The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Northam Bloomberg-Democrat Additional Gas Tax Increase Friday

BlackFace Northam is now long gone
But his taxes linger on
When his mood was one of bliss
He passed gas taxes just like this
Virginia Democrat Gas Tax Rising Again
Saslaw SB890 (2020) Senate 24-14 House 49-44
Virginia's Gas Tax will go up additional 7% (35-cents) on Friday because legislation passed in 2020 that requires the Gas Tax to increase whenever the Consumer Price Index (Inflation) goes up although it remains the same rate if the CPI goes down.
What a tax joy
Franklin County is already paying a 7-cent I-81 gas tax adder! Really!
On what map does Franklin County intersect I-81 and how many Franklin County residents significantly utilize I-81 compared to bordering counties and interstate traffic?
NY Bloomberg The King Of LeftWing Hypocrites And Virginia Democrats


Good DA’s Replaced By Bad DA’s

The Left-Wing Jihad upon our justice system is driving good cops and judges and DA’s out of the judicial system and replacing them with disciples of lawlessness.
NYC prosecutors flee in droves amid soft-on-crime policies, burdensome state reforms
Manhattan has hemorrhaged about 12% of the staff so far this year
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's office this year has hemorrhaged 65 assistant district attorneys, which is about 12% of the staff.
Bragg released a memo on his third day in office, ordering prosecutors not to seek prison sentences for a number of crimes and to downgrade charges – including for robberies and commercial burglaries.
Manhattan's situation mirrors that of Brooklyn, where 67 prosecutors — approximately 13% — have resigned from DA Eric Gonzalez's office as of June 17, with three more leaving last Thursday alone, according to the New York Post. In 2020, 84 resigned, and 94 left office in 2021. Fifty-nine prosecutors have quit in the Bronx beginning this year through May.
Soros’ Liberal DA’s Complicit In Police Deaths


Racist Liberals Denigrate Black Gun Owners

I served with many Black Soldiers that were armed and for anyone to denigrate them and marginalize them is pathetic!
Of all the US citizens who need protection, it's the law abiding black community who are being attacked and victimized!
LA Times columnist asks if California is 'ready' for more legal black gun owners post-SCOTUS ruling
If state officials are unable to fight the Supreme Court ruling, Smith said: "California could be forced to confront a reality that has long made many self-proclaimed liberals uncomfortable: Black people — potentially a lot of us — legally carrying guns in public."
Best representative of ALL gun owning Law-abiding Americans!
Mark Robinson “I Am The Majority”
North Carolina Black Man's speech at city council meeting about gun rights
National African American Gun Association (NAAGA)


Sunday, June 26, 2022


Biden Continues Sliding & Falling

Biden falls off bicycle while demonstrating to reporters how athletic he still is.
President Biden fell off his bicycle Saturday during yet another long weekend at his Rehoboth Beach, Del. vacation home as the nation’s economy – along with his poll numbers – also continued to stumble.
The 79-year-old commander-in-klutz dropped to the ground at 9:40 am and was instantly swarmed by Secret Service agents who rushed to help him to his feet.
Biden carries a White House version of “I have a condition card” to help him ‘get around’.
How comforting knowing he has control of the “Nuclear Football”!
Biden holds notes that read 'YOU enter the Roosevelt Room,' 'YOU take YOUR seat'
"YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants," the first bullet point read. "YOU take YOUR seat."
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)

The Good News:  Biden is still a good reader.
Biden continues to flip-flop on major issues like abortion.
Biden once voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, saying women do not have ‘sole right’ to choose
As a senator, President Biden previously voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, having insisted the Supreme Court went “too far” — and that women do not have “the sole right to say what should happen” to their bodies.
What Are Biden’s UnDeclared Health Issues?


Frenchy Macron The Consummate Hypocrite

Macron criticizes Supreme Court ruling despite France's strict abortion limits
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
France voted to increase its abortion limit from 12 to 14 weeks in February
French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday took aim at the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs Wade, despite France having its own abortion limits that are tighter than the Mississippi law at the heart of the case.
Abortion Back To The States: Déjà Vu


The Sun Is ‘In-Charge’

The Sun is exerting its power over the universe and demonstrating that Mother Nature is the ultimate Environmental Super-Power.
Where is the Gore-Media on this significant environmental event?
Here Comes the Sun—to End Civilization?
Every so often, our star fires off a plasma bomb in a random direction. Our best hope the next time Earth is in the crosshairs?
The Carrington Event, as it’s known today, is considered a once-in-a-century geomagnetic storm—but it took just six decades for another comparable blast to reach Earth. In May 1921,
Giant sunspot doubled in size in 24 hours, and it's pointing right at Earth
Earth will remain in the sunspot's crosshairs for a few more days.
Sunspots are dark patches on the sun's surface where powerful magnetic fields, created by the flow of electric charges from the sun's plasma, knot before suddenly snapping. The resulting release of energy launches bursts of radiation called solar flares and generates explosive jets of solar material called coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
Mendenhall Glacier and Sun Spots back in 1950
A technical paper by D.B. Lawrence, 1950, includes a study of Mendenhall and relates glacier history to perturbations of the sun, a subject once again receiving considerable attention.
Geographical Review, Vol 40, No 2 (Apr 1950) pp 191-226 Jstor archives

Saturday, June 25, 2022


Abortion Back To The States: Déjà Vu

The SCOTUS returned the legality of abortion back to the States where it resided prior to 1973.
The States are now in charge again.
A traumatic change for many.
More angst and fury and fire.
Another excuse to riot and ruin.
More morning-after pills.
More abortion-pills.
Continue ongoing STD pandemics.
HIV+AIDS still Not included in STD's
Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, national abortion right
The Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 decision that established a constitutional right to abortion, ruling Friday that Roe v. Wade was wrong from the start and that the issue should be taken out of the courts and returned to the states.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg And Roe v Wade
Ginsburg, who died in 2020, criticized the (1973) 7-to-2 decision both before and after she joined the high court. She argued that it would have been better to take a more incremental approach to legalizing abortion, rather than the nationwide ruling in Roe that invalidated dozens of state antiabortion laws. She suggested a ruling protecting abortion rights would have been more durable if it had been based on the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution — in other words, if it had focused on gender equality rather than the right to privacy that the justices highlighted.
Note: The privacy focus was based on a Connecticut law that outlawed contraception within the privacy of married couples.
The Griswold v. Connecticut case was decided on June 7, 1965. This case was significant because the Supreme Court ruled that married people had the right to use contraception.1
Democrat Gov Northam Declares
Infanticide To Be Legal In Virginia
Biden's Budget Proposal Reverses A Decades-Long Ban On Abortion Funding
R.Va.Gov Youngkin says he will take 'every action I can to protect life'
Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Friday hailed the U.S. Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which returns abortion regulations to the states, and said he plans "to take every action I can to protect life."
The court's decision to overturn a constitutional right to abortion doesn't have any immediate impact in Virginia, where abortion remains legal unless the legislature and governor change that.

Friday, June 24, 2022


Disorder In ‘The Bill of Rights’ Supreme Court

NY and other ‘Blue States’ extend criteria for ‘gun carry permits’ beyond the background checks to requirements of 'proof of need'. This clearly infringes on the 2nd Amendment.
It’s a major point of order to point out that criminals do Not comply with any of these burdens and ‘progressive’ DA’s have been turning these felons loose with reckless abandon to commit more gun crimes that the liberal-progressives then point to as proof that there's not enough 'gun control'.  Talk about Catch-22!
Supreme Court gun decision shoots down NY rule that set high bar for concealed carry licenses
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
The Supreme Court Thursday ruled 6-3 that New York’s regulations that made it difficult to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun were unconstitutionally restrictive, and that it should be easier to obtain such a license.
The existing standard required an applicant to show "proper cause" for seeking a license, and allowed New York officials to exercise discretion in determining whether a person has shown a good enough reason for needing to carry a firearm. Stating that one wished to protect themselves or their property was not enough.
"In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense.
Samuel Alito lashes out at liberals in guns case as tensions boil over at SCOTUS
CNN: While Justice Clarence Thomas spent 63 pages in a 6-3 majority opinion Thursday painstakingly explaining the court's reasons for striking down a New York conceal carry gun law and changing the way judges will analyze a host of other gun regulations going forward, his colleague Samuel Alito took a different tack.
In a sparse but relentlessly caustic concurring opinion, the conservative Alito criticized his liberal colleagues for their dissent, blasting them for attempting to "obscure" the specific question the court had decided, and for referencing the recent mass shootings that have shocked the nation.
Gun Control – An Oxymoron
Another Roanoke Times Fake Gun-News Headline
1st Amendment Sacrosanct 2nd Not So Much

Patrick Henry:
Signer of the Declaration of Independence
First Governor of Virginia

Thursday, June 23, 2022


Mad Max & Tina: 'DC Thunder Road'



US A Demolition Derby




Biden’s Inflation Scape-Goat Just Died

Federal Reserve chairman needs just one sentence to dismantle Biden's narrative on inflation crisis
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell contradicted President Joe Biden on Wednesday, explaining the ongoing inflation crisis is not being driven primarily by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"Given how inflation has escalated over the past 18 months, would you say that the war in Ukraine is the primary driver of inflation in America?" the senator then asked.
"No, inflation was high before, certainly before the war in Ukraine broke out," Powell admitted.
Biden’s Inflation Reality --- November 15, 2021


Big Florida Democrat Imploding

Didn't see on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC – imagine the coverage IF this were a bid-time Republican!
Andrew Gillum, DeSantis' 2018 opponent, indicted for wire fraud, false statements
Andrew Gillum, the once-rising Florida Democratic star who narrowly lost the 2018 governor’s race to Ron DeSantis, was hit with a 21-count federal indictment Wednesday for wire fraud, related conspiracy charges and making false statements.
Gillum, the former Tallahassee mayor, was charged along with his mentor, Sharon Lettman-Hicks, for fraudulently fundraising from "various entities" between 2016 to 2019, according to a Department of Justice press release. The Justice Department said the two allegedly diverted some of the money to a company controlled by Lettman-Hicks, who fraudulently disguised the funds as payroll payments to Gillum.


US A Demolition Derby

The Controlled Demolition Of America
Historically the belief that one or the other party has evil intentions was largely unheard of. It was assumed that everyone loved their country - the Republic that was founded in 1776 - and truly wanted what is best for it and all its people, regardless of political differences. Sadly, those days are long gone.
What is going on today in America is unprecedented in the more than two centuries of our history, a controlled demolition managed by hostile forces who clearly intend to replace our once-great country with a socialist/communist hellscape of their own making.
A Democrat LeftWing Demolition Derby of social, economic, and political carnage!
Reminiscent of ‘Road Warrior’ and Tina Turner and Mad Max.

Watching A Left-Wing Wild-Fire Devour America
The American People are much more concerned about the Democrat enabled current National wild-fire than a Pelosi make-believe redo of Tara in Gone With The Wind.
Democrats Launched Civil War On SCOTUS
Biden Burning Our Food After Truncating Our Domestic Energy


Constitution Requires Funded School Choice

The Democrats really like the word 'equity' unless it relates to education choices.
The best way to improve US Education is to provide school choice.
Competition has proved to result in improved outcomes in most endeavors.
Contrary to Government control of US schools that has resulted in student achievements equivalent to 3rd world countries.  We can do better!
Supreme Court rules Maine tuition program violates First Amendment for excluding religious schools
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Tuesday that a Maine tuition assistance program violated the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause for excluding religious schools from eligibility.
The program provides tuition assistance for students without a local public school to attend private institutions – as long as the funding is not used for religious or "sectarian" teaching.
Youngkin School Choice Achievable
SCOTUS Helping Black Children’s School Choice

Monday, June 20, 2022


FINA Rewarding Child Abuse

World swimming adopts new policy for transgender athletes
World swimming’s governing body FINA has adopted new rules for transgender athletes, only permitting swimmers who transitioned before age 12 to compete in women’s events.

Have a pre-plubscent boy that is a very good swimmer?
Have him Castrated before age 12 so that ‘he’ may compete in women's world competitive swimming events.
Are there No Limits on Child Abuse?
Reflection: there was a time when choir-boys were castrated so they wouldn’t loose their soprano voices – glad my Dad couldn’t sing.

Alabama Leading US Children’s Protection
Alabama law criminalizing gender transition surgery, drugs for minors takes effect
Biden’s DOJ has gone to court to block these child protections.
Biden’s Fixation On Children’s Sex Changes
Biden’s US TaxPayer Funded Child Sex Mutilation
Child Gender Abuse


Some Environmental Highlights

Florida-sized 'doomsday' glacier losing ice at fastest rate in 5,500 years, study says
The Thwaites Glacier, nicknamed the "doomsday" glacier, is losing ice at a rate not seen in more than 5,500 years, according to a new study, raising concerns about the Florida-sized glacier's future and the rise of the global sea level.
Note: The hallmark of InterGlacials (that’s what we have been in since end of little Ice Age circa 1700) is Ice Melting! Some years ago there was a mile of Ice on top of Old Faithful and No burning fossil-fuels didn’t melt it.
Polar bears face existential threat as ice melts. Some in Greenland have already adapted.
An isolated group of polar bears living in southeast Greenland has surprised scientists with its ability to survive in a habitat with relatively little sea ice.
Note:   An interesting point is that the polar bears are not a unique species but instead are grizzly brown bears that have adapted to cold climates. As our natural global warming continues, Darwin would expect future generations to adapt once again to more open water and land vegetation environments or perhaps as Darwin so well describes – they may not.
WSJ: Berlin to restart coal-fired plants and auction gas to reduce consumption
Germany will restart coal-fired power plants and offer incentives for companies to curb natural gas consumption, marking a new step in the economic war between Europe and Russia.
Berlin unveiled the measures Sunday after Russia cut gas supplies to Europe last week as it punched back against European sanctions and military support for Ukraine.
Note:   Merkel And Gore Made Germany A Putin Dependent
The Renewables Disconnect

Sunday, June 19, 2022


Happy Father’s Day 2022

Happy Father’s Day to all those men who are making the real effort to provide love, guidance and sustenance to their family!
Father’s have been a key component of ‘the family unit’ for thousands of years. Early societies recognized the importance of family because children are highly dependent for many years and the survival of the society depended on Father’s providing and protecting.
Our society’s recent history is departing from that time-proven model and our society and children are paying a high price for that neglect.
The disciples of Hillary’s “It takes a Village” (Liberals, Progressives and Socialists) march on with programs to enable and reward the isolation of fathers from mothers and mothers from their children; scrapping and marginalizing the institution of family and family obligations, responsibilities and rewards.
It is indeed sad that our socialistic government programs of dependency, housing, welfare, and school systems have failed so many of our people; however, more socialism and the annihilation of the family unit and culture will only cause more damage and chaos and failure.
Talk about being ‘old-fashioned.
As for me personally, as I stood in the maternity ward in Ft. Sill Oklahoma in December 1960, and again at US Army hospital in Germany in 1962, looking at my tiny baby boys, it never occurred to me that there was a ‘Village’ somewhere that was responsible for them. I believed I was responsible to feed, cloth, protect, raise, instruct, guide, educate and love them and pass on to them our values in the context of our religion, family, home, environment and country.”
As the twig is bent -- so grows the tree.
Murphy Brown Back With Out-Of-Wedlock Babies
“Forty percent of all births in the U.S. now occur outside of wedlock, up from 10 percent in 1970” and up from 28 percent in 1990.
Without a family unit it is very difficult for youngsters to survive and achieve success going forward.
1969: Elvis' "In The (Chicago) Ghetto" – still applies today

Friday, June 17, 2022


Soros’ Liberal DA’s Complicit In Police Deaths

Liberal DA’s who thwart the law and instead use their own version of justice to handle criminal cases are complicit in the crimes committed by habitual felons they enable.
Prosecutor Gascon gets blame for gunman killing two LA-area police officers
Cpl. Michael Paredes and Officer Joseph Santana of the El Monte Police Department were shot to death by a felon on probation in an ambush at a motel Tuesday night. The shooter would likely have been in jail on a previous gun charge if not for Gascon’s soft-on-crime policies, said former Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley.
Soros’ Big City DA’s Breaking Bad
George Soros Invested $40 Million To Help Elect Dozens Of Progressive Prosecutors Across The U.S.
A Loudoun Co Va judge has “removed and disqualified” the DA
@LoudounOCA from criminal case in a move some attorneys & legal experts say they’ve never seen in their career.
Pennsylvania lawmakers move to impeach liberal Philly DA Krasner:
'He's completely lost his mind'
GOP state lawmakers explain articles of impeachment against Krasner
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
GOP governors, state AGs urge AG Garland to enforce federal law to protect Supreme Court justices

Thursday, June 16, 2022


Nancy And Her Drag-Queens

What’s with the Democrats and Drag-Queens?
Apparently fits within their LGBTQ Promotion Jihad.
Nancy Pelosi reaches AMAZING new level of pandering, tells drag queens why they're what 'America is all about'
In Reflection: Crocodile Dundee also had difficulty differentiating the difference, so it seems possible that beauty judges might have problems too when judging from-afar.
Crocodile Dundee "lady" in bar
Dancing With A Man | Rodney Carrington

All this a comical diversion from the real serious issues of Biden-Obama forcing female athletics to allow biological males to compete as equals:
Biden executive order says schools should include transgender athletes in girls' sports
When, Exactly, Did Drag Queens in Schools Become a Thing?
Over $200K being spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools,
‘Drag Queen’ Wins Miss Nevada



Democrats Worst Nightmare: Republican Hispanics

Dems Suffer Historic Loss as GOP Flips Texas Seat Held by Democrats for Over 150 Years
The Democratic Party has just suffered a huge loss after a Republican candidate flipped a House seat in a deep blue district that’s been held by Democrats for over 150 years.
The news is a major blow to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Democrat President Joe Biden as the likely red wave in the November midterm elections looms.
Mayra Flores (R) beat Dan Sanchez (D) in the #TX34 special election last night.
The district is 84% Hispanic and has solidly voted Democrat for decades, until now.


Biden’s Oil Letter Boondoggles

Biden’s first day in office he wrote an “Oil Letter” called ‘Executive Fiats’ declaring war on domestic oil and gas and declaring the oil and gas businesses go out of business by 2050; cutting-off and cancelling new exploration and production and distribution.
Now Biden has written another “Oil Letter” demanding that the oil and gas businesses stop making profits and immediately make major increases in oil and gas production and lower the cost of oil and gas to the customers.
ExxonMobil’s “Circle Back Oil Letter” is an excellent rebuke to an administration that has run amok and is destroying US Energy Independence On Purpose!
We have been in regular contact with the administration to update the President and his staff on how ExxonMobil has been investing more than any other company to develop U.S. oil and gas supplies. This includes investments in the U.S. of more than $50 billion over the past five years, resulting in an almost 50% increase in our U.S. production of oil during this period.
Biden has demonized and vilified Saudi Arabia but now plans a trip to ‘beg for more oil production’. He should send Hunter who has real talent for international pimping and pandering and self-dealing.
WSJ: President Biden’s Saudi Arabia Flip Flop

WSJ: Climate-Change Censorship: Phase Two
Now Gina McCarthy tells Big Tech to stifle debate global-warming policy responses.
Biden’s Declaration of Energy Dependence
1,000 Super Solar Farms Just A Start For Texas



Tuesday, June 14, 2022


1,000 Super Solar Farms Just A Start For Texas

WSJ: Climate-Change Censorship: Phase Two
Now Gina McCarthy tells Big Tech to stifle debate global-warming policy responses.

Over next 15years Solar Glow-1 is going to build-out a 75-MegaWatt solar farm in southern Cal. desert.
Texas electric demand just hit 75,000 MegaWatts.
1,000+ Solar Glow ‘farms’ would be required to supply the Texas demand from:
‘9AM-to-5PM’ on good-sun days.
Not clear how to handle the demand with:
no-sun 5PM-to-9AM daily and
limited-sun days?
Are we shutting-down our electricity grid supply systems without 24-7-365 reliable replacements?
Not to worry – rolling-blackouts will handle the load!
Not to worry -- all these duplicate costs will not impact your electric bills!
The financial reality: Instead of energy independence:
When we finish building-out our solar-farms -- China will own US!
Just have faith in Biden, Gore, Greta and Kerry!
Electrify America announces new solar energy farm that can generate up to 75 MegaWatts
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas’s (ERCOT) supply and demand tracker showed its current power supply peaking at 74, 997 megawatts, surpassing its previous record of 74,820 megawatts in August 2019.
Biden’s Declaration of Dependence
WSJ: The Costly Contradictions of Biden’s Crusade for Green Energy
The assault on fossil fuels distorts or undermines many other domestic and international priorities.
Biden Burning Our Food After Truncating Our Domestic Energy
From Energy Independence To Dependence
The US is suffering from Self-Inflicted Energy Inflation; having gone from Trump Energy Independence to Biden Energy Dependence. Energy is a major factor in all aspects of transportation, HVAC, manufacturing and living life in the modern world.
The Grid And ‘Climate Change’
The biggest ‘climate change’ impacting our national electrical grid is the change in the ‘political climate’ from having a robust highly reliable energy supply to an intermittent and unreliable so called ‘renewables’ supply.
It is this change in “Energy Supply into the grid” that is causing power shortages and rolling black-outs.
The Reality Of UnReliable ‘Renewables’

Sunday, June 12, 2022


Biden’s Declaration of Dependence


Biden Can’t change gas prices! NO! That’s Not It!
He did do something about gas prices!
He killed the US Energy Independence!
On his first day he declared War on all fossil fuels!
He told the oil and gas industry he was putting them out of business!
He signed executive orders to shut down drilling and pipelines!
He achieved his goals: $5+ gas prices and Rolling Blackouts!
This IS the Biden, Gore, Greta, Kerry Energy Plan!
Make the American People Suffer and then forced to buy “Renewables”!
WSJ: The Costly Contradictions of Biden’s Crusade for Green Energy
The assault on fossil fuels distorts or undermines many other domestic and international priorities.

Biden Burning Our Food After Truncating Our Domestic Energy
From Energy Independence To Dependence
The US is suffering from Self-Inflicted Energy Inflation; having gone from Trump Energy Independence to Biden Energy Dependence. Energy is a major factor in all aspects of transportation, HVAC, manufacturing and living life in the modern world.
The Grid And ‘Climate Change’
The biggest ‘climate change’ impacting our national electrical grid is the change in the ‘political climate’ from having a robust highly reliable energy supply to an intermittent and unreliable so called ‘renewables’ supply.
It is this change in “Energy Supply into the grid” that is causing power shortages and rolling black-outs.
The Reality Of UnReliable ‘Renewables’

Friday, June 10, 2022


Pelosi’s Jan 6th ReRun Boondoggle

Nancy’s BIG Expensive Jan 6th Multimedia Hollywood Extravaganza to sink the Trump boat and mortally wound the Republican Party was a flop.
Everyone knows that an over-zealous bunch of jerks overran the capital in misdirected emotions over a very “non-traditional election”.
We all know that THE major violent act was that an (unidentified) capital cop shot and killed an unarmed woman climbing through a window.
The Union was Not endangered nor at risk; this was Not 1812 and Nancy is Not Dolly Madison.
Reactions to Jan. 6 Presentation Indicate Committee Failed Miserably
The American People are much more concerned about the Democrat enabled current National wild-fire than a Pelosi make-believe redo of Tara in Gone With The Wind.
Watching A Left-Wing Wild-Fire Devour America
Jan 6 A Day Frustrations Boiled Into A Riot


Out With The School ‘Resource Officers’

Seems like yesterday that the left-wingers were drumming the police (resource) officers out of the schools as part of their antipolice jihad.
Apparently they forgot all about Sandy Hook and other places where sick psychopaths inflicted great harm and death.
Talk about aiding, abetting and empowering really bad people!
School Resource Officers to Return to Alexandria Schools After Heated Debate
(Why a heated debate? What is wrong with these people?)
RT LTE: Securing schools should be a priority
Horrific Texas Robb School Shooting
Realities Of The Parkland School Massacre
Demanding More Gun Laws: The Power Of Misdirection
Guns For Schools?
Sandy Hook elementary school massacre


RoundUp Hysteria

The scientific process of establishing cause-v-effect is often a significant challenge and often requires statistical analysis for resolution.
The process and conclusions can often be trashed in the emotions of a civil trial colored by dire and sad and pathetic persons suffering serious illness, financial ruin and death caused by “something”!
Let’s award this poor victim of this large, rich, nasty and uncaring corporation!
A prior prime example was the 1970s media-extravaganza that birth control pills were causing cancer, resulting in major panic and ultimately in real damage to some women switching to other methods. The final result was that The Pill actually reduced chances of several types of cancer. No retractions given.
RoundUp is one of the most used and effective herbicides in farming and landscaping.
Monsanto developed and patented the glyphosate molecule in the 1970s, and marketed it as Roundup from 1973 (49-years ago).
$2 Billion In Roundup Lawsuit - Join The Roundup Lawsuit
“Use Roundup And Get Non Hodgkin Lymphoma? You May Be Entitled To A Settlement. Join The Roundup Lawsuit Before It's Too Late. It's Easy To Sign Up Here. As Seen On TV.”
Bayer Wins Roundup Cancer Case Ahead of Supreme Court Move
The court is expected to announce next week whether it would hear Bayer’s bid to dismiss a key Roundup case
Bayer AG BAYRY -1.56%▼ notched a third consecutive court victory in the U.S. over its Roundup weedkiller after a jury in Missouri rejected a claim that it causes cancer days before an eagerly anticipated Supreme Court announcement on a key case.
The Supreme Court is expected to announce next week whether it would hear Bayer’s bid to dismiss a Roundup case. Should the court take up the case and ultimately find in favor of the German agricultural and pharmaceutical giant, Bayer says it would largely end thousands of claims that have dogged it since taking over Monsanto Co., the product’s original owner, in 2018.
The win in the Missouri court this week comes after Bayer last year won two other cases in California. Previously, three U.S. juries had found in favor of plaintiffs who said that the glyphosate-based weedkiller caused their cancer, awarding them hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. The company said earlier this year it had resolved 107,000 claims out of about 138,000 overall.
“The jury’s verdict in favor of the company brings this trial to a successful conclusion and is consistent with the evidence in this case that Roundup does not cause cancer and was not the cause of Mr. [Allan] Shelton’s cancer,” Bayer said in a statement, referring to the plaintiff in the Missouri case.

Thursday, June 09, 2022


Democrats Launched Civil War On SCOTUS

The Democrats are launching a Hollywood PR national telethon today to convince the world that Trump is a Very Bad person and tried to overthrow the 2020 election.
Not covered is the Democrat launch of the subversive civil war they have launched upon members of the SCOTUS!
Assassin arrested near SCOTUS home!
Why isn’t Congress and DOJ holding Sen.D.NY Schumer to account?
Unhinged: Chuck Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch And Kavanaugh
WSJ: Targeting the Supreme Court
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been sitting on a bill to protect the Justices’ families.
The arrest early Wednesday of an armed man outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home is a depressing sign of the fanatical times. Violence in the name of politics now threatens the judiciary, and Washington’s remaining adults have an obligation to act with dispatch to protect the Justices, their families and the Court as an institution.
Armed Man Traveled to Justice Kavanaugh’s Home to Kill Him, Officials Say
A man armed with a pistol, a knife and other weapons was arrested near the Maryland home of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh early Wednesday after he said he traveled from California to kill the Supreme Court justice, federal officials said.
Impeach And Prosecute And Remove Schumer Today


New Democrat Pain Paradigm

There was a time that the Democrat Party not only felt the working-people’s pain but worked diligently to relieve that pain.
New Democrat Paradigm:
High inflation eating up working-peoples standard of living.
Millions of illegal immigrants competing for working-people’s jobs.
On-Purpose High Energy prices hitting commuting workers hard.
Enabled Rampant crime hitting working-people in their neighborhoods.
Working people paying off the affluent kid’s college debts.
Apparently the Republican Party is now the Party for the Working People!
How did that happen?
Watching A Left-Wing Wild-Fire Devour America

Wednesday, June 08, 2022


Election Fraud What Election Fraud?

Or as Vinnie Barbarino would say: Whaaat?
Former Congressman pleads guilty to election fraud charges in Philadelphia
Myers plead guilty to "conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election."
Former Congressman Michael "Ozzie" Myers plead guilty on Monday to election fraud charges after admitting to interfering on behalf of Pennsylvanian Democratic candidates in the state's elections between 2014 and 2018.
Myers plead guilty to "conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election," the Department of Justice said in a statement.
"Myers admitted in court to colluding with the Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 36th Division in South Philadelphia, Domenick J. Demuro, in a fraudulent scheme over several years," the Department of Justice said, "bribing Demuro to illegally add votes for certain candidates of their mutual political party in primary elections."
The DOJ revealed that Myers would pay Demuro between $300 and $5,000 per election in return for adding fraudulent votes and later falsely certifying that the results given by the voting machines were accurate.
Myers also admitted to "conspiring to commit election fraud" with former Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 2nd Division in South Philadelphia, Marie Beren. Myers said that before Election Day began, he would drive Beren to the polling station and advise her as to which candidates he supported, then call her during the proceedings to ensure that fraudulent votes went to the right people. Beren would then falsely certify the elections.
Ballot Fraud -- What Ballot Fraud?
The Democrats and their PravdaMedia have viciously attacked anyone who raises the issue of Ballot Fraud.
It’s important for them to do that in order to defend three of their key efforts that ensure their advantages including the voting of 12+ million illegal’s:
* There is no need for Voter ID
* Elections should be held by mass write-in ballots
* Ballot Harvesting by political operatives is fair and effective
The Extended 2020 Election ‘Day’
Today the Democrats and their loyal PravdaMedia are lambasting Trump for exploring vote validation in the midst of the biggest and most chaotic paper-ballot-tsunami ever seen.
Millions of ballots mailed out to dubious lists that have not been verified and certified as valid voters.
Millions of ballots received without due process by neither bipartisan processing nor voter ID validation.
What could possibly go wrong with this scenario of uniparty control.


Soros’ Big City DA’s Breaking Bad

George Soros Invested $40 Million To Help Elect Dozens Of Progressive Prosecutors Across The U.S.
Cities with Soros-backed district attorneys are responsible for 40% of criminal activity in the U.S, according to the LELDF. Soros-backed candidates are known for their support of “social justice” and lax criminal justice reform proposals.
Progressive San Francisco DA recalled by voters in one of nation's most liberal cities
Mayor London Breed will be tasked with finding a new district attorney for San Francisco
Voters in San Francisco have chosen to recall embattled District Attorney Chesa Boudin following a recall effort centered on his handling of rising crime across the city.
San Francisco voted to recall Boudin with 61%, compared to 39% who wanted him to stay as the district attorney, according to results at the time the Associated Press called the race.
Two Points:
Who are the 39% that like the break-down in justice?
Mayor Breed will surly pick a Boudin Clone!
Some recent history of DA’s Breaking Bad
Baltimore Abuse Of Prosecutorial Power In Freddie Gray Case
NYC DA Bragg; Another TurnEmLoose Crime Enabler
Chicago DA Breaking Bad
(for Jessie Smollett with Al Sharpton)
The DA who self-indicted Zimmerman for murder at Obama’s beck and call may well look like a rerun of the DA in the Duke Lacrosse team rape fiasco.


History Repeats: Top Gun And Danville's Old-97

A Copyright challenge has been launched against Top Gun.
Reminiscent of the first music copyright suit in the US originating from the ‘Wreck of Old 97’ in Danville Virginia.
The song written by the Danville telegraph operator was then exploited, to the author’s loss, by the RCA Victor Company.
Music Videos: The Wreck Of The Old 97
Click on link for a very interesting reflection on a major event of that time publicized throughout the US:
Wreck Of Old 97: Rough Road From Lynchburg To Danville


Tuesday, June 07, 2022


Watching A Left-Wing Wild-Fire Devour America

Not since the US Civil War and The Great Depression has America seen such an internal domestic wild-fire of negative consequences of governmental malfeasance and misdirection started by Obama and exploited by Biden with an Obama third administration.
This left-wing self-inflicted wildfire inferno includes:
The exploitation of racial and economic bigotry.
Over two-million illegal’s trampling our borders and sovereignty.
Run away inflation eating-up our standard of living.
The empowerment of the lawless and lawlessness.
The collapse of our national electric grid facilities.
The annihilation of America’s energy independence.
The crushing of the American spirit to work and prosper.
The obliteration of sexual mores and traditional relationships.
The marginalization of the “American Family”.
The marginalization of our police and the empowerment of the lawless.
The degradation of the IRA & 401 workers life savings.
Elections have consequences – some of them really BAD!



PravdaMedia Bearing False Images Again

This RT article and its profoundly misrepresented view of the Botetourt Wind Turbines are indicative of the wrong headed and misdirected so called ‘renewable energy’ jihad.
One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest again.
Environmentalists, sustainabilists and climate change

The Botetourt Wind Turbine next to the Wells Fargo, highest building in Roanoke:


RT Editorial And Shrunken Botetourt Wind Turbines
Roanoke Times Electricity From Botetourt Wind Farm


MonkeyPox: Public Health Malfeasance Again?

To combat monkeypox, apply lessons from COVID-19
NO! That’s Not It!
Monkeypox is starting the way HIV+AIDS started, by male homosexual activities.
Just as with HIV, the assumption it will ‘be limited to male homosexuals’ is a false premise. Infectious AC-DC males will transmit to female partners and then the disease will spread quickly throughout the population.
With HIV the malfeasant public health systems acted to hide the disease and Not to identify and isolate the disease as is done for other infections diseases since the time of Typhoid Mary.
HIV and AIDS A Public Health System Debacle
Let’s Hope ‘Dr Death Fauci’ is Not steering the Public Health System again!

Monday, June 06, 2022


D-Day 6-6-1944

D-Day Memorial.
Valor, Fidelity, and Sacrifice
The Longest Day.
The Allied Invasion of Normandy France.
The Beginning of the End of Hitler’s 3rd Reich.
National D-Day Memorial Bedford Virginia

This solemn anniversary is a fitting time to remember all those who gave their all on the beaches of Normandy France.

Roanoke Times: Historical Photos
D-day Prayer by President FDR June 7th 1944
Taps at Arlington
Lee Greenwood- God Bless the U.S.A. lyrics
D-Day 73rd Anniversary 2017

Sunday, June 05, 2022


False Gun Choices Misdirect

RT: Letter: Is 'liberty' more important than innocent life?
This 2nd Amendment question is at the heart of the American Experience from the War of Independence in 1776 to and through the urban warfare in our inner-cities and the crazies attacking their fellow citizens.
The American founders that wrote the US Constitution recognized that however onerous the misuse of guns may be, the 2nd Amendment will serve the American people well over what history has shown happens to ‘the silence of the lambs’.
There are ample examples that demonstrate that we do Not have enough armed legal responsible citizens amongst us who are able to resist violent elements, especially now with the marginalization of our police and the empowerment of the

Woman draws pistol, kills man who was firing AR-15-style rifle into crowd, police say

Horrific Texas School Shooting


Biden Burning Our Food After Truncating Our Domestic Energy

Ethanol is Grain-Food!
Food-Inflation is a big issue in the US and there are people starving all over the
world and the Russian attack on Ukraine
 exacerbate that starvation, especially in Africa!
So why is Biden increasing the amount of food we’re burning in our vehicles while truncating our fossil fuel production?
Exactly how dysfunctional is Biden?
EPA Trims Ethanol Fuel Mandate for 2020-21 But Raises It for 2022
Biden administration says changes are aimed at helping boost domestic fuel supplies
From Energy Independence To Dependence
The US is suffering from Self-Inflicted Energy Inflation; having gone from Trump Energy Independence to Biden Energy Dependence. Energy is a major factor in all aspects of transportation, HVAC, manufacturing and living life in the modern world.
Biden repeating Obama’s malfeasance:
Obama Fiddling While Burning Our Food As Ethanol


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