The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, June 28, 2013


American Presidency Now Reduced to Juvenile Whining

Roanoke Times, 6-8-2013, Pg 4: Obama tries to downplay Snowden issue.
Obama’s downplaying is in stark contrast to all his defense and State Dept people telling the world this has done major damage to our Country and probably people will die needlessly because of it.
Obama on his “$100 Million Return to Roots Africa Trip” was asked about getting Snowden (the NSA leaker) back to the US for trial.
Obama’s response was the most embarrassing, pathetic, whining response delivered by a US President since Carter’s Iran hostage mess.
“I don’t call China or Russia because I shouldn’t have to”
“I don’t want to negotiate with China or Russia
“I will not scramble jets to get a 29 year old hacker”
(Talk about an incredibly stupid and juvenile statement!)
Click to view this pathetic statement (This is Our Hope and Change?)
Since he didn’t scramble jets to help protect our people in Benghazi, who were under attack from Radical Muslim Terrorists, one certainly wouldn’t expect to see any jets scrambled for this.
Obama’s $100 Million Escape Back To Roots


Thursday, June 27, 2013


More Obama IRS Malfeasance And Media Disinformation

Roanoke Times, 6-25-2013, Pg 1,14: IRS also screened liberal groups
No Roanoke Times and Associates in the Pravda Press – That’s not it!
The IRS-IG that has been investigating Obama’s IRS cronies has slapped-down the false-floated story that Liberal Groups were also harassed in-addition-to Conservative Groups.
Nice try – would really help Obama if the malfeasance were “fair and balanced”!  What a concept!
What will you-all come up with next to help your Prince?
Yet Another Senior IRS manager invokes Fifth Amendment right before House committee.  At what point is our government going to take action on this malfeasance?  Oh right – its Obama’s team and his AG Holder is investigating.  What could possibly go wrong with that line-up?
It’s interesting that the RT had a major article on Obama’s Trip back to Roots.
RT, 6-7-2013, Pg 8: Obama visit aimed at deflating disappointment.
Talk about your double negatives!
However, nowhere in the article did it mention the $100 Million price tag.  Think this would have gone unnoticed if Bush had abused the office like this?
Is there anyone in the major media not under “The Obama Spell and drinking his CoolAid”?  Is the next stop Guyana?
Obama’s $100 Million Escape Back To Roots



Virginia Constitutional Amendment Prevails

Roanoke Times, 6-27-2013, Pg 1, 18: Supreme Court gay rights ruling blunted in Va.
The Court deferred to the States who have always had the power to define the marriage laws for its citizens.
Those States that have incorporated 1-Man 1-Woman into their State Constitutions are still in control and so far are out of the reach of Liberal-Progressive Judges.
Those states that simply have laws or props (like Ca.) are subject to the courts within those States to make the decisions without regard for the will of the people.  It appears that is what will happen in California.  How sad it that!
In 2006 the Liberals, Progressives and Democrats in Virginia with the massive assistance of their Pravda Presses tried in vain to stop the Va. Marriage Initiative.
Part of their pitch was that this initiative was clearly not necessary because no one was ever going to try to force Gay Marriage upon the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Hello!
There may well come a time, and perhaps soon, when the voters of Virginia change their minds on this subject.  In the mean time it would be proper for the Courts to defer to the will of the voters.
It’s a Constitutional Thing – Oh Right – that’s a “living” document that really wasn’t a solemn contract between the people and their government.  It’s just like a  “guideline” thing that the government may follow or not, it depends!
So much for our Founding Fathers and their sacrifices!
Yesterday:   Supreme Court Went With States
The 2006 Blog Items on this subject were and are “right on target”!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Va Constitutional Amendment

Roanoke Times, 1/21/06, Pg A 4: Judge strikes down law against gay marriage in Maryland.
The Editor of Roanoke Times just had a big editorial (Va takes another swat at gays) about the stupidity of Virginia moving forward with a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. His point was that we already have a law about this. Right, and so did Maryland and so did Massachusetts.
In our judicial system today – everyone goes judge-shopping. Apparently it’s not hard to find a judge for your case that is sympathetic with your left-wing liberal causes.
Enacting a state constitutional amendment raises the bar to the federal level where it’s harder to over-ride but unfortunately there’s also lots of judge-shopping going on there too.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Marriage = 1 M + 1 FM
Roanoke Times, 10/26/06, Pg 1 & Va 10: NJ Court (vote: 4 to 3) says homosexual couples should be able to have legal union and full rights.
After weeks of articles in the RT advising us that the Virginia Marriage Amendment is unnecessary, this happens, and only two weeks before the election!
Once again it should be clear to all that "activist" judges are imposing their views on us without regard to law, precedent or public values.
It is unfortunate that "The inconvenient truth" is that because we have these "activist" judges we do need to have very specific language in the state constitutions to clearly define this issue.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Supreme Court Went With States

Roanoke Times, 6-26-2013, Pg 1, 18: Supreme Court effectively put an end to the advance approval requirement for voting changes.
The Supreme Court declared that the sections of the Voting Rights Act within the Civil Rights act of 1965 were out of date and out of step with the current reality and the 14th Amendment.
The Court found that States no longer have to submit their voting rules to AG Eric Holder for “his approval”.
This is particularly good news for all those who consider Holder to be a consummate liar, political hack and soon to be held in contempt of Congress for a second time.
How can a state like Virginia that elected the first black governor since reconstruction, Doug Wilder, and recently twice elected Obama as President be, by definition, a racist state and therefore be forced to submit their voting rules to Eric Holder?
Should Congress determine going forward that there are very specific problem areas they can enact laws to address those issues.
Over the past 100 years there has been a major and sustained movement to subvert the original Constitution by taking power away from the states and giving it to the federal government.    It would be proper if many more decisions moved power back to the people where it was won with blood from despots and dictatorial rulers.
An all knowing and all powerful central government is by definition a threat to our Constitution and Liberty.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Courts Still Support Person’s Right Not To Accept

Student booted from class for saying ‘I don’t accept gays’ wins federal lawsuit
A federal district court judge ruled last week that a Michigan high school teacher violated a student’s free speech rights when he kicked the student out of class for voicing disapproval for homosexuality.
A basic premise of our first and fourteenth Amendment rights is the right to Respect a person or group or concept without Accepting it and thereby promoting it.
This issue has reached a crescendo with the homosexual “rights” movement and their attacks upon the Scouts and others.
Apparently at least one federal judge still recognizes this basic right and the right to express it in public without fear of it being labeled as “hate speech”.
As citizens we all have the responsibility to tolerate actions and behaviors we deem to be NOT OK; we have the obligation to treat every person with respect, however, we also have the right to NOT accept those things or promote and foster them.
How we personally handle these responsibilities, obligations and rights reflect directly upon our values.
For example: a parent's unconditional Love for a wayward child reflects tolerance but might not involve acceptance.

Obama Homeland Security Team Busts Terrorist On Video

Click link to see it all go down!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Two Fracking Stories

Yet another Obama-EPA wrong-headed initiative goes down the Fracking-Hole.
EPA won't confirm fracking pollution tie, tells states to do their own investigation

After several years of hysteria that Fracking for Oil contaminates ground water, Obama’s EPA is stepping aside without definitive data to support the claim.
The hysteria came to a crescendo when a film “Gasland” by Josh Fox alleged to show lighting a kitchen faucet on-fire due to all the methane gas in the water caused by Fracking.
Yet another Al Gore type trip into misdirected fear-mongering.
Two Skeptics countered with their own movie FrackNation, an independent documentary produced by Los Angeles-based filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney:
Independent film takes pro-fracking perspective
Get your own personal copy:  Extra Energy Edition DVD
Anti-Fracking Filmmakers Exposed And Debunked
CO2 Emissions Reduced and Climate Alarmists AGW Disarmed
More Global Warming Alarmist And Fracking Issues

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Obama’s $100 Million Escape Back To Roots

Not found yet in the Roanoke Times - don't hold your breath!
Obama’s approval rating has nose-dived over his total lack of leadership on a plate-full of crisis and scandals:
CNN Poll: Obama approval falls amid controversies
BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate:          The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:           The “Justice Dept.” AP & Fox phone & data hacking and AG Holder’s lies to Congress as part of the cover-up

EmailGate:      Using secret Email accounts to avoid investigators and public scrutiny and FOIAs.
PrivacyGate:   Government conducting Massive dragnets of citizen personal and private data.
Libya-Gate:    Giving deer-rifles to Libyan Rebels after two years and 100,000  people killed fighting war-planes, artillery and tanks and now 4,000 troops from Iran
Talk about leading from your BEHIND!
And to add insult to injury – Obama’s approval rating amongst young voters (his prized Pied-Piper followers) had also plummeted:
CNN poll: Obama numbers plunge into generation gap
Amazingly all this being reported by CNN!
How is Obama responding to all this?
By escaping out of the Country at massive Taxpayer expense!
He's taking his VERY EXTENDED FAMILY back to his Roots in Africa at a cost to American TaxPayers of $100 MILLION.
All this while we’re  $16 TRILLION in Debt
Over 12 MILLION workers out of Work
The White House Tours shut-down for lack of funding
Reported by ABC:  President's vacation to cost taxpayers $60-$100 million
Is there no limit to the Obama arrogance and total disregard for the American People?
We won’t see an Editorial of Righteous Indignation by the Roanoke Times on any of this!  They're too busy helping  Michelle support McAuliffe by bashing McDonnell and Cucciinelli.  They're so fair and balanced!

Proud Of Our Last 11 Presidents In Uniform


Military Source Unknown - But Very Insightful
 (and perhaps somewhat Politically Incorrect)
Perhaps This Explains The "Leading From Behind" Thing

Saturday, June 15, 2013


More ObamaCare Bad News

Latest Bad News  Forbes:  6-17-2013: ObamaCare's War on Women
A War on Sis? In California, Single Women Will Also Face A Doubling of Health Insurance Premiums Due To Obamacare
Roanoke Times, 5-30-2013, Pg 3: Current insurance policies may get canceled under law.
The effort to get policies up to basic standards could be another “bump” in Obama’s plan.
R.T., 6-14-2013, Pg 1, 6: (ObamaCare) Overhaul may put insurance out of reach for low-wage workers.
There’s just no end in sight for the bad news pouring out of the ObamaCare Mess.  Now that it’s passed and the American People can read it – it’s not a nice read.
January 2014 will clearly be a literal health care train wreck.
New Good News is coming: We all can hardly wait for the new Roanoke Times series of articles on the “Joys of ObamaCare”
The negatives and major issues in the above articles and the following articles and blog items will all be washed away with visions of sugar plumbs and the 16,000 new IRS agents anxiously waiting to help us.
ObamaCare Ship Continues To Sink With Us Below-Decks
ObamaCare Options for Small Businesses Delayed (Until Next Year!)
Democrats' New Argument: It's A Good Thing That ObamaCare Doubles Individual Health Insurance Premiums
Survey Says ObamaCare Will Drive Up Premiums 40 Percent
Rate Shock: In California, ObamaCare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%
The IRS, ObamaCare, and You: The Government Is Coming for Your Health Insurance Records
What If Healthy People Don't Want to Buy ObamaCare?
ObamaCare Reducing HealthCare Coverage
Marketing Abstract ObamaCare
ObamaCare: Double Or Nothing
Just lots more Hope and Change that we voted for?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Is Google’s Eric Schmidt Obama’s Propaganda Czar?

Roanoke Times, 6-8-2013, Pg 1, 5: Firms deny willingness to aid NSA.
Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google has a very tight and supportive relationship with Obama.


“During the 2012 campaign, Barack Obama’s reelection team had an underappreciated asset: Google’s (GOOG) executive chairman, Eric Schmidt. He helped recruit talent, choose technology, and coach the campaign manager, Jim Messina, on the finer points of leading a large organization. “On election night he was in our boiler room in Chicago,” says David Plouffe, then a senior White House adviser. Schmidt had a particular affinity for a group of engineers and statisticians tucked away beneath a disco ball in a darkened corner of the office known as “the Cave.” The data analytics team, led by 30-year-old Dan Wagner, is credited with producing Obama’s surprising 5 million-vote margin of victory.”
Google’s Schmidt is a primary participant in Obama’s PRISM program to monitor and obtain the Emails of Domestic Americans -- and now Google’s Schmidt is trying to distance himself and his Cave-Team from this domestic spying program that clearly has major political connections and capabilities.
Schmidt has now gone so fare as to publicly volunteer his Google resources to help protect Obama by suppressing the outrage over this crisis:
Google to DOJ: Let us prove to users that NSA isn't snooping on them

With the people, programs and data bases that are available to Google’s Schmidt in collaboration with Obama’s NSA-PRISM, CIA, ATF and FBI resources we truly have arrived at Orwell’s ‘1984’ capabilities and environment.
Apple's 1984 Superbowl Ad portends the final stark result of Doublespeak and the resources and capabilities of a Obama-Google-NSA-PRISM syndicate:
Click to View the Video (sound on):

Obama’s blaming and jailing of a nondescript video maker for the Benghazi Libya attack certainly smacks of Ray Bradbury’s classic: Fahrenheit 451
Isn’t there a 1st and 4th Amendment to the US Constitution?
Oh right – the Constitution is not a solemn contract to protect “The People": it’s a “living” document that can be changed at will!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Americans Angry At NSA

Roanoke Times, 6-11-2013, Pg 1, 12: Government tries to calm anger at NSA
No That’s Not IT!
Would you like to guess again?
Americans are not angry at the NSA!
Americans are angry at Obama!
Obama directly and indirectly through his appointed and anointed minions has undermined the Constitution and confidence of the American People.
American’s haven’t seen any malfeasance like the Obama Administration since Nixon’s WaterGate.
At some point even the Editors of The Roanoke Times will have to cede to the reality of an administration doing much more harm than good.
If you think using the IRS to abuse political enemies is a problem, just imagine what could be done with the NSA data base Obama is building!  Makes J. Edgar Hoover's files and actions look trivial. 
To complicate all this malfeasance, James Clapper, Obama's Director of Intelligence is  under fire for suggesting no knowledge of fed's massive phone, email collecting in sworn testimony to Congress.
Contrary to Obama’s graduation speech, that we should reject those who criticize the government, instead we all need to focus on protecting our rights, our privacy and our under siege Constitution.
Click to view the video of the obnoxious hypocrisy of Obama the Senator berating Bush for his actions just after 9-11.
Obama the Hypocrite on NSA, FISA, Patriot Act

Snowden The New Ellsburg
Tyranny In America -- Lost All Credibility
Roanoke Times Top Stories NOT

Monday, June 10, 2013


Snowden The New Ellsburg

Roanoke Times, 6-10-2013, Pg 3: Contractor (Edward Snowden) says he leaked the surveillance program info.
In 1971 Daniel Ellsburg published a massive file of military classified documents that became know as “The Pentagon Papers”.
It appears we now have a New Ellsburg.  His name is Edward Snowden:
However, his expose is not about the military but it is all about the Obama Administration’s spying on millions of Americans.
“Allowing the U.S. government to intimidate its people with threats of retaliation for revealing wrongdoing is contrary to the public interest," he said in the interview published Sunday.

The revelation that the Obama Administration has expanded the Bush surveillance of calls into and out-of the country after 9-11 to now include over 100 MILLION cell phone users has awaken Americans to a massive overreach of authority and responsibility and invasion of personal privacy.
This comes on the heels of the Obama team’s loss of creditability from four major in-process scandals:
BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate:          The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:           The “Justice Dept.” AP & Fox phone & data hacking and AG Holder’s lies to Congress as part of the cover-up

EmailGate:     Using secret Email accounts to avoid investigators and public scrutiny and FOIAs.
Ellsburg escaped major jail time due to the chaos within the Nixon White House staff and the incompetence of his Justice Dept. staff and the major media support for Ellsburg’s anti-war actions.
Will be interesting to see if Snowden fares as well given that these transgressions are against the American people in the Homeland in addition to the Justice Dept’s intrusion into the AP media organization: something about freedom of the press.
To add insult to injury, we have the obnoxious hypocrisy of Obama the Senator berating Bush for his actions just after 9-11.  Click to view the video of just how two-faced and false our leader really is:
Obama the Hypocrite on NSA, FISA, Patriot Act

- - -

Friday, June 07, 2013


Another Dubious So Called Study

Roanoke Times, 5-28-2013, Pg 3: Health: “Teen studies suggest ‘crack baby’ scare over blown.  Behavioral effects were small and may have arisen from other factors, such as poverty, researchers say.
The government’s National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that it’s tough to evaluate how drug use during pregnancy affects children’s development because so many other factors play a role, including prenatal care, mothers’ health and family environment.”
For years the government and media have been publishing and hyping “so called studies” that are intended to modify and control our behaviors.  The attached links are some prior examples of these “So Called Studies” published in the Roanoke Times.
Now the government says the effects on the children born of pregnant women using CRACK COCAINE (one of the most addictive and debilitating drugs) cannot be measured!  Talk about totally discounting scientific studies!  Have we not seen on TV the videos of squirming, vibrating and screaming new-born crack babies in the throws of withdrawal?   But this “study” says “not to worry” – they’ll all turn out fine.  Nothing like a little methadone to put them to sleep.
For years we have had responsible women who have stopped smoking, stopped having even a single glass of wine, avoided almost all drugs including legal drugs all because our “medical experts” have told them there will be adverse consequences for their babies.
Where to go to get creditable guidance and information?
Apparently the last places to go are the government and the media!
Promoting Faulty Cause And Effect Data
Yet Another Dubious So Called Study
ADHD: Cause & Effect?
Help Denied
Vioxx Jury
Study wrong?
Amplifying Bad Data
Yet Another Stuck-on-Stupid Study


Thursday, June 06, 2013


Tyranny In America -- Lost All Credibility

NYT: The administration has "lost all credibility"
The New York Times editorial board, which twice endorsed President Obama and has championed many planks of his agenda, on Thursday turned on the president over the government's mass collection (100 Million persons) of phone data -- saying
"the administration has "lost all credibility."  ."
The Washington Post: The program, code-named PRISM
The National Security Agency and the FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies, extracting audio and video chats, photographs, e-mails, documents, and connection logs that enable analysts to track one target or trace a whole network of associates, according to a top-secret document obtained by The Washington Post.
At what point of the Obama Administration lying and malfeasance and abuse of the American people will the Editors of the Roanoke Times finally acknowledge their Prince has lost the confidence and respect of the American People?
At my swearing in as a 2nd Lt in the US Army I took the oath of office that all Federal officers take:
"To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America".
The oath is not to the President, or the Senate or the House but to the Constitution!
It is sad to see the officials of our government abuse their oath!


D-Day June 6th 1944

June 6th  1944  The beginning of the end for the 3rd Reich and WW-2
Let us remember the Bedford Boys and their
Company A,  116th Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division
May God Bless The Bedford Boys, and all those who have given their all for our Freedom  and

 May God Bless The United States of America
D-day Prayer by President FDR  June 7th 1944
(Politically Incorrect Today -- How did it come to this?)
US Army Web Site
 The D-day Memorial
The D-day Museum
The Longest Day
Saving Private Ryan
The Bedford Boys
Bedford Goes To War

Wednesday, June 05, 2013


The Obama Team – “We Just Don’t Know”



Roanoke Times Top Stories NOT

-   6-4-2013
Roanoke Times:  Top stories from the nation & world
France, Britain confirm use of sarin gas in Syria
IRS officials enjoyed luxury rooms at conference
Senators blast military response to sex assaults
Hacker who turned Manning in takes witness stand
Turkish gov't offers apology as protests continue
Ohio St. president retires after Notre Dame jabs
Deadly Okla. tornado widest on record, rare EF5
NJ Gov. Christie: Oct. vote for Lautenberg's seat
Sebelius won't intervene in girl's transplant case
Chrysler refuses US request to recall vehicles

Not one word about the ongoing/daily Obama Trifecta from Hell

BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate:          The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:           The “Justice Dept.” AP & Fox phone & data hacking and AG Holder’s lies to Congress as part of the cover-up

And now we learn that the most “open and transparent” administration in history has been using secret Email accounts to avoid investigators and public scrutiny and FOIAs.
Apparently the Roanoke Times doesn’t watch the government briefings to reporters or the Congressional Hearings or read the major media which now (at long last) is covering these major Obama Administration Scandals in detail.
It must be a lot of work for the RT Editors to parse-out and sift through all the news stories in order to protect their Obama and Democrat team members.
Wouldn’t it be easier and better to just print all the news?
And how about just one negative thing about McAuliffe – like he kicked a cat when he was 8, or something, anything!

Tuesday, June 04, 2013


It’s ‘1984’ At The Stock Market

Roanoke Times, 6-4-2013, Pg 5:  Bad news keeping the stock market happy
Poor economic reports could lead to continued stimulus programs from the Federal Reserve.
In Orwell’s ‘1984’ the concept of DoubleSpeak was coined to describe the redefining and reversing of opposite terms; in this story bad results in happy and poor results in good.
AGW Alarmists tell us that cold weather is caused by man-made global warming.
Here we are with massive unemployment but having people stop looking for work causes the unemployment percentage to go down.
The government, $16 TRILLION in debt, is helping the stock market by printing $85 BILLION a month to add to the debt.  This massive unfunded infusion of money into the economy has kept interest rates so low that few are keeping their funds in bonds or money market accounts.  This is distorting the long-term important investing strategy of ‘balance’ and that can lead to major problems when interest rates return to a ‘normal’ level.
Let’s all just invoke DoubleSpeak and say we’re making good investment decisions (when we’re not) and our economy is healthy (when it's not)!

Monday, June 03, 2013


ObamaCare Ship Continues To Sink With Us Below-Decks

Roanoke Times, 6-2-2013, Pg 3: GOP internal squabbles on ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion
Large article without once mentioning the current cost to State Taxpayers for the current Medicaid programs no less this major expansion that our bankrupt national government says they will underwrite.  With what?  The national government is $16 TRILLION in debt!  Just how dull do we look?
The following articles (links) are stark testimony to the major negative ObamaCare issues that are becoming more visible every day.
The Obama promise “you can keep your current coverage and doctor at the current price” has now been replaced by Democrats’ arguing that doubling individual health care premiums is a good thing.
The law to protect your health records from those you have not approved has now been superseded by ObamaCare that makes your records available to whatever bureaucrats they deem appropriate.
Your health insurance, that you though was a private document and personal contract, will now be reviewed and rated by 16,000 new IRS agents who will determine if you are in compliance, and if not, what your fine/tax will be.
Apparently now that the Democrats have passed it – we all are getting a chance to read and be subjected to it.  What a joy!
ObamaCare Options for Small Businesses Delayed (Until Next Year!)
Democrats' New Argument: It's A Good Thing That ObamaCare Doubles Individual Health Insurance Premiums
Survey Says ObamaCare Will Drive Up Premiums 40 Percent
Rate Shock: In California, ObamaCare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%
The IRS, ObamaCare, and You: The Government Is Coming for Your Health Insurance Records
What If Healthy People Don't Want to Buy ObamaCare?
ObamaCare Reducing HealthCare Coverage
Marketing Abstract ObamaCare
ObamaCare: Double Or Nothing
Just lots more Hope and Change that we voted for?

Sunday, June 02, 2013


Roanoke Times Employee Opinion Survey On New Boy Scout Gay Policy

New News:  6-12-2013
Southern Baptists condemn Boy Scouts over admission of gays
Roanoke Times, 6-2-2013, Pg 4: Scouting for solidarity
Pg 1, 4: New policy on gays, same toxic message
Perhaps it would be appropriate for the Editors of the RT to conduct an Employees Opinion Survey.
The employees to be surveyed are all those who have young boys of Scouting age.  The survey would focus on the new Boy Scout policy regarding openly gay membership.
It’s certain that there have always been gay scouts, however they were caused to comply with the adage: don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t flaunt and don’t make passes at other scouts or you’re out.
The new policy removes all those inhibitors and in fact will make gay scouts a self-proclaimed special distinguishable class.
The RT Employee Opinion Survey for those having sons of scouting age are simply:
1)  Are you OK with your son sharing a pup tent with an openly gay scout?
 Y or N
2)  Are you OK with your son showering with an openly gay scout? 
 Y or N
Would be appropriate for the Editors of the RT to publish the results of this survey in the RT.
For most people there is a BIG difference between being respectful to others as opposed to accepting and promoting behavior we find to be NOT OK!
There is nothing “gay” about two males participating in homosexual behaviors!
There is nothing respectful about exposing children to these situations!

Given the age of these boys it’s not clear how they have arrived at their ultimate sexual preferences at such an early age even perhaps before puberty.
Reminds one of the story of a boy coming home and announcing to his Mother that he was gay and coming out of the closet!
His surprised mother replied:  What are you talking about, you’re just a boy and you’ve never had sex with a man ----
 trust me --- it’s not that great!
Boy Scouts Face Monumental Loss After Choice to Allow Openly-Gay Members

Saturday, June 01, 2013


Obama: Leading From Behind In Syria

MidEast Proverb:  The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend
For the past year and a half Obama has stated with great determination that President Assad of Syria would fall “soon”.
Now, after 75,000 Syrians have been killed, it appears that Assad may well win his Civil War.
The winners will be: Assad, Hezbollah, Russia and Radical Islam; thereby placing the governments and countries of Lebanon, Jordan and Israel at great risk.
At this point in time the Obama-Kerry team is hyping a “Peace Conference” as their contribution to the current situation.  How lame is that?
Obama’s decision not to provide aid to the Rebels in spite of the support for Assad by Hezbollah and Russia will be a defining foreign policy legacy.
The adverse consequences of this policy and Assad’s success may well be very visible before Obama exits the White House.
Hezbollah Is Launching An Offensive That Will Profoundly Change The Syrian War


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