The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Americans Take Debt Crisis Very Seriously

Roanoke Times, 6-26-11, Pg 1 & 9: Americans not taking debt crisis seriously
No that’s not it! Would you like to guess again?
It’s Democrat Leader of the Senate Harry Reid who repeatedly states that there’s no need to address our national financial crisis for at least 10 more years!
The last Congressional Election showed to the dismay of Obama, The Democrats and the Liberal Press that the American People clearly understand the need to STOP THE SPENDING, STOP THE BORROWING AND STOP THE TAXING!
When families realize that they can’t meet their payment obligations they are forced to define priorities, cut expenses, stop borrowing and make whatever adjustments are necessary to live within their means. Apparently Obama and The Democrats are oblivious to these realities, their plan: get more credit cards and pay current credit card payments with debt against the new cards! WHAT A PLAN!
Extending the $14.5 TRILLION debt ceiling is not an answer and certainly isn’t a plan!
On July 1 start the major downsizing of all the federal departments that duplicate the functions already done by the states as defined by the 14th Amendment:
• Dept of Education
• Dept of Transportation
• Dept of Energy
• Dept of Environment
• Dept of Health & Human Services
• Dept of Housing
• Executive Departments including the over two dozen Obama-Czars
Prior Items:

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Obama’s Political Emergency Not A National Emergency

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is primarily a series of salt-caves in Florida into which the American taxpayers have stored a large amount of oil to help secure the country in the event of a major national emergency. There is approximately 34 days of oil stored there.
President Obama has decided to tap into this critical emergency reserve!
His emergency is not a natural disaster, it is not an oil embargo, it is not the destruction of the Suez Canal, it is not the sinking of many of the oil carrying supertankers.
No, the emergency is Obama’s deteriorating approval ratings by the American people and the upcoming national elections.
The current high price of energy, not just gasoline, is a direct result of the Obama-Gore energy policy that is choking-off supply, elevating energy costs, reducing jobs and crippling business growth and competitiveness.
This is an unprecedented abuse of executive authority by King Obama.
Not only is he placing the nation at additional risk by arbitrarily and unnecessarily burning critical reserves but the taxpayers will have to replace this oil at an enormous premium compared to the cost of the oil when it was “saved for a bona fide national emergency”.
Is there no limit to the Obama abuse of his office with not a whimper from the major liberal media, no less the Editorial Girls of the Roanoke Times?

HansenGate: More Gore-AGW-Alarmist-Community Malfeasance

This Jim Hansen item Not found in the Roanoke Times (unlike most of Hansen's alarmist proclamations).
Jim Hansen, the NASA employee who receives $180,000 per year plus complete federal benefits, is accused of receiving $1.2 MILLION in “gifts and gratuities” from the friends and associates and beneficiaries of the Gore-AGW-“Mann”-Caused global warming alarmist community without approval or disclosure or oversight as required by law.
These are the very same people who claim AGW-skeptics are being bought by industry and special interests. These alarmists are now refusing to comply with FOI requests and even subpoenas by the Virginia AG and associated court orders.
A cloak of secrecy is the implementation of a cloak of imposed ignorance.
“The NASA scientist who once claimed the Bush administration tried to "silence" his global warming claims is now accused of receiving more than $1.2 million from the very environmental organizations whose agenda he advocated.
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a group claims NASA is withholding documents that show James Hansen failed to comply with ethics rules and financial disclosures regarding substantial compensation he earned outside his $180,000 taxpayer-paid position as director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.”
“Federal rules prohibit government employees from receiving certain types of income outside their job. Employees are required to file Form 17-60 in writing before any outside activity. And annually, they're required to submit Form SF 278, after receiving outside compensation.
The American Tradition Institute filed a Freedom of Information Act request for those two documents for Hansen. The lawsuit claims NASA has "repeatedly and unlawfully refused to produce the requested materials."
Some of Jim Hansen’s unacceptable behaviors and activities were the focus of a 2009 blog item:
These behaviors are part and parcel of the ongoing Global-warming-alarmists cover-up of their activities that are primarily funded through taxpayer grants that have NO transparency or accountability but are held-up to be THE scientific truths upon which the world should enact draconian changes in energy systems. They are aided and abetted by liberal politicians and an intellectually dysfunctional liberal media.
Some prior examples:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The Palin Email Dump Analysis

The major main liberal media analysis and review of the Palin Emails they obtained from the State of Alaska via a FOI (freedom of information) process.
This is devastating for Sarah, her family and the nation.
Be sure to see the explosive ending!
Be patient with the advertising leadin:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


SeaLevelGate Yet Another AGW Global Warming Distortion

Roanoke Times, 6-21-11, Pg 3: Sea Levels rising significantly over past century
Sea Levels rising at rate of 2 millimeters per year (one tenth of an inch).
Some interesting “not included” items:
* Yes, the oceans are rising; 16,000 years ago the Atlantic was 400 feet lower than today and the outer banks were 50 miles out at the continental shelf. See the enclosed two data graphs that show the ‘big’ changes occurred from 18,000 to 8,000 years ago and the last 100 years have been a linear slow rise and NOT a big acceleration.


Note: There are 2.54 cm per inch (7.8 inches in past 100 years)
* The University of Colorado’s Sea Level Research Group decided in May to add 0.3 millimeters -- every year to its actual measurements of sea levels, sparking criticism from skeptic-experts who called it an attempt to exaggerate the effects of global warming.
When this “adjustment” was discovered by “skeptics” the university researchers said they did it because the shoreline is rising-up due to the earth's “rebound” from the ice age!
Why can’t the AlGore-AGW people be honest and stop trying to sneak data into the “science” that tries to falsely advance their hypothesis?
These so called “scientists” are destroying the creditability of real honest scientists who are still using the “scientific method” of determining cause-and-effect relationships, however those scientists are clearly not getting the hundreds of millions of taxpayer funded grant money!
Physicians Heal Thyself!
Some Prior Items:


Roanoke Times, Obama, Cuccinelli, Coal And CO2

Roanoke Times editorial June 13, 2011; Va AG AntiScience
Roanoke Times, June 21, 2011; Va AG Cuccinelli response to EPA CO2 lawsuit
Cuccinelli lays out in detail the legal issues with the EPA actions on regulating CO2 and the justification of a lawsuit designed to require the EPA to hold public hearings and obtain US scientific input as required by law.  This all avoided by the Editors of the Roanoke Times.
The Roanoke Times Editorial Jihad against Va AG Cuccinelli has been outlined in prior items:
The residents of Virginia have already felt the leading edge of the Obama-EPA anti-CO2 jihad in their utility bills that have just begun to skyrocket as the Obama-EPA draconian restrictions on coal are rolled-out.
The Editors of the Roanoke Times and their liberal media associates never address the root cause of the problem, trying instead to make the utility companies the bad guys.
Obama the candidate said he will bankrupt any company that builds a coal fired electric plant. Obama the President said he will also stop coal mining and shut-down coal fired plants (as is already happening to two plants in southwestern Virginia).
Obama and the Democrats are busy shutting down the power plans and fuels that power America and most of the world. Coal is one of our primary exports to other countries that will be burning coal for generations to come. Apparently they’re not impressed with Obama’s thoughts and decisions about burning coal.
As we shut down our coal fired plants the price of electricity has and will skyrocket at which time the Democrats will blame the utility companies (as they are already doing).
The cost of living, the cost of doing business, the cost of food and products and services are rapidly rising and Obama and associates (as Rhett Butler so clearly stated) don’t give a damn! Of those most adversely impacted are the poor and the elderly on fixed limited incomes. Too bad about them; they need to get on with the green-wagon.
Why isn’t the liberal media standing up for these classes of people and demanding answers to the “cost-benefit” analysis that Obama is ignoring? Instead they continue to demagogue the “utilities as the villains”. How lame and intellectually limited has that line become?
Let’s Play Hide The Real Reasons For High Energy Prices
Perhaps the local voters can ask Democrats Roscoe Reynolds and Ward Armstrong what they are doing to reduce the rapidly rising cost of energy in southwest Virginia.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Drug Testing Fairness Doctrine

Florida Drug Testing Fairness Law
The final bill, HB 353, forces all people who receive welfare cash, called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, to pass a test in order to be eligible for the funds. If prospective recipients fail a first test, they would lose benefits for one year. A second positive drug test makes them ineligible for three years. The new testing requirement would affect about 58,000 people.
The bill passed the House 78-38 on April 26 and passed the Senate 26-11on May 5.
"This bill is all about trying to break the cycle of drug dependency and using taxpayer dollars to buy illegal drugs," said Senate sponsor Steve Oelrich, R-Gainesville”
For years many working people are subject to unannounced workplace drug testing. If they fail some get a chance at rehab most others are fired on-the-spot.
These workers who pay taxes some of which get diverted to paying welfare recipients have asked for drug testing FAIRNESS!
If the folks paying the taxes must undergo drug testing, why not those who receive those tax dollars? Apparently Florida got the message and will start this program July 1st.
Of course the liberals and ACLU will tie this up in court as long as possible, however, its way past due that the “Drug Testing Fairness Doctrine” becomes law in every state for all public assistance.
Why would the liberals oppose what is clearly fair and equitable and in the best interest of all?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Obama-Holder Team Sent Illegal Guns To Mexican Terrorist Gangs Who Then Killed an American Boarder Agent With Them

New News Development:  7-5-11:
U.S. Officials Behind 'Fast and Furious' Gun Sales Should Be Tried in Mexico, Lawmaker Says
While the investigation continues into the U.S. operation that helped send thousands of guns south of the border, Mexican lawmakers say they'll press for extradition and prosecution in Mexico of American officials who authorized and ran the operation.
What a sight to see Obama's AG Holder on trial in Mexico!
Obama-Holder Team Sent Illegal Guns To Mexican Terrorist Gangs Who Then Killed an American Border Agent With Them
House Panel Slams 'Fast and Furious' Gun Operation Tied to Border Agent's Death
Note that this inquiry didn't occur when Pelosi was in-charge!
“A U.S. law enforcement operation intended to crack down on major weapons traffickers on the Southwest border spiraled out of control as federal agents were told by superiors to "stand down" and ignore weapons bought in Arizona headed for Mexico, a House panel heard Wednesday.”
“Three federal firearms investigators told the House Oversight and Government Reform committee that they wanted to "intervene and interdict" loads of guns, but were repeatedly ordered to step aside.”
"Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals -- this was the plan," John Dodson, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent who testified to the panel. "It was so mandated."
He added: "My supervisors directed me and my colleagues not to make any stop or arrest, but rather, to keep the straw purchaser under surveillance while allowing the guns to walk."
While these illegal weapons were being sent to Mexican Gangs, Obama and Hillary were holding news conferences telling the American people that it was weak gun laws that were to blame. Where are NY Mayor Blumberg’s roaming illegal gun sting teams, and why weren’t they arresting the Federal ATF Agents that were committing these crimes?
And most interesting of all: why aren’t the Roanoke Times and the rest of the liberal media covering this story? Aren’t they always right out front with big stories on gun law and gun use abuse? Talk about your sound of silence and political slant and bias!
Prior Items:
Obama & Holder The Real Suppliers of Illegal Guns to Mexican Gangs
Guns Linked to US AG Eric Holder Kill American Border Agent in Mexico

Obama War Against The 14th Amendment And The Right To Work

The Wisconsin Supreme Court rules that the “limit the public union powers act” is constitutional and valid.  This is a major victory for the taxpayers of Wisconsin and is consistent with the prior blog item:
Whose Working Rights Are They Anyway?
Virginia is a shining example of a “Right to Work State” and we all are beneficiaries of that sound and prudent policy.
Not good news is that while Obama was in North Carolina talking up jobs while callously joking about his failed shovel-not-ready stimulus act, his henchmen were continuing to harasses Boeing to keep them from building jetliners in South Carolina because they are a “right to work state”.
The blatant Obama unionizing crusade for votes and campaign contributions is in direct conflict with his responsibilities to represent the best interests of all Americans and is in violation of the 14th Amendment that gives to the States the power to manage industry within the state. Obama is also violating the “Commerce Clause” that specifically gives power to the Congress (not the President) for control of that portion of industry not delegated or reserved to the states. 
Businesses have always had the "right" to locate in any state that accepts them.
Obama, he who would be King! Didn’t we do something back in 1776 to dethrone Kings from America?  Obama just continues to look duller every day; and he was advertised to be the smart one!

Obama Laughs At His Failed Shovel-ready Stimulus

What a callous and disingenuous elitist snob Obama has demonstrated he is, yet again!

The president's wisecrack came during a meeting in North Carolina with his jobs council. After hearing concerns about how the permitting process delays construction, Obama smiled and said: "Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected." The White House defended its record Tuesday on the stimulus after facing a heap of criticism over President Obama's joke a day earlier that "shovel-ready" projects in the stimulus bill weren't so shovel-ready after all.
"I don't think it's a joke to the millions of Americans who find themselves unemployed," House Speaker John Boehner said.
Prior Shovel Not-Ready Blog Items:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Burning Our Food

Roanoke Times, 6-10-11, pg 7: Wet spring cuts corn crop; US food prices to stay high.
Over the next two years, the nation’s corn supplies may be at their tightest levels since 1995. The projected shortage caused corn prices to surge on global markets to a record high. Contracts for July delivery jumped 22 cents to a record $7.86 a bushel.
The authors of this large article while lamenting the shortage and cost of corn for food products never mentioned the word ETHANOL. It’s amazing how well the liberal media can hide important information that should be in plain sight!
The Obama corn policy is to BURN OUR FOOD AS ETHANOL! How dull is that?
The resurgent U.S. ethanol industry will use an additional 250 million bushels of corn through the next 15 months:
This is corn that is converted to ethanol at great taxpayer and customer expense and also results in the discharge of more greenhouse gas than using 100% gasoline and has a major effect on animal feed and other food item costs.
Not only don’t the liberal media question this gross and inappropriate and misdirected government mandate, they actually hide it least the general public become informed and ask why.
New Bad News:  The special interests won again!
The Democrat Controlled Senate voted Tuesday 6-14-11 to preserve 6 (six) billions of dollars in government subsidies for ethanol;  45 cents for every gallon of ethanol that is blended into gasoline.
Wasn't Obama supposed to place science above politics in decision making?
Prior Items:

Monday, June 13, 2011


Obama The Peacemaker: Bombing Five Plus Countries

Roanoke Times, 6-12-11, Pg Horiz 3: Tough role for the peacekeeper “Obama”
A limited and partial view of the military and violent hot-spots in the world with large cartoon of Obama with palm branch.
Obama the Peacekeeper? Obama is ‘openly’ bombing people in: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen and most likely he’s bombing several others in Africa.
The Syrians are slaughtering their protesters in large numbers along their Turkey border, certainly an opportunity for more US bombing-drones. Clearly there is war by any reasonable definition when one country bombs people in another country.
In our entire history we have never been at ‘war’ with so many entities and the sound of silence from the liberals, left-wingers and peace-nicks is defending. After eight years of intense media hype about “Bush The War-monger”, one wonders where all those noisy, intense, protesting folks with their righteous indignation all went? Where’s Cindy Sheehan and all her fellow-travelers? Where are the liberal media editorials?
The media should not include Obama and Peacemaker in the same sentence, even the same paragraph, for sure not in the same headline.
The Obama Wars OK With Liberals & Democrats & Media
Obama Our Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Obama And Friends Purveyors of Mediocrity and Dismal Expectations

Roanoke Times, 6-13-11, Pg 1 & 12: High jobless rate could be ‘new normal’
RT, 6-13-11, Pg 3: Obama Education Secretary to lower ‘no child left behind’ standards

More Hope and Change? Obama and friends are advertising that we should accept that 9% unemployment and 18% underemployment are the ‘new normal’!
We’re back to a new Jimmy Carter and the ‘old malaise’!
This is leadership? What an obscene concept that America should accept as the ‘new normal’ this level of unemployment and its associated misery and austere standard of living.
Where the hell is the ‘shining city on the hill’? Where is the leadership this country deserves?
Where are the actions to grow domestic private enterprise jobs and not just continue the “government workers full-employment programs’?
And as if the 9% unemployment ‘new normal’ isn’t obnoxious enough, here comes Obama whining that setting high expectations for the performance of our teacher’s unions and schools isn’t achievable and we need to ‘dumb down to a new normal’ there too.
What a concept; hardly working so that we can meet Obama’s Dismal Expectations.
This certainly fits in well with being a Chicago Community Organizer where work-avoidance, welfare-dependency and mediocrity are the norm.
Prior Items:

Saturday, June 11, 2011


More Poop on E-coli

Roanoke Times, 6-11-11, Pg 1 & 3: Sprouts from German farm caused E-coli outbreak that killed 31 and sickened nearly 3,100 in Europe.
Major article, great pictures, BUT not one word that the source of this deadly E-coli outbreak was an ORGANIC FARM.
It’s interesting how the liberal media manages to highlight the positives of the things they are promoting and then manage to hide those “little” negative things that detract from their prepared message like:
E coli outbreak: German organic farm officially identified:
Apparently the food reporters didn’t get the messages in the two following 2006 blog items and continue their message that large commercial food operations are the bad guys and small operations and organic farms are always the good guys. That’s interesting when one considers that the big operators have lots of government inspections and the road-side and farm-markets have none.
It’s also the case that large operators use commercial fertilizers and usually don’t have free ranging animals around while small operators often use animal manure and have all types of domestic and wild animals around.
It's the poop -- stupid!
Some Poop on e.Coli and Organic Foods
There currently is a movement for folks to obtain and drink raw (unpasteurized) milk. Growing up in the country years ago we all drank raw milk. However, there is significant risk in doing so and why would people promote that practice today?
Not withstanding the “chicken little’s” of the media: The US has the safest and most efficient and low cost food production and distribution system in the world serving 300 million Americans plus many off-shore markets. Would be nice to read that wonderful message in the papers once in awhile. Apparently it’s not newsworthy.
Food Testing Challenge:

Friday, June 10, 2011


Lost: Our Moral Compass

Roanoke Times, 6-9-11, Pg 5: Democrat Congressman Weiner now says he lied and did send explicit photos of himself to five or six women.
RT, 6-10-11, pg 4: Democrat Congressman Weiner insists he will not resign and 56% of his constituents say that’s OK with them.
The ongoing distasteful and disgusting saga of NY Democrat Congressman Weiner is indicative of the permissive liberal environment that has overcome America during the past 50 years. The latest is that his NY Congressional District residents are OK with his actions and behaviors and think he should NOT resign. What a sad commentary on his community and our country.
We reap what we sow as did the other societies of history that degraded into moral bankruptcy! People really do not change. Throughout history we have always been subject to the basic distractions of our darker side; what does change is society’s reaction and actions relative to those who flaunt basic values and beliefs and the impact that has on helping individuals and society as a whole to temper and control negative behaviors. Without community standards there is limited motivation for self-control and exercise of personal responsibility.
Over the past 50 years our media, movies, TV, magazines and radio have either reflected and or led the downward spiral so visible today. It is hard to find an environment today in which young people are not exposed to the most base and crude language and images and behaviors. No wonder so many families have chosen to home-school their children.
We now have over 50% of our children born out of wedlock (what an obsolete word and concept that has become). The institution of “the family” has sunk into the quicksand of expediency leaving our children without the mentors that comprised “The Greatest Generation”.
Yet another current example of the media flaunting the most basic sensitivities is CNN hiring Elliot Spitzer as a significant public figure and talk-show co-host after his public and personal behaviors that should disqualify him from such a media venue. Promoting and flaunting Spitzer on nation prime-time TV condones and accepts and promotes his bad and unacceptable behaviors and helps set the standards for others.
All these “advancements” have occurred with the help and encouragement of the liberal and progressive members of our society who continue to tell us how good it is for people to be “liberated” from the constraints of religion and society.
However, History has not been kind to those societies and people that lost their moral compass!
Some Prior associated item:

Thursday, June 09, 2011


Hiding Patrick Henry

As one who went to elementary school in the Catskills (the upper end of the Appalachians) I had considerable exposure to the quotes and importance of Patrick Henry. Here in Southwest Virginia, the home turf of Patrick Henry, for which so many things are named after him, I was curious why his life and deeds were not more publicized in the media, more known by everyday folklore and more focused in the Virginia school SOLs.
The answer appears to be that Patrick Henry is now NOT politically correct!
He was a founder of the Constitution which is now being peddled and labeled as a “living document” instead of a solid solemn contract between “We The People” and “The Government”.
And his clearly stated objectives of the Constitution are now deemed radical by the liberal community and media in this country:
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests”.
Now there’s a concept that clearly has come to pass! What a visionary! What a disappointment were he to view our situation today!
He made radical declarations like: “Give me liberty or give me death”. Our present day leaders and media shudder at just the thought of such a concept.
Several years ago the statement had developed to: Better Dead Than Red.
Now it’s degenerated to: Can’t we all just get along? After all, Socialism and Government control of our lives seems so comfortable!
How many Virginians know that Patrick Henry was the 1st Governor of Virginal and was reelected for three terms?
His birthday was May 29th – was there a single mention in any media anywhere?
How many people visited his home and reflected on his enormous contributions to our Country and our system of governance and democracy?
How fickle we are, how soon we forget and how soon we relive the mistakes of the past.
Google "Patrick Henry" today and take a tour of his legacy.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Reagan The Problem, Confiscation The Answer

Roanoke Times, 6-8-11, Pg 17: Reaganomics: It’s not working. Large Ugly Political Cartoon mocking Paul Ryan’s Budget cut proposals.
The US Owes $62 TRILLION (half-million $ per household)!
Instead of standing-up to address this financial debt tsunami that threatens our security, our quality of life and financial systems, this articles author, the Democrats and Liberal Press continue to demagogue the issue, totally ignore the Obama Task Force Recommendations, wage class warfare on those Republicans and Independents who try to address the crisis and then tell the public that it’s Ronald Regan’s fault and that Joe Biden will fix it!
In 2004, the wealthiest 25% of US households owned ($43.6 trillion) of the country’s wealth. Apparently The author of this “Reaganomics destroyed the country” article would like to not only increase taxes on these 25% of fellow Americans, but to make any significant reduction in the debt one would have to confiscate everything they own. Not unprecedented when one considers Karl Marx and the Russian Revolution.
Of course there would still be (62 – 44) = $18 TRILLION of debt to resolve and at that point there would be less than 25% of Americans who would be left to pay off that debt based on the fact that less than 50% of Americans pay any Federal Income Tax at all!
Sounds rather like the food distribution system used by the Donner Party!
After these creative and innovative confiscations were completed the US would be reduced to less than a third world entity with the associated unemployment, chaos and collapse of our standard of living.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


US Owes $62 TRILLION (half-million $ per household)

USAToday, 6-7-11, pg 1 and 4A: US Owes $62 TRILLION;
 unfunded obligations amount to $534,000 per household.
Program                               Debt                            Debt/Household
Medicare                       $24.8 TRILLION                  $212,500
Social Security              $21.4 TRILLION                  $183,400
Federal Debt                  $ 9.4 TRILLION                   $ 79,900
Military Retirement       $ 3.6 TRILLION                    $ 31,000
Federal Retirement        $ 2.0 TRILLION                    $ 24,000
++State,local, schools   $ 5.2 TRILLION                    $ 44,800
Instead of standing-up to address this financial debt tsunami that threatens our security, our quality of life and financial systems, the Democrats and Liberal Press continue to demagogue the issue, totally ignore the Obama Task Force Recommendations, wage class warfare on those Republicans and Independents who try to address the crisis and then tell the public that Joe Biden will fix it!
Bill Clinton’s reaction to the demagogy in the NY 26th Congressional Election points out that there are responsible Democrats who understand the magnitude and severity of the problem and are disturbed at total lack of Obama action on the situation.
Prior Items:

Congressman Robert Hurt's Remarks At The National D-Day Memorial

Dear Members of the Roanoke Times
I read with interest and pleasure this morning the partial coverage of the D-day function in Bedford yesterday.
Then I found it very curious that one of the featured speakers, Congressman Robert Hurt, was not mentioned anywhere.
As I remember, and my long term memory is still fairly good, when Perriello spoke at a D-day function he was the featured item in the RT.
Attached are Congressman Hurt’s Remarks for the benefit of those who were denied his existence.
The Pettiness and biases of the RT Editorial Staff does not become you and diminishes all the folks who work at the RT.
Physicians Heal Thyself!
Robert Hurt's Remarks At The National D-Day Memorial (June 6, 2011)
“So, to those of you here today who are veterans, the proud granite arch behind me is a physical tribute to your legacy. But, frankly, the more important legacy you have given us is freedom and it is the example you have set for those who defend us today. Let us be clear, the courage of these brave men and women who have fought this war on terror for the last ten years is your legacy. Their valor is your legacy. Their sacrifice is your legacy. Their peacemaking is your legacy. For this I thank you on behalf of our country, on behalf of the people of the Fifth District, on behalf of my family, and on behalf of my three boys…”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-VA) today spoke at the National D-Day Memorial ceremony, marking the 10 year anniversary of the memorial’s opening and honoring the 67th anniversary of the Normandy invasion. The text of his speech, as prepared for delivery, is below:

Thank you for the kind introduction. It is an unparalleled honor to be here with our veterans, our active duty servicemen, our national guardsman, and the families of those who have served -- on this commemoration of the 67th anniversary of the landing at Normandy and on this 10th anniversary of the dedication of this D-Day Memorial.

I well recall being here ten years ago with my wife Kathy and our then 14-month-old son Charles on June 6, 2001 when President George W. Bush presided over the dedication of this memorial – a memorial that so well captures the unimaginable courage and the agony, the undaunted duty and the death, and the enduring legacy of sacrifice in its bronze men whose broken bodies lie at rest in the sand, whose strength and fortitude push them up and over the cliffs toward the strong and soaring granite arch that represents sacrifice, victory, and peace.

One memory I love as much as any from that hot day here ten years ago was an encounter I had with an old soldier who was from Halifax County. He was readily identifiable on account of the fact he was wearing his original uniform from World War II. On his chest I spotted a Purple Heart. I walked up and introduced myself and he told me his name was Wilkins. We talked a little about family connections and the timeframe of his service during the war. Then I said, “I see you have a Purple Heart there.” He said, “That’s right.” I said, “Well, sir, I sure do appreciate your service.” And then I asked him, “Where were you wounded?” He paused for moment and then with a good-natured smile said, “Well, son, I was shot in the backside.” Actually, he might have used another word to describe the location of his injury. I love that story because it shows what we know about so many of our veterans: even though they may have endured the horror of war, they do not project bitterness and instead look to the positive – with their words, their deeds, or, as in this case, their disarming sense of humor.

Let me begin by saying that it is a great honor to represent the Fifth District of Virginia in the United States Congress, and it is a particular honor to represent Bedford and this National D-Day Memorial. I often consider the important role that the people of the Fifth District have played in the founding and the preservation of our great nation. Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison of course are notable founders who had homes in the Fifth District – in fact, we here are especially proud of the fact that Jefferson had a special love for Bedford and his home at Poplar Forest – but equally important are those sites dedicated to the preservation of this great nation. It will not be long before we recognize the 150th anniversary of the day our nation was reunited at Appomattox Court House. And, of course, here we are, at this magnificent memorial that represents the supreme sacrifice of not just one small town in Virginia but the sacrifice of all towns across America -- on a day on the beaches of Normandy that was critical to preserving freedom for our country and for our allies.

I believe that it is fitting that this memorial was located here in Bedford. What a beautiful town. It might have been located on a battlefield, on the mall in Washington, or in a big city somewhere. However, I think this setting is truly appropriate because it perfectly represents the small towns all across America that nurtured and taught our soldiers about duty, honor, courage, sacrifice, and love for family and for peace. These are peaceful towns where these young men were taught that greater love hath no man than that he give up his life for his friend – where these young men were taught that blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God. So when these young men were called to defend their nation, they left their small towns, and they served valiantly to preserve peace.

We all know that during the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, our nation dug deeply for the cause of freedom. On that day, America sent her sons, husbands, and fathers into the unimaginable fury of hell for the sake of our country and our friends and for the sake of peace. The stories are hard to tell, the stories are hard to hear, but it is important that we listen to these stories and that we never forget the sacrifices of those who fought on that day.

So we will not forget. And as important as it is to honor the past, it is equally important to draw inspiration from this past and to be guided by the lessons from this history. And we need those lessons now more than ever.

Our struggle for peace continues. We will recall that ten years ago when we were here at the dedication of this Memorial, our nation was a different place. And while we perhaps believed it was a time of peace, little did we know what awaited us. We would not know until September 11, 2001. We remember the bright blue sky and we will never forget the unimaginable images of horror as our innocent nation was attacked – nor will we forget that while innocent souls fled to safety, brave men and women ran to Ground Zero and scaled cliffs of a different kind in the World Trade Center towers to save their fellow Americans from fiery death.

And that was only the beginning. Now ten years later there are thousands of brave American soldiers who have answered the call of duty and have gone to the defense of our nation in Iraq, Afghanistan, and across the world. There is no doubt that it is because of these men and women currently serving in uniform that our children are able to go to school in peace and sleep soundly in their beds at night. They are the reason that we are able to gather here today in peace. It has been a great honor to be able to visit some of these brave men and women at the Capitol in Washington and at the Walter Reed hospital in Maryland.

And at the same time we must remember that today’s soldier follows in the footsteps of those who have gone before. So, to those of you here today who are veterans, the proud granite arch behind me is a physical tribute to your legacy. But, frankly, the more important legacy you have given us is freedom and it is the example you have set for those who defend us today. Let us be clear, the courage of these brave men and women who have fought this war on terror for the last ten years is your legacy. Their valor is your legacy. Their sacrifice is your legacy. Their peacemaking is your legacy. For this I thank you on behalf of our country, on behalf of the people of the Fifth District, on behalf of my family, and on behalf of my three boys who are able to sleep soundly in their beds at night because of you.

Let me close with this: Last summer, Kathy and I took our boys to visit Arlington Cemetery. What a beautiful and peaceful place to reflect on the sacrifices of every generation. We went to the Tomb of the Unknowns where we watched the changing of the guard. I was struck by the unflinching and unwavering commitment to duty and honor while the Old Guard kept watch over the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I had been there before, but I had never appreciated the inscription on the tomb of these so-called unknowns. I realized that day what the tomb actually says: “Here rests in honored glory an American Soldier known but to God.” We always talk of the tomb of the unknowns – but really that is not what the tomb says at all – and what an important distinction it is to consider. I realized that it means that while all of those who sacrificed for us over the generations may be unknown to us – and certainly most of those who have ever sacrificed for this nation are unknown to us personally – we should be reminded; we should take comfort; and we should be assured that these brave men and women may be unknown to us, but they will always be known to God. And that we will not forget.

God bless our servicemen here and abroad, God bless our veterans here and at rest, and God Bless the United States of America. Thank you.

Monday, June 06, 2011


D-Day June 6, 1944

Not found in the June 6, 2011, Roanoke Times paper.
However, there was a very large and flowery spread on the German WW2 POW’s Interned in the local area in the June 5th paper.
These RT Editorial Girls have very strange priorities!
D-Day is the focal point for honoring those who secured the beach-heads and opened the pathway into Europe for the Allied victory over the 3rd Reich.
It was the largest amphibious landing ever conducted.
Bedford Virginia is host to the D-Day Memorial because it suffered 23 soldiers KIA on June 6th, the highest percentage of lost soldiers of any community in the US.
The National Guard unit from Bedford was:
Company A, 116th Infantry Regiment of the 29th Division
10th Anniversary of the D-Day Memorial in Bedford Virginia
Monday, June 6, 2011 at 11:00
Short D-day Video Clip
Movie: Longest Day
Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Book and Play: Bedford Goes To War
Book: The Bedford Boys

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Another HIV+AIDS News Article That Hides The Malfeasance

Roanoke Times, 6-5-11, Pg 1 &12: 30 years and hoping for a cure.
Roanoke Times, 6-5-11, Pg Horiz 1 & 4: The HIV Story Far From Over
Two very good article that summarizes the 30 years of HIV+AIDS progression of technical knowledge and drug innovation and experimentation and massive worldwide increases in infections; without ever touching on the governmental malfeasance that has significantly contributed to this pandemic in the US.
Starting 2-22-05 this blog has encouraged the media to step forward and highlight the governmental refusal to adopt the basic public health processes and systems used for all other major communicable diseases since the time of Typhoid Mary. They certainly haven’t shirked from drunk drivers and gun violence but they refuse to engage in this massive pandemic.
The following is a brief list of over a dozen blog items that ultimately can be viewed as “whistling while passing the graveyard” of thousands of innocent good people who were not protected and in may places in the US are still not protected by their governments laws and public health workers and systems.
HIV+AIDS is the most deadly concealed weapon in the world yet in most places we continue not to include HIV+AIDS as an STD and to not identify and isolate those who knowingly are committing homicide upon innocent people.
The media and the public need to demand a consistent and uniform nationwide public health process to bring this pandemic under control and protect innocent people as is done for all other major communicable diseases.
Prior Items:

Saturday, June 04, 2011


Obama & Holder The Real Suppliers of Illegal Guns to Mexican Gangs

Still not found in the Roanoke Times and hard to find in any of the liberal media.

The stonewalling and obstruction of justice by Obama and his AG Holder is so obscene and blatant that 31 Democrat Congressmen have sent Obama a directed letter to: Stop Stonewalling the investigation of thousands of guns illegally sold across the border to Mexican outlaws. Click to read the memo and check the signatories:
For the past two years Obama, Holder and Clinton have hyped-up the media that lack of proper gun-control was the primary reason US guns were showing-up in Mexico.
One such gun was connected to the murder of a US Border Agent in Mexico. Turns out that the gun was part of the Obama-Holder illegal “Project Gunrunner”; therefore, our own government illegally supplied the illegal gun that killed one of our own people.
When the President and the US Attorney General obstruct justice, where do we go to get justice?
Sounds like a rerun of “WaterGate” doesn’t it! Only the outcome of this caper was murder!
Extract of RoanokeSlant Blog Item: Friday, May 06, 2011
Guns Linked to US AG Eric Holder Kill American Border Agent in Mexico
Not found in the Roanoke Times!
Border Agent and former marine Brian Terry was killed by Mexican Terrorists Dec 2010 while driving on a public highway.
In now appears certain that the Terrorists used guns that have been traced back to a program by US AG Eric Holder. The Obama-Holder scheme involved smuggling illegal guns to Terrorists in Mexico so that they could embellish their public relations program for outlawing guns along the Mexican border and for outlawing some specific types of guns in general.
Click for the complete blog item:

Friday, June 03, 2011


Roanoke Times Running Free Obama Reelection Ads Full of Misinformation & Disinformation

Roanoke Times, 6-1-11, Pg 6: Things look rosy for second Obama term. He is benefiting from achievements and the absence of negatives political experts say.
Seventy square inches of unadulterated free proObama political propaganda and hype. These Roanoke Times Editorial Girls have no shame or remorse. They’re reminiscent of Russia’s Pravda crowd.
So what are some of the Negatives that Obama doesn’t have:
RT, same page: House votes down debt limit proposal with 82 Democrats voting against the Obama proposal to raise the debt limit with no spending cuts.
RT, same paper, Pg 10: Index hits new low as home prices take a ‘double dip’
RT, same paper, Pg 10: Higher prices cause huge drop in consumer confidence, a key indicator of health for 70% of the nation’s economy.
RT, 6-2-11, Pg 3: The administration said the $14 BILLION losses on taxpayer money given to GM & Chrysler are less than expected and a good thing.
(since when is loosing $14 Billion of tax dollars a good thing?)
(not mentioned were the widows, orphans and retirement funds that lost all their bond investments as part of the Obama-GM-TakeOver --- for many their life savings)
Pg 8: Shortages and $4 gas have stalled US auto sales in May.
USAToday, 6-2-11, Pg 1: Dow drops 280 points on sour economic news.
Pg 1: Treasury Bond 10 year yields fall to 2.9% -- (Another Obama ‘good thing” for retirees and retirement funds that depend on this income)
Pg 4B: Sluggish manufacturing & hiring pull stocks into a hole. High energy prices negatively impacting the economy.
RT, 6-3-11, Pg 1 & 7: Recovery losing steam based on manufacturing, car sales, home prices and unemployment claims all pointing to a weakening economy.
RT, Pg 7: Economists say recovery may see prolonged slowing.
RT, Pg 7: Pinched by gas costs, shoppers pull back.
(sure looks like a double-dip recession --- doesn’t it!)
Much of the middle-east is in turmoil and chaos with no clear Obama strategy or plan to guide the outcomes to be compatible with American and Israeli interests. GITMO is still open and the 9/11 and Ft. Hood bad guys have not been tried and executed and Obama still can’t say “Radical Muslim Terrorist”.
A cursory view of the above data, much of which is buried within the RT papers should cause one to wonder if the RT Editors are brain-dead in order to run a free Obama political ad with the heading: “Things look rosy for second Obama term. He is benefiting from achievements and the absence of negatives political experts say”.
Don’t these girls read their own paper and follow the real news?
Obama may well be reelected but that will be the result of Republicans once again causing self-inflicted wounds upon themselves with lots of TeaPary assistance and not because Obama doesn’t have lots of big negatives.  Also the big indebted labor unions, George Soros & associates and the massive liberal press will employ all means possible to reelect Obama.
Yet more Obama negative 'nonnegative' news:
RT, Pg 1 & 3: Unemployment back up to 9.1%:  Bleak jobs report for May dampens hopes of steady recovery from recession.  "Plunge in jobs refuels doubts about recovery"
Are the RT Editorial Girls reading these news items or what? 
Prior Like Items:

Thursday, June 02, 2011


Yet Again The Roanoke Times Unable To Tell The Whole Truth

Roanoke Times, 6-1-11, Pg 1 & 6: Republicans are playing a dangerous game of political brinkmanship that’s gone on too long.
The House of Reps Tues voted against a “clean” debt-limit increase – one with no budget cuts attached that was defeated 318 – 97.
Nowhere does it explain that 82 (that’s eighty-two) DEMOCRAT Congressmen voted against this measure which they had lobbied for in the first place.
Apparently there are some Democrats, somewhere, that understand that our country is at financial risk and economic break-down.
Quick, someone tell the girls at the Roanoke Times editorial staff.
Obama and the Democrats are well into a second year with NO BUDGET and not a single proposal to curtail the Obama $1.4 TRILLION yearly deficit nor are they addressing or stabilizing and reversing the $14.5 TRILLION national debt.
The latest story is that Joe Biden is working on it! What could possibly go wrong with that?
The Democrat game plan is simple: We’re the party of giving handouts to the over 50% of the people who don’t pay Federal Income Taxes, while taking away a large percentage of the money earned by the less than 50% that work and pay taxes.
It’s simple; it’s all in Carl Marx’s book written long ago.
Why is it so hard for the editors of the Roanoke Times to present true and valid and fair political news?
Some Selected prior items:

This New York Weiner’s Not Kosher

Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner of NY (who aspires to be the next mayor of NYC) is having trouble explaining a Twitter photo from his account to a college girl. Apparently the photo is an up-close frontal view of a male spandex brief (apparently very brief). The late-night stand-ups are having a field day with the weiner thing.
Weiner made things worse by using his typical nasty and hostile persona with the press as he made a word-smithed kinda denial thing. He has refused to file a formal complaint with authorities (if he really did send it – the reporting would then be a crime).
Weiner uses the nasty in your face approach to political dialogue reminiscent of other NY Congressmen like Joe Resnick of Ellenville NY and Maurice Hinchey of Saugerties NY and Maxine Waters from where-ever.
Apparently this style works well on offense but not so much on defense.
Recently the Democrats demanded that Congressman Chris Lee Resign After Shirtless Photo of him was posted on Internet. Apparently the Democrats are very sensitive to shirtless Republican men, not so much pant-less Democrat men. Just more Democrat hypocrisy!


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