The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Monday, September 24, 2012
Obama on 60 Minutes: Turmoil In Middle-East Just “Bump In The Road”
Once again Obama demonstrates for all to see his total disconnect and indifference to what’s happening across TWO-DOZEN countries in North-Africa and Middle-East.
His obnoxious cavalier demeanor and dialogue relative to the American lives lost and at risk is astonishing and indefensible.
FoxNews: "The president was facing heavy criticism from Republicans Monday for, in the course of that interview, referring to Middle East unrest as 'bumps in the road',"
ABC-News: Romney’s response to Obama's outrageous "Bump In The Road" statement:
“His indication that developments in the Middle East represent bumps in the road is a very different view than I have,” said Romney. “I can’t imagine saying something like the assassination of ambassadors is a bump in the road, when you look at the entire context, the assassination, the Muslim brotherhood president being elected in Egypt, 20,000 people killed in Syria, Iran close to becoming a nuclear nation. These are far from being bumps in the road.”
What kind of person, no less the President of The US, would call this
“A Bump In The Road”:
Roanoke Times Shuns The Real News Again
The Obama Mohamed-Video Kool-Aid
Ambassador Stevens Remains Returns Home To “Nearer My GOD To Thee”
Court-Martial Obama And Clinton
Obama Administration Initial Reaction To 9-11-2012 Attack: “We’re Sorry”
Beware Obama Campaign Bumper Stickers
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Global Warming AGW Michael Mann Cover-up Continues
Roanoke Times, 9-23-2012, Pg Horiz 2: Secrecy is not in the public’s interest
The Editors certainly threw asunder any pretext of unbiased journalism with the very first sentence of this editorial.
“Noted climatologist Michael Mann has every reason to feel harassed by climate-change skeptics in pursuit of his email correspondence during his years of climate research at the University of Virginia.”
The UVa and Global Warming Alarmist Teams dug down under some permafrost and found a judge that says Virginia’s Freedom Of Information Law FOI applies to Michael Mann’s documents generated while being paid with taxpayers money, but since they’re not in the public domain, they can remain not in the public domain.
Is it any wonder 95% of the American people are in contempt of the courts? The other 5% are dependents of the courts.
The Editors then go on to try to lend creditability to the debunked Mann legacy, the highlight of which is his “HokeyStick” graph of global temperatures that was the lynchpin of the Gore “Inconvenient Untruth” extravaganza.
Mann totally ignored “The Medieval Warm Period” and “The Little Ice Age” and grossly and recklessly misrepresented our current global temperatures. With a record like this it’s no wonder the AGW Alarmist Cabal want to keep his “stuff” under wraps.
It’s sad that the Roanoke Times and their associates in the liberal press refuse to publish the official NASA Global Temperature Charts, apparently because they know that the actual measured data totally belies the Mann and AGW Alarmist and Gorite claims and projections and they certainly don’t want the public to see that!
The Mann “HokeyStick” Graph
The current NASA Global Temperature Graph
Global Warming Alarmists Still Stonewalling Freedom of Information
It’s Hot Again – Back To The 30s
More Global Warming Alarmist And Fracking Issues
Why I became an Gore-AGW Skeptic and Why I Still Am:
Friday, September 21, 2012
Yet Another Dubious So Called Study
Roanoke Times, 9-20-2012, Pg 3: Pacifiers linked to stunted emotions. The effect has so far been detected only in boys who were given the devices very frequently. These boys were later determined to have a propensity for autism.
Yet again folks are flaunting the disclaimer in chapter 1 of every statistics book ever written:
“One cannot determine cause-effect relationships from statistical data”!
So here’s the skeptics view of these so called studies.
It’s all about boys.
Boys are the primary victims of autism.
If a baby boy is fussing and crying and upset – perhaps it’s because he is autistic.
The result is that parents then gave him a pacifier to try to relieve his discomfort and disruptive behaviors.
Ergo: Boys who are autistic were frequent users of pacifiers.
So – are pacifiers causing emotional issues, or are early effects of autism causing parents to calm baby boys with pacifiers? Now there’s an interesting study!
Will parents who read this “study” now deny their baby boys whatever relief they may get from their pacifiers? Is that a good and valid outcome?
Why are we cutting down perfectly good trees that convert CO2 to O2 to print this stuff?
How much time and money were spent on these studies?
False Birth-control pill study and resultant IUD tragedy
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Roanoke Times Shuns The Real News Again
Yet again the Roanoke Times refuses to print news detrimental to Obama’s reelection. That’s what liberal-media-Pravda’s are supposed to do!
Repeat 2008: Accent the positive and eliminate the negative and don’t print anything disparaging about Obama.
What wasn’t covered today?
The DOJ-IG released a scathing report on how DOJ and HomeLand Security handled the Fast and Furious gun-running fiasco.
Two of AG Holden’s top boys are out – apparently not worthy of news!
The IG has not yet received the documents associated with the cover-up and perjury by those who lied to Congress. Congress has held Holder in Contempt over these files. Don’t expect these documents to show-up until there’s a new Republican AG.
Move along folks – nothing to see here!
The Sept 11, 2012 attack on our Libyan Embassy that resulted in the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three of his staff has been confirmed a "terrorist" strike by the head of the U.S. National Counter-Terrorism Center. This in stark contrast to the continuous “mis-and-dis-information” by Obama, Clinton, and their minions who have had data from our intelligence agencies from the very start.
Obama's Approach: say it’s spontaneous, say it’s the video, say there’s no terrorism involved.
Is This Obama and associates in their command-center watching real-time the "Terrorist Attack" on our Libyan Embassy? Where are Obama’s drones now when we really need them? Why wasn’t there a security team there to protect our people?
Additional Breaking News: FoxNews sources agree with the President of Libya who has maintained from the start that this attack was a preplanned and well coordinated terrorist operation. Fox also has sources that have identified a key player in this attack as a prior-released-GITMO detainee with ties to 9-11.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Obama And Romney And Their 47%
Roanoke Times, 9-19-2012, Pg 5: Romney tries to stem damage from new gaffes
Pg 16: Romney’s great divide.
The Video – Romney opining that the 47% of people who do not pay taxes are Government-Dependents and it’s doubtful they will vote for him.
Not mentioned about these video exposes is any mention of Obama’s many dubious proclamations and gaffes:
Video – Obama to crowd in Roanoke: you businessmen didn’t build your business.
Video – Obama opining that he believes in Government Enforced Wealth Redistribution.
Video – Obama referring to western-Pennsylvania residents as “clinging to their guns and Bibles”.
Obama Snafu Examples: too few to enumerate.
And so it goes with gotcha politics that each candidate hopes will “catch fire” with voters who may be moved to their camp.
Religious and political organizers have always looked at their potential followers as grouped into: Saints, Sinners and Savables.
Your Saints will vote for you unless there is a catastrophic late-breaking really bad event.
Your Sinners will NOT vote for you no matter what – period.
Your Savables are where the preponderance of the team’s efforts is directed.
Polls indicate that Obama and Romney each have about a 47% Saint base.
From the view of the Savable (6%) perspective:
Obama is trying to convince the “middle class” that he’s for them.
Romney is trying to convince the “tax payers” that he’s for them.
The Romney-Ryan approaches to the Savables are quite consistent with Romney’s statements on the referenced video.
However, the Obama 47% Saints are more vulnerable than he or his team wishes to acknowledge. They include voters who have figured out that the Debt and Social Security and Medicare are all at high risk of default with major adverse consequences for everyone including the country itself.
These voters look at Western Europe, Obama’s model for America, and they see national bankruptcies and financial crisis and draconian cuts in services and support. They know that additional taxes on the wealthy, however you define the wealthy, will not make a dent in the deficit or the debt. Major reforms are required and Obama has made it clear many times that he’s not going to participate in that process.
Many of them, who voted for Obama in 2008, may well "sit-out" this election.
Believe In America, Vote for Romney & Ryan and Save America For Our Children.
“America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.
Americans deserve better."
Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
Obama’s “Good” Afghanistan War Gone Bad
Roanoke Times, 9-17-2012, Pg 1, 12: Afgan “allies” or those who infiltrated heir ranks have killed 51 “international” service members this year.
9-19-2012, Pg 6: US ending joint patrols with Afghans
There are two major things wrong with the RT head line.
First: Comrades in-arms do not kill fellow comrades. This miserable situation has now resulted in the Commander-on-the-ground stopping all joint patrols and training operations with our so called friends. These joint operations are the basis for the administrations withdrawal strategy. What now?
Obama Apologizes To Radical Muslim Killers Of US Troops
Second: The administration and their liberal media minions continue to wrap our (American) devastating losses in Afghanistan in a blanket of “international service members”. Whatever happened to the daily highly published personal US casualty coverage that was prevalent during the Bush years?
The Blackout Of Afghan Casualty News
Why don’t the major media publicize the facts that 70% of the deaths and nearly 80% of the injuries in Afghanistan have occurred under Obama’s watch?
Why don’t they publish the following graphics?
Apparently it’s not consistent with their Obama Reelection effort.
Obama’s Good Afghan War Turns Sour
Marines Make Water, Hillary Goes Postal & Afgan Colonel Murders Nine US Military Trainers
Obama Team Labels Fort Hood Shooting as “Workplace Violence”
Obama, The Czars, The Minions & Gen. McChrystal
Obamas Bold New Military Initiative
Obama White House Advisors Conclude Bush Won Afgan War
Obama War Mess & Jive Talkin
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Kate The Topless Duchess of Cambridge
Roanoke Times, 9-18-2012, Pg 2: Court to bar publication of royal photos.
This blog usually doesn’t comment on the tabloid stories in the media. If one were to do that seriously it would be a full time job.
However; This media fixation on stories about publishing pictures of Kate topless is really outside the box and is getting almost as tiresome and unpleasant as Britney and the Kardashians’.
First: The social acceptance of going topless in Europe is far different than the US.
However in New York State, by Cuomo's law, women may go topless anywhere that men can.
From time to time there are women who exercise that law in downtown Manhattan.
Second: Given what’s on the internet and in the shiny-magazines how interesting can this possibly be?
Third: According to Jay Leno, and he’s my primary source of truth, surveys show that women look at other women’s tops more than men do. So apparently it’s not a chauvinist thing as the NOW girls would have us believe. It’s just being aware of one’s environment and surroundings.
Fourth: I assume women look at other women for comparison and competition.
Fifth: There’s a good reason men like to look at women’s tops; they’re a lot like snowflakes: Most are very pretty and there’s no two alike.
Can we-all now get back to real news and let the tabloids do their thing?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
The Obama Mohamed-Video Kool-Aid
Latest 9-17-12 News:
The Libyan president said Sunday that the strike (on the US Embassy) was planned in advance and not spontaneous.
U.S. officials, in response to the claim that there was no demonstration at the time of the attack, told Fox News there was a small protest earlier in the day -- but they did not dispute that there was no significant or sizeable demonstration at the time.
This is in direct conflict with lies about what happened, repeated multiple times by: Obama, Clinton and US-UN-Rep Rice. Looks like a repeat of the "Fast & Furious" lies and alibis.
Over 23 major sustained Radical Muslim attacks upon American and Western people and facilities across North Africa and the Middle East; and Obama and associates tell us its all about a video virtually no one has seen or knows who created or knows what’s actually in it.
Highlighting the absurdity of the Obama (it’s all about the Video) is the reaction and position of Google-YouTube who refuse to remove the Video from their internet sites.
Following the Obama-Clinton logic that makes Google criminally responsible for “aiding and abetting” murder. Indictments and arrests to follow under the Sedition Act?
And Obama and Clinton want us to believe these “maligned” terrorists suddenly and spontaneously show up at these confrontations with automatic weapons, RPGs and hand-grenades and then hunt-down and kill our Ambassador and his staff. And all this is explainable and excusable because this video has trespassed on their sensitivity?
Will Obama be going on another world-wide Apology Tour as a sequel to his 2009 Kowtow and Bow Tour to soothe his maligned brothers?
The Obama-Clinton malfeasance of placing our people in harms way without the resources to protect them certainly has parallels to The Other Clinton’s “Blackhawk Down” fiasco that also resulted in the needless deaths of fine Americans because their government failed to back-them-up with the resources they required.
It’s also of interest that the war on Christianity that Obama and the Progressive Liberals have been prosecuting is lost in this intense focus on religion. Apparently abusing US Christians, starting with Christ in a glass of urine that was funded by a US Arts Grant is just fine. It’s so easy to abuse lambs, not so much pit-bulls.
As the ACLU, the Atheists, Administration Policy and the No-God-DNC sweep Christ and God out of our classrooms, government buildings, public monuments and college campuses one might reflect on the fact that this was exactly what Stalin did in Russia. Fits in well with the exclusive religion of The Central Committee.
Central Committees don’t like competition for hearts and souls.
Ambassador Stevens Remains Returns Home To “Nearer My GOD To Thee”
Court-Martial Obama And Clinton
Obama Administration Initial Reaction To 9-11-2012 Attack: “We’re Sorry”
Roanoke Times Embraces Islam; Christianity Not So Much
Obama & Hillary Embracing Anti-Christ Obscenities
Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Media Indecency
Mocking Muhammad and Jesus
Friday, September 14, 2012
Ambassador Stevens Remains Returns Home To “Nearer My GOD To Thee”
Ambassador Stevens Remains Returns To “Nearer My GOD To Thee”
If there is any positive aspect of the Radical Muslim Terrorist attacks on 9-11-2012 on our Embassy in Libya that resulted in the deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other fine Americans it is that the US Military had the intestinal fortitude to ignore the ACLU, the Atheists, Administration Policy and the No-God-DNC platform.
The military band played “Nearer My GOD To Thee” as the four remains were moved from the aircraft to the waiting hearses.
God Bless our military and their dedication to duty, honor and country and their respect for One Nation Under GOD.
The ongoing reports about this 9-11-2012 attack upon our people clearly indicates that Obama and Clinton abdicated their responsibilities to protect our people in a hostile high-risk environment and that the issues behind these widespread attacks by Radical Muslim Extremists was not some insignificant film, that may not even exist, but was a well planned and coordinated movement against American and Western people and interests.
So much for Obama’s “Apology tour of 2009” and his Chamberlain policy of appeasement and kowtowing and bowing and his designation of the Fort Hood Massacre as “Workplace Violence”. Yet again Obama refused to say the words: Radical Muslim Terrorists! And this is our leader?
Court-Martial Obama And Clinton
Obama Administration Initial Reaction To 9-11-2012 Attack: “We’re Sorry”
US Ambassador Murdered on 9-11-12 And Obama “Strongly Condemns”
Obama Mission Accomplished: Muslim Brotherhood Running Egypt
Muslim Brothers In The White House
Israel – Not To Worry - Obama’s Got Your Back Already
Obama Apologizes To Radical Muslim Killers Of US Troops
Obama’s Egypt-Spring Turns To Bitter Winter
Obama’s Arab Spring Turns Quickly to Winter
Radical Muslin Brothers Taking Cairo
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Court-Martial Obama And Clinton
The Commander-In-Chief placed his direct reports in harms way with no support and no means to defend themselves.
This is a court martial level offense for any military officer and clearly should apply to one who proudly brags that as Commander-In-Chief he regularly “summarily executes” people from his command post in Washington and had Osama Bin Laden shot on sight.
The Embassy in Libya is in one of the most violent locations in the world. The “Arab Spring” Revolution is still going on, it’s the home of the Lockerbie Bomber, contains lots of supporters of the 9-11 attack on the US and there are lots of revenge seekers for the killing of Osama Bin Laden, and Tuesday was the 11th anniversary of 9-11.
Obama and Clinton placed the Ambassador and his staff in this cauldron of hostility without a security Marine Detachment or any backup support. This isn’t neglect – this is way beyond “failure to foresee”; this is criminal depraved indifference.
We lock mothers up in jail for leaving their children in their car while they shop!
And the response from Obama: he criticizes Romney for his negative comments about the administration’s, Cairo Embassy Ambassador’s, immediate apology for some jerk making a movie about Mohamed thereby validating the justification for these horrific Radical Muslim Terrorist attacks. This is presidential leadership in the midst of an international crisis?
Clinton also rejected the Cairo Embassy statement and demanded it be deleted (after Romney’s statement was made and criticized). Strange that the liberal media didn’t attack her for the same position as Romney!
The liberal media always flaunts pictures of dramatic situations that support their preconceived motivations. Some examples of their photo-ops were the little naked girl running down the road in Viet Nam:
Eddie Adams Pulitzer Prize Pic: Viet Cong being summarily executed.
Where are the shocking pictures for this situation?
The NY Daily News chose to publish the following least anyone fail to understand the consequences that these Patriots endured because of the Obama-Clinton malfeasance.
There is no amount of Obama Spin or Jive that will wash this blood away no matter how hard the DNC and their liberal-media minions may try to explain or deflect or alibi.
Click Graphic to enlarge:
The Two 911s
Obama Administration Initial Reaction To 9-11-2012 Attack: “We’re Sorry”
The first Obama Administration reaction to the 9-11-2012 attack came from the US Consulate in Cairo, Egypt: “We’re sorry an American filmmaker insulted Mohamed.”
This at the time the Cairo Embassy and the Syrian Embassy were under violent attack and siege not seen since Jimmy Carter’s Iranian Embassy disaster.
Romney rightly took umbrage with our first official public response being yet another Obama team apology to “The Radical Muslim Terrorists” (a description Obama finds it impossible to say).
Obama and his Pravda-DNC-Media Machine immediately disparaged Romney.
Apparently they all viewed that a “heartfelt apology” was in order. How sad it that?
Obama and associates have yet to understand that these animals view apologies as weakness and regret and empowerment for them to continue their violence and killings.
So much for the Obama teams bragging that 9-11 can’t happen again and that “we’re all safe now” with Obama in charge.
And this war is not that different from the horrific conflict between the Saracens and the Christians during the time of Charlemagne.
Perhaps we all should read and reflect on Winston Churchill’s thoughts about Mohamed and the Muslim religion:'s_quote_on_Islam
Perhaps that was part of the reason Obama sent Churchill’s Bust back to England:
A key question not yet addressed by Obama or Clinton is: why wasn’t there a marine guard unit at the Libyan Embassy guarding our people in a high-risk country and violent environment?
The bottom line: Violent localized attacks are difficult to foresee, however, The United States of America should never respond to an attack upon our people with an apology! And we should provide the best possible protection for our people whom we place in harms-way!
If the Obama Reelection Committee says (as they did in their disgusting TV Ad) that Mitt Romney is responsible for someones death six years after Romney left that organization -- then clearly Obama is responsible for the death of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his three team members by placing them in harms-way without any protection!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
US Ambassador Murdered on 9-11-12 And Obama “Strongly Condemns”
9-11-2012 America’s Ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were killed at the American Embassy in Libya by Radical Muslim Terrorists.
Obama – can you now finally say: “Radical Muslim Terrorists”?
You haven’t been able to say it for the 9-11 victims.
You haven’t been able to say it for our military casualties.
You haven’t been able to say it for our murdered soldiers at Ft. Hood.
What will it take for you, Mr. Obama, to say: “Radical Muslim Terrorists”?
I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens," President Obama said in a statement Wednesday morning.
He strongly condemns! This is the best our Virtual-Muslim president can do?
No wonder he refuses to meet with the leader of Israel – wouldn’t want to upset his Muslim Brotherhood brothers!
Obama labeled the murder of our soldiers at Fort Hood by a Radical Muslim Terrorist as “Workplace Violence” – he’ll probably also label these murders as “Workplace Violence”; after all these fine Americans were at work!
Obama will probably do the same obnoxious performance as he did back in February when he Apologizes To The Radical Muslim Killers Of US Troops.
Yet again elements within our so called Afghan allies purposely killed American troops and the
Obama response is “We’re sorry for our transgressions!”
Is there no limit to the obnoxious kowtowing and groveling that Obama (our Groveller-in-Chief) extends to fanatical violent Muslim criminals?
This is yet another example of the results of the “Arab Spring” that Obama and Clinton supported, enabled and are so happy about! This is endemic of the broken Foreign Policy they are so proud of.
We have never had such a person as Obama as our “leader” and hopefully, for the good of our Great Country, this will never ever happen again.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Obama’s Teachers Union On-Strike
Roanoke Times, 9-11-2012, Pg 1, 3: Thousands of Chicago teachers strike after failed talks; shutting down the entire Chicago public school system. The striking instructors currently make among the highest average salaries in the nation.
Full page coverage, lots of words, lots of pictures BUT the obscene salaries of these ingrates was nowhere to be seen! Nice cover-up AP & RT!
“Chicago teachers have the highest average salary of any city at $76,000 a school-year before benefits. The average family in the city only earns $47,000 a year. Yet the teachers rejected a 16 percent salary increase over four years at a time when most families are not getting any raises or are looking for work.”
Little wonder this AP and Roanoke Times deleted the $76,000 a school-year average salary and settlement offer. Wouldn’t want the public and tax-payers to know just how obscene these teachers’ union people are.
During the past 30 years the public has soured on unions because of their abuse of their powers. A prime example is last year’s ugly brawl in Wisconsin where government worker unions clearly were abusing taxpayers and the school systems.
The really obscene part of the Teacher Union abuses is their support by Obama and associates who benefit from their huge political contributions and their votes at the expense of our children and tax-payers.
And this president has the audacity to brag that he’s our education president. Talk about gross hypocrisy by him and his liberal media minions.
To add insult to injury, Obama and his unions and the liberal media fight like banshees to protect this corrupt and failing public school system and reject any effort by parents to secure alternative education opportunities for their children.
For an education on the Chicago Teachers Union Ledership (click on link)
9-11-2001 America At War
Monday, September 10, 2012
Let’s Socialize Corporate Priorities!
Roanoke Times, 9-9-2012, Pg Horiz 3: Rethink ‘maximizing shareholder value’; by a professor of law at Cornell.
The Professor opines that a corporation’s stock price is not a good measure of its performance or that of its management team. She goes on to state that our corporate system is not working well and that stock-shareholders are not really owners. She uses the example of Kodak selling their patents as an example of corporate failure. Apparently she doesn’t recognize that their patents for photo-film-technology have now been obsoleted by digital-technology. In fact there was a corporate failure to recognize the new technology and compete in that new space and the management, employees and the shareholders have paid dearly for that lack of foresight. Yet another example of the risk-reward of investing and ownership in private industry.
Although the Professor doesn’t say so explicitly, it’s clear she subscribes to the Obama model of the government running or controlling businesses for the express benefit of the masses. Benito Mussolini implemented such a system. He called it Fascism.
Setting the Good Professor and Obama and Benito aside, the return on investment ROI to owners (shareholders) has been a key factor since people started the first businesses.
The risk-reward of investing in a business is the most fundamental aspect of our economic system, which is not perfect; just better than any other system devised by man.
The focus on short-term returns does have some negatives and the owners (shareholders) have the final say on what the business objectives should be by voting for the directors of their choice each year and or changing their portfolio. If they are not diligent they will suffer the consequences of the owner of any business that forfeits their oversight of their assets.
Every business manager must focus on balancing the needs of Owners (Shareholders), Customers, Employees and Government in a world-wide competitive environment in which winners persevere and losers go out of business. Successful managers and businesses must account and adjust for these entities as a normal course of business for both the short-term and long-term business success.
It’s interesting that the Professor focused on the 1990s as the time there was increased demand that companies “improve their short-term performance”. On March 20, 1992 the California Public Employees Retirement System (CALPERS) published a hit-list of 12 major US Corporations they were targeting, with their massive retirement funds, because the 12 Corporations were not providing CALPERS with sufficient ROI. Of particular interest is that most of the targeted 12 were established long-term nonunion companies!
So the biggest public employees union in the US, who has helped bankrupt the richest State in the US was a major driving force behind this misguided jihad. One example of the companies that suffered major adverse consequences was IBM.
Anyone who thinks the Obama-GM entity is a good thing is only looking at the major advantages for the UAW and not at the bond holders, stock holders, taxpayers or the long-term health of the corporation. GM should repay ALL the funds owed the taxpayers ASAP and then be returned to the international business competitive environment for the benefit of all concerned.
We don’t want or need any more government take-over’s of businesses or additional crushing regulations that result in default-government take-over’s.
It’s interesting that the Professor’s bio doesn’t indicate she has ever “built a business”, nor managed a business nor even worked in a business. Apparently she, like Professor Obama, have never created jobs nor held private sector jobs.
Life is good in the ivory towers of academia wrapped in a cocoon of tenure for life oblivious of what it takes to succeed in a world-wide competitive culture and environment.
Obama's GM Volt: Cost: Mfg'g Cost = $89K; Sale Price = $40K; Loss = $49K
Isn't Government owned and directed manufacturing amazing! What other free-world company can do this and prosper?
Sunday, September 09, 2012
The Blackout Of Afghan Casualty News
Roanoke Times, 9-9-2012, Pg 1, 13: Tired of war, US barely registers deaths.
On average this year, an American service member has died every day in Afghanistan.
It’s not the public that blackouts the casualty news.
It’s not the loved ones or their friends or associates that blackouts the casualty news.
No – it’s the media that desperately tries to shield Obama from the adverse consequences of his “good war”.
Of particular angst is that the initial, and usually only, reports of casualties in Afghanistan is that the casualties are “coalition members”. What coalition is that?
The only real combat troops engaged in fire-fights are Americans! And the horrific attacks upon our troops by so called “friendly Afghanistan Soldiers” just continues without resolution by the US or Afghan leadership.
Bush restricted and constrained the war in Afghanistan based on analysis of the Russian experiences. The Democrats including Obama and Biden chided Bush for “outsourcing” the war to the Northern Alliance and other anti-Taliban groups.
In retrospect, letting that nations freedom-fighters fight for their country still looks like a good strategy.
We now have propped up and protected Karzai who daily denigrates America and our troops. Karzi kowtows to the enemy and is partnered in the largest poppy/cocaine operation in the world. With a partner like Karzai, who needs enemies?
In addition we have to tolerate the disheveled pronouncements by VP Biden that “the Taliban are not our enemy”. If not them, then who is killing our soldiers?
Obama and his political hack Secretary of Defense Panetta didn’t have the courage or decency or intestinal-fortitude to make the initial announcement to the American people that we lost 31 Special Forces soldiers (August 5, 2011), including many from Seal Team 6, the unit involved in the Bin Laden raid.
(He had Karzai make the initial announcement! How gross is that!)
Yes there is a blackout of the dismal results and bad news from the war in Afghanistan and the media can look to itself and Obama and associates for that!
What a contrast with the media/Obama coverage of the Bin Laden raid:
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Clinton: It’s The Numbers Stupid
Bill Clinton’s message at the DNC Convention tried vainly to support the Obama reelection effort by saying the key to the choice is the numbers.
Let’s look at the numbers that Clinton and Obama refuse to acknowledge:
• 23 million Americans are out of work, have stopped looking for work, or are underemployed
• $16 trillion national debt (that’s $50,000 for every American)
• 43 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment
• 4 straight trillion dollar budget deficits in a row -- more than any other president combined
• 96,000 people found jobs (less than half the growth in the population)
• 368,000 dropped out of the labor market
• 4 Times as many “dropped out” as found jobs (causing the unemployment rate to move down; talk about a dysfunctional reporting system!)
All this Obama Bad News in the face of the fact that “The Bush actions in 2008” resulted in the end of the Recession in June 2009, well before Obama started to “do his thing”; therefore what has Obama been doing since June 2009 to improve the economy (that was no longer in recession) other than throwing Stimulus tax-money at his friends and building obstacles to inhibit and suppress business and job creation?
Obama’s Economic “Mission Accomplished”: Recession Ended June 2009
Obama’s “Welcome” Jobs News Is That Workers Stopped Looking For Work
Taxes and Debt are like anchors
nailing our ship of state to the bottom
where socialism and stagnation
hold us securely to mediocrity
Friday, September 07, 2012
Clinton Praise A Flashback To Obama’s Peace Prize
Roanoke Times, 9-6-2012, Pg 1: Clinton Lauds Obama’s Successes
First of all the word “Laud” is a Christian Religious term and should never be used in the same sentence with Clinton or Obama.
That being said: Not since Obama was “awarded” the Peace Prize has so much been made over so little.
Four years of wrong-headed decisions and directions hardly deserves “lauding”.
Desperate Obama Turns To Bill Clinton
Obama had his opportunity and like a failing pitcher on the mound or a failing quarterback he needs to be sent to the showers.
Sure he tried. Unfortunately he’s trying to make America into a Greece-like clone of socialism and dependency and debt at a time we need to develop and foster those components of the free enterprise system and personal responsibility that has made America the Greatest Country on Earth.
Job Growth And Economic Progress Train-wreck
Obama The Pied Piper At Charlottesville Va
The Romney-Ryan Team will focus on actions that will result in job growth, doctor-patient focused healthcare, save Social Security and put controls on spending and debt.
Romney-Ryan The Thinking Voters Choice
If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you’re not a racist,
You need to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot.
Are the good times over?
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Pathetic Democrats Ambivalent About GOD
Democrat National Convention, 9-5-2012, Wednesday PM
The Democrats removed from their national political presidential platform:
Any mention of GOD
And Confirmation that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel
After intense questioning of the Democrat National Committee as to why these two very important items had been consciously removed from their platform for the first time in 50 years, the Convention moved to restore them.
It took THREE VOTES to restore GOD into the platform and then it certainly was not clear that the vote was to do so; but instead was a decision by the Chair clearly based on feedback from the American People and Grassroots-Democrats that removing GOD was not acceptable.
Play the video and decide for yourself why it took three votes and do you think the I’s had it for the required two-thirds vote!
What a sad and pathetic spectacle.
Democrats’ having to call a vote three times to support GOD, and then the outcome was not certain!
Certainly reminds one of a famous quote:
"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times." Mark 14:30.
Truly Obama’s Democrat Party is NOT your Grandfather’s Democrat Party!
Little wonder Tom Brokaw, author of “The Greatest Generation: had to seek medical treatment after the vote.
All this certainly fits in well with Obama’s personal minister Rev Wright and his Church of The God Damn America.
September 6th 1944
The beginning of the end for the 3rd Reich and WW-2
Let us remember the Bedford Boys and their
Company A, 116th Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division
May God Bless The Bedford Boys, and all those who have given their all for our Freedom
and May God Bless The United States of America
The Dday Memorial
The Dday Museum
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
ObamaCare 2.0 The Obama Audacity Of Abomination
Roanoke Times, 9-3-2012, Pg 1, 5: Ex-Obama advisers offer health care budget.
Health Care accounts for 18% of the economy; about 1/4th of the federal budget (if we had a budget); is growing without bounds. The US spends much more than other advanced countries on health care.
Pg 3: Obama defends ObamaCare on the Campaign trail.
So what’s Obama and friends planning now for ObamaCare?
Move $716 TRILLION dollars from Medicare to fund ObamaCare.
Immediately hire 15,000 federal workers to work on ObamaCare.
New Health care Workers?
No! IRA agents to setup the collection and intimidation and coercion systems.
No visible plan yet to increase number and quality of health care workers.
And now the two new big “improvements” to ObamaCare:
1. Health care will NOT grow faster than wages and spending limits will be enforced by an independent council!
2. Individuals would NOT be allowed to pay for medical care they want! They will be forced to get into the government-waiting-line even if they want to purchase a medical procedure.
Who are these Obama associates who continue to advocate the destruction of the American Medical System and the people’s freedom of choice and their relationship with their doctors?
Clearly Obama and friends have blown passed Liberalism and Socialism and have joined Trotsky, Lenin, and Marx. Something about Birds of a Feather!
Monday, September 03, 2012
Labor Day 2012
Roanoke Times, 9-3-2012, Pg 10: Editorial: Labor Day by the numbers.
12.8 million Unemployed (8.3%)
Education Unemployment Weekly Earnings
BS 4.1% $1,164
AS 7.1% $ 754
HS 8.7% $ 659
HS Drop-Out 12.7% $ 483
Pg 11: Guest Editorial: Challenges for American’s shrinking unions
JMU Professor J.E. Guiniven
Net: Unions were good, unions are good, unions need to save the nation.
Congratulation Editors of the Roanoke Times! Somehow you spared us the indignity of telling us the obnoxious message from Sunday, September 04, 2011:
Roanoke Times Heralds the Communist Manifesto as THE Answer to America’s Challenges
Pg Horiz 1: Give Marx a chance to save the world
Pg Virginia 1: Labor Unions responsible for all that is good
Pg 10: House (that’s the Republican’s) not likely to help Obama create jobs
Carl Marx is the answer to our economic challenges, the Republicans want the American working people to be unemployed and all would be great if only the labor unions controlled and ran our businesses.
Today’s editorial table of education, unemployment and salary certainly and starkly highlights the “facts of life” that every teacher tells their students, many of whom respond with the three Ds: Disrespect, Disregard and Defiance. These responses are at the root of the deterioration of the family unit, compounded by the public education system’s inability to manage or change bad behavior.
The Page 11 Pro-Union Editorial was a disappointment. My father was a union member and benefited from that brotherhood. I was a union member and later as an engineer worked in harmony with union members.
The key to unionism not mentioned in this editorial is the critical element of team-partnership.
There can be real success where unions and management work together for the common good of growing and maintaining a healthy business with appropriate rewards for the employees.
For mutual success management must treat employees with respect and dignity and unions need to constrain “firebrand” members who seek power through intimidation of both management and fellow members.
During the past 30 years the public has soured on unions because of their abuse of their powers. A prime example is last year’s ugly brawl in Wisconsin where government worker unions clearly were abusing taxpayers and the school systems.
Two states that are in very bad business and financial condition: California and NY.
They are the personification of union power and abuses. Compare them to Virginia, “A Right to Work State” in which government and business and labor and taxpayers all benefit from a business friendly environment.
Anyone who thinks that what we need now are labor union work-stoppages and strikes and demands for massive additional pay and benefits certainly doesn’t understand our current massive and critical challenges. Clearly they will be voting for Obama -again.
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Roanoke Times A Selective Movie Booster
WSJ: 9-1-2012, Pg A6: Anti-Obama Film (2016) Broadens Its Footprint This Weekend
During the prior national elections, the Editors of the RT were ecstatic about the anti-Bush movies coming out of Hollywood; with special hype and praise for Michael Moore and associates. The “Revenge of the Sith," was heralded as the biggest anti-Bush blockbuster since "Fahrenheit 9/11."
Fast forward to 2012:
After making much of the SML movie and the Franklin County Shine movie one can’t find any mention of “2016”!
Apparently a national political movie that’s doing well at box-offices across the county isn’t worthy of mention by the RT Editors. Why are we not surprised!
Love Him – Hate Him – You Don’t Know Him!
NEW YORK: The "2016: Obama's America" has been one of the most-discussed movies of the summer
Certainly hasn’t reached that level of interest or discussion by the Editors of the RT!
And then there’s the YouTube videos that somehow never show up in the RTs online website and are not mentioned in the any blog posts they promote.
Some good examples would be:
A group called “Veterans for a Strong America”
The Seals Video: Dishonorable Disclosures
Click to view YouTube video “Doorbell”
The Canadian View of The US “Situation” And It’s Major Causes
Afterburner with Bill Whittle: It’s a Miracle
The Truth Is Out There
Are The Good Times Over For Good (takes some time to load)
I Am America
‘Blame It On Bush’ by The Voters
Jon Stewart – Obama’s Debt Speech
The list goes on – but – not at the Roanoke Times, the local media outlet for the DNC and the Obama Reelection Committee.
Stop Burning Our Food - Stupid
Roanoke Times, 9-1-201, Pg 11: Guest Editorial: Va. has a stake in the renewable fuel standard.
The most warped and biased endorsement of burning our food in our vehicles that has ever been written. A free advertisement for a chemical company that has failed at developing alternative fuels from “nonfood sources" but say they’re really good at burning our food under the guise of Renewable fuels and biofuels and that this is a good thing!
Not one word that 40% of our corn production is being burned in our cars as ethanol!
Not one word about the facts that generating ethanol (corn alcohol) uses more energy than it produces in our cars.
Not one word about the total CO2 generated by the total growing and production and consumption process.
Not one word about the major run-up in the cost of meat, poultry and food stuffs.
Not one word about the massive amounts of fertilizer required because growing corn by itself depletes the soil to almost unusable levels.
Not one word that this whole misdirected energy policy involves massive tax-payer subsidies to selected groups at the expense of every taxpayer, vehicle owner and all those who have to buy food to survive.
Not one word about reductions in our exports or the feeding of the hungry and starving.
And now in the middle of a significant drought across the heartland,
the big fool wants to increase the burning of our food (ethanol) by 50% (go from 10% to 15% by volume in our gasoline). What is wrong with these people? What is wrong with our priorities?
This is the stark adverse result of imposing green-ideology over both the good of the people and sound agriculture and engineering and economics.
Shame on the Roanoke Times for helping to foster this misdirected and harmful government mandate upon the American people; and particularly upon those who are poor and ill positioned to absorb the major adverse consequences of official-stupidity and malfeasance.
Apparently this article is the editors lame effort to counter the letter Governor McDonnell sent to the EPA (Employment Prevention Agency) asking for a waiver of the Ethanol mandate due to its adverse impacts on Virginia residents. How is this consistent with the Editors claims that they represent and help the poor and disadvantaged? Talk about hypocrisy!
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