The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Virginia Governor’s Wife Handing Out Cotton Balls

Virginia Governor Northam’s Racial Issues are now amplified by his wife handing out cotton balls to visiting Black Students.
This has to be RealNews: You can’t make this stuff up!
Let’s all watch the PravdaMedia ‘white wash’ this one.
First lady Pam Northam facing criticism for handing out piece of cotton during tour of Executive Mansion slave quarters
's first lady under fire after handing out cotton to visiting (Black) students
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The wife of embattled Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is at the center of another potentially embarrassing moment for the state's Democratic leadership, after an African-American legislative page claimed she gave her and another black page a ball of cotton and asked, "Can you imagine being an enslaved person and having to pick this all day?"
In a letter to Pam Northam that was dated Monday and obtained by WAVY-TV, the unidentified eighth-grader said the first lady's "comments and just the way you carried yourself ... was beyond inappropriate, especially considering recent events with the governor.
"From the time we walked into the [Executive] mansion ... I did not receive a welcoming vibe," said the student, who called the experience "very testing."”
Perhaps the Va. First Couple could have played Bob Dylan’s DVD:
Bob Dylan -"Dixie" – YouTube Video
An educational component of this DVD was the large number of White share-croppers who clearly ‘worked like slaves’ – but weren’t.
At which time Northam could have proclaimed: see – we’re just like you!
Just part of Northam’s effort to smooth things over with dialogue.
His best dialogue move:  Just Say – I Resign.
The Virginia Democrat Leadership Debacle And Disgrace


Democrat Congress Embraces Felon Cohen

Felon Cohen in the Democrat Colosseum
The legal fixer unloads on his former boss, with little new information.
Felon Cohen was the first witness for the new congress – how pathetic!
The Democrat Congress chose to denigrate Trump’s trip to N. Korea, a hostile country sworn to hit the US with their nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Tells all one needs to know about this pathetic pack of partisans who place politics above national interest and security.
Reflection on:
Hawaii Nuclear Panic: Obama’s Nuclear Attack Legacy
The Felon Cohen ‘testimony’ to congress was highlighted by:
*  As he was appearing, NYS revoked his law license
*  He is 6-weeks away from being jailed for a very long time
     For: Lying to Congress!
What’s wrong with this picture?
What’s wrong with the people who orchestrated this farce?
Gee Toto – I don’t think we’re in America anymore!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Cartoonists Roast Virginia's Top Democrats



Global Warming Ices Over The Great Lakes Again

Apparently Reality has a Consensus of its own making!
The Climate Is Changing
The Climate Has Always Been Changing
and With Great Natural Variability
Not only has Gore’s proclamation that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014 been belied, BUT 4 of last 6 years the Great Lakes ice has been above the long-term average (bit of a contrast to the catastrophic global warming being proclaimed!):
Great Lakes ice coverage peaks
Is Another Little Ice Age in the making?
Great Lakes Ice Coverage Doubles in One Week
Blistering winds turn Upstate New York homes into ‘ice houses’ along Lake Ontario

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Blistering winds and frigid temperatures in Upstate New York this week froze the water spray from Lake Ontario, turning homes along the beach into “ice houses.”
Photos of the phenomenon show exteriors of houses along the lake near Pulaski, N.Y., encased in ice that appears to be inches — or sometimes even feet — thick.”
The On-going AGW-Alarmism Hysteria
Mendenhall Glacier Retreat And Natural Global Warming
Roanoke Times Publishes Polar Bear Scat Masquerading As Science
Seattle Goreites Shoveling Snow


Trump Pick To 9th Circuit ‘Political Zealots Court’

9th Circuit gets another Trump-picked judge Eric Miller
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Miller represented the government before the Supreme Court when he served from 2007 to 2012 as an Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States. He was also Deputy General Counsel of the Federal Communications Commission.
Nominees -- Patrick Bumatay, Daniel Collins and Kenneth Kiyul Lee (all from the Golden State, and reportedly all members of the conservative Federalist Society) -- have yet to be confirmed.
GOP critics have branded the court the “Nutty 9th,” in part because many of its rulings have been overturned by the Supreme Court.”
Obama’s Pathetic 9th Circuit Court  --- The Dead Cat Bounce


Chief Justice Roberts Trying To Justify The UnJustifiable
Trump: Here Come The Real 9th Circuit Judges


Loser Richardson Gets PravdaMedia FaceTime

U.S., North Korea far apart on defining end to nuclear programs, Richardson warns
“North Korea and the United States have very different ideas of what an end to the North’s nuclear programs would look like, former (Dem) Gov. Bill Richardson, who has dealt directly with Pyongyang in the past, told a Capitol Hill committee Tuesday.”
Ah Yes—Democrat Loser Richardson has dealt with N. Korea before for both Clinton and Obama – and here’s how that went:
North Korean Appeasement Outcomes (Incoming!)
Pres Clinton assigned Jimmy Carter and Bill Richardson to negotiate with North Korea to give them money, food, fuel and a nuclear power plant for promises to not develop nuclear weapons or long range missiles.
Pres Bush’s team determined that the North Korean’s had cheated (imagine that!) and had built both nuclear weapons and long range missiles.
Now Obama has had Bill Richardson “negotiate” yet again more of our stuff to stop further development of nuclear weapons and long range missiles.
How can the Congressional Democrats and their PravdaMedia parade Loser Richardson out before the public to even mention N. Korean negotiations?  Talk about hypocrites!
On the other hand, the public has no awareness of Richardson’s pathetic track-record – haven’t seen that visible -- don’t want to expose the Legacy’s of Clinton and Obama.
Obama, Richardson & More North Korean Bribes
North Korean Debacle Result Of Rewarding Dangerous Bad Behavior
Hawaii Nuclear Panic: Obama’s Nuclear Attack Legacy

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


PravdaMedia Suddenly Discovers Obama's Toxic Mines Discharge

Roanoke Times, 2-21-2019, Pg Buss 1:  Records: Arsenic, lead pouring from mine sites.
Large graphic showing serious stream contamination
This major issue was not highlighted or featured as a BIG deal when Obama’s EPA minions knocked a hole in a retaining pond and released a massive toxic flow into the river in Colorado.
Not to worry, much of the damage was to Native Americans who were too busy doing Obama’s bidding obstructing the Dakota Pipeline to focus on their own valid issues.
Just more Obama Legacy.
But now that Trump is President it’s a BIG deal!   Really?
More PravdaMedia Trump Derangement Syndrome!
Obama’s EPA: Government At It’s Worst
Obama's Incompetent EPA Releases Toxic Sludge Disaster


VT Ban Lists Includes Columbus

Roanoke Times, 2-26-2019, Pg 1, 4: VT removes Eng’g prof from ban list
Reason why he was on the ban list is secret.
Reason he got off the ban list is secret
Interesting it's an Eng'g prof -- given all the wide-eyed Liberal AntiFa profs around.
RT, 2-20-2019, Pg Va 1, 3: VT puts Columbus On the ban list
University removes Columbus from holiday and substitutes “Indigenous Peoples Day” as the staff holiday.
American Indians were indeed here before the Europeans arrived.
They deserve recognition and deep apologies especially for their treatment by US Grant who ‘with malice aforethought’ waged a war of annihilation against them and to ensure total destruction wiped-out the Buffalo, even in the face of a SCOTUS order to stop.
Somewhat Reminiscent of Sherman's burning Atlanta, his march to the sea and Hunter's march down the Shenandoah Valley.
There’s lots of days in the year, seems like the explorer who ‘rediscovered America’ could have his day in recognition of the ‘rediscovery’ of a land that gave birth to the United States of America, mankind's best hope for Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.
“Last year, President Donald Trump drew criticism when his first Columbus Day proclamation didn't mention Native Americans.
"The permanent arrival of Europeans to the Americas was a transformative event that undeniably and fundamentally changed the course of human history and set the stage for the development of our great Nation,"

Monday, February 25, 2019


Richmond Judge Issues Warrant For Oscars Girl

Richmond Judge Cann who sent an ERA protesting girl to jail, without bond, for a wardrobe malfunction was incensed last night while watching the Oscars.
There he was with his family watching a family-Oscars program when WHAM some girl ‘shows up' with a Double wardrobe malfunction!
The judge was incensed!
The Judge has issued a warrant for the offender and looks forward to seeing her in his court  ---- sometimes it's hard to tell the FakeNews from the endangered RealNews.
So much for modesty and decorum!
Remanded For A Wardrobe Malfunction


Get Your Income Tax Credit For Pocahontas Warren

As a member of the TaxPayer class, when filling out your 2018 Income Taxes do not forget to File Form 8845 for credit for hiring and paying Sen. Pocahontas Warren.
You have earned this tax credit not just for hiring and paying her but also for having to tolerate her constant nonsensical SquawTalk.
There may be some IRS issues relative to the ‘qualified’ aspect of her employment.
FIT  Form 8845
Employers of American Indians who are ‘qualified employees’ use this form to claim the Indian employment credit.


Obama’s Pathetic 9th Circuit Court

Not only are Democrats known for all their dead voters voting
But Now
They have dead judges voting and writing opinions
Opinion of  SCOTUS:
“federal judges are appointed for life, not for eternity.”
Supreme Court says vote of dead ‘progressive icon’ judge does not count
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that the decisive vote in a California pay dispute case before a lower court doesn’t count -- because the vote came from a judge who died before the ruling was issued.
The case from the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals involved a dispute over pay filed by a Fresno County government employee.
Judge Stephen Reinhardt, who was seen as a progressive icon on the bench, heard the dispute and participated in a preliminary vote. The appeals court then issued an opinion in his name nine days after he passed away in March 2018.
But the high court, vacating the decision of a federal appeals court, said Monday that “federal judges are appointed for life, not for eternity.”

On the other hand: Does RBG know what her Law Clerks are writing for her and then telling her how to vote?



Bernie The Political And Economic Hypocrite

Lifestyles of the rich and socialist: Bernie Sanders has 3 houses, makes millions
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., entered the 2020 presidential race this week promising to transform America with a left-wing vision of economic and environmental justice. But the self-described democratic socialist’s high-end income, multiple houses and fondness for air travel have already opened him up to criticism that his lifestyle doesn't always match the rhetoric.”
Bernie A Top Two Percenter Not Paying Fair Share Of Taxes
Bernie’s Victory Speech = The Communist Manifesto
The New ObamaCare: BernieCare From The Vermont Socialist


Va LtGov Fairfax Swinging In The Wind

Embattled Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax compares himself to lynching victims
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax stunned lawmakers Sunday with an impromptu speech comparing himself to lynching victims from the late-19th and early 20th centuries as he fights to remain in office amid sexual assault allegations.”
“Republicans in the state's House of Delegates last Friday announced plans to hold a public hearing where Fairfax, Tyson and Watson could testify, a move that Fairfax and some Democrats have panned as a political ploy. Watson requested such a hearing in an opinion piece published by The Washington Post last week.
Fairfax has indicated he would not participate in the hearing, leaving it an open question whether Republicans would try to compel him to testify. Fairfax has said the accusations should be investigated by law enforcement.”
The Democrat Hypocrisy is so think you can cut it with a butter-knife.
Do these jerks not reflect on the Kavanaugh Hearings and the Democrat Real Lynching Mob that abused him?
“Fairfax has indicated he would not participate in the hearing”
Virginia Democrat Leadership Race To The Bottom
The Virginia Democrat Leadership Debacle And Disgrace

Sunday, February 24, 2019


The PravdaMedia Has No Jussie Clothes

The PravdaMedia jumped upon the Jussie Smollett Story with a furry.
Attackers wearing Trump’s MAGA hats and
Black Gay man with a noose
It doesn’t get any better than this.
Let’s Jump on those Chicago Journalists who dared to use the term ‘alleged’.
Oh – it’s a Fake Story – We were duped -- what to do?
Jump on the Chicago police for laying-out Reality and arresting Smollett!
Police Chief: Jussie Smollett Faked Attack 'To Promote His Career'

Cops: Jussie Smollett Staged Attack Because He Was Upset With Salary
Rahm Emanuel defends Chicago, chides media for rush to believe Jussie Smollett
The Jussie Smollett Hoax Wouldn’t Have Worked Without A Complicit Media
“The latest evidence of establishment media bias comes from their devouring of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett’s claimed victimhood in a hate crime attack. They could not eat it up fast enough. It was just oh-so-tasty: Prejudice aplenty that all could be blamed on President Trump”
Black, Gay, TV-Star Attacked – Hate Crime – Really?
Is Jussie Smollett The New Twana Brawley?


Final Three Grammy Nominees


Saturday, February 23, 2019


Baltimore Violence With No Cops To Blame

Baltimore sees 14 shooting victims in span of 24 hours
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“In a span of 24 hours, Baltimore was reeling from one of its most violent days in recent memory.
At least 14 people had been shot, including five of those who died from gunshot wounds in a series of shootings that began at 8:30 a.m. Thursday and ended at 3 a.m. Friday.”
Baltimore’s 2017 Record Killings  -- More Obama Legacy
The Baltimore violence and killings go on unabated.
Mayor Rawlings-Blake and DA Mosby were supposed to fix all this after the riots of 2015.
Their persecution of 5-police officers failed and apparently so did any successful effort to fix the ongoing crimes.
Six Baltimore Police Exonerated In Anti-Police Gray Case
On the other hand, what police officers would want to place themselves directly in harms way and then be persecuted and threatened with jail based on a jury of the purps-peers.
Right plan in this environment:
Wait till everything quiets down and its daylight.
Bring yellow tape, evidence bags, camera, clipboards of forms and outlining chalk.
Talk to witnesses (will be very short list!).
Do Not confront anyone at any time.
Log and secure all ‘stuff’ at HQ and let DA run the show.
Replenish supplies for next call-waiting.
Rawlings-Blake Baltimore Mayor
DA Mosby
Apparently these ‘girls’ also didn’t help their female officer killed in the line of duty.
Baltimore Female Officer Killed – Poisonous Fruit Of Anti-Police Seeds
The bottom line is Baltimore and Chicago and other major Democrat led cities are not stopping black-on-black intercity crime committed primarily by drug gangs.  Apparently for them black lives don’t really matter.  How sad.
To add insult to injury they also are protecting illegal immigrant criminals including MS-13 through Sanctuary City laws.
You can fix ignorance with education, But You Can't Fix Stupid!


Police GoPro Body Cams Working

Police body cameras are showing what we already knew; that the vast majority of police actions are legal and proper.
They’re also dramatically showing the wanton violence against police by animalistic killer felons.
View two videos of deadly attacks upon female officer’s simply conducting traffic stops:
Police bodycam video shows moment suspect opens fire on (female) deputy through rolled down window
GoPro Camera
Police Officer Screams For Her Life as Suspected Murderer Pulls Gun on Her | New York Post
For those who question if there is such a thing as ‘resisting arrest’
Way past time to bring back the death penalty for cop killers!


A Kiss Is Just A Kiss

Casablanca -- As Time Goes By -- Original Song by Dooley Wilson
A Kiss Is Just A Kiss
A Sigh Is Just A Sigh
The Fundamental Things Apply
An Undercover Vice Girl Can Be Very Expensive
New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft (77-year young) charged with soliciting sex at Florida spa
Perhaps at 77-years Robert should not be denied a little solicitation.
This is why Gov. Bill Clinton used his State Police bodyguards to pickup the girls!

Friday, February 22, 2019


Trump Confronting HIV+AIDs Pandemic – Democrats Enabled It

2-21-2019:  Note NBCNEWS Negative article about Trump Initiative – totally silent on the Democrat catastrophic policies that turned an 1980 epidemic into a pandemic still raging today.
Talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome!
Trump plan to beat HIV hits rough road in rural America
“One of the goals President Donald Trump announced in his State of the Union address was to stop the spread of HIV in the U.S. within 10 years.”
The epitome of HIV+AIDS malfeasance were Mario Cuomo (Gov NY) and  Ed Koch (Mayor NYC); their legacy lives on – the gift that keeps on giving.
The 2011 Tony Award-winning revival of Kramer’s 1985 “The Normal Heart” about the terrifying early days of the AIDS crisis reminded a new generation about Koch’s miserable record on the epidemic.
Kramer recently wrote, “What is this evil man up to as he approaches his death? We must never forget that this man was an active participant in helping us to die, in murdering us. Call it what you will, that is what Edward Koch was, a murderer of his very own people. There is no way to avoid knowing that now. The facts have long since been there staring us in the face. If we don’t see them, then we are as complicit as he.”
The public-health system criminal malfeasance of NYC and NY State:
Specific New York actions in the 1980’s and 1990’s resulted in:
* A testing laboratory CAN NOT advise a doctor that the results of a blood test the doctor ordered for a patient is HIV+. Only the patient is notified.
* A parent CAN NOT be advised if their child is HIV+.
* A spouse CAN NOT be advised if their partner is HIV+.
* Rape or sexual abuse victims CAN NOT find out if their abuser is HIV+.
* There is no requirement for an HIV+ person to advise or notify their intimate partners of their condition even though this is clearly the most dangerous concealed weapon in our society.
* There is no requirement for an HIV+ person to take reasonable or prudent steps to avoid contamination of others.
* There is no requirement that an HIV+ person can not sell their blood to a blood bank, it's up to the blood bank to detect the virus and dispose of it without notification to the Public Health Department.
* The pre-marriage blood test was eliminated thereby placing newly-wed partners at risk.
* The state and local health departments are not allowed to intervene in the plague's progress: no interviews, no determination of contacts, no containment and no direct management to halt the spread of the virus by known carriers.
* In New York (and many other states) HIV+AIDS are by defined by Law as NOT sexually transmitted diseases and therefore are not processed or managed by the Public Health Systems as are all other STD's!
* Even though New York has one of the highest rates of HIV+AIDS it did not, by law, report any data to the federal Center for Disease Control for many years.
This litany of malfeasance first published in this journal 14-years ago 2-22-2005
In retrospect, it is very difficult to comprehend the extent and magnitude of our government health system malfeasance in the HIV+AIDS Pandemic and the awful outcomes that resulted and are still with us.
It’s as if the public health systems developed from Typhoid Mary never existed.
The HIV+AIDs Pandemic Continues
'Tidal wave of Hep. C (and HIV) coming,'  Virginia health commissioner warns
RICHMOND — As the state lingers in the grip of its ongoing opioid epidemic, Virginia’s top health official is warning that the state soon may also be dealing with skyrocketing rates of hepatitis C and HIV.
HIV and hepatitis C are bloodborne pathogens that travel together. A needle that might infect someone with hepatitis C could also infect them with HIV.
California DeCriminalizes Most Dangerous Concealed Weapon HIV+AIDS
Black Unwed Moms & HIV+AIDS
Obama’s appointment of Dr. Frieden of New York does not make one feel that we are in good hands.
Dr. Thomas Frieden and Health Malfeasance
Reflect back to:  Roanoke Times, 8/30/08, Pg Va 9:
NY HIV+AIDS pandemic at least three times worse than national rate and much higher than documented.

Tens of Thousands of Virginians Dead


Massive Trump White House DownSizing Compared To Obama Palace

Trump's Lean White House 2018 Payroll On-Track To Save Taxpayers $22 Million
“President Trump’s White House payroll has 374 employees, that's 95 fewer staffers than Barack Obama at the same point in their presidencies. The Trump White House workforce runs 20 percent leaner.”
But the White House Staffing DownSizing is small change compared to the ‘initial’ travel comparisons between Obama and Trump.
Looking forward to the end of first term numbers.
PravdaMedia FakeNews hypes the Trump trips to Florida – totally ignores a comparison to the Obama’s.
Obama Administration Travel Cost $114 Million, Trump's So Far Is $10 Million (11-227-2017)
Former President Barack Obama’s family travels cost the U.S. a total of $114 million during his presidency, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group. President Donald Trump has, so far, cost taxpayers $10 million.
Judicial Watch obtained the expense documents from the U.S. Air Force and the Secret Service through a Freedom of Information Act request, and two FOIA lawsuits. They represent the known totals so far, and there could be more Obama administration travel expenses revealed in the future.
Among the big-ticket trips were two family vacations during the weekend of February 14, 2014, that cost the Secret Service $272,192. That weekend, former first lady Michelle Obama went on an annual trip to Aspen with her daughters and shut down its airport; the total cost was $88,663.29. The same weekend, President Obama took a golfing trip to Palm Springs and met with King Abdullah II of Jordan, which rang in at $183,529.62.”


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