The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, August 30, 2013


Obama’s Coalition Of The Who; To Do What?

Roanoke Times, 9-1-2013, Pg 1,8: Obama inches to punitive attack
New Obama News 9-1-2013: Obama The Isolated:  without a coalition to bomb Syria, now telling Congress he wants them to be "The Deciders", but if they decide No -- he probably will bomb anyway.  And this is our Commander-In-Chief!  What a Piece of Work!
Roanoke Times, 8-30-2013, Pg 3: Britain opts out of attacking Syria; Italy and France say “not so fast”.  Other “friends” aren’t answering the phone.
Obama is now, after two years of absence, desperately seeking someone, anyone, to join in the attack upon Syria for Assad’s use of chemical weapons (nerve gas) upon his people.
No one is stepping forward.  Not because they view Assad’s crimes against humanity as OK.   Not because they think Assad should not be punished.   No, It’s because they don’t want to follow an Incompetent Discredited Chicago Community Organizer into combat and perhaps a war.
It’s not clear that any soldier ever wants to follow a leader into combat whose publically viewed military leadership style is to “lead from behind”!
There’s a reason Infantry Officers have a large white vertical tape on the back of their helmets; it’s so they can “lead their troops from the front”!
Obama's minions are now rewriting history to try to salvage Obama’s bacon.  They’re disparaging Bush’s actions leading up to the Iraq invasion with total lies.
The truth is:
Bush had over two dozen countries signed up and committed as a “coalition of the willing”.
Bush had a vote by both houses of Congress authorizing the attack.
The United Nation passed a resolution authorizing the attack.
NATO was the key partner in ousting Sadam.
There was concrete evidence that Sadam had gassed the Kurds.
Sadam bragged to the world that he had WMDs.
Obama doesn’t have any of these supporting positions.  What he has is his circle of cronies and two big Teleprompters.
Just More Hope and Change We Can Believe In!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


From B.T. Washington To MLK To Al Twana-Brawley Sharpton

Roanoke Times, 8-28-2013, Pg 6: Obama said the civil rights leader captured the hopes and dreams of an entire generation.
Today is the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech  August 28, 1963
Clearly MLK was a major force for positive change at a point when “the time was right”.  He inspired those who followed him and disarmed those who opposed him.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have such leadership in our Country today!  The past 50 years have seen a major change in the opportunities for our people of color.  Many have been able to utilize those expanded opportunities but unfortunately many have been unable to do so.
Unfortunately for all of us and particularly those who are disadvantaged there continues to be those who B.T. Washington described in his book as:
 “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
(p. 118,  My Larger Education BTW  1911) - See more at:   
Unfortunately many of our leaders in America and in Washington belong to this negative “class” and continue to disrespect those who are falling behind by making them more and more dependent instead of helping to make them independent and self-sufficient.  No better examples exist than the dismal failures of inter-city schools and the disintegration of the family-unit.
Perhaps the most import act we could accomplish on behalf of B.T. Washington and MLK would be to help all disadvantaged persons to get the skill and knowledge they need to achieve a good standard of living for themselves and their families.
A most inspiring image for all is the statute at the entrance to Tuskegee University in Alabama:
Let us hope that going forward the positive voices of help and reinforcement will drown-out the negative voices of those whose very income and importance is tied to racial strife, conflict and race and class warfare.
Elvis Presley -  (how little things have changed "in the ghetto" in 40 years)
State Senator Elbert Guillory

Miley Cyrus And MTV PrimeTime Debauchery

PrimeTime family TV experienced yet another low in American culture courtesy of our leading-edge Progressive Media.  Instead of reacting with some semblance of dignity the rest of the major media obsessed over this breakthrough in broadcasting garbage and even gave it a new distinctive name. 
How can anyone wonder why American society and culture has been so diminished and tarnished during the past 50 years.  The Progressive Media will soon promote full-scale pornography during family PrimeTime programming because there’s not many options left for them to extend and exploit their Caligula based culture.
Where are the keepers and stewards of our Traditional American culture and decorum?  Perhaps they are gone with the Greatest Generation and we are now in the hands of the ancestors of ancient Rome.  What a Joy!
Even our local paper, the Roanoke Times, didn’t find it appropriate to object or even find fault with this MTV gross degradation and marginalization of women.
Instead they continued their obsession with those who have sexual-identity issues:
Roanoke Times, 8-27-2013, Pg 9: A transsexual prisoner wants to change from male to female at state expense.
This as an extension to the Pvt. Manning expose:
History has shown that most cultures degrade and collapse from within and history has not been kind to those societies and people that lost their moral compass!
Just more Hope and Change we can believe in!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Obama Finds Sadam’s WMD That Bush Couldn’t Find

Latest UpDate on Obama: The Leader From Behind
Roanoke Times, 8-24-2013, Pg 6: Defense secretary: US naval forces moving closer to Syria.
8-25-2013, Pg 1, 14: Syria says US strike may start wider war
Pg Horiz 3: UN Chemical weapons inspections in Syria: Preparing for the pitfalls
Obama: “I” got Bin Laden, Bush didn’t and now “I” found Sadam's WMD Nerve Gas that Bush couldn’t. 
Unfortunately for hundreds of Syrians, it showed up in rockets landing in their communities indiscriminately killing innocent women and children.
During the many months the UN “Iraq Inspectors” dillied and dallied, Sadam moved the Nerve Gas that was left-over from gassing the Kurds to his friends in Syria; and now here it is again working just like new.
Unfortunately, while “we” waited for over a year to help the freedom fighters in Syria (and we still have not given them any meaningful help), the really bad guys (Radical Muslim Terrorists) from all over the Middle East have moved in and are poised to take over the country.
We now don’t have a clue how to help the “good” guys; we don’t even know who the “good” guys are anymore!
Isn’t this how we got Khomeini in Iran and Castro in Cuba and Morsi in Egypt?
But the good news is that Obama found the WMD Nerve Gas that Bush couldn’t!
Just More Hope and Change We can Believe in!
Obama The Denier - Syrian Nerve Gas

Saturday, August 24, 2013


News Media Embraces Sexually Confused Traitor

Roanoke Times, 8-23-2013, Pg 1, 4: BIG multipage article with photos:
Manning: I want to live as a woman; Advocacy groups rush to his aid.
Pvt Bradley Manning, US Army soldier, found guilty of being a traitor to his county by revealing thousands of important classified documents has now become a celebrity to all those who are fixated on sexually confused and disoriented persons.  Apparently being a convicted traitor is of less news-worthy interest than which bathroom he wishes to use.
Manning has publicized pictures of himself in-drag and declares he is now on his way to being female.  That’s not clear.  What is clear is that he’s on his way to Leavenworth Prison where perhaps there are inmates that may help him sort out his sexual ambivalence.
Of curious note is the Roanoke Times’ ongoing fixation and publication of articles like this about sexually confused persons.  This is yet another very long article that is short on Manning’s crimes against the United States but very long on the details of his sexuality issues.
Is this subject really worthy of such RT literary talent and volumes of ink and paper?  Who selects this stuff and how does it rate compared to the entire local, Va, US and world real news?  Aren’t the rags at “check-out” covering this salacious stuff enough?
Public School Bathrooms: Boys, Girls, Whoever
Make Way for Transgender High Schools
WSJ: 3-3-2013: “Gender identity' trumps any squeamishness girls might feel about sharing bathrooms with boys.”
Roanoke Times Exploits A Profoundly Confused Student

When I joined the Army, homosexual behaviors were unlawful.
Then they became tolerable
Then they became acceptable
I’m glad I got out of the Army before Obama makes them mandatory!

Friday, August 23, 2013


Liberal Media Coddles Oklahoma Teen Assassins

The liberal major media is coddling the three teen Oklahoma assassins by explaining that their motivation for their cold bloodied killing of a young visiting Australian baseball player was because they were “BOORED”!
Exactly how gross and disgusting is that characterization?
What is the matter with these people?
One of the killers had written on his FaceBook page vicious anti-white statements, but no one in the Obama DOJ administration or the liberal media is mentioning the word “racial hate crime”.  No – it was just boredom!
There are those who are calling these three cold bloodied killers “feral”.  Perhaps even that doesn’t begin to explain the motivation and callous disregard for human life that pervades these pseudo-humans.  For someone to shoot a totally innocent unknown person in the back there must be something so evil within them that it can’t be explained or understood by rational persons.  But this surly doesn’t involve “boredom”!
The baby assassination case in Georgia by teenagers is getting a somewhat more evenhanded treatment by the media.  As part of an on-the-street robbery of a mother pushing her 13 month old son in a stroller the teens shot her in the leg and then murdered the child after a threatening count-down.  At least the media isn’t calling this a boredom case.
The Nasty, The Vile And The Dangerous

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Obama The Denier - Syrian Nerve Gas

Roanoke Times, 8-22-2013, Pg 3: Chemical weapons alleged in deadly attack.
"The White House said the US was "deeply concerned" by the reports".
Obama deeply concerned!  Really?  Apparently not nearly as concerned as he is about Trayvon Martin and vilifying George Zimmerman!  Talk about a total disconnect with context and perspective and personal values.

The issue is no longer Obama’s totally discredited warnings about a “Red Line” or how many UN inspectors it takes to investigate mass murders or where Bashar al-Assad's gas stockpiles are located.
The issue now is the reality of nerve gas being used on civilians including women and children as clearly shown in today’s awful news videos.
As a young Army Officer I watched films showing animals being subjected to VX nerve gas.  This was done to instill a deep and profound respect for this weapon and the need for all our soldiers to be proficient with masks and shelter and atropine. 
During my time in the field in Germany from 1961 to 1964 we had a mask and a large atropine injector on our belts.  If exposed, we were to don our masks and inject ourselves in the thigh and then stick the injector through our collar so that the medics who found us would know we had an initial dose.
Today’s TV video of the gassed Syrian civilians, especially the children, brought back the disturbing visions of those laboratory animals I witnessed 50 years ago
This is yet another sad chapter in the Arab Spring that Obama and associates were so quick to embrace and support and take credit for.
Perhaps he has been watching the children on TV, struggling for their last breath, wracked with convulsions as the VX destroys their nervous system and shuts down their vital organs.
There’s a name for those who have the ability to help, but instead standby and watch awful things happen to innocent people.  It’s not a nice word!
What a contrast with Obama’s speech in March 2011 on Libya:
"To brush aside America's responsibility as a leader and - more profoundly - our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are," Obama said. "Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different. And as president, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action."
That was 100,000 deaths and multiple gassings ago.
And to think that Obama calls other people “Deniers”.
Talk about hypocrisy!
Just more Hope and Change we can believe in!
Obama Finds Sadam’s WMD That Bush Couldn’t Find

Monday, August 19, 2013


ObamaCare – The “Gift” That Keeps On Giving

Additional more new bad ObamaCare news:  9-3-2013:
ObamaCare: More Deceit That We Can Believe In
Even more new bad ObamaCare news 8-22-2013, Pg 10:  UVa eliminates health insurance for working spouses of employees.  Coverage will end Jan 1 in a move to save millions of dollars.
This at the liberal-progressive institution that turned out thousands of pro-Obama supporters and voters -- Twice!  How's that working out for you-all?
More new bad ObamaCare news Aug 21, 2013:
Health-Care Premiums Up; UPS Dropping 15K Spouses from Coverage
Roanoke Times, 8-16-2013, Pg 9: $1.3 Million (taxpayer dollars) going to “Navigator Grants” to “help” Virginians sign-up for ObamaCare
That’s just for Virginia – the upfront spending (of taxpayer dollars) is: Feds roll out $67 Million in "Navigator" grants
That $67 Million of taxpayer money is not going for real HealthCare – it’s going to groups the Obama Administration views as “socially friendly” to find people to get onto the ObamaCare program.  Rather like the 16,000 new IRS agents who will be “administrating” ObamaCare – haven’t heard anything about more doctors or nurses – have you?
Federal Workers Don’t Want ObamaCare – What a surprise!
The survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent of them believe workers and retirees should keep their current health insurance and not be forced to purchase coverage through the exchanges.
And that includes the IRS managers and agents who are going to “administer” this mess.
Health Reform’s Limit on Consumer Costs Gets Delayed

The Obama Administration has confirmed a third delay in the Affordable Care Act’s rocky road to implementation with the pushback on the limit of out-of-pocket costs some consumers will pay for coverage.
The consumer protection part of the law limits health insurance deductibles and co-payments from exceeding $6,350 for individuals and $12,700 for families was supposed to go into effect next year, but has been delayed to 2015.

And the Roanoke Times just keeps rolling out articles explaining how wonderful ObamaCare is and how wonderful it will be.   Fits in well with their Pravda mantra.
ObamaCare Like A Chain-Reaction Highway Wreck

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Delta Airlines Employees Honor Guard --- A Soldiers Pledge

The Delta Honor Guard
A Soldiers Pledge

Friday, August 16, 2013


Obama’s Egyptian Muslim Brother Hood In Turmoil

The Muslim BrotherHood persevered in the election a year ago but instead of acts of inclusion and progress they immediately set out to create a Sharia based exclusive system.  Their sustained attacks upon Coptic Christians included burning down their churches and mass murders, most of which went unchallenged and largely unreported.
Apparently the White House get-togethers was just more talk:
It appears that the Egyptian Military concluded that they were next to be undermined and deposed by radical young BrotherHood officers and soldiers who were more committed to Sharia law than the majority of Egyptian people, many of whom appear to want a more  secular, moderate  and economically focused government.  Perhaps they reflected back to the assassination of Anwar Sadat by fundamentalist young army officers.
Based on the perceived threat, the Military moved decisively to remove Morsi and his associates from power.  They are now confronting the BrotherHood in a do or die clash of ideology and control and survival.
It appears the Military has “crossed the Rubicon” and there is no respite or turning back.  They now must proceed with the 4-F’s of Army warfare: FIND, FIX, FIGHT AND FINISH the enemy.  This will result in a country-wide war with thousands of dead, wounded and displaced.  Spill-over into other countries is a real possibility and could result in a regional disaster.
The U.S. and much of the Western World do not have the stomach for such encounters.  Visions of Charlemagne confronting the Saracens (Muslims) are historical episodes beyond our conscientiousness and comprehension.
In real life, many of our choices involve picking the least bad option.  This is such a time.  You are either with the Muslim BrotherHood or you are against them and therefore are forced to embrace the Middle-East axiom:
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
Muslim Brotherhood an 'organized terror group', Egyptian official says

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Obama And The Rodeo Clown

Latest, 8-15 Obama-Clown News:  More like a circus than a Rodeo
NAACP ripped for demanding federal probe of rodeo clown dressed as Obama.
Calls by the Missouri chapter of the NAACP for a federal investigation into a rodeo clown who donned a President Obama mask at the state fair last week are called misguided and hypocritical:

Send in the Clowns     (Judy Collins - Boston Pops - 1976))
“Don't you love farce?
My fault, I fear.
I thought that you'd want what I want
Sorry, my dear.
But where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns.
Quick, send in the clowns.

Don't bother - they're here!”
The protectors of “Their Prince” swarmed all over and severely gored a Rodeo Clown who had the audacity to wear an Obama mask and make Rodeo fun of Obama.
Wow!  Making fun of and mocking The President.  Something new.  No one ever made public fun of George Bush nor did they equate him to Hitler nor did they ever wish him “Severe Ill Will”.
Just Google:  Images  Cartoons George Bush.  And then reflect back on the almost daily vile and nasty remarks by the crew at MSNBC and their left-wing associates.  All done without any push-back from the sensitive and caring liberals.


The real hypocrisy here is that it’s the left-wing Obama lovers who always profess their love for free and open and unencumbered speech!  They have been constantly labeling those who oppose Obama’s policies and practices as racist.  Apparently they are now going to raise their jihad to a whole new level in suppressing criticism of their main man.
Based on the Obama team’s abuse of government power via the DOJ, IRS and ATF and their supporters in the Pravda Press it behooves those of the Loyal Opposition to be mindful of just how nasty and vindictive this gang can be.
Yesterday Google announced a new insight into your vulnerability.  They announced that you have no expectation or  reason to believe that the contents of your GoggleMail is private!  This from Eric Schmidt, head of Google, one of Obama’s major inside operatives:
It’s as if the postal service announced that your mail envelopes are regularly opened and the contents read and distributed by your friendly mailman.
What a Joy!  Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Click back through these blog items as just a sample of left-wing vile and nasty dialogue with no objections from Democrat or Liberal keepers of civility:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Black State Senator Explains Switch To Republican


Tuesday, August 13, 2013


600 (And Counting) Faulty AGW Global Warming Temperature Stations

Not found in any of the five Roanoke Times Pro-AGW-Alarmists articles they published last week.  They are so selective – it’s really hard to call it a “News Paper”, it’s actually more like an "Obama press release" outlet.
Distorted data? Feds close 600 weather stations amid criticism they're situated to report (distorted) warming
Data from hundreds of weather stations located around the U.S. appear to show the planet is getting warmer, but some critics say it's the government's books that are getting cooked -- thanks to temperature readings from sweltering parking lots, airports and other locations that distort the true state of the climate.
Indeed, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has closed some 600 out of nearly 9,000 weather stations over the past two years that it has deemed problematic or unnecessary, after a long campaign by one critic highlighting the problem of using unreliable data. The agency says the closures will help improve gathering of weather data, but critics like meteorologist and blogger Anthony Watts say it is too little, too late.
This is the environment in which many of these critical measurement stations are located:

And this NASA “ground station vs. satellite” data graphic showing some of the exaggerated results of these poorly situated and maintained “instruments”:

Given the ongoing ClimateGate Capers and many other outright lies and distortions, why would one be surprised at this additional Obama Administration and pro-AGW malfeasance!
You Should Be An AGW Skeptic


Public School Bathrooms: Boys, Girls, Whoever

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a controversial bill into law Monday afternoon allowing the state’s transgender public school students to choose which bathrooms they use and whether they participate in boy or girl sports.
California has now joined Massachusetts in requiring elementary and high-school public schools and school children to accommodate sexually-confused children’s usage of any bathroom they choose.
The Ultra-Progressive Jihad marches on!  Let’s root out, marginalize and/or destroy every vestige of traditional life our society has known.
This in the face of the clear facts that this path is not leading to improved quality of life for our people at a personal or society level.
How can having boys with boy-parts using the girls room and girls with girl-parts using the boys room result in good healthy outcomes for any of the students?
Just more Ultra-Progressive social experiments being forced upon people without any recourse or options for parental responsibilities or values.
The Progressives can’t fix or improve the broken academic public school systems.  As an alternative, they implement programs to by-pass the parents with programs for condoms, abortions, abortion-pills, and sexual identity experiments.
What a Joy for those who view Family Values and Responsibilities as important.
Just more Hope and Change we can believe in.
Make Way for Transgender High Schools
WSJ: 3-3-2013: “Gender identity' trumps any squeamishness girls might feel about sharing bathrooms with boys.”
Roanoke Times Exploits A Profoundly Confused Student
Parental And Medical Child Sexual Abuse
“It Takes A Village” To Give 12,000 Abortion Pills To School Girls Without Parental Permission Or Knowledge

Monday, August 12, 2013


Obama Told Us He Loves Us - Was That Phony Too

The Scandals are all Phony
Al Qaeda is Decimated
The Economy is doing well
14 million Americans unemployed is acceptable
47 million Americans on Food Stamps is a good thing
ObamaCare is on schedule and will be wonderful
The World Community Loves and Respects Us
We're not spying on your phone calls or emails
Wealth redistribution is the answer to poverty
Global Warming is Your Fault and now you must suffer
You White Americans are Racist and must Repent
I have won-over the hearts and minds of the Muslims
Bigger Government is good for America
Click-on Image

Saturday, August 10, 2013


You Should Be An AGW Skeptic

Roanoke Times, 7-10-2013, Pg 15: The courage to act on climate change.
7-29-2013, Pg 11: Uncertain climate predictions
8-3-2013, Pg 11: Certain climate predictions
8-6-2013, Pg 11:  Climate change: our challenge
8-10-2013, Pg 13: Climate change: No time to waste
Sadly the RT will not publish any of my inputs to them, however, over 100 members of the Salem Rotary Club extended an invitation for me to present an AGW-Skeptic view to them.
There's something good, healthy and American about having an "open" mind.

“How I became an Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Skeptic And Why I Still Am And Why You Should Be Too”.
An AGW-Skeptic is an honorable, responsible, and knowledgeable person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purported to be factual.
Click Link for a personal PowerPoint tour
You may find the Salem Va. Rotary Club summary of this presentation of interest.

Yet more mis-and-disinformation about Global Warming by the Alarmists Community and Government
600 (And Counting) Faulty Global Warming Temperature Stations

Friday, August 09, 2013


Obama's Anti-terrorism Team At Work

Click on the following link to see first-hand  Obama's Anti-terrorism surveillance and interdiction teams at work nailing-down the bad guys:


Thursday, August 08, 2013


Obama Sending GITMO Detainees To Help Open Our Embassy’s In Yemen?

 Obama standing by decision to lift moratorium on releasing Guantanamo Bay prisoners back to Yemen.
The president is standing by that announcement, even though Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen that U.S. intelligence officials say is now the greatest Al Qaeda threat to the U.S. homeland, was formed in part by several former Guantanamo Bay detainees who were released in 2006.

Obama Says al-Qaida Has Been Decimated – Let’s Shut Down Our Embassy’s And Get Out Of Town Quick
Perhaps there was a good reason to put these ineradicably bad characters in GITMO in the first place.  Clearly those who have been released have gone back to wherever to continue their Jihad.
Perhaps there’s an upside to all this – release them – and then use them for drone practice.  Obama has bragged about his role as summary executioner and this may fit in nicely with those photos from the situation/execution room.
Just more Hope and Change we can believe in.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013


Obama Says al-Qaida Has Been Decimated – Let’s Shut Down Our Embassy’s And Get Out Of Town Quick

Roanoke Times, 8-5-2013, Pg 3: Embassy closings spark more debate on surveillance.
Let’s try to help Obama by segueing from the real issues of the US under attack across the Muslim World and instead talk about surveillance on millions of US citizens in the US – that has nothing to do with the 19 posts being shut down.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department on Tuesday ordered non-essential personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Yemen to leave the country following the threat by al-Qaida that has triggered temporary shutdowns of 19 American diplomatic posts across the Middle East and Africa.
State Dept: Posts in 19 countries to remain closed
Apparently the Obama story that Al-Qaida is decimated and on the path to defeat is far from reality:
The daily Radical Muslim Terrorist attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan including the prison attacks releasing hundreds of the most violent and now the intimidation of the US government into shutting down 19 posts belies these premature claims of “Mission Accomplished The War is Ended”.
Obama can claim “The Wars Are Ended” but apparently the Radical Muslim Terrorists who are waging the wars against us haven’t gotten the word.
Perhaps all this is just more potential “Workplace Violence” like we had at Ft. Hood.
The real question now is who is the bad guy that has released another Youtube Video of Mohammed that is sparking all these “demonstrations” like we experienced at Benghazi?
Apparently “The Obama Apology Tour” to bow and grovel to the leaders and shakers of the Middle East and North Africa hasn’t worked out very well.
Just more Hope and Change that we can believe in!


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