roanoke Times, 10-20-2018, Pg 3:  US pushes Mexico on migrant caravan.  About 3,000 Hondurans were making their way through Guatemala on Thursday.
This is the personification of Democrat policy and their disregard for the American People and National Sovereignty and Lawful entry.
This is Not Immigration!  I know what Immigration is!  My parents were Legal Immigrants that came through Ellis Island.
Legal Immigrants come through ‘ports of entry’ and comply with US laws.
The current Catch-and-Release, Chain Migration and a pitiful Wall enable Illegal Immigrants to flood the US with uncontrolled and undocumented people.
There are massive numbers of Venezuelans soon to follow.
Fix Immigration Laws Before The Venezuelans Get Here
President Bill Clinton: SOTU
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”
Click on Link and view the YouTube Video – sound ON
Pravda Media Can’t Say “ILLEGAL Immigrant” Killed Mollie
Obama-Kennedy Illegal Immigration Pandemic Continues
Children Of Violence Fleeing Homeland?


Hiding MS-13 Atrocity In Bedford County Virginia

Roanoke Times, 10-20-2018, Pg Va 1, 3: Jury finds Lynchburg man guilty of murder.  Jury recommended that Victor Rodas serve 55 years in prison for his role in the death of Raymond Wood.
Not only does the headline and byline Not inform us that this is a horrific MS-13 mutilation and murder of a local Bedford County boy, but one must read down 200 fine print words to find the term MS-13!
Who writes this partisan PravdaMedia tripe?
Clearly their agenda is to hide and marginalize MS-13’s relationship to the Democrat agenda of open borders and sanctuary communities!
McAuliffe’s Sanctuary Communities and MS-13 El Salvadoran Killers in Bedford County Virginia
Bedford County Va. Knows About MS-13 Without FoxNews
And by hiding these horrific examples of wrong-headed lawless policies, the Trump focus on getting these MS13 gang members either in jail or out of the country is marginalized.
PravdaMedia certainly would Not want to highlight that Trump initiative two-weeks before the midterm elections!
Trump’s War on MS-13
A Proper News Account Of The MS-13 Murder In Bedford Co. Va
Man found guilty in MS-13 gang-related killing in Bedford County
Rachel Mahoney / The News & Advance
Oct 19, 2018
US-PravdaMedia and Democrats Defending MS-13 Gangs
Democrats Strive To Put ICE on Ice


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