The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Trick Or Treating At A Democrats House



Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Some ObamaCare Reality Graphics

Some ObamaCare Reality Graphics -- Not Found in the Roanoke Times




ObamaCare Claims: Is It Stupidity Or Is It Outright Lies?

Roanoke Times, 10-30-2013, Pg 1, 16: “Administration officials say insurers are finding it easier to issue new policies than to amend old one; a wave of cancellation notices hitting small businesses and individuals who buy their own insurance; this is a good thing because they’ll be able to get better insurance for less.”
After 20 featured articles in the RT praising the joys of ObamaCare it’s difficult to comprehend how the RT can continue to be Obama’s Pravda Outlet spreading these administration lies and alibis and mis-and-disinformation.
A “small” business called IBM sent me a letter and package informing me that my Group Plan is cancelled as of end of year and I will have to seek coverage as an Individual under an Exchange!  Page 3 states: “current costs for IBM Medicare-eligible retiree plan options will nearly triple by 2020”!
This is “small” business IBM’s view of what is happening under ObamaCare!
Obama and his mouthpiece Carney are now claiming that only those with existing individual healthcare plans are being subject to cancellation.
Just more lies and heifer-dust!
Companies are terminating their group plans, cancelling their retiree’s plans, dropping spousal coverage and forcing them onto the ObamaCare Exchanges where:
You Can’t Keep Your Plan
You Can’t Keep Your Doctors
And Your Costs Are Not The Same Or Lower

Google: (companies dropping health insurance) and get informed.
Deloitte: One in 10 U.S. Employers to Drop Health Coverage
Obamacare Unleashes Benefit Changes From Companies
Employers Grapple With Cost of ObamaCare
The lies and alibis coming out of this president and his minions are unprecedented in our history and the Pravda Liberal Media continues their “Care For Obama” Jihad.  Has there ever been such a pack of losers covering up for another pack of losers?
In Obama’s defense his minions and Pravda Press are telling us that he doesn’t lie, he just doesn’t know what’s going on and therefore talks through his hat!  Really?  Perhaps they’re right – perhaps there’s not a real distinction between a liar and a fool; some recent examples:
Obama didn’t know about the IRS abuse of Conservative organizations.
Obama didn’t know the DOJ was abusing Conservative newspeople.
Obama didn’t know Benghazi was under attack and then blamed it on a video.
Obama didn’t know DOJ and ATF was giving assault weapons to the drug cartel.
Obama didn’t know that the NSA was spying on millions of Americans.
Obama didn’t know that the NSA was spying on the leaders of our allies.
Obama didn’t know the DOI was locking Veterans out of their memorials.
Obama didn’t know the DOD stopped death benefits for our fallen warriors.
Obama didn’t know that the ObamaCare Website was not ready for use.
Obama didn’t know that Michelle’s college bud got the no-bid $678 Million website job.
What does this so called leader know except where to go on vacation and play golf and read stuff from his teleprompter? 
 And the Liberal Major Media told us that Bush was the dull one.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Hitler finds out about Obamacare Exchange Problems

Click for YouTube Video -- Sound ON -- Don't miss the ending!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Sebelius, The ObamaCare-Commissar, Your Penalty Is To Stay

Republicans – stop calling for Sebelius’ resignation!
At this point it’s clear she should stay with ObamaCare just as we expect a Captain of a floundering ship to go down with his ship.
Fixing the $678 Million website will be the easy part – then - Sebelius and the Democrats who imposed this pox on the American people should now amend the law to “make real” the lies that Obama and friends told the American people:
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." -
“If you like you doctor or health care plan, you can keep it”
“Your health care will cost the same or less than now”
Click To View Obama’s Video:

These Obama Lies Stand In Stark Contrast With ObamaCare reality:
Hundreds of thousands have lost their existing healthcare plans (including me)
Hundreds of thousands have had their work-week reduced to 29 hours.
Hundreds of thousands of new jobs are on-hold pending the outcome of this mess.
Hundreds of thousands are paying much bigger premiums for ObamaCare insurance.
Most filers to date are signing-up for MediCaid coverage – at taxpayers expense.
Young-healthy people are in sticker-shock and most will opt-out thereby causing the system to be bankrupt from the git-go.
Kathleen Sebelius should stay until ObamaCare lives up to all the lies Obama told the American People have been converted to reality:

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." -
“If you like you doctor or health care plan, you can keep it”
“Your health care will cost the same or less than now”

Long live Kathleen Sebelius and the ObamaCare Albatross she wears.
By the way:  Whatever happened to our Happy ObamaCare Girl and what’s with the new “Apply By Phone” button to bypass the $678 Million Michelle-Toni website?

New News:
Hitler finds out about Obamacare Exchange Problems
Click for YouTube Video -- Sound ON -- Don't miss the ending!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


ObamaCare: How Dare They Play The Michelle Obama Insider-Card

Who are these people who are flooding the internet with stories that cast a pall over Michelle Obama and her Princeton Classmate?
Google: (Toni Townes-Whitley CGI Michelle)
Stories like this one from the “dailycaller” are very disturbing!
First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the no-bid contract to build the failed Obamacare website.
Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the
no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment   website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.

Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.

Is it necessary for the media to bring that up?  Really?
Read more:

We can be sure that the Liberal Media and their associates at the Roanoke Times will send out investigative reporters to shred these allegations and restore dignity and trust in the First Family and our Government.  We look forward to their follow-up stories.

New News:
Hitler finds out about Obamacare Exchange Problems

ObamaCare: Obama’s Manhattan Project

Latest New News Item:
ObamaCare: How Dare They Play The Michelle Obama Insider-Card
Liberal Margaret Carlson’s view of the ObamaCare rollout:
The rollout of Obamacare had to be absolutely perfect. Obama needed to treat it like a 21st-century Manhattan Project, full of 20-something geeks pulling all-nighters and managed by geniuses from Apple Inc. and Google Inc. who can fill in that blind spot between the techies and end users. Instead, he took the pedestrian route and spent $400 million on a Canadian company that our Good Neighbors to the North once fired for incompetence.
Carlson is being unfair here. ObamaCare is actually just like the Manhattan Project, a government program that produced an awesomely destructive bomb.
(Author unknown but very insightful)
ObamaCare is working out so well that Obama is now demanding Congress pass a Comprehensive Immigration Bill immediately, so that we can read it!
What could possibly go wrong with that?

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Yesterday’s Accolades For Today’s Bully?

Roanoke Times, 10-13-2013, Pg 9: Terri Robertson: Gratitude for the man with the baton
“Morrissey was a stickler in every way possible.  He pressed yelled and even embarrassed young people until the sound coming from their stringed, percussion or wind instrument was as close to perfection as it could be.”
WOW!  Arrest this guy for child abuse, bullying and destroying the ego of every student in the band class!
Is this not like the allegations that Louisville women's lacrosse coach Kellie Young meted out harsh punishments and verbally abused her players
And while we’re at it lets run every Marine DI at Paris Island before a Court Martial for their hostile behavior and harassment.
And let’s hammer every school teacher that demands performance and decorum in their classrooms.  Who do they think they are?
Perhaps dynamic leaders who demand perfection and use “in your face” direct confrontation are the ones who demand that we make the behavior modifications we need to make in order for us “To Be, All We Can Be”!
Perhaps our self-esteem should be based on our good performance and not false-praises for substandard performance.
Perhaps we are using the “bullying” designation to water-down and dumb-down a very effective and time-tested process to cause people to change their behavior and improve their performance and therefore their chance of success.
Perhaps preparation for life should include samples of the type of reactions one will get in later life for poor performance.
Let’s celebrate Mr. Morrissey and all the musicians he influenced, and thank you Terri Robertson for recognizing “tough love” and its importance to success.

Friday, October 25, 2013


ObamaCare Website Alibis

Latest New News Item:
ObamaCare: How Dare They Play The Michelle Obama Insider-Card

Roanoke Times, 10-25-13, Pg 1, 6: Contractors: Rush caused insurance site crash.
No, that’s not it – would you like to guess again?
The workers testified to Congress that late changes and lack of testing doomed the health care marketplace’s launch.
Well – that’s getting a step closer to reality! 
Obama had four years to write the functional specifications for this website application and then have it coded and tested. 
His team squandered $100,000,000 taxpayer dollars for this mess.
This is a website!  This is not rocket science!
And now they tell us: They were rushed?   Really?
And the functional designers are claiming: “It works as designed”!  Really?
First:  “Works as designed” is a designer’s euphemism that basically says: I coded what the functional specification defined.  If that’s not OK, go see the owners of the specs!
And who might that be? – Why it’s Obama’s ObamaCare team of course!
And where prey tell is Kathleen Sebelius, the ObamaCare-Commissar-In-Charge?  Yet another gross example of Obama-teams no-responsibility and no-accountability to the American people.
Second: Failing to generate a high-quality website after four years and $100 million dollars is one of the biggest IT failures in computer history!  One can only imagine how well the “real working guts” of this system is designed and built!  And Obama continues to tout how well this is all working out.  Really?
Third:  One cannot test quality into a product!  Either the product is produced to high quality standards or it’s not.  Testing is a validation that functional specs have been met; it is not a magical way of making a pile of heifer dust into a quality product!
Old timer’s analogy: You can't make a silk-purse out of a sow’s ear!
Fourth:  We’re all looking forward, with bated breath; to what the 16,000 new IRS agents are going to do to “help” us with our healthcare!  How many of them are pre-certified proctologists or are they just going to learn on the job like Obama’s website folks?


Orwell’s 1984 Comes Home To Roost With Obama

The world that so  loved Obama that they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize, before he found out where the bathrooms were in the White House, is no longer mesmerized with his eloquent dialogue and bowing and kowtowing.
Summary executions from the sky are apparently not compatible with the Peace Prize:
And, apparently world leaders are not as compliant as the American Public with gross intrusions of their privacy.  The American public appear complacent with Obama’s unconstitutional collection of millions of phone calls, emails and twitters, not so world leaders!
Spying on and listening into the communications of the leaders of Mexico, Brazil, France and Germany is not going over so well.
“EU summit confronts US surveillance scandal after claims that Merkel mobile was tapped and French calls were intercepted”:
The amazing aspect of this obscene intrusion into personal and professional and political  life and information is the silence of the major media who are complacent with this activity.  Apparently the journalists are so taken by Obama and his minions that they can do no wrong.  Or, perhaps having committed themselves so deeply to Obama, the journalists are now trapped into sharing any negative issues he may encounter.  A pox on his house is a pox on them.
Clearly we are approaching Orwell’s 1984 at a fast pace and those who should and could be focused on these risks just stand silent.  How sad.
Click to View the 1984 Apple Ad Video (sound on):


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Obama To Roanoke Times – Et to, Brute

Roanoke Times, 10-23-13,
Pg 8: Builders of health site fretted over red flags
Pg 16: Editorial:  Health exchange needs an elixir
After months of their 18 positive and warmly supportive presentations of ObamaCare (or is it Taking Care of Obama)
the RT finally and tacitly acknowledged that all is not OK, but it’s just glitches in that darn website that cost taxpayers over $100,000,000.
No mention of the blackout of results (transparency vs opacity) or the corrupted data being sent to insurance companies by the ObamaCare System or the lack of interest by the young-healthy people that will be forced to buy into this mess to provide the key support for the system or to the gross lies and misrepresentations by Obama:

I know I told you a bunch of lies so that we could pass ObamaCare so that we could read it – such as:
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." -
“If you like you doctor or health care plan, you can keep it”
“Your health care will cost the same or less than now”
Click To View My Video:  (don’t I look good on camera!)

Perhaps the major hammering by Liberal Jon Stewart finally sunk in at the RT:
Or perhaps it was Liberal Jon Stewart’s hammering Kathleen Sebelius, the ObamaCare-Commissar, including accusing her of lying to him, that awakened the editors of the RT from their trance:
Whatever the wakeup call – even this minor negative is a big change from the 18 ongoing warm and fuzzy advertisements the RT has sponsored.
What a stark difference between the Roanoke Times’ flowerily coverage of ObamaCare vs. G. Bush’s Medicare Part D Drug initiative that was bad mouthed by the RT for months, even after almost flawless implementation and great acceptance by senior citizens of all political views (they’re so fair and balanced):
And when is the RT going to do a segment on the health insurers across America who are canceling hundreds of thousands of policies — including more than 300,000 by Florida Blue — ahead of a Jan. 1 ObamaCare deadline, saying the policies 'fall short' of the Affordable Care Act's eligibility rules.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Obama The QVC Huckster In The Rose Garden

“In Obamacare speech, Obama makes a desperate sales pitch.
If you act now, you’ll also get the matching carving fork, the versatile six-in-one kitchen tool, a set of six steak knives and the spiral slicer — all for $9.95”.
Our website is a $100,000,000 pile of heifer dust ---  So:
Call 1-800-318-2596 for ObamaCare – Your call is important to us!  We have lots of Acorn Operators standing by just waiting for your call; they speak 150 languages except English.
The White House tours are cancelled for lack of funding but there’s no limit to what we’re spending on my pet signature project.

I know I told you a bunch of lies so that we could pass ObamaCare so that we could read it – such as:
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." -
“If you like you doctor or health care plan, you can keep it”
“Your health care will cost the same or less than now”
Click To View My Video:  (don’t I look good on camera!)

But, forget all that – we’re all in this together now and we just have to make this work or my legacy is poop.  For my friends who are really unhappy there’s lots of “exemptions” left, simply contact your local DNC fundraiser for details.  Don’t worry about how that looks – I’m keeping the list of “exemptions’” secret.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


ObamaCare Sign-up Data: Liberal Media Heifer Dust

Roanoke Times, AP,  10-20-13, Pg 12: Healthcare: BIG PRINT:  476,000 sign up for health care so far.
Little bitty print: “The figure refers to the number of applications; the administration won’t say how many enrolled:

Talk about 1984 double-speak!  Not only is this 476,000 totally fake and misleading (no they’re NOT signed-up!  Signed-up means you have a health insurance policy and have paid your premium and can file claims!  Over half of these people are in states that blew-off Obama and his snake-oil story and are handling this themselves with their own websites and their own people. 
And in-addition-to these lies and alibis by the Obama Clan and their Liberal Media Fellow-travelers --- many companies, like IBM,  are processing tens of thousands of applications for their retirees through well established existing exchanges totally outside the ObamaCare websites and mess.
Has any so called journalists in history, outside of Stalin’s Pravda, been so in the clutches of a government entity as our major liberal media and their associates are with Obama and his minions?


Friday, October 18, 2013


Obama’s Pravda Media Doing Their Best For Their Man


Roanoke Times, 10-17-13, Pg 1, 14: Congress votes to end shutdown
Roanoke Times, 10-18-13:
Pg 1: Obama rebukes GOP
Pg 3: Obama on offensive
Pg 3: Parks open
Pg 9: Shutdown impacted Va workers
Pg 13: Editorial: An agreement for now
All this print but not one word about what the national critical issues are!
Not one word about the $17 TRILLION debt!
Not one word about the $123,000 debt for every working American!
Not one word that at 4% interest = $5 TRILLION ($7,000 per year for every working American!
Not one word that these tax dollars will not be available to pay for health, education, welfare or the national defense (that will all be EXTRA)!
Not one word about the historical collapse of other countries that have done this.
Not one word about the Social Security and Medicare funding short-fall disaster that’s on top of this massive unsustainable debt.
Not one word or graph or chart or representation of this massive malfeasance.  Something about "a tree falling in the forest".
Not one word about the gross Obama hypocrisy from his Senate speeches on this issue:
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." 
Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006 


Other than be an extension of the Obama-DNC media team, what purpose does our media serve.  Oh yes – the sports and the comics!
Obama’s Legacy: Destroying The American System Through Bankruptcy

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Obama’s Legacy: Destroying The American System Through Bankruptcy

Roanoke Times, 10-17-13, Pg1:  Gov't reopens after Congress ends 16-day shutdown
Obama Wins Again (and the US Taxpayers loose again): The Debt goes up over $17 TRILLION, the spending goes on unabated, and the printing presses keep running at the rate of $85 Billion Monopoly Dollars per month!
Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union through the bankruptcy of the arms race.
Obama has defined the American Capital-Enterprise System as “the enemy of his people” and he is destroying it through the bankruptcy of $20 Trillion dollars of debt and a culture of entitlement and dependence.
This massive and unprecedented debt will force the US to impose draconian changes in our economic, social and political systems intended to reduce the American People to the Lowest Common Denominator: ie: Marxist Equality!
The amazing aspect of this process and its ultimate result is the blind obedience and conformance of the Democrat Party and the Major Media to Obama’s bidding.  Not since Evita Peron has this decimation within a country been carried out with such certainty.
The Obama Legacy: Bankrupting America Into Abject Socialism

Future Value of Dollars After Devaluation To Pay-off The Debt

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Obama, The Democrats And Media Hiding “The Real Debt Ceiling Issue”

Roanoke Times, 10-16-13, Pg 1: Another deal fails as clock keeps running
Totally lost in the current drama about “The Debt Ceiling Issue” is the horrific reality of a $17 TRILLION national debt and the draconian outcomes that it will drive into our future.
The US government is collecting more tax revenue this year than any time in history yet claims to be unable to pay our bills and cover our obligations. 
This issue isn’t about Republicans or Tea Partiers’ or any political entity.  It’s about devaluing our currency and economy and downgrading our future prosperity.
Why isn’t everyone throughout the government, our collective leadership and media focused on this natural security and welfare and quality of life issue?
Gambling addicts live for just one more chance to hit it big and apparently so do we.  Apparently printing $85 Billion dollars of Monopoly money every month is viewed as a good thing and raising the debt ceiling on our national credit card as something that shouldn’t even be questioned no less challenged.
Charlie Hurt sums it up well in the Washington Times:
HURT: No need for lectures from a debt-saddled president


Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Obama, The Vets and The Illegals


Sunday, October 13, 2013


ObamaCare The $100 MILLION Website Mess

Roanoke Times:
10-5-13, Pg 6: Crooks using fake websites to scam ObamaCare enrollees
(it appears the crooks are the only ones who have functional websites)
10-9-13, Pg 7: Website design blamed for health exchange woes.
(malfunctions to date don’t involve required real important functions)
10-13-13, Pg 1, 10: Obamacare shopping marred by glitches.
(like shoppers can’t get logged-in no less view offerings and options and sign-up)
Pg 10: Some folks trying to use paper – this is your $100 Million tax-dollars at work!
(the paper in the rest rooms might be appropriate at this time)
As a local follow-up to Obama’s Promise that “You can keep”:
Roanoke Times, 10-4-13: Carilion Clinic drops its supplemental coverage; 3200 enrollees will have to find another carrier.
(apparently you can’t keep your carrier, or your providers or you rates!)
|ObamaCare: The Train-wreck Continues

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." -
“If you like you doctor or health care plan, you can keep it”
“Your health care will cost the same or less than now”
Click To View Video:  Barack Obama:  a consummate liar!




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