The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Global Warming Alarmist: Evil and Wrong
A current movie-video by Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney gives Al Gore and his alarmist associates the benefit of the doubt about their intentions and integrity by naming their movie “Not Evil Just Wrong”.
The recent release of thousands of emails from the inner circle of Consensus-Alarmists now makes it clear that they are both Evil and Wrong!
Would you buy a used car from two PHD’s that explain their fraudulent work as follows: a 1999 e-mail exchange about charts showing climate patterns over the last two millenniums, Phil Jones, a longtime climate researcher at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, said he had used a “trick” employed by another scientist, Michael Mann, to “hide the decline” in temperatures.
Dr. Mann, a professor at Penn State, confirmed in an interview that the e-mail message was real. He said the choice of words by his colleague was poor but noted that scientists often used the word “trick” to refer to a good way to solve a problem, “and not something secret.”
The US Congress and other governments are using the data from these Consensus-Alarmists to impose energy rationing and massive taxes and spending upon the American people. Congress should immediately call hearings into the content of these Emails and demand formal release of all documentation by all the groups upon which our national energy policy is being redirected.
- James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, said on Monday the leaked correspondence suggested researchers "cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not,"
Instead of going to Copenhagen to participate in the Global Warming Alarmist Convention, Obama should be calling a summit to bring ALL the scientists together to review the real and valid data that clearly belies the Gore-Hypothesis that humans have caused our 250 years of natural global warming that began in 1750, at the end of the little ice age.
One degree warming in the last 100 years and no warming in the past 10 years does not represent a global warming crisis that is clearly not man-made.
Our energy dependence on our enemies is the crisis and our government has not implemented plans for any change to that dependence.
A summary of valid global warming facts and references may be found at:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Obama: et tu Matthews
At long last the major media is starting to have ObamaRemorse!
The major media hand picked Obama and refused to acknowledge any negative aspects of his character, accomplishments, associates or proposals.
They didn’t need facts – their minds were made up!
Now, after just 10 months in office Obama has yet to book any significant accomplishment:
His approval ratings are now below 50%:
56% of the American people now reject the ObamaCare plan.
But the major new news is that those who supported Obama through the 2008 campaign and his first 9 months in office are now starting to have ObamaRemorse and apparently are starting to see what Republicans and Conservatives have known all along!-
- took Matthews so long and when will the rest of the liberal and left-wing media wake up and smell the coffee?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
ObamaCare Part 2
Roanoke Times, 11-21-09, Pg 1 & 18: GOP: Health test recommendations could affect care.
ObamaCare Part 0: Take a Pain Pill
There is the Presidents direct statement at a recorded public meeting to a lady that her mother should have a pain pill instead of a heart defibrillator because senior care is taking up to much of the Medicare budget.
ObamaCare Part 1: Total malfeasance of responsibilities for H1N1 vaccine.
Over 1000 Americans including 100 children have died from H1N1.The government now HOPES to have 50 million does of vaccine by mid-November(A FRACTION OF THE REQUIRED AND PROMISED AMOUNT).
ObamaCare Part 2: Delay Mammograms and Pap smears to “later” (perhaps too late!)
The white house denies that their medical panels will determine covered and paid procedures.
More white house and democrat lies. The legislation specifically states that medical coverage will be determined by just exactly such panels.
I personally asked Congressman Pierriello at his Rocky Mount, Va town meeting:Where is the list of Medicare service reductions and eliminations that will result from the $500 Billion reduction in the Medicare budget at the very time millions of baby-boomers are entering the system.His answer: “That will not be published until after the law is passed and determined by medical panels.”What a gross and obscene process and procedure and insult to all Americans!
The personal-best democrat obscene comment on the government health panels:
“Insurance companies may use this new recommendation as yet another reason to deny women coverage for mammograms” Democrat Sen Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.
Hello! It’s a federal government panel!
They are setting the service standard for the United States of America!
This is not being done by insurance companies!
And by the way, health insurance company’s profits are at the 2% level!
Coming Attractions in the ObamaCare, PelosiCare, ReidCare Bills
Massive new government spending and debt
Massive new personal spending on premiums and co-pay and bills
Major reductions and elimination of medical service
Coverage of over 12 million illegal immigrants
Tax paid elective abortions
Prohibition for individuals to purchase medical services with their own assets.
(That's why Canadian snow-birds have major health care procedures done using their own money while they are in Florida)
Fines and penalties for businesses and individual deemed not to be in-compliance.
This is progress? This is the hope and change we voted for?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Purple Hearts for Wounded Veterans at Fort Hood
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Terrorism & Heroism at Ft Hood
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A day dedicated for reflection upon all those who have served in the US Military.
Of special importance is recognition of all those who have given their health and those who have given their lives and to all their loved ones.
Today, as in many days past, we are at war yet again.
It is difficult for many to focus on this reality because our damage and loss in the homeland has been selective and intermittent and our forces are not locked in highly visible battles of historic proportions.
Most Americans go about their daily lives as if the war doesn’t exist.
There are also those who would marginalize our conflict and some would even apologize for our actions in defense of our people, beliefs and way of life and our desire for other people to be free and live in dignity.
Veterans Day is an excellent opportunity to rededicate ourselves to the ideals of our Founding Fathers and to the principles and ideals upon which America is based and to the bravery and fidelity and sacrifice of all who have served and to their creed:
Here in Franklin County Virginia it would be fitting and proper to specifically recognize Army Cpl. Jared William Kubasak, a native son of Franklin County, who was killed in combat on Dec 12, 2005 while on patrol near Baghdad, Iraq.
God Bless America and to all those who have served her.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Berlin Wall, JFK, Reagan, Obama
Roanoke Times, 11-9-09, Pg 1 & 7: The day the wall came down
Today is the anniversary of the removal of the Berlin Wall. Obama is not going to Berlin to honor this historic event. Apparently the-Appeaser-in-Chief doesn’t want to honor all those who confronted evil and won the peace and freed 50 Million Eastern Europeans from 50s years of Soviet slavery. Perhaps it’s good he’s not going. He surly would find this yet another opportunity to apologize for our leadership and actions.
JFK committed millions of American service members to man the line in the defense of liberty with his commitment from the wall: “I will leave, but America will stay”.
I was one of many who stayed and served in Germany in a nuclear missile artillery unit from 1961 to 1964 during the building of the wall, the Cuban missile crisis and the assassination of our President by our enemies.
For video of JFK’s view of the fruits of Karl Marx’s socialist philosophy as expressed at the Berlin Wall: click-on:
And this would be a good time to reflect on JFK’s inaugural address Jan 1961:“And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
We don’t have JFK anymore; we now have Obama, what a sad substitution for America!
President Reagan recognized the evil described by JFK at the wall and continued and enhanced a policy of the containment of communism. His most public and pointed positions were stated in his visit to the wall:
Click to view: Reagan - Tear Down This Wall
Today we are again fighting a war launched against us by evil determined enemies of our values, our system of governing and our way of life. Their strikes against us for many years culminated in the 9-11 attack which was more devastating than Pearl Harbor.
Today we have Obama! He is busy converting America into a socialist state and making it subservient to a world order system. Apparently he has determined that this requires establishing internally a dominant centralized government and externally denigrating America and appeasing all those who criticize us.
Click-on for a Brief Summary of Obama’s Sad Accomplishments:
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Radical Muslim Terrorists in US Military
Roanoke Times, 11-6-09, Pg 1:
Social awkwardness kept with him into adulthood.-This is one of the front page heading of the Roanoke Times regarding Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan the US Army major who shot and killed 12 and wounded 31 fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood Texas.
Social awkwardness! What are they smoking up there at the Roanoke Times?
Why not headline what Major Hasan shouted as he shot 43 fellow soldiers:
"Allahu Akbar!" — an Arabic phrase for "God is great!"
This is the latest in a significant series of radical Muslims in the US Military following the directions of Radical Imams and committing acts of terrorism against their fellow soldiers. Attached (following) are some of the most public examples.
Key to this case, as in the Va. Tech massacre, is that authorities are afraid to act on information about high risk people out of fear of being labeled raciest or biased.
This is clearly a gross and deadly result of our political correctness Jihad that the left-wing and liberal community has thrust upon us.
In the case of radical Muslims we now also have to contend with Obama’s lectures and speeches and positions that cloud the issue of where he stands.
Click-on the youtube link to see a compilation of Obama’s public Pro-Muslim statements:
Some UK media coverage of the Hasan Fort Hood attack that the Roanoke Times chose to ignore.
Colonel Terry Lee, who worked with Hasan in Fort Hood’s psychiatric unit, said that his colleague had begun making “outlandish” comments about the American presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“He said, precisely, that maybe the Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor,”
After the shooting in Little Rock, Colonel Lee added: “He seemed happy about it. He said ... maybe we should get out [of Iraq and Afghanistan]. He said maybe we should have more of these — people should strap bombs on themselves and go into Times Square.” Six months ago, the FBI was alerted to a posting on a website,, under the username “NadalHasan”,
From The Times (UK): November 7, 2009
Fort Hood killer was devout Muslim who suffered inner conflict
His name appears above radical internet postings praising Islamic suicide bombers — something that the FBI was alerted to six months ago.
He had frequent arguments with soldiers at Fort Hood because of his declarations that fellow Muslims “should stand up and fight against the aggressor”, and his vocal opposition to US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He even appeared to celebrate the shooting dead of a soldier at an army recruiting centre in Arkansas in June, carried out by a Muslim convert. He said at the time that Muslims should strap on suicide bombs and detonate them in Times Square.
These were the extraordinarily provocative statements and actions of the army psychiatrist Major Nidal Malik Hasan in the months before his deadly shootings at Fort Hood — a massacre that began with him shouting “God is Great” in Arabic.
The apparently clear signs of Hasan’s growing anti-Americanism prompted questions and anger yesterday over why he was never investigated — an action that could have prevented the tragedy at the Texas Army base on Thursday.
Soldiers reported that the gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar!" — an Arabic phrase for "God is great!" — before opening fire Thursday, said Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the post commander. He said officials had not confirmed Hasan made the comment.,2933,572827,00.html-
Kuwait Desert Storm:
After a long period of silence, some news about Sgt. Hasan Akbar, the Muslim soldier who attacked his own commanding officers in Kuwait last year. From
FoxNews, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:
The U.S. Army intends to court martial a sergeant accused of tossing grenades into the tents of his superiors while stationed in Kuwait, an attack that killed two Army officers. The trial, which is expected to take place this summer, could bring the death penalty for Sgt. Hasan Akbar, 32. Akbar faces two counts of premeditated murder and three counts of attempted murder for the attack on 101st Airborne Division soldiers at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait on March 23, 2003, during the early days of the Iraq war.
In addition to the two officers killed, 14 people were injured.
Stars and Stripes European Edition By Rick Emert, BAMBERG, Germany — A
1st Infantry Division Engineer Brigade soldier who refused to deploy to Iraq citing religious beliefs was sentenced Thursday to 14 months’ confinement and given a bad-conduct discharge. -During his court-martial, Sgt. 1st Class Abdullah Webster, 38, pleaded guilty to two counts of disobeying a lawful order from a superior commissioned officer and one count of missing movement. -When his unit was deploying on Feb. 8, Webster — the battalion security noncommissioned officer — told his leaders he would not deploy based on guidance he received from Muslim clerics.,13190,SS_060404_Army,00.html-
Selected Prior Items:
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Fake ID Concerns
Roanoke Times, 11-3-09, Pg 1 & 12: Big print, big article, big picture of doorman checking ID so folks under 21 will not be allowed into a bar to drink.
There are two major things wrong with this Roanoke Times message:
1. On Election Day, the number one fake-ID issue should be about validating people to vote at the polls! The Democrats, Editors of the Roanoke Times and their friends at the ACLU oppose at every opportunity the requirement for voter validation with a government issued ID. Their friends at ACORN have submitted thousands of bogus voters into the voter registration system. The best way to “weed them out” is with a good voter ID card.
2. Are these rules really about maturity and responsibility? Any military active service member should be able to order a beer in any bar anyplace in the world! If they are old enough to serve at 18, then they clearly are old enough to drink a “legal” beer! NY State allowed drinking starting at age 18 through the 1960’s and it appears the abuse of alcohol back then was less than the illegal usage today.
Prior Voter ID items:
Nov 09 Election Results: Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Webb Lose Big
After spending many days of time and millions of tax-payers dollars electioneering in Virginia and NJ, the bloom blew off the Obama-rose!
One year ago Obama handily won Va and NJ and now his star-power has dimmed to a twinkle as both Va and NJ elected Republican candidates into high office.
Apparently the White House Spin Machine was not ready to explain these results Tuesday evening so “the muller-in-chief” went quietly to his bedroom to sulk. What a nice touch to not have to listen to yet another Obama lecture about how wonderful and bright he is and how dull we are.
“As if hoping to avoid the outcome, the White House issued a statement after the GOP win in Virginia saying the president was not watching election returns and would not be making any remarks on the results.”
The key question now is: how are the “Blue-Dog Democrats” going to view this big new political news? This was the first real poll of public sentiment about big government, big tax and spend, and the Obama-Pelosi-Reid drive to socialize America as fast as possible. Blue-Dogs now know that having Obama join them on the 2010 Congressional election circuit may cause more harm than good and
the vision of Obama throwing Deeds under the bus a week “before” the election will be a lasting memory!
The White House staff and all their associates in the major liberal media are now busy telling us why the voters did what they did. Their condescending arrogance from their lofty perches will not be effective because the facts are evident for all to see.
What a difference a year makes!
What a great time to be a Republican Virginian!
A RoanokeSlant Blog Observation: Apparently getting endorsed by the editors of the Roanoke Times is a kiss of death! Certainly validates their position of being a liberal left-wing extension of the DNC media machine. So much for fair and balanced!
Prior Campaign Items:
Sunday, November 01, 2009
UAW Ford worker reject contract
Roanoke Times, 11-1-09, Pg 15: Ford had sought to bring its labor costs in line with rivals Chrysler and GM.
Why would a UAW auto worker accept a reduction in their company-breaking contract?
They know that Obama-Pelosi-Reid will bail them out with massive tax-payer stimulus and clunker money.-
The unions and the trial lawyers have the Democrat party in their pockets and with Omama-Pelosi-Reid in-charge-of the entire government, they’re in the driver’s seat!
The Union position is that negotiating is for losers and making demands is for winners, and based on the 2008 election -- they're the BIG winners to do whatever they want to do!
Prior Items:
Obama Campaigning in NJ for Higher Taxes
Roanoke Times, 11-1-09, Pg 8: Scorn for property taxes driving NJ governor’s race
Obama back in NJ again hyping Democrat Corzine for reelection to continue to tax and spend NJ into bankruptcy!
Not to worry -- Obama-Pelosi-Reid will send your tax dollars to NJ to “help them out” just as they’ve done to the other “big blue states” like California, NY and Mass.
As in all socialistic systems, having your affairs in order and being responsible with your money will we rewarded by having “Big Bro” tax it away and “help out” others who are irresponsible, reckless and negligent spenders.
Prior Items:
Virginia Election Validating Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Webb?
Obama & Nero
Roanoke Times, 11-1-09, Pg 3: Afgan election issues drag on; runner-up withdrawing from election do-over and may call for boycott.
Obama likes to compare himself to Lincoln.
What a gigantic stretch and metamorphosis
A more reasonable comparison is
Obama and Nero
Obama The Muller-in-chief (mulls while our troops die)
Nero the Fiddler-in-chief (plays while Rome burned)
Our troops are fighting and bleeding and dieing in a war Obama has recently declared has no strategy (
he had one in March but apparently he lost it). He mulls away the months confounded and confused, asking everyone he meets for help and looking for a political cover-strategy and NOT for a winning-strategy.
If I add more troops than Bush had planned – my left-wing liberal base will have Michael Moore make nasty movies about me.
If I don’t add more troops than Bush had planned – it will appear that Bush had the right plan and I’ll look stupid and incompetent. For this option it’s important that Biden be identified as the architect of the plan.
What to do? What to do? Things were so much easier as a Community Organizer.
I know! Let’s declare the Afgan elections no good and we need a do-over. That will fool everyone into agreeing that I should continue to fiddle while our troops are fighting and dieing. Everyone will be fooled except the enemy.
And, let’s blame everything on Karzi! No one likes him anyway and making him the goat will ensure that no one can say I didn’t do everything possible to save Afghanistan! To add creditability to the story let’s make Karzi’s brother a bad guy too! Two villains are better than one! I’ll have Panetta’s CIA leak a story today to the NYT! Leon’s just a Clinton political hack, he’ll do whatever.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Prior Items:
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