The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, February 29, 2020


The New Yorking Of Virginia A Demolition Derby

The devastation and subjugation of Virginia during 1865 is now being surpassed by the NY-Bloomberg-Va-Democrat invasion of and actions in Richmond.
The gerrymandering, Christian-bashing,  NY gun bills and unionizing the teachers is now being surpassed by the subsidizing and enabling of the Construction Unions at the expense of Virginia businesses, workers and taxpayers.
Roanoke Times, 2-28-2020, Pg 3: Raising the price on school and road construction.
Braunlich is president of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy in Alexandria.
Politicians are quick to recognize the construction needs in Virginia, variously estimated at $13 billion for road and bridge repair (nevermind new roads) and at least $3 billion to repair and replace the 40 percent of Virginia’s schools more than 50 years old.
So why are so many of those same politicians willing to raise the cost of that construction, so less construction can be done?
Four bills are now working their way rapidly through the General Assembly. Two (SB182 and HB358) would permit government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) on state and local construction projects. Two others (SB8 and HB833) would increase wage requirements on those construction projects at nonmarket rates, set under 1931’s Davis Bacon Act.
PLAs, when mandated by government, discourage nonunion contractors and subcontractors – currently 98 percent of the state construction industry – from competing to build taxpayer-funded projects. By limiting the pool of bidders, contractors are forced to hire their workers out of the union halls.
But this means contractors are also forced to exclude their existing employees, change their existing practices and instead bring on new workers.
In addition to the Democrat ‘Union empowerment bills’ there is:
The Uncertain Future of Virginia’s Right-to-Work Laws that Affects our Business Climate
“Right-To-Work” R2W Ballot Amendment


Virginia Democrats Driving AntiChristian Agenda

The NY-Bloomberg-Va-Democrats continue their attacks upon long standing Virginia values and beliefs and laws.
Apparently they are intent on:
Legitimizing Northam’s Infanticide pronouncements
Intruding directly into Christian values, beliefs and choice.
Roanoke Times, 2-28-2020, Va Pg 2: Democrats removing abortion restrictions
RT, 2-28-2020,Pg 3: Legislators about to force the state into the church — that will seriously harm our Christian schools 
“This would be done through sweeping legislation that treats most churches, ministries and private religious schools exactly the same as secular “places of public accommodation,””
OK Not To Bake – Some Religious Rights Still Alive Post-Obama
Who Is Really For Religious Freedom?


CoronaVirus Remediation – Global Warming The Solution?

CoronaVirus – Suppressed by Global Warming?
Who could have seen that coming?
Let’s hear it for Natural global warming!
Pelosi and Schumer and their PravdaMedia are so bummed!
Gore, Greta and Steyer are holding a Wiccan ritual.
Can Coronavirus Be Crushed By Warmer Weather?
“But he says COVID-19 seems more akin to the seasonal cold. And up to a third of common colds are caused by coronaviruses.
"We've seen, basically, explosive spread inside China of person-to-person transmission, so — in that sense — it really is behaving like a common-cold causing coronavirus," says Adalja.
For that reason, he says, "I do think seasonality will play a role. As this outbreak unfolds and we approach spring and summer, I do think we will see some tapering off of cases."
So as China and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere head into spring, the virus could begin to peter out or plateau.”
Not so much for ‘down under’.
Will Coronavirus slow down in the warmer months like flu season?
It’s well known that the flu ebbs and flows with the weather each year. During the colder months, the virus strikes hard, infecting millions nationwide — but when spring rolls around, the illness begins to lose strength and flu activity subsides until the next cold season.
That’s because respiratory viruses like the flu are more powerful in cool, dry air. The colder temps allow them to multiply easier and spread faster. With spring right around the corner, many are wondering if — like the flu — coronavirus cases may dwindle with the warmer weather. 
Pocahontas got it totally backward!
Pocahontas Warren Blames Coronavirus On AGW Global Warming (Also Trump's fault)
CNN's coronavirus coverage criticized: ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome strikes again’
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
As coronavirus concerns sweep the nation and make news across the globe, liberal CNN is being criticized for placing blame for its spread on President Trump and politicizing the alarming illness.
Pelosi Schumer still have not passed a Trump Requested Bill to finance the additional efforts to fight the coronavirus and its impacts on the American People.
Apparently they’re too busy holding press conferences espousing their Trump Derangement Syndrome.
They’re complaining about getting supplies from China – image that – who for 8-years was happy with the one-sided trade deals with China – and now who (without any Democrat support) for 3-years has been holding China’s feet to the new-trade deal negotiations and bringing thousands of jobs back to the US!

Friday, February 28, 2020


Seniors Need A Fix

Marijuana use is rising sharply among seniors over 65
The numbers of American seniors over age 65 who now smoke marijuana or use edibles increased two-fold between 2015 and 2018, according to research published Monday in JAMA.
It’s Not surprising that seniors are doing pot.
Who wouldn’t be using after:
Reading and watching the PravdaMedia
Watching the Democrat so called Debates
Listening to Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler and Greta
Contemplating either Marx-Bernie or Creepy-Joe as POTUS
Talk about chronic depression!
The ‘escape’ solution?
Make reefers out of MaryJo
Eat MeMa’s ‘new’ brownies


Racism In SC Democrat Primary?

Dumb and Dumber at the SC Debate
Sanders Blasted as 'Racist' for Vowing to Help Minorities Start Businesses Selling Legal Marijuana
Biden's Top Surrogate in South Carolina Supports Louis Farrakhan
“South Carolina Democrat Congressman Jim Clyburn officially endorsed Joe Biden for president on Wednesday morning.
The third-highest ranking House Democrat shared a stage with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite, and has refused to condemn the hate group leader.”
(Why doesn't the PravdaMedia jump on him?)
Racist Louis Farrakhan Friend Of Liberal-Progressive-Democrat Hypocrites


Pelosi Schumer Politicizing Corona-Death

Corona – we’ve seen this movie before – it was called Ebola.
Democrats exploited that pandemic starting with Medicine, Then Politics, Then Money, And Finally Race.
Exactly what Pelosi Schumer are doing now.  The ‘race shoe’ will soon drop.
Trump tears into Pelosi, Schumer for politicizing coronavirus
“President Trump on Wednesday ripped House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over their criticism of his response to the coronavirus threat — charging that they were playing politics while he was trying to protect the American people.”
YouTube:  President Trump and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a News Conference
Pocahontas Warren Blames Coronavirus On AGW Global Warming (Also Trump's fault)
Revisit  2014 Ebola:   Obama, Farrakhan, and Rev.(GD America) Wright

Ebola Was About Medicine, Then Politics, Then Money, And Then Race
“It’s clear that Obama is refusing to stop the flow of exposed people from infected African countries because he’s fearful of the racial implications."
His life-long religious advisor, Rev Wright, once claimed that HIV+AIDS was invented by whities to kill black people.

The bigger picture is the post-9/11 Home Land Security plan.
The CDC and DOD have had almost 20-years to develop plans, procedures and facilities to protect the country from Biological Warfare attacks.  If the CDC hasn’t been doing that – what have they been doing?
Their vaccinations for the flue(s) certainly are a Big disappointment.

Thursday, February 27, 2020


NY Appeals Court Empowers Trump War On Sanctuary City Laws

Court rules Trump can withhold funds from 'sanctuary' jurisdictions
“NEW YORK, Feb 26 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's administration can withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement funds from states and cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Wednesday.
The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan was a victory for Trump in his years-long fight with so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.”
Now Trump-Bar can move forward to civilly challenge all the government entities that have abused their power and their people with so called ‘Sanctuary’ Laws!
AG Bar At War With Sanctuary Democrats
Now Trump-Barr should use RICO Laws On Sanctuary Outlaw Leaders to criminally punish them for illegally aiding and abetting criminals!
How sad that it has taken over 3-years to get the Obama-Judges to be for the rule of law or to get out of the way for right and justice to prevail.
Whoever said justice was blind and what’s with that scale statue?


The Prince And The Not So Pauper

Mark Twain wrote ‘The ‘Prince and the Pauper’.
The Prince and the Pauper traded places and they both learned a lesson that your own life, however imperfect, can actually be an OK life!
Clearly not a lesson for entrepreneurs, leaders and go-getters.
Apparently England’s Prince Harry didn’t read that book.
He could have married a young woman who would have aspired to be the wife of a prince, comfortable and pleased with that lifestyle that was well known and well established.
Instead he married an ambitious nonroyal manipulator who saw a golden opportunity not a lifelong constrained lifestyle.
Harry is now estranged from his Royal Family and embedded into a dysfunctional family that make great ‘check-out tabloid’ reading.
Not to worry – his ambitious spouse will lead them to lots of Hollywood contacts, contracts and fruitful endeavors that will enrich them far beyond their royal Euros and sterling silver accounts.  Imagine the 'royalties' from books, tours, movies, trinkets, product endorsements and no-show jobs.
Just see what Barack and Michelle did!
So much for Twain’s book – see the new book:

See Meghan, See Meghan Run, Run Meghan Run!
Harry and Meghan show anger at palace over loss of royal branding
UK Monarchy In Disarray Meghan Doing Great
Some ‘check-out tabloid’ reading


Pole Dancing At Family Football Show

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The Federal Communications Commission was slapped with 1,312 complaints from Super Bowl viewers, with many saying Jennifer Lopez and Shakira's halftime show was a "porno show" and a "strip club act."
The complaints came from every state except Vermont, according to WFAA, which obtained a copy of the complaints.”
Apparently Bernie’s Vermont home town was OK with his past writings so there’s hardly anything that would disturb their sensibilities.
Clearly the boys in the basement watching a 72-in flat-screen, drinking beer, eating chips and wings didn’t complain about the voluptuous (curvaceous and sexually attractive) women swinging on the pole at half-time!
Oh that’s misogynistic!  No it’s Not!
Misogynistic means strongly prejudiced against women and the boys in the basement were clearly Not against these women!
Well then it’s chauvinistic!  No it’s Not!
Chauvinistic men disparage, or otherwise denigrate (criticize unfairly) females. 
The boys in the basement were not criticizing these dancers – on the contrary!
Well then they are sexist!  Yes – that’s it and the boys in the basement are proud of their somewhat ‘toxic masculinity’.
You can take the boys out of the locker-room, but you can’t take the locker-room out of the boys!
Sex Sells so Swing baby swing!  After all, now it’s called performing ART!
So where was all the righteous indignation?
Super Bowl 2020 had 99.9 million TV viewers.  How could there Not have been a lot more than 1,312 complaints?  After all, this is supposed to be a 'family friendly' prime-time program.
Apparently the SCOTUS definition of ‘decent community standards’ have really changed in the past 56-years.  Something about Liberalism, progressives, the internet and 50-shades of gray.
“I know it when I see it!”   Justice Potter Stewart SCOTUS 1964

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


The Democrat’s 10th Debate?

The 10th so called Democrat Debate in South Carolina was a reminder that the physical War Between The States started there with roaring cannons!
And not an American Flag to be seen anywhere!
Finally the ‘field of Marginal’s’ started focusing on the Karl Marx in their midst.
Hammering Bloomberg is justified; however, he would make a far better candidate than Marx and would have a better chance of beating Trump than any of the other 'Marginal's'.
Winners and Losers --- No Winner! --- All Losers!
Four More Years – MAGA!
Marx Leads Democrats Ye Reap What Ye Sow
Closer to home here in Virginia:
Bloomberg's-Va-Democrats Unionizing Virginia Schools


#MeToo At Roanoke Times

Haven’t seen a RT ‘righteous indignation editorial’ on this yet?
How about a DANO Trophy?
Former Roanoke Times (HR) employee files federal lawsuit against newspaper's parent companies
“ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ7)-- A former employee of The Roanoke Times has filed a federal lawsuit, accusing the newspaper's parent companies of allowing sexual harassment to take place within the organization, discriminating against her on the basis of her sex and retaliating against her for bringing accusations of sexual harassment to light.”


Two-Thirds of Virginia Gun Deaths Are Suicides

Roanoke Times, 2-19-2020, Pg Va 6: Two-Thirds of Virginia Gun Deaths Are Suicides
“Much of the gun debate focuses on homicides and mass shootings, which can lead to suicides by firearm being overlooked. About two-thirds of gun deaths in Virginia are suicides. In 2017, 664 people died from suicide with a firearm, and 353 gun deaths were homicides.”
What an interesting statistic to make public!
Apparently enactment of a ‘right to die with dignity’ law would wipe-out 2/3rds of Virginia’s gun deaths!  Who knew?
How does this relate to the frantic action on gun control?
Especially when most of the ‘homicides’ (1/3 of gun deaths) involve felon-persons with illegal guns that have not and will not be impacted-deterred by so called gun laws.
Gun laws impact law-abiding legal gun owners in violation of their 2nd Amendment Rights and in some cases cause them to become inadvertent law violators primarily by sneaky possession issues.
Gun Laws And Reality


Trump Lauded In Largest Democracy In World

What a contrast to Obama’s Apology Tours with his kowtowing and national-self-deprecation!
100,000 greeters of Trump and Democracy!
YouTube:  Trump attends massive rally hosted by India's prime minister
In India, Trump revels in huge crowd and Modi’s praise
“President Trump addressed the largest crowd of his political career Monday, celebrating the relationship between the world’s oldest and largest democracies during a speech to a stadium crowd of more than 100,000.
Although the three presidents before Trump all visited India while in office, Modi said Trump’s visit “imparts a new sweetness and closeness of family ties to the relationship” and said it is “no longer just another partnership — it is a far greater and closer relationship.””
First Couple Making America Proud

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Bloomberg's-Va-Democrats Unionizing Virginia Schools

Virginia Democrats are adopting the NY, Cal, Conn public employee union model!
The result will be labor disputes, stoppages, inefficiency and hostility as the 'third-party union representatives' insert themselves between teachers and:
Administrators, school boards, boards of supervisors, parents and the public.
Union contracts for each school district will fill 3-inch binders of tripe material that will be the fodder for constant conflict and disaffection.
Anyone who has observed the Albert Shanker NYC Teacher Union history cannot be optimistic about the future of public education in Virginia under unionism.
Old Chinese Proverb: Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true!
Virginia public school teachers poised to gain collective bargaining rights
“Teachers in Virginia may soon gain the right to collectively bargain with the public school systems that employ them — signaling a historic shift for the state and a major victory for labor advocates nationwide.”
The trouble with collective bargaining:
“Before Virginia lawmakers decide to introduce collective bargaining for government employees in their state, they should take a look at the mess it has created in my home state of Connecticut.”
“Here in the Constitution State, people are staggering under the double burden of high taxes and a high cost of living, thanks in large part to the overwhelming power government unions wield over public policy.”
Note the Top-2 Choices of Virginia Democrats 

WSJ:  Bloomberg Joins the Union 
His labor-policy plan could have come from Sanders or Warren.
Obama’s Teachers Union On-Strike


The Bloomberg-Va-Democrat Hypocrisy Of Gerrymandering

The in-charge Bloomberg Va. Democrats state that they want to end Gerrymandering --- how noble is that!
But, what that means is they will Gerrymander Virginia voters in such a way that Republicans will never gain control of the House or Senate again, so their Gerrymandering will in-fact be the last.
Bloomberg’s Va. Democrats are working diligently to complete the Annihilation of SW Virginia political opposition that Obama-Hillary started.
Obama-Hillary drove to ‘shut down the coal mines and put the miners out of work’.
The result of that action results in the migration of many people-voters out of WV and SW-Va.
The focus now is on Gerrymandering the remaining people-voters in SW-Va to marginalize the number of state and federal representatives from that area.
Democrat Del. Cla-Price of Newport News spells out one element of their plan:
Roanoke Times, 2-24-2020, Pg 1,5: Democrat Gerrymandering SW Virginia
“With eyes on the 2020 census and subsequent round of political districts mapmaking, Democrats sponsoring legislation want to have prisoners counted not at correctional facilities, but at their last home address.”
How novel!  Turns out most prisoners are long-term ‘residents’ of the facility they are in and counting them ‘here’ seems appropriate.  However the Democrat view is that most of them are from the big cities and counting them there along with all the illegal immigrants they can dig-up works well in their “this is the last gerrymander’ plan.
It’s of interest that the Democrats are BIG on counting college students at their campus and not from 'home' including many from out-of-state.  These ‘residents’ are typically ‘local’ for only part of four years and have No ‘residential roots’ or synergy with the 'townies'.
The Democrats love to count them and they get access to them by unlawfully abusing their privacy:
Elections have consequences and we are seeing massive adverse examples real-time!
It’s a hoot to read the amazing spin of the PravdaMedia explaining how all this is really good for us in SW-Va – reminiscent of the old cigarette ads.
Hypocritical Democrats Selectively Buying Elections

Monday, February 24, 2020


Marx Leads Democrats Ye Reap What Ye Sow

The so called ‘main stream’ Democrats are panicked over the roaring success of Bernie Marx Sanders in the 2020 election process.
Even some MSNBC’ers are calling him nasty names:
Bernie is undeterred and doubled down with a nice compliment to Fidel:
In reflection Obama was equally taken with the Cuban comrades and MSNBC didn’t find any fault with that action:
In fact MSNBC was upset when Trump undid the Obama-Cuba love affair:
The reality of left-wing, liberal, socialist, even communist, brain-washing of our youth is Not a surprise!  It is the process that has been implemented in our school systems and especially in our colleges and reinforced by our PravdaMedia for many years.
The following is a brief view of that reality:
New York Times Celebrates Karl Marx
Teaching The Teachers The Communist Manifesto At Radford
Socialist Question – Good Free-Enterprise Answer
Marx Wins Nevada For Trifecta
They’re Back: Communists And Their Fellow-Travelers


Obama Road-Kill?

Philip Haney, DHS whistleblower during Obama era, found dead (along a highway - shot)
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Philip Haney, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower who was an outspoken critic of the administration of former President Barack Obama, was found dead Friday, about 40 miles east of Sacramento, Calif., local authorities said.”
“In June 2016, Haney testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he alleged that the Obama-era DHS had ordered him to delete hundreds of files about reputed associates of Islamic terrorist groups. Haney made the case that several attacks in the U.S. could have been prevented if some of the files had not been deleted, the Examiner reported.”
Anyone know where Hillary was at the time?


Obama's SCOTUS Justice Sotomayor’s Hissy-Fit

Obama’s “hope and change” Judge just can’t cope with the ‘new’ Judges that focus on “The Constitution” and not the ‘prevailing winds’ construct.
A major judicial issue has and is that a single ObamaJudge somewhere in blue-land issuing an injunction in his court will impact the entire country, for multiple years, pending appeals up through the Obama packed courts.  Clearly one-Judge should Not have that power!
Supreme Court Lifts Last Bar To Trump Immigration Rule, Over Furious Sotomayor Dissent
"Claiming one emergency after another, the government has recently sought stays in an unprecedented number of cases, demanding immediate attention and consuming limited Court resources in each," Sotomayor wrote. "And with each successive application, of course, its cries of urgency ring increasingly hollow."
2009:  New Qualifications for Supreme Court Judges
“Roanoke Times, 5/27/09, Pg 1: Obama hails nominee’s ‘compassion’ (Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court)
Both Va senators (Webb & Warner) praised the Supreme Court nominee’s “personal story” ---- Really?
Apparently the voters for “hope and change” have directed that the new major qualifications and responsibilities for our highest court are compassion and a moving personal story instead of judicial excellence and intellect.
It appears that a new oath of office and a new depiction of Lady Justice will also be required to adapt to the new criteria.”


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