The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Yet More Government Motors Slant and Bias
Latest 2-8-2011 Toyota issues update:
Government: No Electronic Flaws in Toyotas"Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says the department's 10-month study has concluded there is no electronic-based cause of unintended high-speed acceleration in Toyotas."
Roanoke Times, 12-30-10, Pg 6: Twenty (20) million vehicles were recalled in the US in 2010 and 7.1 million of those were Toyota’s.
This data indicates that 35% of recalled cars were Toyota’s.
Who were the other 65%? And why didn’t they deserve to be identified?
Should these "others" be recalling more of their vehicles or are they just waiting for the customers to bring their faulty vehicles into their dealers at customer expense?
This slanted reporting can best be viewed by looking at:
Consumer Car Complaints Scoreboard and Car Reports
Main Menu by Car Manufacturer
Total Consumer Complaints on file: 543,556
Last Updated 12/30/2010 5:26:16 AM
Of the 543,556 complaints: 38,444 were Toyota Complaints
Just SEVEN (7 %) of the total complaints were Toyota!
So whats with the “other” 93% of complaints? Apparently we don’t want to look at them! Wouldn’t want to shine a light on Government Motors and their CEO (Obama).
Prior Items:
Obamas-GM Government Motors: An Introduction to Fascism
Obama’s Government Motors (GM) Propaganda Media Machine
Obama The GM CEO And Major Conflicts of Interest
Death Panel Paranoia
Roanoke Times, 12-29-10, Pg 16: Editorial: Return of the death panels. Obama is empowering Medicare recipients to discuss end-of-life care with their doctors in advance.
The Roanoke Times Editors are so paranoid about death panels that they totally neglected to point out that it was the Democrat Senate that deleted these “things” from the ObamaCare legislation and not Sara Palin who didn’t have a vote on the matter.
Last we saw of Sara she was administering an end-of-life ObamaCare session with an elk on her Alaska Reality Show!
Of course the Senate’s rejection of this program is not going to dissuade Obama from his appointed rounds to ensure we all get an ObamaCare tax paid preview of cost-effective Euthanasia. What a deal!
As every sensitive liberal would ask: “How do you feel about that?”
Just more hope and change and end of life assistance we can depend on!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Boomers Assets Are Low Hanging Fruit
Roanoke Times, 12-28-10, Pg 3: More than 10,000 baby boomers a day will turn 65 in 2011; most are nowhere near financially prepared for their retirement. Boomers skimped on saving.
The message:
There goes the Social Security System!
There goes the Medicare System!
More Socialism is the answer!
The article highlights personal examples of Boomers who made good money and then spent much of it on expendables and depreciating things. The article’s author states that “most” Boomers fit this category and labels them without stating any data or facts.
However, it’s clear from census data that large numbers of Boomers saved, invested, insured and accumulated wealth for their retirement and hope to pass a modest nest egg on to their children and grandchildren.
Something about the American Dream!
These Saving-Boomers are now being attacked by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team who view their assets as the spoils of class-warfare that must be redistributed to the “less fortunate”.
Obama and associates are driving to increase the taxes on their homes, their capital gains their dividends and eliminate credits for mortgage interest and increase the taxes on their retirement and social security incomes and reinstitute the death-tax and inheritance tax.
The irony is that those who exercised personal financial restraint and prudence will be stripped of the fruits of their labor and reduced down to the common denominator of those who chose to “live for the day” and not plan and sacrifice for tomorrow!
Karl Marx wrote the book and we now see who read the book and is busy implementing it!
Prior Items:
The Constitution: “We The People”
Tax Misrepresentations Become Outright Lies
Obama Hawking Class and Race Warfare
Too dumb to serve?
Roanoke Times, 12-28-10, Pg 1 & 13: Editorial: Too dumb to serve? What does it say about our schools that so many graduates (25% of applicants) can’t pass the Army entry test?
How incredibly politically incorrect! Calling our children DUMB!
They’re not dumb, they’re “intellectually challenged” and totally empowered by our society to choose to not learn and to choose to the best of their ability to inhibit others from learning in our public school classrooms.
The following is a summary of Roanoke Times articles over the last 5 years on the sad performance of our public schools and the associated blog items clearly addressing the core classroom issues with public education.
And it’s not the money – Stupid! Taxpayers spend over $10,000 per student per year, that’s over $130,000 for each student for K through 12!
As long as parents, school boards, judges, ACLU, politicians and the media empower those students who choose not to learn and to be disruptive we will not make significant improvements in public school performance. The best teachers in the world with the best physical facilities and technology in the world cannot be successful in a disruptive and chaotic classroom environment that is beyond their control.
Roanoke School Grades
Roanoke Times, 9/17/06, Pg 1: Teacher turnover spikes to almost 20%.
- best Teachers in the world with the best experience and best lesson-plans cannot teach in chaos. It’s not surprising that teachers are leaving. Except for prison guards, there is no other profession that tolerates and accepts the level of disrespect and harassment and chaos as does teaching.
Perhaps Mr. Thompson and his division staff should have a meeting and view the Morgan Freeman movie "Lean on Me" as a starting point for establishing action plans and procedures and processes to achieve a teaching-learning environment in every classroom every period of every day.
School failures
Roanoke Times, 9/17/05, Pg Va 1: Failures cause Roanoke schools to lose students. Under No Child Left Behind, Title I schools that are failing improvement criteria must offer students the option to transfer to other schools. Roanoke has several such situations.
- could not find in this article a summary or discussion of the real issues involved in these failures. At what point will the school board, and the administrators address the teaching-learning environment in the classrooms and take the necessary steps to return the classrooms to the teaching-learning environment that’s required for each student to learn?
The best Teachers in the world cannot teach in chaos. We need a process and system to deal with disruptive students and we need it NOW!
Mr. Editor and folks at The Roanoke Times – why not take on this quest as a major effort that will help all the students in Roanoke and The Valley get a much improved education. Put aside the political-correctness mantra and get involved, creative and assertive in demanding classrooms in which teaching-learning can flourish! (Just imagine that George Bush is responsible for each and every dysfunctional classroom – and go get’em!)
Teachers short on math
Who are the failures?
Schools, who is rsponsible for what?
Respect at school
Graduation rates
Hard-to-teach kids
Longer School Year
$100,000 K12 Education
No child left behind
Gates-Warner Improve High Schools
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Blizzards of 2010 – Yet More Global Warming
Roanoke Times, 12-27-10, Pg 1, 3, 14: Heavy coastal storm batters Northeast; Virginia still under state of emergency; winter weather cripples travel on the East Coast.
All this and no mention of the Jan 2010 Blizzard that book-ended a year of real winter weather. Not anything like the Blizzard of 1888 but still real winter weather. 1888 being approximately 100 years after the decline in the “little ice age” and well before any significant man-made CO2.
Timing is everything and therefore not mentioned in these articles were the shrill cries of the Goreites and the Alarmists warning us of the on coming devastation's of man-made global warming. That will apparently be left to some upcoming hot summer days.
The reality of one degree global warming in the last 100 years and no global warming in the last 10 years are a reality that blunts and confounds and frustrates the Alarmists and their associates in the media and the Obama administration and those who suck at the teat of global warming public tax-money grants.
The following is an index to this blogs Global Warming items for 2010, most in direct response and rebuttal to the mis&dis-information published by the Roanoke Times:
More Hot Air At Yet Another UN Climate Meeting’s Money In Rising Tides Warming, Political Science, and Apocalypse Not Now BURNING FOOD! Scientist Hal Lewis Rejects Global Warming Alarmists Warming Alarmists Employ Violence to Terrorise School Children Arctic Ice Data Bias and Slant Times Hiding From The Environmental Throwdown the Hot, Hide the Cold and Ideology ClimateGate Doublespeak and Stalling APC’s Renewable Wind Energy Hypocrisy of the UVA Faculty Global Warming Alarmists Warming Conference Chicago May 16, 2010’s EPA’s Conflict With Virginia AG Cuccinelli and Fourteen States in Rebellion. Change Not For Some Birds’s the Roanoke Times Carbon Footprint?’s Water Retention Problem Times Global Warming Omissions Times Global Warming Double-speak & ClimateGate DoOver Times And The Sound of Global Warming Silence ClimateGates And Snow Jobs (The Blizzard of Jan 2010) Global Warming Frigid Storms Rates: The Reality of Democrat Energy Policy Kaine, Mark Warner, Obama – Green Energy & Jobs NOT GlacierGate OzoneGate And The EcoScientists Heats Up Into GlacierGate Warming Runs Hot and Cold
Friday, December 24, 2010
Government By The Rejected
Our Constitution is based on Government By The People; NOT Government By The Rejected!
The team of Obama-Pelosi-Reid and their hacks in the liberal press celebrated this week. Not for the Birth of Christ but for passing a number of pieces of major legislation during the “lame duck” session.
Essentially what they accomplished was to give the American people the proverbial finger!
On Nov 2nd the American people rejected the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team and their policies and legislation and sent 60 new Congressmen to Washington to change the course of the Government. What the American people got for Christmas was more raw arrogance.
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid team rammed through a laundry list of legislation that clearly should have been extended into January to comply with the wishes of The People.
The Russians have delayed until 2011 consideration of the nuclear weapons and antimissile START treaty; apparently passage in Dec 2010 wasn't important to them!
The issue is not which pieces were good or not good.
The issue is that the American people had made the biggest change in their government in over 50 years and their new government should have been the representatives to address all major new legislation.
Once again the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team have show their disdain for The Constitution and The American People. What a sad period in American History.
One can only image the hue and cry from the liberal media if a Republican administration had carried out such an ugly raw power coup.
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Obama, Richardson & More North Korean Bribes
Roanoke Times, 12-21-10, Pg 3: North Korea backed off threats to launch all out war on the South after Bill Richardson “counseled” with them.
Obama sent Bill Richardson (now Gov of New Mexico and now apparently yet another Czar) to North Korea to bribe them again into playing nice. At this point we don’t know what the bribe involves or costs. This, after the unprovoked sinking of a South Korean ship and launching an artillery attack on a South Korean civilian occupied island and these acts of aggression being embedded into a steady diatribe of threats of all out war.
Obama’s mentor, Bill Clinton had Bill Richardson (then his Energy Secretary) negotiate One-on-One with North Korea to stop their nuke development. Clinton/Richardson gave them money, fuel, food and a nuclear power plant for a "promise" to stop nuke development.
Talk about failed policy, failed diplomacy and lame-brained appeasement!
Obama has failed for two years to have any impact on North Korea’s hostile acts, nuclear weapons development, proliferation of nuclear weapons technology or ongoing threats against our friends and allies.
And now more failed policy, failed diplomacy and lame-brained appeasement!
Anyone see a pattern here?
Just more hope, change and hypocrisy we can depend on!
Prior Items:
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Constitution: “We The People”
Roanoke Times, 12-20-10, Pg 15: Commentary by M. Waldman (speech writer for Bill Clinton): Tea Party’s love for Constitution may kill it.
“The drive to strike down ObamaCare, a jarring move by those long opposed to judicial activism.”
Yet another in an ongoing long term liberal explanation of why the US Constitution is just a set of ideas and principles and a “living document” to be interpreted by politically appointed judges, most of whom serve for life.
All these liberal explanations fly in the face of the first three words of the US Constitution “ We The People” and the context in which the Constitution was written.
“The People” fought and won freedom and independence from The King. At that point “The People” were totally and completely in control of the country, their lives and the future. The Constitution was then written as a “contract” by “The People” granting specific powers to the Federal Government and to the States with any ambiguity being reserved to the States.
A major ongoing 20th Century constitutional issue is the Executive and “judicial activism” expansion of Federal control over the States and The People by treating the Constitution not as a “contract” but as a set of guidelines. It is difficult to find any examples within our society in which one party to a legal contract can unilaterally and at will redefine the terms and conditions of the contract to suit their desires.
This expansion of Federal powers is most evident in the huge bureaucracies that overlap and duplicate at great taxpayer expense the States responsibilities, including:
• Dept of Education
• Dept of Transportation
• Dept of Energy
• Dept of Environment
• Dept of Health & Human Services
• Dept of Housing
• Executive Departments
• Over two dozen Obama-Czars
This Federal concentration of government has resulted in a level of Socialism that mirrors countries like England where opportunity and development and prosperity have been suppressed by socialist controls and processes.
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid team has clearly implemented major socialist controls, programs and staggering debt and in the process have awakened large numbers of “The People” who have become activated to participate in the political process with the objective of confronting these major transgressions into personal freedom, opportunity and States Rights.
The Nov 2010 elections with the election of 60 new Congressmen could well be just the beginning of a major grass-roots movement to reestablish that “The Constitution” starts with “We The People” and was written as a legal and binding contract to limit government control and enable individual freedoms and opportunity and keep the focus of government at the State level close to “The People”.
There are no examples in history in which socialism has resulted in individual freedoms and opportunity that are even close to the American free enterprise system.
Click to see Apples reenactment of the conflict between free people and Federal-socialism in Orwell’s 1984.
Prior Items:
Saturday, December 11, 2010
More Hot Air At Yet Another UN Climate Meeting
Roanoke Slant, 12-11-10, Pg 4: Nations struggle to make climate deal in Cancun
Yet again the Global Warming and Climate Change Alarmists have been met by Mother Nature. Cancun has enjoyed new record low temperatures for three straight days of the conference. The lowest in over 100 years.
The Cancun Agreements tried to create institutions for delivering technology and funding to poorer countries, though they did not say where the funding would come from.
In urging industrial countries to move faster on emissions cuts, it "recognized" the goal recommended by scientists to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industrial countries by 25 to 40 per cent from 1990 levels within the next 10 years.
It’s clear to even the most novice economist that these levels of change will totally disrupt the economic, social and political systems of the world with no assurance that there will be any reductions in global temperatures. Who are these people and why are they considered by the media to be serious news makers?
Developing-World-Coal-Use-1989-20081.jpg (Click image to enlarge)
Talk about your “Mann Hockey Stick” graph!
This is the coal consumption of the very people who want the US to give them Billions of our tax dollars and destroy our country because we use fossil fuel!
What’s wrong with this picture? What’s wrong with the people who even entertain these conversations with these people?
Prior Items:
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Pearl Harbor Day
Dec 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor
A Day That Lives in Infamy
Obama, Wikileaks and National Secrets
Obama and associates are all shook-up over the hundreds of thousands of classified documents that have been exposed to the public by Wikileaks.
Most of the so called secret documents are classified not because they meet the federal criteria for that classification, it's because they are political comments and observations that may be embarrassing to someone.
The best approach to securing the really secret material was described by Gov. Mike Huckabee who said...
"If we want to keep our Nation's secrets 'SECRET'... store them where President Obama stores his college transcripts and birth certificate."
Prior Item
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Tax Misrepresentations Become Outright Lies
Roanoke Times, 12-2-10, Pg 5: GOP corners White House on extension of Bush tax cuts.
Letting the Bush tax cuts expire Dec 31 would lead to 3 percent tax increase for most American taxpayers.
When professional journalists know that they are publishing gross misrepresentations and distortions of the truth, isn’t that LYING? What journalism school did these folks attend?
Only 50% of the American people are paying taxes!
The bottom tax rate goes from 10% to 15%
(that’s a 50% increase in tax due)The 25% bracket goes to 28%
(that’s a 12% increase in tax due)The 35% top bracket goes to 40%
(that’s a 14% increase in tax due)-
Capital Gains increase from 15% to 20%
(that’s a 33% increase in tax due)
Dividend income increases from 15% to 40%
(that’s a 167% increase in tax due)
And the death tax is back, estates will be taxed 55%
(that’s an infinite increase in tax due)
And states will then key off the federal death tax and tax beneficiaries as regular income at the elevated tax bracket.
Does this look like a 3% tax increase or does it look like grand larceny?-
The national priorities must be:
1. Freeze all funding for: ObamaCare
2. Freeze EPA funding for carbon restrictions
3. Establish a no-increase in spending budget
(Obama and the Democrats don't even have a budget!)
4. Rollback the spending and don't increase taxes on anyone
We don't have a taxing problem, we have a spending problem
5. Stop subsidizing the burning of our food (ethanol)
Then: Repeal ObamaCare
Cut in-half the DOEd, DOE, DOT, and the EPA. These bloated bureaucratic agencies are totally unnecessary. Every state has these functions and has the responsibility for these functions.
Talk about saving money and reducing unnecessary restrictions and bureaucracy!
Crank-up domestic energy production including nuclear power plant construction.
Reduce the endangered species list to a maximum of 100 entities that are truly important and in our national interest.
Call it the Charles Darwin act of science instead of politics and misdirected emotion.
New news item:
Roanoke Times, 12-5-10, Pg 9:
"The Democratic-controlled Congress hasn't passed a single annual spending bill. It's an unprecedented breakdown of the budget process."-
Washington: I Want Your Money Trailer -
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
There’s Money In Rising Tides
Roanoke Times, 12-1-10, Pg 13: Old Dominion University president John Broderick and Professor Larry Atkinson want $200,000 plus additional grants and new hires to study rising sea levels.
The premise of the article is that increasing sea levels are impacts of man-made climate change. For a free introduction to the subject one could simply click on the following links that clearly show that sea level change (and associated plate tectonics that in many locations is more significant than the sea level change) is one of earth’s ongoing natural variations.
Historical data shows that 16,000 years ago the Atlantic Ocean was 400 feet lower than today and the Outer Banks were 50 miles east (out at the continental shelf). The data shows that sea levels rose 8 inches during the 20th century and not the 16 inches claimed in this article (apparently more Gore-ApocalypseNow alarmism!).
The historic data also shows great variations in ocean sea levels and that over most of geologic history long-term average sea level has been significantly higher than today; and that the sea level rise has been far more moderate for the past 6,000 years than the prior 6,000 years before that.
The bottom line is that the sea levels are rising and have been for over 20,000 years, well before mankind was driving automobiles. Based on Al Gores latest purchase of an $8 million dollar house near the ocean in California, it appears that Al’s smart enough to not listen to his own alarmist rhetoric.
Putting the Gore-Hysteria aside; studies are indeed warranted to start planning for the dikes (dyke's) that will be required in the future if the coastal cities and tributaries are to remain dry. This will range far inland on rivers like the Hudson where the tide affects water levels to Troy NY 150 miles from the ocean.
One could start the study asking why taxpayers are paying Billions of dollars to re-flood the swamps in southern Florida when we should be erecting dyke's along the coastline similar to the Mississippi River bank barriers and make them expandable to follow the examples in Holland.
An ironic view of this situation is that the theme song for the 1939 New York World's Fair was “Rising Tide”; it played continually in the Perisphere which will surely be under water in a thousand years
unless we go back into another “little ice age”.
Some prior items:
Today is AIDS+HIV Day!
This will immediately activate the public health systems that are used for all other major communicable diseases, since the time of Typhoid Mary, and will be a major process to control this pandemic.
After 25 years and millions of horrible deaths and incredible burdens on family, friends and the health system; isn’t it past time to contain this problem?
Click back through these prior blog items for an awareness of the long term malfeasance of our government and community in addressing this pandemic:
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
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June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
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December 2014
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January 2025