The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Kennedy Center Looking For Sponsors

How can the richest elitists in the US, the Hollywood, Political and Arts Community, abandon the Kennedy Center in its hour of need?
The taxpayers, through Pelosi’s demands, just gave the Center $25-million in the virus aid package.
They in turn are ‘shafting’ the working people at the Center.
And to think Democrats are always saying they are for working people!
Kennedy Center to stop paying National Symphony Orchestra despite $25 million in coronavirus aid:
The decision was notified just after President Trump signed the stimulus bill.
These ‘arts connoisseurs’  are the same ilk that gave Andres Serrano  $15,000 of taxpayer-funded money (from National Endowment for the Arts)  to proudly display photographs of Jesus in a jar of urine at the DC Kennedy Center.
Pelosi’s worth $120-million
and that’s chicken-feed compared to her artsy, political and Hollywood minions and buds.
Bloomberg just ‘watered away’ three-quarter of a Billion dollars to demonstrate that voters are ‘not that into him’.
Seems like they-all should help-out at the Center, and it’s a tax deduct too.
There’s something very dark about Democrat greed and hypocrisy!


The Personification Of ‘Fake-News” In A Crisis

In the middle of a pandemic health crisis, at the epicenter of that crisis in NYC, who would insert into the NYC ‘news’ article a video strip from another country's hospital?  Who indeed?
But not to worry – the PravdaMedia Outlet admitted their ‘mistake’ after being called-out for this bogus fake-news travesty!
CBS News admits 'mistake' after airing footage of overcrowded Italian hospital in report about NYC
 (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“CBS News admitted to a "mistake" on Monday after airing footage of an overcrowded hospital room that was allegedly in New York City but was actually from a hospital in Italy.
"It was an editing mistake. We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows," a CBS News spokesperson told Fox News.
Last Wednesday, "CBS This Morning" included a brief clip showing several patients and medical professionals in one room during a report about the rising threat of the coronavirus outbreak in New York City.
However, that same footage aired days prior on Sky News.”
CBS Blames 'Editing Mistake' for Italian Hospital Footage in Report on NYC Hospital Conditions
“The footage has angered viewers in the U.S., who are counting on news agencies to bring them accurate reporting on the actual situation on the ground. Many feel that the inclusion of Italian footage is designed to create more panic about the state of New York hospitals, which, according to Governor Cuomo, are not overwhelmed yet and have the supplies and ventilators they need.”
The federal government is setting up Army Field Hospitals in the NY area, just sent in Hospital Ship Comfort and is supplying massive amounts of critical hospital supplies to this virus epicenter.
Meanwhile in the US:  Trump Derangement Syndrome Rages On

Monday, March 30, 2020


Major Change At The Bank

It’s Now OK to enter the Bank wearing
A Mask
And Gloves
And Carrying a Spray Bottle


USNS Hospital Ship Comfort Enters NY Harbor

WATCH: Navy hospital ship 'Comfort' arrives in New York City amid coronavirus
Hospital Ship USNS Comfort Arrives In New York To Ease Coronavirus Pressure


CoronaVirus Has Undone The EU And Globalism

For 8-years Obama sang the song of one-world globalism and the subordination of the US to the EU and UN.
His kowtowing to other leaders was a national embarrassment and resulted in reduced respect for the US.
Along came Trump with a totally different view of America.
The Left has constantly demeaned Trump for his “America First and Great” proclamations and actions as a major contrast to Obama who voiced the view that American was never great or first.
During this current time of crisis it is clear that America First is a sound political philosophy and the EU and its Globalism First is under great strain and conflict.
COVID-19 – The European Union Unravels
“In recent weeks, EU member states have closed their borders, banned exports of critical supplies and withheld humanitarian aid. The European Central Bank, the guarantor of the European single currency, has treated with unparalleled disdain the eurozone’s third-largest economy, Italy, in its singular hour of need. The member states worst affected by the pandemic — Italy and Spain — have been left by the other member states to fend for themselves.”

Meanwhile in the US:  Trump Derangement Syndrome Rages On

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Virginia D Gov Northam Not Newsworthy -- Really?

Roanoke Times, 3-29-2020, Editorial: The only doctor-governor
The RT Editor opines that Va Gov Northam is not a ‘media celebrity’ in the midst of today’s turmoil and crisis?  The Editor outlines six areas of Northam’s celebrity short-falls.
But the Editor is not highlighting Northam’s major achievements:
He’s the Black Face Governor.
He’s the Infanticide Governor
He’s the Abortion Governor
He’s the Gas Tax Booster Governor
He’s the Electric Bill Breaker Governor
He’s the anti-2nd-Amendment Governor
He’s the Massive Left-wing-Laws Governor
He’s the Copperhead-Bloomberg Puppet Governor
He’s the Lame-Duck Budget Busting Governor
He’s the ‘I Don’t have a clue what to do in this crisis’ Governor
He’s the chief of the Three Top Va Leadership Stooges Governor
Sleep tight Virginian’s: Northam, Fairfax, Herring and the Copperhead-Bloomberg Legislators are all on-watch making Virginia into California-East as fast as they can.  What a joy!
Election Expectations vs. Reality:
Or, as Deana Carter sang: Did I Shave My Legs For This? 

Saturday, March 28, 2020


USN Hospital Ships Fight The CoronaVirus

President Trump has ordered two state-of-the-art Hospital Ships into the CoronaVirus fight.
USNS Mercy to Los Angeles
USNS Comfort to NYC
Trump, Esper Wish Bon Voyage To Hospital Ship Bound For New York City
Trying Not to inject “Southern Comfort’ into this occasion at Norfolk Virginia.
Norfolk-based USNS Comfort hospital ship will go to New York for aid
Hospital Ship USNS Mercy Arrives in Port of Los Angeles


New Yorkers Fleeing NYC Into Quarantine

Shelter In What Place?
The sight of New Yorkers in flight being apprehended by the Virus Police is indeed a bizarre sight.
NYC is a Sanctuary City, but, other cities and states Not so much when it comes to the CoronaVirus.
Apparently Shelter in Place doesn’t include fleeing to other places, taking the Virus with you and then spreading it around to others.
Governors and Mayors declaring ‘States of Emergency’ have almost “Marshal Law” powers to apprehend and detain for cause and isolating the Virus Carriers is clearly good cause.
NYC didn’t take the Social Distancing and Personal Hygiene warnings seriously and are now paying a horrific price.  Pictures of high-density gatherings were common during early March and now 2-weeks later the virus is a pandemic there with 8-million high-density targets.
“Lurch” Mayor De Blasio haunted by weeks-old tweet urging people to 'get out on the town despite coronavirus'
Coronavirus killing people in New York City at rate of one every 17 minutes
Rhode Island Door Knocks in Search of Fleeing New Yorkers
The Rhode Island National Guard started going door to door in coastal areas to inform any New Yorkers who may have come to the state that they must self-quarantine for 14 days while Gov. Gina Raimondo expanded the mandatory self-quarantine to anyone visiting the state.
State Police set up a checkpoint on I-95 in Hope Valley on Friday where drivers with New York license plates must stop and provide contact information and were told to self-quarantine for two weeks, reported.
A North Carolina county is using checkpoints to block visitors and keep coronavirus out

Since March 17, only permanent residents with proper identification -- including a permanent resident entry permit -- have been allowed to enter Dare County. Businesses must apply for entry permits for their out-of-town employees. 
Florida governor orders New York travelers to quarantine

The new Florida travel restrictions follow the governor's order on Tuesday that visitors flying in from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are to self-quarantine for two weeks under threat of a 60-day jail sentence. 
‘Go home!’ New Yorkers flee the city as coronavirus cases surge, but they aren’t welcome in the Hamptons

Friday, March 27, 2020


Wisdom From A Senior Friend

"Everyone says we should listen to Dr. Fauci. That's right, we should listen to Dr. Fauci. But we shouldn't forget --- Dr. Fauci is a virus doctor. He has no idea how many suicides and stress related fatalities are associated with an economic collapse. That's not his job. It's Trump's job to find the balance. Lets hope he gets it right. Tom"
White House coronavirus task force update for March 26
Fauci cites Trump travel restrictions as possible key for U.S. not 'becoming another Italy'
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article) 
America Start Your Engines


My 2020 Census Notice

Received my first notice to comply with the census March 12.
Addressed to: Dear Resident -- all the taxes I have paid and they don't even know my name!
Would be a nice touch to at least address me as: Legal Resident and US Citizen and Veteran.
Received my second notice to comply with the census March 16 (4-days later)
Apparently they know about my senior-ADD-issues.
I was annoyed to see the REQUIRED BY LAW notice in BIG BLOCK letters (instinctive negative reaction to the Big Brother syndrome).
I was irked to see the “Mensaje importante” notice.
It’s been a long time since my high school Spanish Classes.
What a joy to know that the distribution of federal and state funding will be based on how many Illegal’s we have in the neighborhood.  Also counts directly toward number of Congresspersons we get (and everyone wants one of those).
Good basis to justify some extra mail-in ballots too.
Talk about nonAmerican influence in our elections!
What a change from when my parents came here alone as teens through Ellis Island to become Legal Immigrants as soon as they could.
Based on the prior strong citizenship proclamations by Teddy Roosevelt I’m quite sure the only language printed on the census back then was English.
My parents also swore allegiance to the United States of America.
I also took that oath 25-years later as a young army officer.
Not done by Immigrants now after Obama Removed the Allegiance Commitment from Citizenship Oath (just more of his sad Legacy).
And to think that an avowed Communist is the runner-up for the Democrat nomination for POTUS.
And to think that we’re being told that all these changes are progress and are good for us!  Really?
The 2020 Census And Illegal Immigrants

Thursday, March 26, 2020


VT AGW Prof A Disappointment

Roper: Necessity for renewable energy
 “Recent articles in The Roanoke Times have deprecated wind and solar energy. Apparently the authors of those articles have not given much thought about how humans will get energy for electricity and transportation after fossil and nuclear fuels are depleted.”
VT AGW Prof Roper has been a staple in the Roanoke Times and has had more coverage than most of the ‘paid’ staff.
This yet another chapter designed for a room of gullible students.
However, this is a significant change in the Profs story-line.
Apparently the steady drone of the Gore-Mann-Greta-AOC apocalyptic projections (oceans over-flowing the statue of liberty, all ice gone from Arctic and global temperatures so hot we all suffocated -- all belied by Mother Nature) has now lost its sting and we’re back to ‘soon we’ll run out of fuel’.
There are shelves of books going back 100-years proclaiming the world population growth will exhaust the energy supply.
That may well prove true.  However, the bridge from here to there is not paved with wind-turbines and solar panels albeit they will be seen along the way.
Intermittent and unreliable wind and solar can be supplements to utility level energy, but they do not provide the vast magnitude of 24-7-365 supply that’s required, not now, not ever!
Prof Roper and his associates, parading their academic credentials before the public, owe the public more than platitudes.
They owe the public the supply-demand graphs and calculations and costs showing the reality of what their 24-7-365 utility-level proposals are that will support our people and industry.
Prof, If you can’t or won’t do that – then spare us your unproductive diatribes!
And RT Editors: find some creditable sources for your energy pandering!
Northam, AOC, Greta and Gore Hatch A Disastrous Energy Plan For Virginians
Va Clean Economy Act: The 19% Solution
Where Is Virginia’s Renewable Energy Realism?
David Roper: Small Town Farmer Turned Hokie Physicist


Apple 9M Masks And Readiness

Apple donating 9M coronavirus masks:
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Vice President Mike Pence said Apple is donating 9 million N95 respiratory masks during a Tuesday press briefing on the novel coronavirus.
Thank You Apple for this major and generous donation!
Apple has 80,000 Apple employees and accounts for 2,000,000  Jobs across all 50 states
Question: why did Apple have Nine Million N95 masks in the first place?  Interesting!
US was more prepared for pandemic than any other country, Johns Hopkins study found  ----  Really?
“The United States was ranked the best-prepared country in the world to handle a pandemic in late 2019 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS) -- an assessment seemingly at odds with claims by Democrats that the Trump administration left the country vulnerable to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.”
How does this Johns Hopkins assessment compare to the results in South Korea?
South Korean CoronaVirus Success To Date
The South Koreans are having significant success in fighting and limiting the CoronaVirus.
It appears they were quick to identify the risk and had tools, assets and processes in-place that was quickly deployed.
And relative to readiness responsibility:
It appears that Medical Facility Certificate-of-Public-Need (CON) Laws are a country-wide process based on national health programs like ObamaCare and Medicare; therefore:
It’s Not clear who is really ‘responsible’ for medical facility availability and capacity but it looks like a State Committee based on Business As Usual case loads and clearly not peak epidemics no less pandemic crisis.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


America Start Your Engines

3-26-2020:  Ford aims to reopen some North American plants in April after coronavirus shutdown
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
The PravdaMedia is abuzz with explosive negativity over Trump’s desire to get America Open For Business by Easter.
How could this even be a pipe dream considering many locations, like NY, are not yet close to ‘topping-out’ their case loads?
Perhaps there are those who are looking at the current ‘regular flu epidemic’ data, for which we did Not shut-down the country, and are comparing that to the CoronaVirus data where current sickness and deaths are a fraction of the ‘regular flu’ impacts, albeit that hospitalizations may become a significant mitigating factor.
When the shut-downs were ordered, it was “assumed”, based on foreign data, that the death rate was 5+ percent of infections – clearly a major exposure.  Current data indicates it may be less than 1.0 percent of infections with those most at risk Not in the workforce (like myself).
A prolonged shut-down clearly could lead to another 1930s Depression with all the massive issues that would involve.
Starting the economic engines of the US could be done by state or even areas within states.
Significant decisions lie ahead with risk to both the deciders and the public.
We all face risk every day in everything we do.
We will soon have to face the risk-reward decisions associated with “America Start Your Engines”.
God give the Wisdom of Solomon and the Luck of the Irish to those who will make these decisions!


An interesting work item: some companies are giving 'risk bonus' to keep workers on the job
(in reflection: was a time I got airborne jump pay).
Adversity Uncovers Good, Bad And Horrid Actors


Social Distancing



LTE To Roanoke Times Tweedledum Biden

By Peter Hain, SML Virginia
It’s all but certain that Tweedledum has outdueled Tweedledee for the Democratic presidential nomination.  Liberals may be elated that the soon-to-be 78 year old career politician is the last man standing against the irrepressible President Trump.  But it’s not because Joe Biden is an odds on winner, rather that Bernie Sanders’ metrics – age 79 and self-anointed “democratic socialist” – do not resonate well with the public.  Yet, whether it is Biden or Sanders, both haul more baggage than Fed Ex and UPS combined.   
Joe Biden, an underwhelming graduate of the University of Delaware (class rank 506 of 688), claimed to be in the “top half” of his Syracuse Law School class, but actually ranked 76 of 85.
A politician since age 28, Biden has fed at the public trough for 46 years – two years as a part time county councilman, 36 years as a Senator from Delaware, and eight years as VP.  Thus, he is well versed in the practices of obfuscation, misrepresentation, embellishment, ducking volatile issues, and assuming credit for others’ achievements.  And not getting much done for the public along the way.
Throughout his career, Biden has been tarred with allegations of plagiarism.  The chickens came home to roost in 1987 when he withdrew from the Democratic presidential nomination because of “the exaggerated shadow of his past mistakes.”
In 1988 Biden suffered two brain aneurysms that required surgery, but is said to have no recurrences or effects since then.  His neurosurgeon pronounced him fit for the 2020 presidential run and quipped:  “I’m sure he has a brain, because I’ve seen it.”
Biden is a prominent “father” of gaffes and incoherent ramblings too numerous to mention, putting him on top-10 lists of celebrities with foot-in-mouth disease.  Critics attribute recent inconsistencies to early onset dementia or Alzheimers.  Time magazine’s take:  “Biden’s brain is wired for more than the usual amount of goofiness.”  Despite his quirks, Biden served in key positions as ranking member and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations and Senate Judiciary committees, as well as two-term VP.  Noteworthy, however, is that former President Obama has yet to endorse him as presidential nominee.
If Biden had his druthers, he probably would retract his 2015 quote about corruption in Ukraine.  He told the Council of Foreign Relations that he informed the Ukrainian president he must fire his prosecutor-general or the U.S. would not release $1 billion in loan guarantees.  “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours.  If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’  Well, son of a bitch.  He got fired.”  House Democrats impeached President Trump on flimsier evidence of “quid pro quo.”
Joe Biden’s wayward son, Hunter, is an embarrassment to his father’s campaign.  Substance abuse issues.  Messy affairs.  And his appointment to the board of Ukraine’s natural gas company for which he displayed no expertise beyond his father’s VP position - receiving $50,000 per month for his services.  Nice work if you can get it!
Numerous women have come forth and castigated Joe Biden for his unwarranted “touchy-feely” behavior.  While acknowledging that he would try to do better, he is “not sorry for anything I’ve ever done . . . it’s just who I am.”
With a potential nominee pool of 42 million Democratic voters, 232 congressmen, 47 senators, and 24 state governors, Team Trump is surely puzzled, but rejoicing that the Democratic establishment settled on the befuddled Tweedledum as the president’s opponent in November.
Impeach Joe Biden Before His Inauguration?

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Congressman Riggleman’s Team On Front Line Again

Silverback Distillery pivots from making whiskey to hand sanitizer in fight against COVID-19
Va 5th District Congressman Denver Riggleman has been on the front-lines of American defense during his distinguished military career.
In civilian life he is both a Congressman and a businessman who with his wife and two daughters, own and operates three distilleries.
To help alleviate the current shortage of hand sanitizers, used to help remediate the spread of CoronaVirus, they are re-purposing their distillery processes for the sanitizer product.
Some Franklin County folks are also jumping-in to help:


Hawaii Victim Of Pandemics

Coronavirus spurs Hawaii to take 'extreme action,' quarantine all arrivals to the state for 14 days
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“All visitors and returning residents to Hawaii will be required to complete a mandatory 14-day quarantine starting on Thursday in what the state's governor called an "extreme action" on Saturday needed to fight the spread of the coronavirus.
Hawaii Gov. David Ige said the state's majority of COVID-19 cases so far are linked to travel, which makes it "critical" to mitigate the spread of the virus by those arriving from out of state.”
Death in Hawaii: The Epidemics of 1848—1849
Some infectious diseases are highly communicable and manifest them-selves with varying degrees of intensity.  Since the Hawaiian people possessed no natural immunity to the bacterial and viral organisms that were brought to the Islands in the early 19th century, their resistance to foreign diseases was low. An illness that was considered to be relatively mild could cause severe or fatal consequences to the unprotected native population
How Measles Helped Destroy the Hawaiian Monarchy
“The measles deaths of Hawaii’s monarchs were tragic—and foretold another tragedy. When measles finally hit the Hawaiian Islands in 1848, it began a long sequence of epidemics that tore the kingdom apart.”
“a “plague” that struck the island around 1803. Thought to have been yellow fever or a similar disease, the epidemic resulted in up to 175,000 deaths, cutting the island’s pre-contact population in half.”


Why Is CoronaVirus So Dangerous

Opinions or Facts?

> It has to do with RNA sequencing....  i.e. genetics.
> Seasonal flu is an “all human virus”.  The DNA/RNA chains that make up the virus are recognized by the human immune system.  This means that your body has some immunity to it before it comes around each year...  you get immunity two ways...through exposure to a virus, or by getting a flu shot.
> Novel viruses, come from animals....  the WHO tracks novel viruses in animals, (sometimes for years watching for mutations). Usually these viruses only transfer from animal to animal (pigs in the case of H1N1) (birds in the case of the Spanish flu).  But once, one of these animal viruses mutates, and starts to transfer from animals to humans... then it’s a problem,  Why? Because we have no natural or acquired immunity.. the RNA sequencing of the genes inside the virus isn’t human, and the human immune system doesn’t recognize it so, we can’t fight it off.
> Now.... sometimes, the mutation only allows transfer from animal to human, for years it’s only transmission is from an infected animal to a human before it finally mutates so that it can now transfer human to human... once that happens..we have a new contagion phase.  And depending on the fashion of this new mutation, thats what decides how contagious, or how deadly it’s gonna be..
> H1N1 was deadly....but it did not mutate in a way that was as deadly as the Spanish flu. It’s RNA was slower to mutate and it attacked its host differently, too.
> Fast forward.
> Now, here comes this Coronavirus... it existed in animals only, for nobody knows how long...but one day, at an animal market, in Wuhan China, in December 2019, it mutated and made the jump from animal to people.  At first, only animals could give it to a person... But here is the scary part.... in just TWO WEEKS it mutated again and gained the ability to jump from human to human.  Scientists call this quick ability, “slippery”
> This Coronavirus, not being in any form a “human” virus (whereas we would all have some natural or acquired immunity). Took off like a rocket.  And this was because, Humans have no known immunity...doctors have no known medicines for it.
> And it just so happens that this particular mutated animal virus, changed itself in such a way the way that it causes great damage to human lungs..
> That’s why Coronavirus is different from seasonal flu, or H1N1 or any other type of influenza....  this one is slippery AF.  And it’s a lung eater...And, it’s already mutated AGAIN, so that we now have two strains to deal with, strain s, and strain L ....which makes it twice as hard to develop a vaccine.
> We really have no tools in our shed, with this.  History has shown that fast and immediate closings of public places has helped in the past pandemics.  Philadelphia and Baltimore were reluctant to close events in 1918 and they were the hardest hit in the US during the Spanish Flu.
> Factoid:  Henry VIII stayed in his room and allowed no one near him, till the Black Plague passed.  Just like us, he had no tools in his shed, except social isolation...

Monday, March 23, 2020


Looking Desperately For A Medical Short-Fall Fall-Guy

The media and politicians are looking for a fall-guy for the so called shortage of medical facilities and resources during the CoronaVirus Pandemic.
That’s very important because it’s an election year and the masses are calling for blood and heads; some are even building new gallows (solid plan not based on injection drugs or electricity and firing-squad would only add to the gun violence data).
Here in SW Virginia and adjacent Appalachia country there has been a massive reduction in medical facilities as administered by:
Medical Facility Certificate-of-Public-Need (CON) Laws.
Reflections on this process include:
Lee County picks Ballad to reopen its hospital
“I don’t know how many rural hospitals have closed — 70 or 80 or maybe more in the last few years. I believe we will be the only one that has reopened,” Montgomery said.
“The University of North Carolina’s Cecil G. Sheps Center has tracked 95 closings since 2010. Some of the former hospitals now offer emergency or urgent care, or outpatient services.”
It appears that CONs is a country-wide process based on national health programs like ObamaCare and Medicare; therefore:
It’s Not clear who is really ‘responsible’ for medical facility availability and capacity but it looks like a State Committee based on Business As Usual case loads and clearly not peak epidemics no less pandemic crisis.
So, Let’s hang the CON committees – wouldn’t want to let a crisis go to waste and someone needs hangin!
The ‘urgent’ reaction in NY to ramp-up medical facilities (including army field hospitals) is testament to the serious short-falls highlighted by this pandemic:



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