The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Biden’s Afghanistan ‘Victory’

The Biden Impeachable Phone Call
(Where's Nancy with her Impeachment broom?)
Reuters Exclusive: Before Afghan collapse, Biden pressed Ghani to ‘change perception’
The same Joe Biden and now Afghanistan.

WSJ: A Dishonest Afghanistan Accounting
Biden spins a tragedy for U.S. interests into an antiwar victory.

Nancy Pelosi Blocked GOP From Reading Names Of Slain U.S. Troops,
"That’s how far our nation has fallen."
“How badly do Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats want to cover up this Afghanistan debacle?”
WSJ Editorial Board Goes After Biden For ‘Dishonest’ ‘Defiant’ And ‘Accusatory’ Defense Of Afghanistan Withdrawal

Biden's angry Afghan withdrawal 'victory lap' panned
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
President Biden's speech touting the military withdrawal from Afghanistan had critics howling over what was described as his "angry" tone all while simultaneously taking credit for the decision and blaming his predecessor, former President Trump. “
Today, Aug 31, 2021, Joe Biden snatched defeat out of the mount of victory.
His angry proclamations distorted and deflected the reality of our Afghan retreat.
Scant few question the decision to exit Afghan – that’s a straw-man fallacy he spouts as if that’s the primary issue.
The Real Issues:

Our military on the ground and in the air performed with honor, distinction and professionalism; the personification of duty, honor, country.
God Bless our 13-KIA.
Our ‘leaders’ in DC were a massive disconnect and failure.
Clearly Biden and his team snatched Defeat and Humiliation out of the mount of Victory and Success.
His 9-11 speech will be co-opted by the Taliban and the Radical Muslims with their victory speeches.

The Images Of Defeat

  • People falling from our aircraft
  • People crammed into the cargo hold of our aircraft like sardines
  • Parents handing their children to strangers upon a barb wire wall
  • People blown to pieces by a suicide bomber
  • Taliban dressed in US uniforms with US war equipment
  • The Virtual Images and sounds of people being hunted down and murdered and girls and women being brutalized by Muslim Terrorists.
Imagine what the Democrats and their PravdaMedia would be doing with these Images going forward if Trump were still President.

Afghanistan Reality
Kabul 13-KIA Return Home
ABC: Bad goes to tragic for Biden on Afghanistan:
Kabul Biden’s Deadly Boondoggle



Afghanistan Reality

Taliban leaders walk across airport runway to mark triumph; US finishes withdrawal

Afghanistan -- The Summary
20-years of draining our blood and treasure
The Road to hell paved with good intentions
The Taliban and Sharia won
The GITMO gang in charge again
The Bloody Retribution begins
Women and Girls the huge losers
The future looks like the tribal past
The poppy fields to bloom again
Primary exports – Terrorism and Drugs
History Lessons relearned:
*  When a government loses the people’s support
      and commitment the forces of tyranny take-over.
*  You can't help someone who won't help themselves!
87+ Ex-military officers call for Austin, Milley to resign over Afghanistan debacle
Pathetic DisRespectful Biden checking his watch during service for the 13-KIA returning home.
Apparently Diminished-Joe has something more important to do somewhere else.

Afghanistan Reflections:



UnControlled Higher Ed Spending

Some Elements of the state of State Higher Ed Spending:
Feeding The Insatiable Beast
It Is The Ultimate Monopoly Game:
Opulence, Bloated-Bureaucracy, Massive Duplication of Programs, Archaic Management Systems and Obsolete Tenured Faculty and No Visible Reason For Restraint!
The RT Editorial Solution: Taxpayers to subsidize ‘the system’ with ever more money for out-of-control spending with no visible means of control.

“Virginia’s system of higher education funding is “irrational, inequitable and unjust,” according to a new report from an independent think tank.
And it echoes an overarching criticism that has been cited for years: The state simply doesn’t give enough money to higher education, period.”
Why Is College in America So Expensive?
The outrageous price of a U.S. degree is unique in the world.
“Ultimately, college is expensive in the U.S. for the same reason MRIs are expensive: There is no central mechanism to control price increases. “Universities extract money from students because they can,” says Schleicher at the OECD. “It’s the inevitable outcome of an unregulated fee structure.””
ie: It’s A Monopoly!

Don’t Even Think About College Cost Management
Student Debt Crisis
College Costs Up Enrollment Down
UVa Slush Fund Highlights Massive Cost Of College And Out-of-control Administrations

Monday, August 30, 2021


Politicizing Hurricane Disaster

Instead of focusing on the horrific issues, warnings and paths associated with hurricanes, the Gore-Greta-Mann AGW Disciples find it necessary to continue the public brain-washing that every severe weather event is caused by mankind and CO2.
Reality: There is No data or science that demonstrates that Hurricane Ida or any other hurricanes are man-caused!
Storm Ida Could Be Among the Strongest to Hit Louisiana Since the 1850s
Reality Data: The CO2 levels in the 1850’s were 33-% lower than current levels (attached graphic) – what caused those hurricanes and all the others during periods of low CO2?
NYT: Hurricane Ida could be a storm of historic proportions, Louisiana’s governor says
"Research over the past decade has found that, on average, such rapid intensification of hurricanes is increasing, in part because the oceans, which provide the energy for hurricanes, are getting warmer as a result of human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases."
Hurricanes are devastating killers and disruptors!
Coastal US has developed into a target-rich environment of people and facilities resulting in major impacts for equal sized historical storms.
However – it’s clear that major (Cat 3,4,5) hurricanes hitting US are Not correlating with increased CO2!

WaPo Editors Accuse Trump Of Collusion With Hurricane Florence
Killer Hurricanes Hit US: Déjà vu Again
How are the AGW-Alarmist renewable energy solutions working out in the hurricane?
Aren't you glad they're Not your only supply of electricity?





Kabul 13-KIA Return Home

Fallen Soldiers Arrives At Dover Air Force Base On Tuesday


ABC: Bad goes to tragic for Biden on Afghanistan:
Kabul Biden’s Deadly Boondoggle

Saturday, August 28, 2021


Biden – Lord I Hope This Day Is Good

ABC: Bad goes to tragic for Biden on Afghanistan:
“America's longest war is now in the midst of the longest and perhaps most tragic imaginable ending -- a catastrophic, chaotic and deadly end stage that continues even while U.S. forces are expecting more terrorist attacks.”
The Good News -- Pray for and Be Proud of our Service men and women!
The US Military on-the-ground and in-the-air are performing in an outstanding manner consistent with the highest levels of duty, honor, country.

The Bad News -- The Civilian and Military DC Management is reminiscent of the debacle:
Tennyson’s ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’:

"Lord, I hope this day is good
I'm feelin' empty and misunderstood
I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should
But Lord I hope this day is good"
YouTube: Lord, I hope this day is good
Kabul Biden’s Deadly Boondoggle


Let’s Talk About Roanoke Crime Again

There’s an election coming-up so: Once again the Roanoke Mayor and City Council and Va AG Herring gathered in a circle to pontificate about violence in Roanoke, one of the most violent cities in Virginia.
Just a repeat of their 2018 “Retreat” with the same pathetic non-plans resulting in same pathetic outcomes.
With the Va. AG and Roanoke leadership’s anti-crime focus, there’s little hope for improvement and particularly the black community will continue to suffer the most and lose the most.
How sad! Shades of Chicago and other sad examples.

Roanoke Violent Crime UnAbated Aug 17,2021
Roanoke’s Pathetic Violence Misdirection


MLK Day 2021

1963: Martin Luther King Jr.
Sadly, the politics of personal destruction and group-herding, especially during the past 10-years, have waylaid King's vision and dream of a unified nation.
Unfortunately there still is money and power in race-baiting and racial strife.
MLK And BTW Disappointed With Their Heirs
Booker T. Washington 1911
“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
(p. 118, My Larger Education BTW 1911) - See more at:
Critical Race Theory CRT At Its Ugliest
Prior MLK Days – The Dream Not Near Reality

Friday, August 27, 2021


Kabul Biden’s Deadly Boondoggle

108-Killed by Bombs at Kabul Airport
Not Biden’s fault because The Taliban are “IN CONTROL”


Afghan death toll now at least 95 following Kabul airport bombing; 13 US service members dead
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The U.S. has also warned of the threat of more terrorist attacks before next Tuesday's U.S. withdrawal deadline
Late Thursday, U.S. Defense Department officials said the death toll for U.S. service members remained at 13, but the count included 10 Marines and two Army soldiers – instead of the previously reported 12 Marines. One Navy corpsman also was killed”
Pentagon admits ‘thousands’ of Isis-K militants (terrorists) released from US prisons by Taliban

Outrage over US ambassador's 'heartless' comments on Americans trapped in Afghanistan: 'Blaming the victims'
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Outraged viewers condemned U.S. diplomat Ross Wilson as "heartless" after he appeared to engage in victim-blaming when he noted that the State Department warned Americans in Afghanistan to leave and said it's "their business" for those who chose to stay in the tumultuous region.”
Biden abandoned the biggest and best and most defensible airfield and staging facility in Afghanistan.
“The U.S. announced Friday it had completely vacated July 6th its biggest airfield in the country in advance of a final withdrawal the Pentagon says will be completed by the end of August.”
MSNBC’s Malcolm Nance on Kabul suicide bombing that killed US Marines: ‘#DealWithIt’
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Left-wing MSNBC intelligence analyst Malcolm Nance initially downplayed Thursday's suicide bombing outside of Kabul's airport, which reportedly killed at least 12 U.S. service members, telling his nearly one million Twitter followers to "deal with it" before eventually deleting the tweet after widespread backlash.”
Who is Biden’s Custodian and Manager?
Biden says he was ‘instructed’ to call on certain reporters in press conf on US military members killed in Kabul
Talk about Karma:
Kamala Harris stops at Pearl Harbor during the Kabul disaster
People Die – Biden Smirks – Handlers Cut-Him-Off
Another Biden Bad Decision Day
Biden’s Afghanistan Boondoggle UnFolding




Thursday, August 26, 2021


People Die – Biden Smirks – Handlers Cut-Him-Off

What a sad and pathetic POTUS!
A rerun of Wizard of Oz!
No Brains, No Heart And Courage Delegated To Those In Harms Way!
Audio feed cuts out as Biden snarks at reporter’s Afghanistan question
President Biden delivered a sarcastic answer Wednesday to a reporter’s question about the ongoing evacuation of Americans from Afghanistan — but viewers couldn’t hear it because the audio feed from the White House cut out.”
WH cuts off audio of Joe Biden’s appalling response to NBC News journo Peter Alexander’s question about Americans stranded in Afghanistan
“Pres. Biden (after introductory remarks on cybersecurity) ignored a question about what he’ll do if Americans are still in Afghanistan after Aug 31. When it was repeated, he joked to the reporter that “you’ll be the first person I call,” per pool report.”
US Sec of State: “The Taliban Are In Control”
Another Biden Bad Decision Day







Record Hot Not So Much

CO:2 Driving Temperatures and Global Warming -- Really?
Where's Gore, Greta and Mann explaining these Not-Record data?
Weather Journal: 3 sizzling days in August 1983 stand out nearly 40 years later
“Those were the high temperatures at Roanoke on back-to-back days 38 years ago this past weekend, on Aug. 20-22, 1983, the hottest three consecutive days in Roanoke weather history and a quarter of the dozen days 104 or higher that have happened since 1912.
Urban growth around the climate station site at the airport may also play a role.
A recent Climate Central study estimated that the urban heat island may raise temperatures almost 6 degrees near Roanoke’s city center.”


Heat Islands – It’s Record Hot – Maybe Not


Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Another Biden Bad Decision Day

Another Biden Decision Day – Another Opportunity To Screw Things Up!
U.S. Military Tells Biden: You Must Decide By Tuesday If You’re Extending Deadline:
“President Biden reportedly has been informed by the U.S. military that he must decide by Tuesday, August 24, whether to extend the evacuation of the nearly 6,000 troops left in Afghanistan beyond the August 31 deadline.
“If the President agrees, the military anticipates ‘a few more days’ of trying to evacuate as many people as possible before the drawdown of US forces begins, possibly at the end of this week,” CNN reported.”

Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal shows a disengaged, befuddled president
“Shortly after President Biden on Friday claimed that Americans had safe passage to the Kabul airport, and the Taliban weren’t harassing anyone, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told members of Congress that some Americans trying to escape had been beaten by the Taliban. The next day, the US Embassy in Kabul said it wasn’t safe to go to the airport.”
Taliban says no extensions for US evacuations
“Taliban spokesman says the U.S. must complete its evacuation of people from Afghanistan by the Aug. 31 date the Biden administration set for the withdrawal of all American troops.”
Biden admin quickly processes migrants at border but can't do the same with trapped Afghan interpreters
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The new policy allows asylum officers full authority to rule on asylum cases, allowing migrants to bypass the federal immigration courts
The Biden administration has moved to quickly process migrants streaming across the southern border but has not been able to speed up the processing times for Afghan interpreters and other allies who assisted in America's 20-year war effort.”
US general tells British special forces: Stop rescuing people in Kabul, you're making us look bad
Biden’s Afghanistan Boondoggle UnFolding
Cartoons Enlighten

Monday, August 23, 2021


Cartoons Enlighten





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