The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Biden-Northam Activate-Deploy Virginia National Guard To Africa

President Joe Biden in Sept. declared that the U.S. “for the first time in 20 years” is “not at war” in a speech to the United Nations
Diminished-Biden unilaterally activating and deploying a states’ National Guard to a foreign country without any declaration or discussion by Congress!
Where are Pelosi and Schumer?
Where are Virginias US Senators Kaine and Warner?
Where are Virginia’s Senate and House Leaders?
Where are the PravdaMedia challengers of government over-reach?
Imagine the uproar and calls for 3rd Impeachment IF Trump had done this!
Is South Africa the new ‘1963 Viet Nam’!
Deployed ‘Trainers’ to help – not enough.
Now Deploying combat units to fight.
Diminished-Biden did such a pathetic job getting out of Afghanistan, so, now he’s deploying a thousand Virginia troops to South Africa!
Sending Virginia troops to battle Black Africans -- What could possibly go wrong with that move?
1,000 National Guard Soldiers to Deploy to Africa as Mid East Wars Wind Down
President Joe Biden in Sept. declared that the U.S. “for the first time in 20 years” is “not at war” in a speech to the United Nations
Virginia National Guard holds departure ceremony for task force to begin federal active duty for security mission in Africa
Why Are Biden-Northam Deploying Virginia Troops To South Africa?

Sunday, November 28, 2021


Why Are Biden-Northam Deploying Virginia Troops To South Africa?

Trump (Sec Def Esper) moved to reduce US troop levels in Africa – BUT DC-Hawks prevailed and now is expanding under Commander-In-Chief Diminished-Biden.
Talk about timing: Biden is sending our Virginia 29th Div troops directly into the Covid-Omicron epicenter.
Are there any intelligent, rational, mature, responsible leaders in the White House?
Governments around the globe, including the U.S., have restricted travel from southern Africa in an effort to contain the fast-spreading new Omicron variant of the coronavirus. The World Health Organization has declared Omicron, which is also known as B.1.1.529, a “variant of concern,” indicating that it carries higher risks than other virus strains.
A sober Reflection: 29th Infantry Division Formed in 1917 and deployed to France in the middle of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. 45,000 American troops died from the pandemic, 53,000 from WW1 combat.


Defending the U.S. Military Presence in Africa for Reasons beyond Counterterrorism -- May 19, 2020
Since Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced a potential drawdown of U.S. troops in Africa, U.S. congressional leaders, military officers, and various commentators have defended the importance of the military in Africa. But they’ve focused almost exclusively on the fight against terrorism. This is not surprising, since the public has for decades really only heard about the U.S. military in Africa when drone strikes hit terrorists in Somalia, when Navy SEALs raid pirate ships in the Gulf of Aden, and when Army Rangers hunt down genocidaires in the jungle.
Talk about reflections of Vietnam circa 1963!
Where were we when Biden went to Congress to authorize MAJOR expansion to US Troop deployments in South Africa explaining and publicizing:
The Mission?
The Objectives?
To confront Who?
To engage Who?
The Exit Strategy?
Diminished-Biden did such a pathetic job getting out of Afghanistan, so, now he’s deploying a thousand Virginia troops to South Africa!
Sending Virginia troops to battle Black Africans -- What could possibly go wrong with that move?
Deployment largest single-unit Va. National Guard mobilization since World War II
BEDFORD — The Virginia National Guard’s Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team was deployed Saturday after a sendoff ceremony at the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford.
The battalion is trained and equipped to accomplish a wide range of missions throughout the U.S. Africa Command area of responsibility, Northam’s office said, but its primary objective is to provide security for the various forward operating bases maintained by the Department of Defense to build partnerships with host nations and improve safety and stability in the region.
According to the office of Gov. Ralph Northam, who was in attendance and spoke at the ceremony, approximately 1,000 Army National Guard Soldiers will mobilize as Task Force Red Dragon under the command of the Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.
AP: July 15, 2021: 25,000 (African) troops deployed to quell South Africa riots, 117 dead
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — In one of the largest deployments of soldiers since the end of white minority rule, 25,000 South African troops began taking up positions Thursday to help quell weeklong riots sparked by the imprisonment of former President Jacob Zuma. At least 117 people have been killed in the violence, authorities said.
NYT: American Soldiers Help Mozambique Battle an Expanding ISIS Affiliate
With a “small military training program:, the United States military has joined efforts to fight a brutal insurgency that has devastated northern Mozambique.
NAIROBI, Kenya — American Special Forces soldiers began training Mozambican troops this week as part of an effort to repel a spreading insurgency in northeastern Mozambique that American officials say is linked to the Islamic State. The insurgency, near some of the world’s biggest gas reserves, has killed at least 2,000 civilians and displaced another 670,000.
The American program is modest in size and scope: a dozen Army Green Berets are to train Mozambican marines for the next two months. But it signals the entry of the United States military into a counterinsurgency effort that has been aided so far mainly by South African mercenaries, who have faced accusations of human rights abuses.
Talk about reflections of Vietnam circa 1963!
United States Africa Command
Gen. Townsend visits Mozambique, South Africa, Botswana to advance mutual security interests
U. S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander, U. S. Africa Command, wrapped up a multi-country trip to the Southern Africa region, Nov. 17-23 – 2021.

Saturday, November 27, 2021


The Insanity Of Racist Math

The US Racial Jihad has reached the level of mental illness!
California, the historic leader in US technology leadership, is proclaiming that Math is Racist! Really?
Who are these people who have hijacked American schools and education?
What is their ultimate objective other than American mediocrity?
This has truly become an intellectual cancer upon American society!
A pox be on their houses!
California's new educational guidelines say math is racist
The "color-blind" approach, they write, "allows such systemic inequities to continue."
California is set to adopt new math teaching principles that are based in critical race theory. These changes, which include deemphasizing calculus and pulling programs for academically gifted students, will "apply social justice principles to math lessons."
Gee Toto -- I don't think we're in America anymore!
Breaking Through The ‘Racist-Math’ Barrier
Hidden Figures
On July 9, 2015, it was announced that producer Donna Gigliotti had acquired Margot Lee Shetterly's nonfiction book Hidden Figures, about a group of black female mathematicians that helped NASA win the Space Race.
Our DisFunctional And Failing Schools
Letter To Brearley School Parents


Biden The Covid Xenophobic Hypocrite

'Xenophobic': having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
Nov 26, 2021:  BIDEN imposing strict travel restrictions on Black Africans with no Racist or Xenophobic claims by the PravdaMedia or Democrats!

U.S. (BIDEN) imposes travel ban from eight African countries over Omicron variant
NANTUCKET, Mass./WASHINGTON, Nov 26 (Reuters) - The United States will bar entry to most travelers from eight southern African countries starting on Monday, after a potentially more-contagious new coronavirus variant was identified in South Africa, President Joe Biden said on Friday

Oct 8, 2020:  Yes, Biden absolutely did oppose the China travel restrictions and call them 'xenophobic'

March 12, 2020:   Biden Slams Trump's 'Xenophobic' Europe Coronavirus Travel Ban, Says He'll 'Lead With Science'
Jan 21, 2020:


Xenophobic Biden



Biden Poo’s Inflation Gets Same Back


Bidenflation Friday: Shoppers Expected to Pay Up to 17% More For Toys, Clothing, TVs, and Other Gifts

Biden’s Inflation Reality
Biden Inflation Hammers Real People

Friday, November 26, 2021


Another Illegal Invasion Record Going As Planned

Illegal Immigration Under Biden the Worst Since Records Began
Biden is on target to allow more than 2 million illegal migrants across the southern border into the United States this year — the worst influx since records began 97 years ago.
What this conservative article, and others, are totally missing is that Biden Inc. does Not consider this as “worst’ or ‘bad’ or ‘illegal’.
Instead it is ‘Mission Accomplished’ so far with lots more to come!
Elections have consequences – sometimes really bad!

New York City Council Moves to Allow 800,000 Non-Citizens to Vote in Municipal Elections
The New York City Council will vote on December 9 on a law to allow green-card holders and residents with work permits to vote in municipal elections.
Around 808,000 New York City residents who have work permits or are lawful permanent residents would be eligible to vote under the legislation, which has the support of 34 of 51 council members, a veto-proof majority.
How to keep these 'Illegals' from voting in Non-NYC elections once they're on the voting-rolls?
Can their relatives vote by mail-in ballots from whence they came?

Biden Open Border Boondoggle
Biden Fires Wrong Border Czar


Roanoke Times And Poison Pills

The owner of The Roanoke Times and other newspapers in Virginia said Wednesday it had approved what’s known as a “poison pill” plan to guard against a hostile takeover as it considers New York hedge fund Alden Global Capital’s unsolicited offer to buy it.
Davenport, Iowa-based Lee Enterprises’ plan would kick in if Alden gets control of 10% or more of Lee’s stock in the next year. At that point, other shareholders could buy shares at a 50% discount or get free shares for every share they already own. Flooding the market with additional shares would dilute the stock, making it more expensive for Alden to acquire a controlling stake. Alden said in a filing Tuesday it owns 6.1% of Lee.
The Reality is that the Roanoke Times swallowed a ‘poison pill’ long ago.
It was when they decided to become a member of the PravdaMedia, a component of the Left-Wing Democrat political organization.
The result was ‘writing-off’ 50+% of their potential customers in order to promote the Socialists and Progressives of the Democrat Party.
Now they’re contemplating swallowing yet another ‘poison pill.
One might just reflect on the values of the RT paper's original owner, M. H. Claytor and what might have been IF they had simply followed his vision.
First editorial, Nov 30, 1886, by Mr. Claytor, first owner and editor of the Roanoke Times outlines the paper’s philosophy including:
• It has no pets to reward and no enemies to put down.
• It will endeavor to be truthful.
• It is the mouthpiece of no order, corporation, party nor clique.
• To the fostering of our infant manufactories, to the development of our mineral resources and the cultivation of our fertile fields, must we direct our best efforts if we would make this Southern land of ours blossom as the rose.
Alden hedge fund wants to buy one of the last independent newspaper chains


Thursday, November 25, 2021


Roanoke’s Thanksgiving Police Turkey

Roanoke’s Police issues are not just about lack of resolve to engage the criminal elements that make Roanoke one of the most crime centric in the state.
A major underlining issue is that Roanoke has quietly and purposely defunded their police by Not recruiting and retaining police and thereby are now short 45-police officers!
Apparently public safety is Not the number one priority in Roanoke.
Thank You Mayor Lea and your City Council for your leadership and stewardship – NOT!
Roanoke's Drumstick Dash rerouted due to police officer shortage
Thursday’s Atlantic Union Drumstick Dash has been rerouted because there are not enough police officers to staff the regular downtown Roanoke course.
Typically, the Drumstick Dash requires a minimum of 13 officers, and ideally 15 to 18. The city’s police department currently has 45 regular officer positions that are vacant, spokesperson Caitlyn Cline said in an email.
Roanoke Crime Talkathon


PravdaMedia: Waukesha vs. Charlottesville

The PravdaMedia coverage of the Waukesha Massacre is Journalist-Contortionism!
The PravdaMedia have made the deranged right-wing (white) driver of car that murdered a young woman in Charlottesville an ongoing jihad including this weeks civil trial.

What a contrast to their coverage of the Waukesha Massacre where 6 were killed and 47-Injured by a (black) driver.
It was an “accident”!
It was a “parade crash”!
It was the 'car's fault'!
No! It was Mass Murder and Attempted-Murder!
Now Mainstream media coverage of Waukesha massacre disappears
The Cost Of Judicial Insanity: 5-Dead, 48-Injured
NBC: Waukesha Parade Suspect's Bail on Previous Arrest Raises Questions --- (Really!)


Biden’s Energy Secretary A Pathetic Stooge

Jennifer Granholm has revived the ‘Blonde Jokes Syndrome’ all by herself!
She’s the US Energy Secretary BUT Doesn’t know how much oil the US requires each day and thinks lowering gas prices is hysterical!
This while she’s central to Biden’s cuts to US energy production and scrapping America's Energy Independence!
She is key to the decision to release of 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Reserve.
Turns out that’s about 3-days of US requirement and an insignificant impact on the world’s oil flow and price and a joke to OPEC and our enemies.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Laughs When Asked About Biden’s Plans To Lower Gas Prices
(What’s with these laughing-females that work for Biden?)
Where’s the Roanoke Times’ Dano Award?

Karl Rove brings receipts in epic takedown of Biden plan on gas prices
Biden Shuts-Down Pipelines Abuses Emergency Oil
Biden’s BIG Oil Action: Result: 2.6-Day,s of energy


Glaciers Are And Have Been Disappearing Déjà Vu

Roanoke Times, 11-21-2021, Pg A18: Glaciers disappearing around the world
Yet another Armageddon climate article aimed to support Gore, Mann, Kerry and Greta at the Glasgow ‘the end is near’ global warming conference.
The ‘current glaciers' are indeed retreating again, this time starting at the end of the Little Ice Age circa 1750, about the time of the American Revolution.
A technical paper by D.B. Lawrence, 1950, includes a study of Mendenhall in Juneau Alaska, among many others.
Geographical Review, Vol 40, No 2 (Apr 1950) pp 191-226 Jstor archives
-   1750 >>>> 1950
-    2.5-Miles of Mendenhall Retreat at Juneau
                       before any significant man-made CO2

Do we really have a Fossil-Fueled Global Climate Warming Crisis or do we just have major weather variations highlighted by being in yet another InterGlacier Period?

Have The Glaciers Not Melted Before?
Have we all Not seen Disney “Ice Age” Series:?

Glaciers Retreating Again -- DaJa Vu
Yellowstone Melting Again: Déjà Vu
Taking Down Obama-Gore AGW 'Glacier Gone' Signs
Great Lakes AGW Iced-Over-News

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Democrat Antivaxxer Criminals

Pfizer CEO says people who spread COVID vaccine misinformation are 'criminals':
'Cost millions of lives'
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
And pray-tell who are these Antivaxxer 'Criminals':
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
Andrew Cuomo
Gavin Newsom
And Associates
Click-On for a Video of Top 'Criminal' Democrats spreading
AntiVaxxer FUD:
Fear – Uncertainty – Doubt
May have to click sound icon button on video:


Note: YouTube and Google-Blogger have blocked this video
Wouldn't want the public to see who the real 'criminals' are!

Newsweek: Anti-Vaxxers Feed Off Democrats' Skepticism of COVID Vaccine
AntiTrump Vaxxine Contortionists
Biden Rejected and Dropped Trump’s WarpSpeed Ball
Democrat Antivaxxer’s Stigma Sticks


Tuesday, November 23, 2021


The Cost Of Judicial Insanity: 5-Dead, 48-Injured

Waukesha Parade Suspect's Bail on Previous Arrest Raises Questions
Prosecutors in Milwaukee County on Monday called their bail recommendation “inappropriately low”
Police said Brooks, 39, was behind the wheel of the SUV that sped through the (Christmas) parade route in Waukesha on Sunday, killing five and injuring 48 others. Waukesha Police Chief Dan Thompson said Brooks was leaving the scene of a domestic dispute that had taken place just minutes earlier.
Brooks has been charged with crimes 16 times since 1999 and had two outstanding cases against him at the time of the parade disaster. That included resisting or obstructing an officer, reckless endangering, disorderly conduct, bail jumping and battery for the Nov. 2 incident.
To add more insanity to this justice-debacle:
Illinois Democratic staffer MOCKS Waukesha Christmas parade massacre by comparing it to Kyle Rittenhouse and saying it was 'probably just self defense'
And to think 'persecutors' wanted to put Kyle Rittenhouse in jail for life!   Let that sink in!
Gee Toto -- I don't think we're in America anymore!


Biden Torpedoes Faith Based Child Care

Diminished-Biden Moves to Destroy Religious-Based Childcare
But there’s one group that won’t benefit from the largess that Build Back Better offers if the bill passes as-is: child care facilities affiliated with religious institutions.
The New York Times is reporting that lobbyists are trying to talk Congress into stripping a provision from Build Back Better that would prevent religious preschools and child care centers from receiving their share of the gargantuan funds.
Of all the organizations that successfully provided child care and education through the 2020 and 2021 pandemic it was Religious Faith Based education organizations.
This, much to the chagrin of the Teachers Unions and their powerful PACS and supporters.
Now Biden and the Democrats have shown their distain by excluding Faith Based organizations from receiving their fair-share of taxpayer’s financial support.
Hopefully this will be rectified during the process in the Senate.
Biden’s Replacement Of Parenting And Family


Biden Shuts-Down Pipelines Abuses Emergency Oil

Diminished Biden shuts-down US oil-gas pipelines, killed energy development, watched energy costs skyrocket and now opens our emergency oil reserves to stop his malfeasant outcomes.
The strategic emergency oil reserves are to protect us from massive acts of nature and-or our enemies – Not for Stupidity and self-inflicted wounds!
When and how will these emergency-reserves be replaced?
So much for Trump's American Energy Independence!
How is this helping the CO2 and Glasgow climate issues?
Where are Gore, Mann, Kerry, AOC and Greta?
Climate Armageddon now sooner?
Personal analogy: Let’s go financial-nuts, max out our credit cards, and then tap into the kids college funds to keep the insanity going.
Elections have consequences – some of them insanely bad!
The U.S. will release 50 million barrels of crude from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the White House said Tuesday.
Biden Energy Policy Hammers Consumers And TaxPayers
More Biden Pathetic Energy MisDirection

Monday, November 22, 2021


I Remember JFK

On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was shot to death during a motorcade in Dallas,
I Remember JFK
John F Kennedy giving his Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech in Berlin
“Ask not what your country can do for you
Ask what you can do for your country!”
How far the Democrat Party has departed from JFK!
JFK At Hanau

JFK At The Wall

A JFK Cold War Reflection
A young US soldier in Babenhausen Germany 1961
A German citizen asks him “do you speak German?”
The Soldier replied:
“Jack Kennedy didn’t send me here to learn a second language!”

The Cuban Missile Crisis -- Hawks at Key West Florida


Sunday, November 21, 2021


The Personification Of Our Leadership Vacuum

President Biden Briefly Transferred Power to Vice President Kamala Harris During Colonoscopy
Ms. Harris became the first woman in U.S. history to hold the powers of the presidency. She stood in for Mr. Biden for 85 minutes, according to the White House.
Handing the leadership of the US , for 85-minutes, from Laurel to Hardy!
Has the US ever been in such a leadership deficit?

Diminished-Biden’s yearly check-up was only physical
No cognitive evaluation made public!
Seems like yesterday that the Democrats and their PravdaMedia were demanding that Trump take a cognitive test to prove he was fit for office.
So – he did:
Doctor: Trump’s Cognitive Exam Results Were ‘Normal’
‘VERY STABLE’ Updated Jul. 23, 2020
Kamala The Laugher
Reality Of Biden’s Mental Health Hits Congress
Biden The Post Turtle


Biden Energy Policy Hammers Consumers And TaxPayers

The Biden Energy Policy: Truncate energy supplies resulting in massive price increases resulting in taxpayer subsidizing heating bills.
What a pathetic contrast to Trump’s US Energy Independence and reasonable energy prices!
White House offering more (taxpayer) aid for winter heat, utility bills
The Biden administration is taking steps to help distribute several billion dollars in
(taxpayer)  aid for winter heating and utility bills, an unprecedented sum that comes largely from its $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package.
The package provided an additional $4.5 billion for the government's Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program,
China’s Coal Output Hits Multi-Year High as Climate Conference Continues
China’s state-run Global Times boasted on Monday – day seven of the COP26 climate conference in Scotland – that coal output has reached “the highest level in recent years,” so China’s vast array of carbon-spewing coal-fired power plants can “ensure energy supply security and residential heating during the winter.”
China, the world’s worst polluter by far, built three times as many coal plants as all other nations combined in 2020.
WSJ: Big Winners From Natural-Gas Crunch: Coal Power Plants in Europe
Profit margins are far and away the highest they have been in years. Under Europe’s climate policies, this shouldn’t be happening.
The European Union and U.K. pushed world leaders, unsuccessfully, to back an end to coal consumption at the Glasgow summit on climate change.
WSJ: The Northeast Climate Pact Implodes
Connecticut Governor Lamont withdraws amid soaring fuel prices.
Even liberals don’t want to pay more for energy to make an insignificant reduction in global emissions. Washington State voters have twice shot down a carbon tax.
More Biden Pathetic Energy MisDirection
Shut Down US Coal Plants – Save The World – Really?



Joe And Hunter Love China

How Hunter Biden’s Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese
The president’s son was part owner of a venture involved in the $3.8 billion purchase by a Chinese conglomerate of one of the world’s largest cobalt deposits. The metal is a key ingredient in batteries for electric vehicles.
Joe and Hunter Bring China To White House


TaxPayers Buying A Roanoke Flood Damaged Motel

Roanoke funded to buy and demolish 50-year-old motel some see as blight
(Of course it’s a blight – during every significant storm it gets flooded because after spending $72-Million there’s No Flood Control in Roanoke!)
Let’s hear it for the Roanoke River Snail Darters and Log Perch and the Endangered Species Act; they have cost taxpayers tens of millions and diminished Roanoke and its potential.
New news – Snail Darter now Off the list! When Log Perch come off the list – taxpayers can spend another $75-Million to do a Real Flood Control like the Corps of Engineers knows how to do.
Roanoke spent $72-Million on River Bank Beautification because they couldn’t do the dredging required for Flood Control because of the Snail Darters and Log Perch in the Roanoke River.
After the $72-Million was spent the city has spent Million more buying residences and relocating families from the chronic flood-zone.
Now the taxpayers are spending $4-Million to buy and demolish a large Ramada Inn that’s in the flood-zone.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.
Roanoke Flooded Again – Thank The Snail Darter and Log Perch

Saturday, November 20, 2021


Justice For Kyle Rittenhouse And Us All

In the final analysis, this case was clearly about the basic fundamental human right of self-defense.
The liberals who acted as Rittenhouse's judge and jury before hearing a word of evidence: How Joe Biden, 'The Squad' and liberal media smeared Kyle Rittenhouse by branding him a white supremacist and domestic terrorist
Then-Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden tweeted a campaign video depicting Rittenhouse as a white supremacist
Biden Says He ‘Stands By’ Rittenhouse Jury’s Verdict, Later Adds That He’s ‘Angry And Concerned’ (REALLY!)
“I just heard a moment ago. I didn’t watch the trial, so I — you know … I stand by what the jury has concluded,” Biden said. “The jury system works and we have to abide by it.”






Kyle Rittenhouse ‘Persecutor’

Friday, November 19, 2021


Va Gov Northam Protects TransGender Deer

The Rainbow-Alliance is applauding Va Gov Northam for changing the deer hunting rules to protect Virginia’s transgender deer after a 20- point doe was harvested.
He proclaimed: this was a hate crime not a hunting act.
We have to protect Virginia’s transgender deer from predators and homophobic hunters.
Henceforth all hunters must ensure that the deer they target are both antlered and male – whatever that requires.
Virginia Hunter Discovers That The 20-Point Buck He Killed Was Actually A Doe


Thursday, November 18, 2021


American Voters Turning Blue To Purple

GOP defeats Obama-endorsed candidate in deep blue city (Columbia Capitol of South Carolina) that Biden won handily in 2020
Republicans say their victory is part of a 'red wave'
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Endorsements from former President Obama and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn in reliably blue Columbia, South Carolina, were not enough to push the city’s Democratic mayoral candidate over the finish line.
Republican Daniel Rickenmann, a businessman and Columbia city council member, defeated Democrat Tameika Isaac Devine 52% to 48% on Tuesday night in Columbia, which sits in a county that President Biden carried by almost 40 points in 2020.
Blue and red are essential to creating purple, but you can mix in other colors to create different shades of purple. Adding white, yellow, or gray to your mixture of blue and red will give you a lighter purple. Incorporating black into your blue and red mixture will give you a darker shade of purple
And that is what is happening in many places in the US!
People of all colors and political views are concluding that the Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Schumer-AOC Team is Not acting in the best interests of America and is Not moving the US in the Right direction.
Virginia Democrat Racial Politics Back To The 50’s
Biden’s Replacement Of Parenting And Family
Reflections On Election Day In Virginia


More Biden Pathetic Energy MisDirection

Biden Asks FTC to Examine Oil, Gas Companies’ Role in High Gasoline Prices
President cites ‘mounting evidence of anti-consumer behavior’ by oil-and-gas companies
Misdirection: Real magicians utilize 'misdirection' to distract their audience as they make unnoticed moves.
Cause: Biden turns off major gas and oil operations killing Trump’s ‘America Energy Independence’.
Effect: Energy prices have escalated world-wide.
Higher energy prices flow through everything made or serviced thereby driving inflation today and going forward.
Then he begs our adversaries and enemies to increase production and reduce prices.
No only does that Not work – but he is ridiculed by the world.
The MisDirection:
Now he sic’d the government junk-yard dogs onto energy suppliers who are reacting to the Biden-AOC energy malfeasance.
Something about world-wide Supply and Demand.
Something about passing-through increased costs from the suppliers to the end consumers with associated mark-ups.
Gasoline suppliers are getting ready to make major changes to gasoline formulations for winter-time use required by law. This will further drive-up prices and result in short-term shortages.
Biden’s Inflation Reality
The Glasgow Global Warming Boondoggle



Biden’s DOJ-FBI Use Patriot Act On Parents

Parental rights activists call for AG Garland’s resignation over (WhistleBlower) leaked FBI email
House Republicans disclosed an internal FBI email that showed the agency’s counterterrorism office organized possible threats against school board officials under a “threat tag.”
(totally in conflict with AG sworn testimony to Congress)
"I can’t imagine any circumstance in which the PATRIOT Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor can I imagine a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism," he (AG Garland) testified last month.

Virginia School Gender-Privileged Sexual-Assaulters
McAuliffe: Parents No Role In Their Child’s Education

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Kyle Rittenhouse ‘Persecutor’

Rittenhouse prosecutor Binger led 'clown show' of firearm fallacies
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
The Kyle Rittenhouse ‘Persecutor’ has been a total legal disaster.
e has made multiple false statements and his witnesses have clearly made the case of justified self-defense for Rittenhouse.
(prosecutors are not subject to perjury crimes during trials!   What a crime!)
Watching the extensive video of the entire sequence makes the case for Rittenhouse showing great restraint and self-control even after being knocked to the ground and surrounded by a pack of savage felons.
He shot those who clearly were extremely close and about to do him great harm.
The PravdaMedia have totally destroyed any semblance of ‘innocent until proved guilty’ and demonized Rittenhouse for months since the incident and throughout the trial testimony.
Gee Toto – I don’t think we’re in America anymore.





Soviets Join China Star Wars

The Russians have now joined the Chinese in Star Wars military exercises in space.
Demonstrating anti-satellite weapons to intimidate the US and our allies.
Satellites are the basis of our communications, recognizance, target-acquisition and fire-direction control.
So much for all those who ridiculed Trump’s Space Force initiatives.
'Irresponsible act': U.S. raps Russia after missile strike on its own satellite
The United States on Monday confirmed that a Russian anti-satellite missile test was responsible for causing a debris field in space that forced astronauts aboard the International Space Station to temporarily seek shelter.
Trump’s major funding for the new Space Force that will focus on protecting our vital military and civilian satellites and assertively and proactively counter enemy weapons in and from space.
US Defenseless Again!
Milley finally got the memo -- only took 2-weeks!
China’s Hypersonic Missile Test Is Close to ‘Sputnik Moment,’ U.S. Military Chief Says
Incoming ICBM’s -- Why Aren’t We Protected?


Virginia Democrat Racial Politics Back To The 50’s

It’s Not Just White People: Democrats Are Losing Normal Voters of All Races
Democrats fear they are losing white swing voters over racial politics. Three studies suggest that the party’s elite culture may be the real problem.
Youngkin Racists Were Democrat Surrogates
Exactly how DIRTY are the Democrats and their PravdaMedia?
WSJ: The Big ‘Racist’ Fail in Virginia
Voters called ‘white supremacists’ elected a black Lt. Governor.
One salutary result from Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia Tuesday is the failure of Democratic racial demagoguery. Throughout the campaign Democrats and their media allies assailed Mr. Youngkin and his supporters as closet white supremacists. MSNBC’s Joy Reid said the issue of education and critical race theory is “code for white parents don’t like the idea of teaching about race.”


Great Lakes AGW Iced-Over-News

Roanoke Times, 11-14-2021, Pg A16:
Great Lakes “record warmth” has ripple effect (through the PravdaMedia)
Detroit Free Press Original Print
A google search of ‘Great Lake Warm Temperature’ results in a tsunami of ‘chicken little’ hysteria about the warming of the great lakes and the Apocalypse that is neigh. Really?
Just more chum for the COP26 sucker-fish in Glasgow!
First Reality:  foremost is that climate is Not weather or short-term natural variability. Real climatologists use 30-years as the basis for comparison of statistical climate data.
That data, when available, would Not show cause-effect given that we are in an InterGlacial Climate timeframe and current-CO2 has not been proven or even demonstrated to statistically impact global warming.
Second Reality:  If the ‘lake Michigan temp plot’ represented valid ‘climate data’ the NOAA would present the statistical results that they are Not doing!
Let’s just talk about short-term weather highs as if they prove climate change.
Let’s Not talk about lows that might cast doubt on climate change; would not wish to trip over
the great tragedy of Science—the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact

Third Reality:  Let's peruse some recent Great Lakes winter weather data that represents the cold-side of the picture just for balance:
Global Warming Ices Over The Great Lakes Again
Great Lakes Ice Coverage Doubles in One Week

The Real Deniers – Man-made Global Warming AGW Alarmists
US Navy Ship Stuck In The Obama-Gore Global Warming ‘Ice’ of Lake Ontario

UpState Lake Erie NY Enjoying Global Warming Not

Feet of lake-effect snow to bury Great Lakes during final week of 2017
“A plunge of arctic air will set up significant lake-effect snowfall for parts of the Great Lakes into midweek.
Following the Christmas snowstorm across the northeastern United States, a multi-day lake-effect snow event will bring the heaviest snowfall so far this season across the Great Lakes.”

'Like the movie Frozen': Niagara Falls freezes up
“A brutal winter storm not only dumped snow across the USA and Canada and sent temperatures plunging, it froze one of North America's top tourist spots.
People visiting Niagara Falls are sharing pictures of the attraction frozen by the cold temperatures on social media.”


Monday, November 15, 2021


Biden’s Inflation Reality

WSJ: U.S. Inflation Hit 31-Year High in October as Consumer Prices Jump 6.2%
Biden’s rash of antiTrump executive proclamations compounded by his inaction on bread-and-butter issues have resulted in inflation that hammer the working-class and stressed-class with destructive force.
It is those with limited ‘disposal income’ that are hardest hit by Biden’s Inflation that also cancels-out any increased income workers and seniors may achieve.
The energy-inflation component will become the ongoing driver for more and sustained inflation of all products and services.
That’s why Trump focused on energy independence and moderate energy prices to stabilize the economy and help all income groups.
Diminished-Biden’s plan – beg OPEC and our enemies to produce more lower priced fuels – Really!
A diabolical fuel-inflation issue is that Biden-Gore-Kerry want fuel prices to escalate in order to make ‘renewables’ more palatable to the public.
Obama advisor says Biden spending partially to blame for surging inflation
To add to the Biden-Inflation Problem – Biden is sending out more work-free money to those who have already received multiple check to help them to not go back to work.
New stimulus checks arrive next week
Biden Inflation Hammers Real People






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