The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Roanoke Times Finally Supports The FOIA Process For All
Roanoke Times, 3-28-12, Pg 14: Editorial: UVa keeps digging in email dispute
A new legal novelty aside, Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is clear: UVa should release climate emails.
What a nice breath of fresh air from the Editors of the Roanoke Times!
The Editors have now clearly, unequivocally and very publicly supported the Virginia FOIA for all petitioners; even AGW Global Warming Skeptics!
UVa’s protracted (taxpayer paid) fight to not comply with FOIA requests for data generated by Prof. Mann, a significant player in the AGW Global Warming Alarmist Community, stands in stark contrast to their prompt and complete release of Prof. Michael’s, a significant player in the AGW Skeptics Community, materials to the Sierra Club.
At the final conclusion of this FOIA process, this malfeasance by the UVa administrators should result in a major lawsuit against them individually and collectively holding them responsible for wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars and being in gross contempt of Virginia Law.
S. Fred Singer, PhD
Chm, Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
1600 S. Eads St., Suite 712-S
Arlington, VA 22202-2907
“Mike’s Nature Trick” Climategate comes to Ole Virginny
As an active climate scientist, I am quite familiar with the background facts that Prof Michael E. Mann (now at Penn State U.) so shamelessly distorts in his new book "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines."
First, the scientific background:
Mann’s claim to fame derives from his contentious (and now thoroughly discredited) ‘hockeystick’ research papers (in Nature 1998 and Geophysical Research Letters 1999). His idiosyncratic analysis of proxy (non-thermometer) data from sources like tree rings, ice cores, ocean sediments, etc, did away with the well-documented Medieval Warm Period (MWP -- 900-1200AD) and Little Ice Age (LIA -- 1400-1800AD) – allowing him to assert that the 20th century was the warmest in 1000 years. His temperature graph, shaped like a hockeystick (on its side) immediately became the poster child of Al Gore and the IPCC, the UN science panel, to support their claim of anthropogenic global warming (AGW).
Two Canadian statisticians, Steven McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, soon found serious errors in Mann’s analysis; they even showed that random data fed into Mann’s algorithm would produce ‘hockeysticks.’ To add insult to injury, while the 2001 IPCC report used Mann’s result to bolster its AGW claim, the most recent 2007 IPCC report no longer relies on it. Mann still defends it – sort of – and so do some of his uncritical supporters. We have had no word yet from Al Gore.
In his book, Mann distorts the e-mail record from the Climategate leak; but those e-mails have not been altered or edited in any way. They document a conspiracy among a small clique of British and US climate scientists (the “Team”) to control what goes into IPCC reports, and to keep contrary views by skeptics from being published in recognized science journals by manipulating the peer review process.
The most complete discussion can be found in “The Hockeystick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science’ by Andrew W. Montford. A more technical discussion has been ongoing in McIntyre’s blog
Mann also attempts to mislead readers by citing ‘facts.’ He does this by mixing up temperature level (measured in degrees C) with temperature trends (degC per decade) – hoping no one would notice. While current levels are high (since the climate is still recovering from the LIA), the trend has been essentially zero for more than a decade – in spite of rapidly rising CO2 concentrations.
In reading Mann’s original papers, I noticed something very strange: His temperature record (blue curve in the IPCC report) based on proxy data suddenly stops in 1978 and is joined smoothly to the thermometer record from weather stations (red curve), which shows a steep rise in temperature. By contrast, atmospheric temperatures measured from weather satellites show only insignificant warming between 1978 and 1997 -- as do the independent data from weather balloons around the world.
Puzzled by this disparity, I e-mailed Mann (then at the U of Virginia) and politely asked about his post-1978 proxy temperatures. All I got in return was a nasty reply – which only served to confirm my suspicion that Mann was hiding the data because they disagreed with the widely accepted thermometer record, which had suggested the existence of global warming. I believe that this is the true meaning of the phrase “Mike’s Nature trick,” used in the leaked Climategate e-mails -- in conjunction with “hide the decline.” It all suggests manipulation of crucial data.
Naturally, I am anxious to learn if Mann’s suppressed post-1978 data show a warming. If they don’t, then the UN-IPCC’s case for AGW collapses – and so do all policies to control the greenhouse gas CO2. These policies include emission trading (‘cap & trade’), carbon sequestration from powerplants, and various costly schemes for developing alternative, ‘Green’ forms of energy. We may have already wasted hundreds of billions of dollars – for no good purpose. If so, then Mann and his supporters have much to answer for.
The Legal Phase
In 1999, Mann joined the U. of Virginia faculty as an assistant professor and left for Penn State six years later after failing to gain tenure. In fact, he was a member of my Department of Environmental Sciences, although we did not overlap.
In 2010, Virginia’s newly elected Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli, following Virginia’s Fraud Against Taxpayers Act (FATA), issued a Civil Investigative Demand on the University for Mann’s e-mails, work notes, and other documentation. The University, a state-supported institution, has resisted this Demand, citing ‘academic freedom’ and similar excuses. They have employed a private law firm and have spent close to $1 million so far.
I am quite disappointed by my University’s opposition to releasing Mann’s e-mails to Virginia’s AG. Those e-mails could clear up the mystery of “Mike’s Nature trick” and reveal hidden data. I am told that no objection was raised when Greenpeace requested the e-mails of skeptical faculty – including mine – under the Freedom-of-Information Act (FOIA). So much for the University’s ‘principled defense’ of academic freedom.
Virginia’s Supreme Court has now turned down AG Cuccinelli’s demand, based on a technicality in the interpretation of the Virginia law. But the American Tradition Institute is trying to extract Mann’s e-mails from the University, using the FOIA. Their chance for success is good – particularly since the University now not only admits that some 12,000 emails exist (previously claimed to have been deleted) – but have released these e-mails to Michael Mann, even though he is no longer a faculty member.
As Tom Jackman reports (Washington Post, March 21): The ATI case began quietly in January 2011, with a FOIA request to U.Va. for e-mails to and from Mann and 39 people, involving five grant programs. Seven months later, U.Va. produced almost 1,800 e-mails, but said it was withholding another 12,000, which they argued were not public record, or were exempt under Virginia FOIA law 2.2-3705.4(4). The case is scheduled for argument on April 16 in Manassas (in Prince William County, Virginia), in suburban Washington, DC. From there, the case will likely begin its ascent up the appeals court ladder and is poised to make law on how Virginia institutions may use FOIA to withhold from some and give to others. Not to mention creation of an international stink -- if Mann’s e-mails show he has manipulated climate data, an accusation for which he claims to have been cleared.
As Jackman further reports, Mann said his shared interest, with U.Va., in his e-mails means they can be released to him, but not to climate skeptics. The American Tradition Institute, the conservative group hoping to show that climate scientists like Mann manipulated their data, argues that U.Va. can’t give the e-mails to one person and not another. By giving the e-mails to Mann, the University has waived any exemptions they’re claiming to the state Freedom of Information Act, ATI’s lawyer David Schnare argues.
Schnare then cites a Virginia Attorney-General’s opinion from 1983 that once a public body disseminates any record, “those records lose the exemption accorded by” FOIA. Federal case law appears to be clearer that “selective offensive to the purposes underlying the FOIA and intolerable as a matter of policy.”
As observes (March 20) “In addition, ATI has applied to depose Mann on his affidavit, a pretty standard aspect to civil cases. Mann has argued that he should not have to be deposed, with his main argument being (more or less) that ATI are bad people, a perspective frequently held by parties in civil litigation, but not relevant to mundane procedures like depositions.”
Meanwhile, a new angle has developed in Vancouver, BC. Canadian climatologist Tim Ball once jokingly wrote that “Mann should not be at Penn State but in the State Pen[itentiary].” Mann then improvidently sued Ball for libel. But this now leaves Mann open for the pre-trial discovery process, including a deposition under oath. We shall see how this case develops. Tim Ball has many ways to make the case in his defense. I am betting he will focus on the suppressed post-1978 data. It would be fitting if Mann’s data are used to destroy the IPCC’s case for AGW.
One way or other the truth will come out. And when it does, we will witness a major earthquake that will encompass IPCC scientists, politicians in America and Europe, and the UN. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait too long for this to happen.
S. Fred Singer is professor emeritus at the University of Virginia and director of the Science & Environmental Policy Project. His specialty is atmospheric and space physics. An expert in remote sensing and satellites, he served as the founding director of the US Weather Satellite Service and, more recently, as vice chair of the US National Advisory Committee on Oceans & Atmosphere. He is a Senior Fellow of the Heartland Institute and the Independent Institute. In 2007, he founded and chaired NIPCC (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change). For recent writings see and also Google Scholar. With about 2000 other scientists (including Michael Mann) who participated as Contributors or Reviewers in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
Prior blog items for Roanoke Times FOIA:
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
Global Warming Models Are Wwrong Again by William Happer - WSJ - 3-27-12
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
America Is My Name
A fitting tribute to this Great Nation
Sound ON
Click-on YouTube Link and Enjoy:
Obama: We Don't Need No Judicial Process For The Trayvon Martin Case
Roanoke Times, 3-26-12, Pg 3: Experts explore angle of hate crime in killing. But there's no evidence shooter was racist. Neighborhood watch was sensitized to prior black-male burglaries in the complex.
During the OJ fiasco and many other black on white crimes, voices rang out that there was a police rush to judgment that the black guy was the bad guy. To reinforce that premise enter into the scene Al Twana Sharpton to establish the loudest and most unpleasant and racist noises possible.
In 2007 Senator Obama embraced Sharpton and joined the team of “let’s not wait for the facts, let’s spearhead a rush to judgment and let’s play the race card” at every opportunity.
In July 2009 Obama played the White House race card stunt himself on behalf of Harvard Professor Henry Gates. Without any detailed information about the incident, Obama publicly declared that the police involved “acted stupidly”. Later, the facts proved the police acted with respect, reason and prudence! It was the black Professor that turned out to be a nasty and belligerent character – low media coverage on that part!
Now the country is subjected once again to the racist lynch mob demands that there’s no need to get the facts in the Trayvon Martin shooting case. Let’s try the case in the liberal media. To up the ante let’s all get on national TV and then go to Washington DC for a super photo-op with Jesse Jackson, Al Twana Sharpton and a cast of dozens of politicians.
Into the fray jumps Obama with his public pronouncement:
“If I had a son – he’d look like Trayvon.”
Let’s play the race card all the way to the White House. Obama has no idea what happened in Sanford Florida but apparently that’s not an inhibitor to having the President of The United States totally suborn the judicial system and the presumption of innocence.
What a contrast with Obama’s total lack of urgency to bring the 911 terrorists to justice and his indifference to bringing the Fort Hood terrorist to justice. Oh right, that’s because it wasn’t a terrorist attack by a Radical Muslim Terrorist – it was just “workplace violence”!
Isn’t it interesting that Obama and his AG Holder have declared that black on white crimes can never be prosecuted as hate crimes! It only applies to whities!
Whatever happened to the judicial process of: investigate and present the evidence to a grand jury and indict if evidence is compelling?
Now some news-light is starting to shine through and not just the racial hate and heat and smoke and nasty-noise.
Perhaps this might be an appropriate time for AG Holder to reengage with his line that America is a “Nation of White Cowards”.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Roanoke Times Exploits A Profoundly Confused Student
Roanoke Times, 3-26-12, Pg 1 and 12: Hollins University’s transgender policy accepts girl to boy transition to a point.
It’s disturbing that any newspaper would examine in detail, to the point of exploitation, the intimate personal sex life of a young college student by printing three quarters of page one and all of page twelve, including five large personal photos, all under the guise of reviewing the Hollins University transgender policy.
Three hundred and seventy-five square inches of newsprint that includes the most personal details of this young person who is going through a personal and sexual identity crisis that should be treated privately and professionally and not exploited by those who have a record of consistently exploiting nontraditional sexual norms for their own agenda (whatever that is?).
Apparently the Roanoke Times has degenerated into yet another National Enquirer type tabloid that one sees at the checkout counters. Is this what the editor’s think it takes to titillate their voyeur-readers and increase the tabloid-distribution portion of their circulation?
This article reflects a profound lack of professionalism and compassion for a very troubled youth.
Talk about a sad outcome to a once family-friendly local “news”-paper!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Obama: “I’m The Man”
Click for list of some of Obama's self-proclaimed major accomplishments:
Sound ON
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Obama's Economic Plan
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Liberal Media Hides Obama’s Debt HockeyStick
Roanoke Times, 3-21-12, Pg 5: House GOP plan revamps Medicare, cuts spending
Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., introduces his budget plan: “The Path to Prosperity”.
Obama and the Democrats demagogue the Republican efforts to get the deficits and debt under control.
Those bad Republicans! Look – they’re trying to reduce your government-freebies and handouts that Obama is paying for with more loans from China!
The Roanoke Times and their AP source nicely hid the reality of the Obama Debt HockeyStick and the devastating impacts on our economy and standard-of-living that debt encompasses (something about supporting Obama’s reelection)!
WSJ: 3-20-12, Pg A15: The GOP Budget and America’s Future by Paul Ryan
“The president’s budget gives more power to bureaucrats, takes more from taxpayers to fuel the expansion of government, and commits our nation to a future of debt and decline.”
To Enlarge: Click on Image
Are The Good Times Over For Good?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Dismal School Results – Societies Failures
Roanoke Times, 3-19-12, Pg 1 and 3: 25% of pupils don’t graduate
Roanoke Times, 3-20-12, Pg 3: Panel says schools are threat to security (75% of young adults don’t qualify to serve in the military)
WSJ, 3-20-12, Pg A14: Editorial: The Council on Foreign Relations endorses choice and competition
The fact that 25% of our students don’t graduate is not the bad news; The fact that 75% of our young people don’t qualify to serve in the military is not the bad news;
The bad news is that this great country refuses to fix the core problems that cause these dismal outcomes!
We are trapped in a system of acceptance of school rooms in which even the best teachers with the best resources with the best training with the best technology cannot teach in a broken teaching-learning environment of distraction and semi-chaos.
American 15-year-olds rank 14th in reading, 25th in math and 17th in science compared to peers in industrial countries. We graduate fewer than 5% of college students with engineering degrees (in China its 33%).
It’s not the money stupid! We spend over $12,000 per student per year!
We’re not going to change in our classrooms the dysfunctional family environments or fix the "crack-babies” or turn-around and rehabilitate incorrigible youths who ultimately are headed to Red Onion!
We must fix what we can fix – the classroom teaching –learning environment!
We must stop the madness of enabling those who cannot or will not learn from stealing the education opportunities of those students who can and want to learn!
However politically incorrect it may be, we must perform a triage of learning and separate students into multiple streams of study consistent with their learning curve capabilities and behaviors and performance.
Our teachers must be freed from fear! The fear of students-bullying them, the fear of parent’s lawyers, the fear of administrators turning on them instead of focusing on the problem students and the fear of fear itself. Teachers must revitalize their educational knowledge and skills and focus on their job and not their unions.
The liberal-progressive parents, administrators, legislators, editors and judges have allowed and enabled this situation to develop to its current nonfunctional state. It’s way past time to fix the system. Physician heal thyself! (Luke 4-23).
Monday, March 19, 2012
Rare Earth And Green Energy Conundrum
WSJ: 3-14-12, Pg 1 and 6: China to defend its limits on Rare Earth exports to US, EU and Japan; all have filed complaints with the WTO
Yet another example of the Obama Administrations ignorance of the dependencies of the technologies they are pushing to replace our current fossil-fuel and nuclear systems. China has the world’s major source of Rare Earth minerals and they are sharing very little with others.
Rare Earth materials are vital to the production of new technology batteries and magnetics required by all electric-centric vehicles and generating and operating equipment. Too bad China has most of it and isn’t sharing!
The Green Energy Reality:
China is bankrupting US solar panel manufacturers by cost and quality.
Germany is bankrupting US inverter manufactures (required to convert DC to AC)
Denmark is the largest utility wind-power manufacturer.
And Obama gave US Solyndra! What a deal!
In addition to these major challenges, the intermittent energy generation produced by these so called “alternatives” poses the major dilemma of supplying average and peak demand without an identified massive energy storage facility.
Obama and Chu have never addressed this overriding issue! How many rivers will have to be converted into peak-power twin-dam facilities with huge daily level variations making them unusable for any shared usage and how long will it take to get them in-place?
Not to worry about this whole Green Energy Alternatives thing for this year!
Obama just found out that high gasoline and energy prices are impacting his reelection campaign. He now has declared that he is the KING of DRILLING and don’t worry about those EPA-Jackson things either – at least until November!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
North Korean Appeasement Outcomes (Incoming!)
Roanoke Times, 3-17-12, Pg 5: Despite food-aid pact, North Korea satellite launch set.
3-18-12, pg 5: China concerned over planned launch.
Pres Clinton assigned Jimmy Carter and Bill Richardson to negotiate with North Korea to give them money, food, fuel and a nuclear power plant for promises to not develop nuclear weapons or long range missiles.
Pres Bush’s team determined that the North Korean’s had cheated (imagine that!) and had built both nuclear weapons and long range missiles.
Now Obama has had Bill Richardson “negotiate” yet again more of our stuff to stop further development of nuclear weapons and long range missiles.
North Korea is about to launch an intercontinental missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead all the way to Bill Richardson’s home in Albuquerque, New Mexico! Talk about karma and comeuppance! And how about all those Liberal-Progressives in LA and SF now well within North Korea’s reach! Sleep tight – Obama’s awake!
And to add incredible insult to injury, Obama and the Democrats have launched a war against development and deployment of an anti-missile defense system starting with Ronald Reagan’s so labeled “StarWars”.
In addition to North Korea we also now face a similar threat developing in Iran. Perhaps we will come to understand that we are just as vulnerable as Israel to nuclear attack with very minimal defense systems to protect us.
To Enlarge - Click on Graphic
The Democrat Neville Chamberlain Appeasement Strategy For North Korea
Obama, North Korea Missiles and ; Nuclear Weapons
Obama, Richardson & More North Korean Bribes
Starwars and; The Anti-Missile Defense Systems:
However Obama is committed to stop and scrap our anti-missile defense systems.
See his in-person video position made to his radical-left supporters on youtube:
Reflecting back to after Ronald Reagan's SDI "Star Wars" Speech March 23, 1983, the left-wing politicians and media went postal accusing Reagan of being everything from a war monger to being mentally defective.
Friday, March 16, 2012
AGW Global Warming Meets Reelection Reality
Roanoke Times, 3-6-12, Pg 4: Obama ridicules critics as gas prices keep rising.
Al Gore ran for President on a platform of increasing gasoline prices by 50 cents. His crusade to throttle and restrict fossil-fuels was greatly expanded by many of his Alarmist-followers including Steven Chu, a research scientist, who proposed that US gasoline prices must be increased to $10 per gallon to be equivalent to European prices. Obama was so elated with that concept that he made Chu his Energy Secretary responsible for shutting-down the American fossil-fuel systems.
No more drilling on Federal lands, no more off-shore drilling, no drilling in Alaska, stop surface mining for coal, shut down coal burning utilities, stop new oil pipelines, attack the new Fracking-Technology as evil and divert all US energy resources to solar panels and windmills. All this with no concept of scale, cost, adverse consequences or how to maintain a 24-7-365 national energy system.
Obama and Gore have succeeded in hobbling American’s energy systems and infrastructure. Except for oil and gas development on private and state lands where fossil fuel work continues under great negative pressure from Obama’s EPA.
NEW NEWS! Gasoline prices are increasing, and $4 to $5 gas is common, especially in the “blue” states. What to do? What to do?
Obama holds news conference: “It’s not my desire to have high gas prices in an election year!”
Chu testifying to Congress: “I’ve changed my mind! High gas prices are bad for the economy!” I’m trying to help!
The blatant disgusting hypocrisy of these charlatans is beyond belief! If they really believe man-made CO2 from burning fossil fuels is destroying the world then stand up and say so! If so, it’s not about the election STUPID! It’s about saving the world!
The total lack of creditability and candor from Obama and his minions makes one question why the major liberal media continue to follow this pied-piper like lemmings going over the cliff?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Disgusting Spectacle of American Soldiers Disarmed Before Meeting With Their Secretary of Defense
US soldiers were “ordered” to disarm during a speech by Leon Panetta, the American defense secretary:
Our armed soldiers have been in close proximity to our presidents throughout history!
What a sad and disgusting spectacle to see our troops, during a time of war and in a war zone, marched outside a meeting tent and commanded to “stack their arms” before meeting with their Secretary of Defense.
Has it come to this? Our Secretary of Defense afraid to meet with our soldiers unless they are disarmed!
This incredible insult to our troop serving in harms way is yet another example of the caliber and character of the current leadership of our great country. What other President refused to wear an American Flag pin because “he didn’t want to be seen as taking sides”!
What other President would define the Radical Muslim Terrorist Massacre at Fort Hood as “workplace violence”?
If you’re afraid to meet with our armed troops on the battle field – stay the hell home!
The following are some examples of the condescending behaviors that Obama and his minions have expressed toward our service personnel during this time of WAR:
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Obama’s Reelection Flag and Air Force
An American flag with President Obama's image in place of the stars flew over Florida Lake County's Democrat headquarters long enough to enrage local veterans who called the altered banner "a disgrace.
This flag is disgustingly consistent with his campaign plane in Sept 2009:
This abuse of the American Flag pales in comparison to the Obama Reelection Air Force that has been activated to bring the full assets of the United States Defense Department to the beck and call of the Obama reelection committee
The United States Air Force has established two new aircraft squadrons to support the Presidential travel needs during the campaign season.
The 305th and 306th Expeditionary Airlift Squadrons were activated as
subordinate units of the 89th Airlift Wing on December 1, 2011.
The 306th will operate out of New Castle, DE, with 5 C-130H medium
lift transport aircraft, 8 full sets of aircrew, 60 maintenance
personnel, and 12 operations personnel are assigned.
The 305th will operate out of Andrews AFB, with 4 C-17 heavy lift
transports, 7 full aircrew, 60 maintenance personnel, and 10
operations personnel will be assigned.
Operations for the two squadrons are to commence in April, and will
run through the election. The aircraft and personnel will be released
back to their original units after the election.
The Obama arrogance and misappropriation of military assets for his excessive and bloated entourage's travel during the past three years and now this gross abuse of the taxpayer’s assets for his reelection efforts is beyond anything anyone has ever seen.
And the major media, being fully vested in the Obama reelection efforts, just smiles and refuses to address this gross malfeasance.
Student Loan Taxpayer Time-bomb
Roanoke Times, 3-14-12, Pg 5: AP: Increase in student loan rate opposed. Interest rates on some loans could double, increasing the cost to students by thousands.
WSJ: The Bill for Obama Loans
The AP story carries water for Obama and the Democrats who were responsible for setting this issue in play five years ago by projecting future decreases in these loan rates.
The issues are ever bigger now that Obama has made the taxpayers responsible for all student loans and therefore responsible for funding all defaults. This is the equivalent of the Fanny-Mae and Freddy-Mac homeowners’ financial disaster.
The WSJ article quantifies the current taxpayer liability as $870 Billion with 27% of student borrowers having past due balances.
Just as with ObamaCare (which contains undefined student loan forgiveness options), Obama and the Democrats continue to escalate and pile on massive debt and obligations upon the taxpayers with no end in sight to the $15 Trillion debt and another $1.2 Trillion deficit for this year.
They continue to absolve the dependents of personal responsibility and place their obligations upon the taxpayers.
Just More Hope And Change We Can Depend On!
New News: 5-1-12, Washington Times, C.Hurt
Bailing out bad choices isn’t academic
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Roanoke Times FOIA Item
Blog update and correction: this blog item was not correct in stating that the Roanoke Times had not taken a position on the malfeasance of The University of Virginia to fight FOIA’s relative to Prof. Mann’s data on Global Warming.
Back in August 2011 the RT did run the following Editorial which while labeling the FOIA as a “witch hunt” and those who submitted the request as “deniers” they conceded that the FOIA’s appeared to be valid and that UVA had a legal duty to comply.
UVA has not complied and is continuing to stone-wall this process to the fullest extent that taxpayer money can buy.
7 / 286 - Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Edition: Metro
Section: Editorial
Page: A13
Type: Editorial
Open records at UVa
Summary: Even climate deniers conducting a witch hunt deserve fair treatment under FOIA.
When it comes to Freedom of Information Act requests, Virginians are best served when government invokes exemptions sparingly. They should be a scalpel, not a cudgel.
That's a lesson the University of Virginia should heed as it deals with a document request related to climate researcher Michael Mann. Mann is a target of climate change deniers who believe his research into humanity's effects on the environment is at best mistaken and at worst deception. He conducted important climate research while at UVa.
Professional analyses concluding that his research is sound do not dissuade deniers. Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli abused the power of his office seeking access to Mann's research in a trumped up fraud investigation. The courts rejected his fishing expedition.
Then came a FOIA request filed by the America Tradition Institute. It is no less a fishing expedition, but that has no bearing on its legitimacy. Where Cuccinelli overstepped his authority with a civil investigative demand, the institute followed FOIA, and the law does not allow government to curtail its responses based on the motives of requesters.
University officials planned to comply, but now comes a request from advocacy groups, including the Union of Concerned Scientists and American Association of University Professors. In a letter dated last week, they urged UVa to maximize its use of FOIA exemptions in responding to the request. Indeed, they would have the school stretch the definitions to keep as much information secret as possible in the name of "academic freedom."
One cannot urge government transparency in some cases but not others. UVa should protect privacy and proprietary research data, as the law allows, but exemptions do not justify blanket removal of documents when mere redaction of sensitive portions would work.
If the advocacy groups seek some sort of "academic freedom" exemption to FOIA, they will not find it in the law. They can, however, do what everyone else does -- take the matter to the state Freedom of Information Council to write a workable exemption for lawmakers to consider.
Roanoke Times, 3-11-12, Pg Horiz-2: Editorial: Anyone can file a FOIA request.
Once again the Roanoke Times Editors are hyping the joys of filing a FOIA (freedom of information act) to obtain government documents and information.
The hypocrisy is that the Editors refuse to address the FOIA refusal by “The University” of Virginia relative to the activities of discredited Global Warming Alarmist Prof. Mann.
These FOIA’s have been requested by multiple organizations and individuals for the taxpayer funded documents held by the University
Instead of complying, as the Editors of the Roanoke Times says the law requires, the University has spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars, first denying the data exists and then fighting the release of the information. That fight is still going on!
Apparently The Editors like FOIA if it can be used for something they like or support, not so much if the FOIA requests information they think should be kept secret to prevent embarrassing their friends and associates. That’s the definition of hypocrisy, isn’t it?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Chaos In The Classroom: Challenged Students, Addiction, Mainlining, Restraint and Isolation
Roanoke Times, 3-11-12, Pg 1: Born to addiction. Virginia’s population of drug-exposed infants has more than doubled in 10 years.
Pg 7: Activists fighting physical restraints for students. A recent report showed that tens of thousands of students, many with disabilities, are subjected to “seclusion and restraint”.
Albany Times Union (Albany, NY) Way Back in December 16, 1993
“Union Hits Mainlining of Disabled Students.”
Placing special education children in regular classrooms regardless of disability is a "recipe for educational disaster" and must be stopped, American Federation of Teachers President Albert Shanker said Wednesday.
It’s somewhat prophetic that the Roanoke Times has within today’s edition articles on children born to addiction and conflicts on how to handle mainlined problem students in a regular classroom. Unfortunately neither article addressed the “educational disaster” well predicted by Al Shanker back in 1993. A prediction that sadly has come true.
Clearly these articles connect directly to the Roanoke Times, 3-7-12, Pg 6: Government: Minority kids punished more harshly. Hispanic and African-American students make up nearly three-fourths of students involved in school-related arrests.
One doesn’t need a PHD in Psychology or Education to connect the dots within these four articles and conclude that our Federal Dept of Education has mandated programs that are innately destructive to teaching and learning in America’s public school classrooms and the results are clear for all to see.
Our public education system has been sacrificed by the progressive-liberals on the altars of expediency and political correctness and misdirected sociological experiments. What a sad commentary on what should be the best educational system in the world.
Are the inmates running the asylum?
Jobs Data: Reelection Optimistic Exuberance
Roanoke Times, 3-10-12, Pg 1: Jobs data indicate recovery taking root
Obama touting job growth in Virginia.
Job growth in Virginia is in spite of Obama, not because of him! Yet more Obama plagiarism (taking credit for the work of others). Virginia has a business-friendly government, Virginia has a balanced under-control budget, Virginia has reasonable and prudent taxes, Virginia is a right-to-work state, and Virginia has lots of “one-percenters” who are investing in Virginia’s economy.
Absolutely none of these important attributes can be credited to Obama and his minions.
Obama’s claims about jobs and recovery are indeed interesting.
According to Obama the US added 227,000 jobs in February.
The Labor Department revised the prior week’s first-time claims applications to 354,000.
The number of people continuing to collect jobless benefits rose by 10,000 in the week ended Feb. 25 to 3.42 million.
Those who’ve used up their traditional benefits and are now collecting emergency and extended payments increased by about 26,800 to 3.4 million in the week ended Feb. 18.
The net jobs data Obama neglected to share was plus 227,000 but minus 354,000.
And the unemployment rate of 8.3% and the underemployment rate of 15% are a major national challenge.
To make a real improvement to jobs and economic growth Obama and the Congressional Democrats need to pass the pro-growth bills passed by the Republican members of Congress that now are languishing in the Democrat Controlled Senate; Click for a partial list:
Friday, March 09, 2012
Virginia Tech Shooting Revisited – “Failure To Foresee”
Roanoke Times, 3-8-12, Pg 1: Testimony grows testy
3-9-12, Pg 1: VT police chief stands by warning decision
VT spokesman testified that his memories of Apr 16 are hazy or simply missing.
Retired Va State Police Superintendent Massengill was the states chief investigator
The State and VT made major efforts to avoid this current civil trial exposure. Massengill’s State investigation concluded that VT authorities acted properly. Multiple millions of dollars were held out to the families as inducement to “settle” without suing, thereby keeping unpleasant background details from public scrutiny.
This trial represents a major turn-around in legal positions! Usually it’s the state prosecutors who are forcing citizens to explain why they didn’t foresee the adverse consequences of their actions, or lack thereof, and why that shortfall is criminal or liable. The state employees (and therefore The State) are now squirming in the docket under the clear and bright light of hindsight!
Blindness for an actions possible bad outcomes or failure to foresee negative outcomes has become the standard for determining who goes to jail in many cases. Perhaps folks may become sensitized to the current judicial jihad of criminalizing many incidents that were once considered “accidents” and take an active roll in questioning the premise behind this new judicial paradigm.
Mr. Massengill’s prior state “investigation” of a fatal boating crash on SML might lead one to question his veracity relative to doing the politically correct thing at the expense of taking a difficult position.
Given today's judicial environment, If one is involved in an "accident" it would behove that person to not make any statement until consulting an attorney; or as Ron White stated: I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Is School Punishment Racist?
Roanoke Times, 3-7-12, Pg 6: Government: Minority kids punished more harshly. Hispanic and African-American students make up nearly three-fourths of students involved in school-related arrests.
This article is one of the most disingenuous and racist articles on minorities in schools that has been published in a long time – and—the source is the US Dept of Ed!
What a disgusting display of racism from those reporting directly to Obama.
The entire diatribe was totally void of THE KEY ISSUE: who are the students whose actions and behaviors require law enforcement involvement in the school? These are the cases the “so called study” didn’t study or analyze or quantify. Instead this despicable racial rant painted our schools as run by racist teachers and administrators. To add insult to injury the major liberal media prints and propagates this gross stereotype without question or challenge or reason.
As long as parents, school boards, judges, ACLU, politicians and the media empower those students who choose not to learn and to be disruptive we will not make significant improvements in public school performance. The best teachers in the world with the best physical facilities and technology in the world cannot be successful in a disruptive and chaotic classroom environment that is beyond their control.
Perhaps these US DofEd jerks should have an all-hands meeting and view the Morgan Freeman movie "Lean on Me".
WSJ: Jason Riley Editorial: What About the Kids Who Behave?
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
Monday, March 05, 2012
AG Holder says Obama Summary Executions OK
Holder Defends Killing of al-Awlaki
Attorney general says decision to kill American-born Al Qaeda operative in Yemen was legal and necessary in ongoing war on terror, rejecting critics' argument for court permission before lethal action.
Where are the ACLU and the Liberal Press and The Roanoke Times and the Legions of Left-wingnuts who railed against Bush and the Patriot Act and GITMO? Acts that were labeled treason and violations of human rights and impeachable offences by those purveyors of righteous indignation.
Here we have Obama and Holder executing American Citizens without warrants, without judicial process even without declarations of Marshal Law – and there is just the sound of silence. Has there ever been such a case of malfeasance and hypocrisy in US history?
Sure makes waterboarding look like a day at the beach and the ACLU should support Alberto Gonzales for a Federal Judgeship.
When will the World Court that the liberals love so much indict Obama and Holder for Murder in the International Courts?
The liberals so loved this Vietnam picture of a summary execution of an enemy combatant that they ran it in every major media and then awarded Eddie Adams a Pulitzer Prize for it and also hyped it as the poster example of why "we" were the bad guys!
When will Obama publish the moment of demise of Osama BinLaden and al-Awlaki so that he might get this years Pulitzer Prize to place on the mantle next to his Nobel Peace Price?
Israel – Not To Worry - Obama’s Got Your Back Already
As Obama pledges to have Israel's back, Netanyahu says it will be 'master of its fate'
After all Obama’s Geri-flexing, Kowtowing and Bowing to the Muslim’s of the world, here he is today trying to convenience the Israelis that he really didn’t mean his proclamation that Israel should retreat back to the indefensible 1967 boundaries and that he has their back in ensuring that Iran doesn’t get nuclear weapons. An amazing statement given that Iran may already have nuclear weapons.
Obama: The Neville Chamberlin of the Middle East
Given Obama’s track-record with the Muslim’s, how could any supporter of Israel trust Obama and his minions, especially his political hack Secretary-of-Disarmament Leon Panetta?
Benjamin Netanyahu and Obama at White House
“I’ve got your back -- Ben!”
Really? And no; I don’t believe your so called Birth Certificate either!
Jewish Liberals Need To Wakeup Already
Washington Times Editorial: The myth of crippling sanctions
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Bank Overdrafts: Customer’s Choice: Fees or Jail
Roanoke Times, 3-4-12, Pg 6: Obama’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to get a handle on bank overdraft fees (article by Washington Post -- why are we not surprised)
Obama and associates, unable to handle the economic recession, unemployment, high energy prices, a Middle East on the brink of major war, among other minor distractions: has focused on “fixing” the bank overdraft fee “problem”.
So, what’s this big problem they want to fix with great fanfare?
Bank checking customers choose the option (for a fee) to have their savings account cover any bad checks they write. Some banks even extend an unsecured loan to cover the bad check. Why do they do that? It’s because “kiting” bad checks is a crime!
New young army officer's are told that passing (one) bad check is the basis for a Court-Martial.
In Virginia it’s a major crime (felony above $200) per laws:
• Va. Code §18.2-181 - Issuing bad checks, etc., larceny
• Va. Code §18.2-181.1 - Issuance of bad checks
• Va. Code §18.2-182 - Issuing bad checks on behalf of business firm or corporation in payment of wages
• Va. Code §18.2-182.1 - Issuing bad checks in payment of taxes
Customers who sign-up for the Overdraft option offered for a fee by banks view it is a good thing. So let’s harass the banks about this customer service so that they no longer offer it. That way the customers can find out first hand just how sympathetic and helpful their government justice system can be. The legal fees (thousands of dollars) for defending against a bad check (Uttering) charge will certainly make the bank fees look like a good deal at a very affordable price!
Do we need Obama and a governmental agency to select the bank with the best service, options and fees for us? Can’t we do that for ourselves? Apparently Obama thinks not! How sad that “we” have reached this level of government-dependency and mediocrity!
If we can’t do this simple task for ourselves, what can we do?
Saturday, March 03, 2012
Gasoline Prices Highlights Obama-Democrat Energy Hypocrisy
Roanoke Times, 3-1-12, Pg 14: Editorial: High gas prices are easy to demagogue
3-3-12, pg 6: Gasoline prices increases for 24thday; analysts expect $4.25 per gallon soon.
Actually gasoline is well over $5 per gallon in many areas of the country NOW.
Once again the Obama-Democrat Energy Policy Hypocrisy is slamming down hardest upon the very people they claim to champion, the middle and lower income folks. These folks spend a significant percentage of their disposable income on energy. Fortunately nature has been kind to their heating bills this winter allowing them to spend instead on transportation and all those products impacted by high energy costs, especially food.
But it’s not just the current high price of energy that’s at stake; it’s even more the future cost and availability of energy.
Obama and associates are committed to their “green energy” alternative to fossil fuels.
The two methods they are using to support their energy jihad are:
1) Massive government tax-payer subsidies to so called “green energy” entities like Solyndra and The Volt (Obama’s sequel to Hitler’s VW-Bug)
2) Choking-off fossil fuel energy development and use.
This is the Obama-Democrat National Energy Policy articulated in the Cap&Tax legislation that failed the Congressional vote – but is being implemented by Obama by Fiat! (not clear how that fits-in with the Old Constitution?).
If you believe that Man-made Global Warming (AGW) is destroying the world and that massive disruption of our energy systems and infrastructure and quality of life is worth the cost; then this is the way to go for all the people of the world.
It’s all about a choice based on your beliefs about cause & effect.
Unfortunately Obama, his associates and the media refuse to clearly spell this out; instead they are playing a sick game of politics and Orwells 1984 Double-Speak.
The Washington Times 3-2-12: BARRASSO: Strategic Petroleum Reserve is for emergencies - not political disasters
Obama, Limbaugh And The Catholic University Coed
Not found in the Roanoke Times; the editorial girls are very selective when criticizing and chastising anti-women discourse.
Current and former White House aides on Thursday rejected demands by a conservative group that a Super PAC supporting President Obama refund a $1 million check from comedian and talk show host Bill Maher because of coarse comments he's made about Sarah Palin and other Republican women.
No calls from Obama on this one; he's too busy pocketing the one million!
Pro-Obama PAC Won't Give Back Maher's Money
Read more:
Roanoke Times, 3-3-12, Pg 4: Obama criticizes Limbaugh’s comments
Want to start a vitriolic food-fight that goes all the way to the White House? Just have a young attractive Catholic Coed testify before a Democrat Committee, and a bank of TV cameras, that she has lots of sex very often and that her birth control pills are expensive and she wants to get them for free (ostensibly via ObamaCare).
“Fluke complained at the forum about how much she and other students pay for birth control because Georgetown, a Catholic university, won't cover it.”
In jumps Rush Limbaugh (he’s not called Rush for nothing) describing the Coed in terms most used in locker rooms by guys when discussing promiscuous girls not related to anyone they know and who aren’t doing it with any of them. Her Catholic parents must be so proud of their college girl!
Apparently Rush feels that any young single girl that discusses her very active sex life in front of national TV cameras has forfeited her claim to dignity and privacy.
In jumps half the Democrat women of the world swinging wildly at Rush and demanding that every Republican man in the world apologize and rebuke Rush.
In jumps Obama with a personal call to the Coed consoling her and reaffirming that he’ll make sure she has all the free birth control pills she’ll ever need. I can almost hear Obama humming a rerun of Billy Joel: Catholic girls start much too late!
Perhaps at this point Michelle should stop worrying about fat kids and start listening in to Obama’s phone calls. It wasn’t that long ago that another Democrat President was making personal calls to a promiscuous young woman. However those calls were different; they apparently involved the avoidance of birth control pills.
A mature and realistic view might be that this girl should be talking to her doctor about the incredible risks it appears she is taking. Getting pregnant is not even close to the worst things she may be exposed to, as well described in this blog item:
And back again to Billy Joel: Only the good die young!
The vitriolic language thing is interesting given the yet again one-sided claims of foul verbal play. A group of socially conservative leaders is demanding Huffington Post publisher Arianna Huffington apologize for allowing a column to be published on her website that compares Catholics to pedophiles and attacks communion as a "barbaric ritual."
No calls from Obama on that one!
As news broke this morning of the tragic death of young Conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart, liberals celebrated the news on Twitter. There is a disgustingly long list of nasty celebratory tweets over Breitbart’s untimely death; The most influential tweet came from Slate's Matt Yglesias (@mattyglesias), who tweeted: "Conventions around dead people are ridiculous. The world outlook is slightly improved with @AndrewBrietbart dead.”
No calls from Obama on this one either!
The following blog item (and the enclosed links) describes some examples of left-wing vile language that somehow are acceptable or at least not highlighted, by the major liberal media or Obama. Something about fairness – NOT!
Washington Times: Charles Hurt: Obama seizes on ‘slut’ slur to pander to women
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