The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Obama Seeks Republican Input NOT

Roanoke Times, 2-28-10, Pg 1 & 3: Obama courts GOP lawmakers for compromise
The Obama so called Health Care Summit was a continuation of the past 13 months of giving lip-service to bipartisan legislation while totally ignoring input, amendments and proposals all the while trying to discredit and marginalize those with a contrarian view. The real ‘biting’ truth is that the American people have rejected the ObamaCare Bill and approach and NO Obama, it’s not because you have not talked about it enough!
It’s the content – NOT the presentation!
Even the “Summit” timing was a microcosm of the last year’s shut-out:
Obama talked for 2 hours -------- (it’s hard to listen when you’re talking)
Democrats talked for 4 hours ---- (clearly not listening at all)
Republican input – 2 hours ------ (like talking to a wall)
The ‘coup de gras’ was Obama’s sarcastic reaction to Virginia Republican Eric Cantor’s display of the one foot high printout of the Senate’s Reid-ObamaCare Bill and it’s relationship to the eleven page addendum that Obama was trying to sell as his new invention..
How dare Cantor put the real Reid-ObamaCare Bill physically on the table for all to see?
How dare he disrespect our new arrogant King and his Court with truth and light?
Off with his head!
click to enlarge image

Prior Items:

Friday, February 26, 2010


Obama’s Muslim Political Correctness Doctrine; Where’s The Purple Hearts For Fort Hood Hero’s?
After four (4) MONTHS of hiding behind Obama’s Muslim Political Correctness Doctrine -- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (who wouldn’t say "terrorist" for her first year in office) has finally become the first Obama Administration official to publicly describe last year's deadly shootings at Ft. Hood, Tex., as a terrorist act.
During the Senate hearing on Wednesday morning, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), the Homeland Security Committee's chairman, called the administration's "reluctance" to use terms such as "Islamist extremism" or "Muslim terrorist" a "pet peeve of mine."
Lieberman asked Napolitano: "Has the administration made a decision to avoid any public reference to 'violent Islamist extremism' or 'Muslim terrorists'?"
Now, after four months of hiding what everyone knew after the first week, where are the Purple Hearts for the Killed and Wounded Veterans at Fort Hood who deserve the distinction and recognition of combat service wounds having given their blood and life and health for their country.

Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Links to the ongoing and disgraceful Obama Muslim Political Correctness Doctrine
Purple Hearts for Wounded Veterans at Fort Hood
Radical Muslim Terrorists in US Military
Obama Team Still Not Terrorist Ready
Obama: Can You Say “Terrorist”?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Roanoke Times Global Warming Omissions

Roanoke Times, 2-23-10, Pg 3: Senators insist EPA lacks regulatory power
Roanoke Times,2-21-10, Pg Horiz 2: Editorial: Virginia’s attorney general and governor fight the fight against global warming. “We just can’t have global warming in Virginia”.
Two days after their big editorial lambasting Va. Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli’s legal challenge to the EPA’s unwarranted and unconstitutional move to control CO2 and therefore all carbon based fuels in the US, the editors of the Roanoke Times omitted two key words in their heading: “Senators insist EPA lacks regulatory power to regulate pollution”.
Those two words are DEMOCRAT and CO2!
One has to read the fine print in the article to find out that eight (8) Democrat senators are challenging the EPA’s authority to regulate CO2.
Eight Democrats – what’s with that?
And doesn't this make Va AG Cuccinelli in the main stream of reasoned thought in opposing Obama’s Cap&Tax and end run around the Congress with his CO2 jihad?
The Roanoke Times continues the liberal global warming media slant, propaganda and double-speak at every opportunity. Questioning the IPCC-Gore-Hypothesis and alarmism is not just a Republican view and CO2 has not and is not by law defined to be "pollution". In fact CO2 is the primary component of our breath and is the gas that plants breathe in to live. Many greenhouses use CO2 generators to improve plant growth and health.
Significant recent natural global warming items:
Roanoke Times Global Warming Double-speak & ClimateGate DoOver
Roanoke Times And The Sound of Global Warming Silence
Obama ClimateGates And Snow Jobs
Shoveling Global Warming Frigid Storms
ClimateGate GlacierGate OzoneGate And The EcoScientists

Monday, February 22, 2010


Roanoke Times Global Warming Double-speak & ClimateGate DoOver

Roanoke Times, 2-19-10, Pg 4: Growing list (of states) challenging EPS’s pollution (climate change) claims.
Roanoke Times,2-21-10, Pg Horiz 2: Editorial: Virginia’s attorney general and governor fight the fight against global warming. “We just can’t have global warming in Virginia”.
In Orwell’s book 1984, double-speak was employed by the central government and their media outlets as a population thought-control method. This method is being used now by the global warming and climate change alarmists and associates.
An example of current double-speak is the editors of the Roanoke Times who just will not separate the concept of Natural Global Warming from Man-made Global Warming. If there’s global warming it must be man-made because that’s the only kind there is!
Apparently the Medieval Warm Period must have been caused by surfs and native peoples burning wood or something; to say nothing of the many massive warming and cooling periods during the past million years.
Have the editors not taken a basic course in earth science in middle-school?
The climate is changing! The climate has always been changing!
Sixteen thousand years ago the Atlantic Ocean was 400 feet lower than it is today and the Outer Banks were out at the continental shelf, 50 miles east of Duck, N.C..
The Chesapeake Bay was a big fresh water lake and not part of the Atlantic Ocean. Apparently the oceans have been raising a lot for a long period of time!
The northern hemisphere land-based glaciers have been in major retreat since 1750, long before there was any significant man-made anything!
The little ice age ended in 1750 and the earth entered into our current 250 years of natural global warming that involves considerable amounts of natural variations. These variations appear like the 35 years of significant cooling from 1940 to 1975; and our last 10 years of no significant temperature change. There has been less than one degree warming in the past 100 years, hardly a reason for alarmists to spread panic and there is no proof that the one degree change was your fault.
Based on the recent exposures of ClimateGate malfeasance and data manipulation by many of the so called scientists involved in the IPCC-Gore-Hypothesis Hysteria, the liberal media is panicked by the lack of public support for draconian government programs to make massive changes to our energy systems that will kill many US jobs and force major increases in the cost of energy for businesses and consumers.
It is past time for the alarmists to make all the tax payer funded data and data analysis public and place that data in publicly available systems. They should enter into professional dialogue with others to determine the level of uncertainty in the IPCC-Gore-Hypothesis so that the people and the governments can make intelligent and informed decisions based on valid facts and not politics or man-made manipulated data.
Based on the current scientific and political situation, ConocoPhillips, BP America and Caterpillar (three companies that have significant investment in alternative energy systems) have announced they will pull out of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, citing complaints that the bills now in Congress are unfair to American industry.
Yvo de Boer, the top U.N. climate change official, is resigning after the exposure of multiple major ClimateGate issues and the complete breakdown of the Copenhagen gathering of international alarmists and pan-handlers.
Breaking News 2-23-10
Britain’s Weather Office Proposes Climate-Gate Do-Over

At a meeting Monday of 150 climate scientists, representatives of Britain's weather office proposed that the world's climatologists start all over again and produce a new trove of global temperature data that is open to public scrutiny and "rigorous" peer review.
Additional Breaking New 2-23-10
EXCLUSIVE: U.N. Climate Panel to Announce Significant Changes

In the wake of its swift and devastating fall from grace, the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) says it will announce "within the next few days" plans to make significant changes in how it does business.
Significant recent items addressing the issues the media refuses to cover:
Roanoke Times And The Sound of Silence
Obama ClimateGates And Snow Jobs
Shoveling Global Warming Frigid Storms
ClimateGate GlacierGate OzoneGate And The EcoScientists
The Roanoke Times Climate Scientist

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Obamas-GM Government Motors: An Introduction to Fascism

Definition: Fascism: an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism) that historically focused on government-run industry and minimization of profit-driven competitive systems.
Roanoke Times, 2-19-10, Pg 7: Toyota chief to testify before Congress
Now that they own and control (with taxpayer money) Government Motors (GM); Obama and the Democrats have a keen new-found interest in Toyota customer complaints and recalls.
This is very interesting since according to NHTSA spokeswoman Olivia Alair, there were 30,000 customer complaints to Obama’s NHTSA in his first year in office 2009. What happened to all these complaints? Apparently Obama didn’t want to disturb the Government Motors and Government UAW at the time he was nationalizing them with $50-BILLION dollars of tax payer money!
Now Obama’s Democrat cronies in Congress (who are the virtual board of directors of the Government Motors Company) are jumping on Toyota with show-trial hearings without ever looking at or holding hearings on the 30,000 complaints that are primarily focused on US vehicles.
The Auto Scoreboard ( for twenty years, 1990 -2010, shows comparable data for Chevrolet with 68,301 customer complaints, more than two times greater than Toyota’s 29,803 complaints. Chevrolet also had three times more recalls than Toyota.
But there’s no need for a Congressional hearing for Chevrolet, a key component of Government Motors.
This is clearly the coming attractions for government control of our health systems in which Obama and associates are and have been demonizing all the private enterprise components of our health systems that are clearly the best in the world but are not yet government owned and run.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!


Saturday, February 20, 2010


Obama Buying Votes With Tax Dollars

Roanoke Times, 2-20-10, Pg 3: Obama stumps for Reid in Nevada
Obama’s policies and personal charm and charisma didn’t help Deeds-Va, Corzine-NJ or Coakley-Mass get elected; so now he’s in Nevada handing out $1.5 BILLON of tax payer money to get his Senate buddy Harry Reid reelected.
Obama has shown once again that he is truly America’s Evita Peron!
Handing out tax payers’ money on the streets to buy favoritism and votes as if it’s monopoly money.
It’s our real tax money – STUPID!
Where is the liberal media outrage? Just reflect on the pages of coverage in the Roanoke Times about the Gate City Elections in which a very-small town incumbent bought a hand full of votes with cigarettes, liquor and cash from his own pocket.
But now, nary a discouraging word about Obama’s gross handouts of $1.5 BILLION of our tax money for votes.
Our media have become just a sad sack of biased and partisan hacks carrying water and what-ever for Obama and his cronies. What a sad state of the 4th estate!
Just more hope and change we can believe in!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Roanoke Unhealthy

Roanoke Times, 2-18-10, Pg 11: Roanoke rated unhealthiest in region

A report on localities looked at resources and life expectancy in a first-of-its-kind ranking. Roanoke is surrounded by localities that are significantly healthier.
Yet another interesting study of statistical analysis. The most cogent quote in the article is by Dr Jody Hershey, health director of the New River Health District who cautioned that the rankings, while helpful, are just a snapshot of a very complex situation. He said health outcomes are based on combinations of environmental, genetic, behavioral, economic, educational and access to care.
The following link highlights a number of “news” articles that have been Promoting Faulty Cause And Effect Data:
The attached graphic shows some of the data in this RT article plotted as Health Outcomes as a function of distance from the Roanoke Times.
One might conclude, based on this graph, that living close to the Roanoke Times is very bad for your health.
People are dying! Looks like a study is warranted and soon!
Click to enlarge


Thursday, February 18, 2010


Obama’s Nuclear Power Fiasco

Roanoke Times, 2-17-10, Pg 5: President extends nuclear olive branch by supporting $8 Billion for two new nuclear plants in Georgia.
Extend an olive branch? He cut down the tree already!
Yet another pathetic Obama initiative. One of his first acts last year was to ditch the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository in order to pacify Sen. Reid and the self-anointed environmentalists. He has removed all funds from future budgets.
The taxpayers have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to develop this site that is needed now for existing nuclear waste that is being stored in high-risk temporary locations throughout the country.
Where does Obama plan to put yet more spent fuel? Sounds just like his knee-jerk initiative on closing GITMO without a plan and proposing to hold trials in NYC for the 9-11 terrorists without any understanding of the implications.
Perhaps our learned Yale Professor should sit down and think and establish coherent plans instead of continuing with his incessant jive talking.
Included in this scam is an incredible insult to the intelligence of all Americans.
Obama’s proposal includes a major tax on fossil fuels so that “nuclear fuel becomes more affordable”. How can adding massive additional taxes on current energy so that it becomes as expensive as new nuclear energy help make energy more affordable to anyone?
Just another example of Obams’s incredible Arrogance!
Obama and the Democrats who control all three branches of US Government are being hammered by public perception and opinion because they just cannot openly tell the truth!
The facts are that converting our current energy systems to new systems is going to cost taxpayers and consumers lots more money – SO SAY SO!
Just as providing medical coverage to 35 million uninsured persons is going to cost taxpayers and consumers lots more money – SO SAY SO!
Just as fixing Social Security and Medicare are going to cost taxpayers and consumers lots more money - SO SAY SO!
Just stop the lies and alibis and tell the truth! It's chicken soup for the soul.
And socializing and nationalizing our American Enterprise is not going to lead to lower costs and better quality and higher performance and the American people know that!
Taxes and Debt are like anchors
nailing our ship of state to the bottom
where socialism and stagnation
hold us securely to mediocrity


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Roanoke Times And The Sound of Global Warming Silence

One of the primary methods of Pravda-style-news is no news!
The Roanoke Times and their liberal associates have recently thrown a blanket of silence over the subject of man-made global warming and climate change.
Only they know their motivations, however, some good guesses would be that they do not know how to explain or cope with the public exposure of information and statements exposing the unprofessional conduct of many in the alarmist community that is casting doubt on the IPCC-Gore-Hypothesis and the Alarmist Claims of imminent disaster.
The Copenhagen Boondoggle demonstrated how the elite, many on the taxpayers dole, totally ignored their own carbon-footprint and hyped their disdain for fair and balanced dialogue on a very important issue.
CNNs Cafferty on the Blitzer show jumped on the hypocrisy of Pelosi on the gross spending issue but equally offensive was the associated carbon issue.
The ClimateGate, GlacierGate, OzoneGate, BinLadenGate, AfricaGate, DutchGate, IndiaGate issues have had widespread visibility in other media outlets; however, the disciples of Gore act as if these major issues aren’t even happening :(if a tree falls – etc)
The out-of-the-box comments by the alarmists go unnoticed by those who are very quick to jump upon skeptics who make outlandish statements.
Bill Nye, the Science Guy, going so far as to tell MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that scientists who doubt climate change's manmade origins are unpatriotic.
The United Nations climate panel faces a new challenge from IPCC scientists casting doubt on its claim that global temperatures are rising inexorably because of human pollution.
"The temperature records cannot be relied on as indicators of global change," said John Christy, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, a former lead author on the IPCC.
Global Warming in Last 15 Years Insignificant
U.K.'s Top Climate Scientist Phil Jones, former head of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia who is the embattled ex-head of the research center at the heart of the Climate-gate scandal dropped a bombshell over the weekend, admitting in an interview with the BBC that there has been no global warming over the past 15 years.
This skeptic believes that we are and have been in 250 years of natural global warming; It started in 1750 at the end of the little ice age and is clearly not caused by CO2 or man-kind. We are certainly not still in the “little ice age” and for the 200 years from 1750 to 1950 there was a very minimal increase in atmospheric CO2. There has only been one degree warming in the last 100 years and no warming in the last 10 years. There is no cause for peddling fear and panic and there is great doubt as to the extent, if any, of man-kinds contribution to this limited amount of warming.
Some Prior Items:

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Sealed Grand Jury Proceedings Made Public

Click for 2-19-10 Update from the Franklin News Post, Rocky Mount Va.
Multiple articles in the Roanoke Times detailing material contained in a publicly released Grand Jury investigation into the Franklin County Sheriffs Office.
Roanoke Times, 2-14-10, Pg Horiz 3: Airing dirty secrets: commentary by Ms. Strother, member of the Roanoke Times editorial board explaining why releasing Grand Jury files is good for their newspaper business.
Release of Franklin County Grand Jury Files to the public has resulted in major media and political repercussions and many questions including:
1. Grand Jury files are usually, by law, kept secret because the proceedings and data and testimony do not meet even the most minimum level of testing for truth and accuracy. There are no rules of evidence, no credible cross-examination of testimony, no determination of witness bias or prejudice or hearsay evidence or personal opinions and reflections. There is no process to keep the examination focused on the legal issue being examined, thereby enabling an expedition into whatever the jury foreman finds of interest to him.
2. It’s because of the absence of due-process that a common expressed view is that a prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich.
3. In this case the Grand Jury returned an indictment for a misdemeanor charge related to maintenance of records relating to the Sheriff’s office for a Sheriff that just took office. It is very unusual for Grand Juries to examine misdemeanor charges.
4. The Circuit Court Judge released the entire Grand Jury file to the public without explaining why the rules for keeping Grand Jury files sealed were being over-shadowed by the public interest for a single misdemeanor violation charge.
5. It’s not clear why the Judge decided to override the requirement to keep the file sealed and let a public trial establish the relevant facts and the validity of the charge. The question now is what was that compelling reason?
6. The State Assembly has reacted to this question by formally requesting information from the Judge prior to his reappointment to the bench.
7. Based on the lack of a specific objective (see Art. 37 below), the Grand Jury conducted a wide ranging foray that has resulted in a treasure trove of unsubstantiated tales and descriptions that the media are peddling as valid facts.
Relevant Sections of The Virginia Grand Jury Handbook:
1.2 The Grand Jury does not hear both sides of the case and does not determine the guilt or innocence of the accused person. This is determined by a "petit (trial) jury" if and when the accused is tried later. The Grand Jury only determines whether there is probable cause that the accused committed the crime and should stand trial.
6. (c) Misdemeanors. A Grand Jury usually does not deal with minor crimes (misdemeanors) or with traffic offenses. Prosecution of these offenses usually is begun by the police or the Commonwealth's Attorney on a Warrant or a Summons.
13.(d) Accused as a Witness. The accused person named in the bill of indictment will not be listed as a witness, nor will any witnesses favorable to him probably be listed. This is because the Grand Jury does not determine the guilt or innocence of the accused, but only determines whether the testimony of the witnesses produced by the State establishes probable cause to require the accused to stand trial.
19. Secrecy
The law provides that "every member of a regular or special grand jury must keep secret all proceedings which occurred during sessions of the grand jury."
VA Code Section 19.2-192
37. Again it should be emphasized that the Special Grand Jury has been convened to investigate and report its findings on some specific isolated condition believed to exist in the community. Its findings and recommendations, if any, should relate specifically to the subject committed to it. It is not involved in a general moral crusade.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Gov Doug Wilder Gets It! Why Not Obama?

Roanoke Times, 2-10-10, Pg 13: Va. Gov. Doug Wilder: Remove DNC chief Kaine and the inexperienced White House staffers.
Former Va. Gov. Doug Wilder issued a public statement directed to Obama to:
1. Fire Former Va. Gov. Tim Kaine because he is not suited to be DNC chairman as demonstrated in his dismal performance during the Va. election of Bob McDonnall.
2. Replace West Wing White House staffers who are in their jobs because of Chicago connections or because they signed on with the Obama campaign. These White House staffers lack sufficient experience at governing at the executive branch level.
Not only do the staffers lack executive branch level experience, but clearly Obama, our Yale professor and community organizer, also has zero executive experience.
In fact, the only person in the 2008 Presidential race who had executive branch experience was Alaska Governor Sara Palin!
Some examples of the vicious liberal press attacks on the only 2008 campaign that has executive branch experience that Former Democrat Va. Gov. Wilder now acknowledges is critically important to governing our American Enterprise.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


A Virginia Veterans View of John Murtha

Roanoke Times, 2-9-10, Pg 1 & 3: Murtha dies, opponent of Iraq war.
Flowerly heart-warming article with lots of nice pictures.
Another view of John Murtha and his buddy Jim Moran (Congressman, Va) can be viewed through the eyes of a young soldier returning home to Virginia from Iraq.
Not so heart-warming!
Not clear how many soldiers from his unit will volunteer to be in Murtha's honor guard!
Click on link to view a WMV PC Video
Takes time to load
Sound ON
Prior Item:

Obama ClimateGates And Snow Jobs

ClimateGate, GlacierGate, OzoneGate, BinLadenGate, AfricaGate, DutchGate, IndiaGate
The news coverage of the total annihilation and discrediting of the IPCC-Gore Global Warming Alarmists propaganda are almost impossible to find in the Roanoke Times and their liberal associates.
A new Climate Service agency will operate with NOAA's National Weather Service and National Ocean Service, the Commerce Department announced Monday.

Click to Enlarge Graphic

Osama Bin Laden, the Al Qaeda leader, has joined the Gore and Obama Teams
Blaming the United States and other industrialized nations for climate change and said the only way to prevent disaster was to break the American economy.,2933,584249,00.html?test=latestnews
Apparently Bin Laden will be voting for Cap&Tax and the Obama Energy Program!
Why are we trying to kill Bin Laden when he is in total agreement with Obama & Gore?
The U.N.'s controversial climate report is coming under fire -- again -- this time by one of its own scientists, who admits he can't find any evidence to support a warning about a climate-caused North African food shortage.
The newest controversial claim could become a very important error in the IPCC's reporting, because it comes not only from the IPCC's report on climate change impacts -- called Assessment Report 4, or AR4 -- but is also repeated in its "Synthesis Report." That report is the IPCC's most politically sensitive publication, distilling its most important science into a form accessible to politicians and policy makers.
DutchGate: Holland not half under water!
The IPCC's beleaguered climate report faces the prospect of still more errors, as Dutch authorities point out factual inaccuracies about the Netherlands.
IndiaGate: Recent scandals involving the IPCC have undercut its creditability to such an extent that the nation of India plans to look for an independent assessment.
WindTurbineGate – No spin – no power
In addition to all this frosty news about the mis&dis-information that’s been fostered upon the world by totally discredited Alarmist EcoScientists; the latest wind turbine news is that there are 11 new turbines (cost $300,000 each plus installation and hook-up) installed last fall in a high-wind area of Minnesota.
ALL ARE FROZEN FAST and none have produced a single watt of power this frosty winter. What’s Al Franken, their new Democrat Senator, doing about that?,2933,584864,00.html?test=latestnews
TemperatureInstrumentGate: Let's Not Measure Where It's Cold!
A new report points to a sharp reduction of weather stations by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in cooler locations around the world since 1990. Could that be why global temps have seen a steady rise over the last 20 years?
Flawed data leads to flawed conclusions. Whether these errors were made on purpose or by accident ultimately doesn’t matter. Especially with tens of trillions of dollars at stake, science should be more transparent than this. But we can only draw one conclusion: the studies based on that data, no matter the number, are ultimately unreliable.
Global Warming Debate Heats Up in Wake of Record Snowstorms
Patrick J. Michaels, senior fellow in environmental studies at the Cato Institute and state climatologist for Virginia for 27 years, disagrees. "Global warming simply hasn't done a darned thing to Washington's snow," he wrote on National Review, adding that "if you plot out year-to-year snow around here, you'll see no trend whatsoever through the entire history."
And then there's the nasty Alarmists who label themselves as scientists:
Bill Nye, the Science Guy, going so far as to tell MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that scientists who doubt climate change's manmade origins are unpatriotic.
The United Nations climate panel faces a new challenge from scientists casting doubt on its claim that global temperatures are rising inexorably because of human pollution.
"The temperature records cannot be relied on as indicators of global change," said John Christy, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, a former lead author on the IPCC.
Global Warming in Last 15 Years Insignificant, U.K.'s Top Climate Scientist Admits
The embattled ex-head of the research center at the heart of the Climate-gate scandal dropped a bombshell over the weekend, admitting in an interview with the BBC that there has been no global warming over the past 15 years.
Prior Blog Items:

Monday, February 08, 2010


Obama Arrogance Reaches New Level

Obama Hasn't Ruled Out NYC Trial for 9/11 Planner
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama said Sunday he has not ruled out a New York federal court trial for Sept. 11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, but he was taking into account the objections of the city's mayor and police commissioner.
The Obama administration has come under withering attack, mainly from Republicans, for a decision by his Justice Department to try the terrorist mastermind in a U.S. court near Ground Zero, site of the attack that destroyed New York's World Trade Center.
Obama said using the traditional judicial method was a "virtue of our system" in which Americans should take pride.
He also defended his decision, noting again that the administration of former President George W. Bush had handled terror suspects arrested in the United States in the same way.
Later Sunday, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., responded: "Based on the security, logistical and cost concerns raised by the mayor and the police commissioner, it is not feasible to have the trials in New York. The administration should realize that and move on."
It is now clear that our arrogant elitist Yale professor doesn’t listen because he is too busy lecturing everyone with his delusions of grandeur and self importance and pomposity.
Roanoke Times, 2-06-10, Pg 3: Obama said (to DNC meeting) that voters would have to decide whether Congress had done the right thing.
Quick, someone tell Obama that the Congress has been in Democrat control for three years! There are 59 out of 100 Democrat Senators and 256 out of 434 Democrat Congresspersons. How is telling the voters that Congress is the bad guy good for the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team? Based on Obama’s direct personal assistance in the elections in Va, NJ and Mass. one might conclude that he’s not the Democrat teams MVP!
And quit your belly aching and blaming Bush! Whining is not becoming for a President!

Just more hope and change we can believe in! Yes we can!

Saturday, February 06, 2010


Obama Jobs And Tax And Spend

Roanoke Times, 2-6-10, Pg 6: BIG headline: Drop in jobless rate (10.0% to 9.7%) points to modest improvement.
Obama and the Roanoke Times bringing slant, manipulation and heifer-dust to a whole new level!
150,000 additional workers lost their jobs in Dec 09; but amazingly, the unemployment rate dropped from 10.0 to 9.7. Something about an old adage: figures don’t lie but liars figure! Is Professor Obama a language major that can’t count or a math major that can’t read? Next we’ll hear he gained 20 pounds and went from 190 down to 180.
The discrepancy “lies” in the unpublished data Obama and his media friends don’t print and don’t want us to know and that is that hundreds of thousands of people have given up and have stopped looking for work and are dropped from the “official unemployed list”; therefore; the “underemployment rate” is 16.5% and NOT 9.7%.
Where’s Obama’s $760 BILLION stimulus commitment for 8% maximum unemployment and 3.5 million new jobs?
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Roanoke Times, 2-2-10, Pg 3: Obama says government must keep spending; is asking congress to approve record $3.8 TRILLION budget with $1.5 TRILLION deficit and a debt limit increase to $14.3 TRILLION.
Obama budget would impose host of tax increases of $1.4 TRILLION on employers and individuals.
Apparently there is no limit to the Obama Democrat TAX and SPEND debacle that is resulting in negligible positive outcomes but is generating a gigantic bill for tax-paying Americans to pay-off for generations to come
We have passed the financial tipping-point that occurs when a family or business goes into bankruptcy and debts outweigh assets and income. Without good private sector jobs to support our financial system, we will be bankrupt just trying to pay the interest on the debt now primarily owned by China who is clearly not our friend and who is now blackmailing our government policies.
The yearly interest on $14.3 TRILLION is $715 BILLION/Year or $14,000 per tax-paying American per year in interest alone!
Just more hope and change we can believe in! Yes we can!


Friday, February 05, 2010


Obama’s Government Motors (GM) Propaganda Media Machine

Roanoke Times, 2-2-10, Most of Pg 1: Toyota works to repair autos & image.
Roanoke Times, 2-4-10, All Pg 14: Prius brakes questioned and fixing faulty pedals.
Roanoke Times, 2-5-10, Most of Pg 10: Toyota ponders recall of Prius brakes.
The Obama-press is trying desperately to propagate FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) about the Toyota gas pedal and Prius braking issues in a totally obvious attempt to support and prop-up Obama’s Government Motors and his government UAW union.
During my trip to Roanoke yesterday (home to Obama’s Roanoke Times Paper) I saw hundreds of folks driving their Toyota’s calmly and with confidence and poise apparently ignoring that papers multiple full page coverage of FUD about this issue.
Isn’t it interesting that they have not published any data on the numbers of incidents, numbers of complaints, numbers of injuries and deaths associated with these issues? And also no comparison data to other make and model issues. Just lots of FUD of all subjective words and no objective data; be afraid, be very afraid!
Based on the crime rate in Roanoke I was much more worried about getting mugged than having Toyota car trouble.
Also, not a word can be found about the current Ford Fusion and Milan hybrid braking problems:
Apparently if you have brake problems in a Ford-hybrid the risk is much less than if you are in a Toyota-Prius.
Obama’s Chicago political-hack, Transportation Sec. Ray LaHood, told Congress that Toyota owners shouldn’t drive their cars. He then said he didn’t mean what he said. Just more Obama Chicago-talk and hope and change we can believe in!
What a contrast all this is with the Ford Explorer Firestone blow-out and roll-over mess that went on from 1975 through 2000 with the highway agency reporting 174 deaths and more than 700 injuries.
The folks from MoTown and Chicago weren’t telling folks to stop driving and to stop buying Ford or Firestone and the media wasn’t nearly as worried about my well-being then as they pretend to be now!
Click the following link for a summary of my GM Oldsmobile gas pedal issue. GM’s response was to send a secret maintenance bulletin to their dealers saying if any customer complains, change the gas pedal module, charge them $150 and tell them it’s just an ordinary maintenance item; not to worry.
Display of a caricature of Alfred E. Neuman’s: “What, me worry?” would have been a nice touch.
What a contrast in comparison to the positive experiences I have had with Toyota service!
Interesting Government Motors (GM)Links:
In a bid to boost flagging auto sales, the federal government will pay for any warranty repairs on a General Motors or Chrysler vehicles
Obama orders government to buy more GM cars!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Promoting Faulty Cause And Effect Data

Roanoke Times, 2-3-10, Pg 5: Report linking autism to vaccine retracted.
The original report “was outrageous”, said Dr. Jeffrey Boscamp of the Hackensack Univ. Med. Cntr. In NJ. “Most of the authors asked for their names to be removed from the study; it undermined confidence in vaccines when in fact it wasn’t true at all”.
Medical Journal Retracts Article Linking Vaccines and Autism
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 Associated Press
LONDON — A major British medical journal on Tuesday retracted a flawed study linking the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to autism and bowel disease.,2933,584656,00.html
The media has yet again been the vehicle for anguish pain and suffering for thousands of people with their insatiable appetite for hyping unfounded fears in order to make money.
Circulation ratings are what are important – damn the validity and truth and perspective and for sure don’t give the contrarians equal coverage to add balance and demonstrate there is a viable alternative view.
Sounds a lot like the hype promoting the Gore-IPCC-Hypothesis on man-made global warming, doesn’t it?
The sources of many of these false “exposes” are:
• It’s usually very difficult to establish cause-effect relationships in complex systems because one cannot determine, isolate and control the variables that are at the root cause of the problem.
• Thousands of students each year must publish a thesis to get their next degree. The bases of their thesis are not comprehensive studies but are actually hypothesis with some limited and questionable data indicating further study may be warranted.
• Publication of thousands of statistical studies each year showing that two things may be connected because statistical analysis of historical data shows a high correlation coefficient. Section one of chapter one of every statistics book includes the warning that “statistics of historical data can never be used to establish a cause-effect relationship”!
• Competing or hostile persons who are trying to disparage or sabotage another’s products or services.
• Just plain old nasty folks yelling FIRE in a crowded theatre.
Why can’t educated people with a journalism degree understand these simple realities and present data in a way that would conform to basic “truth in advertising and labeling” requirements for their so called “news”? Apparently the answer is money and delusions of fame. Better to be wrong and publish junk than lose out on a big scoop!
Aggravating this situation is the lack of a media mea culpa in almost every exposed case!
Yet Another Non-news non-scientific cause and effect "study"
Roanoke Times, 2-9-10, Pg 3: Study looks at parents, link to risk (Autism) risk for children.
There seems to be a correlation to the mother's age and the disorder, but maybe not.
We're not saying this is the fault of mothers or fathers. We're just saying this is a correlation that will direct research in the future.
Because of the large sample size, they were able to show how the risk of autism was affected by each parent's age.
Why are "news" organizations cutting down perfectly good trees, that help to remove CO2 from the air, to print tripe like this? What a gross misuse and misdirection of news resources.
No -- they were not "able to show" anything! This is simply doing statistics on historical data that results in a high correlation coefficient that does NOT PROVE ANYTHING!
The valid quote in this article is "this is a correlation that will direct research in the future".
So, why is this a "news" story. What is the objective of traumatizing thousands of parents with a study that alludes to a scientific fact, when it actually does not present any definitive facts.
Just how cruel and sadistic are the news people who peddle this tripe?
Click for some additional examples within this blog that highlight the sad record of journalists hyping and promoting bad information in the name of news reporting”:
Shoveling Global Warming Frigid Storms
ADHD: Cause & Effect?
Help Denied
Vioxx Jury
Study wrong?
Amplifying Bad Data
Yet Another Stuck-on-Stupid Study


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