The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


ClimateGate 2.0

Yet another batch of Alarmist Emails that further erode the public’s view of the pseudo-scientists promoting the Gore and Socialist agendas.
First it was the temperature, then it was the climate, then it was the sea levels and now its bad storms and nasty weather. All these things and more are being displayed on a “wheel of alarm” that gets spun at every left-wing media opportunity.
And once again UVAs Mann and his associate Jones from ClimateGate 1.0 are exposed as Alarmist-operatives instead of professional scientists; for example:
“Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden,” Jones writes in another newly released email. “I’ve discussed this with the main funder (U.S. Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”
Is this indicative of the work of serious scientists and our government employees upon which we should be changing our entire energy systems to an intermittent, expensive and unproven alternative?
Forbes  11-16-11   Chilling Thoughts For Global-Warming Alarmists
The WSJ’s Climategate 2.0 by J. Delingpole describes the unprofessional communications between Alarmists, the UN’s IPCC and selected US Representatives.
Washington Times EDITORIAL: A climate of fraud
Forbes OpEd 11-23-11  Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate
The unprofessional and unethical behavior of the IPCC and Alarmists, all of whom are primarily funded by taxpayers, stands in stark contrast to Paul Allen's institute for Brain Science funded by private and corporate money.
The WSJ,  OPINION, NOVEMBER 30, 2011.Why We Chose 'Open Science' By Paul Allen cofounder of MicroSoft.  To accelerate research breakthroughs on brain diseases, the Allen Institute puts all its data online for use without fees..
The most disturbing of all this activity is the one-world socialist agenda of wealth-redistribution and retribution. The Medieval Warm Period was good to the least of societies people, and the Little Ice Age was very bad for them. All this happened without any contribution by any bad Americans and Al Gore and his charlatan friends weren't there to make millions of dollars exploiting natures ever changing climate and weather and environments.
Apparently many "Greenies" are like watermelon's: green on the outside, pink on the inside.
Global Warming Alarmist Still Co-opting 1984 DoubleSpeak
The Medias Hypocrisy of “The Carbon Footprint”
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:

Barney Frank’s SubPrime Departure

Roanoke Times, 11-29-11, Pg 3: Barney Frank, D-Mass, opts to retire after this term
Barney was indeed a powerful Democrat Congressman. So powerful that his wrong-headed and misguided drive extended homeownership to millions who could not afford “the cost of ownership” and who didn’t even understand what that means.
Barney used his position and power to intimidate and harangue both the government and private mortgage entities to massively lower the qualifications for a mortgage.
Once the qualification gate was open all types of exploiters jumped on the wagon with unique and creative and highly risky methods of issuing and bundling and selling these “doomed to failure” loans. As the “subprime” program went, so went the housing industry and then the banks and then the US economy.
What an incredible leader this Barney Frank turned out to be!
Barney Frank’s name is now synonymous with our economic crash just as Benedict Arnold’s name is synonymous with treason and Mudd with Lincoln’s assassination.
No kind words from John Kerry or any other left-wing looser will candy-coat the legacy that Barney Frank has left behind that has been six years in the making with no clear end in sight.
Some YouTube highlights of interest:
Barney Frank, 2005: What Housing Bubble?
Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis.
Prior Items:
Franking The Banks And The Taxpayers
And helping Barney crash the housing industry was Chris Dodd
Democrats at Wheel in SubPrime Crash

Monday, November 28, 2011


Bush Health Law helps lower cost of drugs

Roanoke Times, 11-28-11, Pg 1, 12: “ObamaCare” Health law helps lower cost of drugs.
The RT editors credit ObamaCare with the benefits of the Medicare Part-D drug program all the way to the small print at the end of the article way back in small print on Pg 12.
This program was disparaged by the Editors of the Roanoke Times and their Democrat friends throughout the legislative process and the programs introduction.
It was Bush and Republicans in Congress that spearheaded the senior drug program to help reduce the financial impacts of drug costs on seniors. The program covers 47 MILLION older and disabled people and about nine in 10 have some kind of prescription plan.
All this was done WITHOUT ObamaCare and the associated nationalization of the healthcare system by the Democrat Washington bureaucracy.
Congress had the ability, since the outset of Part-D, to give a uniform coverage to all Medicare recipients. The Democrat controlled Senate and Congress and Obama had ample opportunity to modify the program.  The current ObamaCare plan sets out a schedule to do so by 2012.
So why does the Roanoke Times Headline present the main message of this story as crediting ObamaCare for “lowering cost of drugs”?
Why wasn’t Bush and the Republican Congress credited with this program up-front?
Why was ObamaCare and therefore Obama presented as the focus of Medicare Part-D?
The improvement of the benefits for the so called “doughnut hole” people is indeed good for those impacted by it, but it is in fact a small fraction of those who benefit from the Bush program.
Why can’t the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times present a balanced and fair picture instead of being a portal and media outlet for the Obama reelection committee?

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Roanoke Times Wanders Far From Their Founders Message

Roanoke Times, 11-27-11, Pg Horiz 1: Roanoke Times at 125 years old.
Major one page spread with nice photogenic picture of the president and publisher.
First editorial, Nov 30, 1886, by Mr. Claytor, first owner and editor of the Roanoke Times outlines the paper’s philosophy including:
• It has no pets to reward and no enemies to put down.
• It will endeavor to be truthful.
• It is the mouthpiece of no order, corporation, party nor clique.
• To the fostering of our infant manufactories, to the development of our mineral resources and the cultivation of our fertile fields, must we direct our best efforts if we would make this Southern land of ours blossom as the rose.
It is likely that, from his view on high, Mr. Claytor has been reading the Roanoke Times and for the past five years The RoanokeSlant. We can be sure that his conclusion is that the Editors of the RT have wandered far from his 1886 objectives relative to economic, social and political issues and ideology and that the RoanokeSlant is reflecting the conscience of his editorial challenges; trying valiantly to adjust the current Editorial left-wing trajectory.
The 1500 items in the RoanokeSlant clearly have documented a long term inherit and pervasive slant and bias in not only the editorial and commentary content of the RT but in the selection, heading and location of news articles and content. The Editors commitment to the Progressive Liberal and Democrat ideology, programs and practitioners is clearly not consistent with Mr. Claytor’s direction for the Roanoke Times.
Perhaps this 125th Anniversary would be a good time for the Editors of the Roanoke Times to rededicate themselves to Mr. Claytor’s philosophy and objectives of equity and fairness and neutrality. The court oath is a good guide: the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The major election year of 2012 will be a good opportunity and test of making a significant change in direction. Wish them well for it’s indeed difficult to change the wayward ways of designing women.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Obama The Russian Thanksgiving Turkey

Roanoke Times, 11-24-11, Pg 9: Russia wants binding agreement on missile shield
Nice how the Editorial Girls at the RT hid this MAJOR Obama foreign affairs failure in small print on Pg 9; section: “around the word”. It might be interesting to know what these girls “wouldn’t do” for Obama! Talk about your Star Struck Groupies!
Here’s just a short summary of Russia having “The Obama Turkey” for Thanksgiving:
The Russian tanks and troops rolled over and annexed two provinces of Poland; “Obama The Turkey” didn’t even gobble.
Russia forced “Obama The Turkey” to cancel missile defenses for Poland and the Czech Republic; not even a gobble.
Obama has “begged” (he’s excellent at bowing and kowtowing) Russia multiple times for help to constrain Iran’s nuclear weapons program; Russian response: Nyet ! “Obama The Turkey”; not even a gobble.
And now Russia has declared that if the US and its allies in Europe unilaterally deploy a missile shield, even if it’s only radar systems, Russia will target those facilities with its offensive missile systems.
“Obama The Turkey” is hiding behind his “Occupy Army” for Thanksgiving.
The Obama foreign strategy of appeasement is a “Turkey” now just as it was for Neville Chamberlain in 1939.  Appeasement in the Middle East and with Russia will result in increasing confrontations and isolation of the US and our allies.
Obama and the last sled dog are “Leading from the rear”.
Bad Leadership Location: no matter where the sled may go, their view is always the same.
And yet again at a most opportune time, Thanksgiving Address to the nation, Obama could not bring himself to include God in his message.
What a stark contrast to Lincoln's Thanksgiving Address in 1863:
Are the good times over for good?  It's all up to the 2012 voters!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Student Suspensions NOT Just Stupid Kid Stuff

Roanoke Times, 11-20-11, Pg. Horiz 2: Editorial: Student Suspensions Just Stupid Kid Stuff. Teach children to behave in school. Sending tens of thousands of students home for minor infractions neither corrects their behavior nor improves their schools’ ability to stop disruptions. Most suspensions are for stupid kid stuff like being disrespectful or disruptive or misusing electronics.
This lengthy thesis on Virginia schools’ actions to try to keep a semblance of classroom decorum in order to foster a teaching-learning environment is the most permissive, misdirected and misinformed diatribe I’ve ever read on this subject.
This is most interesting because this blog has challenged the Roanoke Times Editorial Girls, many times since 2005, to come out of their cocoons’ and gain direct personal knowledge of the public school’s challenges in educating as many of our students as possible. Each and every one of these Editors needs to be a substitute teacher one day a week in the Roanoke School System for a year.
After a career as an engineer in industry, I taught math and science classes for 6 years in a Virginia public school at both the Middle and High school levels. The behaviors that result in students being sent home are not “just stupid kid stuff”. They are actions and behaviors that would result in firings and terminations at the Roanoke Times.
The following blog items describe the educational challenges we have and the many issues caused by students who are dedicated to the premise that they are not going to learn and that they will ensure no one else does either.  What a joy for educators and students who want to learn!
The most basic first question is: “Where are the parents and what are they doing”?
Oh, right, it’s the village thing!
Outstanding Additional Followup Article:  by Ms. Betty G. Price of Roanoke
School discipline begins at home

Coal Jobs Good-News Discounted

Roanoke Times, 11-20-11, pg 3: BIG HEADLINE: Coal jobs at 14-year high in Appalachia. Data show employment has increased even as the government tightens environmental rules.
Heartwarming quotes by academics and bureaucrats that jobs are actually increasing because of Obama policies and his threat to “bankrupt any power company that builds a new power plant that burns coal”.
BUT then, in small print, at the very end of the article:
However, the current increase in jobs comes amid government projections that coal production in central Appalachia will decline rapidly through the rest of the decade.
Doctor to patient on the phone: Your tests show you only had 8 days to live.  The bad news is we've been trying to contact you for the past week.
Just more Roanoke Times “bait and switch” biased and slanted journalism!
What a team!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Obama: The Rhinestone Cowboy

Roanoke Times, 11-17-11, Pg 1: Obama: US does not fear China
An expanded US military footprint in Australia will be a visible response to a growing China.
It was bad enough that Obama is saying this jive, but it’s even worse for the Major Liberal Media to repeat it in a positive and uplifting manner!
Where is all the media Rhetoric about “The George Bush Cowboy Thing”?

We are broke and per USAToday, 6-7-11, pg 1 and 4A: US Owes $62 TRILLION in unfunded obligations that amounts to $534,000 per household. And Congress refuses to address a reduction of $1.4 Trillion over the next 10 years.
Does Obama know that China holds a massive amount of our debt and is the biggest exporter to this Country? Why is he down in Australia running his mouth when he should be here taking an axe to our obscene spending and getting us to a balanced budget?
And this ridiculous bluster at the very time Obama and Panetta are so scared of Iran that they are warning Israel not to undertake a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities for fear of Iran’s retaliation. Exactly how stupid are we looking to the world!
And what has Obama done to Iran over the plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador in the US?
And this is all OK with the Liberal Media! How myopic is that?
We clearly need NEW Hope and Change in November 2012.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Dumbing Down Education And Our Country

Roanoke Times, 11-13-11, Pg 5: Minority legislators oppose (No Child Left Behind) law rewrite plans.
It’s not just the Congress that is working on “dumbing down” the NCLB law and its demands upon the education system to “shape up or ship out”; it’s also Obama who by “executive decree” is bypassing the law’s requirements for steady and continuous improvement in performance and outcomes.
Obama’s priority is to placate his teacher’s union associates and their contributions to his campaign and supply troops for his “Obama Street Army”.
So who wants’ to keep the educators feet to the fire? It’s the civil and minority and disabilities rights groups! Whoa; who could have seen that group supporting Bush’s NCLB and strict standards for educational performance?
It’s not clear why every parent of every student and representatives of all those who hire our workers are not included in objecting to these negative changes and demanding improvements in our educational system.
Our tax investment of over $12,000 per year per student ($156,000 per graduate) is not resulting in our people’s ability to compete and excel in a world-centric economic system. The US lags behind many of the world’s students. We need academic standards and the associated tests to validate that the standards are being met.
Our liberal media have also not been helpful in addressing the basic issues involved. Like sheep following the Judas-goat they are satisfied to be part of the problem instead of part of the solution. How sad!
Yet Another Misdirected Roanoke Times Rant About Schools

Sebelius – Obama’s Shredder Girl

Roanoke Times, 11-10-11, Pg 6: Judge Tosses (49 of 107) charges in Planned Parenthood case.
Documents central to the case were destroyed.
Roanoke Times, 11-11-11, Pg 4: Shredded files at focus of abortion case questions.
The Kansas Health Dept destroyed many evidence files in 2005.
The State AG obtained access to the backup files.
The Kansas Health Dept then destroyed the backup files in 2009
So, who was in charge of all this destruction and shredding of legal files involved in a criminal case?
It was Democrat Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (and associates) who now is Obama’s ObamaCare HHS Secretary!
What could possibly go wrong having Kathleen “The Shredder Girl” Sebelius in charge of the biggest malfeasance program that Obama has originated?
These were little-bitty articles tucked back in the RT under “Around the Nation”. Bet not many readers picked up on that! Sure would have been BIG print front page coverage if Bush’s Sec. of HHS was involved in destroying evidence in a criminal case!
Not to worry, Obama’s AG Holder will take care of any fallout or follow-up.
If a document shredder were running in Sebelius’ Office, would anyone hear it?
The sad truth is that for every juvenile abortion there are three (3) felony's committed:
Sex with an underage person ------- Felony 1
Conspiracy to hide a felony --------- Felony 2
Destruction of the DNA evidence – Felony 3

Just more Hope and Change we have come to expect from the Obama-Team!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Obama’s Occupy Street Army Removal

After major coverage of Obama’s Occupy Army (multiple stories with great photos) by the Roanoke Times and their Liberal Major Media partners, all telling us how good and valid and justifiable this mess has been –- it now appears that even left-wing NYC Mayor Bloomberg (a Top 1% percenter) has finally faced the reality of who these people are and what they are all about!
An appropriate rhetorical question would be: What Conservative organizations would be coddled and pampered and tolerated like these gross and obscene occupiers have been over many months in many sites and how would they have been portrayed by the major media?
At least 70 protesters are arrested Tuesday (11-15-11) after NYPD issued eviction notices to 'Occupy' protesters at Zuccotti Park citing health reasons. Protesters were told they could return after the park has been cleaned, but without sleeping bags, tarps or tents.
Click Link for Pictures
The Face of Obama’s Occupy Street Army:
Some interesting details about Zuccotti Park Ownership by David S. Levine, Hobe Sound
“But most degenerate of all are the private owners of Zuccotti Park, on whose board we find the live-in girlfriend of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and who employ Joe Biden's son as a corporate attorney. So, from the lowlife forms in the park to the upper levels of liberalism we see their vision of America's future. If normal Americans want to see reasons to replace liberals with conservatives, look no further than Zuccotti Park and the "occupiers" of America.”

Sunday, November 13, 2011


More Roanoke Times 1984 Immigration Double Speak

Roanoke Times, 11-13-11, Pg Horiz 1: GOP attacks on immigrants could backfire
A 3 x 18 inch dissertation espousing the positives of immigrants and how the GOP is maligning them.
After reading the article several times, I could not find the word ILLEGIAL! Just as Orwell so well described in “1984” a key part of deception is using “Double Speak”. In this case let’s not distinguish between “Immigrants” and “Illegal Immigrants”. That way anyone proposing that “illegal immigrants” are a systemic problem is clearly racist and nasty and deserves to be shunned.
Based on this article, it hasn’t taken Ms. Nuckols very long to join the Editorial Girls Left-wing Sorority at the Roanoke Times.
Note to the RT Editorial Girls and all Liberals:
        Illegal is not a race, It’s a crime!
There is no other country in the world that does not rigorously control immigration into their communities. To disparage those who propose that we enforce the immigration laws of the US certainly reaches a new level of hypocrisy.
We should all reflect on and heed Teddy Roosevelt’s 1907 speech:
     Click graphic to enlarge:

What an appropriate and timely message for all immigrants for all time!
Both of my parents were “Legal Immigrants” and complied with every element of Teddy's proclamation.
It’s too bad for our Country that the Progressive-Liberals have made this policy “politically incorrect”.
To add insult to injury a California school principal did not violate the freedom of speech of a group of students who wore American flags on their shirts on Cinco de Mayo when he told them to turn the shirts inside out or go home, a federal judge has ruled.
What a sad commentary on the status of Americanism and Patriotism in our once great Country and what a sad prelude to Veterans Day and all it represents.
Gee Toto; I'm not sure we're in America anymore!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Economic Policy, Data, Forecasts: Sad and Bad

Roanoke Times, 11-9-11, Pg 7:
Bad weather has reduced the corn yield driving up food costs
     (this is compounded by the Ethanol in gasoline mandates)
Gas prices to set record highs next year
     (more money and jobs leave the US)
Va. farm bureau: expect Thanksgiving meal to cost more
     (energy costs impact all products)
More Americans late in paying mortgages
     (so much for the stimulus and bail-out claims and political spin)
Wall Street: European debt crisis impacting American economics
     (the US unfunded obligations are immense – we’re the next Greece – we already have the Occupy Rioters)
Pg 16: Obama excluded Virginia from oil exploration coastal map.
     (Va. Dem. Sen’s Web and Warner ask for a decision redo)
11-11-11, Pg 6: Obama delays Intercontinental oil pipe line until after his reelection
     (so much for energy independence and jobs any time soon )
All this sad bad news in just one paper that loves Obama. Image the news if Bush were still President.
Obama and his Administration are acting in arbitrary, capricious and negative ways that are aggravating our current problems and developing major new problems of his own making.
At some point the tax-paying and working American people are going to wake-up and smell the Obama Malfeasance; hopefully that will be in time for the 2012 elections.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Veterans Day 2011

The 11the hour of the 11th day of the 11th month:
The time the peace agreement between Germany and the Allies took effect in 1918 after four years of fighting.
Lest we forget: Britain comes to a standstill on this Armistice Day to remember those brave heroes who fought and died for the country
A fitting and proper remembrance of this special day is the President Lincoln Gettysburg Address:
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's prayer for American victory and for the protection of U.S. forces abroad:
Recorded audio from the original June 6, 1944 radio broadcast.
There is a major effort to include this prayer upon a plaque at the WW2 Memorial in DC.
Sadly there are those who oppose doing so:
Perhaps Political Correctness has overshadowed even this simple old poem:
God and the soldier we adore
In times of danger, not before
The danger past, and all wrongs righted
God’s forgotten and the soldier slighted
A contribution to the Franklin County High School Memorial Scholarship in memory of Cpl. Jared Kubasak, KIA in Iraq, would be a fitting tribute to his supreme sacrifice and a positive assistance to a worthy FCHS graduate.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


Thankful Roanoke Times Opinions Don’t Count For Much

Roanoke Times
11-6-11, Pg 8: Dan Casey – tell us for what you are grateful?
11-6-11, Pg Horiz-2: RT Editors endorse Ward Armstrong
11-9-11, Pg 1, 9: Poindexter ousts Armstrong

RT writer Dan Casey wants lots of input for an article on “why we’re thankful at Thanksgiving.” Based on yesterday’s voting results most folks in the area are “Happy and Thankful That Roanoke Times Opinions Don’t Count for much.”
Two items of particular focus are the Poindexter-Armstrong House race and the Franklin County School Board races.
The RT Editorial Board’s endorsement and support for Ward Armstrong was misplace and based on Party not Performance. Armstrong’s ineffective representation over many years was ignored by the RT Editors and instead they based their endorsement on political control of the State Assembly and not service to the constituents of SouthSide Virginia.
Fortunately the majority of voters of SouthSide ignored The RT endorsement and the Democrat campaign of misdirected hostility toward AEP, the purpose of which was to hide the flawed Obama and Democrat Energy Policy.
Click on the following items for this blogs enlightened view of Armstrong vs. Poindexter.
The RT Editors also endorsed all the incumbents of the Franklin County School Board in direct conflict with their own paper’s recent coverage of the financial and oversight shortfalls by the incumbents (apparently the RT Editors either don’t read, or can’t understand their own news articles). School Boards are like Boards of Directors. They have the responsibility to monitor and guide those administrators they hire to accomplish the implementation of policy.
Clearly the incumbents have not provided adequate oversight and they have failed to demand proper accountability. They have not even asked the right questions to establish transparency of the administrative processes and performance.
The voters of Franklin County replaced three of the four members that were running. They were replaced primarily because they unwittingly abdicated their oversight responsibilities to a highly paid supposedly professional Administrator-Superintendent who did things his way, not necessarily the right way.
The voters and taxpayers sent a message that change needs to happen.
The RT Editors are so pleased with Obama’s changes, why aren’t they more receptive to the changes that local voters want?
Message to editors – the voters are also your potential market. Your constant biased and slanted news, views and opinions are not winning hearts or minds or readership. Apparently you-all need a new plan and direction. Reading this blog may prove to be helpful.

Obama Class Warfare Extended to Generational Warfare

Roanoke Times, 11-7-11, Pg 1, 12: In US younger getting poorer; Older households now have 47 times the wealth of younger households.
And I’ll bet that many of those nasty rich old people are also in the 1% Obama is targeting for government “wealth extraction”.
What most young people have is what they always have had – debt. They don’t own anything because they have never done anything. As the youngsters of the tribe they don’t have any cattle or goats or sheep. So they have to be shepherds’ helpers until they earn their way up to be shepherds and then accumulate sheep of their own so they can then “obtain” a wife who hopefully will bring a bountiful dowry to add to their union.
When one buys a house they don’t have an asset. They have tens of thousands of debt. In reality the bank owns the house for 20 to 30 years until the mortgage is paid-up. The same process applies to cars, appliances and furniture.
Financially successful old people (you know, those with 47 times as much stuff as young people) have paid-off their debts over a life-time and therefore have positive net assets and savings.
So what is the purpose of writing and publishing a BIG FRONT PAGE story that points out this obvious historical situation that has applied to every culture since we gathered into tribes; unless the authors and publishers objective is to expand Obama’s Class Warfare into Generational Warfare!
Let’s now expand the Obama-Marx envy and jealousy (10th Commandment challenged followers) into Retirement Facility occupiers. Then let’s confiscate the assets of these nasty rich old people. After all, how much wealth do they need, their next big event is to die and hopefully quickly on ObamaCare’s FastTrack system. What a wonderful environment Obama and his followers and supporters have created. And they call this the culture of progressive-socialism.
Gee Toto; I'm not sure we're in America anymore!

Friday, November 04, 2011


Corzine: Another Obama Political And Wall Street Looser

Not found in the Roanoke Times. Apparently Ms. Tarrant is too busy picking up her Mimmi Award for covering tragedy and trauma.
One would think covering Obama in general and this item in particular would certainly put her over the top for that award category. Go Girl!
Two victorious losers: The Tragedy and The Trauma
Jon Corzine was booted from Goldman Sachs in 1999, but not before pocketing a cool $400 million.
(How bad must one be to get booted from Goldman Sachs?)
The following year he used $62 million of that haul to buy a Democrat seat in the Senate -- the most expensive Senate campaign in history.
At the end of his first term, he spent $38 million to buy the New Jersey governorship, which he then lost in November 2009 to Republican Chris Christie. He made his way back to Wall Street, where, this week, he presided over the $41 billion bankruptcy of MF Global Holdings, the eighth largest corporate bankruptcy on record. He resigned Friday morning.
At this point Jon Corzine has not disclosed the whereabouts of ONE HALF BILLION DOLLARS of unaccounted for MF Global Holdings funds.
As a liberal senator his support for Obama's big government programs included: universal health care and gun registration, affirmative action and same-sex marriage. He's an alumnus of the Chicago crowd and he was on Obama's short list for treasury secretary.
So why doesn’t Obama sic his Street Army hounds onto Corzine? Why aren’t they camped out at his home?  At some point the Street Army people will discover that Obama’s Christmas Card List is loaded with Wall Street and K-Street biggies who have given him millions of dollars more than to any Republicans. But then again, that’s not the criteria to be singled out for abuse.

Thursday, November 03, 2011


Occupy Oakland Nasty NOT Nice!

Roanoke Times, 11-3-11, Pg 1, 3: A 150 square inch spread with wonderful pictures of protesters in Oakland, Ca; broken windows, invasion of a bank and shutdown of the Oakland Port, BUT, everyone was nice and friendly and no arrests made.
The Longshoremen’s Union supported the shutdown of the Port; shouldn’t that be labeled as sabotage; and where was Homeland Security whose job it is to guard our Ports?
If the workers at the Roanoke Times joined in efforts to shutdown the paper, would the Editorial Girls write such a friendly and flowery positive story?
Then The Reality Of Obama’s Street Army Set In:
“A protest that shut down the Port of Oakland to show the broadening reach of the Occupy Wall Street movement ended in violence when police in riot gear arrested dozens of protesters overnight who broke into a vacant building, shattered downtown windows, sprayed graffiti and set blazes along the way.”
"Oakland Police responded to a late night call that protesters had broken into and occupied a downtown building and set several simultaneous fires," the statement read. "The protesters began hurling rocks, explosives, bottles, and flaming objects at responding officers."
“At least four protesters were hospitalized Thursday with various injuries, including one needing stitches. Protesters also threw concrete chunks, metal pipes, lit roman candles and molotov cocktails, police said.”
What a nonproductive and destructive endeavor that Obama and his Democrat and Socialist Associates have launched against our people, industry and institutions during this time of great stress and difficulty. And why are the Roanoke Times and their associates in the liberal media painting this ugly situation as a nice friendly day in the park?
Prior related items:

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Roanoke Development in Floodplain

Roanoke Times, 11-2-11, Pg 1, 16: Proposed $100 million River Project viewed as downtown extension. Flooding issue is being addressed.
After spending $65 Million dollars of taxpayer money for Flood Control why is there still a floodplain that has to be a key issue in developing this property in Roanoke?
Because The Corps of Engineers couldn’t do flood control in the Roanoke River at Roanoke because the Snail Darters and the Log Perch were much more important than flood control or any future development within the floodplain!
So what was done with the $65 Million of taxpayer money – they did stream bank beautification and made a nice paved bike-walk-way. Why don’t they call it what it is, and, does anyone think this is a reasonable and prudent use of $65 Million of misdirected taxpayer money?
What a sad commentary on our system of decision making, priorities and governance. Too bad we cannot ever again build another Blue Ridge Parkway or a Smith Mountain Lake.
Long live the Snail Darters and Log Perches and Roanoke; they all deserve each other.
Flood Control NOT

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Obama and LaHood Owe Hundreds of Air Passengers $27, 500 Each

Roanoke Times, 10-31-11, Pg 3: Air passengers spent 7 hours stranded on plane
Roanoke Times, 11-1-11, Pg 3: Could airlines have responded better?

Yet another Roanoke Times headline and story berating private industry when the real culprit is Government!
So, what happened to this travel process that’s totally controlled by the Federal Government?
The Government’s Weather Bureau said it’s OK to fly.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said here’s your take-off and landing slots.
Then The Weather Bureau said the weather is now bad and you-all shouldn’t be flying
The FAA directed planes to land at totally non-planned airports
And then the Government run and controlled Airports couldn’t process the planes or their passengers
No docking-terminals available
No ground crews to dock and secure the planes
No security crews to process the incoming passengers or luggage
A total and complete break-down in Government service resulting in numbers of planes sitting out on the tarmac for hours
And what’s the headline in the Roanoke Times describing this miserable situation?
“Could airlines have responded better?
Who writes these stupid and misdirected headlines maligning industry and covering-up government malfeasance?
Obama and his stooge Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, enacted draconian penalties in 2009 directed at the airlines for excessive passenger delays. (See the following blog links for details).
So now the chickens have come home to roost yet again!
Pay the passengers the $27,500 each of taxpayer money.
They deserve to get it and the taxpayers deserve to pay as a stupidity-penalty for electing Obama.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!


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